Elkin . "The Best Little Towt in North Carolina" VOL. No. XXX. No. 4 NBNS FROM THE A Rev. Mr. Parker held a Thanks giving service )n the Methodist church on Thanksgiving Day. Miss Lillian Harkrader, of Greensboro, Mrs. Bill Harris, of Roxboro, and Miss Helen Hark rader, member of the school fac ulty of Elizabeth City, spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. S. K. Harkrader at the Ken-lin Inn. Misses Mary Cooper and Lula Betsy Folger, of W. C. U. N. C., spent Thanksgiving with their parents here. Mrs. W. L. Reece, Miss Edythe Reece, Mrs. Emma Mock and Marianne spent Thanksgiving Day with the family of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. FOlger at Mt. Airy. Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Rogers, Ivey, Jr., and Mrs. Mary Folger spent last week-end with Mr. Rogers' people at Semora. Mrs. Alexander, of Statesville, visited her daughter, Mrs. R. R. Smlthwlck, several days last week. A substantial pounding was given the family of Rev. Mr. Parker, the Methodist pastor, last Monday night. Miss Lucile Freeman, teacher of public school music in the Ox . jg\ \M". i ■ "/^^T—• go the Greyhound way and aave enough for extra .J 1 fun in the South I Inquire about time-saving ['( II schedules—choic. of routes —Expense-Paid Tours! fj _ Sampl• Round-Trip Font ,11 Miami, Fla. $18.40 Jacks'nv'le sll.lO OLF)A AG* GREYHOUND TERMINAL %*>* CREYHO UNO BWMHHHHBMNHBMHMHMHHMHHB I fMMS KKKKKKKKKKBSK I Santa's Right-ham! Man! | | Reddy's Services Are 1 I Yours—l X Santa and Reddy have allied themselves to make £? ft - Christmas 1940 brighter and happier for you. g? l| \ Reddy's used to spreading cheer—that's his job sf » 1 the year 'round. Homemakers especially can * ffi TIMI A appreciate his services; he does so much to make ® m their work easier—gives them so much more jft le ' sure t> me by doing tasks swiftly and efficiently W is —* as^s once were so ,r^some - » & v Shift the burdens of your family and intimate ay W fr j ends u P on the capable shoulders of Reddy i - ve em e ' ectr ' ca ' presents this year. Let g! them experience to the utmost the advantages of S K t /VvAA living in a modern age. if f TOASTERS IRONS j| P \/ MIXMASTERS EGG COOKERS • | I — RS WN,TOP LAMPS 1 1 mil CLEANERS CORN POPPERS | YD I. E. S. LAMPS RANGES 5 3 , HEATING PADS REFRIGERATORS § See Your Electrical Dealer S I POWER COMPANY I THE ELKIN TRIBUNE ford school, spent Thanksgiving with her mother, Mrs. Maude Freeman. The Glee club of the Mills Home at Thomasville, gave a splendid vocal music program at the Baptist church Sunday morn ing, directed by Mr. W. B. lord, accompanied by Mrs. lord, pian ist. It was a rare privilege to hear this group in song. Any Sunday school would be fortun ate to have them for a program. Mrs. Emma Hampton and Mrs. W. L. Reece attended the Golden Wedding celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Wiley S. Shore, near Yad kinville Saturday afternoon. Rev. R. L. West, of Yadkinville, preached at the Baptist church Sunday evening. Miss Emma Comer was hostess to her bridge club Saturday ev ening. Mrs. P. B. Folger won high score prize, and Mrs. C. L. Folger won the runner up. After the progressions Miss Comer serv ed her guests a salad course with coffee. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Freeman, of Elkin, spent Thanksgiving in Dobson with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Freeman, Jr., and baby spent the week-end with Mrs. Freeman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Halsey, at ( Mouth of Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freeman spent Sunday at Reidsville with Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Smith, par ents of Mrs. Freeman. Miss Lorene Perkins spent Thanksgiving with her parents near West Jefferson. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Davis, of Winston-Salem, Mrs. Ada Greene, HYPNOTIST TO PRESENTSHOW Will Put Young Lady to Sleep in' Show Window of Hayes & Speas on Friday AWAKEN HER SATURDAY At 8:30 Friday night, Kirma, nationally-known hypnotist, will enter the show window of Hayes Sc Speas Furniture store on West Main street here, and begin a novel 24-hour free show. Kir ma's appearance here is be ing sponsored by Hayes & Speas and the performance will be cli maxed Saturday evening at 8:30 o'clock. The show is absolutely free and Kirma guarantees that various entertainment features will be presented as late as spectators re main Friday and all day Satur day. The show will open when the hypnotist attempts to place a young woman under the complete spell of hypnosis Friday night at 8:30 o'clock. She will remain in full view of the audience for a period of 24 hours. Saturday afternoon Kirma will have two extra performances, one at two o'clock and another at 4:30, and the evening perform ance at 8:30 o'clock. Kirma will attempt to place other young ladies under the spell of complete hypnosis. The demonstration will continue the remainder of the afternoon and early evening. The young woman will be awakened at 8:30 o'clock Satur day evening. Hayes & Speas company invites the public to at tend these shows. MEAT Market supplies of hogs will be substantially smaller next year than in 1940, but supplies of cat tle may be larger, predicts the U. S. Bureau of Agricultural Ec onomics. of Washington, D. C., Mrs. Lind sey Wall and Lindsey, Jr., were house guests of Mrs. W. L. Reece last week. ELKIN, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1940 To Perform Here | " t- f, \ t i . ' Kirma, nationally known hypnotist, will appear at Hayes & Speas Furniture Company here Friday and Saturday. He will attempt to put a young lady to sleep in the show win dow of the store, and if suc cessful, will leave her until Saturday night at 8:30, when she will be awakened. He will give other performances at the store at various times Saturday. Report Filed By Willkie Supporters In North Raleigh, Nov., 30—Secretary of State Thad Eure received today a report on collections and expend itures of the North Carolina Democrats-for-Willkie in the re cent presidential election cam paign. Albert L. Butler, Jr., of Elkin, listed as treasurer of the Willkie group, filed the report showing collections of $13,886.75 and ex penditures for the campaign of $13,595.73. The report was forthcoming after Eure had threatened earlier in the week to institute proceed ings under the corrupt practices act. Deadline for reports was Monday, and regular Democratic and Republican organiza tions had filed their statements by that time. Largest individual contributor listed by the Democrats-for-Will kie organization was W. N. Rey nolds, of Winston-Salem, with $4,000. Largest expenditure list ed was $6,358.25 to J. Carson Brantley Advertising agency, of Salisbury, for advertising. The list also includes two mem bers of the state board of con servation and development Thurmond D. Chatham, of Elkin, with SI,OOO, and James L. Mc- Nair, of Laurinburg, with S4O. Other contributors included: J. E. Mills, of High Point, $200; W. H. Belk, of Charlotte, $100; J. N. Weeks, of Winston-Salem, $500; Albert L. Butler, of Win ston-Salem, $500; W. A. Neaves, of Elkin, $600; H. P. Shoffner, of Winston-Salem, $100; W. Y. Preyer, of Greensboro, $100; B. E. Jordan, of Saxapahaw, $100; E. A. Darr, of Winston-Salem, $650; T. K. Kirk, of Wilson, $100; O. P. Stafford, of Greensboro, $100; Ralph Hanes, of Winston-Salem, $500; C. McD. Davis, of Wilming ton, SSO; Ben Cone, of Greens boro, $250; P. H. Hanes, of Win ston-Salem, $200; R. M. Hanes, of Winston-Salem, $500; Ralph Erskine, of Tryon, $200; W. B. Kiker, of Reidsvllle, $200; A. L. Butler, of Elkin, $100; Rufus Smith, of Kernersville, $100; Cae sar Cone, of Greensboro, $250. . MOUNTAIN VIEW Mr. and Mrs. Durid Calloway and son, Odell, of Winston-Sa lem, accompanied by Mrs. Callo way's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Green Holcomb, and Weaver, Cranford and Clayton Holcomb, visited in Lenoir and Hickory Sunday. Miss Cardie Pardue, of Win ston-Salem", spent the Thanksgiv ing holidays the guest of her sis ters, Mrs. H. H. Adams and Mrs. Tom Van Hoy, and families. Mr. Click Stokes made a busi ness trip to New Jersey the past week. Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Stokes had as their Thanksgiving dinner guests Mrs. Lillian Riley, of Winston-Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Ernold Henry, Mrs. Ethel Riley and son, .Rondle Riley, and Miss Gean Ausbun. Mr. Glenn Wag oner and Mr. Lee Phillips, of In dependence, va., were their week end guests. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Snow vis ited their brother, Mr. Fredric Snow, and Mrs. Snow, of Mitchell Chapel, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cline Cooper and family, of Elkin, visited the lat ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Shore, Sunday. Mrs. Nancy Shore spent r the past week in Jonesville the guest of her son, Mr. Lum Shore, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Swaim, of Winston-Salem, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Tucker over the week-end. ASHEVILLE The food stamp plan for aiding the market in moving surplus foods into trade channels has been extended to Asheville and the remainder of Buncombe county, announces the U. s. De partment of Agriculture. HURT Butchers say the meat business has been hurt by the hasty, over the-counter noon lunch, which has replaced the old-fashioned home, mid-day dinner. There are Domino Hereford cattle from seven states and Canada on the V. C. Vaughan farm in Carroll County. Thursday - Friday - Saturday Ctut VcufA OuA GIGANTIC SEWING VALUE! 1 ■ I SMALL DOWN PAYMENT DELIVERS Look at these Sewing Features! YOU GET THESE EXTRAS ★ Famous WHITE ROTARY mechanism FOR BUYING NOW! ★ Forward and reverse stitching ★ Stitch GENUINE CLAIMS SCIUORS UT-ThrM six., in a length selector *Dial stitch tension control ram .u.d.-flni.h.d °a»#. Th« name * Rocldng pressor loot ★ Safety solid disk Clauss on each pair awuiM YOU of high quality. - , . , , . ~ , . , Gold-dipped handles. Sold regularly at $2.75. hand Wheel ★ Automatic bobbin Winder WHITE STWINS cou*si-T.n lessons, U4-paq»>. and release ★ Sight-saving sew light thai leach TOU tlme-iaving, professional ■Mihods... short cuts to fashionable •fi»cu The machine alone is an extraordinary buy... but ~. how to style clothes to develop your jj-jjj now you get in addition a lovely walnut ■aiural beautr. •. eolot coordinating... plus a " y . j Xy , j V\ 7 , 24-page supplement on how to make curtains. finished upholstered chcrix, a handsome high qual draperies, and slip covers. Valued at *lO. ity kit with 3 different size scissors and a 10-lesson, MODEM UDDIMA aum—Made of selected 144-page, sewing course ... all complete for less hard woods beautifully finished in walnut. them the regular price of the machine alone. Spall *ho a id^d a sJt. Compare* u*m T wh.':» wSh amount down deUvers your machine now. This chairs selling up to *5.50. special offer for very limited time... so act^nbw. Hinshaw Cash Hardware Co. Phone 143 Elkin, N. C. I FfcV t. '« % V r .. sTOM EK WHO | I «****«"£■,«?«" DO*OTBV ««>» ik r^" E ? ' I qaTURD aY ' U „ *»*• I TM son - •-gs: £ I of Dorothy P«"°" ™Z .«•> »•JSSIOO 1 S«s^S"Ss= Elkin Gateway to Roaring Gap and the Blue Ridge PUBLISHED WEEKLY