grnmirriLLB rs tee mSVatT OF EA.STERN SORTU CAROLINA. IT HAS a POPULATION OF FOUR VHOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED tND ONE. AND IS SUR ROUNDED BY THE BEST FARMING COUNTRY. INDUSTRIES OF ALL KINDS ARE INVITED TO LOCATE HERE FOR WE HAVE EVERYTHING TO OFFER IN THE WAY OF LABOR, CAPITAL AND TRIBUTARY FACILITIES. WE HAVE AN UP-TO-DATE 10B AND NEWSPAPER PLANT. H m Agricultiuc li tb« Modt Ueefal, tie SloHt Healtblul. the Most Noble Employineut ut M«n.—Geonre nttshlufrion. WE HAVE A OrnaUEA- TION OF TWELVE HUN DRED AMONG THE BEST PEOPLE IN THE EASTERN PART OF NORTH CARO- UNA AND INVITE THOSE WHO WISH TO GET BET- TER ACQUAINTED WITH i THKSE GOOD PEOPLE IN i nUSINESS WAY TO TAKE 4 FEIV INCHES SPACE AND TELL THEM WHAT YOU UAVE TO BRING TO THEIR ATTENTION. OUR ADVERTISING HATES ARE LOW AND CAN BE HAD UPON APPLICA TION. VOLl’ME XXXIT. (iKKC.WILLi;, >. FKin.VV APTKKNOON, SI I’I KMHKH I, li»M. Russians Advancing to Lorraine Driving Germans Back Heaviest Fighting In Vicinity Of Montdidier, Where Germans Have Great Strength. Turkey Expected to Enter Into War Today. Aus trian Army Withdrawn From Lemburg. Allies Driven Back to Oise Fifty Mile* From Paris. British Losses Are Heavy, Hun dreds Have Been Killed And Wounded Prol. C. W. Wilson Speakes to mUYQH Two Associations of IH, I Wiiitcrvill*', .Si pl 1'—Tlie V M. C. A anil V. W. A., uf Wiliti rville Higll Sc luii)! Ill Ui a joint iiipctintr las-I !5ut- urdi'v iiinlit I'rol, W. \Vils(jii, ol lirci'-'ivilli/ sjjolic' lo liifii) (jJ) llie tlitui ■ liaMliiiii; without Ji-sus" I’rof. Wil son showfil vi'Fy forcibly tin; n*jf(l of prcpiiratioii for life ami tin* import ■diiff of cliiio.sinK lljf right kiinl of ( oiunaiiionw. He said, "A strong boily a w'll (kvilopi'il uiiiKl, anil a strong 'Moral cliaraiicr are thrrr essential lliinirs in life.” l’-(if Wilson is one of the hest i"it:i .(tors of Kastern Norlli Carolina and I'.Iways lakes a delight in poiiiiinj; the peojile to the higher and Iioliler life. The V. .\1. (’. A progartil conili.itlee was exeeedingly fdrtunati In securing (he f«'rvices of Prof. Wil son. ■Miss Kate Chapman left .Monday for I'alliinore where she will iiun hase ln r lall siocli Many Cases Disposed of hii fines Imposed [ wfefsim m jmi Otlici' «tn Itj Tiiiiiig 'I'lie ( os( in I he < ii'-e ■Miiiiilay morning .\la\or .1 li. .lames, disposed of a length) dm kei and lh>J Mayor did not forgit to sliow the ia»v lirealens iluil lie had !lie auiliorily to have- peace 'J'he court disposed of the lollowing cases■ Albert iiroiiglitoii u.sing vulgar and profai:e language in a public place Young men think a wife is all ihev I |)l> ud,s guilty and that the d- fendant need but ■wheti they get a wife they!'"' confined in the count.v jail tor 15 soon learn that they need some fur- ARTILLERY FIRE ANNIHILATING. 1\*()A11*], Scj)t. 2 'I'lic Au.'^triaii ai'iii\’ li^litiii”' IVniM l.ciiil>ur,u' lins witluii'awii. IMd iml ciilfr city. rcsscdi casualties arc apaliiiii;' oii l)otli sides. 'I’lic artillery lire is' descrihed as ainiiliilal iiiu'. Wlicdi hridy'cs are iiinwii dowii.' 'I'hcy have ii<» time t«i hiiry tlie dead and they eollcef tht wmiiided while tlie haltlo is rau'iui.*' over tlieiii. niiuri' 'I'hen it is ihe line' lo sec you'' old friend W. .Vnge >'v Co. wlin has an up-to-date lim- for ih< hiiusi ki'i per licn't forgei those fiiinniw Hunt Club shoes at H. 1). Korer.-t Co. ila.'.s anil tin cost. RUSSIANS THRONG AUSTRIA LONDON, Sepl. l! ~ Kussiaii einhassy has aiiiiuuin-e.'i that ‘‘Russian advance will tlirent;' Austria. uill.\ as>aiilting eai li other, each Th' war proposition is bad but 1! ! pax- a fine of $::.iii' and l-:icost eiuh. r. I'orerst Co., are still sellinf-'j Kora .May. engaged in disor- goods and the prices are right. I th rly comlui t and using vulgar and ,\lr. J. W. 'I'homiison of l.aCirangi ; profan. hniguage in a ptiblii' place was in town Monday on htisiness j pleai's gtiilty and seiitetii cd lo remain Kvery house wifi' wants a lovely jn ih.. louniy jail for a period of 15 hoii!' and lliirrington, llarbi r *:■ Co h\iM -onie fancy rugs that will b. auli- fy aiiv room the prices are right. day^ anil all cost. .lolin Smith, engaged in ilit'orderlv ciiiutui t and using profane language AUSTRIANS ROUTED AT POINT OF BAYONETS 8T. l*KTlvRSJ>rKM}, 8<‘i)t. 1.' -ISwt'epinn’ siici-ess over tlie Austriaiis rc'ported at war e.Hice. It was aiiiioiineed that Kus.siau left uiii”' was oi»eiatiiiii,' lioin a i>ositioii oiii Diieister aud ea)»tui((l su]»i>osediv inijire,>*'ua!»le Austraii. aud lieavily pirrisoii positiou of U’lissiaiis charn'eil., ]>osi-j tiou at ]H)iut of l>a\oiiet swt )>t over eiitrenclinieuts eoui 1 LONDON, Sept. -—Russian embassy has auuouiiceil *]»letely r(»utiiii'' the Austrian trt-ops aud five lluMisand Anstrians were left dead in the lield. 'I’he [\ussian have captuvcd thirty-two bii;' guns, more than a tliousaiul pri- soiKM's iiKdudiu"’ <‘oiiimandiuu- ^M'lieral is r<‘sult ol' the success <»f the liussiaii Itd't. Not heing' ahle to co-nperatt with c(‘ut('i' aud retreat tin* Austriaus wcrt* seriously uieii acfd. Vi i can get your butter (l^h six in |,\iblic itlace pleads not I'uilly, fine i that Knssiau “Slowly advancing towiird JA»rraiue wheri' a regular siege of (Jermau entrenched jiositions was in pro gress driving the Uennans back tor tlie last two days. They sutfer«d partial cliecks at ^Jeuse ami C'hatau l*ali- seul district. Th(>y compelled the French tu withdraw their lines near The left wing was attacked hy a greatly superior force in ('hatcc'.u Cnmbrai district aud retired southdarw. They drove the teutli Herman army <-ro}>s back at Oise on aecouut of the progress of the tJer- inan right they were miable to follow up to advantage, (ieneral nioveiueiits continue along the lines planni'd.” All the military Hospitals in South Paris wen* tilled tiegne and the heaviest lighting is in the vici- nit}' of Montdidier where the ({ermaii Infantry has great strength and a large force of (lerman skirmishers formin', advance guard and movenu'ut to\x ard Paris. A party sur rounded geiu'ral Paul Pan and retrii'ved situation of lior- raine that is now under c(tnnnaiul of French left w iiit^ co-operating with Sir .folm of the Fi'cucli, WIRELESS STATION ATTACKED. ANTWKin*, Sei»t. 2—Ze).p.'liu was jlying at llu' highth of six thousand ftu't and dropped a bomb into th«- <-ity. An attempt against wireless stati»ui but missed the mark. Zeppelin was fort ed to fly bef<»r(‘ a lu'avy Fussilado cannon and rifle fir<‘ from the fort. Four Civilians wt'i-' iujurt'd from Zeppelin boml»s. il^ys to the week at If. W. Dail’s. Mffsr.s. Charlie Klks, atid C. C l!u< U of Ciiimesland were visiting iriend^ lu re Sunday, I’oTigriss is still trying to pttivid I'll and co>t. .letinie McCollough. .Mania LUovmi. and I'li/.a Williams, eiigageil in dis- orile. i> condui t and assaulting each iitbir. McCollough guilty. Hrown r.nd THREE HUNDREDS MII.ES OF BATTLE HOME, Se]»t. 2—Vienna dispatclu's state that a three hundred mile of battle from Prussia to the Diu'istcr rivc'- have rea<‘hed a height of fury. 'I’lu' Austriaus hav<‘ alwui- doned Lembui'g aflcr the bloodest tighting battle. The Kusian general staffarc attcin|MUig t<* auuiliilatc the eii- tirt* Austrian arniv. a w;(v to take care of the cotton after | Williams not guilty, Mci’ollougU pay f it has been giniu-d, but .\ W’. Ange ■v. ji-;; cost and bi- conliin d to the county F Co., ^v^U provide a way to take care|j;(ji t(,r da.\.>''. , J of it now hy selling you some cotton ijosa Hay. and .lolin Hay assatilling | sheets and baps. The prices ari paci, ( ther pleads not guilty each pay a ? right i line i S^l.eo and cost. Mr. and Mrs. K. 1! \\ illiains oi | ca- v ll.ilile. driving an auloiiiobile rtrliuesland arc Tucker. visiting Mr. !^ F ^ thi' stri ^ ts at a greater speeej I than elMhl miles per hour and in a manner, pleads not guilt.r, real bargain on rugs, maltinp, iindjiiii.d eii and cost lieing unable to druggits. I |iay the cost was directed over to •|'he best is always the cheapest then | n,,, (i' Wah'S funds havt' rcached ten million didlars. have all styles and prices, consult them before buying. « iM KO- ro »i V Yorij »ons Milk Cows, Chickens, and eggs, H W. Uail. W*nterville I..odgo .Vo .M':! of A. F iv:- A M meets Thursday nigbt. visit ing biothern are cordially invited to iiitend. p. r. pleads guilty titled anil cost. ,|i,e Outti rbriilge driving a niotor- cycl ' over Ihe streets at a greater speed than eight ntiles ami in a reck less nianiicr pleads g\iilty tined f4.00 and I o^t Jo.sso Paruf s cngaf** d in riotuous and disorderly conduct pleads guilty tini'd and cost. ALLIES DRIVEN BACK. PAl\fS, S(‘pt. 2— It is ortit'ially stated that th<‘ .\llies •'enter holds the battle lint's that r.m east aiul wt'st through dc'partments Oise .Aisne Arieuucss. It is athuitti'd that the Allies were drivt'U back tt> #is(‘ within lil'ty miles o'.' l*aris. I^AIilS, Sejtt. 2—War offici admits that the French are slowly advancing in Lorrain*'. A gt'ueral cngagt' but'ut is in progress in the vicim'tv of Meuse. MHS, r. K. R1VKS OK UOHKKSOWll.I F KOIM* I»F\I> IV HF!» Coffon Storauv A ttlephone message to relative? this tiiorninK announced the (leHfh of Mrs Mollie nives. wife of Mr I’eter li Uives, of Ttobersonvillo The Farmville Oil it Fertilizer Co., throukb Messrs. Moseley Ilros.. Iheil local representatives have decided tc offer to fbo Farmers of T’itt f'ountj the .ISO of their large fertilizer fnctorj Mrs. lUves retired last tiigbt as well for tiie storage of cotton. This la i ar. t.'ual and about 4 o'clock thiS|iarn.' frame building with a capacitj I loriiiiig when Mr. liives came in of ab, ul "iiMirt bales. ' from bis tobacco barns where he had No doubt the fartnerst will aval I) 1 n for the night ^e found his wifi ^ themselves of this opportunity t<| vvhs (lead N'o further particular.^ sK.rc their cotton. could be learned at thistinie. I The storage anil insuranrp ratei Ik'sides the husband she is survived b^vi not yet been tleferniined tiponl by t-even children, live daughters and ^ but will be made as reasonable M two f.ons. possible. t'