Thursday, December 26, 1940 ETY. Mrs. Noah Darnell Is Hostess at Luncheon for Ctub Members Mrs. Noah Darnell, president of Lucy Hanes Chatham Club No. 2. was hostess delightful lunch eon for members of the club at her home o r ; North Bridge street Thursday. Covers were placed for 28 guests at a beautifully ap pointed table. Decorations sug gestive of the Christmas season were used throughout the home. Following the luncheon table games were enjoyed, with prizes going to Mrs. Sid Hudspeth and Mrs. Ed Hayes. Christmas gifts were exchanged between the members. Mr. and Mrs. Mills Entertain Wednesday Evening Mr. and Mrs. Lathan Mills en tertained employees of the Belk- Doughton company at a turkey dinner Wednesday evening at their home on Circle Court. The home was arranged throughout with evergreens and red candles, sugestive of the Christmas sea son. The guests were seated at small tables in the living room j ! * \ '• | For a Happy Holiday | Season to the friends j and customers of this firm . . . and a hearty thank you for your pat ronage during the past BON-TON GRILL | Elkin's Best Place to Eat \ ' ELKIN, N. C. !l SEASON'S GREETINGS From Your TEXACO and FIRESTONE DEALERS All Texaco and Firestone Dealers throughout this entire section take this opportunity to extend to you sin cere appreciation for your patronage during the past year, and wish for each and all a Joyous Christmas and a New Year filled with Health and Hap piness. L. W. Laxton DISTRIBUTOR and dining room. Covers were laid for twenty-five. Following the dinner bingo was enjoyed and novelty prizes were awarded. At the close of the games the guests exchanged gifts. They were also presented a Christmas gift from the company officials. —_ • Mrs. Royall Is hostess to Honor Miss Paul Complimenting Miss Josephine Paul, bride-elect of the month, Mrs. George Royall was hostess at a delightful bridge-luncheon Friday at her home on Church street. The home was arranged throughout with Christmas dec orations. Luncheon was served at one o'clock and during the afternoon bridge was enjoyed. Among the special guests for luncheon Mrs. E. S. Spainhour drew the prize. In the bridge games the high score award went to Mrs. Rich Chatham and the runner-up award to Mrs. Charles Q. Ashby. Miss Paul was presented silver in her wedding •pattern as guest THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA Windsors In U. S. t 'ffiffißO. 1 - "Ti'Cifr 3KM MIAMI, FLA.—The Duke of Windsor and his American-born Duchess' are pictured on the deck on the yacht Southern Cross at Miami, Fla., where the Duchess had in operation performed on her wis tom tooth. It is the first time the Duke had visited the U. 8. in 16 rears. Uncle Sam's Guest i j& «&& : Kjgff WASHINGTON, D. C.—This is the latest portrait of Her Royal Highness Princess Juliana of the Netherlands and her two daughters, Princess Beatrix, left, and Prin cess Irene. Princess Juliana has been visiting the White House as a guest of President and Mrs. Frank lin D. Roosevelt. of honor and Mrs. Charles Hanes, a bride of the summer, was pre sented a gift of crystal. Mrs. Graham Is Garden Club Hostess Thursday Mrs. H. P. Graham was hostess to members of the Yadkin Valley Garden club at her home on Gwyn avenue Thursday, with 11 members present. Mrs. W. C. Cox was a special guest. Christmas decorations were used throughout the home. In the dining room the table was arranged with a beautiful wood land Christmas scene. An interesting program was presented by Mrs. E. G. Click, as sisted by Mrs. Joe Bivins, on the care and cultivation of boxwoods. A beautifully appointed colla tion was served at the conclusion of the program. Misses Whitlock and Couch Entertain Thursday Misses Versie Whitlock and Alma Couch entertained at an enjoyable party at the Lucy Hanes Chatham club house Thursday evening to anounce the marriage of Miss Lorene Dunlap, of Elkin and Walnut Cove, to William Kirsch, of Charleston, S. C., on December 8, 1940, in Char lotte. Christmas decorations were used in the club room, where six tables were placed for bridge. In the games the high score awards went to Miss Anne Jenkins and Amel Eller. Mrs. Kirsch, hon oree, was presented a shower of linens from the guests, and Mrs. Bays Bryant, also a bride of the year, was presented a lovely ar ray of gifts. Refreshments, in which the Christmas motif predominated, were served during the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Kirsch left on Friday for Charleston, where they wil reside. ' Clubs Have Annual Christmas Party Friday Evening Members of the Lucy Hanes Chatham clubs and Thurmond Chatham Unity club entertained at their annual Christmas party Friday evening at the school gymnasium. Two hundred guests were present, including club members and their invited guests. Decorations of evergreens, lighted Christmas trees and huge candles were used in the gym. The program included a talk on "The First Christmas" by Rev. L. B. Abernethy. Thurmond Chatham, president of the Chat ham Mills, spoke briefly, compli menting the clubs on their ac tivities, and wishing for all of them and their families a Joyous Christmas season. Humorous let ters from club members, read by Walter Metz, afforded much mer riment. The party was climaxed with the entrance of Santa Claus, who distributed gifts to each of the members from Mr. and Mrs. Thurmond Chatham, for whom the clubs were named. Refreshments were served buf fet style during the evening. Special invited guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Thurmond Chatham, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Neaves, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Poindexter, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. L. Benson, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Leary, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hyslup, Miss Claudia Austin and an invited guest of each member. Marriage of Miss Byrd and Mr. Beane Solemnized Miss Mary Nell Byrd, of Ronda, and Ralph Wilmouth Beane, of State Road, were married in a\ pretty ceremony Sunday morning at 10 o'clock at the home of Rev. Eli Jordon, pastor of the bride groom, at his home here, with Rev. Jordon officiating, using the ring ceremony. For her wedding the bride wore a tailored suit of soldier blue, with accessories of beige alliga tor. Mrs. Beane is 'th£ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Byrd, of Ronda, and was graduated from lllany Good Wishes Serring you has mad* this r»« en* of lh« happiest of our experi ence in this community, and it Is for this reason that we extend ths Sea ton's Greetings .. Mar this Christmas be the moat delightful you've erer had . . . and may GOOD FORTUNE be with you la many ways during the coming year. Hayes Cash Hdwe. Elkin, N. C. f *ll wisHYov HEALTH, HHPPiniSS, PROSPERITV \ , R % j. o. BIVINS A glorious Christmas is our wish, of course, F. M. NORMAN yet we want the sentiment to carry on through LUTHER STUART the coming years. We want each of you to enjoy DICK EVANS Health, Happiness and Prosperity. It is our hope that your every wish will be realized, that LEON MARTIN each ambition may materialize, so that the new FRED MYERS v year may be the happiest of them all. SARAH HARRIS K ROBEY COCKERHAM VIRGINIA LINEBERRY LEONARD STATEN I F, FCJJTM JOE GWYN BIVINS • TSRD^V FRED NORMAN » " BERNARD JORDAN ! ' . TYRA COCKERHAM * MINNIE McBRIDE rpi W** 1 ■ * 1 1 ne oasketena, Inc. , Elkin - Jonesvilie JOE BIVINS FOLEY NORMAN — . "" ■ I 1 ..I'M Ronda high school with the class of 1932. Mr. Beane is the son of ifrrs. Mamie Beane and the late Mr. Beane, of State Road. He grad uated in 1931 from Mountain Park high school. Following a brief wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Beane will reside at State Road. I I 8 AND BEST WISHES FOR A jS I Happy, Prosperous New I Year! I W To all of you we wish Merry Christmas! For your ap- mjk W proval of Ford and Mercury Cars during the past year vm W we are grateful, and your patronage has been sincerely #§ W appreciated! May the New Year be good to you, with a W generous portion of health, happiness and prosperity! *7§ 1 Elkin Motor Car Co. 1 W FORD AND MERCURY J W Phone 25 Elkin, N. C. $| In the Serious Vein Many are the "wise-cracks" that are written about Christmas. But they are written with the "left-hand" and a twinkle in the eye. As Raymond Willoughby wrote: "In his own dimensions, man has accepted the Spirit of Christ mas as the happy medium for the translation and expression of hfe humanity. More than that, it is the symbol of the eternal child— the blessed tie that binds maturi ty to its own lost childhood. What was v missed is made up to a new generation, what was shared is shared again with larger divi dends of satisfaction from well timed giving and remembrance. So faith is kept with the roseate dreams of children."