THE ELKIN TIMES T M. GEORGE, EniTOK. ELKIN, N. (X DEC. 26, )912. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE One Year, - - - $1.00 Six Months, - - - - .50 Three Months, - - - .25 ARRIVAL OF TRAINS MAIL TRAIN. N. B.—Following schedule fig- ares published only as informa- ..ion and are not guaranteed. PASSENGER TEAIN. 237 Pas.'ieiiger west ar. 12:05 A. M. 238 “ east " 4:48 P. M. 240 Sunrise Express ar. 7 :40 A. M. 239 Sunset Limited “ 6:55 P.M. LOCAi FREIGHT. Efisi.—Ar. at Eikiii 9:20 a. m. rtVHt,—Ar at “ 1:15 p. M. ELKSN MARKET REPORT- Corn, .V Whent Flour Oats Rye_ Meat, hams Meat, sides Lard Chickens, spring Chickens, hens Eggs_ to-day. Butter, choice ' Bee’s wax Honey Dried apples Potatoes, Irish Potatoas, sweet. Green apples Cabbage. Onions Beans Peas 1.25 .$2.75 to $3.00 60c 90c 15p 12c 14c ; 12c 10c 25c 18c 26c ..12h to 18c 3c 80c 60c 60c ...cwt. 1.00 50c 2 50 1.50 MANY PEOPLfc INJURED AT JONE^ILUE. The complei.e ,ai>J sudden cnT- lapse of one sefitionl fihout 28 if which Pr''{. ;—. —• Ti tton is i>rin<;!pal. The excellent pioo;iam was beinj; presented—probably it wks hall thrc'Ugh when acrackine, of timbBrs was heard, th< n a ter rific ciash E18 Ihe jrjisis 'h:it auj). por.'ed (I'e f] .or of th s --ection gave wuy fi ,,jii end to end. '!”]>■ joisl.q all broke near the niidd i' whrre'tJi-'sl'.i'inn ,w;'s great"sl, tiu' floor .))iU'ted no-ir tli<> nf r ,u- - cepita»ing about 350 iri n, v, uuen ■■Ur! ch'ldr'Mi !i'. fj lie!. v.-, » ■iir'iJince of 15 fe*-t, r.nd -.vith fh-in •iron loi'. of them ciinie tiimbli^g ■’'■nc.lus, .-i-hoo! (hairs <:>c, and t(i iiiakt' tlie cjitagir' phe ftili iiiorF ibi gerous a stnve I'ull of iMirnnig w-i.d .tnni(ii:d dnwn. tor-iie t m-'y M.Uiih fu.nn-r ‘if -I m-i who di.i p'li j.'.SH tln ir li'vuls, who thr.;w vvai-“r ,n the s'' ve, ami ~(‘;1 ttTi^d f: g t-, Uie buikilug vvnuld pr.'l^aniy li:ive In:- 11 lurned. in ali prol atily 3u0 t'l 350 pi,”i|>!e w> ni di wn. Of 'hi^ imml er p-rh»ps more tlmn a huudi-fd rcci'ivcd eiih^n' slight or inoiv> or !e.-'S s^■ri!)U‘•^ injariej^, though it is now lh(UigJit''^(Tucs- day nuu'ning) Unit none lu—fatally injured. . \ Tin re are some with b-oken limbs, Boine with fnictnred'ribs, some liavo badly wrencln'd *eks, shoulder-;'ivMn’e.s or ankdes Th 'le w ‘re.W!iui miii?>-t^; or liiore serinus iliHlocati-mg, some iviili mashed feel or hands, while several hud S'iV,-re cuts about the head and a fi-w weni filighily Ijunied. . Thos-' iiiiivt s-riously injurerj arc: Mrs, Nancy S'laim, leg brol--- eii ; A’rs. Smi'h, It-g lirnken: Ixyd VVag(‘n> r, wrist brok n ; Miss h'al lie Groce, wrist brnken-; -Mi-s Minnie Burcham, kn‘e cap frac- Uirerl; M rx Will Wmithennaii, ri'-s f.-ac- un'd. ^ - VVe“ gi Ilf-low the nnmi S of 1 hos“ .s^r'i usiy hu't thn-,:g!i they ’' -e-'ped «;thiint l;!'Olll. Ij-.nni'' H;iiiks,.. I\IirS I L ! L'ili’iiieii, ]\Ir.^. P. ];I Undei' ni; Mr, . Cln-ss 'I'rii'!' t, Mr4. i'Fmnk Gi'i'irnry !;n>i son, Will jHluigar'!, Mrs, .lame- Hoh'c-mb, [ Mr-:. T in SiniuiDni- , iind M n^B M'-issi‘- Ma-'einore. Th-re inav be i o'In I's whoKo names we -lYere un- » bie (o gi t. W. F. Kbiir, who was tried fi ) ’ the muid"V of Gi'org ‘ G. T'>ioni\- ; son '-1 G:'' 'i:K' <'r". 1 i^t wi - ■ a^--ni-m 's a pro- grpBsive citizen of Barium Springs and is indeed fortunaie in secur ing for his'brid' such and excel lent younsz ladv. 'fhiM'e wt-re quite a number of w ddiiig aifts which attest to the M'.pnlaritv of the i-ouiig people. The out-'f'-town guests were; R-‘V. Hiid .Mrs. A; E. Booth ol Na'-hviile. T>n n., Mr.F’ ' '■ Booth iiiid (huitrhn-r. M^»“ Fuienin of '''ifH'vt a, N: 0,, ai d R-v. .Jiiuinp If B -o h V)!' Buies Cr ek, i'J, C.— ! C'oiitribnt(.d. THE FIRST CHRISTMAS TREE AND THE ORIGIN OF CHRISTMAS GIVING Ac,-OPS flie Eiigl'sh channel, where the Giuils inid the. Franks and the Noithmen observud the s'ern riles of the severe religion of a strong hearted race, trees formed an important jiart in the festal observances of the feast days. The pine tree—ever in all ages an ol^j'ct of deserved admiration— WMS greatly revered by the North ern folk. At the time ef the mid winter celebration the Noribmen hung gifts upon the tree for their g-ds. As is readily seen, when the early fath^^rs of the Church came to this tierce people wi'h I heir n.iessage of peace it was easy to change the idi-a to gifts proffer ed to hsathen deiti 'S into a cup- ‘t'oai where (dl'erings vyere made to the'Christian Ged. '{'bus from t uch humlde begin- Uiiigs bf’gan the chei'ishod customs which are onr herita'.e of today. Gift giving on tlia birtliday of Christ may be logienlly trac-n! to I hat nbservau'^e, jirevalont in the Middl*' A;;^s, of having Christmas boxes within .-ITerings wer" pbiced f ir the priests. - CJiristmas box( s aradu'illy became an institution in Christ an families as well. Hanging up the stockings on Christina- ^ ve, as the insti'ulion of goon St. Niciiolas, o'd Sant;-, Claus, is of purely Christian origin end s'sried in Germany nni.|iy hundred years ago. It has b-i- c-nne one (if the most chorn^hed of (Christmas customs of tlfe civi'ized wdrld,—National Jlonthlv. A PREACHER WEDDING IN. YADKIN. The Winston Journal saVS unique double wedding occurred i!Par Ea-t Bfuid, in Yadkin coun ty, Wednesday afternoon. preachers married sisters, and 'he -nsters lire daughters of a preacher The marriage occurred at the ■ mo of Rev. Hamp Stimson, a , : ■minent Methodist minister of Yadkin, and his two daughters. Misses Julia and Ola Stimson, were the bridis. Tire bridegrooms were Re''. .Vi. No dham, pastor of the East Wins’on Methodist church of Wiiiston, and Rev. T. A. Williams, piistor of the Thomasville Metln - dist Prott-^^tanfc church. express ratesi -'I’he e lactmt-ni o|,, Post law has brougl,!, companies into,, 'r they have decided iq|S All express coi,ipa,Jf be revised before Jj. meet ihe parcds post- rang«mentsairfiai|,,,‘; to extend the service every TOW ••^ewelyu, M: Crater. A. rf>th and A. James M. Fletcher. Ex-fiheriff’;r county, was kilicd I D s... the railroad yards T®''’ n ^ ' T\ &'i3«same6Uiig G- orgiM, Deceiiibei- body was shippprf t.y and was ihterN j«>atat-R. - at 1 roSp ■ C' 0hntci. Will Sunday ai 15 til. Mr. 1< lntch(ir j j,svilt..b cii (dd and formerly livtjiaeMngApp(jt Rend. h-ille.VEvery m. o ti — Oj Sj ' OJ —• < a- O zr cr iOl *“-1 o o OD tNl a GO Cn Ol K- --7 00 M =^zer,—Every 3 SpriugS)-—E' |sy creek—liivt >•1 '*(lglit80t I'ythi #• eg' Clli -I CO O o CO o to O bi ^ o M CO o o bV Ct! ! O o cc CO to to b to bo to Ol *1 t U. A M.— * Hndsor. Coun( ; isonic A. F- & night in eaeli u T :, W. Mm J- f'- ^ o.'^. F.-I^eet . Butner; N. . * . a W.—Meetli " ,ih. E. F- Me ; 'i^. 'A. Ilend "Rn Mondai w Jik. to to o< GO H- OC ^ ^ ^ 05 ^ “-4 Congr':-s adjiuirn.ed las' 'I'hurs- day for [he holidays. 'I’Iiih boih wii; ciHiVeufi again Thu i s-.luJa n- Uiiry 2n-,i after a I wo wi-'i-ks vac;-- tioii.'' It is hoppd til close tie Archabold impeachinen’ trial sluirtly after tins reassembling oi ■ Conn I'ess. ,3-SVj . Tho legislature of North Car- ■ olina will convene Wednesday, January 8th. The oonstiiiition provides that it shall conv^ue biennialy on Wei^eaday'a'f, flioi- It -Wi>e,c.ted niaugurated Govei^-<^''''<0 uaty 14th, President Taft and party left Washington Inst Thursday night for Panama to inspHcf the work on the canal and note its progress. They traveled by rail to Key- West, Florida wliere he will be taken on board the , battleship Arkansas. He will spend tliree' days in the canal Zone and return to Wa.'diington December Slst, Mr. Wilson has given out no intimation of the personel of his cabinet since his return frqm Ber muda, though it is believed that Mr. Bryaii wilt be offered the pos ition of Secretary of State, and it is believed he will accept itanrl do all in his pow--r to make Mr. Wil son’s administration a success Josephus'Dauiels’ friends here in North Carolina hope that he may land the position of Secretary of Interior. Th,e Democrats in Congress have charged Presid 'nt Taft with play ing politits iu his recent appoint ments. Last week he sent a mes sage to Congress in which l;e bra;K‘(jd ' charges as false, lie says that ho has mads no appoint ments, nor'ivill he make any except ■where thesa.may be vacancies, and he insists that he has a right to do this, futherm-ii'eithat it is his du'y to do it. As to the mfltter of play ing politics, it seems to us that it is the Democrats in the Senate that are engaged in the game. One of tlie snuillest. things President Taft has done is the re moval of .ibe widow of Geuerar Longstreet from the |iositioii of postmaster at Greensvilie, G-eurgia on the charge of pernicious politi cal activivy, Mrs, Longstreet has beeii ftir many years postmHst<=r at Gaiiisville and the pernicious- neesof her political activity ""lay^ ill the fact that she was an enthu siastic supporter of Colonel Roose velt. Had she beeu an enlhu- eiastic supporter of the President, she would, no doubt, still be hold- down the jo.b. . Smith 'Son was in jV'ill Cook c ^ j jiston to sp - ■ oe Bivins ( _S j'from Riel 3 VpsB Hnllie ^ "ichool in is at hom ^ :ir. N.W.'l The (ire in Elkin last week was peryaps the most dis astrous the town has ever seen, and as a result we have numberless bargains to be picked up by those who are tirst to take advantage ot the ^reat opportunity, our line of Clothing', Hats, Shoes and Gents Furnishings ot every Kindis unsurpassed, and every thin <>• is going out at Rociv Bottom Prices. ^ Don’t miss such an opportu-uty. bO I Ot to CO iiroe Sjx-Sheriff ( tal spent O 4 or J Ol CO JO to CO m>o o o o O I Oi to o O fcO o SNOW CLO. CO ckwood, wl liiisiness C 'ginra. cami Wlien you buy something you wariM the hoii where the lowest prices are asked, iMi*-? and you know it. We undersell the others. r" di uiy and ( J OCA, y ^ lilUHSiJ VJli, ■ . ... p holidays ^ber Dr. M, Womens short jackets worth All Boys’suits at Hudsp up to -to.OO—1 and 2 seasons old Boys’ 25c Belts >orgia for t tan and black 89c Womens 12^c 0'’'n Womens ail wool serge and Hosiery, cheviot skirts, plain and pleated Boys’ guaranteeiistii**"^ blue and black -W. 98 tra heavy, i^dJ'thr'f'i Childrens 25c all wool knit Mens lOe heavy toboggans 15c two pairs for plvvn by a I2Jc fine quality gingham, 8c yd Mens canvas glovcJ im on the h L2JC(Kilarny linen; 7c yd Mens heavy cottoJ»|a^ painful i 12Jc Flannelette 36 in. wide 8c ’ Womens Molinenisk 15c Kiniona crepon 10c yd Mens. oOc Underwear 35c Boy.s’ 50c Pants, Cheviot, 35c •"be vaiue for Boy''’ 25c caps 15c tain last Sa' Many and many' ^anee^ vi-lle v\ ;aviu" opportunilfe j^e :>iolidays, !r-n(c at OUl’ ‘' Ift Elkin a Deputy Insurance Commis sioner, F. M Jordan, was here two or three days last week investigat- irig the cause of tho fire. As a re- ult of his investigations a warrant was issued and town constable, J. B. Bivins, placed Mr. D, G. Wag.- oner under arrest, 'i'he case vv. s up before justice VV'. H'. Pegr»m but the parties interested not being ready for a hearino’ the-case was 130stp''ned until Ja-n. 7 at 10 o’clock, A. M. Mr. Wagoner was i pla(»f3d under a $3,000 bond for his | appearance on that date. I he I insurance, people claim that they I h'ave a strong case against Mr. Wag- 'oner, while Mr. Wagoner feels sure that he will be able to prove that he is not guilty of the charges against him. The Times is not advised of the facts either for or against Mr. W'agoner and it has no disposition to' say 'tnything to prejudice public sentiment in advance of the hearing.' (INCOP,PORATF.O.> n^;■ut:d, '.vhen int«I — idttr'. ing he _ind I’hilad(di V. W. Mill End po'.iHry i' [he I.eGear pn- ^ho has been lR’inston,'cauj auig and will ith Mr. J. I of Elkin. Cr W. Critz Gi |the Uniyersit iipend the ho - '•turn to Chapi lanotinnng td onr iuti.ds thpti,ve have leased the Lkader VVarf.i;ol^se for a longterm of \ • T - u' v'i'l rj'fi of January, der the na-rrife of Gorrbll’s VVarkhousf. We will rim this warehouse in co.iiaectton with Farmpb^;’ Warehouse "' vou iir'''' Miss Bertie ’ ■ Miss Samant t 01 ■ PitONE S-IBEfiT-y f>-> J?.TH STS. IMAIL Hft Wi;-i3T0N-?.4LEM.N.C, ORDERS AV ' % Itif in Ifl ■!!! ' C \REFULLY AND PROMPTLY FILLEDr* harmers' and Gorrell's Warehous Winston=Salem, North Carolina We have the pleasure oF;ii with Farmers day, and Bob and Pete Gomll on eacli syle (o fee ibat ycu get the highest Price for every pile of yciir tob Auctioneers in the world, Lee Hopper :uk1 O. (' Ciurin, and this with our kncwkdge of tobacco getting the most money for your tobacco. Sell yout tobrcco at Farmers' and Gorreli's. pA^erybcdy’s doin’ it 2CO. We hr-st iso have two ‘ the Unfon H and the warehouse business, First sale days for October at Farmers’ Warehouse - . Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. First S le Days for October at Go-rrells’ Warehouse - Mondays, Wednes days, and Fridays, "2"o-ULr E^rien.d.s Qorrell Bf at ELKIN Misenheimer in school. - Dr. L. C. ( dental office Co., not latei uary. He h some time oi Bients being luti saya he ] the 1st.-—