Elkin The Best Little "Town in North Carolina" VOL. No. XXIX. No. 41 LATE • NEWS a IN and BRIEF N ? n STATE RALEIGH — Representatives of state and federal agencies, meeting in Governor Hoey's office, yesterday mapped a program to rehabilitate more than 8,000 North Carolina farm families left in need by rampaging flood waters. Still hopeful that the Unemirioy ment Compensation Commis sion can find a basis for pay ing benefits to jobless indus trial workers, the Governor sought to provide cash income for destitute farm families through emergency WPA pro jects. Frank Dunlap, chair man .of the State Highway commission, and C. C. McGin nis, state WPA administrator, agreed to co-ordinate their ef forts and use unskilled WPA workers in the repair of roads in Western North Carolina. NATIONAL WASHINGTON A broad conscription bill making men 21 to 45 years old, Inclusive, liable for immediate military training: was tentatively ap proved by the House military committee yesterday, while the Senate debated a less sweeping measure. The House bill calls for registration of men from 18 through 64. Those select ed immediately for a year's compulsory service would come from the 21-45 classifications, however. Chairman May (D), Ky., said that the committee, by an almost unanimous vote, turned down proposals that provisions of the Senate bill, calling only for registration and training of men 21 to 30, inclusive, be inserted in the House measure. "It's the opin ion of the committee that these are the proper ages and we're going to put the bill out this way," said May. HYDE PARK, N. Y.—Presi dent Roosevelt yesterday re jected Wendell L. Willkie's challenge to debate national issues and asserted that it is recognized universally that the international crisis makes such face-to-face debates impossi ble. By implication, Mr. Roosevelt suggested that his Republican opponent realized the impossibility of such de bates when he proposed them in his speech last Saturday at Elwood, Ind. RUSHVILLE, Ind.—G. O. P. Presidential Nominee Wendell L Willkie last night renewed his challenge to President Roosevelt to debate after the Chief Executive had rejected the offer because of the pres sure of foreign and defense problems. Willkie suggested that Mr. Roosevelt let military experts inspect defense works and suggested that the Chief Executive discuss the vital is sues of the campaign with him as his own contribution to democracy. WASHINGTON —The Senate heard an accusation yesterday that a single "stubborn" man, "either President Roosevelt or someone in the State Depart ment," had refused to change the course of the refugee ship American Legion and thereby had risked a provocative inci dent that might have "precip itated this country into war in a week." The accuser. Senator Bone (D), Wash., ?poke while the army transport bearing 897 passengers headed for New York, apparently saffely beyond the waters off Scotland which Germany had warned were mine-infested and highly dan gerous. INTERNATIONAL MEXICO CITY—Leon Trot sky was seriously stabbed In the head by a man who "call ed so frequently he seemed to to one of the family" and phy sicians at the Green Craw Emergency Hospital said the exiled Communist leader might not live through the night. The 69-year-old former Soviet war commissar's assailant was tentatively Identified as Frank Jackson, who, despite his name, is believed to be a Ras~ si an. Jackson, who npeaka French fluently, wa a said to to an ardent Trotsky sympa thizer who had been admitted to and given the ran of the toavlly.gusnie* Coyoacan villa tm almost a year. THE ELKIN TRIBUNE ELKIN SURVEYS DAMAGE, STARTS CLEAN-UP Disastrous Flood Leaves Trail Of Destruction ~* *** a FJHH ■*&~ sa R 1/ !!9kS b dkmV ' ggi| ,-.i hh^HHHV l&y§a H 8® B - S *JI Jm H JiH -£& > ■g j A & 9KBI aBHHB My 1 slllJ^^^^^B HflgMMb Hn ; : ; : ?: -v" \l': v £ -: #' f """:- f : ;;p : v. 7 . _ ~, .- ■- ~&. -- r >£-" --r' '■-' "' The scenes above were madf iy The Tribune photographer last week after Wednesday's record flood waters had gone roaring down the countryside to wreak untold destruction. Top, left, is a general view of South Bridge street, showing wreckage left by water. Remaining span of old bridge is iq far distance. Top, right, made from new bridge, pictures lumber, oil tanks and debris left in a jumble of wreckage. Center, left, was made from the end of the old bridge looking toward Elkin. Center, right, shows remains of gasoline pump house and tank on east side of new bridge. Lower left photo gives slight idea of damage to a part of the Elkin Lumber & Manufacturing Co. Lower right shows what was left of the bridge at Ronda, approaches at both ends having been swept away by the flood. C.C.C. YOUTH IS KILLED BY AUTO Is Struck by Car While Aid ing in Directing Traffic at Bridge DRIVER IS EXONERATED Alvin A. Powell, 18, an enrollee of Camp Clyde R. Hoey, CCC camp here, was fatally Injured while on patrol duty at Hugh Chatham bridge here Monday ev ening about 9:30, when he was struck by a car driven by Melton A. Mullis, 22, of Charlotte. He died in the local hospital at 1:30 Tuesday morning from a cerebral hemorrhage. The accident occur red on the Jonesville side of the river while Powell, with Lonnle Evans, also a CCC enrollee, was engaged in patrolling the bridge to prevent the hazard of fire by gasoline soaked debris piled against the bridge, and to warn motorists against smoking or tossing lighted matches on the bridge. The boy was rushed by ambu lance to Hugh Chatham Mem orial hospital and the driver of the car remained with him and offered every assistance possible. A coroner's jury was empanel ed Tuesday morning by Yadkin county officers and members of the highway patrol, and the driver of the car was exonerated of all blame in the case. It 1» J (Continued on last page) Mayor, Police Chief Express Appreciation And Sympathy To CCC Mayor J. R. Poindexter, speak ing both for himself and as mayor of Elkin, Tuesday expressed his regret, and the regret of the town as a whole, over the untimely death of Alvin Powell, 18, an en rollee of the local CCC Camp, who was fatally injured Monday night when struck by an automobile at the Jonesville end of the new bridge. Young Powell was warning traf fic at the bridge end about the danger of smoking on the bridge when the accident occurred. "Elkin," Mayor Poindexter said, "owes a lot to the boys of the local CCC Camp. Elkin is far better off, following the flood, than she would have been had not these boys worked untiringly in saving property from the flood waters, and in aiding local police in polic ing the town and working traffic. "Th e unfortunate death of young Powell has proven a blow ' to me and to every citizen of the 1 town," Mr. Poindexter continued. , "and we all join in expressing our . sympathy and regret to the lad's i family and to his comrades at f the camp. Elkin is proud of the i boys of the CCC and has every L reason in the world to feel the i town owes them a great debt of gratitude. It is therefore all the more regretable that one of the ELKIN. N. C.. THURSDAY. AUGUST 22, 1940 boys should have lost his life while performing a really worthwhile service to this community." Mr. Poindexter also expressed .his appreciation to the officers of the CCC Camp at the wholeheart ed way in which they had cooper ated in the emergency during and after the flood, and pledged that it was cooperation that will not be forgotten. Chief of Police Corbett Wall was also saddened over the death of young Powell, stating that it was (Continued on Last Page) REVIVAL MEETING HERE IS CLOSED A series of meetings at the First Baptist church, scheduled to have continued until yester day, came to a close on Friday evening of last week. The meet ing was closed on account of lo cal conditions growing out of the flood, according to Rev. Stephen Morrlsett, pastor of the church. Dr. Albert s. Hale, pastor of the First Baptist church in Mt. Airy, brought interesting mes sages at each of the two dally services held from Monday until Friday, and the attendance was good, considering the flood and it* attendant disadvantages. J. C. OSBORNE ENDS OWN LIFE Passes in Elkin Hospital as Result of Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wound RITES HELD TUESDAY Joseph Cranfield Osborne, 29, of the Swan Creek community, died in the local hospital Sunday night from a self-inflicted shot gun wound. The young man at tempted to end his life early Saturday morning at the home, immediately after his return from the Chatham plant here, where he was employed on the night shift, by firing the full load of a (Continued on Last Page) _ SUPERINTENDENTS TO MEET WITH J. W. COMER All Surry county school super intendents are requested to meet In Dobson Tuesday evening, Aug ust 27, at 7:30 by John W. Comer, county superintendent of schools. The meeting will be held in Mr. Comer's office# \ Mr. Comer also stated that the date set for the opening of the county schools had not been changed from September 9, but that if road conditions in various localities did not warrant the opening of the schools on that date the necessary deferred date* would be made by the individual schools. "• ffc,-. ■ ' . ',4/gr. ' Receding Waters of Record Flood Leave Trail of Wreckage Prominent County Phy Passes Frid (Picture on Back Page) Dr. Thaddeus Warsaw Shore, 64, prominent Boonvllle physi cian and probably one of the most popular men ever to live in Yadkin county, died about 2:00 o'clock Friday morning in a Winston-Salem hospital follow ing an illness of three weeks. Dr. Shore had recently undergone an operation and was thought to be recovering. His death wns attrib uted to a heart attack. In addition to his service to Yadkin county in his profession, Dr. Shore was a civic, religious and political leader. He was a member of the Boonvllle Baptist church, president of the Com mercial and Savings Bank at Boonvllle, and for many years served as chairman of the Yadkin county Democratic executive committee. He was also one of the best known breeders and handlers of bird dogs in the United States. Dr. Shore was born near Boon vllle, a son of the late James Henry Shore and Mrs. Julia Wil liams Shore. He attended the Yadkin county schools and re ceived his degree in medicine from the Medical College of the University of Virginia in Rich mond in 1899. He practiced con- (Continued on Last Page) VACCINATION HERE URGED Less Than 500 People Have Taken Typhoid Serum Since Flood DANGER IS SAID GREAT Less than 500 people have been vaccinated for typhoid fever here since the flood, it was learned Wednesday from Surry county health officials at the health of fice here. This figure does not include employees of the Chatham Man ufacturing Co., who were given the vaccine at the mill. Surprise was expressed that so few people had availed them selves of the opportunity to pro tect themselves and their fam ilies from the dread disease. It was pointed out that persons re fusing to take this precaution were not only taking a risk them selves, but were threatening the health of their families and of other people with whom they come in contact. In case typhoid fever should break out here, it will be about two weeks before the disease will put in its appearance, it was learned. Just because no cases have been reported as yet is no reason 4to believe that the disease will not strike.' A county nurse will be at the city hall .all day today (lliurs day), tb administer the serum. For the next two weeks a nurse will be there on Mondays and Thursdays to complete vaccina tions started this week. Everyone wno has not had the vaccine is urged by health au thorities to be vaccinated at once. JONESVILLE SCHOOL TO OPEN SEPTEMBER 9 Jonesville school Is schedHed to open on September 9, along with other schools of Yadldn county, according to an announcement Tuesday by L. 8. Weaver, super intendent of the school. Mr. Weaver stated that the opening of the Jonesville school may be delayed a short time due to need ed repairs on the building but that it is hoped that the opening will be on the same date as that of the other county schools. FJlriii Gateway to Roaring Gap and the Blue Ridge PUBLISHED WEEKLY REBUILDING IS GOING FORWARD AT STEADY PACE Debris Is Rapidly Beiag Cleared Away NO ACCURATE ESTIMATE Impossible As Yet to Get Figures on Total Loss in Town RESUME TRAIN SERVICE Thousands of automobiles Ail ed with people from miles around crowded into Elkin Sunday to see the destruction created by the worst flood in the town's history. All Sunday afternoon cars crept at snail's pace across the new bridge, while the bridge rails were crowded with hundreds of sightseers on foot. It was esti mated that Sunday saw the big gest crowd here in the town's en tire history. But while the curious came and went from the first day after the flood, the work of mopping up and cleaning out went forward at a steady pace as those most af fected got down to the Job of 'making a new start. A survey of the damage after flood waters went down disclosed losses running into hundreds of thousands of dollars with an ac curate estimate as yet Impossible. The White Swan Laundry found most of its machinery to be in tact, although water damaged. The buildings housing A. O. Bryan's servfce station and foun dry were badly wrecked. Filling (Continued on last page) 20" AVERAGE ON BORDER MARTS Brisk Bidding Maries Open ing Tuesday; Farmers Appear Satisfied IMPERIAL ALSO BIDDING Brisk bidding at opening sales brought farmers an average of about 20 cents a pound for their tobacco on the border belt Tues day. The figure was the concensus of experts, although several pre dicted that final papulations would send the figure up a cent or two. Banners were genisrally satis fied and there woe only a few rejections at bids. The federal agricultural marketing service re ported that the South Carolina markets paid prices exceeding those of evening day last year for nearly all U. 8. grades. Average prices en fair to fine Quality lugs primings, the grades which composed the buJk of the sales, increased from $3 to HSO a hun dred in moet Instances. The world's largest buying companies, including Imperial of Great Britain, entered glngeify into the competitive bidding, this year's crop is short and farmers recently voted a three-year ooo trcd plan. Prices were particularly good on tho South Carolina markets, to which farmer* experienced difficulty in getting their weed became of rainy weather. The outlook on those markets was t? no means pleasing to tofaaoooo lsts last week but dear, dry weather of the last few days brought an influx of bettor grades. *tu> sold on the North Carolina markets were generally well pleased, in a* least ana town, howe?«r, the Quality on the steady.