L'llllli 20!)4 2II!'5 20!1« £(»!iS 210(1 2101 2102 21o:{ 2104 2! 05 1.50 1.50 4.00 1.50 2122 2123 2124 2125 1.50 2126 1.00 2127 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.50 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 1.50 213(i 1 00 2137 2I3S 2I3.'» 21)0 2141 2142 214,'. 214(1 2147 2I4S 214!» 1.50 2151 2 I .'i2 2153 No. To Whom Issued Am't No. 1642 Harris, Anthony 3.00 2073 1643 Holden, Addellne 1.50 2074 1644 Holmes, Issabella 2.00 2075 1645 Hathaway, Elcy 1.50 2076 lfc46 Haddock, Mary J. 2.00 2077 1647 Iseral, Jane 1.00 1648 Jasper Millie 1.50 2o79 1649 Johnson, Simon 3.00 2080 1650 Jones, Tom 1.50 2081 1651 Joyner, Loveless 1,50 2082 1652 Letchworth, Alphonse 3.00 20S3 1653 LanKley, Jasper 4.00 2084 1654 Moore, Polly 1.50 2os5 1655 Moore, Nancy 3.00 20S(J 1656 Moore, Dulia 2.50 2087 1657 Mills, J. U. and wife 2.00 20SS 165S Mills, Siillic 1.5C 165!) Outterbridge, Mary 1.00 2090 1660 Phillips, Bettio 1.5(. 2oi)l 16(;i Ponder, L. H. (for Mrs. B) 5.00 ]fl(!2 Page J. J. and wife 2.00 1603 Peebles, U W. 5.00 1664 Roberson, Wm. 2.oo 1665 Roberson, Crisslo l.">o 1666 Roberson, J. T. 2.00 1607 Roves, Ross 1.50 1668 Randolph, Hottie 1.50 1609 Randolph, Karnest 4.00 1670 Randolph Riley 2.00 1671 Simmons, Martha 2.50 1672 Smith, Shadwick 1.50 1673 Smith, Eliza 1.50 K;74 Smith, G. W. 1.50 1675 Saulsbury, Hillard 1.50 ^K'O 1676 Stevenson, Amanda 1.50 -'07 1677 Sheppard, John 1.50 -lOS 1078 Spain, Mary 1.50 2109 1679 Tyson, Claasie 2.00 “110 1680 Tyson, Wm. Ann 1.50 -HI t68l Tyson Theoplus 1.50 2112 1682 Turnage, Patience l.OC 2113 1683 Taylor, Harriett 1.50 "114 1684 Teol, Richard 2.00 -U5 1685 Vines, Hattie 1.00 2116 1686 Vincent, Jesse 3.00 2117 1687 Williama, Judith 1.50 2118 1C88 Williams, Olliver 1.50 2119 16S9 Williama, Rachel 1.50 2120 1690 Wilson, Ben 2.00 2121 1691 Wilson, Annie 1692 Wilson, Bet tie 1693 Wade. Olivia 1694 Wooten, Henry 1695 Wooten, Aaron 1696 Wallace, Laura 1697 Albritton, Cherry 1698 Vines, Margarett 1728 Ward, Pabby 1733 Brooks, Rachel 1745 Atkinson, Virginia 1746 Atkinson, Laney 1747 Atkinson, Katherine 1748 Albritton, Cherry 1749 Atkinson, Nancy 1750 Bell, Cherry 1751 Braxton, Jesse 2.00 1752 rsurney, Ponnie l.Of 17.">3 Burnev, Jacob 1.50 17.54 Baker. Snllio 4.00 1755 Raker, Lvdia 5.00 1756 Boyd. Hattie 1.50 2143 1757 Bright, Frank and wife 4.00 2144 175,S Ballinpor, Mary 2.00 1759 Boyce, Gatsey 1.50 1760 Brown, Africa l.oo 1761 Bullook, Tiima 1-50 1702 Barrett, Fannie 1.00 1763 Brooks, Rachel 1764 CoRKin.s, Sallio 1705 Cobb, Dicy 1700 Carson, Belle 1767 Cannon, Wm. 1769 Cobb, Fanie 1770 Clark, Hargett 1771 Cltrk, Reubln 1772 Dali, Henry 1773 Dupree, Wm. 1774 Dixon, Richard 1775 Elks. Lindia 1776 Elka, Titus 1777 Edwards, Patsey 1778 Evans, Amos 1779 Ernul, R. J. 1780 Freeman, Harriet 1781 Fleming, Prank 1782 Grady, Martha 1783 Grimes, Prank 1784 Gorham. Alice 1785 Gorham, Dinah 1786 Greene, BJvallne 1787 Hales, Bettle 1788 Haddock, C. J. 1789 Hardeo, I.,ouiBa 1790 Hardee. Peter 1791 Hardoe. Obed and wif« 1792 Hunt. Lovle 1793 Ham, Debbie 2.50 1794 Harris Lorana 3.00 1795 Harris, Anthony 3.00 1796 Holden, Adeline 1.50 1797 Holmes, Issabella 2.00 1798 Hathaway, Elcy 1.50 1799 Haddock, Mary 2.00 1800 Isoral, Jane 1.00 1801 Jasper, Millie 1.50 1802 Johnson, Simon 3.00 1803 Jones, Tom 1-50 1804 Joyner, Loveless 1.50 1805 Letchworth, Alphonso 3.00 1806 Langley, Jasper 4.00 1807 Moore, Polly 1^0 1808 Moore, Nancy U.OO 1809 Moore, Delia 2.50 1810 Mills, J. R. and wife 2.00 1811 Mills, Sallie 1.50 1812 Outterbridge, Mary 1.00 1813 Phillips, Bettle 1.50 1814 Pender, L. H. 5.00 1815 Page, J. J. 2.00 1816 Peebles, L. W. 5.00 1817 Roberson, Wm. 2.00 j 1818 Roberson, Crlssl* 1.50, 1819^Poberson, J. T. 2.00 1820 Rleves, Ross 1.50 1821 Randolph, Bettle 1.50 1822 Randolph, Riley 2.00 1823 Simons, Matha 2.5C I 1824 Smith, Shadwick 1.50 1825 Smith, Eliza 1.50 1826 Smith, G. W. 1.50 1827 Salisbury, Hillard 1.50 1828 Stevenson, Amanda 1.50 1829 Sheppard, Jno. 1-501 1830 Spain, Mary 1-60 1831 Tyson. Clossle 2.00 1832 Tyson. Wm. Ann 1.50 1833 Tyson, TheophlluB 1.50! 1834 Turnage, Pstlenc* l.OC 1835 Taylor, Harriet 1-60 1836 Teel, Richard 2 001 1S37 Vines. Hattie 1-50 1838 Vines. Margarett 100 1839 Vincent. Jesse 8.0C 1840 Williams. Judith 1-60| 1941 Williams, Oliver 1.50 1842 Williams, Rachel 1-50 1843 Wilson, Ben 2.00^ 1844 Wilson. Annlce 1.501 1845 Wilson. Bettle 1.50' 1846 Wade. Olivia 4.00 1853 Wooten, Henry 1.50 1854 Wooten, Aaron 1.5P 1855 Wallace Laura 1.00 1856 Ward, Phoebe 1.50 2026 Latham, Pope 1.50 2061 Moore, Richard 1.501 2069 Atkinson. Virginia 1.00 2070 Atkinson, Laney 1.001 2071 Atkinson, Nancy 1.50 M7< ▲tkln(K>n, Katherine 1.60 To Whom Issued Am t No. 1.50 2.00 2.0;") 2.00 2.00 1 '0 1 • 0 5.or 3.0) 2154 2' 2156 2157 21 .'iS 2159 2.50 2100 1.50 2101 2.00 2102 2.00 2163 4.00 2104 4.00 1.50 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.50 4.00 3.00 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 l!00 2173 2195 2201 8.00 2211 2.50 5 00 No. 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 416 417 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 Albritton, Oherry 1.50 Bell, Cherry 1.50 Braxton, Jesse 2.00 Burnoy, Pennle 1.00 Burney, Jacob l!5t Baker, Sallie 4.00 Baker, Lydia 5.00 Boyd, Hattie 1.51) Bright, Prank and wife 4.00 Ballinger, Mary 2.00 Boyco, Giitsoy 1.50 Brown, Arnca i.ou Bullock, 'I'ania i,5o Barri;(t, Fannie 1,00 lirookH, Kacliol 1.50 Coggins, Sullie I'no Cohb, Dicy 2.00 Carson, Hello 2.00 Cannon, Wm. 2.0(1 Col)l>, Fa 11II io 2.0‘l Clark, llargi'tt 1.5C Clark, Ilctibcu l.nti ixiprcc, Wni. 3.00 Di.xon, liicluird £r,i Klks, l.india 1,50 Klks, Tilns 2.0( Kiiwari!.s, Watwy 2.0( Kvans, Amos 4.00 Frecniaii, Harriet 1.."iO^ Floniin}?, Frank 2.00 (Irady, Manila 1,50 ■ Urinics, Frank l.Sii; 'lorhani, Ali(^<.- 1.00 1 tlorhani, Dinah 1..50, Groen, Fvaline 1.5o' Halos, Bottle 1.0(.‘; Haddock, C. J. 4.00' Hardeo, Louisa 3.00' Hardee. Peter 4,«0 Hardee, Obott and wife 2.50 | Hunt, Lovie 5.0C | Ham, Debbie 2.501 Harris, Lawrence 3,00 j Harris, Anthony 3.0C j Holden, Adeline 1.5P' Holmes, Isabella 2.00 I Hathaway, Elcy 1.50 | Haddock, Mary J. 2.00 | Iseral, Jane l.OOj Jaspor, Millie liso I Johnson, Simon 3.0C Jones, Tom 1.50' Joyner, Loveless 1.50' Letchworth, Alphonso 3.00! Langley, Jasper 4.00 Moore, "Richard 1.50^ Mooro, Polly Moore, Nancy t.9l Moore, Delia 2.50 Mills, J. R. and wife 2.00 Mills, Sallie 1.50 Outterbridge, Mary 1,00 Phillips, Bettio 1.50 Pago, J, J, and wife 3.00 Peebles, L. W. 6.00 Pope. Lathauj 1,50 Koborson, W'ni. 2.00 Roberson. Crissie 1,50 RolMTHon, J. T. 2.O0 Rives, Ho.s.s 1,50 Raniiolpli, liottio 1.50 Randolph,. Kiley 2,00 Simmons, Martha 2,50 Smith, Stiaihvick 1,50 Smitli, i:ii";i 1,50 Smith, G. W. 1,50 Kallsbury, Hilliard l..'i Stevenson, Amanda 1.50 Shopparil, ,1no. 1.50 Spain, .Mary 1.50 Tyson, Classlo 2.0C Tyson, Wnt. .\tin 1.50 Tyson, 'I'hcopilus 1.5# Turnage, Patience 1,00 Taylor, Harriet 1.50 I'eol, Richard t.OI Vines, Hattie 1.50 Vines, Margaret 1.00 Vincent, Jesse 3,00 Williams, Judith 1.50 Williams, Oliver 1.50 Williams, Rachel 1.5# Wilson, Ben S.OA Wilson, Annie 1.80 Wilson, Billie 1.50 Wade, Olivia 4.0* Wooten, Henry 1.50 Wallace, Laura 1.00 Wooten Aaron Laura 1,00 Ward, Phoebe 1.50 Pender, L. H. B.OO Randolph. Earnest S.OO Nobles, Eliza 1.00 Gray, Allen 5.00 WltnctiBea. . To Whom Isuucd Am’t' Rountree, C. D. 8.30 Smith, R. L. 4.55 Clark. G. A. 4.65 Patrick, W. L. 4.43 Patrick, H. L. 11 Abbott, Chas 6.00 Rountroo Henrietta t.UO Oakley, June 1.8J Turner. Bently 1.50 Turner, H. 1). 1.60 Dixou, Heber 1.00 Dixon, Uan 1.00 Byruni, Rena 1.05 Gardner, Nasman 3.05 Gardner, Levie 3.05 Chapman. W. A. 3.05 Kilpatrick, P. H. 2.45 McGowns, A. K. 2.30 Dudley, E. R. 2,05 Allen, A. M. 2.05 Corey, Prunna 2.15 Hester, Cherry 2.05 James. M. A. 1.9S Mayo, Mat 1.95 Whitehurst. C. D. 2.45 Jones. Jim 2.17 Trpp, J. B. 3.17 Dixon, Carrie 2.80 Dixon, Little 2.80 Strickland, R. L. 1.05 Fulford, W. L. 2.00 Harris, Jim L. 3.4S Bason. Abner 2.90 Holland, J. D. 2.40 Venters, H. O. i-M Smith, J. H. 8.10 Jones, S. M. 2.50 Tyson, G. T. 1.80 Cox, J. M. 2.00 Ward. V. A. 8.50 Perkins. J. L. 2.60 Qulnerly, J. P •■0* Laughlnghouse, Dr. 0. O'U. 10.00 Pallock, Roy 25.00 Rountree, C. D. 27.85 Barwlck, J. F. 7.15 Qulnerly, J. P. •■80 Hobgood, J. It. 1-17 Peel, Henry 1.15 Burney, J. W. ••21 Moore, C. O, 1-56 Cox, Noah 1.55 Barker, Noab 2.80 Clark, O. A. 2.10 Braxton, Eliza. 2.35 Garlson, W. D. 1.55 Hodges. 0. R. 2.80 Tucker, A. L. 8.35 Berry, D. G. 1.05 Daniel, L. M. 1.85 Hart, W. F. 1.0« Smith, R W. 1.05 To Whom Issued 577 Little, 0. L. 578 McLawhorn. M. P. 579 Eakes, C. A. 580 Thigpen, J. P. 581 Eakes, O. W. 082 Coleman, Delzasa 598 Evans, Gertuae 599 Davis, Cel la 600 Wooten, Kobt I'Ul Davis, Till (To bo Continued.) '•o. To Whom Issued 5S3 Jones, .Mary Lou iis4 Jones, Mumie 5S5 Clearo, U. H, 5S0 Tripp, Clai'.rl 5x7 Smith, 'I'. II, 58S C;irr, l.anco Carr, Cleason roo Woodfort, .las. 5:11 Klks, J. J. 5112 Hailey, .hiUa 5l‘:i i’aramnre, 594 Holliday. L, 1.!, 595 Mooro, Lanra 590 White, Cora (i20 Smitli, Androw 021 Slado, CMiarlie loOX iiarwlck, ,1. F. ioii9 Hountr<‘i!, C, 1), 1070 Adams, .losso 1071 Wliitehiinst, C. D. U'72 lirowor, \V, L loT3 Smith, T- it- ll'Tl Clark, U. A, 10'; 5 l-:vans, Jno. I CTO Sarrow, S. T. 1077 Rountree, L, H, 1078 Dunn, Jas. l079Tripp, j. I!. 1050 Tripp, Jas. 1051 Beach, 1). C. 1052 Turuago, W. J. 1'-.S3 Klks, W, H, I0S4 Nichols, C. N. l(tS5 Dudley, E. R. K1S6 Forbes, Kd. 1087 Perry, Ernest 1088 Perry, Walter 10S9 Reves, Exum 1090 Dudley, L. P. 1(»91 Dudley, R. L. K(92 Reves, J. B. 1093 Reves, J. G. 1094 Pollard, C. E. 1095 Parker, C. L, 1096 Dunn, W. J. 1097 Crawford, Hazzard 1098 Willoughby, B. P, 1099 Turner, H, n. 1100 Eason, J. W. 1' 01 Gardner, W. J. 1102 Harper, D. S. 1103 liluunt, M. O. 1U)4 Brown, Henry I' (i5 Ta*'t aivl Viiirlyke 1107 Wiliams, Chas. 1'09 Roberson, W. 12. 1110 ({rimes, H. .M. I i 11 r.untin.c, .1. R, 1112 Jones, S. M. 1(13 Ivf's, Swonor 1114 Carson, Vance 1115 Staton, l!i)l)t ''0 Sutton, I'cii 1117 Bloiint, ('has, i:iS Stokes, J. A. mo Stokes. 1). (’. 1 :1'O Canlner, \V, D. 11:’I (iarilner, 'I'ho^'.. 1122 Simmons, H. T. I11!3 Sutton. J. S, 1124 Patrck, W. L. 1903 Move, J. R. 1904 Clark, G. A. 1905 Moore, 1>. C. Jr. 1900 Barwlck. J. F. 1907 I’atrlck, W. L. 1908 Rountree, C. D. 1909 Pierce, W. T. 1910 Harris, J. R. 1911 Smith, J. W. 1912 Worthington, R. C, 1913 Worthington, Sam 1914 Williams, Reddick 1915 Smith, T, H. 1916 Cannon, Rosa 1917 Williams, Judy 1918 Williams, Annie 1919 Mills, Sam 1920 Williams, Guilford 1S21 Haddock, G. W. 1922 Mills, Swade 1923 Haddock, M. B. 1924 Evans, Jno. T. 1925 Tyson, Martha 1926 Williams, Jos. 1927 Mills, Jno. 192S Cox, J. Marshall 1929 Mills, L. P. 1930 Artis. Gray 1931 Mills, J. J. 1932 Cox, A. D. 1933 Braxton, Amos B. 1934 Leggett, J. F, 1935 Harrington, Henry 1936 Harrington, Claude 1937 House. W. T. 1938 Wingat(>, B. I!i39 Pnrrisher, J. W. 1940 I’aramore. A. M. 1941 Carroll, S. C. 1942 Craft. H. H. 1943 Smith, S. S. 1944 Cannon, J. K 1945 Chapman, R. O. 1946 Wingate, W. B. 1947 Barnhill, Ella 1948 Brewer, W, L. 1949 Jones, S. M. 1950 Moore, Wm. 1951 Tyson. M. 19 2 Evans. J. T. 1983 Galloway. J. R. 1954 Adams. Alice 1955 Adams. Mary Lee 1956 Adams, Sam 1957 Rosa, Paul 1958 Rosa, Anna E. 1959 Ross, Lizzie 1960 Langley, Jerry 1961 Forbes, R. A. 1962 Tucker, May 1963 Thigpen J. F. 1964 Spell, Robt. 1969 Belcher, Ruby 1970 McGowan, Cora 1971 Belcher, Lottie 1972 Donaldson. Willie 1978 Outlaw. N. W. 1974 Wingate. R. 1975 Parkerson. C. C. 1976 Forbes. W. H. 1977 Parkerson, J. E. 1978 Taylor, A. W. 1979 Pittman. J. 8. 1980 Smith, J. R. 1981 Kilpatrick, P. H. 1982 Washington, Geo. H‘83 Kilpatrick, Oscar 1984 Burney, Ed 1985 Greeno, Raney 1986 Harris, Joe 1987 Vandiford, W. B. 1988 Hardee. L. S. 1989 Hodges, W. R. 1990 King, Daniel 1991 Sreene, W. B. 1992 Galloway, J. R. ms WillianM. R. M. Am’*: 1.80 2.05 3.3 „ 3.05 3.35 а.sfi l.Ul) 1.00 1.30 1.06 Am’t 1.05 1.05 67 67 1.75 2.55 2.55 4.S0 2.30 1.25 1.20 .i.r, 5.0.') l.li) 3.0.. 2.35 21.10 28.0;. 4.0. 7.40 б.20 6.40 4.0.T 6.5.5 0.7O 2.15 2.10 2.15 2.15 4.10 4.10 4.0J 90 2.55 2.55 No. To Whom Issued 1994 Sutton, Richard 1995 Jackson, S. J. 1996 Manning, Lloyd 1997 .Manning, Henry 1998 Manning, H, U. 1999 Cannon, W. T, 2000 Hemby. W, J, 2001 Hardeo. J. F. 2002 Matlhows, Wm. C. 2003 (iorham, Sam 2004 NichoKs, K. L. 2i‘09 .Nichols. U, A. -010 'I'yson, Hcbtr -’Oil I'iiKu, C. F. 012 (iuru'iinu.;, Iv. I). 2013 Foi'il, ,lni), ,1. 2014 Ford, L. (J, '■5 ruli:. r.,i:-!,'V 2010 r. \V. I„ ■ 2017 Kiljr.iricU, I’. H. 2018 Hliuul, W. li. 2019 DilMley, Clias. o:.’(» Parn-h< r, .1. W'. ’021 (!:>llownv, W. S. IS99 l!iM! , Dr. .1. A '"0 In-. .1. (' fool Sliiiiiier, [ir. L. 1902 l,iiii',lnii>;hoiis-'', Dr, f. (I'll. '^Iifritf ’I'c) whnni Issued l>in:htv. S.I. Xiiiin. J. P. Warn n, A. D. Hd.vott, U, II, Heilcllc J. \V. iMl'lley, S. T, ItiMlley, S. T. Dudley, S. 1. I’litriek, W. L. Dudley, S. 1. r,a!ie, B. 1!. Dudley, 8. I. Warren, A. D. House. J, A, Taylor. A, W, Lane, R, B i's5[2040 Dudlev, S, 1. 2041 Dudley, S, I. 2042Dudlc‘V, S. I. 2188 Dudley, S. 1. 1.85 1.40 1.40 1,30 1.40 1.60 1.65 1.55 90 2.05 2.05 2.05 3.75 2.50 2,90 1.85 3.85 3.50 1.05 7 No. 113 114 115 116 117 174 177 180 533 539 540 1800 1801 1862 1863 1864 No. 184 185 186 395 390 r,i9 732 733 901 1033 1254 1550 I (,57 1711 Rpfflster of l)pcds To whom i.ssued Am’t 2.35 2.37 2.45 2.45 2.45 55 2..55 3.15 2.80 2.95 95 97 1.05 1.15 1.15 1.35 1.35 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.V, J.OO I .NO 2.31. 10.00 lo.ao 10.00 10.00 Am’* 10,51' :!0 50 00 1,00 3.85 8.00 116.40 18 65 12.15 15 50.75 80 45 50 30 6.75 4.15 36.00 1.50 Am't Moore, W, .M., Reg of Deeds 7.77 7.55 I’"IS 1,8,'. 2029 1.5 3.85 3.55 1.K5 i 3.30 i 1.80 2.35 2X, I 1.50 1.50 3,;!5 i SO: 55 I 1.60 i 4.15 28.45 21.52 24.05 62.77 1.60 1.55 i 1.85 1.85 1.85 5.50 6.00 1.60 6,80 5.70 *.10 fl.30 8.30 1.40 2.50 3.70 5.20 3.92 No. 2.60' 169 2.00 390 3.70 1149 4.25 1559 1.62 1732 2.85 2047 5.70 ' nO|.j 7.80 6.15 2.35 3.40 4.7" 1.83 i 1.15 I 3.3(* 2.30 ' 4.35 I 55 I 2.3a 95 2.05 1.45 1.35 55 .15 No. 110 187 188 189 537 S91 1257 1259 1576 ir,77 1723 1857 2051 2052 No. Ill 538 1045 1858 N'o. 220 306 6l(i 617 618 626 738 758 897 1134 5.10 1135 1262 4.60 8.80 8.80 3.80. 4.811 4.80 I 1262 1264 1286 j 1437 1 1438 4.80 14S9 !.05 I 1442 I 1594 I N'o. ‘ 1737 2063 , 2065 2212 2.05 2.12 8.96 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 1.91 1.16 1.05 56 62 60 1.85 2.05 2.55 S.90 2,45 2.05 1,25 1.15 1.15 «,37 4.40 E.40 2.55 2.06 2.06 8.16 Moore, W.M, Moore, W. M. Hell, Brascoe Hell, Brascoe Hell, I’raKeoe Hell, Brascoe Hell, Brascoe Hell, Brascoe Hell, Hrascoo Hell Hrascoe Hi ll, Hra'hCno Hi'll, Brascoe (130 2182 21.S3 2213 Hdl Hell, IMI, 1 Hell H-'ll, Hell, r.raacoe Brascoe Hrascoe 11, Hriiscoe Brascoe Hra.seoe Brascoe 6.7 105.90 15.70 9.27 18.70 13.20 3 95 9.00 13.14 18.30 11.5,) 10.00 9.40 2.9,1 9.70 4.30 4.50 25.70 317.0(. No. To Whom Issued 406 Taylor, J. G, 419 McLawhorn, W. L. 420 Speir, M. T. 421 Taylor, J. G. 422 Proctor, W. E. 611 Lewis, B. M. 627 McLawhorn, W L. 628 Speir, M. T. 029 Taylor, J. G. 0:i(» Proctor, W. K. fH:i McLawhorn, \V. L 914 I,(‘wi8, H. M, 915 Sp('ir, M, T. 910 Taylor, J. (J. 917 I’l'octor, W. K. 1142 Mr'Lawhorn, W. L. I N:I Speir, .M. T. 1144 I’roctor, W. K, 1145 ^I'aylor, J (J. 1140 Lewis, B. M. I2S7 Speir, M. '1', I2K8 T.'iylor, J. G. 12S9 .McLawhorn, W. L. 1200 Lewis, H. .\r. 12!il Proctor, W. K. 1118 Lewis, .M. 1449 Proctor, \V. 10. 1450 Taylor, J. <1. 15S7 'laylor, J. G. I’roctor, W. H. I5S0 ^li'I.awliorn. W. L. 15'.tO Lewis, H. .^!. 1710 \\liieluir<l, 10. I!. 1712 Lewis, H. M. 1741 M('Lawhorn, L. \V, 1740 Whiehard, K. H. 1743 Taylor, J. G. 1744 I’roctor, W, E, 2)104 Whiehard, K. B. O'lO McLawhorn, W, L. 2007 Proctor, W. E. 2008 Taylor, J. G. 2202 Lewis, B. M. No. To whom issued 2203 Whiehard, E. B. 1.1,,r. W. K. 2205 Taylor, J. G. 2210 McLawhorn, W L. No. 125 555 556 1880 18S1 .N'o. 12() 127 128 120 I :io 131 132 548 549 550 551 Mayor. To whom issued Ross, J. S. Town of Greenville Town of Farmvillo Town of Farmvillo Town of Greenville Justice of l’t*«ce. To whom issued Gaskins, ,T. C. Jont's, S. M. .Nichols, I{. A. Rountree, C. 1). Town of Arthur Town of Greenville Town of (Jreenvillo Harwick. J. F. Koss, J. S. Carrell. S Hobgood, .r, L. Helchc^-, R. E. Clerk •>< Superior Court To whom issued Mooro, 1). C, Moore, I). C. Moore, D (’ Mtiore, 1». (’. Moore, i>. Mooro, I). C. Moore D. ('. Moore 1), C. Moore, 1). C. Moore, T>. ('. Moore. D. C, Moore,D. C. Mooro, D. f. Moore. D C. Solloltor To whom issued Abernethy.C. L. Abernethy, C. L. Abernethy, C. L. Abernethy C. L. 553 Smith. J. H. 612.7S 554 Uountree, C. I). 1059 Itoiintree, C. D. lOtIO .lones, S, M. Am't leol Herry, 1). G. 70.15 IOC,2 i'ittman, .1, S. 95 1(013 Carson, S. T. 2.75 I0ii4 •tones, J. S. 3..S0 1005 Kason, Alenir 70.95 1 1000 Tvson, H. F. 3.0-, 1007 Ross J. S. 2.O0 1882 Elks, J. J. 1.51 1SS3 Whiehard, E, B. 75!1884 Smith, J. H. 1.00 18S5 Barwlck, J. P. 1.50 1880 Cox. J. Marshall 206,15 1887 Nichols, R. A. 10.20 1888 Smith, J. W. 1.05 1889 Dixon, J. S. 1890 Berry, D. G. 375.81 1891 Belcher, R. E. 1892 Page, C. P. 1893 Chapman, R. G. Am’t 1894 Carson, S. T, 40.50 1895 Ross, J. S. 64.50 1896 Harrington, J. J. 58.00 1897 Pittman, J. S. 96.00 1898 Rountree, C. D. 259.00 CoroHo**. To whom Issued Laughlnghouse, Dr. C. O'H 16.70 .. •• " 23.00 Wooten, F. M. Green, Dr. J. C. Greeno, Dr. C. J. Greene, Dr. J. C. Wooten, P. M. Am’t 14.00 12.70 17.50 62.65 29.50 Snpt. of Health To whom issued Skinner, Dr L. C. Skinner. Dr. L. C. Dudley. S. I.. Sheriff Mcr,awhorn, W. L. Uagsdale, W. H. Wooten, F, M. Skinner, Dr. L. C. Patrick, Dr. James E. Skinjier, Dr. L.C. Skinner, Dr. L. C. Skinner, Dr. L. C. Skinner, Dr. L, C. Skinner, Dr. L. C. McLawhorn, W. L. Ragesdale, W. H. Wooten, P. M. Skinner, Dr. L. C. Jonea, Dr. C. M. Rageadale. W. H. James, J. B. Skinner, Dr. L. C. Skinner, Dr. U C. To Whom Issued Skinner, Dr. L. C. Laughinghouse, C. O'H. Skinner, Dr. L. C. Skinner, Dr. L. C. lAB 2058 No. 191 192 193 239 240 241 242 243 402 403 404 406 Conty Att«raejr. James, F .O. Brown, Julius 17605 Am’t 62.50 62.50 . 9.S0 ; 8.00 8.00 5.00 62.50 i 25.00 ! 62.50 8,25 62.50 63.80 22.15 4.00 4.00 4.00 62 50 4.00 4.00 4.00 62..50 62.50 Am't 62.50 r.oo 62.50 69.60 1 876.60 300.00 181.75 481.76 ('onnty romnilHitloners. To whom Issued Am't May. J. J. 7.40 Holland. D J. 8.80 Qulnerly, J, P. 40.00 Lewis, B. M. 14.10 McLawhorn, W. L. 9.20 Speir, M. T. 7.20 Proctor, W, E. 8.50 Taylor, J. O. 7.70 I^wis, B. M. 14 40 Speir. M. T. 11.10 McLawhorn, W. L. 20.50 Proctor, W, B. 17.50 No. 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 204 542 No. 543 ,544 545 540 547 734 742 760 701 1700 1707 1713 1714 1715 1719 1724 1725 1865 1866 1807 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 2043 2046 2184 2185 2191 2206 2208 No. 227 362 365 379 392 612 615 fonntaWe To whom issued Harris, J. L, Moore, C. G. Clark. G. A. Kilpatrick, H, P. Patrick, W. L. Bullock, W. G. Smith. Ijoyd Coggins. R. H. House, W. L. To whom issued Smith, T. H. Moore, C. G. Smith. C. S. Smith, C. H. Patrick, W. L. Vandiford, W, l’>. Patrick, W. L. Hodges, Robert Gay Ike Patrick, W, L. Jones, J. T. Galloway, J. R. Kilpatrick, P. H. Clark. R. P. Pierce, C. P. Vanderford, W. B. Holloman, A. T. Jones, I. J. Smith, H. C. Smith, C. S. Rouse, G. H. Leggett, J. P. Pierce, Preston Wliltehurst, C. D. Galloway, J. R. Moore, J. S, Kilpatrick, P. H. Vandiford, W. B. Clark, G. A. Holeman, A. F. Brewer, W. L. Patrick, W. L. Galloway, J. G. Vandiford, W. B. Smith, T. H. Smith. C. S. Vandiford. W. B. Clark, R. P. Patrick, W. L. Am't No. To Whom Issued I 019 Whiehard, J. L. 023 Galloway, j !t. 726 Flanagan Buggy Co, John 72S Clark, G. A. 737 McGowans, J. H. 74.S Whiehard, J. L. 749 Hart & Hadley 750 I'Jverclt Wa/idy Co. 753 Inirlloy. S. 1, SheriB' SN3 Hi( ks, S T, 1137 Dull. Jr., W, H. 1(3'< mount, ,1r., W. A. 11119 lllonnt. ,Ir.. W. A. IL'70 Moyd l''iirjii(ur>' Co. I - T 1 liisliop I aiiiiilry 1275 Hrown H Co. 12S2 llieks, tf. T. 1420 Du(ll-'y, S I 1411 Forbi s, '.V, 1555 I’.rowii >'ii. 1579 Dudley, S !. I'lti r<’f 1710 Hiekhi. rf. 'r. 2023 Peel, J. II. 20.'!4 Xatioiial ('•>. 2u;iS I'ilt Luin. iV ,M!g. ■J1144 lii’owM iSi Co. 2045 I'lenriiifTs, .1. iv L'ci.|.s siiirkiy. J. L. 2'i.';(i liardee, ! i. Vv\ 2r'-o Hoyd I'’iirni ure ('1,. 2ISI 'rail Vaiidyl.e ;.’i:-9 I’ilt, l.iim. (V: .NifK. '.Hi 2192 Clark, 0. A. 2197 IMidle.v, S. 1. 2198 Hrowii A- (''.I, :.:''’0 lii.hojiH I iuiuiiry 220T Uudley, S. I. 17.05 11.20 3.80 3.80 4.25 9.40 9.20 3.80 3..S0 4.25 23.50 1S.80 15.20 15.20 21.10 5.20 10.90 7.05 7,00 4.70 11.-10 15.20 20.50 14.20 20.40 14.10 13.50 11.40 Ki.^a 11.00 20.00 14.10 9.10 9.40 15.40 9.20 17.20 I 22.40 -Mu’c «.38 10.00 r..oo 1.00 2.00 ■».25 X,0(( until :.,2i iiv.or, ;4 00 2t‘ I.,00 .'i'l :lo ST ei) t I' T' V, . I',".',,.. ! .'0 21 10:1 I ' 1 r. i 71 r.; r.fi 9.70 No. To whom lss<ued All. t 16.80 108 Lawrence, L. W. i’t* 00 14.00 224 Flenilng. J, K. 5.00 Am’t 361 Lawrence, L. W. Iti 00 381 Dudley, S. I. Sheriff i!4 80 11.80 393 Fleming, J, E. 4 00 ! '■ 394 Bernard & co. 12.50 13.20 418 Legctt, J. P. 34 10 1000 513 Lawrence, L. W. 24.00 516 Harrington, J, J. ^,.00 534 Fleming, J. E. It Oi» Am't 610 Fleming, L. H. Ht.OO 1.00 703 Tripp, N. L. 1 0(t 10.60 804 Gaskins, J. C. 3 90 1.10 807 Tripp, J. A. 2,O0 2.64 870 Hyman, W. A, 3,00 15.5D 871 Carson, J. 1C. i.OO 872 Lawr<‘iice. L. W. 24.00 30.93 875 Dudley, S. 1. 1,05 1019 Fleming, C. E, i 2 Oo 1022 Hyman, W. A. (00 Am't 1023 l^uwriTjce. I. \\ l.V i)0 1.42 1044 Moore, D. C. 10^ 22 1.85 1040 Dudle.v, S. 1. 87 I047 Patrick, W. L. »;,5o 10.80 1048 Whii'hard, Vcri.a 7,i.O 1.95 VilU ('lark. 0. A. 2 :,i 9.05 1 (i.'id Hrewer, W, L. 1 25 4.35 1051 Whitehurst. C. 1> 1.47 11,,52 l\il!>atriek, !’. H I !0 1 3*^ 1053 Moore, C. '15 1.77 lii;,t K;i«on, ,1. T. 2 ' 5 1.42 1055 Moore, J. H. < , t 92 1050 Town of (I’/i eir, 1! ;e i.'.O 1.37 11)57 Town of Anliur 2.!0 5.99 1058 Town of Farmvii'.i' t ,' ir'oo 1272 luiwrence. L, \V. 12 00 2.12 1 2:3 I’ .trick, W L 2 10 1.90 105! Kason, .1. T. 2 i5 1.00 1703 Fleinint:, C. i^ ( ('■ 'IO SO 12 1.70 or 70 2.00 : 720 1 awreiiee, L, 20 00 1721 Thigpen, J. F. 4 ■ 1 2'J27 l.awri'ure. L vS' I :• Oo 4,( '•0 96 2.52 2.07 5.151 S2 sol 75 I 5.47 1 1.02 57 1.10 2.10 72 1.52 1 1.15 31.46 119.24 Am’t 1.30 1.55 2.30 2.70 Of) 7 i!?5 95; 1.80 I 1.40 I Am t I 951 2.0.5 1 2.10 > 1.90 4.00 2.40 2.40 2.50 2.10 2.10 1.20 I 4.50 2.00 3.00 1.10 7.30 3.55 . 2.30 I 1.97, 3.62 ' 6.40 2.00 1.25 ' 95 7.00 8.27 152 2.05 80 1.10 1.55 18.41 3.30 70 5.50 No. 173 170 207 209 228 231 356 357 360 307 368 370 388 389 397 398 400 515 517 518 520 526 527 535 002 604 0(i5 025 730 731 751 750 800 Mil 502 503 s70 878 878 S79 881 882 8S4 887 890 895 899 902 903 905 912 919 1020 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1031 1032 1038 1039 1129 1130 1.60 1133 4.40 1136 150 1141 3.50 1255 1256 Coart HeoNe and Juil. To whom issued White, R. C. Drug Co Greenville Ice & Coal Co. Whiehard. Jesse L. M. D. A H. L. Smith * Co Dudley, 8. 1. sheriff Forbes, J. E. Elks, H. L. 141,88, 1279 1292 ■ 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1112 1418 1419 1426 1426 Am’t 3.50 275.40 6.00 27.50 1 00 30.00 1.50 Printing, Mdse, A Ite. To whom ifisued Candahy Packing Co. National Paper Co. Everette Waddy A Oo. Edwards & Hroughton Edwards & roughtou Reflector Co. Dudley, S. 1, Brown & Co. Wilson, W. B. Tn. Garris, J. Wm. Coward-W'ooten Drug Oo. Everett Waddy Co. Proctor, J. 0. & Bro. Reflector Co. Edwards & Brou^;hioa Basnlght Phacy (?rockrell, J. S. Moye, J. R. * J- G. B.arnard, Geo D. H LSj. Remington, T. W. Co. Edwards & Hroughlon Hardee, Mall< h Andrews. John Smith. .1. S, Hub Hardware Co. Everett Waddy Co. Iti tlector Co. Edwards A; llroughton Or. Dis, Ai Oil Corp Fri’derii k Dis. Co, National Oll'n 1 Sup r. IJellector Co. Hardee, IV W. Taylor, Hiduitd I’ope, Henry Smith J, J. Hrown Co The Westbroi k The WestbrocK Laydtift Ab-L.-iwhorn, Warren Wooten, F. M. Mozlnpo, Verron Everett Waddy Co. Reflector Co. Edwards & Broughtou Everett W’addy * Oo. Waddy IJverett & Co Cnderwood T. W. Oo. Vanvourlln, 1. N. Tucker, L. W. Hicks, S. T, Parlin Orendartf Plow Co The Ideal Mfg., Co. Reflector Co. Edwards & Broughtou Edwards & Broughton Moye, J. R. & J. G. Ellington, A. B. Advance Pub. Co. Edwards & Broughioii Evans & Forbes National Paper Co. Edwards & Broughton Carr & Atkins Holcomb, J. T. Mfg., Co. Hart & Hadley Morrell, Jennus Dr. I'nderwood, T. W. Oo Reflector Co. Everett W'addy Co. Everett 'Waddy Co. Bates Mfg., Co Everett Waddy A Co. Hart 4i Hadley Barnard, Geo D, A Co. Bell. Brascoe State Asso. O. Com Wizard Produce Co. Dudley, S. I. Hart & Hadley Randolph Bros, Ah. 1 ll'.KO '(a.oo 11 ,>.0 i 40 :<.5o ».»e e oo .40 19.5 i.2tt ■1,50 12.00 25 *50 a,50 i7,85 r.oo U 00 lot; 25 5 50 'J CO 00 1.00 l'..7D ro t i 25 I M 35 f. J'H I -ll. ‘10 (. , ' t -! : i ; 00 15 1 ''O u" <. .■ 3,r.o a 00 iv 00 r.44 'Ji.35 ^^.25 10 85 tiH.60 »'’.85 3.50 4.00 0.23 .«.20 »S9.50 12.50 •7.35 4 60 f.OO SOO 3 25 •.60 3.72 'AI.19 18.00 32.00 22.00 7.32 •• 70 11 00 a.50 >7.26 i.70 13.00 14.19 ;*2 00 3.0ft 44.00 5.00 5.00 « 00 9.05 4 3« 3.76

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