... .',..- .. ... e. y.- j . 7 : - - TUK Biat MKUltM ; ReliaUa - Advertisers i To Reach Uia Hons Cirds I i , poll ADVEnTlSEIUU-j TOKCCkKtXfTOXIll if r- . . , . ,mi A van n'ar tha fwtfinU riehta - - ' No aoot-lcr etrelna of Mela's SOS .V--,.., .i i ' : 4 . ' lv.v -. . 1 -ml J 1 I . . ... ': f lull K t iUn ' GOLDSBORO, $frC., FRIDAY, JANUARY 0. 18. L NO 76 :v w .. : s - 5 r DAII-Y AND TKEKliT. Dim rot DaiYt i r VBVn IV .w .. Mnv. nna rear. In a-lrano.. .....(5.00 - oneooor.ali month, in advenes....... LfiO annr.oui month, la adranoa....... . .aD afar than through our oolumns, aa our paper oes dally Into the hands of 1U many Madera, hue kecplnf them ever rerhtnded of our adver teinmorcUants; eodaa tha chief reaaon for menu rd aa often as possible, tha earan4tre of advertising in Tarn Daily Amfua la at one rlJent, aa our patrone will hare their adrer iaainenU read arrest everyday. Kates fur U-adouePBlioeUoo. - NKW ADVEIITI8EMENTS. Waahlntton Life Imuran , i j, "t T Ooldib"ro Book Btara J. V. Miller. Blood Puriaer Mra. Joe t'eoo'i Remedr. LOCAL.' BRIEFS.V I you have anything to sell, adr vertise it ,in ' This Aboot. It the people hear from -.yon in a "business way. - K 8eeyice and lecture atfit. Stephj 's chucH, to-night ac 7:45 trciockl en Sobjecfof lecture; foThe life and Times of St. Augustine.'' Eveet indication points "to the most ample f ulfiHineht of what The Aeo us recently predicted of great accomplishments for ' Ooldsboro's welfare and. progress in' the course of thb current year. Mark the predic- tion-: ; -; Thk sociable at - the Y. M-.C A. rooms, under the . auspices of . th Ladies Auxiliary, thift; eveniog, 4s going to be something- unusually en-j tertaining. rne musical reaiure 01 tbe evening will be especiaVly infit ing and so, also, will be the refresh ments. You are cordially invited. It will be a source of exceeding regret to his many friends ' !a this oity to learn that Oapt. Swift ; Gal- "loway Is ill witlr pneumonia . at Greentille, where he went to attend court, which is now in session there. We all wiuh the genial, big-hearted gentleman a safe and speedy-del iter ance. - - :' ' J Thk marriage that Thk Abqus had reference to yesterday morning in regard to the groom's being on the belated train, came off in" due' tim Wednesday night, at the home pf the bride's father, Col. Juo. .W..Isler, near Beston. , The j " contracting parties were Mr.' W. S. Peebles, , fit Virginia, and, Miss 'EUza Isler.-a most amiable and popular young lady. .; The happy, , pair, passed through this city yesterday en tvura for the groom's ' home.' ' Thk Abqus wishes them all joy and prosperity. Oub esteemed and taleuted towns man Jlr. Gbas.'B. Aycock, on -Wednesday night, at .the home of the bride's father, neat - .Wilson, led to tbe Hymeneal altar .Miss Cora, third daughter of , Elder Wm. Woodard. The marriage was so'emnized in the presence of only the immediate mem-j bers of the amily. , -The , groom's ' many friends in this city and section are veVr'eineerein wishing him. and his amuble young bride, length. 1 of days and fullness of oyi ' aha pros- Eerity always, in which 'Thb Aafrys eartily joins. y - - A ha ppt evebt was solemnised, at the home of the bride m Mt. Olire Wednesday : night, 'wich 'many friends of the contracting parties k gatherec" to witness and. remained to participate in the' festivities that were bounteously spread for the en- - joyment of tbe occasion, u It was the marriage of Mr. Ike ..Faison,, of Faison's, and Miss' Lola Davl a most tharming younglady,- who has a "wide circle of .friends in this . city that will join with Thi ' Abqus in . .wishing the happy young ; couple la full meed of life a joys.- and pros "A touko wmte leuow, ron a lark," giving" his name: as; M.1M. Weaver, and hailing from Asheville, attempted to passj a forged check npon a gentleman in this city ... Wed nesday night. ' The check was sign edMtobcrt Fortner & .00, and Weaver on presenting it" stated, in answer to. a question i. from his woald-be-victim that he got it ' from Mr.Portner'sarentin thiscitv. bat as the gentleman was familiar with Mr. linker's hand writing, as , well as the correct style of the Portner firm, he readily "causrbt on, and told tbe - fellow flatly that he was a "forger, whereupon the latter . skipped and has not since been seen beroabpats. Mr. Jlilker, Mr. Port cer's arent here on being informed of tbe afTair, rromptly pronounced it a fcr-ry. PEItSUN L M RATION. Mr. J. A. EngliaVof . Mt wm in the citj jetterdayl' " 01iTe, , Mr. 8. L. Dill. Supr. of the.A. A N. 0. R. B. wm in .the city yesterday, . Mr. B. D. Peele. ot Fremont, on e of the deforest yoang bachelors - in tbe cute, vaa in the city yesterday. Dr. Geo. J. Robinson, of Smith field, returned yesterday f rem A uonsimas imy w ois uaagnier aou sister In Barlotr. Fla. The IjeffUUtar. " ' . . A ioint legislative caucus was held in the Honse last uht to nomTna.'an'Enrollinff Clerk. 'Sen ator W. D". Ttarner of Iredell, pre sided; 84 members of the Mouse and 35 Senators were present - Mr. McGill, of Cumberland, nom inated Mr. A. K. Smith, of Johnston county, and stated that he was in every way competent. He isatelf rnaie young man and has experience in that line of .work. - . Senator Baasell. of Durham, nom inated Capt J. B. White,, of Vance county. He comes from a Republi can mnntv. and its Democrars are like ihoee of New Hampshire who L I.I. IT. Binve againo. gre uuus. uo wm from the second district and deserve recognition ' Senator Williams, of Pitt, sec onded Mr. White's nomination. '. His sympathies were on the farmers and he bad sought to reduce ine cnares on tobacco sold in warehouses. Senator Bel lam v nominated Mr. Julian , A. Tamer, of Guilford, and said thar if exrjerience and effieiticy are qualifications, Mr. Turner Oils the bill. He has in two seaSKuis made an excellent officer, and is a faithful Democrat. Col. Picket,-of Anson, seconded the nomination of Mr. Turner, wiioiu he had known for twenty five jeunj, and know him to be Vortby aud capable. ' Mr. Alston, of Franklin, nonii-nated- -B.-J. Harris.- ofN Wake. He thought that Wake's glorious wrk ought to be recognized, aud be would make a good officer, Senator Lucas, of Hyde, said all the men were worthy, but he be lieved Mr. Smith the best. He spoke not for aectjons.'Hjde;county had asked for nothiS?for one hundred wooraand hA nmvmr eot anvtiiiui'. He brought ont a laugn by a per- sonai, auusion. t jn.r..ouii.u buu, gliag to make a man of himself; he is bright and sprightly and wants to finish his 'education, lie was As sistant Enrolling Clerk two years ago. Knatar Wlllil Williams. Of Pitt, ?aa h ear til v aDolaaded for his hum erous allnsions to .Johnson county, and pressed Mr. White's claims. . Mr, Holman, of Iredell, spoke strongly in favor of Mr. Turner, with whom be had served in - tbe House" and whom he knew very well. . RanatnT Kin? defended Mr. Tur ner from some reports made against him, andx made u sensioie epeeco arnuoai allowing sectionalism to con-.i trol in the elections. He referred to his rAord nn the nresent svstem of county government, having def. uded it and stood by the people." He is well qualified and was for two years chairman of the Committee on Eu- rolled Bills .y : ? ; v ' ' Mr. Sntton, of Oomberlend,- ear nestly nrged Mr. Smith v "Senator At water referred to Cant. White's honorable war record and urged; his claims ; ... ? t;r Senator Avery urged Mr. " Harris and paid a tribute to tbe Deuio 1 crats of Wake for the grand victory thuy had won,""-' ' - Messrs. Sutton and King were sp linted tellers. . Toe second oauos sioou: A. K.' Smith, s 73 ! J. A. Turner, - V' .38," ; R.J. Harris,"- t'mUia "J. B. White, ' . 7 Mr. A. K. Smith, having rec ived the majority of votes cast, was de clared elected. " '- Upon motion of - Mr. Holman, the r l - all..-. IT C.i.l. Dominauon 01 01 f auu a. oiuii.u, of Johnston, as enrolling clerk was made unanimous. '. .. -" v Caucns tban adjourned, - ,. The Democrats of the Honse held a caucus yesterday J morning aid completed tbe election of the officers as follows: Several nominations for assistant door-keeper were nad. which resulted in the election of ir. G. L. Kilpatrick. ; : CoL Tbos. H. Sutlon, of Cumber land, submitted a resolution which was aicj-ted, calling a joint caucus to elect an, enrolling clerk to night at 8 o'clock. '-' iv' v-. r Mr. Alexander. of VTirrell, moved that the , caucus adioursi to meet to night at 8 0 'clock. ' Mr. J. B. Holman, of Iredell amended .. the ' motion making the canons subject 4o tbe call of the cbirman. ; The ' door-keeper of the House, air. xving, is a ciusen ui udiiww, and the assistant door keeper, Mr. Kilpatrick, is a citisen of Lenoir, an adjoining connty. It is seldom that two men from the sauie section are chosen. They will make good off! cers. - Messrs. 6utton, Jones and Hen dricks were appointed to escort Mr. Dough ton to the chair. Upon tak ing the chair. Mr, Doughton said: : permit me to extend to yon my heartfelt thanks for tbe bonor you have done me. I trust tha you will never have canse to regret that con fidence. I shall doubtless make mis takes, but they shall be of the head and not of tbe heart, and I trust that I shall have your beaty sym pathy and co-operation, and that when we return borne, it shall be trulv said of ns that we have well and faithfully served the people. Our labors will be arduous. Much is expected of this session of the Leg islature. and let s work so that it may redound to the best Interests of the people. I believe, gentlemen, that this Legislature is in full symphthy with all that is for ih- upbuilding of tbe interest of the people of North Caro lina, and that we will act upon that principle of equal and exact justice to ail ana special privileges 10 none, t certainly, and under that condition, for yarious reasons, one of which is that I will not crowd npon your fime tt speech to detain you, will declare th'M House ready for business, lift believes that thi 4 body is in full sympathy with all that is for the upbuilding of North Carolina, and that its proceedings will be cbar HCtrized bv the spirit of ."eaual Tights to-iilf and special privileges to none. Mr. Hopkins, of Rockingham, nominated Mr. Kilpatrick, of Lenoir, who recti ved evervvote chsL- The oaths of office were then ad ministered to the gentlemen elected to the several offcVs of both Houses. Mr. Sutton, of Cumberland, intro duced a resolution providing for the ttpnointmeot of three to act in con junction with the Senate committee . a a. at lilretdy appointed to wait upon tne Governor to -stateto him that the General Assembly was duly organised and ready for the transaction of bus iness. Messrs. Sntton, Skinner and Bryan, ofJVilkes, were appointed as the committee. On motion of Mr. Alexander, of TyrreU, tbe House adjourned until 11 o'clock Thursday. ifcZsty Chronicle. LIST OF LETTERS) Remaining In Foat-Offloa aS Ooklaboro, Wayne Connty, N. C. Jan. 6V HW. A.rtanm Henry H Uoway Ben iV A.ton, Billle Johntoo, Harah Aycock, E W Jaoobtky, H Bm, M iw M G Ki lly, Joo H 2 Balleq, Raepta Kelly, John Buttle, Ms Mndy King, Miu Clara Barnett.Mlts Nancy Lane, Waablogton Buddy, LB , Laos, If its Hirrett Best, Miss Anna . Lanet O W Best, Mist RobertaLaum, Mrs Hariett Heat, Jennie " Lontr. Ben ,, B , Mrt Hettie lAntt, Miss Sarah B Mfll, Charles WM 0rgan, Joe H But 11 MIm F.)H McJlanny, Itev it Blood worth. Will ieMaahbuao, Miss J Blount, Mrs CauUMa-hburn, David Bront, Jobn Many. Simon Bam Jiaphine : Mead, Homes M D 3ecky, Allen Mitchell MIm Polly 1 eve Carrawsy, . veiineoore, re a i -Cerr.CartU Ptteo,MrLJ Cbr1ee, Mia Hsn'ePeeee Mies Martha Ox, Jerry reeue, Mrs Aliee Oohb. John Ricbardaon, Annie Coel, Mis Maine ." Roae, Mrs Bet tie Cagdel1,Htnah . Ro-eoe, DaaM Jt Cox. Henfy D ' Orent Bala- f -Davie, ftits Beck , Buepard, Mies 8 Daek.Mi Slbry binuletin, MiS An RlwardiMre Matt ale W , , , Edwards Walter f mith. Kte ' Lore, MIm Emma Vfmlib 8 O " Faieon, 8 moo , tmrth.Mra E J A , Oivnay, Miee LeuraTlprape..a, Uxy Griffin, Mrs MarthaWathington, Joe Harper, Mim Jane Well, J X Hadley, MUe A , Whltiry , MIm Mery Hadieon,a 8 Whitley, Mr Able Herrieff. Robert Wiliiane, MiM Ella Heira. Ed . xWUIUma, M.M Bjl- HilLMi-sP vaA Hill. MiM MergeretWilliams Mies Vie HawelLJ W - 1 tori ' Howell, NNA BroWilliais,MiM Elv Hiwell.Joba WHlUBia,Kj H )well. Hubert i ) Williams,. Sarah llowell, J4r Jnny Wlastoa, Mrs Lacy. Persons ealllne for tM sbnve tettara wit b'.mm. nr ad raf 14 aod na data of Hat. (r-TDe rfrula(tma rvquire that one seat th.il ha nald on all adr n wd ' a. J.VO. K.SM.1IU.P .JC Bocklen Araloa BaJwa. ' Tib User Salt la tbe world for Catr , BraUee.8orea.Uloers.8alt Kheam. Fever Soree.TeUar. Chapped Handa, Chilblaina, Corn, tad ail Bkla EropUona, and Da tively etrea Piles, or bo pay required.. It Is fnamteed to rive perfect iatiitaclloo, or money retanded. Prtot S6 eenu per box. JTor sMe by J. U. Hill A Son. Kleotoeo Bitter., This remedy U becoming so well known and so popular 10 reed no spn ial men tion. All who hae used E'ectrlo rit ers In the same song of praise A purer 1 merfloine does act exut and it u cuarsn teed to do all that Is claimed. Ei ctric Bitten will car all die aseeof the Liver and BTIdnera. will remove Pimples Rolls Bait Rheum and other affections caused hr lft. mi re blood. Will drive Malaria rrom tha svetem and oreventaa w 11 enra ail Maianai ieTera. f r cun n .. 4 . m m . t Headache, Cnitpatlou and inaigesiion try Elect rio Bhtere Entire lauaiacuon nana anri nr mnneT refunded.--PHce 60 eta. and $1.00 per bottle at J. Hi Ulll A Soa's drag itore, " A Wonder Worker. Mr. Frank Huffman, a young man rf Borllnrton, Ohio, 1 UVjs that be had twen under the care or two prominent pnysi clans, and uaed their treatment until be was not able to gel arouna. 1 nujr pru noanoedhlacae tobet onsumptlon and incurable. He wm perauaded U try ur. Klnrt New Dtaooven for uonaumpuon, OouKhS'JidOolda and at that time waa c'. . . . 1 ...... 1 V. ... BOt aolS to WI4K across me airrvv whu ui reatlng. He found txforehe bad us a hair o? a dollar bottle, that he waa much better, he continued to uae It aud ia to-day enjoy n: good hf ait h. Ifyo" have any Throat, Lung or Cheat Trouble try it. We guarantee aatlafctin. Trial bottle free at J. H, Hill & Bon'a drug itore, Racket 8 tore. Drees Go-ds, Ulinery. Fh e and Bats la a big ran on the uacnei oure. PJqu ( Embroidered Bnlrte, B ack and hlte Silk Han'lkerrhlef, a new loti-f handaome ecarfa, umbrella- t all prie. and a boat of tber furnialilnga ' ' IIII.Tr L llDltfl for au, at " X,AL K "rvjo- t You Want Tie latest style, the heat quality, and all at one pi Ice, ootne and see out imuiuiite atock of clolhln.. . Por Rent tor BaW, Ax mfortsbldwilllrg whh nv rKmij, ajd'WateriTid exC'l-"t n Ig brhol, t rent or a e. at I w rat -a. MHd. M thY KDMUNDSoN. Teddlody Winks, Teddl dv winaa.Teddledy winks, a new ot received and lota of ot e-- pretty thmga at H. WKIL uuua. Racket 8tora Toya of Every Description al the Racket Store. Ravoket Btora. SanU Clause la at the Racket Store with Dolls from let. to $19.10. Barge Ina In Bilk Umbrella. All grades at the New York Bargain 8wre. ' Doll Carriage. Horna, Trumpeta, ana Jumping Dogt at the Racket btore. Beet Oow Feed On the market It U composed 01 Wheat. Bran. Crfn. 1'eaa ana urn, mixed and ground together . Foi ; aale by Furniahinflr Oooda, OlothiDg a t avanrthtnr that ia keut In a fli at cUm store, at nnna a. w &iu BWJ, Raokat Btorw. New dt-ck Rugs and Hassocks at the Racket 8tore Ollyar Badger, The Johnatowa Barber, who escaped tbe fearful flood, but lost all hla Ppsaeaal'ns, 1 now engaged at toe iui.wuni Al.ACE or Br. A. D. Warf.. where he Invites all la need of a shave or bair cat to rive him a trlaL He Is one of the finest. Deeld-tr. Racket Btorw. Plueh Toilet sets and Push Albums at the Racket j&tore. Doll", Vases, oza, At the New York Bargain Store. Racket Btora. Plnah Boxes. Piper and Envelopes and Cologie at the Racket btore. Ward the Barber guarantees aula fac tion, la he! catting and shaving. Bycyc'es and Express Wagons at the New turk Bargain Bre. Ravoket Btora. Jewelnr.Clocks, Wetrhet, Trunks Va lises, cmbrsllaf and Whtpa at the Racket Btore. Racket Btora. Boldlnra dulu, Guns, Drams, Platols and Caps at the Racket 8t.ua. Baby's BiofrPollsh, , f em'S or I bottles f. 89 cents af the New York Bargala Btore. i ' ) - r i--y Something for 70a to Ponder On. We have honest goods we bars the lat est styles, we have the .largest stoca, and we have only one pnee. ' , ' 1L WEIL 4 BROS. OF NEW YORK, Assets Over $'0,000t000, orrxas A Most Desirable Contract of Life IdsutiIi e- Not) -forfeitable after three years. Incontestable after two veara. Unrestricted as to travel and resi dence after two years. Secured by an invested reserve. ABSOLUTELY SAFE 1 Over 88 per oent. of the entire as sets of the Company are invested In bonds and mortgages first liens on real estate. A larger proportion than any other company. 'p t r ct?tpvn Manager Department of the Vir ginias and North Carolina, Rich mond, Va. SAOTSLL. ADAH3, Special Diati let Agent. leon b. iinmiitEr & coMmr, LOCAL AOEtfTg, GOLD3BO RO, IT. O NOTICE. Not to la harrbr f "ii that application wlU he male lo the hex I (nvra aiaaiulir to amen i Uie oharinr uf Ibu ty ef UoMla nru, aa to . m.n I Me onrpnrai. Huns aiid i amho'ls Hi' laauanue vt boida for Ut inj srovvment. ioo U. IH0. 8AI IHnUllY. N U. I'lwr" Ilrkor jnvlrMlily lt.fu"'n(la At it U.o k1 HU'lflur, Miir. Jv.U i t.tldoNV HKM I- D V I-OST. O NE 111, CK SKrTtK DOO, MRDICM ih Hill whltonn t t ant undrr bra. T rtintur . Ill tUT'iy riw.irnwt by r lurum ami' to Mr. 'I. A MMHr near Flsr foru.l .oiioul Ii. u ui at ANOi aolHoe, ,' . CO w . Foil "s aleT. half jr-nssr mvr and OAtrr sum! milker, rontla and rrunil. Will irr isllk snout i for aojr sveratre famllf. W) aell her hvap I nuvu no nerd tor bar. Jan 8 dlf. K. D. KDOBHTON. WHITE SHAD. pMKST OF THKSBASOt. BJ and very flw are now brlnf t erred to tbe trade of tla oltr by J. B. PIVH, At hi. stall In tha City FiSb Market. Jan.8tf. OPER' P0UfB ONE NIGHT ONLY. SATURDAY. JANUARY 10. Richards Pringle's FA t US- ' Headed br tha Kmpero of the Minstrel World. - . Billy Kersands And tbe World's Trio, Will Eldridge and Malloiy Bros, The Great GAUZE. Wonderful Contralto 11 au.prt. bye cmerle of CUqayd SUr Artl'ta. A QSANS STEIIT PaEJLIZI Hy the Dw'WU lWar Cornel Band. opaa at J. Jt. GrUBn'a. . T5 0 nt, Reserved Feata Whea Baby wee efak, wa ijawae asr Oaataria. WaMabairaaaCl-d,aeeriad(ocCaa3rte. Waaasnsbreai-alClaa,saear-PCvaCaaBria. Whaa she had Chndesa, aha gave tkani Caateria Rsvckat Store). - . S-onthinr nw. FTaaock with hnrs Tiie are-nire for a Xnte or Ne Ta Drr4nL 8ee thw t : thi rUcklrto llohb) Horaea Backet Btora. ' and Bhoa liy at the Bargilus in IXuai-T Btigala Bioie. . " i , . . 4 the luw Yrok Plneappla 0m. - i ' The launt and fineat drink of the aeaaon Try It at Boblnsoa ilroe. Drug.btwre,. B.M. PRIVETT, WnOLISAlI QfiOCZS, e AKD DSJtt aB 1ST BULK MEAT, HEAVY MESS PORK, 17 LOUR, SUGAR, T no ft COFFEE, MEAL, MOLASSES, 8NUFF, TOBACCO, J AY, CORN, SEED OATS, EED RYE, SEED WHEAT, YnEAT BRAN, CHOPS, C ALT, O LYE. POTASH. w P Poao, Heavy Bags. JLT4BO LIME, PLASTER,. CEMENT, LATHS, HAIR, 0Y3TER SHELL LIME, Agr'cnltura! Stft, Etc. 66, WEST CENTRE ST., GOLDSBORO, N. 0. I J iK OlfUUrJO AT - ' BHDUCHD PBIOH0, Mya"kor FAN TO' HID bouaht apaoUlly lr' hriatraM trade, bu uaeful all the year mund t t'leb a Phntmrraph Album. D-ea1f Ci-aa, Manicure Rata, Vaaea, Dniia. Toya ef v trloua aoi U. My Book Store la headquarters for School Books, t brary Bonka. atatlooary. Gold Peas, Peo ati. Slate and lead Peoella, Wall Paper and Oil M-Mildlnf. ArUaU' aa Uerlata. and many ether articles too numerous to mention. These sooda ere offered to the publlo at a very m derate prloaad I reapeotfully, ao Uolt aahars of ltipatronatf. J. F. MILLER, PROPRIETOR. HI QUESTIONANS WIRE D rjUK QUESTION A6KED BY tht people is, why is Ed. L. Ed mundson doing so much business The answer is, because he Is BTRICTLY BUSINESS. He bought goods before the rise, he discounts his bills, and only charges his customers what, others pay by buying on long lime; aid butt in large quantities, and re tails at ' WHOLESALE PRICES: And buys only Good Goods, guar. . anteeing entire SATISFACTION or money refunded. He has now in stock, not to arrive, the largest and most select stock of " - CALICO D0J1ESTI0 DRESS Goods; Pant goods, Ginghama Ttckinga,Oil cloths, Corsets, Shirts, Drawers, 6ocks, Stockings Hand, kerchiefs, Sofpendere,-Data, Caps, Bonts, Shoes Clothing, Etc. Crock ery and Glassware, on iff, Cigars, Cigarettes, and lots of other goods too tinmerons to mention. Be sure to call at the store of ' ' ED. L EDMUNIiSON. Opposite Hill'a Drag itore, WaW nat street. Bamtav, Baga and New Tie. ' Car foad each. Just received I at - S v i ' ' ' A''- " fiaokat Btore ',..:''i nrecraciers and Fueworks'ol STery. descrjptioa at the Racket Ptore. .

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