' - - " X; ' _ . YOUR CHILDREN'S FUTURE One of the outstanding move ments of this decad, parent ed ucation has proved its value over and over in the unprecedented health and vitality of today's children, in their joyous will to learn. But having found a way to improve children's bodies and sharpen their minds we must now use all our wisdom in strengthen ing their characters, in building up their courage for the tremen dous responsibilities of the years of reconstruction ahead. Parents often become discour aged with trying to mold their children's characters and excuse themselves by saying, "Oh, well, nothing we prepare them for will happen anyway—they'll be up against things we never even thought of." Quite true. We can not foresee the problems of the coming generation. Much as we may wish to we cannot meet them for our children, but we can and must give them training In fortitude, we must encourage In them true generosity of spirit if civilization is to survive through them. For instance: Are your chil dren learning that growth in character means self discipline, not just a good deed now and then? Are they learning that tolerance begins by being kind to the skinny, unattractive young sters on the playground? Are they finding out through the fairness practiced in your family ijwf an d range of prices. y M 1 TIT'ST^^^T \\-W McDANIELSTij SUCCESSFUL PARENTHOOD BY MRS. CATHERINE C» EDWARDS Associate Mtor, Par«rtY- Magenta* group that democracy can be made to work? For this is the best way to prove to them that job of preserving it is a hopeful one. Another thing, too many of our conceptions of success have been based on an Alladin's lamp idea of wishes coming true. Byt as a matter of fact very few success ful men and women make their successes in the way they had hoped for. Yet by continuing to give what they have to give, they finally came to find satisfaction in their careers. It may sound old fashioned, but will we not be preparing our children for life as it really is if we stress service rather than gain? Besides, psy chologists tell us that feeling use ful Is one of the first requisites for mental health. Although, as we said, the world our children inherit may be greatly changed, yet we believe that human emotions change very little and that we can hand on to our children a way of feel ing about things. And then, of course, there are certain underly ing principles of truth, honor, tolerance, human brotherhood and above all, courage, which most of us find out in the course of our lives to be actually true— not just wise saying from the ancients but true, workable principles. And if we can estab lish these principles in our chil dren's characters they needn't fear the future. THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN. NORTH CAROLINA World's Smallest Passenger Station In Yadkinville Yadkinville. Dec. 4.— (Special.) —Yadkinville comes first in many things, we have learned as the years go by, and now we have found another one. Yadkinville has the smallest passenger station in the world. It is so small, in fact, that we pre dict that more than half the people here have never seen it and probably couldn't find it if they tried, although Yadkinville has a modern passenger and freight service daily. Two large passenger buses, mostly the latest models, go west and two east each day, as well as two north and two south daily. Pour express trucks pass here each day regularly and four to eight on an irregular schedule. And yet we have the smallest station in the world. And where is it, you ask. Well, it is nailed on a power pole In front of the Yadkin Cafe. It is four by 10 inches in size and contains the one word, "stop"—that is, when one desiring the bus to stop pulls the cord and makes it say "Stop." Some passenger station, don't you think? Well, it's there and you can see it any day without it costing you a cent. It is just a silent sentinel of a world in a hurry about it. But there is little wonder it is so small, when the facts are brought out. The little Yadkin ville station has never had one line of newspaper advertising, and how could you expect the lit tle 4 by 10 to grow without some assistance from somewhere. So far as is known it is the only passenger station in the world that never had a line of advertis ing—no schedule, no nothing. There it stands, day by day. If a would-be passenger pulls the The Tonch of the Master « PALO ALTO, Cal. . . . Frankie Albert (left), Stanford's All-Amerl can.backfield candidate, was guilty of plain larceny when he stole an Oregon State pass right out of the hands of Norm Peters, Oregon State end. Stanford's Indiana battered out a 28-14 triumph to win a Rose Bowl invitation. cord it says "stop," otherwise it says nothing, just holds its posi tion as a hustling, bustling world passes by its front door 24 hours daily. SEEK TO REVOKE 2 SURRY LICENSE The Brewers and North Caro lina Beer Distributors committee has petitioned the Surry county board of commissioners to revoke the retail beer licenses of two Surry county dealers. Edgar H. Bain, of Goldsboro, state director in charge of the beer industry's "clean up or close up" campaign in North Carolina, filed the petitions with Chairman M. Q. Snow. The petition alleged one dealer had been convicted of liquor law violations and the other dealer operated his place of business in such manner as to constitute a public nuisance. Since the "clean up or close up" campaign was launched in this state 18 months ago, the commit tee has cooperated with local au thorities in the elimination of 134 undesirable beer outlets—lo9 by revocation, three by surrender and 23 by refusal to renew li censes. Unfortunate "Don't you know your way around this town?" asked the sardonic traffic cop. "No," answered Mr. Chuggins. "If I had known the way around it, you don't suppose I'd have got mixed up in it, do you?" A farm boy found a 60-pound Elm mushroom near his home in Pennsylvania. His mother is go ing to can it. L. F. Brumfield Goes To Stokes J4S County L. P. Brumfield, former Yadkin county farm agent, has been named Stokes county agent, ac cording to announcement of the Stokes board of county commis sioners Monday. He succeeds J. P. Brown, who resigned to be come associated with Coble Dair ies of Lexington, as field repre sentative in charge of production in 26 counties in North Carolina and Virginia. The county board at the same time named Henry Van Story of Iredell county, as assistant farm agent. He graduated from N. C. State College last spring, where he majored in animal husbandry. He has been active in 4-H Club work in the state and president of the North Carolina club last year. He will be active in dairy work in Stokes county, which has been promoted by Mr. Brumfield during the past 18 months with much success. Mr. Brumfield was Yadkin county agent for a number of years, during which time he in augurated dairy farms and milk routes over the county to buy the dairy products. He was also in terested in terracing of farms and his work was highly com mended in these lines, as well as general farm work. EXHAUSTED? Indications are that existing supplies of raw cotton in Italy are likely to be exhausted by De cember 31, since no large stocks of foreign cotton have been ship ped in since the war started. Rising sap is pulled by the leaves, not pushed up by roots, of vegetation. Thursday, December 5, 1940