i FoMlrwiK Co. nmrTirrr t; a it tt-.-- . t. t-t Arrci - . brge supply , ff pressed and ' A !. tint nr. 'ffl Charlotte, N.C r3i0WAIRjUNE. ,,-wniTTr. VjL. Aonl 8. So ht following passenger rates will rowr this line to Portsmouth j urn on account of the North I k.. Mliral Society, which con- U t Eliwbeth City, N C, on Sanford . ' Charlotte, Lineolntoa Chfthv . . Ruthcrlordton t 7-3J 13.00 8.80 IfOO H 60 " I6.4O Ufrnm Anril fain In Vinchmw. Geodto return ua- hprilsw. inclusive. ' . . ; F, W. LLAKrv, O. r. A,,; r r ... ;f.-viJ;a:i:.-1'.;,.:tf. MILK BOTTLES. ' lf.k mm t.,.ci.,AM tat- d about 33 per cent over r ci- "j. a n - i" - y cif supply of bottles it neces- i w nave eacn ootue sent in at o!- turns. My customers will 3 wry much by having empty ready wwn me wagon caua. ',iu most cordially, everybody , isit ny dairy, examine ray cattle, i stable, andf Investigate fully my of delivery, j',: 7 v ' (Respectfully, " JL C C MOORE. , rOCKHOLDERS MEETING. j . "-- ': :- --. jhth Annual Meeting ol Share jot Mutual Building and Loan edition will be held at the May j court room Tuesday evening, i ifth, at 8 o'clock. . apS mjT PAPERS, suitable lor i trapping, pat op in bundles ol Akr sale at The News office. m (mis per hundred. Cut pa $ cents per hundred. fO MORE OLD CABBAGE. GstO Nat Orayi and ret New (Aft, just received from Florida, NAT CRAY, iajo 115 iv. iraoc-x. t tpt rrt) JU. l JLJJ1V : 4 - r - - ' 1 11 j a n nn " 1ye Money. , von vot ctMrotT ako rat- r,Y TOCa NtALTTI. T CALL. AT cx aroat Attn CNAitlKa rto OCR LASOt " ftltAVNAUt Ui or atoicm u.i:o j lto?a 1.1 :0TSSHOES ' All HUT Toy uv httn. . . roa fn-.rt j o 'auilv, t? ot a tJ- r"i cnoiTTjiT nx)t ' "ut stvul. (" vr? ; ifttcrv n , f MMC. s'-.URAMi AX .7 (1 S 7ACtt r ruTtlv mKjtil tt,T 1 CANVOT t '-' ; ir.!'i. A n . fcr-r t A . : 1 V. VOLUME i. CHARIX5TTE, N.'G. TUESDAY EVENING; APRIL" 9, 1889. , NUMBER iod. Call and see how Fine and Cheap they can be had...- i , V FRAMES.- -'.' . I have the largest and best assort ment of Frame Mouldings in the State, Canvas and Crayon Stretches made to order. VAN NESS. ti K Tryon S.. LOCAL RIPPLES. . Strawberries and ice cream arc served daily at the Central. ' The Criminal '.Court has been engaged in petty cases today , -1 The meeting of the riding ctub has beea postponed until to-morrow afternoon. " ' , ; . ' The Ladies'' Auxiliary Society will meet tomorrow afternoon at the V.M.C A. Halt' The telegraph wires are still down. No markets have been re ceived here since last Friday.' t -The meeting of the stockholders of the Mutual Building & Loan As sociation is to be held to-night. ; See HoUt.:V.V A i fx . .f"T Mr. W. W. Ward is bunding a block of handsome residences on Church street, between . Stonewall street and the railroad. "' 4- t. ; Rev, C M. Payne, of the Pres byterian church of Concord, and Rev: J. Y Fair, of the Second Pre byteriaa church of Charlotte, will exchange pulpits next Sunday. . , The Congregational Methodists, Dr. Montrose's congregation, have bought Chinquepio HUL near the Spoke and Handle works, and .will build a church there. : It will be knows as Maxwell's chapel, la honor ofCoLD.C. Maxwell . . TIPTOED TO JAIL OTTO NERWlS FINED ONE HUN DRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS. The fire departmetit was called out at half-past t o'clock this morming, bv a bltxe la Ward 3- The fire originated In a frame store oa Stone wall street, occupied by Mr. C M. Baker. This bothTing was almost coosumed before lh alarm was turn ed in. - The store and . its contents, and a frame resides a adjoining, also occupied by Mr. Baker werihwrned. The buHdingi bclooged to Mr. Ceo. Etheredi-w. TVt total loaa was aboot iLMCVpartly insured. The fire u believed to have beea incendiary. -aLvBawaaawMASBi-a-aaWAWaawa-aa A WrMn.KIU. Mr. T. S. L. Brown, who formerly Kved at MooresviOe, and who has been running as iVesnaa on the Rkhnoed and Danville road, was kDed at Danville yesterday. He was arms! for the switch enruM there and was engaged la drswing the ashes from the bre box, anxaowa to the enriaeer. - While the fircraaa was under the engine, the engineer operted the tbrotile, and toe wfteds eaaaed over Mr. Brown.' catting ofl oneofhU Xrp close to the thigh. He died sooa atterwards. Taeengv neer thought his fireman was oa the tender.- kr. TaM Xa. . - A Boatoa dispatch says: "Rev. Thomas Dixon, Jr., pastor of Dwd iv Street Baotist cburxh. has ac cepted the call to the Twentf-thlrd Street Baptui church W Kew Torn. He has beea in this city seventeen months only. He came here from OcareUnd couaty, North Carohoa, her he became nrotmneat as a political Wader and 4 lawyer brfcre he entered the minWtry. He k as nithualaat oa bocb.T. and peeachM strong and practical sermons. His reslgaatioa take tdect oa the 14th lost:- .fWy Uat Hifks. ' A nrrttT sharp hanUrr was cow mHied last sight at the mtare of M.Vi:iiniBtL kWardl. Thievrs broke late door leading Into the baietaent 4 the house, end tfcw;e easily galard adeiiiUace te the reoais aoovw. They enrned ofl a awwitwf JrfmMbckMiffiaff o Ihelamaiea, Kxrof tedrrMa heiog fintwara, but a anale gwrrt who was s-Vf 1 room to Vw-w" se ue aM awcr. - The hve stole tra m a hIIm etmtslr.ma' a cu t u N tloihea, ea ewded check Ni tantUJerjUe esaoaal 4 -T. al tM W vateahJe rF 1 aAiitk f-. i)y tt.fe tae swii af ' ( Nrr Si4 t f- , T -y ! t Li a S'-'? j hul T. He Dots Net Opea His Mouth id Court , nod Ooes to Jail Tlptoclnc Along the . treeta--8oma Think ha Is Crsy and ' Others Think h ia Only Mad. The trial ot Otto Nerwis,; ' whose lively behavior was noted in yester day's News, attracted a great crowd to the mayor's court room this morn ing. Nerwis had spent the night in a cell and when brought into the court room he had lost his belliger ency ol the previous day, but there was a dogged look ot defiance In his eyeJThe court room was packed. Mayor McDowell occupiedlus usual seat, and .Nerwis was brought into the room by officers through the door opening into the prison corri dor.'Jle Js a tall, muscular man, and looks every inch the athlete. His hsir Is. slightly curly and his complexion is almost bloodless. He came into the court room in bis usual suit ol dark colored pants, dark vest and brown woolen shirt. He wore no coat. I lis hat wu hrtniy pulled dowa over his head as be took his seat The mayor ordered him to take ofl his hat. but the only reply was a cynical smile, and officer Mor ris had to take the bat from his bead. The trial of Nerwis wai then proceed ed with, the policemen giving in their evidence. , Nerwis sat dumb through out the whole proceeding, sever ask ing a question and aevcr answering one, though several were addressed to him. . Once while sergeant Jetton was giving la his testimony, Nerwis smiled fcintly. There were three charges against Nerwb, ooe for re fusing to comply with the sanitary Sws, another lor interfering with the anitary policeman, and a third for Meaalling the officerar ;Th mayor fined him fso as each case, making a total fine of iijo, and ordered him to be tamed over to the sheriff" and kept hi confinement en til the fine k paid. Nerwis neither moved nor spoke when the fine was jxoeounced. Af ter court adjourned several parties who were drawn to the man by sym pathy tried to Induce him to talk, but he would not opea hie mouth. He was escorted to Jail by chief of police Griffith and sergeant Jetton, but he did not again spit ba the chiefs face. He went iaea odd snanner. At first he started out at a race horse walk, and the officert had to pal him back and ask him to go slower. Then he went along on tip-toe, hot walking briskly. A big crowded treet urchins followed in the wake. Nerwa saaiatalaAl his stolid sOcskc ; mil within a block of the Jail and others hold that he is only' mad. The girls.' ha ve charge of the - book store I - ' ' , . f1 ' ,. Nerwis was interviewed' at the jail to-day, and in reply to a question said that be was not crazy. He also said that he did not intend to pay the fine, Mayor McDowell says that unless Nerwis pays, be will have to join the chain gang, ; ' y: " ; ' isesv ' V APRIL TH. ' . - ., - A Day that will he Recalled by the ? JohnjOes--Some Recollections f ea iYsam.Agwt, , - ."," This is the twenty-fourth anniver sary of a day that will always be re membered by the , people of the South the anniversary day of the clostngjicene at Appomattox Court House, wheTihe limninir&rXecT army laid down their arms to return to their desolate homes. The war was over then, but war still waged in North Carolina, for Sherman and Stoneman i were facing the feeble forces in this State. " Oa the 13th of April, (bur days following Lee's surr render,; Stoneman captured and in vested Salisbury," ; and his torch created S pile of flame that lighted the country for miles around. The fine passenger depot and great shed of the North Carolina Railroad Com pany, the finest the State has ever had, were burned, together with the railroad shops, the Mt, Vernon Ho tel and the commissary buildings and the prison, hospital, &c The Yad kin. river bridge was saved by a Confederate battery that was planted on a high hill commanding the bridge The Federals made several attempts to destroy the bridge, but the shelling was too hot for them. At High Point a lew days before, Stoneman horsed 1,700 bales of cot ton - belonging to F. and H. Fries. While all these scenes were being enacted among we. an incident oc curred that threw the whole country into a lever of excitement.'" ft "was the assaasiniition of President Lin cola, in the theatre ia Washington, oa April 14th. Oa April iSth, the armistice be tween Gens. Johnston and Sherman began at Greensboro, and was con duded oa April sSth, when the Con federates dispersed to their homes and began making their crop. They had a lam start, with poor stock aad improvised implements, yet good crops were ' snade aS through the State that' summer. Those were tuning times indeed, and saeasories of Stonemaa'a torch are still fresh the minds of hasJredsof Tits Nww readers. SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT. ' WE congratulate our customers and friends upon the return of the tl genial Spring Season. It is always a pleasant relief to exchange the heavier r and more sombre apparel of winter for the lighter, and never has fashion set her seal upon goods for the season so attractive and tasteful as they are at the present time. The very best advertisement of our goods would be the goods themselves, could they be sent around for general inspection. As this is impossible we fall back on the faithful types to assist us to describe in some measure the chief feature of our Spring Stock, By way . -of preliminary we may say that we have brought our long business expe- ' -riencc aod knowledge of local tastes, to the selection of the goods we offer , and with a result which we hope will be as gratifying to our customers - as to ourselves. The extent of our stock is unusually large and the variety , offered in styles and the materials are so wide that we think we can scarcely -.. tiil of satisfying! every intending purchaser. In, every department our 1t0ck.wilJ.be found tobejmpletexji9thing having been neglected in our ' ' efittlo make it the most'complete assortienl bl goods ever oftered to the trading public ot this locality. In making our selection we have realized ( that to the quality of . the goods sold we must look for the building up ot , that confidence between buyer and seller so essential td a commercial suc cess and permanence. Our customers will find that in respect to quality v our stock has no superior, if any rival, our policy-being to sacrifice a margin of our profits rather than sacrifice the confidence of our customers in the goods we tell. Some rather unusual opportunities have been offered to s watchful buyers to secure bargains in some ol the desirable standard lines, Xhcse we have taken advantage of and customers will find that our prices . are unusually low, relative to the value ol the goods we ofler. We aim . to satisfy all classes of buyers, and our stock therefore includes the variety of grades which have correspondingly varied prices. We desire to be .. known for cheapness, but we handle no cheap goods, that fa to say, we ' . give even in low price grades the very best article the market affords fer tile money. It is a shoruighted policy for any merchant to make a repu V tation tor low priced goods at the expense of his reputation for values. No article is really CHEAP which will not return the buyer the foil value of ? the money expended in its purchase. Our steady aim is to satisfy buyers, .? not only by alluring bargains, but by thfe satisfaction that comes in goods that wear and stand the test of actual use. I the matter ot Novelties we t think our stock will leave nothing to be desired. By being early in the market we secured the early choice of styles and patterns which always gives the buyer the advantage of picking up such seasonable novelties as , are soon exhausted, if they prove desirable to purchasers. We commend to our customers our own method, that ot early selection, as it follows in cases that the patterns which are moat fancied are the soonest exhausted, r We speak with conviction when we say that we do not think any previous : seams has sees a more invitixg display of goods than those to which we , direct attention) and of which we invite your inspection. And we are sure that it will be a matter of general surprise and congratulation among buy r era that we are able to offer so large a choice, and such excellent quality . lor price that are remarkable for their moderation, . Respectfully, ' -.,?'- TheRadreed ? A called meeting of the Chamber of Coeamerce was held last Bgtt. found sttennce. Addressing him self to the chief ha aaked: '"How long will I have to stay as jsar -. - ' - - Ninety cUya," rrrWJ the orticeT. 'And all thas'v rejoined Nerwis, f.w a mas i peeking his own pin Ion?" Yoa can call k erprrsaiog your opuuoa a yon wsal to," said the chief. . . . Caat I g'ivs aay bockatore as se cwrity for theasoseyr asked Nerww. No, ief mid the thiet, "the nrwey &V mr U peid." - Nothing wtore wu aaWL The J3 was reached and Ntws entered a tone ce3 U perfect sdewce. lis case la a oirwa cm, and it Is sot kaows whether or sot M is able to pay the fine, Dt. CmI frf show) Netww reete he Uk store, eld to a reporter that Nets 'a had always paid hie test la edvee, and ( ldrafwsdasfdrrse, ' lit was always alUMe a PLM o thme who vUCed hia store as Urn- ss" m4 Ike oKto, -ad I atvet k-M-w tyhJC wrwf elt lufi" IV. fi-alswf ihsepinios ; t e -t" m't -t roads. The Injustice of the Rscfc anond a DaavSle towards Charlotte la ike starter of freight rates was the stain topic, and all whs spoke os at, eesaestly advanced the idea'thai re- Cef matt cornw. of Charlotte's trade aottldssfler heavily, and this relkf ca4 only he secwreJ by the eoostrse- tiosofacouiretArigha. Rev. Was. R. Atkimoa was ooe of the aeoat ar dent and enthsAiartlc advocates for the bug of a sew road, Mr. Atkiasos Ud down the law that a sew road matt he hwih atd shal he (Wit. The ouicoeae of the 'cUrue um w hi he a petUios for aaother rlectioat OS a rsrcsd Subscription, kfrwv Joka VaidnJmgWeJB, E. F. Yef and W. M. Wdaoa were appointed a ttsm'ttf to ak the arfMatrnvnt cf Mr. T. C Jaswa u tra; agrst to ChlIA It orgies to look Ik e Ut ia soove douU att Rv. ). Y. l air going hRkl mol, sVtaX Itisssdrf. moM tht M ha eiexi"d a s wif toCntf sbWefcyihe Uw'oaof rmbritry. sad a sctfg prv-wt 1 ht U oegM H href IWry t nke'phihee. frt iiev srs ,-4 i'v-t ra May, LEA DING TLOTIII ER5 jmo CENTS FURXTSliERS, Comer Central HoteCcBadotte, N., C Tr GRAND SAM'OF Cane Mattings arid Carpets. tock cf Cane Mattines and wsi WW - nan I I1M iweiiit - e w desire to give them a good atart. In order to do this we propose to havet them aa marked at very aoee ngvres ana n wdt . The choice patterns and sterling qualities wfU pcak for tbemaelves. ones they start. Be sure aod give thia sale your sttention, .as it wm mesa .-. a sent attic saving to you. vaxpru t i --7 . abo share the same fate. Housekeepers, sow s your chance. Take ad-. vantage of k. It is only this week that extra inducements arc hem out w y0 ' . ri'trr o. rr LADIES' FINE SHOES. Wa hart received a lars-a shipment of ths celebrated Rochester Shoes WMds m all sty lea, sues and widths. Thns Shoes are stuck handsomer and and better than any prevfoua Iota. W e have theis ia the Goodyear welt reared end kuwl-sewed turs. finest Vienra Kid. price yy by maa toe, extra, Evervladr wtU do wcR to examine these elegant Shots. Osr spring stock is sow complete and embraces every. Ihirg seedod la the Shoe hoe. Tie lencakr and lowest prices. Call sod see ' TryosSc . CILREAT1I A. CO. (Sue 10 Prgrtnt A Co.) Bcltou's fio Ectttr Ve metved l-auy a Urge shipment ihn celebrated ha of LADIES' FIXE SIIOES, ti lU-et Tat St. which ae s well kaows is ahsoU retry houMhold is Charfotta, aad are today Ue lewlmg abne fa swny of Ue lartrt cities la the U. 5., where dura bility. Style and Comfort are conaidrre.1 Frier aWays reeaoIJ. ' swrCOME ANU SEE US. ' OXliVTwS CC. rtAM)Attt) AIRLINE. Oa "UlT ll'd LT""":! " aer January Ihh thesis r .K!UU4l. iJwt.-L, ' K rniJ s nut Ihrottfk hetwees CVarlotie as-l Relrivh. It lK r irfht tr'tn a ehangv cars at OtrVittt aani tiwwe to rwa waa- r, Yf. V.UV r. r-. On I fa. A PtifMi becsua aaxl cf ;r;at it ile Ut. i !i any y Try it ,1 1. p"-. . A! ,--r,t t I f il It I ! l'i- 1 , 1 r ! (:- 1 I .--,. At 1' " ' r 1 I i !. I- , , I 1 o I V r. r. ' I." A t ,A.r, K; U T3 I I: 1 !

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