VOL. XVI ELKIN, N.C.. THURSDAY, NOV. 26,1908 NO. is Two Serious Accidents. About midnight, Tluirsday of last week, Lawson Caudle and Wilboni McCann, both of whom live near the foot of the Blue Kidge to the right of Roaring’ Oap, got into a difficulty result ing in McCann cutting Candle about the side and abdomen. The knife cut entirely through the abdomen, making a gash several inches long, tiirongh which the intestines protruded. Dr’s. Ring and Reece were called and gave the injured man such attention as he needed, but they report Caudle’s condition as ve ry serious. The intestines were not cut but they had been ex posed so long that luH chances of recovery are diuiiuished there- hy.^ VVliile on l.heir way back to El kin Dr’s. Ring and Reece were ’phoned to come to the Elkin Ve neering Company’s, plant at the loot of the mountain. Here log had rolled over a man named Holcomb, mashing him up piet- ty badly—breaking his colar bone and two ribs. They gave Holcomb the necessary attention after which they returned to El kin, having had a very strenuous day’s work of it. Later—Since tli« above was set up we learn that Caudle died Sun day morning about 6 o’cliiek. So far as is known at this writing McCann has not lieen put under arrest and it is believed that he is dodging’the officers. Two wo men are said to be mixed up with this affair, Init we cannot vouch for the truth of this statement. President elect Taft and fami'yj Tom Johnston of Cleveland, will go to Augusta, Georgia just | Ohio, has managed to Keep him. before the holidays where they i self in the lime light for a dozen will spend a part of the winter, years or more. He has been much While in Augusta they will be the guests of London A. Thomas. ^ ^ * It is said that President elect, Taft is determined that his pledg- HS to the-people in favor of tarifT revision shall be kept. If it ne cessitates a fight between Mr. Taft and Mr. Cannon then the fight will be made He promises a fair, just, and equitable revis ion of the tariff, and he is going to see to it that this is done. CondensedNevt'S Items and Edito* rial Comment on Various Topics, Judge Taft declares that not a single member of his cabiTiet has \’et been determined on. * V: ¥: President Roosevelt’s use of the word ‘frazzle’ has called forth considerable comment. It seems to be a new word, witli a greats many, but down in this neck of the woods it has been a familiar word for half a century or more. * * * A delegation of lumbermen of Wilimington have gone to Wash ington to oppose the reduction of tariir on lumber. Every man’s views on this question are biased by his personal interests. * * * A dispatch from Caracas, Veue- zu la, says that President Castro expects to go to Europe for the purpose of undergoing a surgical operation. It is said that Castro has never been out. of his native Venezuela exc(;pt once or twice he has made trips into the neighbor ing country of Columbia. Andrew Carnegie has written a magazine article in which he makes an argument in./'--- the abolif ion of Hy-V^iiTonsteel and oil. Hig.jci'y^hat these in- dustr^i^^an no longer beregard- itifanlile, and in his opinion will not be affected by the re moval of the duty on steel and oil. ■' * ^ ,Tohn D. Rockefeller says that the Standard Oil Company last year declaired dividends to the amount of 140,000,000and that another |40,000,000 of profits was added to the company’s surplus, which is now said to be 1300,000,000. It is further stated that the company’s pro fits during the past few years have amounted (o more than half a billion dollars. « * -i- There seems to be much bad feeling growing out of the recent trial of Dr. W. S. Gregory, the Roanoke, Virginia dentist, for an alleged assault on a lady, a pa tient in his office, while und(:r the influence of chloroform. It ap pears that the verdict of not guil ty did not suit the people of Roa noke, and they are talking of warning him to leave the city The negroes of the city served no tice on Lee Martin, a colored as- Bistent who was Greg >ry’a chief witness, warning him to leave the city—aud he has left. Their is some probaility that .1. A. Smith. Repnblioaii candidate for congress in the 9lh district, I will contest wi*h E. Y. Webb forl^*^''*'^ made, that he a seat in the next - congress, one of the grounds upon which will l)!',se his contest is the claims that certain boxes should be thrown out because in these boxe.« several tickets were found folded to-gether. It is now stated that the Re publican bosses have practical ly agreed on Elihu Root, .Mr. Efoosevelt’s Secretary of State, for United States Senator to suc ceed Seimtor Platt. It is heliev ed that Mr. Taft would like to have Mr. Root in his cabinet in charge of the State port folio, but he is willing to try to get along without him if Mr. Root really, desires to enter the Senate and it is said, he does. The 20 ton baLtleship, North Dakota, the first of its class to be built for the United States navy, has been launched. It be longs to what is knovk-n as the Dread naught class; several of which, about a half dozen we be lieve, have been builtin England. Our government has others of the same class in building. These engines of destruction keep get ting larger and larger. It is now proposed to build them with a displacement of 30,000 or even 40,000 tons. Joe Cannon will have to make some effort to secure re-election as Speaker of the House of Rep- esentatives in the nest Congress. The Republicans have a majori ty of 40 to 45 in the 61st Con gress and of course will elect a speaker, but it may not be Joe Cannon. We believe it would be better for the party and for the country if some other Republican could be elected. Cannon otight to be defeated but it is doubtfjil if he can be. He will have the machine politicians at his back. Mr. Bryan is ready to do ser vice again for the Democratic party as its candidate for the Presidency if the’ circumstances demand it. He is reported as having so expressed himself in a recent interview at San Antonio, Texas. Bryan has astronghold on the radical wing of the Demo cratic party and that wing has been in the ascendency in the party, and will probably remain so. In this event Mr. Bryan may again lead the party to de feat. It could hardly be expect ed that he could lead it to any thing else. The News and Observer says, ’■you can buy part of the people som ^ of the time, all the people part of the time, but you cannot i>uy all the people all of the time.” Now, isn’t that a rather damag ing admission? The second prop osition above quoted includes Jo sephus, himself. Some people in Ihe state parhaps regarded him as purchasable, but we did not ex pect that he would admit it. We are willing for Josephus to speak for himself, but we protest against his speaking for the Times and Its editor. We do not care to risk anything on an investment of that kind, but out of curiosity we would like to know his price. in politics, a Democrat, and more radical perhaps than Bryan. He has twice or more bben elected mayor of his home city, Cleveland, he is serving in that offical capa city at the present time. He i a brilliant man and agreat hustler. He has been consideredquite weal thy; he has been accustomed to doing big things financially, but suddenly there hnscome a change He now annoui ces that his for tune has been lost as a result of his giving to much attention to the affairs of bis deceased broth er’s estate to the neglect of his (HI u finiincial ii.terests. He fur in a statement he re might have saved his for!une had .he been willing to run away from his fight for wellfare of the people of Cles'eland and give his per.‘presidency. Who knows? Perhaps God has withheld the presidency from you in order that you may become more to your country than Pres ident. 1 am firmly convinced that one ambassador of Christ of your caliber is worth to this nation more than 10,000 Presi dents. “This impression regarding your fitness for the great work named has been strongly in my heart for 12 years, and I pray God that it may become a fire in your soul.”—Burlington, Kans., Dispatch. In the last 90 days we have sold and made up: 8 suits at $35 each. 10 suits at $30 each, and 16 suits frcm $22 to 127,50 each. We have sold in the same time from stock 27 suits from $15 to $18 each, besides many cheaper suits. We have received a big shipment of the latest styles in Clothing and Come at once and select a suit for Christmas. W have gome great values in suits frcm $4.00 to $7.50. C_me and see what we have. What God Gives to a Boy. A body to keep clean and healthy, as a dwelling for his mind and a temble for his soul. A pair of hands to use for him self and others, but never against others for himself. A pair of feet to do errands of love, and kindness and charity, and business, but not to loiter in p’aces of mischief or temptation or sin. A pair of lips to speak true, kind, brava words. A pair of ears to hear music of birds, tree and human voice, but not to give heed to what the ser pent says or to what dishonors God or his mother. A pair of eyes to see the beauti ful, the good and the true—God’s finger priut in flower and snow- flakea. — Household. ELKIN Copyright 1908 by SCHLOSS BROS. & CO. Fine Clothes Makers Baltimore and New York S*<^00<:=>«0«co««c=>oo ooo<=r>ooo«eoats, shoes and ha'ts are new and! fresh—no old goods carried over from year to year. The new Clothing store’s pr:ces are lowest—quality considered. There’s whea your dollars ring loudest. Yours truly, SNOW CLOTHING COMP^'NY Elkin, N. C. sell Statson hats, Stetson and Knox clothing. Hare bch-lincr & Marx Copyright Tribute to a Blind Tiger. Clothing Business See What We Arc Doing! V III CLOTHING CO. ELKIN, N. C. \ \ ■.J' CLOTHES How much time do you spend thinking about your Clothes? The way to be well dress ed is to wear Clothes you don’t have to think about! Throw the burden of the Clothes question on us. 11 you'll do this, you’ll wear the right sort of Clothes, and you’ll not pay too much for them. Our good Clothes don’t cost you a penny mor« than the other kind. They cost you less in the end. Snits $8.50 Dp, Overcoats $2.98 Dp, Trousers $2.00 Dp. j?(tc=>«*eo<=>00<=>00<:3>o»<::>oi(iocr>)ooii<=>o«j<=>o€ Depositions in Oklahoma. McAlester, OkIu., jSov. 13.—It has been announced here that Judge Spencer B. Adams,former ly of the Citizenship Court, ex- Senator Marion Butler and some eminentcounsel will arrive in this city next Sunday to taKe depos ition in the libel suit brought by Adams against Butler. The party will go from here to Ard more, where more deposition will be taken.—Special To The Charlotte Observer. The Birds Work Long Hours. “Our hours,” said a nature student, are nothing to birds. Why, some birds woik in summer nineteen hours a dny. Indefali- gably they clear crops of insects. “The thrush gets up at 2:30 every summer morning. He rolls up his sleevei' and falls to work at once, and he never stops until 9:30 at night. A clean ninetreu hours. During that time he feeds his voracious young- two hundred and six times. ‘•The blackbird starts to work at the same time as the thrush, but he lays off earlier. His whis tle blows at 7:30, and duriug his seventeen-hour day he sets about one hundred meals before his kiddies. ^ “The titmouse is up and about by 3 o’clock in the morning, and his stopping time is ijioeatnight.- A fast worker, the titmouse is said to feed his young four hun dred and seveuteenj meals—meals of caterpillars miunly—in the long, hard, hot dtiv.”—The Ev angelist. ’ N. L. CRANFORD & ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS WINSTON, N. C. CO. “Animals,” saidj the teacher, “frequently becom^ attached to people, but plants n FREE OF CHARGE Our centrally located offices are always at our customers disposal. Our farmer friends are especially welcome. They will find our bank a handy place to write letters and transact their business. We want you to feel near enough to the officers so when you want any advice regard ing your business, or any investment you wish t6 make, you will freely consult with them and feel that any advice is gladly given, as it always is. If your riameis not already on our books call and sec us at once. The Elkin National Bank