Elkin "The Best Little Town in North Carolina" VOL. No. XXX. No. 7 LATE p NEWS s - TW and Nation BRIEF . LOCAL NEWS «u received here late Monday afternoon of the sud den death of Mrs. A. K. Harris, of Seaboard, mother of Mrs. Paul Gwyn and Mrs. Dan El k dridge, of this city. Mrs. Har f ris had been in ill health for several years but her sudden death came as a complete shock to her family and friends. NATIONAL WASHINGTON, Dec. 23 The National Economy League last night proposed establish ment of an advisory planning committee to formulate meth ods of co-ordinating all seg ments of the preparedness drive with regular governnent activities. It emphasized that the national defense commis sion and the new four-man of fice for production manage- j ment are concerned primarily with production and procure ment, and said that "the com prehensive defense planning so urgently needed has not yet been provided." INTERNATIONAL ROME, Dec. 23—Italy yes terday followed up Germany's warning to the United States against committing any "war like act" with a threat that the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo pact may be converted into armed action if more United States ships are transferred to Great Bri tain. The warning from the Italian end of the Rome-Ber lin-Tokyo axis was delivered by Virginlo Gayda, often the spokesman for Premier Benito Mussolini, in yesterday's au thoritative Voce D'ltalia. His warning was based on the same situation as that which brought Germany's strong words Saturday—the sugges tion of British Minister of Shipping Ronald Cross that Germany and Italian ships tied up in United States ports be turned over to Britain. ROME, Dec. 23—Italian re versals in Egypt and Libya were blamed yesterday by Mar shal Rodolfo Graziani, in a re port to Premier Mussolini, on the lack of armored cars, tanks and other mechanized equip ment which prevented the Fascists from taking the of fensive before the British got started. The Italians were also on tn umbered, he said. These cars and other equip ment were to have arrived from Italy early in December when the Italians were poised for the attack which was or dered by Mussolini and which was to have carried them, ac cording to Italian plans, to SuesE and the Nile. ATHENS, Dec. 23 Three Italian divisions whose normal strength Is about 50,000 men, are being slowly locked In a mountain trap, under merciless Greek assaults* from three sides, around the Albanian towns of Tepellni and Klisura, it was reported last night in dispatches from the front. The Italian lines around Khimara on the coast have collapsed and the Italians are fleeing northward in a desperate ef fort to throw up new defenses south of Valona base, about 20 miles above Khimara, it was stated by Greek quarters last night. Murderous Greek artil lery fire and bayonet assaults were said to have driven the Fascists from their mountain positions at Khimara. THE ELKIN TRIBUNE KIWANIS CLUB AUCTION HERE NETSJJI43.62 Money Is Raised for Christ mas Cheer Fund AUCTION LOG NETS $10.02 Next Meeting of Club to Be Held January 2 for Induc tion of Officers TO LOSE TWO MEMBERS The annual Kiwanis Christmas auction staged at Hotel Elkin last Thursday evening, netted a total of $143.62, which was turned over to the local Associated Char ities Christmas Cheer fund. Kiwanians, who each year raise a goodly sum by this plan, paid as high as $1.15 per pack for cigarettes, three cartons bringing a total of $40.00. Bidding was spirited and when the final check was made, it was disclosed that this year's auction netted more money than any previous auction. The Kiwanis auction block, a large and exceedingly heavy log, was as usual the last article sold, being bid in by President L. S. Weaver for $10.02. Next highest bidder for the log was Kiwanian Walter Cqmbs, and had he out bid Mr. Weaver, the latter would have had to deliver the log in a wheelbarrow to Mr. Combs' home, according to long standing cus tom. Mr. Combs lives at State Road. During the business session, President Weaver expressed re gret at the loss of two club mem bers—Lieutenant Owen Huff, who has been called into army service at Fort Bragg, and W. G. Carter, who will leave the first of the year to make his home in Greens boro. Both members expressed regret at leaving. Due to the Christmas holidays, there will be no meeting of the club this week. The next meet ing will be held January 2, and will feature installation of offi cers. This meeting will be ob served also as ladies' night. W. M. Allen acted as auction eer at Thursday's auction. RITES HED FOR YADKIN CO. MAN R. Houston Melton Passes Away at His Home of Paralytic Stroke WAS WELL-KNOWN MAN Funeral rites were held at Union Cro£s Friends church Sun day afternon for R. Houston Mel ton, 53, who died at his home three miles east of Yadkinville early Saturday morning following a stroke of paralysis. He had been in declining health for some time. The services were in charge of Rev. C. H. Hutchens and Rev. Isaac Willard, and burial was in the church graveyard. He was a member of Union Cross church. Mr. Melton had spent his life in the Union Cross section. He was unmarried. He was a son of "the late W. G. (Bill) Melton and Mrs. Melton, also deceased, and was engaged in farming, and a re spected man. Survivors are four brothers, Bob Melton, of Boonville; Frank, Emmett and D. A. Melton, Yad kinville, route 2; one sister, Mrs. Cyrus Biuce, of the Baltimore section. FOUR LICENSE ARE ISSUED BY CLERK Marriage license have been is sued to the following couples by the Surry county register of deeds during the past week: Robert Bennett, Pinnacle, to Myrtle M. Adams, Siloam; Ralph W. Beane, State Road, to Nell May Byrd, Elkin; Lonnie Snow to Ada Hod ges, both of Dobson; Paul Johnson, Mount Airy, route 4, to Treva Venable, Mount Airy. pf\J J rTT VTQ Pictured below are Elkin Hi-Y and Girl Reserve groups \^\JLiLiLj\s 1 Kjli I u who have done outstanding work in collecting useful gifts for Christmas baskets, as may be seen in foreground. Committees from both clubs have also rendered fine service in gathering other donations for Associated Charities from individual merchants. 3*j, ■^■jH *&«**> , f •»:■ M Vw PK loiHl i jfl &&fgi J|:wyw >Av ftinSflr %|7 t rJfL my ■ + * &m/lfr* !>: 4SIW# sra, JPr • WjiSSSSfaßP^^^p 1 J: :: V'^v!|s^:i : «': : >^^^^S: : v%« :?»Xjgag.. ; £ /x*£ flßH^Hw|nj^w; sly.. .f/f ~.. , * lli&lPHffiHlll REPORT IS MADE BY GRAND JURY Numerous Cases Disposed of in Surry Court by Judge Hubert Olive SESSION ENDS FRIDAY The Surry county grand jury, making its report to Judge Hu bert Olive, presiding over superior court at Dobson last week, gave the various county departments and agencies which come under its supervision, a clean bill o health, recommending Jailer ESr mett Gillespie upon the well-k«v>t condition of the jail, and nosing with satisfaction that necesary repairs were being made to the court house. ( The jury also recomreiended that the two state higWay pa trolmen stationed in Sujfry coun ty go to the various schools and make short talks to fine pupils in regard to their going and coming from school. The body also jehecked* school' buses and found /them to be in good condition, add commended the county mechanics upon their work in keeping them this way. While the grajnd jury was busy with its report, superior court continued to grind away up&n trial of cases/judge Olive hand ing out num/erous fines and sen tences prior/ to adjournment Fri day. | Among /the more important cases triedJ were the following: Gene Poore, violating prohibi tion law, jsso and costs, plus sus pended sentence of six months. Tyler Braith, manslaughter, de fendant/ required to pay all hos pital aftd funeral expense of the deceased, Zeb Hatcher, and also pay costs in the action, plus six montras' suspended sentence. Raymond A. Millis, driving whilei drunk, three months on the roads. Eltner Payne, driving while drunk, $25 and costs. Piiul G. Coon, driving whil* drunk, SSO and costs and loss ot driver's license for one year. Lewis A. Martin, assault with deaiily weapon, taxed wijjh costs andj required to pay to plaintiff sunt of SSO, also 6 months' sus pended sentence. cjephus Bennett, assault on a female, taxed with costs. Jjames Washington Cox, man slaughter, 4 months suspended sentence plus costs. Defendant required to pay all funeral ex penses and other costs. Hither does not like the word "gentleman" and gentlemen do not lilfe the word "Hitler." ELKIN, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1940 Dij. McDonald To Address Elkin Forum An address by Dr. Ralph McDonald, of the University of North Carolina, will feature the opening session of the Elk in Public Forum, to be held in the elementary school audi torium Friday, January 10, it was announced Monday by Garland Johnson. Ths» Forum, sponsored by Elkin civic clubs, will also pre sent other, outstanding public speakers during the season here, Mr. Johnson said. Among them will bo Dr. Hilda Weiss, of Durham, who will be here February 14, and Dean D. D. Carroll, of the University of North Carolina, who will ad dress the Forum Mftirch 14. Other speakers and the dates on which they will appear will be announced later. 32 SURRY MEN TO BE CALLED Fifteen Will Go from This Draft Area on Jan. 20, Announcement Says VOLUNTEERS REPORTED According to an announcement released by North Carolina draft board officials, 32 Surry county men will be called for service to the United States army on Jan uary 20, 17 to be taken from Draft Area 1, which includes Mt. Airy, and 15 from Draft Area 2, in which Elkin is included. Five new volunteers were re ported during the past week by the clerk# of the two draft boards. Chester Lee Stanley, of Mountain Park; William Monroe Parker, of Siloam, and George Granville Glenn, colored, of Dobson, were from this area. The Dobson draft board has mailed 300 questionnaires, and of these has about 200 classified. Of this 200, 47 are in first "class, of whom two are now in the army. jPive have failed physical exam inations. CHILDREN'S CHOIR HERE CHRISTMAS EVE I A children's choir from the Episcopal church at Walnut Cove Mil give a program of Christmas feusic at the Galloway Memorial church here Tuesday afternoon, church extends a cordial invita tion to the public to attend. YOUTH BADLY HURT SUNDAY Condition of Willard Coltrane, Wreck Victim, Described As Critical OTHER DRIVER JAILED The condition of Willard Col trane, 21, who was injured In an automobile accident here Sunday, was described as, critical by at taches at Hugh Chatham hospi tal Monday afternoon. Coltrane, who is an employee of Bryan's Double Eagle Service Co., is suffering a severe fracture of the skull, in addition to other injuries. He was unconscious when carried to the hospital af ter the accident and was report ed as still being unconscious Monday. Harvey Money, driver of the machine which crashed into that of the injured man, is being held in jail here awaiting the out come of Coltrane's injuries. According to witnesses, the cars of Both Coltrane and Money were racing along Main street just prior to the accident, and that Money's car struck Coltrane's as he attempted a U turn on West Main street at the end of Big Elkin Creek bridge. Charlie Morrison, a passenger in Coltrane's car, suffered minor injuries. Occupants of Money's car, Gilmer Evrldge and "Buddy" Martin, escaped injury. The injured youth is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Coltrane, of Ferguson. Greek Aid Now Stands At Sum of $123.61 Contributions to the fund to aid the civilian population of Greece continue to come in, with the total now reaching $123.61. Reports from over the county show a substantial sum for this worthy cause. Contributions lo cally will be received both at The Tribune office and at-The Bank of Elkin. All contributions are acknowledged to The Tribune. Previously reported $113.00 C. 8. Poster 5.00 Grade 3A—Ele. school 1.20 Grade 5B —Ele. school U1 Grade 0A —Ele. school 51 Grade 4A—Ele. school Others—Ele. school §g H. P. Graham 2sp Chatham Employees Receive Christmas Bonus and Holidays Tribune to Be Closed Two and One-Half Days This Issue,of The Tribune is appearing two days earlier than is usual, due to the fact that Christmas day falls upon the regular publication day. In order that Tribune em ployees may enjoy a brief hol iday, the Tribune office will close at noon Tuesday and will not reopen until Friday morn ins. Sincere thanks are expressed to the advertisers in this issue for their fine cooperation in re leasing copy early. Merry Christmas! Shugart Home Again Razed By Flames Made homeless by fire which destroyed their large dwelling in Jonesville only a short while ago, Mr. and Mrs. Will Shugart were again forced to flee their home in Jonesville early Sunday morning when flames completely destroyed it. Following their first fire, the Shugarts moved into a frame dwelling owned by Gurney Wag oner. Furniture saved from the first fire was almost all lost in the blaze Sunday morning. The fire originated from a faul ty flue and made rapid headway. Homes on either side of the burn ing structure were seriously threatened, but were saved. TRUCKER DIES IN ACCIDENT "Dead Man Curve" Claims Another Victim Thurs day Afternoon DRIVER IS UNDER BOND % (Photo on Pare Two) C. W. Shirley, a helper em ployed by the Joseph M. Larosa Sons trucking line, of Indian apolis, Ind., was almost instantly killed on "Dead Man's curve," three miles south of Brooks Cross Roads, Thursday afternoon when the truck he was riding in "jack knifed" on the curve. George Patterson, the driver, was charg ed with manslaughter after a coroner's jury found probable cause that he was driving reck lessly at the time of the accident. He was released Friday under a SI,OOO bond to appear at the Feb ruary term of court in Yadkin ville. Patterson testified that the truck "jack-knifed" on the curve when another car forced him to apply the brakes too quickly when they met on the curve. His truck, a semi-trailer outfit, was loaded wijth fifteen tons of oranges. Tire marks showed that the truck traveled 255 feet after brakes were applied. Immediately after the accident, the motor of the truck caught and workeffSSßjlt a half-hour freeing insMM Both Walden,; 16 Pages TWO SECTIONS PUBLISHED WEEKLY BIGGEST BONUS IN HISTORY OF FIRM IS PAD) Totals Well Over Hundred Thousand Dollars CO. SHARES WITH MEN Plant Will Stand Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday to Give Force Rest UNDAUNTED BY EVENTS A Christmsa bonus, amounting to well over a hundred thousand dollars, was paid by the Chat ham Manufacturing Company to its employees last Friday and Saturday as workers received their regular weekly checks. Although the exact amount of the bonus was not learned, it is understood payment to employ ees amounted to approximately $125,000, not including the office staff and officials. The bonus was figured for each employee on the number of years he has been with the company, plus an additional week's pay as a base. Numerous employees re ceived well over a hundred dol lars. With each bonus check went a letter from Thurmond Chatham, president of the Chatham Man ufacturing Company. Mr. Chat ham's letter was as follows: "To My Fellow-Workers: "This check is a Christmas bonus, shared with you by all of us in the Company. It comes with the best wishes of the Com pany for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. "I declare to you that I don't believe there has ever been an other Company quite like ours. We have fires and floods and wars and all kinds, of troubles, but we keep growing and moving ahead. If you want to know what I think, I'll say that we succeed because we work hard together, have fun in our work and feel each of us is responsi ble for our Company's success. Never forget that we make money by producing goods that please our customers, The American People. Our money comes by making better goods, selling more of them and taking a small prof it on each thing we make. "This has been the hardest year I have ever been through and I know that you and I have worked harder than ever before. I don't know what's ahead, but whatever it is, we'll face it to gether and win or lose together. "This Christmas check is based upon your regular weekly pay, plus an extra amount for each year you have been with the Company. Long service deserves reward —we are more valuable with more experience. "I wish for each of you and your family a Very Merry Christ mas. THURMOND CHATHAM." In order to accomodate mer chants and employees of the company, Hie Bank of Elkin re ....... ■