KAT AMI I I A S. A thiu little fellow hud su. h a r( wile, 1- Kl will-, (.it wili. l.iid lilrr.it her; Hlir liMikt'ii like a drum, Hiul he UmjUl J like ti III.', And il took ull his money to dress her (iod IllesS her, To dress her, i lod bless her, To dress bur. To wrap up hor IXHly and warm up her toes, Fat toes, flit toed, Ood keep her. For Unmet and Uiwg and silken clot hen. To cat her, mid drink her and sleep her, (ih1 kwp her, ' r ; . 'J'o drink hor, ' (iod keep her, ' ' And sleep her. She irrew like a tartrct he grow like a sword, Bh Un.k all the iwi' and she uk all the uoard.i And It took a whole sofu to bear her, 4 A sword, a sword, una apurn nor: Owl span? her, i w pear nor, ; . ' (I oil spare hor, To boar Iter - -flhe prrnd, Hke-S-turtltr. ho shrank tlfc ftlktt, j . ji pmnpi pirn;, ihmi aavu jiimi Ami noliodr ever tiehelil the like, .for they hnrt to wear BtnascB to shave ntmr -1lod save him. . To BllBVO IlilU, f. ... tlod save him, ' ' ' 1 ' To shave him. . She fattened away till she burst one day, Kvploded, blew up Ood take her! And (til the people that saw it say ISho eoverod over an aere. (lod take hor . ' An acre , Ood take her An aero. Anonymous. INVITED TO GRAY GARLKS. Mr. Cleveland Reiuets Mr. Stevenson to Visit Him In His Slimmer Home. Hloomlinfton, 111., l)i.sptob,9tli." Two days after the close of the Chica go convention Mr. Cleeland wrote a letter of congratulation to Mr. Stevenson, ::itho irirp'rolldejtMftWornjji;.. - The Jetter conveyed the , heartiest pos "8ihre"coIgrarulatloBS "iradrinfhestjf ' the ex-President to the Illinois states man. Last night, upon Mr. Stevenson's return from the conference t Chicago, ho found awaiting him a second letter from Mr. Cleveland. The letter, it is understood, was litrge ,. ,. ly ih'. voted to the plans for tho meeting of Mr. Cleveland ami Mr. Stevenson with the committee of notification in New York. It also conveyed to Mr. Stovenson, Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland's in vitation to visit them at their summer home-at Uu..ard's Hay. It is understood that the invitation requested Mr. Steven son's presence at Cray Gables upon the Sunday previous to the notification, and asked him to give the Cleveland family his presence as long as possible. Mr. Stevenson was quite ill last night, suffering from a bilious attack, and Mr. Cleveland's letter, in consequence, is as yet unanswered. Mr. Stevenson will, however, beyond it tiolltit accept tho in vitation, lie was reported as being much' better this evening. Mr. Cleveland's invitation to Mr. Ste venson includes also his family, and they are requested to accompany the Cleve land family from lluzzard's Bay to New York on Mr. Cleveland's private yacht. The Next Senate. Philadelphia Times. Tho United Slates Senate is now po litically divulud into 47 Hepuhlicaus, fl!) Democrats aud 2 Farmers' Alliance, or now People's party. New Senators will be chosen for the next Congress in California, Connecti cut, Delaware, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minne sota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jorscy, Now York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, W ashington. West Vir ginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming. It is fair to assume that ono-nalf of all tho States which are to elect Senators are more or less doubtful, in view of the gen eral confusion of parties. If either party shall elect a President by the people, the one that shall thus succeed will certainly control the Sen ate. If Cleveland shall be elected in No vember, the present Senate would at once cease to be Republican, and if Har rison shall lie elected, the Republicans would be likely to hold their nominal majority aud mako it available for most . party .purposes. In politics there is nothing successful but success, and re newed Republican executive authority for four years more would hold the wob bling and doubtful Senators in some way within the party lines. There are full half a score of Senators in the West who would throw off the Republican harness at onue with tho overthrow of Republican authority in the nation; and as the revolt of three Senators in the present Congress would end Republican control of the body.it will be seen that even the next session of the present Congress may find both the great parties of the nation in the mi nority. Never since 18(10 were there such general doubt in the future political status of the United States Senate, and " thcTO'rtrrants can be resolved only by the" popular verdict in November next. Mrs. Shober to Metnin C'imtodj of the Children, but the Father May See Them. Totifc-hkerpsiei, N. Y., Dispatch, 9th. .Judge ISarnard to-day handed down bis decision in the habeas corpus pre ceeding brought by the Rev. Francis R. Shober, the deposed Episcopal clergy man of Barrytowu, N; . The proceed ing was to compel Mrs. Shober to per mit her husband to see their four chil dren when he so desired. After decid ing that the mother should retain pos ...... .. session of the children, Judge Ilarnard adds: "From the case, as made by the plead ings of the parties and from the evidence given thereunder, the mother is the beat custodian of the children, both in respect to their tender years aud also because the expectations iu life of the children will bo apparently best promoted thereby. Tho custody of the children is, therefore, given to her. The father has a right to sec the children, aud the order will pro vide for the exercise of such ritrht at such times and places as shall be fixed, after hearing the parties, by the order. .-jt-- - Might Have Known the Hardlnit. Courier-Journal. A respectable-looking colored man of the old schno was standing near the . family carriage, on Fourth avenue, the other day. lie was ga.iug at the display of laces in the windows when a Bccdy wuiie man, wno iookcu as it lie was at tout to beg, approached aud said "How do you do. Uncle V" "Howdy, sah?" responded the old fel low, luting his liat. "ou were oorn in Kentucky, were you not r "Yes, sah." "Didn't you once belong to the Har dins?" "Yes, sah." "I used to know the Hardins," said the tramp, getting ready to make, his request. "Yes, sah ; dcy waz lots a people dat .,. . knew de llalidius dat de Ilahdius didn't know j" and he proudly opened the car riage door to allow his mistress to enter. Clave and Steve In lluocombe, Afthevllle Uaxvtt4t. On Thursday at Candler's, the wife of Mr. Monroe Null Rave birth to two boys which were at once named rcsrectiveiv Cleve and Steve. All are doing well, and me iamer is nappy, 'mere were thirty two hours between'tho birthswhich it rather a longer interval than usual be -jweea twtnsr-- "Oen. E. WMoise, of Sumter, is a can didate for Congress in the seventh dis IMlii II 1 HIM MMiTIMIS. Mrs. I'rau , 1 14 1 1 I- "w Tired Wants Dlvurif. of It anil I'rov idenee It. I.. Dlspiitcli to New York Smi. The divorce' couit records here will Boon receive a very peculiar petition, from Mrs. Sadie Cranilull, the wife of the Rev. Walter Crandall, a Michigan minis tor, who . will contest the neperatioif. iMrs.Cranttjill took the initial Bteps this morninrta- secure an absolute divorce She is 33 years old, aud a prepossessing woman;- Hhe baa been married nine times withta eight years, the preacher being' hor Jlrst and also her ninth, hus- I 1 ...1 lTa la ftlan lier auemm-.- third fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth Vuibaud. ' . (""'According to the statement of the pe titioner;. AIf. crauaair is a marriage ma mac. jTual Is, he Is ever peeking to be uiarriad, never Insisting en new bride, but being perfectly coutent wlthr Mrs. GraiitolLla 'tkaiolitOwlnr lolhi8 matrlmbnial mania, Mrs. Crandall says her maried life has been a long and har rowing honeymoon. ' This remarkable couple were first mar ried in Lansing, Mich., accordlugto the forms of the Methodist Church. The old world was selected for a honeymoon tour, and while in Dublin the clergyman told his bride he thought their marriage was not ecclesiastically perfect, because the parson who united them had not been ordained by the-Apostolio imposition of hands. ' He held that this was absolutely necessary, and he made arrangements for another marriage in St. Patrick's cathe dral in Dublin. Mrs. Crandall considered her husband over scrupulous, but she as sented to the second ceremony, and there was another marriage. Mr. Crandall then learned that St. Patrick's had once been a Catholic cathedral, that the mass had tieen sung there, and that the cathe dodvmeasiuarirK dral had not Tfeen ceased to be used for Roman Catholic worship. This omission the preacher held to lie fatal, and another marriage was or dered. Then he forced her to be married on board ship by a Presbyterian preacher, tho Rev. Giles Knight. - Attendance at one of Col. Ingersoll's lectures convinced him that this was illegal, for there he heard John Calvin denounced. Mar riages by Unitarians, Baptists, Spiritual ists, and Swedeuborgiaus followed, and then a year ago the wife, weary with the long record of marriages to the same man, left him and removed to this city, w here she is now looking for a divorce. She has recently had letters from her husband telling her that he has ascer tained that a Congregational marriage is the only one that has the endorsement of Ileaveu, and that if she will only consent to a marriage iu the Congregational Church he will forgive her llight and promise that this shall positively be the last nuptials that he will ask her to par ticipate in. Mrs. Crandall and her lawyers are now engaged in the task of gathering her marriage certificates, so that all may be presented to the court when the affair is brought up in the divorce case. A (ireat Man. Smith ft O ray's Monthly. Winnie How nicely your trunk is packed! Did you do itJyourself'V Mrs Newed Oh, in; John packed it for me. Winnie How funny! I didn't know men could do such things. Mrs. Newed (proudly) My" husband can;he even told me that he packed a pri mary once. MAKKKTS ItV TKl.KOKAi'll. Special to Harrison Watts, CoinmlxHlon Merchant, 10 South College Street. COTTON. Nkw Your, July 11. Liverpool this morning showed successive advances to as much as 5 (14, the market theu holding very steady and closing at its best. Here, however, under the nervousness engen dered by the knowledge that the Hatch bill would to-day come up for consider ation, there was not a full response aud in addition Liverpool had large orders here to sell at limits which readily sup plied, the demand and served in the course of the day to force the decline which lias transpired. It would seem as f a creat many people who bad con tracts with the suspended house of last Thursday in Liverpool held their in terest and the result was very free sell ing here to-day. With all this we doubt whether the market would have been de pressed but for the fact that we are again upon the eve of a very important action and the suspense has brought with it considerable demoralization. The probable result iu the Somite is difficult to forecast and we can simply uow await more delinite inloruiation irom that cen tre till it will be known what will come. Manchester reports to day were decided ly better than they have been for an inn er of weeks back. Iu addition, our friends have told us that the outlook ou the continent seemed also better ; in fad there was considerable inquiry from this last source during the day iu the Liverpool market, which is given as one of the reasons of the advance there. All in all the situation of cotton on its own merits more than warrants present prices though whether the same will hold or not is entirely- a question or develop incuts during the next tew days. Lkhm.vn Mhos. c.uain. CiiicAoo, July 11. Corn, wheat and oats all opened easy and lower the ef fectjof the government report published which was bearish. Corn and oats opened about 1 cent lower than Satur day s close. Wheat opened 1-4 lower but quickly declined 1-2 after the open ing on liberal sales. Hitsidc of the gov ernment report there was nothing in the news or conditions to cause strength. Early foreign advices were of the same tone as for some time past. Seaboard clearances wero larger and some shorts covered at the decline, causing a faint reaction only, closing about opening prices. 1 lie decline of I cent at the opening induced buying lor both long and Bhort, which checked any further decline. The condition at St. Louis, as given in the government report, was bet ter titan was expected. Closing steady Lamson Hiios. & Co. stock. New Yoiik, July 11. The week opened with the London market, somewhat de moralized, mainly on account of tho weakness on L. & N. The foreigners do not consider the statement encouraging, and therefore sold quite a little of this stock aud also St. Paul aud Union Pa cific. The by operators covered up most of their stocks last week as they did not want to take the risk of facing a possible good crop report. Tho month before this they had to pay dearly for their ex perience and this time it was just the re verse. Tho wheat estimate is good and we are sure of at least a Oiw.otKl.OOO bush el crop, but the corn estimate we consider as anything but favorable to the rail roads. The percentage of .87 is brought about by the good prospect of corn, both East and South, while the averages of all the Wostern States will not amount to .75. The crop is two weeks later than last year, and we do not think the pros pects good for the corn-carrying roads On this belief there was some sellinv of long stock but very moderately, and the bears were the.. biggest sellers It, is of course a question whether they can dis lodge any quantity of stock, out if the nrosnects for corn do not imnrove the holders of lh corn carriers will have to liqiiid.itu at lower prices. Our opinion is that it is safer for the moment to take the short side of the market. The gen eral market was heavy all day, and closes at the lowest prices. On Wednesday the Stewart bill is to conic before the Ilouse, and it is hard to say what the outcome of It all will be. People here think (that if a vote is taken it will le lost by a small majority. Nothing of importance is reported from Homestead. The State troops have not arrived yet, but they are under way. Wall street docs not feel kindly towards Gov. Pattlson for allowing the mill to remain in the hands of the mob for over a week. - ".. , Tho market was a. little more active, and we look for more activity this week. . J.ij.DACHE&Co. MUN K UAHK KT Newt York, July 11,-MoneyeIoiiod at lowrrt rate; hlirhrm- " ; hiuuawru closed nalet and easIehPosUid rates 4 HH(tij ; actual rati t S7 for ) days airM V-j or ueuiuuo. uuvernmums uuii out lirm; currency luo bid t'l coupons 1 Wi bid: extended I's registered luo bid . BALTIMORE fUOOUCK MARKET FLODRi-dull Western super 8 10(aS! OR; do extras i Vaii 75 ; do family i Ou (a)4 6U; winter wheat patent 4 tO(a)i 86; spring wheat patent 4 MX&i S5. spring wheat straight 4 sfto.4 4U. - WHKAT.dull: No J red spot 811; June ! July SOX("80X; Amr kM8,"; Sep SOX bid; Oct. StX asked; steamer No J red TtU asked. Southern wheat weak; Fult 77084; Lcng berry imM. XHNea8y; mixed spot MXa54WrJune ; July M asked; Aug asked; steamer mixed 60 asked. Southern corn steady white 00: yellow ft. OAT8-ea8ler;No.8 white western tt)f. No. 3 mixed western !f.t8U. RYE dull; No 8, 83 nom. Stock MTU. HAY-stuudy; good to choice timothy 11 60a 15 n't. , URAlN-frelirtitt dull; steamer to Liver pool, per bushel, I, 2Jtd. " OOTTON-nomtnal. iv loiirno F u'ttuv; wk OB loiH,jt) mi; IOUK clear ; clear ribs sides, sugar nickeled shoulders S: suirar cured smoked shoulders H; hams, Bmail, 14; large, 13; lard, relincd i.; cruue 7. KU'i'TEU-steadV creamery, fancy 21: do fair to choice HKjuJU; ladel tanvy l'i; good lo lioleo lUfltw; store-packed 13(0)14. IMM.rv wean umx - - COFFEK-steady rio cargoes fair lfl, No 13. 8l.'AU-flrm granulated IX. COl'l'KU-retlncdl. NEW TORK PRODUCE MARKET. Nkw York, July II. FLOUR - closed dull, unsettled. Kino euperilne spring 1 SO&tJ 20; do winter 2 2Xi2 SO; extra No. 1 spring 2 Ma;l Mi: do winter Ouoj4 50; No. i spring 2 l(Xs!2 W; do. winter 7!K3 10, Southern Hour ruled In buyers' favor. Iaw xtras ii25a3 7ri; Tnulo and family extras :i20a 40: Patents 4a4 05. ' Wheat opened a'i decline, fell more then rallied and at noon wait steady. After 12 o'clook there was a further rally and the market closed llrni. root lotjt art- sternly but trade is slow. Spot sales No, 2 lied winter at ss. CORN options weak, closing at decline, Just lief ore the close there was a sharp rally and prices ailvani-ed S(i. Spot lots closed dull spot sales ot No 2 mixed 5ti; No 2 mixed July an1, ; dd Aug 544, Sept 54 Oct 53. OATS opti;n weak with a moderate de mand until near tho close when the murket became stronger ami advanced X. SiKjt lots closed steady: spot sales of No white tfiiX No 3 do 3iS; No 2 clipped uly 3fk; do August X': Sent 34 V; No 3 mix d 37 1 . UYK-Notriiial. . POKK-moderate demand; prices unchain ed. LARD closed ipiietbut Hrui. 8UOAK- raw. steady. Light demands test Muscovado Kl) test t' centrllugal 3S retlned qnlot and unchangexl: cut loaf and lushed mi 5V Powdered 4a 4 : gniuinl 4a ;Ciibas-4a4,; Mould A 4 Hat V. COFFER snot lots steady: lair rlo oar-roe 14V. Futures closed tlrm. July W; Aug II Wl; Oct 11 sfi;Nov 11 so. CHICAQO PRODUCE MARKET. Chioaoo, July U. Leading Futures. All tho grain markets were depressed lo day lij the ticarish crop report, the line weather, and anu; option legislation. Wheal, however, recovered nearly all ol its early loss on the siilwtaiitlal decrease in the visible sup ply, closing only lie lower, while corn record I a decline ol to 1 , and oats show a loss ol IS, to I1,. Provisions, unlike trrttins held decided strength. Pork gained l7X(nJii: lard TV ribs ic. I he advance was attributed entirely, by many of Ihe brokers, to manipulation. Highest Closing Wheat July 7H 7'H A uir "fl 75 Sept 7SSJ 7rt. Dec 7S,- - 7X S Corn July 4sv, Is Aug Hep is is Oct 47)5 47 May in IU Oats .Inn July mi', 3D Auk Mi 2!t Sept 3n i Mess Pork July ll.Hll 11.77 Sep 1I.!'7S ll.WS Jan IJ.-JU 1.1.15 Lard July 7.17 - Hep 7.:m T.L'7 S Jan 7,17 7.1s Short Rlbi July 7.'S 7. m Hep 7.;', 7.1.' i, Oct. 01 ITTON CITY. BALK TONE M'KT. UKUP Exp (lalvestoc I easy 7 Mt Norrolk 23 steady 7, lut; llaltiuiore nom , 2ll llostoti ipilet 7 '. 71:! W Wilmington steady il Philadelphia! 'inlet 7X Savannah ! 5 linn 7 PKI Newtiilcans .men steady 7 I hi 1 Tt . 1 Mobile H mi 7 15 Memphis LKI steady 7 Vi Augusta 252 dll nomT :x 5s Charleston quiet 7 41 Cincinnati steady 7t 2tli Louisville steady 'K St. Lout steady J7J Ifl 71 NKW YORK COTTON FUTUKB8. Highest Lowest Closing June July - "(Ma; I August 7 22 7 13 7 I Khllt Boptemlier 7 2 7 2(1 7 :S2I October 7 : 7 :i ' 7 ;tal Novemlwr 7 1!' 7 31i 7 3W(ts41 Deeoralier 7 5!i 7 IS 7 I'.KC.Mi January 7 Us 7 57 7 57i.5s Feb 7 7s 7 iH) 7 Va,7 Midi 8 st 7 75 7 7Val77 Apr .... 7 sjutsii Market closed easy, sales 1U7,7H0. LIVEUPOOL COTTON MARK KT Litkkpooi, July II, 4 P. M.-Smits steady utir iieuianii; iiiiu'iooii; .) in in sales s.llil American 7,5110. Futures steady. June July 3 Ml b July and August 3 5U I August and September Septemlier and October Oct and Nov Nov and Dec 3 (HKofll it 3 402 41 'I 5 Dc and Jan 4 07 s Jan and Feb I 09 I Fidi and .Mai CINCINNATI PRODUCB MARKET. PORK-famlly 12 7M13; regular 12 Ua):n 85 i,Aiti nettio arifwi m IIACON Shorts cloar sides, 8(aW 115 WHISKBY-salosof m barrels of finished goods on tho basis of 1.15 per gal., high wines. NAVAL 8TORB8. Wh.m i NOTOif , N. C. July 1 1. 8pl rlu turpen tine, steady Rosin firm; stnilnoi S5; good strained 00; tar tlrm: I 40: crudi turiKtntlne steady; hard 1 00; yellow dip 1 H virgin i m. Uiiabi.estow, July 11. -Turpentine tlrm Zi.n: rosin nrm -PEP-O-TASH.- FOR DIARRHOEA AND FLUX. Especially good for 'Teething Children HTFor Bale by Druggists. ALL II KALI NO SPKINCS HOTF.L will bo opened on the 2Hrd inst. Per sons seeking a cool pleasant dace to spend the hut months cannot do better than slop at All Uealitig Springs, seven miles west of Taylorsville. The water is celebrated for its Healthgiving prop erties. For further information address W. II. BAKNKS, , ELLKNIUI.E, Alexander, Co., N. C EMMONS BLAINE U no more, his soul has been wafted to that boarno from whence no traveller re turns, and there are people whose physi cal ailment, pernaps, nas caused tuein to prepare tho necessary change for ferry man Charon and who doubtless would obtain a new lease on life by ylsitlng the how fauiOusr Cleveland Mineral Springs, .which la open for gmtr Culinary de partment' unsurpassed. For polite, at tention, due considvatlftJad thoroughly making our guests at homo, We defy competition. Address, for circular, Proprietor Bfrjhos, : Shelby, N-.O. The FAMOUS CONNELLY SPRINGS Dlroctlv on line of W N. C. Division of It. & D. It. It.,and only 150 yards from Station. Four dally passenger trains. This favorite resort 1b now open. Cuis ine simply unexcelled. . This water has been' highly Indorsed by hundreds of tho rhedical profession aud has been pronounced by a competent London authority to bo fully equal to any of the most celebrated mineral wa ters of Europe oi America. Water strongly diuretic and touic. Write for prospectus and rates to ; Connelly Springs, N. C. 1T7 A CT? INSTITUTE I FjITlVJMIj FOiiYotNoL Lawks, RALEIOli; N. C. lnsurpasscil In location, faculty, equip ments, thoroughness and fare. 21 new pianos. Jas. Dinwimhe, M. A. (Univ. of Va.) . UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Instruction Is offered In fourgoneral courses of study, six brief courses, a large number of special courses, and In law, medicine and en gineering. The faculty Includes twenty teach ers. Scholarships ami loan fundsaie available or newly young men of talent and character. he next session begins Sept. 1. tor caw iguc with lull information, address, PRKHIDRNT WINSTON. .od.Aw. Chapel Hill. N. C. AUGUSTA FEMALE 8EMINARY. STAUNTON, VA. Orcn Smt. . 112. OIikwh Ut of Mat. two. Tn- snrpanw-il Im-ation. huilliuKR, ffrnuitil and appoint niontn. Full cnrpHof tnurliers Ilnuril.i'tr . with full Kiik'Hiih ruurKP, !2.VI fur eidirc Ht-tnunu of mouths. Munir, Imnioiaiti, KIih-uIIuii, Ait. Hinikkiv'iM.iK mill PIOMical Oultun. oxtrn Kor rntidoKUo npply tn Nina Jt.lltl J. UALIIHIN, I'rtn. o-o-d Southern SHORTHAND AND BUSINESS COL- LEOE, ATLANTA, OA. Shorthand, Rook-Keeping, Telegraphy, Drawing, Penmanship. Correspondence, Grammar, Mathematics. Spelling, Uank- ng, Typewriting, etc., Taught Practical- y by Proficient Teachers. Large Cata oiruo sent free. Dec. fl. e o d tf. COLLEGE FOR WOMEN. H)Ll" M 11 1 A. - - - - - 8. C. Hrv. W. R. Atkinson. 1. 1 ProKldont. CharbTed bv the State of South Carolina U out or degrees upon lta graduate's. Oilleered by a corps of Professors and Teachers second lo no College iu the South. Complete courses In Collcglato and Acidomio studios, In Music and Art, in Itookkccplng, Shorthand and ther"branches of a Commercial College; a preliminary course in Medicine: a lull course t I'hirmacy. 1 lie appointments are unmr passed ill iloiuilinK Si hiKils. The bull.llnus are llghtexl with gits, heated by a hot water heater: hot and cold water baths j in I 11 rat class sanitary arrangements on each floor. The grounds aud surroundings are me most -cant II ill in the Houifi. T Session opens Hcptemlior '.'1st, 1 Him. Kor terms and catalogue, address tin Presl- dcut. DAVIDSON COLLEGE, DAVIDSON, N. C. Session 1H'.I2 !:( begins September sth CLASSICAL, MATHEMATICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, RM1LICAL, COMMERCIAL. Eight Men iu the Faculty. Courses for Degrees Elective in the Higher Classes. Accessible Inexpensive Moral. Y.M. C. A. Hall aud Gymnasium complete. Send for a catalogue. Address: Rev. J. H. SiiKAitKit, I). I)., LL. 1)., President. rjourtDeo A Classical and Commercial Sciol OF HIOH ORADE. ricgsnt Rulldings and thorough Equipment. Ei Large patronage from all the Southern States. Beautiful and healthful situation In view of tho mounUlns. Over 300 Btudcuu last year. v Ternn lteaaouable. Summer School ( BuiIkini College Course ) opctii June 29. .Fall Term begins August 16. For ' IUuatrated Catalogue, address, J.A.'&M.lH.'HOLLPrin.., OAKTRIDCE, N. C. GRIP AND TETTER-WORM CURED. There is nothing more tenacious than Crip unless n oe Teller vorm-il is nard to gi rid of cither, but then; are remedies for lioth Listen: Ciuhi.otts, N. C, July 7, 1SIB, To whom this may Interest or concern: I was badly affected with l.n (irlnne and was In a mtIous condition. I vfl Chapman's vegetable fills and instant Holier and re eolved moro bcncllt from thorn than from anv thing I have taken. I earnestly recommend them to any one who may suffer from I m tlrtppcorltseffocts. S. 8. CAI.nwRIX. CiiAm-oTTK. N. C. July 7. lK' 1 have tried several remedies for Tetter Worm and was never able to lind anything t no me any good until i round M r. lhapman'i Kemisly, which has Ituen of groat boncllt to me, and I wlleyp win cure me sound and well in a miovi lime. v . i,. kkuuhon. Call on mo at my lalsirntori for ahy of abovi invamaiile nmiues or aunross me at Kooms mat 1 tl Waat: ITnle ttrewt. OharlntM. N. O. IN IBSa K. P. CHAPMAN, Proprietor c z r, c c: i "i - "i -t Colteo ' Cull re Colli' Coll we Colfce Colteo Sinrnr Suirar Sugar Nui-ar --nuar Snirar Siurar Suir.ir Sugar Sugar Sugar Suirar Sugar Sugar Suirar Rnkiug Powders Raking ruwders Leaf Lard Leaf Lard Leaf Lard Leaf Lard Coll'ee l!olfH' Colleu ColllH! Co II (HI Coffee (Jotfoo Uotlwi CofflMI Coifed OotfooJ Sugar Sugar Sugar " Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar Htnrar ' Huunf . Sugar Sugar sugar Sugar. Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar SuRar Sugar Sugar Sugar j Sugar Sugar Sugar Suirar Coffeot CoffeeJ Colfoul OoffeeJ Oiiroo . OilTcd Order from Colli MAYER & ROUS. MAYER & ROSS. i ml Ouffuul tVjffool vjotreel VYTiolciinWi OroorKr Wholesale Grocers, C-oUw! ColflH) Colfoo Cbfrou OolfecJ Charlotte, N. C. Charlotte, N.-O. Uiftooi CoffoeJ vvonoo Oolfeo Ooffeo Coffoid Coffo CoffoeJ Raking Powders Raking Powders Molasses Molasses Molasses - Molasses . CoflOiJ Ooffeo Coffeol CofTeu Oofreui Cuffooi Coffee Ooffeut Coffoo Ooffeo 0ollm . , Co IT BJ&ii'o.i'ft.a.ii.fi.iiiAa.ii.iS.'a; I S S ff 95 i CHAS. C. H(K)K. ARCHITECT DUFORD HOTEL B. W. BUTLER. CIVIL ENfJINKRR AND AUOHITKCT. , (UrtlooCtty Hall.) City and town sites surveyed, laid out and mapped. Wat powers surveyed aud -XBin-Inod. Lottirm Ao. Plans ami estlmab's of buildings, i irveys, plans ami ustlmntea of sewer Bystons andwatcr works. Survuys or street oar I tos &a Att work guaranUMHl. DO YOl EVER 00 DRIVING Thomas A Vail keep some of the bcM. Huggy Horses aud Most Stylish turnouts to bo found anywhere. Try thum. Telepltoue 68. THOMAS & VAHj, 15 N. College SI- Hugh W. Harris Wk.M. Littlr HARRIS & LITTLE, itrney8 at Law, Cbarlottu, N. ('. Street OrBoc' West Trade DR. ANNIE ALEXANDER, PraoUoo llmltix) to WomotiandChlldn-o. Ol floe Hours: to 13 a, m.,;i to 4 p. m. No. -410 N. Tryim Bt, Charlotte. N . C. sop 5 iHMy F TOU wish to advortlsnnnythlng anywhere at any Umo. write to UKOKUB v. ko- 8LL A 0U. No, Ul Sumo tU N V EVE11Y ON Bin myl of bifonnatlori on thi BUliJcot Of ailvertlslng will do well tool) tains copy of "Hook tor Advertisers." itin rwufos. price one dollar. Mailed, postage paid on receipt of prtoe. Contains a enrelulcora filiation trom the American rtowspnia r lureo lory of all the best pa)er8 and class Journals: gives tho circulation anl rating of every ono. and a gtsul dual of Information alsiut rates and other matters iK'rUtlnliig lo the business of ail vertising. Address ltOWBLL'H ADVBKTISINO 111. KRAI', ly 40 Spruce St. New Vor SEABOAUU AIR LINE. Jri.Y in, 1H1. llEaVVKEN CH.-M1I.OTTK- IIA.HI.iriV-UAU EKill AND l'OUTS.MOl'Tll UICIIMoM) WASHI.NOTON, II ALTI Mi HV., PI 1 1 L A 11 BI. I'll I A AMI NKW VDliK. .Tun TNo.ll. li no pin i s7 Mi piu ! I no pin I 4 .m pm itlspm I 1-J Jl pm i i-li'tl pin m Hft am mm urn I Tim inn I Tim pin I 4 11pm 1" P'ii I $ If! am i 4 lib am ' i 7 40 am 11 3ft am- i T.v. riiarlo'lic Ar. l.v Ilanilot Ar Lv lliilelgli A r Lv liurhain -r Lv Hiiiilerson A r Ar Weldim Lv Lv Wel.lnn A i Ar Puitsmoiilli l.v Lv P'tsm'th ll.llne Ar Ar did Point line l.v Ar Itallimore line l.v Ar l'hlla. P. It. II. l.v Ar N. V. P. It. It. Lv rrTrtsmouth Ar IU HI am 12 rH inn i i Ui pin H llil pill 6 Ml Piu 1 Ami pm 7 III pill 7 un am 10 47 am I 1 -llpm J UU pm"" 7 no pm f i am HOOam N. V., P. h N Ar Old Point l.v Lv l.v "Ar lA- Lv :m am II in pm him pm ni-"in i, -ii tt ii m l 10 am Ar Phila, P. It. It. Ar N. V.,P. U. 11. lit Pin l.v welilon liloii, A.c" L" s SUK jmi Ar Hlehm II iu piu Ar WashlngUin 11. V. A P. 12 ts am 1) if. am Ursiain Ar Iliiltuiiorc P. lilt Lv - v i ii m 1-' i am V in pm Ar l'hlla.. P. It. It. Ar New Vork, P. It. It. ItKTW KBN I'HAKLOTTK, ATHENS AND ATKVSTA. in, lwl y n JtM.V .M fTv AtlanU :iri am 171. pm Lv Athens II 1(1 am U (IU piu No. ii " i pm Ar C'liarlolU 1 211 am No t! ' Lv Chariot le ' '.unpin n i5 h iu !i:mam ' 4 am Ar Athens Ti If) pin Ar Atlanta I sin pm nKTWEKM 1 ( I "II 1 1-: K 1 -o I ( I I'I'O N CI I A 11- 1 eTT H A N D W I LM I N (J T )N JtT.V Id, lhlrj. N . :m Lv. Ru()ierfiiiIton Ar. Charlotte s an am n ::s pm Lv. Charlotte ' 1 ;i am ! fi '.'li am 7 :5l am II M Li i a m II it! um NiW t 11 'HI pill it.Wi pill 7 Ml pm I in 10 pm 1 lll.nopm I 4 i:i pm ; 7 in Ar. Moons' Ar. Hamlet Ar. Maxton Ar. Wilmington Jl'lv 111, ism. No. SI f.v. Wilmington Lv. Miction Lv. Hamlet Lv. Monroe Ar. Charlotte Lv. Chariot Ui Ar. Hutherfordton I l:i pin s :) pm Trains No. :ts and n have through Pullman weepers lietween Muni-oe hii.1 Atlanta 1 rain iNo..iscoiuiec(sat Weldon wllh througli l ullnnill lluirct Mleeper lor Iticliinond. VV Hsh Ington, llnlttinoro.Phlladolphla and New York Dally. tDnlly ciccpt Sunday. H llrcaklast li Dinner, s Supper. I'or Inlormation relative bi schedule, rules fare, Ac, apply to J. 0. Hamkkhvii.i.k.. Ticket Agt., Charlotte. N. ( Jno. C. Winiikh, (lenernl Manairrr; o. V SMi-rn, TralTlc MaiiKger; L. T. Mvkms, (iein SiiM'rint'iidcnt. A Family Affair Health for the Baby, Pleasure for the Parents, New Life for the'Old Folks. Hires oot geer THE GREAT ? TEMPERANCE DRIKX Ms r family ofTnlr Arcauhlto of tho hoirxw A M cent pocltafre muhofl H (rallona ol ft delicious, .iitrc.ngtliQnlin blilwvcsonrjt bovcra0i. I IWn't he diwlved If a dealer, for 4 the nuke of larger nrnllt. u-lls vdii aorhe other kind Is " lust as goisl " -"H Aits. NeltnKnfloDlaatgood M the geoulue liuoui'. 6 1, Z ' ' : Sr " )' urn r iUL! ( i Tr.ty f tills ..aT K'UMONI) & UxVNVILLK H. CllKDULE. In T:iToi!t May nth, lHftS. WAINS t,WVR CH AHU CPT17, N. ('.: l-.i 1 1 , 1 1. ror Annul a iiarniirrvAir , M. I 1 In" dlv l.slou and all polios South atxl l:u0 Soul li went. Uanlis througli Pullman P. M. J Drawing ltisim llullet Sleeper betwi.-cli Ni.'W York, Washington and Atlanta. 1 DAILY Kor C UJ( A. dlv Islon Includ '. lug Columbia, Augusta, Aiken, Charles- e-.io M. l-m ton. Savannah and all Florida points. M. Ciurles Pullman Bloepliur car belwinn liiuiv llle and Auirustii, No. .17 DAILY, Washington nrwlSouth wesUTU VestlbuliMl l,linlt'd, for At liinta, lllrmlngham, Memphis, Mont uiiiniTy, Mobile, New Orleans; nil points Nmlh and Southwest, New York to New Orleans, and Washington to Mem phis without change, No extra charge uncpt usual Pullman lain, Nil HI, DAILY, lor Washington, Itlch moiid, H'llelgh, (ioI'lHliom und al p.ilnls North. Curries Pullman Slis'ii ing ears irom Atlanta to New York, and Augusta to Salisbury. N A. H. i A I LY, H.r Wiighlngtot IIIi-TiiiiiiiiiI, Tliilelih. (iolilslsiru mid all points Ninth. Carries Pullman Sleep ing an t rom Augusta to Washington jinil Ashev ille to Ttalclifh. Nil. .is DAILY, Washington A South Wenern Vestibule l.Imlti'd, Kor WiisIiIiikIoii and all points North. Througli ears Is'twoeii New Orleanfl lucl New York, aud Moinphisand Wash Inuloii. STATKSVILLH leave Chariot' 111:45 A M. dull), iv.:3i P. M dally except Hnnibiv. A. M "Jr. H::ii KOK 1'UAINS AltUlVK AT CHAULOTTE: S:im A. M. -.i I . l l::B A. M (1:4(1 A. M f:im P. M . KttOM THK NOUTH. FKOM ATLANTA. i FHOM Al'OUSTA. !i;10 P. M. ;i:nr A. M. I r-.r, p. M. ( (t ill P. M. Dall). I1::JII A. M 1KO.M STATKS V 1 1. Lit. l-'.. Sun. ! .PAssj:MiKii.?yivj.N(ij;uAmOTiVv.i A. l . .v 1 1. ami piiaiosv ine, ar in: in a. hi. make close connection at SUlesvlllo tor all Western North Carolina polnu, iiirivlnu l'iiiilr H:riil P. M. In amnio time to stage tolllowlng liock, iUmlles ilislant. for supper, or arrive Aslievlllo r.(i v. M. SOL HAAS, JAB. L. TAYLOIt, Traffic Manager. Hon. rasa. Agt. W. A. TL' UK . Ass't Oen'l Passenger Agt., Charlotte, N ,C. W. H.CjUKKN, (joncrul Managor. JALMK1TJ KA1LH0AD COMPANY. On and Hftr Sunday July 13, lstu, trains will run as IoUhwsi UOINO SODTII. NO, 1 PaSSEWOKII AND KllKIOIIT. U'avc Hamlet M:;lam Oslsirne tl'iag Station) H:iiUain 7M- "Kollock Station Il:a)am : Arrive Che raw 11:411 am tA OOINO NOHTI1. NO. t PAHSKNllKIt ANP FltKIOIlT. Leave Cheraw 4:im pm 2:1 " KelliMk 4pm ' Oslsirne , 5:lSpm 7:11 Arrive Mamies ft:!K) WM.MONCUKR.Hupt - W. - IDEAL WIND-MILL. Cheapest I Simplest, and BEST WIND MILL on earth Gua ranteed to stand un less tower goes dowm. Bend for descriptive circular, A. It. WILLMAN, Agt., Charlotte, N. C. Estimates given on plumbing work Sewer pipe, etc. Jy !B Fl rd Whliker tr tfyi tteonred at boron with l&Joutpaln. nook of par Ill tlcnlarssent FKFR tX. I. S I thun. bin. OOlce WuitetuUI Columbia Pneumatics ! Experience of the past six months; test by the best whuelinen-, . many thousands in use have demoustrutuil that Columbia Pneumatic tires are practical, in point of fact, the. moat practical in. uae -. .. j They (ret over the rroun J. They make the records. lhey skim tUe cream. L. K. U AUIiY, Agt.. Charlotte. N. C. 5 - mu i nz. & 1 V. ' S tl ti " J Hijfe'; vM Iritf. '"'.'A'RldTr Sweet, Smoke ? -i i "' f gj Do You Want -ij i: To .Get Your Money's : . orth ?..... (.' . . ..ij Ppgip Then You Want r ' - b'iajii - hii iii r i ipii 'Hi' .-I - , w b m www v w w wi -T"-j;"T"Ti."-r r "-v t !:fe io i i mmmm Five for Ten Gents. I - ... : ,. --, ... vsaww- 6, It. HIPIU til TRAY The Tray is art 'RUHK to roll b.K !c, li-ivi" ; t,ij , llOlloilt lf lyj "1 llllik cnyof a- . e s. Nothinc to btcnk or crct out of order. The can be lifted out if desired, and to buv stylo is a giiarnijtee that J'oU will get the strongest 1 runic made. If your Dealer cannot furnish you, notify the n manufacturers, ) H. W. ROUNTREE L BRO.. Richmond. Va. 8 : : OLD " rAi tXPJH5t5 MQOERATfc. .IT IS A DrTY Too oweyoiiriMlf aaJ ram. It lo get the brut vain for year maarr. Kronomlsn In your fool writ r by arrliaslna V. I,. Itnuirliia kih bent value for price Baked, a IkaaMuida will teatliV. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE cpnleIifn. THE BEST 8 HOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONET. IITHKIL NPKrl A 1.TI KM In fontwnu mrnt the same high grnda.and reprmfint a monry value far Is'yund the prices olisrsml, ttoe thai Dame and prlixi aro stnmiMMl on tiottoin of each slum. ' Ain nu si iisi iTi tk. W. I., llouglus. lltocktou. Alaa Sold ly GILKEATII & CO. WEAK m UNDEVELOPED Corulrt'nflifif the human form suecenst ullv treattsl tiMleve.np, stranettMn, enlarae all weak, Munled, nnilcvelnped, feeble organs and part of the body hli;h bate lost or imver attained a proper bum muural site, due .to III luialih, abase, exoesua. or unknown oauses. There is one nielhed and only one, by whtrh this may be aonumpllahoil. liicroased flow of Wood to any part, proouoedby sliiiluaipuratiis aetljig automatically, creates now tissue, time and vigor by the same natural lawa ai theluCTeimeof "lie and strength of muscle. Dont bo imjudlced beosuse little quacks propose by silly niiisin to do the mn. WVVArKiXTvC. There'a no Iran back ofonraAere. Our pay will come when the pulilio know olearly science from fraud. Write us tor Instructions, full deacrtp turn, proofs, references, ete. Allenntyon la plaia sesli'd letter without oest or any kind, ESIB MEDICAL pp., BuFrAXO, V. 7. CURE YOURSELF! r If tmiitdfvtwiih i f Itloet. WhtiiM Hnun..l.L " J ' , -' .. .u. for snyiinnstural dlchar.k ironr nniKgist for a bottle of I OIK . It rurea in a fewdaya rllhollt the fthl nr r,,KM.l oft 1 doctor. Non-rolaonoua and Imiaranteed not to atricture. Tht Vnivtrtal AmtrUmn Cur: Manufactured br . Ths Evani Chemical. Oo. I CINCINNATI, o. OH YOU WANT A DESK? tW-", SSNO'rOB CATALOGUE. Creenvllle, S. C. WASHINGTON & LEE I NIVIsKHITY, 1.4-ilnaten, Va. AcsiU'Uiie: Iaw; KuirineeriDtf. Oiwma Henl fl. F-ir ( tkioiutius address O. W. 0. LKfi, PraaaW LAWSCHOOLr. WAHHIKOTdN AMDLEr UN1VK1WITY, Lil1tltnn.Vl (' A. (irnvpti. Prof, (Ittin. and Hut. Iaw. J. Kn noiph nicKnr rnr rriiuitv, UfrnMitutumu jaw ia ii;iiiKHri audriwa i. W U LKK, Praiktoiit. l'tii'iiianilj say ilu-y will .r Ne Other ftkoe. Wear this Shot during the Summer Months. 00 NOT SUFFER WITH TIRED or TENDER FEET. THIU Shun EXPANDS 'ith EVKIIV MlfflON (it tin- fiiiit. Alwnv. ri-tsliH lit prrtrt-l tiling 'riw AD.II'SI'Alll.K h-utiire link". 1 iuhiI1,. Io a iiArruwur .Iiihi. THE PERFECTION Obats no more, loaka better, wears longer. ni,,.-. iwj wiuub mora uoiiiiort than anv nlkir uwke. Prteea. SS.OO. la BO M M Uill CONSOLIDATED SHOE CO., MTit, LJnl. cod W.J. DAVIS CO. FOR OYER FIFTY YEARS MBS. WUJljUIW'e - ; r -- 800TUINCr SYRUP. , - has ticou used for children while icth Ing. It sooths the child, softens thfl guiun, Bjinva mi imiu, cures wina C0110, regulates the slomach and bowels and. is vne oest rcmeuy ior (Iliireati . Twenty five centrt a bottle. 80I4 bjr all druggist throughout the world. wt 21 iUw ly 4.00i' 12.50 43.501 Pi 112.00 12.50 raHI2.oo 2.25 Hi Ml 11.75 wu I If