GREENVILLE IS THE HEART OF EASTERN WORTH CAROLINA. IT HAS A POPULATION OF FOUR THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED IND ONE. AND IS SUR ROUNDED BY THE BEST FARMING COUNTRY. INDUSTRIES OF ALL KINDS ARE INVITED TO LOCATE HERE FOR WE HA VE EVERYTHING TO OFFER IN THE WAY OF LABOR, CAPITAL AND TRIBUTARY FACILITIES. WE HAVE AN UP-TO-DATE JOB A N D NEWSPAPER PLANT. ri» WE HAVE A CIRCULA TION OF TWELVE HUN> DRED AMONG THE BEST. PEOPLE IN THE EASTERN PART OF NORTH CARO- LINA AND INVITE THOSE WHO WISH TO GKT BET TER ACQUAINTED WITH THESE GOOD PEOPLE IN 4 BUSINESS WAY TO TAKE 4 FEW INCHES SPACE AND TELL THEM WHAT YOU UAVE TO BRING TO THEIR ATTENTION. O UR AD V E R TI S I N G •iATES ARE LOW AND rA\ BE HAD UPON APPLICA TION. Aifrlrulturt Is the Ceeful, tlie Most Hcalthfuh the .Most Xoole Kiiipl'iyiiu'iit .)f Xhd.—Oeorire >1 HMhlnifton. VOLl’ME XXXIV. M >ii!i i: Torreon News Greatly Encouraged The Otticials At Washington Yesterday of Repofts Come Ihat Ditlerences In ConstilutioRalist Hanks Hear Completion VIllA eDrA riic ( jiuichiin* as it rose to tli'j ‘ surl'are ami Wi rt' rescucii tiy the eolo- Misslfiilli (iiiard, ni' Coiii.iock. >. Drowned. Hut Her Katiier and Others in Thi" Maehiiie Are Kesfiied. i;lizai!i:Til crrv, v., juiy ~— Miss liiith (’itiard, of Coinjock was drowiU'd in I’ascinotaiik river at l^ainU's F't'rry this iiioriiinn at III o'- ilock, when ln-r I'atlu r s aiitoiiiohilt' ran oil the fi rry boat into tliu river in twenty feet of watir. Mr, .1. T. tiiiard was (■oiiiin;^ t.i i;iizal» lli City with iiis daiipliter and •Messrs A. 1!. .Mi(ii;<'(!e and V. H. OriKKS in tiis ear. Wlu n h<‘ ran tlie ear on the liari;e thi‘ lirakes failed to work, and it pliiiiKid overboard with its 'Ihi' three men tuanaped red fi'rryman. I'd was eiicouraKinK to Washington of ficials and coiistilutioiialist agents ■ , caii.Klit II hei-i‘ who say mediation of the Mexi-j can imhronlio soon may h.' siieeess- Her body ha.- ') 111' yoiitiK lady was the ear and fully eoneluded. Whilf iio oKicial dispalehes )iad lii't ii rei i ived by Cieiieral Caranza's ageiit i relative to the settlement of the eon- stitutionalists interneeine affairs, a mi ssage last night from (!fneral Villa Uililressed to his Ameriean agent. F''- lix Soinmerfeld, dei lared the Torreon <()nfereiKc was progressing satisfae- torily and Ihat the diffrrenees would be s.; tied, 'ihat terms of sett lemon i had been n aelied was credited her*' geiier illy. It was belii. ved a decision by the con stitiitionalists will be iiametl to med tioii for (heir represeiifalives to meet with Huerta delegates to discuss Mex ico's internal affairs soon would fol low. Rafael /Cuharan, l.,uis Cabrera, Fer nando Iglesias Calderon and Leopoldo Hurtada JCspinosa, constitutionaiidt agents conferred today with Cliarles A. l»oiiglas, legal representative of general Caranza in Washington, after Douglas liad talked with Scjcretary Uryan regarding future mediation plans. None would discuss details of this conferem e, but Mr. Douglas made this stateiuenl; •'I have every reason to bdieve after the trouble tietween Villa and Carran za are settled delegates from th<‘ Con stitutionalists will be named to nieeet with Huerta delegates to discuss tht> formation of a provisional govern- inent in Mexico.” Mutiny among Mexican federal sol diers near American outposts at Vera Cruz was a subject of interest in American official quarters. Several messages from General Funston re ported that tighting between the fede- rals and .mutineers was in progress. The Mexican federal commander pre viously had warned Ciencral Funston (hat the niutinoers had thri'atcned to attack till' American lines. An element humor was inje<-ted into the situation wlien a representa tive of the revolutionary junta at Vera Cruz asked (ieneral Funstoti for per mission to go out and direct the mu (in. Offcials here sec danger for Gen eral Huerta should tlie mutiny cut of the top of not yet b“en recover ed. his exit from Mexico City. His early departure is assumed in ollieial cir cles, but if the inutiiieers triumph U is ])oinU'(i out Ihat Ihierta .■^earcely could expi'ct safe eonduet to the gulf coast. A ni wcoiner joined ihi' ranks of Ih ' constituiionalists in Washington to- lliglit. lie is Vito Aressias Robles, a Villa adherent, who came direct from 'I'oreoii (o look after tlu' intersts of the lighting general in the American capital. He conlerri'd with members of the constitutionalist junta but would say nothing concerning his mission. .Inan Velasro Exe«Mi(**d. X’I'.'U.V <'HVZ, ,/uly 7—l>elay in the payment of a ransom of one million pesos has resulted in the execution by Zapatistas of .Juan Velasco, manager of a cotton manufacturing concern wh'> was taken prisoner near Atlixco, stale of I’uebla, according to Velasco's bro ther who left Vera Cruz yesterday i<» obtain his release but returned to night from his unsuccessful mis;Mo'i. The prisoner Velasco was compelled to semi to the oflicials of the company in I’uebla the demand for the ransom and his brother started out immediat,> ly to aid him. He pro<'eeded as far as Apizai o near I’eubla, where he was going to get in touch with the Zapa tistas when he was informed the cap tive already had been killed. The cir cumstances have been placed at the French consulate together with the ehiirii (hat A'elasco was a Frenchniaii, not a Spaniard, as previously thought. .Marriarge l.icoiisos. Register of Heeds Urascoe Hell has issued the following licenses since last report: WIHTK Alston Grimes and Anna l,jiurenc.'. X. K. Winslow atiil Hattie A White- ■nirst. Alfred Alford and Venie Taylor. W. L. Pollard and Hattie r.ulller. COUOHKD Frank .Mercer and Mattie Hardee. I’rinia Corey and Alice Heniby. Tiirner Lucas and Luoil Graham. Hay Moye and Lillie Jenkins. Cliarlolle Ruineil by Hail Storm CH ARI.OTTi;, .V. ('., .luly 7—Reports coming today from the country dis tricts show last night's storm to have been sever ill many places. The territory extending along the Seabo.ird Air Line Railway west of I'harlotie was the hardest hit and in many places cotton and other grow ing crops is iiraticaHy ruined by the haij. The path of the storm seems to have bieii most M'Vi're Clurryville, Iron .station and Stanley Cri ( !•;, where the dam.'ige to crops will run into thou sands of dollars. .\t Charlotte the roof of the ollice building of the Internaiioiial Harves ter Ctjmpany was ripped off and rec ords and other valuable papers prac tically ruiiK'd. At lUiaring Gap, Allegheny county, a summer resort on toi) of the ISIue Kidge Mountains, Worth .\nderson, aged L'L’, son of Captain William An derson, former stiperinteiuU’ni of pub lic schotds for .Meckleiilmrg county was instantly killed Ity lightening. ^ oung Andreson was a Harvard stu dent and was at the resort doing .soiw - landscape work. At Clierryville, Gaston County, lie' roofs of three cotton tnills were -^o badly punctured by the bail that ne.v roofs will be required Water poured ill on the machiiiefy, damaging it sev eral thousands dollars. KtMtSKVKLT FAKKS KHMH. ( (itlies to \en York I'odaj to See li He -Must Hull For (ioiernor. (IVHTKR HAY, V., .luly 7 The.i (lore Roosevelt tomorrow will cmerg * from the seclusion of Sagatuore Hill, where he has been sluil up for a week by his doctors' orders and again take up active political work. Karly i.i the day be VN'ill go to Now York, for a meeting with the State leaders. The discussion of a nominee for Governor will be brought up again in the hope of deciding wlielher Colonel lioosevelt will run. Colonel Roosevelt is expected to teil his assistants the result of his reeeii. talk on the political situation wit;i .■Mayor .Alilchel, of New York, and to give his views on the feasibility of a coalition with the independent Demu- crats in the State campaign. (il{IMi:sl.AM> MW \AI{HO>VLV KSCAl'KU DKATH YKSTKI{I»AY Yesterday afternoon at the plant . f the I’amlico lirick and 'I’ile Companv. near tirimesland. Mr. Thad Hoilges, a young man twenty-live years old nar rowly averted instant death when hi.; clothing was caught in the machinerv and his leg badly mtingled, and it is feared at the Washington Hospital where he was taken immediately fol lowing the accident that an amput.i- tion will b<' necessary, as the limb 's crushed from the kneo to the ankle. Mr. Hodges attempted to repair ,'i broken part while the machine wus i.i motion, and his trousers were caught in th.' shafting resulting as above stated. \1eel lomorrow to Sdsin Ilieir Real Hork W'liii. rville, ,luly ^—Misses .\lanii'' Carruil r'-d liertlia L. Carroll w. ii! ii. tir' i nville Tuesday. ''\ I .11 in need of a niowinir iiiaebin ' or I'|iairs tor same consult Harring ton. liarber iV; Co. I’auliiK' fz/.ell who has been visiliiii.' .Mrs. C. T. Cox retune’d to her Iiome at Seven Springs Sal unlay. •M' li and women are of a few days and :ull of trouble, but they will have less, if they will get an oil cook slove and a lantern at .-V. W. .-\tige A: Co's. .'Ii'>-. C. T. Cox left .Monday for Sev-- eii .springs where Kle.' will spend sev- eial days. ’i'liliacco time is here and you need a good thermometer and the very best twii;". a.s that is the only kind H. 1>. I'orr.'si iVr Co., keeps. You will mak • no mistake in consulting the before you purchase. 'I lie Civil' League of Wint'-rville will mc i Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock i:i the High Si linol auditorium. They expei't, to complete the oigani/.atIon and begin work at once. I.'very mi'in- lier is urged lo be present and all th. women and girls of tin' town ;iri' cor dially invited to atti iid. Wi’ have a niee li;ie of dry goods and notions (hat we are selling cheap. S ■■ us before you pureluisi'. Ilarringtim, liarber iV- Co. Thi're are ideiity o: berries and iiov is ilie tinii' lo store away your supplv lor the winter. To do ihis you nee.,1 111',' old reliabli' mason fruit jar. 11. !‘. Forrest iV Co.. have just receive,I a large shipment of fruit jars and riib- bi'rs. .Miss Kvjiey .'^treet. of Kinston, i; visiting Miss I'ora 1.'. <.'ox here this w lek. They are yet selling those ni.e jpants cheap at A. W. .-\nge iV: Co. .Mr. H. L. Scott left Tuesday for his home in Kureka to spend a few days. ■Misses Dora K. Cox and l-^vney .''iri'et and Mr. Leo Hatsell went lo (Ireetiville Tuesday afternoon. SMITIIIOWX ni MS To Tlu‘ Ciiiididutes For Otti<’<* Theie are some candidates among the long list that we are running in H;', thi y ofle:i tinus make till' most successful Cats, c,,ws and Men. Mr. Will H. .Mexand.'r has bought I'.im a Henry Ford and seems to have taken a new lease on life. ■Miss Velma Harrington, id' Kinston, is visiting relatives in Aydi ii. Ciood rains and good crops makes 'j-- all rejoice I’earlitie Gurganus says tlnit his oil cook stove is all that its clainii .1 to be. Will cook pound caki' an 1 then fry white side m'at, .1. R Smith 1.V Hro. .Mr. Wilbur i;. Tingle ri iurr.ed Mon day to his work in Hiehinoie.i, afti'r a brief illness. Fruit jars, ruldn rs and caiis at .1. R Smith Hro. .Messrs 11. A White, ,1. A L.uis:. F D Foxhall. W. 1!, Wilson, .1, A, An-I drcHs, Richard Williams and Ii. A,j Tyson wi're here Thursday at the In- | stiillation id' th" Masonic otliceis c-: .-\yden Lodge. Thi're will come before the ni'.'m- bi'ts of Ihe Christiiiii chiiri h ii"Xi Sunday after the morning servic ii pri>position to sell to the property owners a ten foot strip on the wcit side of their ihureh, as an alley wav lo be k"pt op. n and mantained as SUI h. The price oiTiTi d is .'f 1 L’7,.‘.a )ier s(|uare foot, making a total of I7>.'i,i''-i lor I (iMi fi et. .All (he members are rei|Uested to be present. This slii'w.’ that lown properly is valuable, Th'' dea’ has been inade. and th" deed wil! be executed in short. ,lust ri 1 eivi d a car each full crop of cotton and lorn and all who succeded in getting thi'ir (idiacc.* SI t early, so as to get a stand, hav * nothing to regret. Some have topped I !iaiii1i"i' lir-' l. Al tie' tit’.i" of tiv’ sliiiol ini-’', il is alli'ii"'!. ituu Mr. ,l"hn- siin Wits ridinj on th" right slil' of !h.' liu'-’cy. 11.■ v,a> iiiro-i.-h th ' li'M si'ii- of th. hi'iid li. in.i; i pov,- il"r nurni'd, Mr>. .loUiisi’ii, at th' ;in; ‘ of li. r arr">t. ri-pori'-vl to have >aid. "I wouiidn'l I are a bit iibim; ilns if it '.veri' not for :ny baby." The only child i- a li;'hy aiif ut s.x liiuiilll-' old. .Mrs .Inhtison is '2,' >i-ars oUl aii'l very pri tly. She slicks to h>'V origiiuil story thiit hi-r hiisbiin.l wiis ,'hot frofi th" road:-idi'. Sla- is in jiiil in Wi!- liiiniston. v.h.'ri' she uas taki n ti'dav i.t await preliminary Inaring befor,' .Itlstie'' ol' 111" I’"'. 1!, .1. House ill O.iK City toinorrow, '1 h" promiiii tice of th'- people invoiv ed in the tragi'dy ha? caiisi'd ;i s"!i- sation in this county at,d tie' .uljoiti- it;i; county (,l Marlin. t^uite il i.uiiib', r of out o:' to’.\n . ot. trai tors w> r" in town toihiy lur the opi-niiiir of I'i" hills lor ih' ' ri-.'iion j of th" tii'w Couniy Honi'', I ei'.t i''i ir b".'t I ■baeeii. a’ld getting i'e',1 .1 fi'i’ curii.-'' .Mr ,T,'hn Stox ! I' lls ;is Uiat !ii.-- proirr"'-i\" neighbor Mr, Wlllian, c,. Sniitii in Fork Swamp ivill cure a liiirii text W'ck, when 1*. eo.'iles to farniilig Colilentll'a Kee;'- liiT tiiil liuht shining bright, not t.< kii'ii from bi'ing run ovtr, bii! ut fiiow how lar sh" is in thi' b'ad, H.'tii y ,loiii's, ajid Lmniii liraxloii two dilsiy damsels wer" up Iv foro M.ivor Kittrill Tu -.-.ilay for pullin^; liiiir on till' .str<'"t'. Monday while Mr. I’.ill Smiili wa.-i Iding up a barn with tobacco, on Iho l-;ast side of ,Aydi n, Mr. lAirenzo Mc- Glohon was setting out and watering on the West side. This shows that Con(en("ii, soil is adiipted to all sea sons a’ld i rops, Mr, .liin Hright s:iid Ihat these niglit.-s are so short by the time be eats sup per, ri ads the Dail.v Reflector, cht w,-? a little Apjile Sun cured, lie,=i dowi;. he ca.a meet himself getting up jiexr niornine, but if you have an oil cook stove you don't have to cut no stovo wood. See J, IL SiuilU ii iiro. wurvfWf