iimffiiltlrirtMWif'ilimiii'wi r -ifr^i — "'•V/. "•// ’«/? aREENYILLE IS TEE WSXBT. OF. EASTERN SORTH CAROLINA. IT HAS A. POPULATION OF FOUR THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED iND ONE. AND IS SUR ROUNDED BY THE BEST FARMING COUNTRY. INDUSTRIES OF ALL KINDS ARE INVITED TO LOCATE HERE FOR yfE HAVE EVERYTHING TO OFFER IN THE 1^.41’ OF LABOR, CAPITAL AND TRIBUTARY FACILITIES. WE HAVE AN UP-TO-DATE JOB AND NEWSPAPER PLANT. II s 1 if I W: WE HAVE A CTIfCVEi- TION OF TWELVE HUN DRED AMONG THE BEST PEOPLE IN THE EASTERN PART OF NORTH CARO LINA AND INVITE THOSE WIJO WISH TO GET BET TER ACQUAINTED WITH THESE GOOD PEOPLE IN 4 BUSINESS WAY TO TAKE 4 FEW INCHES SPACE AND TELL THEM WHAT YOU HAVE TO BRING TO THEIR ATTENTION. OUR ADVERTISING HATES ARE LOW AND CAN BE HAD UPON APPLICA TION. Agiicnltnrc !• tbe XoNt Dscfiili tke Moit HealthfnL tke Host Noble Bmploymeiit of Mu.—G«orge Wasiilngton. VOLlTtfE XXXIT. (JKEKNVILLK, C, FKIDAV AH KU\00>, AKU ST -Js, !<(U. M MBI K «2. imi IN IHE S.C. y Governor’s Strongholds Among Farmers Co Over to Sen. Smith WHO ill WIN BY 15,(100 Is Tlie I’rediotioii at I'resont Mann- inp is In The Lead For (iovernor Over The Ten Other Can didates. ( OLU.MIUA, S. O., Aug. 25—Re turns from the Democratic primary held today throughout South Caro lina indicated that the re-nomina tion of Senator li. D. Smith over Cole Ulease, W. I’. Pollock and L. D. Jenm- .iiira. 'iVRh abcut half the vote heard from Smith has a lead o£ 8,200. The vote nt midnight stood. Smith :!il,722: Blease 2S,r)lH; Jenn ings !>1’2: I’ollock S33. I'or governor, a second race is a certainly, with Richard I. Manning the loader in the returns up to mid- niaht, and Robt. 0. Cooper and John (>. Richards as his opponents. The vote ftt midnight stood; Manning 11,301; Cooper 10,71*9; aii luirds Clinkscales S.444. Senator W. F. Evans Replys to Mr. Ilariling’s Article of last Weelt Germans Pressing Hard The Lines Of The Allies Where Now Hangs The Fate of The French Nation Greenville, N. C., August 2,'), 1914. IMr. F C. Harding, Greenville, X. C. Di’ar Sir; — VoiT letter declining my iuyitatioa for a joint canvass is pitched upon such a very high plane,and is tilled '.vith so much venom of the slow working kind, that I desire to call attention to a few things which seem ed to have escaped your “utbiased’ attention. In the first place you deny that you had ever made any statement that you had expressed a desire to meet me in joint discussion of the politi' cal matters before the people, and of that 1 cannot personally testify. But while making a speech a few weeks ago at Black Jack, a gentleman who at ieast gives your word credence, look occasion to break iuto my re' taarks and announced to the audience that on the day before at his house before his wife and boy, you had de clared to l^im a readiness and a de sire to meet me in a joint canvass be- fote the voters, This man still says that you told him this and names can tc had for the asking. And from other sections of the county has come this same report, and your partisans have been Using It as a taunt with which to accuse me of cowardice. You say you do not believe in that kind of campaigning among demo crats, that it.creates divisions ajid bickesings, and that you are above bringing charges against a democrat You have possibly overlooked the fact that two years ago you were County C'nairman and at the.head of the De mocratic I’arty, and that you were then not above sanctioning such a (Continued From rage > Weak Points Strengthened During the Night, and War Office Has Professed Confidence That the Line Will Hold. The Germans Resumed the Attack at Day Break, and are Being Heavily Reinforced at Every Point. Luneville the Scene of the Heaviest Fighting OCEANA WILL NOT SAIL XEW YOlx’K. Aim'. :’()—At (d'dcrs finin Italian «i •tieo (»t‘ tli(‘ DclawaiT and lludsuii Stt-ainslii]) (_'(>iii)iaiiy jias caiicfllcd tile sailiim' of stcaiiisliip O'-caiia, sclu'iliili td sail t(i ( M'lma uii the i wciity-iiinth. WEie FOII T Hon. John H. Small In a Letter Cives Reason for Same ?mm WAR Tll[ PlGIPAl \>hicli lias Teuiiuirarilj llemoralized The I'nited States Kiuanee>. i»n Koreig’n Coiunierce IMiire«.>.ed l’riee»^ c <‘lgian legation lias an nounced that there has heeii *“Xo otlicial intorinatioii wluther any Xaniiir forts have b»‘eii i-aptnred 1't‘el cer tain that a majority is still intact, held by IJelgians. al though German tro(»ps nndonbtly traversed town. -«r ij- • ■ HUSSARS OTTACKED IN RIVER PARIS, Aug. 2(5—A strong • lernian column of caval ry attacked the eighteenth English Hussars while in river bathing, being taken by siir]>risj the English lost heavily ^ manv slaiight<*red liefore getting out of water. A\ar i>i-j li('e announced advis<‘s received from the trout ! j leavks ' that H big battle was now in progress, progressing lavor-1 i»uiui>pi>E islands ably to Allied cause. J*” ‘ I regret lo anuouni_u that the usual I'irnievs EUucaiional Mefiings can not be held this suiumer. A number ( f reifcons havi' united to bring about !ii;." ri'SUlt. ('ungriss is still in ses- .siou. 'I'hid horrible Kuropuan War has -irniporarily d.'iuoriilized our fin- our fori if;ii (imitiierce and de- [ip' ssi (1 thi‘ [irii cs of tliose staple lai'Pi products of wliitii we e.\port to I'.'uropi' a largi- ])roiJonion, notably I'oilun and tubaico. Congress and the .Vdnilnistration arc suiving to afford rcnicily far as legislation ciin Iirlii, but, law iini'ortuately, can not rt>^UH-c ihc (IfHiautl for these pro ducts to tlie i xtciit whicli it has been ('iinir.islieil by this A\'ar. Much will rciirini to be ilmu' by our own peo ple tbroupli oii-cipcration between th<» }rni\vt.'rs, baiik-Ts and public spirU'"*.' citl/cnp. D'.it 1 havi- diverted Another ar.o primary reason for tl.e failure to hold tlicsi- nieetiiiRS was lhi> inability of tlic Federal liepannient of Agricul- turi to furnish t!ie expects to address the irieetinps. 1 a 111 f-Teatly disappointed, and 1 feel Fure that, those who have here- tofiire attended these uieeiinps feel a similar regret. That they have been beiiefieial is attested by ample evi- . dene* . I have received hundreds of lettei's and beani very numerous ex press ens eomniendinjr tbeni and ask- iiif; lor their ciintinaunce. Through ibese nieetinps tbe drainaK'' rnove- int lit and o\ir nioiiern drainage law, whii b are proving sneh a blessinii \\eri' inang\irated. The tirst Com .’iid,.;irB nay h- ld in the State, or in tiie South for that matter, was at one of these meetings. In other res pects they h.-ive emphasized better and more productive methods. it possible to poinl- ed militarv governor. i Lieut. D, S. Wilson, wife and chtldl i V' ' left this morning: for San Francico, ‘‘ ; C j)., from which place they will sail SecTf'tary Bryan admit- Sepi. Stu for Manila, Philippine Ts- Lieut Wilson hiw ’aeen trans ferred from the 17th, ta the 13th. Infantry, and will be stationed at K,,rt McKinley, live nivles from Manihi for tliree years. ^ U. a. CRUISERS AVOILABLE. WXSITTS(JTOX, Oug. 20 ted that he had rt'ceivt'd warning from Ambassador ]\Ior-.iand^ gentluUl at (.'onstantinople of danger of **lIoly Avar.’'| Secretary Daniels annountfed that cruisers Tennessee and Xorth Carolina were avnilabl*' for service ft^iY th»> ]trotoc-| tion of cliristians now in Turkey. Ollicials however, not | alarmed over the situation. _ ^ / , > FAVORABLE REPLY TO HIS PLAN ' RALFJGU, X. Aug. 2tJ--rMtvenior Civ.ig re ceiving favorable rt'plies from the (iovornors o1 cotton states ft>r his ])lan ioii. , t: )AU RM’IDS. la.. Aug. g.itherinc, of ereat interest in Pythian .i.cles began hero today with tho (>pt:iing oi the f(»rt.y-lifth annual eon- • enC.on ot the low.a grand Iorp of tlie Knishts of rythias. The Pythian si.^iers also aro in annual session. OebRateH from every part of tho State are att<"nding the two meet,iuga.