Thursday, August 1, 1940 f Last Three Days l OF BELK-DOUGHTON'S ANNUAL JULY :. - Come Running! Be Here Thursday, Friday and If You Are Saturday for Elkin's Most Sensational Values! Thrifty you Prices are at New Low Levels—Quality Was ' ■ won't Miss it! jjever Higher—Opportunity Never Greater! Piece Goods Save Over Half! Don't Miss This! Get Your Share! Dress Lengths ► Ladies' Hose Ladies' Silk Hose Values! One table rayon in solid one table prints> yoi]es ABC batiste and dimities _ one , ot f dress len gths, u one ,ot of ,adies ' hose One lot silk hose in One table printed and ■ and pr ints. Val- ■ ~ . . ■we are closing out at this I Ql/ , . ___«_ in nia „ a I that are 4 8c and 59c I beautiful sheer quality, plain spun rayon and ■ w ■ and organdies. Amazing ■ " ■ 3/ 2 and 4 yards to piece. ■ . ■ M Talk-of-Town prints. ■ ues to 48c. Special for ■ ■ low money-saving price! ■ ■ values. Special for final ■ Value up to 97c. Per Values to 69c yard. Spe- I last three davs , yard _ I value. Yard only- ■ yard _ | A real buy! Per length | three pair _ | cial, yard— m ™ 33 c \T8 C 14 c 68 c 7 c GREATER VALUE I Shocs! DON'T MISS THESE MONEY-SAVING VALUES IN OUR IN OUR MEN'S AND BOYS' DEPT. LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT! MEN'S SUMMER TROUSERS COTTON DRESSES Children's Dresses Tropical Worsteds, gabardines. Entire stock included. Be here early $2 95 special— One rack ladies' cotton dresses have been reduced to ® ave P* ent y on these attrac for yours at these prices /t»r\ AA dresses that are real $1.95 on j y ' tive dresses for children. $4.95 values now $4.00 $2.95 values $2.00 . Y£ # UU I values and worth more. Spe- 1 I This entire rack has been re- 11 $3.95 values now $3.00 $1.95 values $1.44 LADIES' SHOES """ Pi AA ONE-HALF PRICE AmV°l|aTP DDIfC Men's Suits Wash Pants Swim Trunks ' LADIES'HATS "" lt One lot, values $19.50, One lot of men's wish Plenty of time for swim '» 53.95. SPJCW ______ QNE TAWE 2 5c ARRO $22.50, $24.50. Year- pants. Values to $1.95. trunks in this weather. UJI CA Play Suits, Slacks n np foKlp 1(\o CHILDREN'S COATS round weights and c npr ; a i nair All boys' and men's x «pI«VTT One rack of children's coats patterns. Yonr .hole. SPE " AL »"- MEN S SHOES alii 95 VAZS' ' T ~T J WEAL for fall wear. Wonder. (PII-AA TL nn 1/ nmrr on. ' " ' P Ladies' Underwear fui sav.n GS at oniy sls.oo * Lm V 2 PRICE $1.19 one ta Si£ lt^; nds ,n ONE-HALF PRICE Men's Suits Boys' Shorts sJrtShirts MEN's 'SHOES Spring Skirts SPRING DRESSES Ladies' Spring Coats One lot men's tropical Stock up now at these fcpOtt MlirtS one M sLmer Ladies ' spring skirts, good Don't miss this. Many are in worsted suits. Extra prices! You'll profit on these! Shoes that are regular $3.95 for now or fall. $1.95 values, These are early spring styles, good dark patterns that will special to clear now— values to close out at only, now— but amazing values. Were $5.95, be ideal for early fall wear. $5.00 gsgig "*" $2.00 SI.OO t?(m ONE-Mf PRICE! Don't Miss Visiting Our Bargain Basement For Thrillers! Panties WORK SHIRTS ■ LINOLEUM RUGS LADIES' SLIPS Sandals Ladies' and buy many pairs at our low One table work shirts that sell I SIZE 6x9 I SIZE 9x12 One table ladies' slips in peach e " 8 aiu ' a^ s - Values up to clearance price. Special— for 68c each. Reduced for clear- H I and white. Fine quality. Spe- $1.48. Special price— V I ■ 1 I f 3.59 ~ 2 ,„ a00 64' Sheer Dresses Piece Goods FELT BASE LINOLEUM (1T« I MEN'S PANTS 01 AH "S«ts&cl£ ular 79c seller but reduced ■■ fH I ~ % ■ IHI I you buy plenty of each. Spe -10 fl>l AA sflf I L One Mb men's dress and work pan te in evert, 0 I ■Ull A, £ J | ||y patterns and colors. 9 feet wide. Yard |" I herringbone and jeans. Per pair only tF | w UP ' Men's White Shoes DTI lA W\ All ft II TA M OA LL Sheeting One table white shoes. BK BI ■ B ■■■■■■ ■_ MM ■ ■■ ■■ ■ ■■ Special! Extra good Quality &^eTs^ h ' uLLI\"IIUUun I Ull ull. . ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA 1 X. })* V THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA