THE CAROLINA HOME and FARM and EASTERN REFLECTOR {Once a week) Published by tH*’ REFLECTOR t'05fl’A>Y, Inc. O J. WHICHARD, Editor. •RSKNVILLE. WOKXH CAROLINA. ■abs«rijitlou, oue ysixr, , . «l.uO Blx moatlia . . .50 AdverJiig rutfS iuhj ba had up..'u apiillcatlou dt iliO br.Bineos office iu Tbe Reflector BiiildxaB, corner Evans Kud Taird Btr«<.tB. All cai'Ua o£ liiaiits at-il resoluiio i* *tt re«;ject will be ch»,r*od iJf at 1 tjen i)er »>or<l fomciuul^'atiuas .idvertlslug camll- *ai'S "ill be for at I'aroe c«nu per line, up to tlfty lines. Eutered aa Becoiid class matter August I’O, 1910, lit the I'ost office at Qre*Mivilie. Odioiiua, uiide; *ct ut Maioh i. .UiHiM'Vflt clot'.s luil siH'in lo be t:ik- Sfcl'olary of Slates William J. i; lii-s (luctor'ij ailvico in i\'saril lo'lSryaa has loasi'tl a house In Asho- oiil so much talk, lie (ipeiis ! ville and will iiuike his summer hoiiu' thoi'o, -North I'i.roliua will bo slal to claim liim as a cilizen, even if it is lor onl\ a lew uiouths. cultin his mouth at every oi'l'oi'tuiilty Till’ appcaI'aiii'' of tho bubonic pla gue iii New ()fl<atis has started a la: killinir t I'lisade in tar t'OUtliern t'oast I'il ies. !'hi‘ l iilted Stall's lixpress Com- paiiy has none out of liusiness. lUi.‘ perhaps post. to lhc> crowlh (>f the parcel —o- IMK 'i' li tiuiliy i; p.i^Ie Il l.V Ui, li'U. •!'.u of thoucht tur"., lA't the liei’.ector do your job woi'i:. (;!'i-enville Heeds lo cel in the play ui'outid nii>\cnient. .Niinli Cart'lina Wauls mofe lorn and less corn \v!iiske>. .M' Xiu! can gel us as liig a farce on holdins: an election as on some oilier A dispatch sent out trom New Hreii says that Solicitor U. Abernethy will soon chanpc his home to that city from lieanfort. ’I'he nu)ve is for thv.* purpose of residing nearer liie centc" of the district. I're ;t-n! (lay prosp. rii> i> about to V.'-r relatnos do a lav.r They nev-| 1’“' caU.nuty howler onl of basi- er .iliow the recipii'Ut to for.;el it. 'I'iiis Week is lUe time Kood roads ad- voiates should be nuiKini; toward- Durham lo lake part in the Cool Koads l'onventi(>n. I’itl fcnnity (ou'd prolit by betulin^ a ^'ood sized dide- sat i('n. U is estimated that there are4oo,oiH' rals in .\ew (irleans. Musi have been some slatistician wl;o look the ra: < oiisus and produced these tigurcs We'll bet a watermelon that he missed till- number at least Added lo -Swat the l!y" will be the new phrase, •'llxteriuinate tiie rat." A «on:an lov • I’.!' aliillly to niu'.< .1 man in prop(>riloii ' '1'!’.'' larni ’rs are all smiles, si:ic< h'-r an.ary. j the>e nh e rains are comini: nearl have a cay tdd liliie A iiew bottle drink is lo take it;' place on the market, aiul iis name i- I'hero-Cola In l!ie.->e days a farmer would luu notice a "keep off the i;ras.~" sign, but he f;i>“s rii;hl on the grass wilh a viiu. .Iiist now there is no necil of ,i?oing lo either si-ashore or niountaliis to k ■ p eoinfortabl'-. a> il can be don • r-L'h: lure at honu. Memt>rial l.enolr loiiniN. the e,i>leri; th.’ ■r!ioni;i>-vilK' nrplu;:.a;.-' ri-.eiy fur upenin’.'. Home In braiub o: will soo'i iln’ da> that the cou- .reiticii of the new i- >Uppesi'd to be let pre.s'-n! it will h- r r.iu ira. I fiT tile I'oiiniy llom l! Ii'.iill l.v :J; oiic (if the !Uo>l iiuiderii of ils kind I:; Slat' . I'iil i oiinty alwav-. u 1 u: ippeared an i.iiai summ h('l wavi- has ilieS" ran::- make il all'.er (i'rrid day; itnolii I i.'coni 1 me I or T!i" tteman «!'.n pins her taith to man viiiiit iiiui a palely pin stron lo'.it^a lo >*aiid Ihe ^ii'air. xc.c yood UMia> tomorrow. ppmt liirt and hvside- \ania had h; p< hi--‘ itlcr |.,i l inri In :pile oi till- bai kwardi'.t I droui-'l-i: early in the st.isn;i. hn il.S la riier; riuht. lo iliinu': h:i rve-l 1 ork i'olu pay 1 h I n I aslieil and r I riiiiu-' rt ho pull run a t.iu!,. ^^l. li he i anno! (ind 111,111 tire. -o I: lurili I aloon k> 1 a S1 ."ii'i u ouhl I Ip:!! lUriiui:!) nii^lal%«- Vor a .?! U'hi r. I." look I he bill bai k owni-r h'- wa.' rewarded i;.ir>. fiial wa> i|iiile a 11! I wo 1 wilil I'liyi r lie|'..;il Ol KOii'.'Vi'll in I I,Cl' -ii., Id lie ei;(iui:h for Iii lo- i> asrai', at work Irvine I lUe frapmenlr- lo niaki- liimseli 1 Ihe UepubUeall in lUli;. W oii:i s. e liim beaten aeain iiiev 1 nuld run for presiil rre.'id'’ni Wilsuti stand latio'i iiiarr ira. an !Ul th.l'.l inv- mu.i renoii. iiion a>ilv bi XI inn I! ( an sail! in lhar 1 I'llV iintrv iL'ai i; laih' r I JUST THY ONE SaSt oi l¥layr*s WonsJarfal Stoma:!! F.emedi aad Be Convinced That You Can 6q Restored To Health paiii l;ims"U c.i.i: V^^erfal ^♦cmacK Ren'.fcdy For Jdic. Hero IliU« iJiUll Hew Board Aldermen Held First Meeting on 2nd Uiiiidv I'or Tlu- lni|iriM<'iiuMi( iit I'lir I’liint and I'nr llio lii>lallii- lion (d’ I'iro .Mariii Sjslcui Ke- porli'd b.v .Major (o lie !*>olil ■| he new r.oard of Aldermen m.'l List night in Iheir regular monlhly !-essioii with .Mayor .1. 15. .lames pre- sidiiii; and every member present ex- ei pliiig l»r. Uiughinghouse. The lirst business was the rixin,g of l!ie salaries of the pidioe. The salary cf the t'hief was placed at $7(i.aii, uni ll’.al of Ihe others at ^lii'.Oi'. .\lr. i:verett Stroud appeared before the iiody and asked lhat a street light be placed at a certain point on fhurch ^!reel. The same was ordered to ue done. I lir-'e members of Hope Fire De- p.irtmeut were allowed railroad far? and hotel expi'nses lo attend the an nual .-^tate Firemen's lournaiueiit that \i!ll be held in Winston-Saloiu. ,\lr. \\'. L'. Hooker appeared and re- pnrted that he had arranged for the funds to extend the water system out t'oianch street. .Mr. S. J. i;verett appeared before till' Board in regard lo the franchise lor gas. telephone and street railway .' V .'lems. Ho asked that a special com- iiiillee be appointeil lo investigate an.l r port at a special meeting to be eall- id. The street railway franchise wis liiM ussed and a committee composed ol .\ldermen Winslow, t'oward and 1 ..iiisrhinghouse were ihosen to in- vi.~tigale and make llieir report at Ihe next meeting. .Mr. I’arkerson asKed pertiiission to iiiSiall a gasoline tank in front of the store of .1. K. A: .1, (i. .Moye. Mr. W. li .lohnsoii also asked that he be al lowed to place one in front lU' bis >tore on l>ickinson avenue. Hotn wi-re graiileii tiir permission, but ad vised that Ihe pavement would havi- lo be placed iti as good coniiition as I • flire. Mayor .lames reported thal the Iioiiiis for the improveiiuMil at tlv plant and for the installatiim of th ' ■ ' vv tire alarm syr-lem Inid been sold to ,1. II. Ilillsimin, .\tlaiita. (ia. Il was r;:ovi'd and larried lhat the .Ma.vor'-; lo t lie adopted. II was moved and (arrled thal iho lioaril proceed lo levy a spi eial liciii- lax as follovv.s: ('n i)ool. billiard and bagalelle la- •,111111 .iich per year, or part of 1:' vou V' iijiT'ity a publi .-.pi-aKer go liir li.ii; uni! cliarge .'.o cci'.t admi.'ion. Il's a.' diire iili fo^M^i.t' women H eir hats on in''S|l^veninc as n is i'or some tiieii to get theirs on the next morning. Over in Loiidiiii they put a man in jail for sii.triiit: loo bmd in (hiircli. il- w,i~ a blacksmiih. ami having been u.sed lo swinging a heavy sledge must have thoutiht h" should iwi bis voice on the same Fcale. They have aeeused Corge Fred Wil liams. minister to (Ireete, of havin;; a head too big for his hat. Some oilier luell b‘‘.-^id‘‘ (leorge I’red ar- built the same way, but that i"; not pxcusiing liini from opening the hole In his bead to niucli. I If I ( u \( 111 " u I i;r ( II \M.i i» !i ll.-.niv-, (.i V'u-iiiuuii''.;, -olii ill!;.' 1.1 f. the At- la^l l,::.e, ua.' i:; i ri'i . :;vill ' 'rii‘'.'‘:ay, m;.! wiiilr in-i'i- ^ U' a !i'|!'-r from tie' ollii iuls of tl,.- road. . xpi.i iiiiiir v\ iiy il'e L'ood p.i-..'eiii.'''’r i iiaii,’ ' III ell takeii o.'i tho W"!- dot,Kii.^iiiii hraach n|' thi^• re.i l ai; I old. dilaiiid;iled Miael;,.> put ill their p!,i> >. It is r-'Mll.-d Mial sevi-ril V. 'fks au'D Till' i;":'i i lor < nniiie ii'- I on t!.i> aiM'n:. nf r.- r.iiln.a'I o'lirial^ :,o r I'.oii lii'in:.' uiv. ;i tor i;i.- ehaim’- (III 10,1, lii's with lie- I on.siiiui'lit dl'- tonilort III patron.-, ot the road, t^iiit" iiat'.i.i rally a > opy of the p;ip, r coii- t.lining till.' eiii!(iri;il i-dl into the iuin 1 o! tie- railroad olli-ials, lieiice tlie ■ xplanation lie y .-i-nt to Mr Harnes. I In snb^taiue Ihe ollii iaU sav lliat th ■ I reason for taking off the good coaches i!ia! !iad bei u in ti.-e on this line lie- last f' vv yi'ars. was thal they might li,. si i'.t to the sliops for overhaulini-'. They added that the change in coai hi- is ijiily temporary., and- lhat as soo i as th. y I an coni“ out of the sliops which will he only a fi'vv weeks longer, they will bi' returned to this road and ihe old oue.^ taken off. We are glad lo make public this reason for the ehange in the passenger coach s. and lo know that it «as no: Y'^'J afff not to takff Mzyr’x \y-indr.T’ fat Stoinacti ftemedy for wi'tr.s an 1 n.-iiith* fcffori' y.>u ri-'.f .c a..y bench — c t.- ' ;s i.^.- ally t-> mn’.e tl'.e r r ' n-r Kui'uTcr It AuiiiPnts tii c. t' .s reir.eviy .i1‘r.iij te-tere . 'ed t Kood be;‘U‘i. Alayr’t Wttnd^rfL’f S omjch Rtmcdy lia.s tK-in ta^tn by tna. y i.v is <'f p.'or .e tiu tUe laiii. it 1 .f ' : ■ ■■ ' heaUh and happine3»to su:itTf*r.^ v.: <> iu- 'i i^es- p .ireJ 01 ever bc re«tori‘'J and \v;.n n-.-v pnv rlaaii it a \Voi..Jer:e.l Ki*i’iei;y a-1 ur^r;-.t others who n::iy I'e pnfTcn.TS ti Stotrroe.H, Liver Intestinal Attnmnlt r trryit. '.Iind ynu. .X^^yr'a Wonderful Stomach S\emca'y . <!iitei'ent than n I'isr medicines th.Tt ai'e put. on tb ‘ ni.irK -t t, r the v;.r .nun sti ■:n.« a a..::.en's—i; is really in .icla-'ii t-s- and '''ii* 1 do ii'ore to ci'nv:t'' e the mi^^t suiiercr than toiise: otlier ireilicines. froir. one rioie V il atr..i.-“ a.’.U liie boni'ii:.; u'e ent.rely ratural. a.i i: .» . ,on t'.ie source and f-iundation of these ailne.-r.r .. rrT:i t'.e ^'lisnp.ims ca tarrh and bi’ , , ... .yi.T! ai retions, anj al'iav.r. j! the tindiT- due to any lack of appreciation t>n tlie.iyjng ciimnii' i"'‘ia;ninatton m tl'e ahtnent'iry ' and ir>p<:ir..".l tr.ict. rciMierinr ti.e same a: part of Ihi* railrjMii Dfficials Ui«‘ pat- fwiiatr-- this hrain li of llieir roail rorc-ives. Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly, Ttif Old standard ireneral strengthening tonic, 1 GROVE S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out Malaria.eoTich««th^blood.andbui dsupthtsys* ' ' tern. A true toDic. For adults aud children. 50c ‘-eptJf'V Jujt trvf nrd- of Afayr’» WonJ*'rf’i! Stomach /?e/ne«/v—p it it to a t‘“<f tOt.iav—u ivill b»* ovefj-n -l ni h y>'Ur qu.’k rcv*ovvT> ind will hisr'.lv^e it thou '.nd** of other* ire coi.stdnxly doing. i>or;d for bounlct <»o stomach Adirents to Tifo. H. Mayr, Mftj. Chemist, 154-156 Whitinjr St.. Chi-'.<g:o, fU. For Sale in (Jri^nvnie, N. C., by THE JOHN L. WOOTEN DKCG CO and Drugflata everywhere hall usimI as year, or part .^^|•tionl't'r^. $|ii.i"i p‘r lili's, .*.•.1 year. On (ipi'i'a House or opera house, ^.''i.lili per of year. (Ill lUlllli year or pan of year. <111 r al estate and rent collcctin.; as:ency, .iilii.a" per yi ar ur part of \ ear. On I'.iilchers, #lM.oe per yi-ar or part of, fresh moat dealers siibjeii tn the same tux. (In wood and coal d’alers I er yi'ar or part of year. (Ill uMlertaker;-. ^:'>." per year or part of vear. (Ml junk dealers, ? [ler Ve;ir 1 f part ot year. I'll liviry siables >ll.‘'..iiii pi r year or part of year. (»n luitcis charsitip J-.-'io ur more per da\ $lo,i"i per year, or part oi' year. (in hotels charc:ini; $2.mi or more per day, .*:iii.on pi r yi'ar. char.ciiii; #1.- iiii or more per day. $l.‘.ii" per year: privat ■ boardini; houses takinix more than Iwo hoarders, ^.'i.iin per year or part of year. (In '-katitiM' rinks. .^Ih.iih jier intuilh or part of iiionth. (Ill dealers in pistols, inetai knuck les, howie knifes, (lact-'ers etc, per \ear or part of ye;ir »iiia.iin. (Ml re.~iaurant.s, $10.mi |ii-r year or par! of >1 ,ir. (>n exhiliit ions of wax works or curill^iti•■s fur prolit. Ila.oo per da.'. (In ni"rry-i;o-ronnds, stand or plac' for any >:aine or play used for proli:. ‘.o per day. (In ilra>s. .Tiln.nii for each iiorst' used, per year or (lari of year. On venders of medicines or olbe.* arlii'les o! nierchandiso. sellinu eilh";' on foot, from a siand. or vehicle or i i a house temporarily rented or U'eij for llial purpose, $1h.imi a day. (In dealers in lire-works, of (iro- crai kers, noi iiiejnding l annon-erack- t rs, jl'i.iiH per >ear or pari of yeur. (In dealers in second-hand ilothinc. #.".o III! per day. (In warehoiisos for Ihe sale of To bacco, .<|ii.oo per yi-ar or part of yoar. On dealers in musical instruments. $.".1111 per jear or part of year. (In niariufacturers lhat sell oilier finish 'd iroods than their own mak(. $.").("i per year or iiarl of year. On nincbiiiests that carry stork for sale, such as pipe (ironi bellinp: or re- pair.i of ally kinds. •?" (iii per yoar or part of year. On dealers (not (ailed as mer chants i in aKriiult ural inip!emeiit.ii that are either stored or s<dd in lown, $.".(Mi per year or part of year. On ice-< reaiii and cold drinks, un less sold by menliants in buildina: they use daily for their business, $r..n(t per ytar or part of yeur. On dealers in automobiles, .'525.00 per yetir or part of year. On (iypsies, I’almist, fortune tellers, elc. .'fall.(Hi per day or part of day. On feather renovators, $-.^.(Ki per year or part of year. On bill posters, iflO.lin per yi'ar or I art of year. On every person or lirm retailing cisaretles in town, shall pay a license tax of $I|i.oii per year or part of year. On all persons or corporations sidl iiiir illuniinaiiiiK tdl, lubricating oil. benzine, naiilha or gasoline where there is located in lown an agencv, statiiui or warehouse for distribufiou of such oil in (luantities of ,500 gallons or more in any tank or reeeptabb>. shall pay a licenses tax of $10.00 per year or part of year. On all persons issuing trading stamps as deferreil in section ~ii of Ihe revenue act of .North Carolina of'.i, shal 1 pay a license lax of Sno.- nil per year or i>art of yf>ar. On moving picture shows in othei' than licensed hall, shall pay a license.^ of .$l(>.i'0 per month or part of montii. or $:;M,t)(i per year or part of year. On every person or corporation peddling clocks, stoves, or ranges ;n town $1*5.on per year or part of year. On cach Broker or dealer in fulures contructs. $11111.1111 per year or pari of year. On Venders on the stn'cts of le monade and I (lid drinks, fruits and confectionaries, $r,.on per yeur or part of year. On each slot machine with li.xed re turns, $L’.."iii per year or part of year. On every individual or lirm or his or their a.Ki'iils iu the business of buv- ing and selling bicyc'es or bicycles and motor cycles supplies and fixtures shall pay a licenses tax of $ln,iiO per year or part of year, unless such busi ness is conducted with some other business jiaying a licensed tax. On pawn brokers, $l’r>.nO per year or part of year. On gift enterprises or any person or estahlishineiit offering any articles I r prixe as inducenieiit lo purchase or on every intererant dealer iu prize Itiii'Iographs or prizes ol any kind, shall pay a license tax of .'^L’.'.nii per >far or part of a year. dll switch back railway, sliooting ^allerv. or places of any kind of game ur play with or without a name shall pay a lici use tax of $I".'|" per year or part of year. On every dealer in stocks, honds, or (ither lerlilicates. shall p.iy a license tax of .$lii.C" per year or part of a year. (In I ai il lirm ur coriioration manu- factiiring of bollliiig soda waler. coc.i cola, beerine. ginger ale, and like pr ■- par.itioiis. shall pay a license lax ot $".11,110 per year or part of a year. On every person whether as a.ueiii for another, or a principal who engag es in the business of taking orders fo” enlarging photographs or who t'lilaru- I S photographs, shall pay a lie ense tax $.".ii!i per year or part of year. on Barber shops $,'i.i"i (ler year or pari of year. On Kxpress conipaines. $2>i.o'' per year or part of year. On teli'graph conipaines. $io.iiH p -r year or part of year. Oil jewelers. $.'.,1111 per \ear or part of year. On durg stores, $.-|.iin per year or part of year. On ( inbaliners, $.'.tin l>er year or pan of year. On banks and banking institutions, .'.'.iMi per year or part of year. On shops used for cleaning anj jiiessiiig ciothes, $r).(m per year or part of year. Tailors are subject lo the same lax but when both are run to- gelher only one license is reijuired. On automobile transfers, $lo.nO i>er >ear or part of year, for each machin-' used. On each vehiiie used as a transfer. $1(1.1111 per year or part (d' year. On pliinibers. $r>.iMi per year or iiart of year. On plac es of annisenieiit i barging not more than In cents admi.sion and perrormiiig in any given place as much as one week at a time, shall pay $.i.nii for the lirst day and one dolar per day for ea< h succeeding day. On persons owning stallions nr Jacks. $10.nil per year or part of year tor each stallion or .Tack kept in lown. On .soda fountains. $.'.0n per year or part of year. On earnival conipaines tilling week stand engagements consisting of not more than six distinct atlraetions, .4 per week, if more than six di^- tiiK t i'.ltractions condiK ted for protii $ir.ii.(Mi per week. On every person, lirm, or corpora tion doing conlracllng business in the tow n of Creenville, shall pay a licens - tax of $-.'i.iiii per year or part of year. On I'Very person, lirm or corpora tion selling gasoline in town shall pay a license tax of $te.itn per year or part of year. \ motion was ninde by Aldennan rilingion and seconded by Alderman Vandyke thal the licenses on pool tables be lixed al $liili.nti <ach. Vote resulted: Ayes, i;ilingion and Van- dyke;.\aes. Smith, Coward. Winslow Hardee and Tyson. Motion was then made and carried that the license b(,‘ fixed at $."0.00 for each table. Those voting for were: Smith, I'oward, Win slow, Ilardt'e an I Ty.-,oa. 'J'Inso against it: Klhngtou and Vandyke. The police were instructed lo en force the law regarding the sale of cigarettes, cigars or tobacco at the lioteis or other places. Cliief-ol-PoHce was granted a vaca tion extending ten da.vs or two weeks. It was moved and carried lhat a .•onii'iitlee composed of Mayor .lames, _ 1 Chief Suiitli and Alderman ,T. I Smitn fix the iioiirs of llie different policc- nien. .Mayor .lames was granted a leave of aliseiice, and when Mayor prot(>ni Winslow announced thal he would be oiil of the cily about Ihe same time, Ihe Board appointed Alderman H. l.i. Coward lo serve should (hey both bo away al the same time. Fidlowlng compose the standing committees: Stree Comniitt('e-,T. 1C, Winsolw, 1$. F. Tyson. 11. Ij. Coward. Finance ('’onimittee—A. H. Kllinglon, .1. I'. Winslow. .1. I. Smith. Water and I<ight Committee—Dr. I.aughinghouse, H. N. Coward, Z. V. \andyke. ordinanci' Committee—H. F. 'I'ysoii, A. B. Islington, I). W. Hardee. Ceinei.try Conimittee—,1. I. Smith. l>r. I.aughinghouse, .1. !■'. Winslow. .Market Commitlee-Ii. W, Hardee, Dr. Laughiiighoiise. H. L. Coward, I'roperiy and I’urchasing Contmil- Z. 1*. \’andyake. H, W. Hardee, B. Islington. 1 How To Give Quinine To Children. FEBRILINH is the trade-mark tiame Riven to an improved Quinine. It is a Tasteless Syrup, pleas ant to take and does not disturb the stomach. Children take it and never know it is Quinine. Also especially adapted to adults who cannot take ordinary Quinine. Does not nauseate nor cause nervousness nor rinKin? in the bead. Try it the next time you need Quinine (or any pur pose. Ask tor 2-ounce orifsinat package. The name Fh)UKlL,lNK is blown iu bottle. cents. lells of the Flourishing Crop Coniion KearFarmvlle i;ditor ileflei'ior: FAK.MVIIdd:. U. K. I>. duly ;’.-l want lo tell your inlelligeiit readers whal line crops we have in this part 01 Tilt Couiily. '\\i‘ bad a time gel ling our tobacco set mit. but the crops that wen- gotten out reasonably i-arlv are looking tine now. Mr. 11. .\. I-M- ward has three acres that takes Ihe shine off of Beaver Ham. It is as iiiuch larger than Iln> average as Mrs. Siittoiis boy of I’.eaver Ham is larger lhaii the average man. .Mrs. Cora .Moye is mil as old a:: Mrs. Cleiniiile Allen lint her son ,1 u ' has four aci 's of i orn lhat none of Ihe .Mien's I an toueii. .Mrs I’hiuea-; Carr has not speiit as many years on this inundaiie sphere as .Mrs. .-Mley .loyner bul her IiusIki i.’ hii.’ Ihe very linest piece of cotton that I ever saw for ihi' time of the year. I’reacher Mashbiirn had a larger congregation out to hear him preach last Sunday ni.ght than Beaver I)a;n has ever had lo listett to a minister. If iiny body diuibis what 1 have w ritteii we invite him to i ome and see. Our liog crop is not as line lis We could wish but we expect to have a few at the I’itt County Fair Ibis Fall. We are hoping that ihis may be Ihe Very best fair that we have ever bad if for any reason lhat Fair does not materialize tliere will lie more dis- aiipointi'd peoiile around here than a llllle !or we shall have so many nii",> ihiiigs to exhibit. We are of the opinion that the He- moiraiic Slate Coiivi iition was more discreet than the Kdilors, for they, tile former refused to eiulorse the pro- post-d amendments to the Constitution and tiie latter went all Ihe way-evcti endorsing the “War between the Slates." .Vow w hat puzzles us is when tile wi.r between the States occurred and we are curious to know which State fought another. When did Ohio ever engage in a war with .Mabaina ar .Massacdiusetls attack N'irgiiiia. Did any state ever made war upon Nortii Carolina'? if so when?. Hoii t our educators think it worth while to keep history straight? We had a tine rain la.-'l 1. pres:iges a liiii' corn crop for every body. .Mr. Titus Klks, aged S3 years, an old Confederate soldier who resided in Beaver Dam township oit the .Tohn Harris place, died suddenly Friday afternoon, lie had started to Arthur to visit a son there, and after walking about two miles reached the home A Mr. Ivey Smith. He complained id' feeling too tired to walk any further and asked Mr. Smith to lake him on to Arthur. Mr. Siiiilh invited .Mr. Klks ’:i to rest awhile, and in less than tea minutes after taking a seat ht? was dt>ad. Mr. Klks was a member of the 41tn .North Carolina regiment, and took pari in several battles of the ci\l war and was among Ihe number ot Con federate .soldier’s captured at Hris- low. -Mr. John Criiusley. of Snow mu' has been spending a few days in Creenville.

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