High Point's Power Case Before High Court Again Fourth Appeal to State Supreme Court Will Be Made This Week—Two Cases, One from Guilford, One from Yadkin High Point, Nov. 24.—For the fourth time, High Point attor neys this week will ask the state Supreme court for permission to proceed with a $6,500,000 munici pal hydroelectric development in Yadkin county. This time, the litigation comes before the high tribunal on an appeal by ttie.plaintiffs from Su perior court decisions modifying previously upheld injunctions which had barred High Point from proceeding with the project. Two cases will be heard —one from Guilford county and one from Yadkin. In the Guilford case, the Duke Power company and other plain tiffs appealed when Judge Zeb V. Nettles cleared the way for the development by modifying an in junction issued by Judge Hoyle Sink and affirmed by the Su preme court, High Point repre sentatives told Judge Nettles that the city had adopted a resolution repudiating a federal power com mission license to erect a dam on the Yadkin river, and would pro ceed under a 1935 bond act, rath er than a 1938 act which required a certificate of convenience and necessity from the state utilities commission. In the Yadkin county case, cer tain tax payers appeared after Judge Allen H. Gwyn voided an injunction obtained by the coun ty to obstruct the project. High Point attorneys asked that the judgment be set aside on the ground the city would purchase Rogers Electric Shoe Shop SERVICE WHILE YOU WAIT ! & WITH SO MANY M TO GO DURING f THE HOLIDAYS, YOU'LL ALWAYS M I WANT TO LOOK YOUR BEST f With places to go and friends to visit, it is important you look your best jSrr® ji/J# during the Christmas holidays. That's why you should let us look after JSjf your clothes. Suit, overcoat, dress or any other type of wearing apparel Sjrf will receive expert attention here. Modern equipment plus expert per- jA* sonnel make our dry cleaning service completely satisfactory. Just phone us. We give prompt service! Buttons replaced, clothes mended, at no W PHONE 187 FOR PROMPT SERVICE £ & Lawrence Cleaners H* ELKIN, N. C. v the county home site, and the city and county had agreed on a settlement for the relocation of county roads —two points of dis pute between the city and comi ty. The state of North Carolina, at the direction of Governor Hoey, intervened in the case to protest the right of the federal power commission to require a license for the project. The state with drew when the Supreme court ruled that the license was not necessary. Arguments for and against the project were first heard in the Supreme court on the point whether the city might serve other communities. The tribunal ruled that it could not and up held an injunction. Then the municipality amended its project to include only the city, and the Superior court void ed the previous injunctions. From this action, the plaintiffs appeal ed and this time the Supreme court decided in favor of the project. Then, last spring, the Supreme court returned its decision hold ing the city had no right to ac cept the federal license; High Point amended its plan again; and it is on the voiding of the injunctions that the appeal will be heard this week. BURCH r>Air t* o nronorhn nf ririifnVi- Rev. T. S. Draughn, of Crutch field, filled his regular appoint me nt at Friendship Baptist church Saturday and Sunday. Miss Hessie Shore returned to her home in Harmony Sunday after spending several days here visiting friends and relatives. Mr. C. C. Humphries and chil dren, Ralph, Roger and Bessie Jane will spend the Thanksgiving holidays in Richmond, Va., the guests of friends and relatives. Those from here attending the birthday dinner of Mrs. D. A. Venable, of near Pilot Mountain, were Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Green wood and daughters, Bettie Mae and Genie V., Miss Ruby Barker, of Elkin; Mrs. Ralph Dobbins and Alan Trlvette of Boonville. John Reece, of California, Is spending several days here the guest of friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Troy Medley, of Sandy Springs, spent the week end at Doughton, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Warren. Miss Thelma Dodson spent sev eral days last week in Elkin Val ley, visiting friends and relatives. Mr. Howard Chappell and daughter, Bonnie, spent Sunday in Harmony, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D JD. Shore. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Flincham and children, Ruby and R. W., Jr., spent Sunday in Level Cross visiting friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sneed and children, Rufus Allen and Lydia Jane, spent Sunday in Boonville, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Dezern. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Sprinkle had as their dinner guests Sun day Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hampton and daughter, of Arlington; Rog er Sprinkle, of Galax, Va., and Rev. R. W. Calloway, of Mountain Park. Miss Ruby Barker, of Elkin, spent the week-end here the guest of Miss Genie V. Green wood. Miss Lucille Marion spent sev eral days last week in Rockford, the guest of Miss Eulala Burrus. ELKIN GIRLS ARE DOING SUPERVISED TEACHING Raleigh, Nov. 23.—The city schools of Raleigh, are affording 47 Meredith College seniors who are doing supervised teaching this fall a laboratory for acquir ing practical teacher-training. Through a cooperative agreement with local school officials, B. Y. Tyner, head of the education de partment at Meredith, has as signed students to Needham Broughton, Hugh Morsom, Wiley Hayes Barton, Fred Olds, Boylan Heights, Murphy and Lewis school. The prospective teaehers have completed 24 hours of ob servation and will do 30 hours of actual teaching, closely super vised by experienced Raleigh teachers. Mary Elizabeth Foster, of Elk in, is teaching at Wiley school, under Mrs. Ruth T. Smith, and Virginia Lawrence, of Elkin, is teaching fourth grade, under Mrs. Eloise G. Eskridge at Boylan Heights school. Miss Foster is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Foster of this city, and Miss Lawrence is the daughter of Mrs. E. B. Lawrence, also of Elkin. THE BLKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA NBACS FROM THE \ The Baptist Missionary society met with Mrs. J. G. Lewellyn , Thursday evening. The meeting opened with the hymn for the year, "How Firm a Foundation." Devotionals were conducted by Mrs. Emma Mock. Miss Beatrice Holbrook, program leader, spoke on jthe topic of the month, "Faithful Amid Persecution Europe." Others who contribut ed to the program were Mrs. R. A. Freeman, Mrs. Howard Snow and Mrs. Paul Chappell. A linen shower for Thanksgiv ing was given by the society to the Baptist hospital at Winston- Salem. ' After the business meet ing Mrs. Lewellyn served a deli cious salad course, tongue sand wiches and coffee. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. C. W. Fowler. Mrs. R. R. Smithwick and lit tle daughter, Mary Martin, spent last week with relatives in States ville. / Mrs. Emma Mock spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Folger in Mount Airy. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Norman, of Richmond, Va., spent the week end with the family of Mr. and Mrs. Brady Norman. Mrs. Joe Folger, Miss Fredna Armfield and Mrs. F. F. Riggs spent Saturday in Winston-Sa lem. Mrs. R. R. Smithwick was host ess to her contract club Saturday evening. Late fall flowers were attractively arranged throughout the rooms. Mrs. P. B. Folger won high score prize and Mrs. Eliza beth Bolick was winner of runner I x s S FUHY-HTTED 6,1 !iiL FRIGIDAIRE v H • Super-Powered Meter-Miser • Double-Width Dessert H / :'; f H Troy • "Double-Easy" Quickube Trays • Frozen Food I ® —H Storage • Sliding Hydrator • Cold Storage Tray ■ H • Famous Cold Control • One-piece all-steel cabinet • Automatic Interior Light • 5-Year Protection Plan mm "* Upon request, this beautiful sterling ■' fat silver gift medallion will be affixed ■ to your Christmas Gift Frigidaire— / - ■■ H a lasting symbol of the happiness / you gave and the joy'you had in I « « giving. Ask to see it today! Harris Electric Company Phone 250 Elldi»,N.C. up prize. At the conclusion of the progressions Mrs. Smith wick served an attractive plate of re freshments, salad and coffee and accessories typical of Thanksgiv ing. The Junior class of girls led the prayer meeting at the Baptist church Wednesday evening. Jack Folger, of Mount Airy, spent the week-end with his grandmother, Mrs. W. L. Reece. Mr. and Mrs. Lakey Harkrader, of Columbia, S. C., were visitors at the Kenlin Inn for the week end. Miss Rachel Beasley and Mr. Rooke, of Pilot Mountain, who will wed the sixth of December, were in Dobson Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Robinson, of Greenville, s. C., spent a few days in Dobson last week. The Baptist Orphanage Glee club of Thomasville will sing at the Baptist church next Sunday morning. The public is cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs. Kemp Reece, of New York, Mr. Wilson Reece and Miss Victoria Hampton, of Mount Airy, visited Mrs. Emma and Henry Hampton Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Skinner and daughter, Katherine, of Muncic, Ind., Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith and daughter, Shirley Key, of Anderson, Ind., spent several Wake Lazy I nsides All-Vegetable Way Here's a laxative that generally acts thoroughly, but is a gentle per suade, if used by simple directions. Take BLACK-DRAUGHT at bed time. There's usually time for a good night's rest. Morning general ly brings a thorough evacuation; relief for constipation's headache?, loginess. Try spicy, aromatic, all vegetable BLACK-DRAUGHT. It's economical, too: 25 to 40 doses, 25c. days last week with their sister, Mrs. W. A. Holyfleld. Mr. Walter Ingle, of Ronda, spent last week with his daughter, Mrs. S. R. Coalson. 11l Be Over "What is home without a mother?" asked a good looking young man. "Well," replied the sweet young thing, "I am, tonight." *| _ lm llßil. ■!!■! ■■■ I MI - 1 Announcing the Opening of ANN'S BEAUTY Visit Us for Get-Acquainted Specials on Permanent Waves Modern Equipment Trained Operators UPSTAIRS OVER ABERNETHY'S COMING TO ELK DEC. 9-10-11 Do Your CM M A II N!• H X A VOCO PRODUCTION. Produced by lvlll 1 lIILLU JACK VOTION and SAM COSLOW I? Directed by HAROLD YOUNG. lOr Screen play by Howard J. Green, Barry pia t T rivers, Robert D. Andrews. Distributed by CHOICE SEATS! *«> radio pic» ur .,. Thursday, November 28, 1940 A dull razor will cut the face more easily than a sharp one. Mattie Mae Powell NOTARY PUBLIC \•_ V Building & Loan Office Main Street