Greenville Tobacco Market Opens On Tuesday, September 1st. -i. kJ* M. JR. 3LJ1. Will be in PERFECT TUNE to get you the highest possible price for your tobacco Wc have the experience and money to do it with. Bi*ihg us your first load. YOUR FRIENDS, O. Is. Rucker. Auctioneer. Johxistoe Sl Foxhall fry n ¥>1 H •« 1^: £■*? ■,i m-.'f Afc' <t> iAhIk ? >* k.^ T 5c. Per Lice Fer InievticD Great Buying Time for ^ ou at Shehdan’s i^^iearance sale Now is the Time. Attend the Sale Today Tcuring Cra’s $490.00, F. O. B. Detroit Eounabouts $440.00, F. 0. L Detroit. \V(‘ ]jii\ r .■'(■\ciaI srcuiid lijiiid i'oi'd and tiUiiM' ('ai's. all 11' i>l as lh "'d as iu‘N\'. ! "V s.dr <-lica ] >. Ford Supply Go. C a«h uiuBt -or wp.nt ad*, rxo^pi ffyni tijon ha^ing refular arircrilfclr.f tc- coiinU. Tb« mto )« 6 conts i*r Hue, six wordg to the ilc2 7*il- ephCDS No. 74 Phone 237. Greenville, N. C. .>Ii‘ir» liiiifs ill I’ilt Poi the r-txl llijrtv aays we are to diviae amcrig cur custo- >I;c.; c\tr $300.00 vvcilh ci RcTfi^ Sii\eiv\cic. Me:?! Lc..clk'b and Ci'jldien f lew cut *■3 repijar r:nc( Ccn.c- and your se<;;. v: all v>e asK. do ccuble dutv. now goirg al ard we will make (UiiU'igli Kv, iiing Times;* rrtgn-^sive or ;tnti-ring Democrats 1 I’itt county—their ommies refei l« iliom as tlie ‘‘ihird parly”—hcKl a nias.'j meL'Ung in tlie codrl-houhe in ('.ro"!iville and nominated (andidate? lor i!ie as.seuil)ly and county commishion'.r. Jionator JOvaus \va- rc noiiiinati'd tor the Siiiato, and t'or- ini-r li-gi^^hitors will bo interctfled b^jKin Ji’urn ihul Iht j| 1: jiTi tt iiUUivi convciuion \\tut al'toi' Cl.irU'^-i pn;!l. n ■ Sf f: <J Sets Red Bh wobble Seed Qyt* Rape .* Dr. H r'l f iO\< ri Oiiion ^ A • Iris less Si. F^oultrv Pow dei Iflre, &!ct e,.c. ©»t* i*'(.'urtu tE-'*. Wll»C'5f'» ■>. II. w. r\i;i I IJ. M. i» I'l’ji.lice liniiti'd to ili.scnsi's oi tlv i:,'.., |-:ar, ,iU(i 'I'hroMi, and tl'.i l.llihL' fil S-'lu.'Si’.'. “::i • J t. I >. L, .Iiihj. ,-. vl!:-. X. I'., l-;>. .ry .Monday J'.".:;.- W.'i'-lnntrion. .\. (' i*ii. M»ll.\ 1. 1 •. 1«'ferBBry &».< M.u;veil his gSich j'roiu • Low fcstabies to Dr Zeno B'f» « i KiahlPS on Fourth arreel tioan 1,^-i Day or Nithi. Ici ; mi) V t’u'n,sr!V's (iiamo:ji| i: iiacui' has ~>i ) r'^oi.i is I'art ul tin rcsohilion: likewise dt jdore th'.- t'aet iha ilio nieuibcrs of the lower house n ihe hi.-t neral iissi nibly, and j)ar j iU-pn sentatlvo flark, spent I I too niui ti time in passing In ii'er cal! j I liills, ihieki'n laws, bond'-s, and ',11 alti iiiiitini; to d.^troy the tohacfo j indu-try ai'.d to pive woiucn the bal lot iwsiioi* Mii VM;K r\ssi;i» 1>! \( in I.I.V AWAV \T JUS iioMi; i> \ui.Mi\uio\ la li( V. Robert Snan>;<.-, liishop ol ihe iCast ('arolina Dioeesc Jiassed i'l .ic lully away in his iumie at Wil- mincton on yesterday aiternoon after an illnv'ss ixtending over several iaontbs, althoufili hi.s illness did not be''line iritieal until Wednesday of ta;-1 week whm it was discovered by •h' ;itii'ndini; physicians that ho was n.u. I I’li.'hop Siran^i' was liity-sevcii { yi'iir.; ol' agi- and was beloved not |..i.:> by iliosf of the I'.'jiiscopal fhurch j Ihh by oilier ndi^ious bodies as well i i liroii!.lioiit th” State, i 'J he (d)si quii s will I.ike jdaei* 'I'ue.s- diiy alti rnoon in WilniinKion- M:>V .>n i,LK'I."S. s. M. Sc-lmlti;. A»k Yoiir (iriircr for HHITt SW.IN Fl.orit—Fat Die Itfst. 4 ."5 J \> AM i:i»-A ej.s_ Mrs. ,T. street. ii;\v lAiu.i; iiOAHi*. K. Forbes, Washington S-19-tt ■|'lr. V trial, -iiig tv ;di-roils 11 »• I «t £«w j Htn: k..-iV)Lhh NORTH t-»* I ft l*Il£Cr : L*wy»r« I r'r",c.ic‘-D* Id »" C'SlM ‘c Wort^B .1-.: 'i'.! ." t ■< I "i'*"**!'. iTOLii'X.f *'■ ■' I huv.' ,n I'.ascball arliy ;i;.d a SHKul li.iS'.-ball b.'fU <>rf;ani;;ed ;unonKth. l!ut their h;\I rite ili- ■•■> r :<.ii i.' in li-'ldiriK a ii.i 'J'hoy taki-'ht in addr ih(- jury aiui in i;ivuig | .iiidivial ufcirions. 'I'lie tajin' ity of llie pint t !s "n.uii't r.'tviii"- bricks or l.'.iiiMi biiii ttriek , a il.<> niiiri' kilns ;,r'- to 1>'- i built r>:;d iiiori- pri.-oni‘rs wi,; tp<> sent ! TO \M,rk on the iiUint. Th" .-ntirt i' U'l'd by ihe striti . Kx- pfn'v.-F of llie jdant, outsi.i-- pa’ III til. ni' ii I'liiiiloyi'd anil thi ; mounts ailowiil to the prisoners, r-o!,-.isls al- ino>* entirely of food and fiii-l bills U C'.sts sl'iiii ;i month to ;.,d tlK iner, i Si.cffie!. utlery La.s. Fh- f'ii'ld id l.ii.ii'il throu^lie.ut the I worlii lor its cuib ry, bi.t t!iis is no I Iuiif.-,i-r the city's ciiief or evi-n second- and many other things loo num-, ;u-y u.diistry. In tlio lincst clasti of erous to mention, instead of adhering; c,iil(.r.\- Sin llii ld iirobably stiil t-xcids, to till' true democratic faith an<l car-j but cond siissors liuni ib rnuiny aro rying cmt the plain mandates and •''“''I l-nfib.-h jo.wi lor l.'.-is Jiioni y iJiaii lj;i. /jriiulinK oi tlie com peting iirtiele aloi.o cos's in Siii'tliidd. Tliis jiaragrapli could not have mel | The b adin^x luth ry lii-ni. doing a the views of Senator Kvans any bet-j 'y“rhl ex|uri traile, op>'r,it'>s wiiliont ti r if he had prepared it himself wislus of the people,” Ui p!'esentative Clark has quit polities we are informed, but lie rang tlu b. 11 in the house every time the fair se.x, tlie initiative and referendum j stands t i il’.t the recall and other similar matters j came tip—either in the gallery or in! the house. tho iif^e 01' a tidephone, iind anoth <f ( f:u;ie, oceiijiies ijiiarti'rs cf; tilt' mo-t pr.niiiive character. It is' thr jiiiidtK':ion id' arnianients and I hill iiiuti rial that Sin tlie Id now >t‘H I’l'fcinct ( roalfd^ x\i u meeting of the Pitt County Hoard of lidections held in the Court House of Pitt County, on Monday, August IIJ, J;<H, a new precinct known as Fountain I’reciiict, -with voting pla'.'o at Fountain. N. C,, was created by said board. Jhe description and boundaries of said in-w prii’inet are as follows, to-wit: lUf;iiining at Haker's Mill where the public' road cro.^ses the Wilson c-ouniy line, and thence wilii the Farm vill; road to li. F. 'rugwell's Fork of the road; ihenee with the pablic road from P). F. 'rugwell's to ^\■ashington Snii'h, including tln' larnis of Wash- ingto-. Sniitli, K. .-V Parker and lOd- ward Smith;,thence with public road from \\'ashingtoii Smith’s to Marcel- liis Siuiili; tlrence with public road from .Marci llus Smith lo W. C. Kd- wards store at tlio Edgecombe county lino; thence with the Pitt county line to the Wilson county lino to the be ginning. Therefore, let all persons and par- tii's take notice of the above act of the .‘■aid County Hoard of l-dections and abide by the same. 'I'lis August 15, i;tH. S. J. KVEiiiyrr. Cliiirman of tin? County HoanI ,if i:iections^ S. T, WHITK, Secretary. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days -ir -■■iijiiri'! n-.ll refund n; e P.\70 < ii-.\ I’M 1-..N 1 l.iiu t.i fture any casi -.! it. hil:>{, M.'ir. i. nit < lir.iTi r 1 t .itnitiiilff I'llt ^ i'.' 11 .lays, 'i l.f t.fsl uj.j .is.aL.. u a:. 1 1 l. Due HHKN V(U >VAM Headstones or Monuments LET -MK SHOW YOU HENRY T. KING FEET TO BECOME OBSOLETE?^ In Vitv»' of Present Cheap Electric Ccnvty.inccs There Seems to Be i Each a PoEsibility. Wi‘(*k-Knd and Suiuuier r r u s I o A K -t T E « to the .SLASIlOliK via the A I LAM U' (OAST L1.\E lli(> Standard liallroad of the Soutti Ituuiiil Trip liutc!*. From Greenville To Wabhiugton, D, C. To Baltimore, Md. To Now York City To Boston. Mass Tickets on sale every djjy How To Give Quinine To Children. FHBRII.IVH is thetratle-mnrk name Riven to nn improved tjujnine. It is a Tasielt ss Syrup, pleas- unt to take aiuidocs not disturb the stomach. ChiUirt’n tali'? it aii l never know it is Quinine. M«>o especially rtdapucl to adults who cannot crike or<!inary Quinine. Dx^es not nauseate nor •auf-e nervousncK‘j nor rinjifinK in the bead. Try it the ntxt lime you nee<l Quinine for any pur- Avk for J-o»ince oriKinal packajre. The nata'» bU'WU iu bwtilc. ?S c?*wU, Ohiii Ifii'i I iiIi|iiP CoiMU-t Ilrick I’liiii* fo'inmbiis, Ohio, August 22.—Othei states have convicts w’orking in honor sipiads on roads or employ them ii- penitentiary sbop.s, but it remainei for Ohio to establish a model factorv system fur convicts. This plant goinc; full blast tcMlay, is not wiiliin the penitentiary w.alls. It is at a little place called (!oble, a few mile.- from here. There 70 prisoners work six <Iays a week making brii ks. Xo guard .stands by to see that ihe\ do not make their escape. They arc alon^ except for in skilled brick-niak ers, all employed by the State, whc Pm», Traffic Mgr. Gen. Pass. Agt I direct the work. .Wllmlngtoa, N. C. j TUo men live !n a big dormitory by $in.9',> $10.90 S19.90 $24.40 UDttI Bxptember 30, via Norfolk and ■t^amer, with filial return limit Oct., II, 1914. W. i. Craig, T. C. White As a r sul' cf tlie (juick and <-heapl niedi s ol coi'i.'i.y:inee prevalent nowa- p< i )iie are liot walkin;? so much i d; writer in Lou rs foriiii riy. usseits den -Vns'.vi I't.. Tlier,. was a period v hen we \wro' able to move our ears fit w ill, but dis-^ use of the organ did away with tboj power It is jiossible that our feet ! Wrighlsviile Beach: North Carolina’s Famous Resort , p„gers canied on tuo eicc __ Mtramways and litlit raiUvays of Modern AMLSEMENTS Bathing, Beating. Muse. Prizes, FisKing n r.' Pcrc rp N^05T « '«••*»'■■■- POPULAR SEASON. WEEK-END and SUMiMER Excursion Fares Via The ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Standard Railroad of the South For achedules, rates of fare, etc. see or address Local Agent. TOO MUCH FOR HER PATIENCE Daughter Was Used to Strangers Bothering Hep Mother, But Here She Drew the Line. ^ eteran of threo suffragetta pa rades and as ninny B. A, R, canipaigna as she was, she completely lost her I»oiso in an upper liroadway slreot car, rf citi's t!n' .\ew York Tinie.q. A well-grooii!i.(i woman of at least forty summers and a two-slit skirt, left her seat on tlie opposite side of tho car may one day become obs-ilete. i directly in front of tha In the year 19i2-i;! ;!.2i'.),S57.29:i i was tho stupindous total of the n’um-1 ""V’ l><‘!nln tho newcomer, i her of passengers can ie<l on tho elcc- the elder of tho two, 'T in in trouldo about my canary bird. Ho doesn’t sing, mopes on his perch, and i has completcdy lost his appetite. A'ou j look so like a woman who sidves her , ow n lioii.»< bold iiroblems that I have ^ taken the libi rty to ask you about one ' of ndne. What shall I do for my ca- I nary?" i Take bini to a bird doctor,'* snapped I tho daughter. . ^ Mother and questioner alike gasped . in astonishment. j “I don t Bf'riously object when I strange women ask my mother’s ad vice as to what they should buy whilo she Is trying to do her own shopping,” continued the younger woman, "whfire to find a good dentist, how to make a harem skirl out of an old sealskin Jacket, or the best way to make bread. She is BO matronly and good-natured. But I draw the Jlne at trying to make a bird doctor out of her.” .'■42, and in tin' da.v of the horse, 1S79, the liguro reached 1.'0,SS1,.'1."). The public have certainly gained in convenience, but not in health. There has never been any dispute of the fact that walking is the most health-giving and natural exercise posrible. And yet lt_doea not come within tho daily cMirricului'i of the average man and woman to exercise nature’s own equip ment, but bus or car is hailed. 1>K. ASME L. JOY>EB Osteopahthic Physician OlBce in the Brown Building on Dick inson avenue. Office hours 10 to 12 and 2 to 4. 7-20-tf. ’

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