News of Jonesville j Miss Virginia Lineberry, Editor Phone 44-M Misses Kathryn Whitener and Ann Lineback spent the week-end in Winston-Salem with their par ents, respectively, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Lineback and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Whitener. Mr. Kern Feimster, of Win ston-Salem, Is spending an in definite time here with his aunt, Mrs. Marvin Mayberry. Mrs. Roby Sprinkle and son, Michael, and Mrs. Jim Oroce are spending this week in High Point 'with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Doss. Miss Kathryn Whitener spent Tuesday night in Winston-Salem. Hie Methodist revival is in progress this week. Everyone is invited to attend- Messrs. Jack Jester, E. L. Swaim, Mrs. Brock Owen and daughter, Watana, returned here Tuesday from Vienne, 111., where they have been spending some time with Mr. Charlie Jester. Mr. Dumont Sskridge, of Hills boro, spent the week-end here. His wife and daughter, Sarah Ann, who have been spending some time here with her mother, Mrs. Mabel Thompson. Misses Mary Elizabeth Ingram and Mad elyn Thompson accompanied him home, the latter to spend an in definite time there. MILL WORK I Elkin Lbr. & Mfg. Co. I "Everything to Build | Anything" I Elkin's TJ" W Elkin's Newest LJ 1 ■* Coolest THEATRE Thursday, August I—(Today) "SON OF THE NAVY" With James Dunn - Jean Parker News - "Verge of Disaster" Admission 10c-30c Friday-Saturday, Matinee and Night— THREE MESOUITEERS "COVERED WAGON DAYS" SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION . JENKINS VS. ARMSTRONG FIGHT Blow By Blow from the Ringside Also Serial - Color Cartoon Admission 10c-30c Monday-Tuesday, Matinee and Night— *^ Ct . /JM f, ■>; EDMUND OOULDINO WARNER BROS.-Pina N.u»l PbtM. "™* tiim Hif Wy *MM M • F~ ■ OlthJ Sutf w Ktl.rt |a4 \W Added: Latest Issue March of Time Admission 10c-30c Wednesday—Matinee and Night— "FIGHTING MAD" With James Newill Serial - Will Osborne's Orchestra Admission 10c-15c Master Staley Anthony spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Faw, of Hick ory, who have recently left here to make their home in Hickory. Mrs. Mollie Newman, of Ben ham, is spending this week with Mr. Jack Osborne and family. Mrs. Tom Royall spent last week with her sister and uncle, MI Kg Fanny and Mr. Bill Sparks, of Ronda. Misses Hazel Royall and Ici Wilmoth spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Gilvin Royall who have recently moved to their new home ; at Pleasant Hill. Mrs. Max Anthony and son, Staley, and Misses Lorene Os borne and Ici Wilmoth spent Thursday with Mrs. J. V. An thony, of Hamptonville. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Seaver spent the week-end with the latter's grandmother, Mrs. J. V. An thony, of Hamptonville. Mr. Max Anthony, of Winston- Salem, spent Monday here with his family. Messrs. Ernest Pruitt and Wil lie Gregory spent Thursday af ternoon in Winston-Salem. Mr. Jesse Lawson spent the week-end in Winston-Salem and Chapel Hill. Master Leonard Lineberry is spending this week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Lineberry, of near Boonville. Miss Lexie Cummings is listed among the sick this week. Mr. Stanford Brown, of Boone, spent the week-end here with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ivry Johnson, THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA Miss Evelyn Arnold and Mr. Stanford Brown spent Sunday afternoon in North WUkesboro. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hampton and daughter, Sarah Frances, spent the week-end near Dobson with relatives. Miss Cornelia Lineberry had as her guest Thursday, Miss Carmen Edwards, of near Dobson. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Lineberry and Miss Bertha Adams visited in Boonville Friday night. Miss Rachel Brown, of Bur lington, is spending an indefinite time here with her grandfather, Mr. Ab Brown. Mrs. George Hart and daugh ter, Mary Frances, of North Wilkesboro, visited here a while Sunday afternoon. Underwood-Berry On Sunday morning, July 21, at Hillsville, Va., Miss Elizabeth Vogler Underwood and Erroll Hanes Berry were united in mar riage at the Methodist parsonage with the Rev. E. A. Randall hear ing the nuptial vows, using the ring ceremony of the Methodist church. The bride wore for the cere mony a triple sheer navy blue dress with white accessories. At her shoulder was a corsage of sweetheart roses, swansonia and baby's breath. Mrs. Berry is the youngest daughter of Mrs. P. H. Under wood and the late Mr. Under wood. She has been a resident here all her life and has a great host of friends. Mr. Berry is the I son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Berry, of Madison, N. C. He graduated with the class of '32 at Madison high school and since then has resided in Winston-Salem and Jonesville. For their honeymoon, they spent the week at Roaring Gap in the summer cottage of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Mock and also spent some time visiting in the western part of the state. At the present, Mr. and Mrs. Berry are residing at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. P. H. Underwood. BOONVILLE Jimmie and Barbara Wood house are visiting their uncle, Prank M. Woodhouse, and fam ily. They live with their grand parents at Raeford. Dr. T. W. Shore is a patient for observation and examination at Bapitst hospital. Dr. Shore has a great host of friends who wish for him a speedy recovery from his illness^ Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Hin shaw and Miss Mable Hinshaw were the recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Brendle and family. Mrs. W. E. Brooks and chil dren, Nancy, Billy, Dorothy, and James, have returned from a visit of several weeks with Mrs. Brooks' parents at Richmond, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Martin spent Sunday with Mr. Martin's mother at Brodks Cross Roads. Miss Vermeil Sprinkle, of Jonesville, was the Sunday guest of Miss Margaret Pardue. Mr. and Mrs. Gillis Stinson and daughter, of Winston-Salem, were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Steelman. Miss Grace Hayes and Mrs. J. Marion Speas attended a tea for the former Miss Margaret Eaton at Yadkinville last Thursday ev ening. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reeoe an nounce the birth of a baby girl at Baptist hospital last Thursday evening. Mrs. Myrtle Fleming and Mrs. Dorothy Knott returned to their A "IwoniWe anaccideni -Ifound a. four-leaf clover!" If jroa believe in hick never mind insurance —you're hopeless 1 PAUL CWYN INSURANCE Phone 258 West Main St. Elkin, N. C. homes in Winston-Salem Sunday after visiting for the past two weeks, friends and relatives at Boonville and in surrounding communities. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hood and children are visiting Mrs. Hood's brother, Mr. Triplett, in New Jersey. While there they plan to attend the New York World's Fair. Messrs. Carl Martin, Allan Trivette, Clarence Caudle and Henry Reece returned Sunday from a ten-day trip to Marshall town, lowa, and other nearby points. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Lineberry and Miss Bertha Adams, of Jonesville, attended the revival at the Baptist church last Fri day night. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Cockerham, of Concord, were the week-end guests of Mrs. Cockerham's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Stinson. Miss Frances Coram, of Mount Airy, and Mrs. T. A. Jones and Mrs. Lester Badgett, also of Mt. Airy, were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Coram. Mr. and Mrs. Hamp Nicholson and son, of Wagam, were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Dobbins and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hoots., of Courtney, visited Mr. and Mrs. Dobbins Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wade Shore visited their daughter, Mrs. Roy Reece, who is a patient at Bap tist hospital. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Huskins/ of Greensboro, were the week-end guests of Mrs. Huskins' parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Amburn, and family. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Huskins left for the World's Fair at New York in company with a party of friends from Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs.' Will Shore and Miss Louise Merritt, of Winston- Salem, were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Shore. The Boonville Baptist revival came to a close Sunday night af ter running through all last week. Dr. Herring, of Winston-Salem, conducted the meetings Sunday evening at six o'clock a fellowship supper was served on the church grounds. A large number of peo ple took part in the gathering. Out-of-town guests were Dr. and Mrs. Tom Coppage and son, Tom, Jr., of Nashville; Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Speas, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Futtrell, Mrs. B. K. Mason, Mrs. Tull, and Jack, David, Ralph and Margaret Herring, all of Win ston-Salem, and Vermeil Sprinkle of Jonesville. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Finney, of Winston-Salem, were the Sun day guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Finney. Mrs. Henry Reece and son, James, went to Boone Saturday to be near Mrs. Reece's daugh ter, Mrs. Chappell Wilson, who was to undergo a serious opera tion at a Statesville hospital Sunday morning. MOUNTAIN VIEW Rev. J. L. Powers filled his regular appointment at Mountain View Baptist church Sunday and Sunday night. Wonderful ser mons were delivered to a fine audience. Mr. and Mrs. Martin White, of Chicago, 111., are spending some time here the guests of the form er's brother, Mr. Ernest White, and Mrs. White. Miss Lucille yanHoy is leaving Thursday for Frederica, Dela., where she will spend an indef inite time with her brother and family. She will be accompanied for one week by Miss Cardie Par due, of Winston-Salem. They ex pect to visit the World's Fair and many places of interest in the North while on their tour. -Mr. and Mrs. Columbus Shore and family, of Elkin, visited Mrs. Vallie Shore and Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Tucker Sunday. Misses Lois and Nancy Shore are spending this week in Win ston-Salem. We are glad to state that Mrs. Alma Pardue is out again after being confined to her room for the past few days. Mrs. Katie Nicks returned to her home in Winston-Salem Sunday after spending three weeks here the guest of her sis ter, Mrs. Nancy Shore. We are glad to state that Mrs. Shore, who has been confined to Her room for some time, is out again. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Adams had as their Sunday dinner guests Mrs. Adams' sister, Mrs. Nellie Holloway, and family, of Cling man. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stokes had as their Sunday dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Beecher Stokes, of Winston-Salem, and Mrs. Ruby Shore and little daughter, Bettie Gene. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Holcomb had as their Sunday visitors Mrs. Holcotnb's mother, Mrs. W. G. Holcomb, and Mr. and Mrs. Durid Calloway, of Winston-Sa lem. Miss Mary Bell Riley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cheeks, of Arlington. It costs SSOO to make a rice pudding in the biggest pot. Mos lem Pilgrims are fed from it on feast days—Adjmere, India. PLEASANT HILL Miss Mary Lyons is the guest this week of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Woodruff, of Cherry Lane, the latter her sister. Miss Anna Laura Ray is spend ing this .week the guest of Miss Vernice White, of Dobson. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Gilliam and mother, Mrs. Ellen Gilliam, and Roger Ray motored to the moun tains Sunday. Rev. D. W. Day is conducting a revival at New Hope Baptist church in Iredell county where he is pastor. The Missionary circle of Plea sant Hill church entertained with a watermelon feast at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Couch Saturday night. The community was invited. Mr. Odell Couch entertained members of his Intermediate class of the Pleasant H/ll Sunday school with an ice cream supper Saturday night at the home of Mrs. Cardie Blackburn. The Woman's Missionary soci ety of Pleasant Hill Church is sponsoring an ice cream supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smoot Saturday night. Ev eryone is cordially invited to at tend. Mrs. Zora Couch is on the sick list this week. We extend, our deepest sym pathy to Mrs. Everette Darnell in her recent bereavement in the death of her sister, Mrs. Roy Caudell. NEW MODEL SEWING MACHINES DISPLAYED There is a new thrill in sewing machines today. They've had their faces lifted—been trans formed in outward appearance as much as they have been improved mechanically for sewing ease and efficiency. They have shaken off the ugly chrysalis of misshapen box-like housing and cast iron stand and are stepping out in exciting new guises—as authentically styled, quality built, purposeful pieces of furniture that offer beauty and every day usefulness. The fascinating disguises of these new machines are best il- c 6 htdfieeted W/ You wouldn't expect your car to run months without oil or serv ice of anv kind . . . Actually your watch "runs" under greater •train, proportionately, than your auto... Don't be unfair to your timepiece 1 ... An inspection may disclose some minor "ill" that prevents accuracy . . . No charge for expert inspection and estimate ... Bring in your watch NOW—and while you •re here, let us show you our •tyliah new Gruen Watches. W. M. WALL Jeweler Phone 56 Elkin, N. C. ALL BUILDING MATERIAL Handled By Us Is of the HIGHEST QUALITY! PRICES ARE RIGHT! SURRY HARDWARE CO. The Best Plaee to Get It Elkin, N. 'C. lustrated by the new model White Rotary electric machines recent ly put on display at Hlnshaw Cash Hardware Co. One model is a handsome modern desk In warm tones of American walnut highlighted by golden and black drawer pulls. The four drawers down the side accommodate sta tionery and writing supplies, one drawer being fitted out with ink well and pen rack. Here is a beautiful and appropriate piece of furniture for any living room —and when its top is opened a modern all-electric machine is ready to go to work. Still other models are designed as servettes, lamp stands, console tables, night stands and other sensible utility pieces, all with built-in sewing machines. TO PRESENT COMEDY AT CLINGMAN SCHOOL "Plain Sister," a comedy-drama, will be presented by Temple Hill Methodist church at the Clingman school house on Saturday even ing, August 3, at 8 o'clock. A small admission fee will be charged, the proceeds to go to the Woman's Missionary Society of the church. The public is cordial ly invited. J LOOK HOWnBjT YES-HE'S ALL PUFFED UP OVER HE SAVED AT THE I . jj \ ' ■■.'4 I fIV ijx kj GOODYEAR'S NEW I Jlk Jjß ■ ALL-AMERICAN #i|| —\y e d | ood or H ED SNYDER'S Tffil STORE I Greenwood Building, Near N, w BridKe PHONE 414 | { Thursday, August 1, 194' All the milk produced annually in the United states would make a river 3,000 miles long, 40 feet wide and more than two and one ihalf.feet deep. All insect sprays are not alike in killing power. But the killing power of Sinclair P. D. is so high that it rates "Grade AA" (the high est rating under the National Bureau of Standards, U.S. Depart ment of Commerce Specifications). Try it. CtwrUM IM» * —ill If MUta| CWW l—l