THE CAROLINA HOME and FARM and EASTERN REFLECTOR (One* a w««k> Pabliahed by m BKFLECTOB COMFAUr, lac. D. 1. WHICHARO, Editor. •RfiUCNVIlXE. WORTH CAROLINA. ■nb»«riptton, oue yaar. . . fl.uu Me noatki 50 ▲tTartikit rates may be had upon fttpUoatlon at tb« busineas office in Vhs Reflector Buildinc, corner Evaus mmI TiiicA. atreeta. ▲11 carda of thanas and resolutloui •< nfpect will be charged t»r at 1 oentLjer wor4. Cammuolcsttona ad^ertialoK eandl- iai<» vUI be charsed tor at three eauta par llae, up to flfty liaea. Catered as tecond class matter August 20, 1910, at the post office at Oreetivllle, North Carolina, under act ot March t, 1879. KHIDAV. .iri.Y 17 1911. Ia>h us all with one actord yell, Uurrui ills. for the hospital—that its loru ( I) uni ray and X’ierc-e are troubled oil oq V.iiat will the 1. W. W. "ilowli witli t!:;- coiirt;;" a.sitaturs iunv say siiue i’.',- ;1' ‘ir mii'.ib.'r —a bud one too— lias iKH ii uc((uitte(l by a Paterson .1.1 court alter a fair trial? If the lounty has money to spend lor the helping of the poor wliy not take that same tnoney and build a ho.s>>ital, thezi let the ’ hospital pay this money back, let the county take this money and build more good roads. (Jreenvllle gets everything else sho %vaiit.s, what's the matter with the hospital? She must not need one, or some stops would bo taken toward tliat end 'I'iirowing as sick man as Theodore Hoo‘>n-e)t into the I’eiinsylvania cam paign does not suggest a rigid ob servance of the priiu iple.s of oonser- -o- While the little dog is barking tlio big one absconds with the bone. The judge doseii’t cliarge tiie jurv as much as the lawyer cliarges his cient. We cannot say lu)w mucli afraid of rats they are, but we do know some Greenville folks who will do their share of shrieking if a mouse comes in sight. Some men are wanted for what they can do. while others for what they have doue. 0 You can always expect the worst in South Carolina. Saturday evening a negro woman beat to death the child of a white family with whom she was mad. The woman was arrest ed and put in jail, and Sunday a mob stormed the jail, battered in the door, took the woman out and lynched her. 0 SA.Wl'EL B. I'MDKItWOOn. j i;i)ITIN(i LIKE ri<K.\( HING Ciider its heading of “Representa-' The followitig item is about the tive .Men in .North Carolina.’’ The best explanation we have seen re- Charlotte Observer has the following | reader for each other. It should be to say of a citizen of Greenville; .■^luong the big-hearted, whole-j souleii m<Mi of ,\orth Carolina, and read very oarefullj': tiiose who stand high up in the ed-1 "Kditing a newspaper in some re ;i:i svaters. riavt'a stiK'Uhoidi rs are anx- v.aiiins: the 1. C. C.'s report on !n th.' lotting. It is prc.'uni.'d that .Mr. .Morgans call on the I’ri'sidt-iit was purely for Ii'V< holo^ical reasons. All that ;>r<)..;perity needed was a litt'.i- rain to make wheat, cotton and ciirti hoi) up !'re.-,h and vigorous. ■ J v;u: •. ) think of the vast horde . !..i:',iy !i;ir!i- !iirs who have been u;ui'jle to secure ,Tune brides. .Mexican Constitutionalists seem lo think that a city in the hand is wort'.i two in the protocol. o Anyway it is proved that as a means of passing away the time, me diation beats war by many furlotig^. o ■fhe Colonel promptI.r did what his doctor told him not to do whicli show tiiat tiie Colonel is in his usual good form. i.)i course, .Mr. Hoosevelt is a n-na. but he sliows a small trait ii' i i-' criticism of Mr. Wilsor. .Ni.i;'.viUistan'liiii; ih>‘ir (livotion to tl!" pUice. no! many l ongressnien will r-M WashinKto’.i a-- a ; ri-i>;-(. strong argument in fuvor or rigid •'movie'' censorship is tlie presenta tion of .lack .Tohnson as a favorite film actor. I.ondon lias nineteen tiiousaml po licemeti, but this isn't a circum stance to that miglity arm ■ of suffra- srettes. Life witiiout hope is like a lions without a roof. Tile Tango lias prohmgeii man a womans dancing davs. Kvery other day they have Hue.'i; going to (luit, but the next morniuj; tinds him on the job. It is a sure thing that Carbajal ha.s no more forethought than the rest of the Mexican, judging from his wind- shift conclusions, 0 Tobacco warehouse drummers aro using a great deal of gas and liot ai,' at this time. Probably a greater a- mount of the latter. 0 .^yllen taJ<es another step to th'- front by announcing tliat it will a- hout July ITth, launch out into the nevv.spaper (ie)d with a semi-weekly, (iood luck sister Aydon. for your size there is no town in Eastern Car olina that is making more rapii strides in the Hne of progress, whic!i siiows the turi- I’itt County spirit. —o- l:i his rt-niark to t!ie women, sp a'.v er ( lark spiir an iiitiiiitive from eii(. Id enii. ti'.u> proving iii.' alisolule ile- r.iO'Ta'.'v. The trouble seems to be that I'in- I ciiot and I'erkins lack propinuuity. II." insists lliat what lie did < 'iliimbia is not woriii After waiting more than a wceK ai'ier the (rage(l.\-, the .Vow York aii- tiiorities have at last arrested Mi'f. Carmau in coiineetioii with the mii;' (ier of tile prominent Society wom:i;i of Freeport, hut tiie verdict of tin- coroner's inquest is still withheld. than himself. I was afraid that he would carry this threat into execu tion. Fiiidis Pistol III Hurpuu. "Saturday afternoon I looked into one of the drawers of liis bureau and found there a pistol. The same af- , , , ternoon later he said he was going to luutional sphere there is none who ..,,^<.,5, jj, j, ,j|^g preaching, (ake me to church and told me to ls lighei in th, isUem of those | gospel truth must be presented get ready. I was dressed in a black who know him and his work than • , , tiamuel B. Underwood. He has a fine 'o'-"' of generalities or some V* ‘ ! J f‘V i I „ ... .... , , , toned up the back. 1 took the pistol ph.vsi(iue an active and well-balanced , >*'* “"d and wrapped it up in tlie shawl which mind and a disposition that attracts a recent writer. Few people liki ^rouIld my baby and carried it and holds all who know him. He is truth, even in homopathic doses, it it in my arms. As soon as we left liome known to his largo circle ot fneud* 1 |,jts ti,eni. I he started talking •about me and I •Sam. " and he would rather oe preachers and editors' 1 had rather be dead than to live like I was do- are criticised for what they do say.:; thus addressed than any other way. He refuses to allow any one to call him professor, saying that he is a "J’rofes.sor of nothing but religion, and a mighty poor one at that.” While his father. Uev. .1. E. I’lider- wood, one of the best men of the|‘he Potion of what they know .Methodist Episcopal Church in the about people. i I. ill th.- ni.-al suppry is not worUii::; til" tru' k Gardners wlio see pros.ivrii y hoiiiiy snugtrlina up to tiiem. 'I'h'- "new (onstilulion of commer cial ir''edom" that's wliai we want to live under! I 'i'iie ijiii tor savs Mr. Uoosevell iiee ! ( —o . I four montiis of rest. It is a sure jury system in ranks , tiling that the couniry iloos. of our free ! ——o I Most any ptTson is willing to do Ilieir duly, as they see it, but as w.‘ see it. Iirings on nior ■ talk. .t .Mtliough th as one of til'' bulwark institutions, jury have not fouu' inipr'gnable. instead of iieini; angry at us for f >r proposing to sell two battleship.s ! lo Greecf'. Turkey should hang around ( the bargin counter. Sometime this country wil, .save 0:1 its lire insurance bills just a.« it now learning to save its lingers by having a sane Fourth. A .New York woman was recently .Able to deposit Sio.OiHi that her hus band (lldn'l know about. Tliere are wuiii..:i th:i' c.ui ke, ;i a secret. Announcemeni is made that of I ials (d' the biological survey in th department of agricullure ar.’ taking a (•'•nsus of tlie birds in ihe country and expect h) give out ihe count soon. First thing you know tlie sta tist icions will be undertaking to tell 11s ho'.v many tish there ar.' In the sea -o - In Mexico it seems lliat wants to be President that \'il!a inarching lo the job. one with -o- .Moviiig tor good roads ami trading for a new County home, i-Irt-ady having schools thal are passed nowhere, shows that 1 oii.My is taking lier place in con- anii sur- I’itt Ihe not Kvi ry dollar spent in a county lum.' is money lost, every dollar spent in a hospital will ln‘ a blessing to the poor and a help to tlie sick. The remarks made by l>r. C. O'H, l.aughinghouse before the board of County Commissioners rtdative to the movement for a new county homo, and published in this paper Tuesday. <'ertainly gives the people somethin; to think about. The position he takes that a hospital and county home com bined would result in far more bene fit than only a county home, is en tirely correct, and the comniissioi.era march of progress. There hetl-'r agricultural county in the slate, and liner people than ours ca 1 l)e found non here in the world. The home se> ker who want.s to locat'.* ill a progressive community and re ceive a prolitable return for his la bor. can find no befter place than Pilt cou nty. Thai Parisian caricaturist ho com plains that now there are no more ugly women had evidently just been resorted to normal vision. If .Mr. Sullivan wishes to attract attention and-possibly votes, he might Iry making some of his cele brated biscuits in full view of the spectator.s. !•.' men would ilie .voung if thev (om|)i-lle(i to work for a living It's hard for the weatle r man t(' do his duly toward the farmer and the ball fan at the same time. o .Scotland j.s having more froubl'j with militants at present than Cncle Sam has ever had with the Mexicans. According to the plans for the I'nless a man has scored at leas: , County home, which coiitrai t was let yesterday, if is safe to .say when com pleted it will be the finest of its kind ill the State. oiu failure, he is unable to appre< iate success. It is funny why ,some parts of this city is so well lighted at night, while out in the suburb.^ they are in total darkness, for instanc Heights. o iMiiiiieiit pr..gre.ssr.‘ I'.'lizabeth City lias joint <1 flios> -Nor;h Carolina towns that have de (Ireenvilie i tided to grant no more lif to strt'i't <arnival. Kight now when no <arnlval is in contemplation would be a good time for C.reeiivilU* to fall ed to think that the question of get- in line by the ald< rineti adopting a could not do better than to consider j linK people out ot the party is not so prohibitory ordinance against car- ami act upon his suggestion. Important as tiiat of bringing people j nivals. Such shwos .ii' a big nui- lalo it, i sance and a detreni' il lo any town O jand (ireeiiville has lieeii nfested with j There i.s one consolation during ^a full shari'of them in iIih past. F9r this hot wave, we can go out t.T ^ itetter is it to cut out < arnivala entire- . „ j "Greenville Park," and get a littl<*^ly, and lo adopt the plan of those The difference betW”en theory and . -,varmer. It’s a shame not to have towns holding chautatiuas. Tlie lat- Socief. A.IS invented by a woma 1 who was married and wanted lo for get it. practice is shown when the whole some kind of Park ■i'v goes off to attend a humane, "'•■■ss and b'aves the cat to starve I t’.i.’ .. liar. I ter give the people something uplift- o ' ing and benei\ial, while <-arnivaIs With whai soft drinks; wil! battle- are degrailing and leave a bad in- ■'v; 111' lutnied now? tlueiice i n their wake. State, was pastor of a small charge in Stanly County Sam was borti Oc tober, 19, ISS5, and spent his boy hood days in a .Methodist parsonage wherever his father was sent as pas tor. His first school days were ;>t Burlington, afterwards he attended Ihe publii' schools in the town where i;!ii T luipp-'iied to be station.d. ■•, i';,d -'.vdod was prepared for col- lece at Trinity Park High School v.h'‘ve he spent two years. He tlun • 'I’er.d I'riiiiiy College from which iiisiiluiion lie was graduated in IDOG. ' l'i)> ai callege he ri'ceived nearly every honor that his fellow students and the college could confer upon lilni. He was secretary, treasurer, and president of the college Y. M. C \.. r.'.^p-'ciively in his sophomore, jiinior and senior years. He was a member of the '.tor.' scholarship fraternity, editor of publications '.if the Historical Society editor of The Trinity Archive during his .senior years, assistant, librarian, assistant in Knglish in Trinity Park Higii Si'liool, won scholarship honors each year, won the Wiiey Crey mi'dal, the most coveted honor at Trinity, his subject being "The American Press and American Public Opinion," After leaving college Mr, I'nder- wood went to FhiriJa and taught Kng lish in Southern College, Southerland. Flu., anil during this year he was married to .Miss i;ioise Uster of Pas- 'iuotaiik County, and now has one child, S. U. .ir. At the end of that year he return ed to his native state and accepted the superinti'ndeiit of the public school at Hertford, which position h- held for three years, resigning at the end of liis tliird .vear to accept the liiadiimslership of Trinity Park School, being the first graduate of tliai school lo ludd that important position. .M the expiration of hi-; tirst year at the Park School, he re signed to accept the maiiagenient n' the Kinston Graded Schools lo whi(di position he had been unanimously elected. During tln' three years n ' was .superintendent of these .schools he built up one of fhe best school systeuis ill the Slate, and led the tight for new buildings and etjuip- nienls wiii(h have recentl.i- been add ed (.1)1 .May 4 of this year he was eh'cled superintendent of schools for Pitt County, and instructor in scdioot management in Kast Carolina Train- ii.g School, at Greenville. These posi tions came to him by the unanimou-; vote of the two boards without Iiis bavitig niaile application for them. He entered upon tiie responsibility >f these positions on .Tune 1 .Mr Cnderwood is a member of th .North Carolina Teacliers Assembly. .Vational I'Mucation Association, .Vorth Candina Child I,,abor Committee, So cial Serrice Ileform A.ssociation, and an lionored member of the order o' Knights of Pythias. For a number of .vears he was a regular <-ontrihutor to The Sunday Observer under th.- catpion, "Scribblings of An Idler," and this writtings attracted attention all ovi-r Ihe State. He is now a con- ributor to .North Carolina Education He is a loyal member of the Metho dist Churth and served two years ns president of the Epworth Keague (,'o.i ference of the .North Carolina .Metho dist Conference. l<t'Cause of his ability and through his •Mr, Cnderwood has attained success aniiabi'e disposition. He is generous t«i a fault. Possibly no man of Kis: age in the State is better or nio'-' favorable known. His friends predic": that he has : ot reai heu (nr zeni*'i of hSf. suece,ss, but nonlidintly expe t to see him elevate! t.> ’;igli.‘i f.nd .nore :e?pon.sible plac •& than be has yet held. He now lives in Greenville. .N, C.. and is in charge of the .schools of PPr Connt.v. ing. My husband was slightly stoop- uo one thinks ot giving them credit shouldered and was leaning forward for what they do not sa.v. Yet what in the buggy and I held my baby i,i they keep to themselves constitutes ^nd unwrapped the pistol ‘ with my right hand and lield it close to the side of his head and pulled Uie trigger. The explosion frightened the horse and awoke the baby who began to scream. My husband fell to the road and Ihe horse started running and was stopped at the church and then I told some people that soms- "Very many people harbor the be lief taht newspapers are eager to pub lish derogatory things. Its a mis take. There isn't a newspaper that could not spring a sensation in the one had shot my husband. community at any time by merely telling what it knows. There is not a newspaper that does not keep un der the lock of secrecy scores of Trlfd To lie a Uood Wife. "I went with my sister to her home from the church and remained there until next morning when I appeared before the coroner and was released. derogatory things which never lueet ^ After that I went to my mother s the public eye or reach the public bome near Speed and stayed until j Sheriff Crawford and Deputy Thomas then took me to Oak City where I “Deciding what uot to print is the ! was bound over to the Superior Court troublesome part of newspaper ^ ,i„,„ i,p i,rought me to this place, work. How many good stories are'lie had been very kind to me and I suppressed for innocent relatives and ; •'lin'' li*^' clever gentleman. I ... , , , ... lalwa.vs tried to be a good wife to niy for the public good nobody outside a 1, I husband but it was impo.sslble to live newspaper office has any idea of. 1 ,,i,„ ‘•In some instances he who flies into ! a passion bec-ause a newspaper print.^ l,.ots of us know then is plenty of something about him which he con- room at the top, yet scores of us siders uncomplimentary has ever’.' reason to feel profoundly grateful to the newspaper for publishing so lit tle of what It knows of him. And oft-times the loudest bluffer i s Ihe most vulnerable to attack. A big sit down and wait for the elevator. Heporf of the Condition of r THE l'LA>TEi{.'< HA\K Stokes, C. at the close of business .lune oO, P,il4. Resouree*. noise is often a device employed to j t.«oans and discounts ,$41,7!*o !'2 cover trepidation, Newsp.ipers put nn Overdrafts, secured, unse- , i cured with more bluffing than any other ,,I,4.;.;.10 gency would endure. It is not because i.'urniture and fix- they lack courage; it is beiause theyj tures 1.o4n,4s are unwilling to use Iheir power to,"'“' tfoni banks and bank- destrov or ruin unless the interest of ■ (Jold (Oin societ.\ iniperali\el> demands it. It coin, including all might be w(dl for some people to re-' minor coin currency .,. . tied upon these trulhs and in silent National bank notes and other C, S. notes graiiiude acci-pf milii admonition lesc, worse befall them." I o ; I.iabilhies '(’aplial slix'k paid in : Stirplus fund J ui mui nil I profits, less cur rent expenses and tax- Mrs, Johnson, of Martin:! County, Confessed Tlie Murder of Husliand 4.",!i- L',r.i4,r,s 1,Its I.Ill* LTKI.dO 47.ST 4i!''.on f47,i:;s„{i of Tarboro, Jul> lo, ''I am going to tell the truth about fhe matter, I killed my husband because he iiad made life unbearable for me by con stant l.v accu.sing me of infidelity, "1 am sorry that I didn't .sa> this at first, but I was afraid and felt that 1 was alone in the world without a fiiend to whom 1 lould turn," The foregoing statement was uiade by pretty .Mrs, Klizabetr Karly John son at the conclusion of a three-hours interview in whicli every phrase of the case was discussed. The inter view took place in her <'ell at the county jail at Willianiston and the confession was tlie first one made by the woman who on Saturday niglu July 4th, according to today's confes sion, killed her husband as they were ! riding along the road on their way. | to church iu Martin County. | Stuck <0 FItmI Slory Two Hours. Cp to this time fjie officers had been at a loss to fiiiid a motive tor the crime. For two hours Mrs. John son, who is about 22 years old and an extremely pretty blonile, stoutly maintained that an unknow man killed her husband and told a well connected story of how it took place During this recital she showed very little emotion though stated tliat sha was grieved at the death of lier hus band, < oiii'esses E>erjthiu;; As soon as she stated she would confess everything. Sheriff J. C. Craw ford of Martin couuty was called into Ihe room and he listened to her story. es paid Hills payable . , Time Certilicales posit Deposits subject to check Cashier's checks outstand ing 10,01111.(to tt;,r,4.".,L’.'. 17.60 Total $47,i:?.S.:il Slate of .North Carolina, County of Pitt, ss: I, J, W, P,alley. Cashier of the abovi.-- iiamed bank, do .solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best or my knowledge and belief. • ■ • .T. W. HAIUEV, Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before ni-’, this <«th, da.v of July, 1!il4, I., H, ROBEItSO.N. Notary Public. Correct-Attest: THOS, G, 15ASNIGHT N. G. STOKES ft. f). CO.VGI..KTON Directors, Wwds off Praise For Wondeiful Stomach llemody "How than k fu I we are to you for setting a hold of your VVomderful Remedy. My wife could not have had but a short time to live if she had not taken your \Vonderful Remedy when •hedid. One more of those paroxysm paios she was having would have kitled her without a doubt. Nnw she is free from all puin. free from heart trou b)e;« nd free from that disturbing Keuralgta^'all the results of live treatments —«nd the expulsKm of five or six hundred Call St^me.s. Nowsheisabletoea: anythmgthewantsandher arpotite is ^ood and before taking yourniedinne ..he had noappetneand when she ate anything .she would suffer death for so doing and could not at nig*..t: since takmg your treatment she til ‘cpa well aU oight long. T. A*N«all,RMnok«» Tezaa.’’ J h(* mail) fact as slit* stated tluuu art* 'j'jjg above letter should ronv/nce you more “Since I have been married 1 bave I parted from my husband three f inies ; •’■yonedoseofthiiRenjedy—onednseshouWcon- viiit'e ihem tliat ihry can be re.stered to health, anil on each occasion went to live K:,orly all Stomach Alfmen-B ate caused by the M iih Iiiv nifitlier Afier eai h si.ii.t , JloRginK of the intestinal tract wuli inucoid and WIUI ni\ motner. aiu r eat 11 sep. i .i , a,arrlial ac.retions allowinR poisonous fluids M v.Mi;» TO »rv A good farm. Prefer it being near Ayiieti or Winterville. but would c-m- s,ider other offers, I do not mind tiie orice provided the land has the tjua'ily and terms are satisfactory. Apply to bo;c 67 Ayl°.n. X. C. ■-lo-tf law & w. ion h.' came to me and begged me to! -nto ttie Stumach and otherwise derancin* the ... system. Mayt » Wondmrtut5tomm€h t again live with him and I consented. “Very Sus|ilriou'" ■'He was very suspicious and ton- stantly accused me of being too fa miliar with other men in particular his brother. Arch Johnson, who for some limed lived in the same h'JUse with US. Several times lately he ha^ said that he would kill me the first time he saw me with any man oth^r A«m«^y^painlessly removes theie accretion* « Itliuut a surgical operation and puts an end to Colir Attacks, Gases in the Btomarh and In!e»- ti’ es and all ot the usnal STtnptomu of Stomach, I, \tr anl Intestinal Ailments. Ask your druB- KUt utMiut Mmyr‘» W»ndtTfal St»maeh Ktmmay or s*nd lo (ieo. H, Mayr, Mfg. Chemist. 154 Whitinu St., Chicago, til., for free tmoklet on Stomach Ailments and many grateful letter* from people nho have been restored. For Sale la firerarlDe, H. C, hj THE JOHN L. WOOTE3T DRUQ t'O and Druggtati everywhere

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