' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. E IEi - Ml " 1 "-"aj'w , , fj - .fM.- x: rjY'"-1'1 V'i iBWBajWa flj'f? , V ,rSBBBBSaaaBea". , CRAYON PORTRAITS. : Call and see bow Fine and Cheap they can be had. ' , - . , -f FRAMES. -V.I have the largest and Lest assort ment of Frame Mouldings fa the ' State. Canvas and Cm von Stretches , made to order. VAN NESS ' . - -. ti N. Tryoa irCBACELET LOST -Under re- K.irded by returning to this Office, . pry ' iToST-'Liljrary book; trom Baker' f j Left 1" some store; yr& wrapped ! fr. hd catalogue and name in VOLUME i! k " . Please return to Baker' a Music I CHARLOTTE, N. C TUESDAY EVENING, 'APRIL?W 1889- NUMBER 1 Store- , ' . apryxlat -THE J LOCAL RIPPLES. JWS: Announce their No telegraph markets' were rt ccivod (oday, oo account o Father HRST GRAND CONCERT George's celebration. At the OPfiRA HOUSE Oii.Frid.iy Eve, May 3d,; 1889. ' Director Prof. Caertner. - r. Pianist Mrs. Dewey., 4 , Associate members' ticket, admit- The commission house of Tardy & Walker has been moved to ti e Bufonj Hotel, Fourth street entrance. -The first game of ball of the season; wil be played at Bawtoa'l Park Thursday"; trfternoon between the Chailottr and the Charlotte iWtwo persona to reserved seats ... . i.. oaon. one dollar, on sale bvH . ; all the Member. - Admission jo cts. I ' The grandmother of engineer Rwerved Sent extra.- Crnber and rmisldUn, Crubef1 helped Projsrjmmctn-worosw songs t0 triw flowcrf ; Washington's pathway on'the occasion of his in auguration in New York, one bun? dred yrars ago. ' 1 Mr. 11 Uaruch was heard to re. mark today that the goods turned out by Jones & Lockwoed ' knitting mills are the best he has ever handled. He has handled lou of I brands, and this is a compliment to I and choruses. - aprjo PROF. TRIPP'S GRAND -SCRIPTIVE SERIES. ( ! ?ranc and Biuop. Bines il4S,",: A graphic portrayal of the marvel lous political transformations and thrilling dramatic episodes, with vivid delineations of the prominent Trton, including the momentous Eastern question, past and present, .... ' . . i . .i . . IU me uicsi ucvciuvinmw, wrrav , rt,,ri, f,-trtr'ril. .,! toted bv large colored maps; the Penfil o'thePhflharmonic nil CI IIIUIC UlaU UIIIIT rmi it" I m.km. t aa W""v WKVil Is arch, largely from personal and J attended, and arrangements were Cf oinal sources, and combining the nerfectad lor the entertainment at the twnttionof romance with the rarest I ' . ' . i. n.. fcslorical knowledge; ;. extensively " r - &cd before brilliant audiences P k0" win bebeaqtifully decor. Hi ike principal cities In twenty-five J ated aod i splendid treat is m ston .Sole, from Maine to texas, u tat-1 br ur people, ? Hr io:iors W??"1.? Idowalntha Sunrama Court vester- i mie in curann ma r -iu ' .4- ' ;;extraordinary sale-,. , - CHttf, Gents' WsBii GooSs, ? lis Bsliis Tpij. Ladut and Gti!ktnn, ' Listen Our store in the Central Hotel building, as familiar to you as jour own homes and firesides. is to;: be remodelled, improved, enlarged aad fitted up- in palatial style -The work will be begun right away, just : ss sooo as we can dtfose of tKc stock. . We've an enortnously I.ire stock,, and as remodeHinjf will 'b general, we must Kelt can't !o anything 'else. So today wc will begin a ' SLAUGHTER SALE or THE DAY IN CHARLOTTE. II" OEOEOE .WASnDrOTOli. AlUri Sosiasss SumndMl sai A3 Tk I Holiday 8rrict at 8i. Pur'f. Charlotte, the birthplace of Aoicr icaa Independence, celebraied the one hundredth anniversary cf With- America, including e-Presideot oT we: aim n, weaamgxoo, "ortcr. ol Vale College: late Presi. from Meddeabar. bo error; State I inrtnn'm iMOffuri;. In . nulet )i i. c t fi! I . ... I 1 J" i j, ui wvn uwmHir . ninML tram . ssocKMniMiiw. no 1 1 : -rt i ftslnp Huntington, of New York ; tv7 c., , v ,7. J. V , tBl,oi. Haven, of MkhbaaUoil WS , Maasey, Irooi pJe wbo couUn.t ROt( Ncw York lemtv: Archbishoo EMet ol On-1 lMcolai was argued bjux Attoc . UKfry. Ny a'J the arJ; Rev. Dr. Palmer, of New ney General far the State and W. J. (tores mere closed throughout the Mm; Gen. Sir P. McDougal, of Montgomery and W, A. Hoke for entire day, and It looked very mnch iiiLbx. N. S., and more thaa tea the dMut.nt e... j. . -n. BOARD WANTED. Vutcd, n and smaD Jaraitr, pits without other boarders pre- w iuuir to rav fun value. ' Addres , . , D. ao f yl4t Dailt Nbws Office.; like Sunday io town. Wsrk TVieiawrart, s .1 'msl ceiebratioa in toe city, but Ground win broken today for the services commemorative t the event addition to the Buiord House, The were held at St Pctera Episcopal addition k to be a three-story brick Church at nine o'clock in the morn structurs running back on Fourth wg. conducted by the rector, the street, and tt iH iuit douhla the est-1 Rev. loa. Blount Cheshire, . Jr. A first-clast . accommoda-1 Uitf. I Tlx additie I verv laree cofirTrpitioa . sttcoJcU. itaaaod others amonw the most aioeuished. cultured and discrim- uisg minds in all parts of the aary. (I'articuurs bcrealtcr.l iprjodit -'i'-'k.'- rood table board forge I . j,,,,,,, wja eooo. among the audience bei-'g represcn u mnmu tumiiT. mvw ...... . ... e n .k- -k V ,U. nr. lostaa Asourr nas we cowraci, i imutxm vm . . s."..- Tmi-r. rrteTssinrt'. ' i (city., The aervkxa were of the form schept In Crab -Orchard township,!, 2T . ... r. I this for fifteea or twenty minutes upon -r ITLER THE, JEWELER.' ' wi a at sir fa at st rai rl ai hU,B fril 'w v-J. -nu-dn-. qeM Ut concern ourcoua teiegran from her J He pokt WssLUgtoa w a ber to annouoce a racauoa aadre-l ;. . .. .. . for her. Her blher had dropped .TT .7.. . IIT j v. j'j . J-l-j I States, Mr. C wshuesaid thatfrora r"V. 7 "uTT ib wording one could not tell this shocking. newt to her by tale-.. , , k- '"TT"; " . , . . I or Chrlstka minds, aad that the at- (MdaaWsaJUf.. ,- teoUoa of the rtliroos world had Vu and Mrs. Jonas RoJUTD today I ,,5 to this CkI time and celebrate the Jh aawvaary ,ln, Mr. Cheshire touchexl atw thrtf sarrige.and the conrratula Bpoa proper oUemncc cf the bomm tow muj m km I SaUbstn. Icmperauce. tw other showered a poo this astinuhle couple I Mr. RodisiH was aurrwd (a ML Uouraa, and he tclh) U as oae loci-1 dent of hit bridal trip thai he had to rUe srtebajrk ea he wy to Char iotteto CTir I bttggy' 1 hlnwU sad bride, as there wat. ao tmgzy b sO ihst regJoa ra thoM days. points. His address was One of deep interest, and. though brief, was just what was aecded fix the occa sion. - . i The only decoration noticed sWat j Literary asd Historic treat, As may be seen by advertisement, Prof Moo to Tripp, of Boston, the widely known traveller, author and lecturer on Europe, may be expected to give shortly h) Charlotte a course of three of his descriptive series on the latest great epochs of French and European, history, with , personal reminiscences of the prominent ac tors, including the momentous East era question, past and present, with the latct developments threatening the peace of . Europe, illustrated by Urge colored historic maps. Prof. Tnpp has msde his grand theme life work. ; He has visited Europe three times, ' and resided abroad. ' He was aa eyewitness ol the great Part revolutions of Feb ruary and June I and vas in the Chamber of Deputies the second day of the revolution of February in the private box of Mioiiter Rush. , He aai lectured the present season at Rutgers sod Princetoa Colleges and riainfieM. N. J., and la North Caro- L'aa at Raleigh, two courses, V3 mington, Col dsboro, Salem and Win ston, and at the Unhrersity at Chape) HID, with numerous votes ot thanks from his andiefices. " The produc lions have attained wide celebrity, and are emphatically indorsed and A sale such as has never been seen in this city. . Not a garment of any -description ' will escape. - We've made reductions that ai7I wake the , State. We want to put these lads into your head and we want 'em to stick there., The goods we are com pelled to sacrifice now are ncw poods of this season. Reliable,' Staple CLOTHING amd FURNISHINGS such as we have always kept' As our entire store will be remodelled and improved. 1 .wc can't keep any . goods In any nook or corner, so Uie ' compulsion to sell is very great The . stock to be sold is simply enormons, . and the time Very, very short . To empty the store in the shortest pos sible, time, we've boiled prices and ' ' values doam to sock a consistency as . will pack oar store and keep it packed till every dollar's WTVth of stun uaacr our root is gone. ; uc puactuaL , S- ' .." '" " "' ;': CU' cn O" a;--' CD to- 1 1 O W: CTFMAN & CO., ) LEADING CLOTHIERS ako GENTS FURNISIIERS,i ' - . Corner Central Hotel Charlotte, N. C ' " 3 " V" " SUMMER UNDERWEAR. . Wa 4ht mB tm inaSaa mm Ba W tmmmm Hatiir aa4 1'Mknmi. A 1 WhSrimHaUi. It W Ml fcitmil rrfUr Mete. Frrvc M n4 4obte fcari. la Ham VMnnaiMm nr. whan. vl m t MnWa Mk a. AmW U yam wmtm na urn ymnmlt yrm voa't , urikinc.. PntH mtmtt Mm aa4 mmmi Umlnwmi. TW Slu!.a a Um mt naa. Aim m lw rli4 m at L.a... m4 CStldraa'a Oaaw aM Ubr Uali r. - A tM I t'litnn b IwSaa m U tl mm! 1 mm Coma fwinw m lta mc mI I m MHtt ima mu atra axa aa awn tsvma. wa aa fwa rrm mt - commended byesnmrnt amhorfties I aTfsl'w sallir lIai tTVarwtll'ptlailllMJwf saWaTla fmmj. mm Silk rtoakart aUbrvjMk As Sa abes San M ny doa, Ikfam. , la Europe and America, includlog. in our own Sute, such cUstbguished I geotleinea aa Chief Justice Smith and I Dr. Griasoat, of RaJrigh, and Rev. Dr. Charles Phinipa, of Chapel HIS. Rev. Thomas Dixon, of Shelby, ho seat 10 Coatoa sod hi bow is I cbarctf of a larra tharch ia New York, is Ibe UHs of the papers. Sows one has Uicovitd that he I T. L. SEIGLE & CO. FINE SHOES. A foQ stock of the celebrated ZW?lr Ltd'CS ayeMoney. ht i town eras at lbs tsml UuiUmff. i N (LrU(I whkh wat tloa t-8 ia a . . a storas ovct a yvar tjru bat not . . , .... . . rtnn - lift Mr rvpaca, tru in imiiixw -! I.J.. r. Tlra.n .Vwitor of I colors hune U fostoflt trom the ik Criminal Court WA today oa root of the buiVfifg business trip to MoWe and Ttxar- I IVnk parrwa, Rahmg parties, and He will be abate! for a week. I strolUcg (.rxnpaiee w caoea, vtre .m 0tes sad fcmDt re-1 the order of U day. Brov PhiLMMphia Fine Shoes for aad Gent, Mawee aad Childrea's wear. We carry a fine he of this auk aad find a Urge and tomasing drmand for there. which w take to b rosrl vtdnr of snerit . We bears a rmutkaUe reseaiLUnc to Me jnst reeetowd a hvrg tot ot u rroiMrie AbraKam Lmowi, and Ui papers I r, . -.-j.,,. Sit handing hi a Soot. The cutrrrtt M, !-,, i.,n, w,W fnr scrvval rad.i 'Mr. D aoa is t tall, I Tent Sol Buttoa Boots -for tiers. - (kwk- gaunt aaao, sit fret la Uht, with a I mra's hn Hand made Shoes a apeciaity. fl roca cxMroar amo ttl n vtx KtAtnt, sv caul, t cx a to ao rv Mmimq now cm mace tia,o,HAta uni or aiotc. tti.to- OTSpJ SHOES . ALL THAT : TOO UKt 1U. rr.rs,tr oa aat. h ot, UM. stiAX cwniaia Of m cCHCr ooom a t nuw. tus vtar J, acivaaa aa suraO otrri'Kj isoooa sat TTtar si rjk.xwoT s , hM)lt WsOA-AA-"fTKlt ftavwaarttrwi . ro a. r. RANKIN , YA taraed to the dry today. Mr. B. F. Tiptoe, ed.ior of the kit, HoTr Ne. Is a the CeatraL Mr.S.lS. WoWe aad Mr. W. C Vo!f of Mooroe, ar In the city t!ar. Mr.'S. H. Hot3 Uk today for rxU to vkt relatives and kieads. . rv.. lev. IL GiUoa rttara-! ht ion rhiavklhia today, whare bt ha been atrewdiflg Wfim bt the oMaldTartmtet4 the Uarmaity crVr.iwtvtr.'A, , hl.e Mine Hurl, of Virca, Is v'jUi'f irrxds i ChsiMte, the , U bet ar Mr. Trr If, it tW I CtnlrtL aad Oaal taa faff la. t That lha t'ae EAtaMat Wi3 bt;'" rt.i to';t si I-o Kar, at tSt A'-"t ? Chii 'f jr ; r--r,M",',;r . See oor Shoes. i6.S.TryoaSt, 1- body by Jmmi a OUaw. "ChatUxte sveais lo be romg a B)r," sakl a visitor to a Nri tr portrr today. . "Cor reel, rpfce4 te rvfwer. "Is aihlltioa la the new ikkwTt gmng aa, and the aw oVpetk rf.g mUIi, aad lactoiW jt oxd pleted, V asetaa jroa jah it. ivo. Wok at iww rc-xW-g hL,i.i thisfowa o the 'rrfug s gtt coi:t'ma aroaod a W. ftrrsn'stiortho-ae. Jj, r r., yrg ami The imW liwiVheg. Lvkoaa, v - r.l .w4 wteer wvths, lfxrro -7 ? r--- . gefthtwraaV, .t'i.li Ua Cenust H eel. t,"i.a .,r. Wteae-fyv . , .. U... ia It h. s'iracl.vV. "Jest ttiak itl i't ..Jk -,hinit. lUtrbunh r4s3. r--VTC eaterf. in si A rl I r S' v iq ik II ',tM'r liv e r ml Lort-liwbed, hollow cheeked. Swd a jn'rw-'vT"!, a ilk Mack, lUiiiTtlM half LKing over a bmad fothed,.re U a typical Southtrorr, sad his Sfpcaraace Is oi hit aalire Suie tad of Boston H the- sd ijwuk of his pa'pit oratory la the hsht trfm. ' I It lrtiixvs tvrry- CI LR EAT 11 A CO.; (Sue. to Pcgram A Co.) KEiiiiialMi'i'Oinlliaiiiai'F IB. wneave farootaeas. &.a cartwi nwuniHi wua h. Mnypf hs trrvrl'y psUHahed sev i lave ttclief tvwMuk, and, al thourh sea ti-whwi is tf frost hU itS-wii-hu, t W IVrly to be tharjnl lit aatk I Inwtua was re- . .. .ft! .;. at J vcerori re rativ Cl 4 ti an.. .fi!a to lka a'.r. aaaatn2 la, 1 r 1,,, are .' !f W'd M ;:-!: tMw!wi-i"""r" f, v.k " 'v."y, th'?e vaa'r to. sew our baantUul line of La ! r' Oiford TVa sad Siporrt 1 IMmkmcilMwrwthaara. They are tery styitsh smhI reason Wa ia Kk. Ow Sot mg Stock of l'a, a, tsL?. MWi and Chit- dre 1 1 aa SVks wee aever aw re tirCOUS ANliSLE Us. t East Taatt St ' QTimTSr CO. roowLr because the hr ' Try fc aad compare it tih aay Jc. Cigar. rL".t Uetrfcbxaa Ooodi. PiUr r,. .rfk; -4f Toliayvoa aad pptt.r r!vU H the (. t.fr! Cl at. itr, r (rllrl- k J if.t Crt and hmi'ker.' t, L. VATxTl.-i, CREAM. - CREAM; 1 lure rvreatty aW taw 4Vrh coi to my herd, ahkh toat4e me tl dttiret tet Crrara ftt it crt(t per Hlrr fftir1vnaery fa t.a-!l-rf Jani;". I aS -!J a tint ftnt ty tjf snwk pf itli rw l iw t J rents per eaTv. Ihia ia rlI ;htd it aa art I I rsa hI.lf rwwiow"'! It todK in..'.', ami th.'-h. ?r I ',t . v I !.Tff g'-r my . 1 i J ' ' t. r. n-