Elkin "The Best Little Town in North Carolina" VOL. No. XXIX. No. 45 LATE NEWS IN and BRIEF N ? n NATIONAL MONTREAL, Sept. 17—Lar ry MacPhail, president of the Brooklyn Dodgers baseball club who was one of a group of American soldiers that tried to kidnap the German kaiser at the close of the world war, told a service club luncheon today: "It would have been better if, instead of trying to kidnap the kaiser, we had cot a corporal's throat." AMARTLLO, Texas, Sept. 17 —Wendell L. Willkie told the south today that "the preserva tion of democracy" is depend ent upon rotation in office and challenged southerners to shift their traditional party affilia tion because a third term breaks an older tradition. He made his only Texas appear ance for an hoar here today, delivering an informal speech in which he emphasized the third term issue. WAS: iNGTON, Sept. 17— Men of draft ace who happen to be away from home on reg istration day, October 16, can atop in at the nearest voting precinct and register for mili tary service. In fact, they are obligated under law to do so. Selective service officials said today that the registration cards of traveling salesmen, hoboes, men on vacation and other transients who might register away from home would be forwarded by county clerks to the home localities of the men. WASHINGTON, Sept. 17 Pennsylvania Central airline# today was aHfIUWBW %y the civil aeronautics board to es tablish a new route between Norfolk, Va., and Knoxvllle, Tenn., by war of Rocky Mount, r ileifh, Greensboro and Ashe llle, N. C. The board denied the company's application for authority to include Winston- Salem, Hickory and Elizabeth City, holding that there was not sufficient evidence of present public necessity to warrant service at the three points. BOSTON, Sept. 17 A charge that Wendell Willkle's opposition had launched a "stealthy whispering cam paign" in an attempt to dis credit him by picturing him as "practically a German" was made tonight in an attorney's statement issued by the Will kie Volunteer Committee of Massachusetts. "Everywhere I go I run into this whispering," declared Alphonsus Bachorow ski, Salem, Mass., lawyer of Polish descent. "Unable to assail Wendell Willkle's record on labor, honesty, liberalism, or ability, the critics have, as usual, resorted to a stealthy whispering campaign.** WASHINGTON, Sept. 17 Selective service officials out lined today a "fishbowl" pub licity policy by which, they said, they would keep every man of draft age, his family and friends fully Informed of each step taken in selecting men for compulsory military service. President Roosevelt is expected, soon after his return tomorrow afternoon from Speaker Bankhead's funeral in Alabama, to sign an executive order creating a national or ganization to administer the conscription act and prescrib ing general rules for it. Mr. Roosevelt yesterday fixed Oc tober 16 as the draft registra tion date. INTERNATIONAL CAIJM), Eopt. Sept. 17 Italian motorized troops fought their way tonight beyond Sidl Barranl, almost 60 miles inside Egypt from Libya, reaching the beginning of an asphalt road leading 350 miles east ward to the Suez Canal, vital link of Britain's empire life line. British tank units retir ed before the Italian coastal sweep after inflicting heavy casualties, British headquar ters announced. No major bat tle yet has been fought, nor have the main British troops collided with the Mackahirts, it was said. THE ELKIN TRIBUNE DAD A I)r Many fine teams of horses and mules took part in the parade staged I /iix/iUlj here last Friday afternoon by the Elkin Fair as a part of the annual horse show. This photo, made as the parade came up East MaiH street, shows a few of the prize teams entered by farmers of this section.—(Tribune Photo.) : ''w\ pppp^^F/ afc-. ' ' ~v... . . .. :' ..:. ... ~. .:■ +. . .... .:■:■ YADKIN PLANS NEW CO. HOME May Use $20,000 Check from City of High Point to Build It PAYMENT IN DAM CASE An initial payment of $20,000 by the City of High Point in set tlement of the High Polnt-Yad kin county dam controversy, may be used to build a new county home, according to D. A. Rey nolds, chairman of the board of county commissioners. The money has been earmark ed for this purpose, although no formal action has been taken, it was said. Yadkin's present county home is said to have long been consid ered inadequate and present plans are to build a larger, more modern fire-prof structure on a site nearer one of the main high ways. Acceptance of the $20,000 pay ment of the $75,000 agreed upon by the City of High Point and Yadkin county, is considered by many to be an indication that the city will immediately proceed with plans for resuming construc tion of the $6,500,000 power plant on the Yadkin river. The check was turned over to the Yadkin commissioners by W. M. Allien, of Elkln, one of the at torneys representing Yadkin in the controversy. OLD BET IS TO OPEN TUESDAY Farmers Are Expecting Sat isfactory Prices for Their Tobacco MIDDLE BELT IS GOOD The chant of tobacco auction eers will open the Old Belt to bacco markets at Mount Airy, Winston-Salem and other tobac co centers next Tuesday, Septem ber 24, with farmers and ware housemen expecting a satisfac tory price for the golden weed. With the Middle Belt's opening day sales averaging from 18 to 20 cents, higher than the 1939 fig ure, farmers were said to be sat isfied, with rejections negligible. Offerings contained less of the common and low quality grades of leaf than opening day last year, and were considered of bet ter quality. Ranging from 4 to 33 cents per pound, prices on the nine middle belt markets soared above the 15,65 cents-per-pound season av erage of last year, and moved above the opening bidding on the Border and New Bright Belts. Ample preparation has been made by warehousemen of Mount Airy and Winston-Salem for the opening of the Old Belt. A Frenchman was declared dead in 1562 and was buried. Six hours later, his brother, who did not believe him dead, had his body disinterred. He lived 70 years longer. Wilkes Man Must Pay Board Bill While in Jail Arel Pruitt, young white man of North Wllkesboro, found out In Surry Superior court Wed nesday that drunken driving, especially when It's a second offense, doesn't pay. Pruitt was arrested here about two yean ago following an accident In which the car he was driving at reckless speed, turned over on Elk Spur street. He was charged at the time with driving while under the influence of whtaky. The case was continued time after time, and in the mean time Pruitt was arrested and convicted in Wilkes county for a similar offense. Wednesday Prultt came to trial in Surry, with J. L. Dar nell, Elkln policeman, the sole witness against him. But Mr. Darnell's testimony, plus the fact that Presiding: Judge Rousseau is also from North Wilkesboro, and knows some thing- of Prultt's past history, resulted in a fine of SSO and costs, a suspended sentence of two years, loss of his driver's license for 18 months, and 10 days in jail. To make matters worse, the young man must pay his own board while serv ing as the county's unwilling truest. SURRY COURT IS UNDER WAY Judge J. A. Rousseau, Presid ing, Hands Out Fines, Sentences LOCAL CASES HEARD Surry county superior court for the trial of criminal cases got un der way at Dobson Monday be fore Judge J. A. Rousseau, of North Wilkesboro. This one-week term will be followed by two weeks of civil court, which will also be presided over by Judge Rousseau. Elt Swaim and Jack Jester, of Jonesville, who were arrested here a month or so ago following the alleged firing of a pistol in a local cafe, were each given suspended sentences. Swaim was fined SSO and the costs and given a sus pended sentence of two years on a charge of carrying a concealed weapon, while Jester was taxed with the costs only and an equal suspended sentence of two years. Herman Hinson, charged with (Continued on Last Page) CRUTCHFJELD BRIDGE OPENED TO TRAFFIC The new bridge at Crutchfield, although not completely finished, was opened to two-way traffic Wednesday, it was learned Wed nesday afternoon. The bridge had been open to one-way traffic since last Satur day, it is understood, being put into use at the earliest moment possible due to the fact the old bridge was washed away in the August 14 flood. ELKIN. N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1940 DQBSON CHILD MEETS DEATH Arnold Edmonds, 3, Crushed When Washing Machine Falls on Him FUNERAL HELD MONDAY Arnold Edmonds, 3-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ed monds of Dobson, was instantly killed at the home of his parents, Sunday morning, when he fell from a porch and a large washing machine fell on him, crushing his head. According to reports, the child was being bathed by his mother, when he ran from the room onto the porch and hit the washing machine, which was near the edge of the porch. The machine slip ped from the porch and fell on the child as he fell to the ground. The child is survived by his parents, three brothers, Arthur, Foy and Hugh Edmonds, and two sisters, Edith and Fay Edmonds. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the New Home Christian church, in charge of Rev. Mr. Hoffman. Interment was in the church cemetery. A Richmond poultry market has installed a machine for re moving feathers from chickens. It removes the feathers of over 300 birds an hour. It is run by electricity. The Mormons were the first church in America to adopt Boy Scout Program. Clf) fjfjfj f'TJ rr U Building of the High Point dam J)LU,UUU L iiijLA. across the Yadkin river came a step nearer a reality Monday when the Yadkin County Commissioners received a check for $20,000 as the first payment on an agreed amount of $75,000 for the county home lands and certain concessions. The picture below shows Elkin Attorney W. M. Allen handing the check to Chairman D. A. Reynolds, while J. W. Shore and L. L. Smitherman, members, look on. Attorney F. D. B. Hard ing stands by Mr. Allen.—(Yadkin Ripple photo by Bill Rutledge.) '' jud^g jjffj^BHiMiM^^Hfc '". i"~sk£,,;~' ,tlA.-iA>LBbWJJ. *>*.* l- -* if T iTSI if - Sss? i i'„ - ' Blm i& % * *$ i CONSCRIPTION BUI BECOMES LAW OF LAND First Peacetime Draft in Na- tion's History REGISTER OCTOBER 16th Surry to Furnish Approxi • mately 240 Men in First 900,000 Drawn MACHINERY IS READY The first peacetime conscrip tion bill in the nation's history was passed by Congress by a vote of almost two to one Saturday, and became the law of the land Monday when President Roose velt affixed his signature to the act, at the same time setting Wednesday, October 16, as the date upon which 16,500,000 men between the ages of 2l and 35 inclusive, must register for possi-, ble military service. While no exact figures are available as to the number of men Surry county would furnish in the first army of 900,000 men, a bit of figuring based upon the percentage 16,500,000 is of the nation's total population of 135,- 000,000, and applying this per centage to Surry county's total population, the approximate number of Surry men who will be called amounts to 240. Machinery which has been waiting for a war emergency al most since the close of the last war has already been set in mo tion for the creation of the new army. ELKIN'S FAIR COMES TO END Approximately 2,000 Attend on Closing Night of Event WINNERS ARE LISTED The Elkin Fair came to an end late Saturday night after playing to a final crowd of approximately 2,000 people. Exhibits had been removed from the exhibition building Saturday afternoon, and a few hours after the last straggler had gone home Saturday night, the midway, with its concessions and rides, was load ed on trucks, ready to move to West Jefferson, the next stop. One of the features of Saturday night was the awarding of the at tendance prize, a combination RCA Victor radio and Victrola. This handsome prize went to Miss Mabel Sale, of Elkin. O. "Buck" Wall, well-known Surry county man, acted for the fair association in presenting the prize. Chief event of the fair Friday was the horse show and parade. (Continued on Last Page) British Blast Nazi Invasion Bases In Furious New Battle Speaker Dies William S. Bankhead, of Ala bama, Speaker of the House of Representatives in the nation's Congress, died Sunday of a ruptured abdominal artery. Funeral services, which were attended by President Roose velt and the nation's outstand ing leaders, were held in Jas per, Ala., Tuesday afternoon. REA OFFICIALS LET CONTRACT Open Bids at Dobson Meeting on 229 Miles of Rural Lines to Be Built OBTAIN MANY SIGNERS REA officials of the 4-county rural electrification project, which embraces the counties of Forsyth, Yadkin, Surry and Stokes counties met in Dobson last Wed nesday night and opened bids on the 229 miles of lines to be built. The bid went to Rockingham Construction company of Rock ingham, for a bid of approximate ly $205,000. This information was released by Nereus Bryant of Yadkinville, who is secretary of the organization. Mr. Bryant stated that the contract for the work called for completion of the lines within 90 days from begin ning of construction. Construc tion is to start in the next few days. 822 families have already been signed for the electricity, and had the corporation officals been able to furnish more lines many more than that number could have been obtained, it was said. Many requests have been received by various officials relative to the extension of the lines. John Aus tin Tilley of Pilot Mountain, who is president of the company, states that they hope to secure an additional loan about January 1, 1941. This loan will enable the lines to be extended enough to take in many families not on the original route. He stated that it was probable that as many as 1600 families might be served. The first allotment that the organization received from the Federal government was $25,000. More than 25 miles of line have already been staked off ready for the linemen. Other officers of the organiza tion are S. A. Holder, of Mount Airy, treasurer; Frank Freeman, Dobson, attorney; G. T. Dorse, Lewisville, vice-president; C. W. Carneg, Philadelphia, superin tendent. An office building will be built at Dobson in the near future. METHODIST SERVICES HERE ARE ANNOUNCED Rev. Herman F. Duncan, pas tor of the Methodist church, will preach at both the morning and evening service at the church Sunday. On Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock service he will use as his sermon subject "Abra ham's Kin." Sunday at the evening service at 7:30 Rev. Duncan will use as his subject "A Mountain Top Experience." Mid-week prayer service was held on Wednesday evening, Sep tember 18, at 7:30, with a lesson by the pastor on "Victorious Life." The service was followed by the weekly choir practice. Elkin Gateway to Roaring Gap and the Blue Ridge PUBLISHED WEEKLY DARE GERMANS TO ATTEMPT TO INVADE ISLAND Drop Tons of Dynamite on Concentrations AIR WARFARE ROARS ON Bombs Fall on London, Liv erpool and Glascow in Heavy Attack RECORD 9-HOUR ALARM Great Britain defied one of the most furious Nazi air attacks of the war Wednesday to blast with tons of dynamite at German in vasion bases and challenge Adolf Hitler to hurl his armed forces against the strengthened defenses of the British Isles. Aerial warfare roared to a new lightning crescendo in Nazi at tacks on England and British counterblows at Germany. It was London, Liverpool and Glasgow that again took the heaviest punishment, with Nazi planes raining bombs on great de partment stores in the heart of the British capital, starting new fires, bombing Croydon and other airports and concentrating on de moralization of British communi cations lines. Fierce aerial battles were fought over England. Lon don, during a record nine hours and fifty-three minutes air alarm, suffered perhaps the heaviest cas ualties of any night while day light brought a series of almost [continuous new alarms. In reply to the German attacks that left a smoke pall over a large district of central London, the Royal Air Force took advan tage of gales that had scattered the German "invasion" fleet to pound with terrible force at Nazi ship concentrations, barges and communications along the Euro pean coast and to thrust into Ger many in attacks on other targets. Hie possibility of a German in vasion attempt was described by British officials as continuing acute, especially in view of the fact that fog, rain and gales which had prevailed over the English Channel for two days gave way to clear skies. But travelers reaching Britain from Norway reported that the Germans occupying that country had suddenly and surprisingly be gun returning confiscated ships— usable in an invasion of Britain— to their Norwegian owners. SIX MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUED Six marriage licenses have been issued by the Surry county reg- * ister of deeds during the past week, going to the following couples: Joe Stevens and Louise Flemmings, both of Mount Airy; Ed Jessup and Hazell Badgett, both of Mount Airy; Bohnson Ray, of Jonesville, and Bonnie Billings, of Elkin; Charles Har den and Beulah Chandler, both of Kernersville; William Huff man, of Galax, Va., and Mamie Horton, of Hillsville, Va.; Benja min Shores, of Siloam, and Bon nie Matthews, of East Bend. Tfie oldest fort built by white men in the New World stands in Santa Domingo. It was erected soon after the island was discov ered by Columbus. Vacation for 438 Children Comes to End Vacations came to a close for 438 children Monday morn ing, with the opening of the elementary school. The ma jority of the books were issued cm the opening day, according to J. Mark McAdams, principal of the city schools, and actual classes got under way Tuesday morning. With an enrollment of 26L. in the high school, the total enrollment if the city soheefe is 999, with others expected to enter within a short time.

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