CRAYON PORTRAITS. Call and see how Fine and Cheap they can be had. FRAMES.- ' ;'I liave the Lirge-t and Lest assort' roc-nt if - Frame Moulding in the State; Canvas aftd Crayon .Stretches ' made to order. VAN NESS , , N. Tryn S- ' (V ADVERTISEMLNTS. r th' le Portmoutb rn on account of the North ". Medical Society, which con BiMbtflh City, N.C.,00 VOLUME 1. f : ' ' ; ' - . CHARLOTTE, N.; C; MONDAY EVENING, APRIL S, 1 git ' 1 -" NUMBER jo5. : 7 55 'li.oo 8 80 IfOO 15-60 ; 10.40 17. 95 Mb. ' ,f UXtOB . ' ' jnford , ' 1 harlotte . t ' i ' f Uneolnton .' tf on sale from April jotb to nclusivc Good to return un ilfjd, inclusive. " , ' g, W. CLARK," C. P. A. ' iei'iiauneT) d y " I have used Kepha mVscU lor neuralgia, andsdso In (,!)., and believe It to be the ,t effective remedy I . nave ever A"' '.-V'.!-"'' ft . . A. t . . 1 r ariuin Uianotio pjrcwva Ivia, 225 West Trade ftreet near Academy of Music, where yoa k. onsijse stamna and everv- T ' " Hi iiiiii i MILK BOTTLES. juris M-rcli my business hv ilCd about 31 per cent, over Feb , As I have at present ooly a -tdwpplv of bottles it is necea , id have each bottle sent in at liv turns My customer will aifverv much by having empty ; ready ohen the wagon aula, -it mt cordially, everybody rak my d.1.1 y. examine ray cattle, itibSci. and investigate fully my mof d-livery.-,..- t v. '' R(jt- tfiillyr, - ' CC MOORE. fOCK HOLDERS': MEETING. gtith Annuil Meeting ol Share H Mutual Building and Loan ociitiuii will be held at the May 1 court room Tuesday evening, i1b. ut 8 o'clock. V . apS RDYcSc WALKER caoassxcic ircms.. , JtWTrE, , N.G uj n! h II on comraistioa. Stocks di, Oil and Cotton," Grain and imtxo, outright or on margin. 1 f cui private wire in their they get continuous quota iot the New York and Chicago kcta, Tbry place deals' in a few ds nl make cash settlements 1 orals are dosed. , ( jpr6 I TLJ R . K THE. JEWELER.. -the- lLSONM)RUaCO. Ed'a) In evrr-thu:s .'nj Uj cur line uni cll 7 trtKt- at VITOM iCLSi, LOCAL RIPPLES. ' will ' -MecklenUurir Presbytery meet at Matthew's Station, this week ' A slight change ill the Schedule I Varying the Monotony by Spitting into - a. ' . iL - i: I J r .1.. Lt .n.l. 01 passenger iiuiua vu uic utiwuint i ? m wm vi riiv.-.' Central roai will go Into effect' ext Morning's Wppl. to Poue. Circles and Monday. -The Seaboard 'Atr Ljne pasaen. ,tMitW.Nrthrrr,lWState Hhui Wornmg. Itwas OitoNenvia, Medical 'eonventlon, ;are ublUhedNd keepabook atore In Dr. Cib- elsewhere. is Bock beer is antue late, tut . , . . Valer advertises that it will be here . , ' . . , he wH be ready to t, k. , ,. to-morrow, and fill all ordera.-0,1 v , i i yA called meeting ( the Char lotte Chamber of Commerce will be held to-oieht. All the members are requested to attend. hbon'i building, nearly opposite the Second 1 Presbyterian : church, on out re cognize the sanitary lavs ol the city. About 9 o'clock this morning, san itary policeman, B. M. Treason, Call ed at Nerwis' store to notily him that he must clean up bis premises. Nec- 1. Im LwJam .nl ii m.l. mat. "---Attention ie ealied"-to the notice teftplw WBif Offim Preason car published elsewhere, of - the meeting rfed t copy 0f the Code of Charlotte, of the stockholder of the Mutual Building & Loan Association., - ' "Our people tympatlijse with Mr. Rudolph Arndt in the death of an other of his little children, which oc curred Ltsf Saturday afternoon- r -Rufus Reed and fim retnel Had set-to in front of the Charlotte hotel this morning. They were arrested nd arraigned before the mayor, wno fined each one Sj. '. t ' tV'' '' It was pretty cool hereabouts on Satords v and Sunday niebta, bat the thermometer did not fall lower than 37 degrees. ' There was no frost and the hnut crop is aull sale. ... 1 '. The wires bctweeo Danville and Washington that' were wrecked la Saturday storm, are itiu down to day, and no telegraphic market e- ports have been received. ' . Mr. Qua. Eddins arrived uome yeaterday from Washington and re- porta ell iaict and . serene.,- .The Charlotte postomce matter, ne says, ha been Indefin'tely postponed. Mai. I. M. Robinson. President of the Seaboatd Air line, Maj. Wis-A-r ,nvnt manarer. and CoL Ik C JcoeasupeTteoxkot.paased through Charlotte today, V a tour ol mspec tioQ ol the road. , . mceUng f the olicers d the First and . Second ; Presbyterian churches will be held at the V. M. C A, kaflto-aight, fo.W reports k mrarJto the proposed Third Pres- Dytcrian church. ! -' , Ir- A. W." MOler. pastor of the First Preabrteriaa church of ibis city, baa been invited to preach to aa At- lanU congregation nt 5unoay. Its haa accepted the aavltaiion.. Mr. Siler ifl occupy tua puipn here. . JlWa!e W to have a new broad and handsome street opening directly into South Tryon street, tae MMnmittct havloff made a trade with Col J. L, Morehnd trf the opening of the street through his property. MiKemBa's boom fl now te re- The mutk at the Sood lYn- byterua chttrch Ut eight u ol aa onusaaCy luKla order, and good J the police here rvcf andia. Jasys e, fcajwre, at the BtUStC is U ikchW. Prut fUker, of CW- Vmr. sod Mr.' Ne?, of Monroe, si il,ee snttd the double male uiutie m tie oftcrtory, Vff. Wm. oUnt snd 't rrecte1 thisens c IJncJn couaty, de t one tfjy wt riU.:,U, ,nyear,od. a, known . . . t!,--,i enure A few HtM oe W W ere- M 5uB. City, ind he had . been W trf V h,f ,e sUavt br ,hra!th Mia wrH by p .-rtVo r.v tnoais, h;tk srTl rum tfl r rvt i c4-r. about J?i Mt lU'f' ,M tntifVf drVrnred ' 11 o'cVk Ut SatartUy. The art i, iiilr a eb m- rv.. k!. tr.5iatte SgVI e r- t " ft of Ve frrr;rr ,,t ij1 1 ' ' '( ll NERWIS RAMPANT, HE DEFIED THE OFFICERS, BUT l, 'IS JOOQED - , f What b' was About ; The police had hold of a wild cat o'clock in the morning.-, The mayor W the power tofinehlra as high as $150 on tlie combined caser, and as his oflepce a ot a most ag gravated character lie will scarcely get off on a light 6ne, Evening Mewspapers.4 . A well known ioufnalist of esperi n vu. uw ,vu, wi- , WE congratulate our customers and Iriends upon the return 01 the , ence believes the lime .will .come genial Spring Season. It is always a pleasant relief to exchange the heavier when the evening piper will be the and more sombre apparel of winter for the lighter,, and never has fashion j irrat in,tmii ni it lav. ' Hi ex. ft lirr aI unon coods for the season so attractive and tasteful as they are" - at the present time. The very best advertisement of our goods would be exeat Journal of the. dav. . His . ex oerience has 6ho n him that "four- perience baa ebowuim tnat "tour- 7 , "J , - n.m4 ,t, the gnods themselves, could they be sent around for general inspection, fifths of the; startling neag I As 5its is imoossible we M back on the faithful types to assist us to world is first published in the even ing papers." In these active times with the particular ordinance which Nerwis was violating marked around. so as to explain the matter to him. When the officer ' entered '. the' store, Nerwis flew into rage, and ordered him to depart at once. Nerwis fa a;t-I In his More bv two females. one evidently about 35 years of age, i and the other about 16. . They stood by with frightened looks at the scenes which ensued. : , ; Policeman Presson was not to be frightened by the belligerent attitude of Nerwis, and supping forward be handed Nerwia the copy ol the code, Nerwia snatched the book ifirom the officer's hand and threw it violently aside, . exclaiming as he .did so! "D n your jaw,. Cet out of my house! I defy you and the mayor and alT the officers to arrest me!' He fairly danced about with rage, and started for officer Prenoa with a anraised chair, but thn flicer clinched with bins and wrenched the' chair from his grasp. About this time Rev. E. A. Osborne stepped in and said; "I command the peace. Nerwis' rage broke out afreah and he letlooae a perfect torrent of abuse. Officer Treasod. .'wentf-to . 'poiwae beadqearwif and reported" (tbe case, when Chief CriiSih.' and sergeant Jettoa repaired to the tcene. As they entered Ncrwu) was as ch-bant nrr. . Tha warrant for bl arrest was handed him, when he snatched it from the hands ol the officers and defied them to arrest him.' Tbechid nd the sergeant closed In 00 him and escorted kim tj the guard bouee. AH along the route fro Nw' store to the guard , bouse, Nerwis uttered loud and obscene language, and would vary the monotony by spitting Into the face ct he chief 0 polk, lie spit hard, and every .Vint itrark its mark, but with COm- ' I A hi m imnnaslhla we fall back "on the faithful tvpes to assist us to ' I- I f -L : 1 .U. f.... r Cj-lnrr Cru-tr Rv n aescriue mi some iuwuic iuc una uue n v . .i.g j - . . . .1 . - kHumU n.tnn. InlotlMi HMta - ng papem. u mcc stuvt imra (i preliminary we may aay inai wc van wuui; ..v.rv people cannot spare the time to read rience and knowledge ot local tastes, to me selection 01 mc gwu r the naoers during the busy hours of result which we hope will be as "fyW - .t Lt-L. Jn I as to ourselves. ; i ne extent 01 our sioca is unuauany uu gc uu u,c . y . m oay-T Tbey now KeneraIIyntre" offered in styles and the materials are so wide that we think we can scarcely , ; tail 01 sansmng . every lmeaaing urcuaacj. m cm; uvpaumwi . effort to make it the moet complete assortuient ol goods ever cflered to tbc . V on the way down town to get anout- ,5,r" 7 j!, " , I unrdrtBrftewlButtheytakeihrf cess and permanence. Our customers will find that in respect to quality ,.: our stock has no superior, 11 any nvai, our policy ocmi; n .un-. . of our profits rather than sacrifice tbe confidence of our customers in tbc eood'weselL Some rather unusual .opportunities have' been ottered to J watcMul buyers to secure bargains u some 01 wc ijrainiuic uikmiu Thes we have taken advantage of and customers will find that our prices arc unusually low, relative to the value of the goods we offer, v We aim to satWy all classes of buyers, and our stock therelore includes the variety , of crades which have correspondingly varied prices. We desire to be anowa lor cneapnew, put wc nmwre wrap wj, - j - cive even in low price grades the very best article the market affords for tne money. 11 is a snonsigmcu pwicj ir any uvui - -1-- . , Utton lor low pneed goods at tne expense oi ma rrpuiaiiun 101 iwra. article is really CHEAP which will not return the buyer the full vain of lue un nit y huoiucu in iw puiuw. vi. ... - - " - ly glance over them at " home before starting to their places of business Or read them hurriedly in the train on the way down town to get anout Tm" Arttift"Hawrr But thev take the evening papers home with them to read leisurely and carefully, after the day's work is done. ' The only ad vantage that the ' morning journals have in the matter of news Is in re porting meetings,' lectures," noticing the amusements.'', and eivin? the police news Of the night Up to one or two o'clock. MosT-all other news, as a rule, occurs after the morning journals go to press and before the afternoon journals issue their last editions.:';: 7v---fiV':V' A Boony Trad atark, ' ' One of the most attractive Uadc marks in use by the Southern Mills, is that adopted sometime ago for the McAden plaids, turned out at the mills at LowelL The trade mark represents a group of well known young Charlotte people. Tho cen tral figure m tbe group is Miss Mamie McAden in a swing. Miss Mamie AVadsworth (now Mrs. A. Reese) is leaning against a tree. Miss fefc Atkins is seated at the foot of the tree, and Mr. C'des ' MiAdcn is reposing in the foreground. " All are dressed in plaids made by the Mc Aden mills, and it is certainly a nm rmm and most . approoriate trade markNTh'e late R.Y. McAden used to wear" summer- awil msde Irom tbe plaids of these mills. A Braaiaa Lous aa Ana. V Last Saturday a! tern 000, at three K o'clock, Mr. Wm. A. Roach, a train hand, was badly Injured by being caught between the bumpers of freight cars at the Air-Line Junction, In attemptinelo couple cars his left arm a u caught and crushed 10 badly that the arm had to te amputated near the shoulder. . The operation was performed by Dr. Cibbon, and the injured man was sent to the Home and Hospital He was rest- mendable tobearance. ihe.chjel did, f morning.. Mr. Aoach m rrUt ih. assault. When Ner- In RwdrvtDe. - wis was finally landed behind the bolts and bars, however, the. chief went to basin sad scrubbed his face alia soao and water to prevent hy drophobia, as wtH as to cleanse him- set. ' Kerwb one of thetough-st cases came 14 Charlotte last August, He a. There were two eoroetiats I compsnied by the two JSirt c,eo" tioned, and openta oui book U Dr. CibUms' building, n,. irvi were atwars very exclusive. w tUv bv tUr all - three couM be ' J u,, teea busSy erggd in avuking and arranging ono, -,Jfl thetnc!m in the store. of throw Tbry wrvw attend thurth a4 freftty dtj or art f .t and are prompt l Py .vj. Thir book' store Is in th. bcmi part af ibe room, anj ihry rat an ep w i" 1 " isUeskuWdWnrt' 'lff. J Ut h waJ escrloo i" lh ,,if. an his wiry sre Krff 1.1 .. NeiwwUlke'-t ! U Ivi l',' ' f"p 1 . . , . J,' rl I' . 1 1 t'i '.. M , I r ' iff I h iny- I I t A BMipIt "Dtotk of Flrta." , ShefiffA. Nixon paafed through the city this morning with five prw oners sentenced to the penitentiary by Judge Csrk, at the recent lena of Lincoln court. -Th ."block c4 6wt" consisted ol John Bcevtf, white, convict! of an ataautt anJ Katcoced to tj ytarsj Cam Bum. gartcn, white, larceny, J yrsj J9 Robertson, colored, embeiilrmepl, s vrars antl 6 months! loha Jones, colored, Urtmy, a years AlfKino, colortd.Urtt'ny yrt. ... , A gnftixrf Oetytraitly tit. C. K. S'tL-e, locomotive en gip'eer on the A., T. A O. railroa!, nulled the r-wr-r-f train from Char- lotie lo lylrrvU!e but Saturday rvfin(t, and on arriving there, h a-etit to bed a desperately His rxoery nt etprciel tV mnrnlp. Mr. Sk-lk'thad beeattclt for sometime, but a few days ago re sumed his run. and had made bur trijt when hf waa in tkm down. A Nw Uvjte. . , Mr. Owva Rrown l a new liwyrt st the Cb.ih tte bi- He ht hung r-t his sS'.niile at N". A- l.wBuVf- r. P,-vn is t s- n of Mr. J. p . i ( rVv- ' t'-'r'. 4 1 - f SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT. not only by alluring bargains, but by tbe satisfaction that comet in goods that wear and stand the test of actual use. In the matter ot Novelties' we .i.:-t . -,:il nofMnrT in ho c!twiril Hv heinir earlv m the . market we secured the early choice of styles and patterns whicb always . gives tne buyer tne advantage 01 picaing up win t4Mwmt uuiviuw . are soon exhausted, if they prove desiiablc to purchasers. We commend ;. . . . mtUnA k nl mi-Iv vlrrtiun. as it killowS in ' 10 our tcuaitjui-ci a vw ww iuvi, j - . i cases that the patterns which are most fancied are tbe soonest exhausted. (. We speak with conviction when we say tnax we ao not uiiuk uy pyu f season has seen a more invitixg display of goods than those to which we j direct attention and ot wnicn we invite your inspcvuun.. nu v . that it will be a matter of general surpiuc and congratuuuon among buy- era that wc are able to offer so large a choice, and such excellent quality , ior prices that are remarkable for their moderation. . Respectfully, - . . , W. 'KAUFMAN & CO;, LEADING CLOTHIERS akd GENTS FURNISHERS, ' , ; ' . " ' Corner Central Hotel. Charlotte. N. C '.;- " Vy GRAND ! SAIE 01 Cane Mattingi3"and Carpets. Imnwnst stock of Cane Mattincs and we desire to give tbem a good start. In order to do this we propose to have . them all marked at very dote figures and rush many of them Out. . . - Tbe choke-patterns and sterling qualities will speak for tbemaelvea, ooce-tbey start. Be sure and give this sale your artenuoo, , as it wui mea a neat little saving to you. mrpeis gw i" am -j "jc also share the same fate. Housekeepers, now's your chance. Take ad vantage ot it. It it only thia week that extra inducement are held out ta - y 1 T. L. SICIGLH & CO-' - r-k- LADIES FINE SHOES. We have received a Urge shipment of the ce'ebrated Kocoester 2ooea, made in all atyles. sue and widths. TliM. KKv-a am mnrh LaadsoOiet and and better than any previous Iota. W e have tbem in the Goodyear weft-tewed and hand-tewed tuna, finest Vienna Kid, price $i.y by mad aoc. extra. tr.r Ufttf ti,t well to examine iU. mimnt cjmM. Our tnrinw atocl is avw complete and embracea evrnr thinir needed lo the 5koe line. The bent makes and lowest price. Call and ace - ' " v- .:" 16 S. Tryon St CILREATH f CO., (Sue. w Petram Ca.) Mto's Fii3 'Boitetr Ve this I W h,;nl 1 a Urc thipwKr.t rf thn cck-trte! ht LADIES FINE SHOES, Scss East TAtt St. . CL.B0ARf AIR-LINE. Oo Ka th sleep- in or will sv run through hrt wren thartostc ami RaHKb- ' necetaary lw through pa'ofe f thenitht tea-nt to chaagweartal Ch: and WUmtftoa aiJ eow- tin ie t ma ''Tr?' . '. f, - V. V-AMV, Gra'l Pa-ta. Ajr-t- Mhk.k are to w1 Vwoww 1a alm-r-t every beufkoid in Chwlotte. tad am today the leading he in snaoy of the Lnt riiK (ft iSa U. ?v. where dura- ----- .. , Iry, style nl enmkwt are cotMiTi. pricr a?wwye rwx'Js tirCOVIE A.VU SLE CS, OUA,Td:CC. b.i 14 ."iM's B!:r.:l"-:i Prpubir lcsue tSe bL Try it sad compare It wilH spy t. , f, riaiiilwersctxuxa V" Pilar Pif. ja, Smokii'g T' H the prtjmUr I- ' C'.r.TTlr. ' . I . lUI-avrt" 1 IL I- VNKtlN. Toltfiit, Ht to Cinrd llon. V-Utltlwn.Wfal--nt-ll-.Vm e.ri e. Jjff ,1M- -IV- " H-ffl! -

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