BOONVILLE Miss Faye Jotoes of Sparta, is spending a few days with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Fletcher. Mrs. Jettie Matthews, who 1s a teacher to the Davidson county school system, visited her sister, Mrs. R. M. Fletcher, recently. She is now visiting a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cheek, of Whitehead, to Alle ghany county. Harold Jotoes, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Jotoes, visited Mr. and and Mrs. Fletcher, as he was on his way home at Sparta, to spend the Christmas holidays with his parents. He is a junior at the University of North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Allen Am burn are spending the Christmas holidays with Mr. Amburn's brother, John Amburn, of At lanta, Oa. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Amburn are spending the Christmas season with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barker, of Elkin. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Jones, Jr., teachers to the Landis schools, and Miss Pauline Jones, teacher to the Gibsonville school, are spending this week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Luther Jones, and Kathertoe. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Poinderter of North Wilkesboro, were the Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jones. Mr. Bennett Barber, of Win ston-Salem, was the Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Dobbins. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Transou, and Hal, Jr., of Winston-Salem, were 1 /IMeWuf, 1 I QJi/U&tmal I g Time-worn words, but the most * 9 s appropriate of them all. When m we say "Merry Christmas" you S can be sure that it is expressed K w with genuine appreciation of its S ffi true meaning. 58 m City Service Station & §5 City Cabs B wj City Transit Co. £ John Ma.vberry, Mgr. I J I TO EVERYONE I At this glad season of the year we pause to wish everyone of Stf our friends and customers a most Joyous Christmas and a wj Happy, Prosperous New Year. jX Every Sinclair Service Man m joins in this wish for you. 1 H.P.GRAHAM f 2 AGENT S £ Sinclair Refining Co. 3 Elkin, N. C. the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Transou and family. Frances Woodhouse has re turned from Atlanta," where he spent several weeks visiting his uncle. Bright Woodhouse. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Speas and daughter, Cornelia, and Miss Mol lie Lou Cox were the guests Sim day of Mr. and Mrs. Ott Coram and children, to Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Martin are spending a few days visiting Mrs. Martin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dickson, at Silas Creek, in Ashe county. The following college students arrived to Boonville this week end to spend the holiday season with their parents: Messrs. Hugh Transou, of Wake Forest college, and Billy Brendle of Mars Hill, and Misses Joy and Jean Riden, of Woman's College, at Greens boro, and Misses Cam Shore of Duke, and Lucille Fletcher,, of Brevard, and Edith Spencer and Kathleen Vestal, of A. S. T. C., Boone. Mr. and Mrs. Errol Hayes and children, Errol, Jr., and Eleanor, and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Whita ker, of Elkin, were the Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Hayes and family. Mr. Henry Craver, who has been a patient at Baptist hospi tal for several weeks, has return ed to his home, his many friends will be glad to note. Mrs. Amanda Coram, wife of the late Rev. R. P. Coram, is confined to her home, due to ill- Death Strikes Again at "Dead Man's Curve" Ak K jmk ■ -JS-■aMMniMMHHHriritii RSI . *i w if yjM •• "v. •-. •• re. vv • ; ** >*?: ' ♦ • - -■ re . A -r* w.,./ , C. W. Shirley, 31, of Austin, Indiana, was almost instantly killed about noon Thursday when the huge truck, pictured above, left the highway at "Dead Man's Curve," three miles south of Brooks Cross Roads, and crushed him in the wreckage of the cab. Driven by George F. Patterson, of Indian apolis, the heavy "tractor-trailer" jackknifed to plow into a field at the left of the highway, the trailer falling upon the cab to pin Shirley against th*. dashboard. The body of Shirley is covtred by the white sheet shown at right of photo, which was made prior to the arrival of the Yadkin county coroner.— (Tribune Photo.) ness. Mrs. Coram has been In I ill health for the past several months and her condition is de scribed as being recurrent from her other illness. Miss Pauline Stinson will arrive Wednesday from Richmond, Va., to spend a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Stin son. Miss Edith Stinson, of Winston-Salem, spent the past week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Steelman had as their Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Bill Atwater of Bur lington, Mr. and Mrs. Freer Ad ams, of Elkin, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steelman and children of Winston-Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Gillis Stinson and daughter, also of Winston-Salem. The following teachers are spending their Christmas vaca tion at their homos here: Misses Carmen Frye of Cherryville; Pau line Jones of Gibsonville; Mary Speer of Jamestown; Virginia Anne Craver of near Greenville, N. C.; Ruby Fleming of Wilson; Mr. and Mrs. Grover Brown of ■in; nil m CSzgSyj'lt is with true appreciation of m fjY the fine patronage that you 5Y have extended us in the past year that A* we pause at this glad time of the year TO jj& to. express our sincere good wishes for % a most enjoyable Christmas and a sue- K* Jj, cessful New Year. 1 PURE OIL SERVICE STATION J 2$ Kenneth Greene ' Elkin, N. C. ammmi H wish you a Merry 3 ChiMmas and extend 2 8 to you our wishes 2 jjp for a Happy and IProsp % . erous new year, x n «* X I ELKIN BOTTLING CO. I C. A. McNeill Elkin, N. C. j§ THE ELKIN TRIBUNE. BLrflN. WORTH CAROLINA Sandy Ridge, and Miss Emily Brendle. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brooks and daughter, Vernie, of Kannapolis, were the guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Brooks and fam ily. Mr. Ford Hudler is visiting his parents at Lomax, Wilkes coun ty, this week. Bobby Lee of Raleigh, is visit ing his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Speas. Mr. and Mrs. Watt Deal and daughter, Frances, returned to day from a visit with Mr. Deal's relatives at Statesville. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Finney and daughter, of Winston-Salem, were the week-end guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Finney. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ben Martin and son, of Orlando, Florida,' ar rived here the past week to spend a vacation with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Shore, parents of Mrs. Martin, who before her marriage was- Miss Bertha Pearl Shore. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Coram are spending this week with Mr. and and Mrs. Abrams, parents of Mrs. Coram, at Pine Tops. Mrs. M. V. Fleming left Satur day for Zebulon, where she will spend several days with' her daughter, Mrs. Z. V. Whitley and family. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hobson vis ited relatives at Dobson Sunday. RONDA Friends of Mr. M. C. Jones will be glad to know that he returned home from Wilkes hospital in North Wilkesboro on Wednesday of last week and is getting along nicely, though he is still confined to his room. Mrs. A. B. Pardue made a busi ness trip to North Wilkesboro last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bell and Miss Patsy Ruth Myers visited Mrs. Bell's mother, Mrs. R. E. Darnell, and her little grand daughter, Louise Smith, last Wed nesday afternoon. Mrs. J. H. Burchette and little son, Jimmy, spent Wednesday night in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Burchette at Cling man. Miss Vivian Mae Blackburn visited her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ovid Blackburn, in Elk in Thursday night and Friday. Mrs. E. C. Sparks made a busi L' s % ' ■ ' \ BERRY • t ll t£ CHRISTMAS f ) We have appreciated Mi * jgf your patronage during VI i nni7 '- the past year and hope HAPPY 10 see yOU around a lot 1 * V\ % during the year to come! I mrfjl- - *3fT Bfay jtfni enjoy a very \ ~ Merry Christmas and |«**i mi \ may the New Year be YEAR! good to you all! Lucky Break Pool Room GENE ELLER, Manager j ELKIN, N. C. ness trip to North Wilkesboro last Friday. Mr. "Bob" Crumpleri was the supper guest of his sister, Mrs. Jim Poplin, and Mr. Poplin, who live near Macedonia Baptist church, on Wednesday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Edwards made a business trip to Winston- Salem Friday. Miss Edna Hanks, of Klkln, spent a few days here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hanks, and other relatives the latter part of last week. Miss Sallie Blackwood, of Win ston-Salem, was a visitor in the home of her sister, Mfs. Carl Hendrix, Saturday evening. We're wishing everyone & Mer ry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year. I I | 1 1 AND BEST WISHES FOR THE jg | New Year For your liberal patronage during the past we are c* truly grateful. May your Christmas prove the best Q £§ ever and may the New Year bring you every hap- W ]|y piness and abundant prosperity. m 1 Winston-Elkin I 1 Motor Express | g V. L. Renegar, Mgr. g 1 2t. 1940 A Texas converting watermelon Juifce Into a syrup by pressing the juice from the meat and bojling it down, ten gallons of juice making one gallon of deep red syrup. LOSS Farmers of the United States are now passing up every year $150,000,000 of Income that could be realized through better man agement of farm woods, says the U. S. Forest Service. Borrowing the other fellow's thoughts is like borrowing his clothes. You get something that neither fits or becomes you. If you are coasting you may be sure you are going down hill.