THE CAROLINA HOME and FARM and EASTERN REFLECTOR (0dm • wMk) Pat>ltth«4 b7 m UFLECTOB COMPANY, luc. D. i. WHICHARD, Kdltor. •WIBNVIIXE. WORTH CAROLINA ■vbiortptloa, oue year, , . tiui' glx mouttas, . . .60 ▲dvartUig rates may be bad upou kVplloutiou dt lUe busiiieas ulllct! iu Tita Keilectur tiuililluK. corner Evaub juid Talrd streeu All cards of tuttuca aud resol-jMous • reanecl will be cUarced Ijr ai 1 ceut per word. Coiuiuuuicatioua advertislug caudi- tai-M will b« cbar*«d item about sinkinfi lo ' icr II.ay be expecled when the forces Annual Feast ut lii^letalrr. t'n Friday, at InfiU'tarre his beauti ful c untry home two miles from town Mr (). Ij. Joyner, kept up his annual Uliase dill not know what was loiiiiUK lo him, but Ue oufiht to. | the Anu rieiui ship.s, when it saw whut of serving a barbecue diniior ( iher iiapers ot the State thought ol lo the Greenville Tobacco Hoard of it. The lirst explanatious that tlu 't rasc(l. I'Ul I'. Not witlistamling the war has cut off papers gave for the benelit of their "cre just fifty seated around the lom? Kinston will ''** J | . , , „ table arranged under the large oak>* talk on missions. Plio public i^ ivaiKi.s were gU-ulully copn'd in ill- . f. i i* *• J corJiallv invittMl to attend, on tront lawn, and it was a trast i'in»iu«i Tim,'.' , hut so far it has not reproduc- j,TUe Uegardless of who you are or wh.-re you are at H. 1>- Forrest & Co., ban your really made suits. They ari' iiiiidi' of the best material and the iniporiatioiis for the time being, thert’ will liki’ly be the usual number of I’arisian hats worn in .\merica tlii< fall. 'I’ll .'.ifk mall of i:uri>(M' seems to be gi'i:i'i« bi’lter than any ul' tile S'> si of iliem. W • miMlii line "P tl>‘‘ Kaisers, fzar;- aliii iMiigs aliil I'ouiits "ei'iiii' liueiili' • iin‘" toiir interest to see them when is running right by us not 1 ii. re are sevi’ral plai es around *(ow:i tli:il llle .i;lu iai' luiglll lnok alter athl improve. i'ii' Dvsier IS waking up from liis niosi doiililed up in prii I .iuuiiiiiT nap. aiui will .Hoon be in th>’ soup. This i^^ going to 1m- a serious war ail'T all Word eomes fnmi Missouri llial lb ilemand for mill's has al it I'lurdi-r is .1 I ri ,ie le.^’S war.* sUial i-^ le ed .\in-ru :in neutrality means also ini partialii V li.T'' Is a lift in lie- eloiiil: rotaloi-- :ir.- i luMp’T The Ijiioli agent witli tli.' slury o til- '.'■.ir vsill .siioii h'- ai'oniiil. When Kings begin lo make llatler- ing spt'fi lies, il s high lime U'r llu'i'’ suliJ.'Cls to laU'- out more life in sura lie.- S HI..- nieii a;-.‘ >atl',’i'(l wilb liall :i::'i une- loal all lib- llill''. i;v' ?'> iiKiii V iio i!-n'i pri/iniie 111 r.a ‘il''-' b-- w ill It" 'iiiil.' liay. 11' all 11'r fiii'i'ign citizens sleuil 1 roni 'tidc tugo back and light tliei*' W'luliin'i bi nun b b'l'i lo liiilc oM .Ni'W >ork. - ^ - I) - — This 1.' a line- wh"ii Itn- new< riiili.r f‘'i* on* •' iliinks bf is a liiggi'r ihan Ilian ihi sporting editor o Wiiai wniilil bav. hap|ieiH'il al l.ifge if lii'lr'inin bud lic‘>'ii di vnti'd to inilliar isiu uM tle'Sf vtars iiisli'a'l ol I ' le il' lr:illl\ and pean-’.’ Tar Uiver as usual, but freight boats are running on it. Til,' ptMiple of tlu* I'niled Slates have abumiaiit cause to feel grateful that we 'lave U’ooilrow Wilson in the presi dential (hair ill such a trying linii‘. Tliere is nothing to keep those Texas prohibitionists from going o’l a I hirst strike It will soon be time for th. I l I styles in a- roplanes. new ■ i .Norui I’ll!- ■:i!uii‘i' i'^. I' ■ Il- have 111)1 joini'd i: Il 1' i;r,i.;i: I'ih.’ ii;.' I. a. p.-! 'I (111 it- .ill' III .\liiii)'l any ■.•■’isjbl. pr.-i r I)' inu i In- w iii' al'fi . lioiial.- wai;" '-i wiiliiiiw 111 a .ir lii'ru- Wdinaii wiiiil'l >1 a liv.'ly aii'l rii' r li.iii til i.dl % I li'l! Me lii.L'. r Tr i lur I III I'll w n .1 i:r- ■rn. i!: > ii'.''-n i.' NV' il I II .'I'l'.' i.- g. tiing ih ■la . I i)i." ■ WITli riinii' I .•\iii ih'-r h'liTi.r I'l' i- di-.i "i I in I;M l ih.i' .Ani'-nrali bulivnanl ■ } uill iHiu h.iV'- ■" 'Iriiik llleir .Ann riiail jv.ih>-> will.nil! iiuiiori''1 lal>'1~ I \! '■ . '.I riii uil |.l.iiis .'I-' 111 I" 11 1 \ j w'ork.d I'Ut 11,11 k'Auril III- -li'Milil I hall L'li'ii l.iir.ih. Ill'' I .ibra ri'-.- .ril I I \n.i'r.. a 111'- p' a' ' I’a::!' } \\ I ilhl nnl kllliW- III.Ill III' -Illl' I' 'la' |i! r.iivan w.i-' U'iliiii; " iipiil'b I i^lil 111 lit' was afl'T liilii lil.ei li' '■ I .11.' . A i!Illiili l.:irni n-riiii I iii"-i.|.'.i >.al ,ti . I'ar,.- T.'-r i iiilii rs •r.^liip ill u In 1 111' al'' .•\n The Meuse too, seems to be a Kirer ■ >l I i-Hibt just now Belgium must be getting tired of being used as a battle fliHJ ||y tfc* rest tf Kurop*. -o- IJiusia’s press agi'iit is si iiding out some amazing stories about the pat riot ij fever of the Kussiau people. -o- \Ve wonder what lien, wiiiiii! bavi' I ailed it if lii' until today. Sheriuau had lived w'l hop' I he ( andidates w ill not tr .' lo inaki- II a war in print. maiuiiai Uirers are all excluded from our niarki'ls. We are "protected" co the limit and having no means of shipping, as a result of protecting our merchant marine to death, the belove I SII.VKR WflMHX;. .Mr. ami .Mrs. T. Munfonl reloliriiK* riu'lr I'wfiilj-Finii .\nnlv. For res' Ai Co., has just received another large shipment. .Miss Fannie hee Spier returned yes terday after a few days visit to her cousins Mr. .T. K. Spier, near Ayden. If }ou are in need of a good cook ,'.|oM or range examine our line. They are up-to-date. A. W. Ange & Co. Mrs. C. T Cox went lo (Jr<'enville pean belligerents is eminently sound Kreen r.,i,i„v , I v uite ami the dining room green and, Frida> and st'iisiblt*. Tins is a ii<*utral na- | Mrt Woavor of Nortoik is visitin^, lion. While American sympathies wore met at the front | her pari'nts Mr. and Mrs. \V. H. W in may b-largely ou one side of the great |,y itohert Cireeiie. .Jr., ati'l, gate here, colitis I. the American people are well^ ,\i .ss Amine King. At the parlor door conti'iit to maintain the policy "ha'id.-: off of liiey were received by Dr. and Mr;, I (> ()‘H. I^aughiiighouse who present- Ivoaning money to o"<>| receiving line in which or more of the nations involved in thO| ^jrs. Munford. Mr. struggli- may not be a technical vio-j ( narlie Munford, Mr. Uidiert l>»'e, Mrs. latioii of neutrality, but unquestion-j silas Warren, of Wilson, Mrs. Uaa ablv fr„m a moral standpoint it Is Powell of Wilson, Miss Mollie Nh.ti- , . i ford. Miss Martha Tyson and Dr. ( . K. rendering assistance to a belligerent ' Wilson. Furth. rmoro, as nionoy provides t!ip library door tlioy wcr(‘ n- sinows of war, tlu* l)Ost way to by Mr. and Mrs. llorbt^rt an earlv end to the connict is to with-'and Mr. and Mrs. U C. Arthur and , nrj'sentt’d to tlie rocoivinK Hn<* in tins hold the sinews. And peace is the one I • i • i, r<« Mrs II J . room in whi«di wire. .Mrs. ii. j thiniT above all others that the \ nitod , i{,„.Ky Mount; Mrs. Theo- Stale:' earm'stly wishes for as tlK Pountain, of lA'ggetls;Miss Retta .lohnson, of Scotland .Neck; Mrs. I’ur- rii'k Ciammon, of Leggetts: ilrs. I liaruin, of Wilson spee (h oiilcoiiie of the war. Harrington, Harbi'r Co.. have just received another shipment of shoes They can lit the men , women and children. The Hesperian Litrary Society ol the Winterville High Scdiool met la.-l night und elected the following officers Vice-President; Tyree Wyatt, Secre- I), (’room. President; H. Ij. Scot* tary. Mauley Jackson, Tueasurer; G. I,. Halsell, Supervisor; S. O. Uober- son. Chaplain; H. S. McKeel, Mar shall: C J. Carpenter. Critic. With this excellent corps of officers we Ir.ok forward lo the best years work in the annuals of the Society. The ladies usually want what they want when they want it and B. D Forrest & Co.. is the only place that you can lind il at. They have an.vthing and ( IIM-; H»l{ THI At the gift room door they were you want in dress goods, mdioiis Xi' ii-iv |'V< rv passliijji* dav gives our received by .Mr. and Mrs. \\ . H. Hic ks. ; cause for thatikful- and in tbis_ room punch was M rved I.II k i." Id lie loiiiid in pliii k, and ini inmli'.s li-w iillii'i' iilaii--^. p.'op ness iliat Wo^nlri^w- Wils.-n and ti U Th<'Oi'i,re lloosevell. Is I hi- l iiited Slates. The e'-i'al mass silver gitls by Mr and Mrs. T. A. I’erson, Mrs. Ada trimmings. Cook stoves and ranges now on dis play at Harrington, Harber &: Co. Th • I’hilo-Altean IJtrary Soeiet.v' of 111') Winterville High School mel TI a U" wlii-at gi'owrs ibiiik tliere i- II liiiiii.i; lo till' war i loud. — o ■| bal is a ( iiinlorling slali nn-iil o' Sirrilar.i \h-.\iliio lUat Ihe goVvl'li- ini'iil will pri'iiili' aliipii' inoiiev' !' iiiDii- till- < riips -ri li'l' .\ tiiiii'.'^ art iml .'.Hi I a n lii'llpll' I'.i' I'l. I a iiiililai.i 111.- I xiirelleii'S of 111 MK h as lo make i!, i-iLM-ii Ihai I bri'l' 111m- ('l)lo and peace-loving. Iliat ill till' inidsl uf wars a’d alarini' (11 war, till' mill'd Slat, s is at peace '\iiii all 111' world, and likely to coti- liiiiie lo ri'inain so. 'I'lu'v- I'ainu't he iiiini'lidfill of llle lai'l Ibat sii< li a bappy coiiiliiioii would be .'-'epardi/ "I Wi re till' Warrior oV Oy.;U r i'.ay ii' I!,, hi-ad ol the nation. Colon '1 IJdosi veil's triend Kaiser has oltd ^)ct*n teriili'd I III' Uoosevelt ulavis, Treasurer the liali lo ilii' dining room iloor where' .Tohiinie Wi' expect all exc^'Helil years work ■iveil bv Mr. and .Mrs. F. G .lames. Ice cream, cakes, mint ^ and salted almonds were servi'd by, oHi'’'''»^- Misses Ijizzie Whitehurst, hui-y Wliite- hiirsl. l-ill Wilson, Clura .lones, Mat v ,I ^ iiiitli and l.i/zie Higgs. Fr tin illl alt-ove hack of the gift room the Washiiigloii orchestra reiidi-ri'd music throughout the evi'iiing. The many friends of .Mr. and .Mrs .Munford wish for tlieiii many niori' happv years logillier. under the leadership of Ihe corps .>1 i:vi:>‘v .‘dIimki 'I'l Ifoes Your Stomach Trouble You? II.Ill inn i i|- 'I:'. Ill ■ li.i, :i I i.r'Dii -ti.i'iii;. boll- ' alr-'niiy. Ih.its g'lod, nnl ili'' larni- ern shi'uM lak-' a.ivaiit;n:'- of it M JioM lih'ir (-1)1!.)i;. 'i'll. l.inii'T.’ h'-r- wiii, t')hai--'T '1 U''Sil:i> liiiiii'i out liiiyi-rs on 111* ('.re-Miviile iiiark'l arc n-ady to pav for It ( .iwiiii siiys lie- war iicws .si-iu .)Ui about lightning striking his housi- was Th ' censor must havi been isle.'j, that time. .M.'kIco i.-i liuding il impossible to crea'i anv esenti'iiii-iU in the news columns on account of ruropean war Is ready for pea< e plans lo be applied. By the humor of ri-unistances th > Ceruiiiii liner Krenprizessin Cecille too n fiigi- ill Frenchman’s liay. Wei dcr what eftect the New York women thought their parade in protest of till Kuropean war should have \W Americans in our fixed deter mination to be neutral should be care ful iu hotels to stifle preferences for “Fre' ch fried" or ‘‘Oertuan fried" po- tfttJcs aud order them served plain. We call hardly iniagiiu' aiiyliiiio iluif would I)'- inor.' Wi'l'mu'' lliai lbi. el il -if Ihe linrop' an war, o rii ' I'ariiiers wiili wads ni' lobai c ■ iiii.:n y in iheir pm Uei- will he wel on ' I'-llow s Iniiii ii'iw oil. Why nol lall in Inn- and liavi a riilioii slora.g'- warehoiit^e in llreeii »-'!l. ■' Siiinm''r absentees ari' inrning llieir CaciT honi'-ward. Those who did uol gi> lo l-Uirope tind il easier to get hack. Kv rybody make up his mind iliai llreeiiville is the best tobacco market ill the trade and work accuidiiigly. Sometimes there is love at lirst sight, and then again love is blind. o Occasionally we see a war extra that has some real war nt>ws in it. Iii't lo iliini; if Coliiiiihus had no! | .| |,,, yvarlike ireiid i>:' I is iji:rl Is ilisi iiVereil .\nierii a. we would now h'''\y, n |-,.vealed in his r'c i.! iilieraiice^ i o\.T 1 11 III.' i.lln-r side ill this mi.\ ^ .(..miiK iatory of the peace treaties iii> j signed beiween Ih.' I'nited States |fayr*sWonderfulStomachRemedy O liiiul a score of Idher governments, .\iiy ihiiig that smacks of p.'ace i; aiuitbema lo the man who boast.d ihal I'is sp.'ar knows no brother, li'.i' II would sei'iii that with Ihe \\ h()^e ttiirh! aghast at th.' horror of th.' r.iir.ipean conllid. the doughty Colo 1., I chose an inopporliiii ir Ill'll x.ilili rat"' i:. piille.l off ov.'i lo re it had l..'ll' r li.‘ kepi w ilhiii Ih tlir.'. mile limit. lb' lust ila>'s wiirk South Caro liiia dune was in defeating Coh lilease for Ihe Si'tiale. 1> lllll.' U) reatliim liis lontenipt of peace. There are lo doubt some thoughtless i*nd Blouut, „tiuTs. But the great majority It looks ver\ tiiui h as if our ow ;i (l.'oriii Fr.'il Williams, had fallen int-i h.'i-iiless folks and sonii' ultra-jingoes til.' (elisor's toils who will applaud his war chattel , ,, just as there are uncannily constitut- A wave of saddness went ov.'I ' ,,,j p,.j-pie ^.|io enjoy witnessing or in-; Noi'il) Carolina in ilii' announcement ^ jug cruelty and suffering upon of tlij death of Mr. Henry which {iccurred 'J'hiirsday, at th" Soldurs' llonie in Ualeigh. As a soldier be was brave, as a lecturer li ' was ihriling and ehxiueiit, as a write he was l>:iliant II was his mission to p.pread s.ii 'liiie aud happiness in the pathway of others, and now he ha < gon.' to reap a hundred fold reward. Is Successfully Taken in Cases of Stimach, Liver and In testinal Ailments %ml One Dose Has Often Dispelled Years of Sufferini: Wonderful itomacliRMe^r will change that ^Lon^ Facel Mayr’i Wondtrfu! Stomach KamaJy can I renily be termed a -wonderful remedy and the I l(s Miare of (lie I’raiu' ’I lial Kii'- ney .Sm'i'erers Seek llai kavhi''.’ Kidneys weak '.' I )'Sl re.sM'd with urina-y ills? Want a r. liabl.' kidi'i ,' remedy .’ ! on'l have to look fl. fse w lial (Ire'liville people recommend. ) ve"v s'.e,' II (ireenville has its i-a^.'s. ilero's 'one GrcenvilLe man's e.\- 1). rieiice. heet L. J. McKid 'I'liird St., tell il ill t;;ys: “I had kidney complain' .My back ai-ln'd and 1 had severe pains in iiiy kidiii ys. H.'adaches and dizzy spells weri' coiiimon and in the morn- it’g I was sore and stiff. The kidney I Kecrelions wen* (oo freiiuent in pas sage, scanty and contained sediment wliiih i.senibh’d brick-dust Friemh- recomm.'iided l)oan’s Kidney I’ills tc in- and I got a box. They relieved me vciy much, putting my back and Kdiiieys til good shape.” l>"ice .")0c, at all di’alers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy—gel Doan's Kdiney Pills -the samo that Mt. McKeel had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N'. V. rNFOIMl'NAr.K I'UKAdlKK IMFS. I.f Dlia fortiin aenefits tliat iUuives in nianyof the mn»tchro»-I sober seusibl. ptoplt or tins loriuu s,„^,ach Trouble has spread Its lame I (^'iiduate of ('o!legp IH»*s iii Poverty in »w York. NNw York, Sept. 1—Aft?r bjrelv ate country will All etTorts lo wipe Belgium off the map have been unavailing. o A gentleman remarked yesterday Ne.:t Tuesday is the day for Ih" hemocratic primary in Pitt County and « very democrat should go to th" 1 polls and help to select the best men for the nominees of the party. The full to eivt' erom one end ot the country to the other. No eking out a miserable existcnco tor noi laii lu K' matter where you live—yon will find people who . .... i,... o for have suffered with S»»macfc, iwer ono“fi^ V'n*‘^o"mrh‘A?.i“/n^ | i-resbyteriau church, and has occupied H'Mayr.Hf*.Chemist,156Wh'tin*St..ChiCBBo; known pulplts. After he •r better atili. obtain a bottle from your druxcut. i i ■ » i i I had iost out in all ot his ministerial Mollb men iiominat.-d in tliis primary are the that he gets better inlormation as to the Kuropean war situation from the November, and no one should I (Mideiisi'd telegt'aph reports in Thf Retlector thau lie does from the bis papers The Refl'»ctor gives the real news without padding, and In such form as to be read quickly. stay fiway from the primary thinking it Is iilright for anyuody to be noml- I nated. Above all things be careful j about who is to represent the county in the legislature. \;oupIes since last report WHITE William A. Teel, Jr.. and l':ii/,abeth Beddard. Wflllam .1. Carson, and Tripp. Joe Abrams and Mahalia Watson. I**!wls F. Williams and I..lllie Cox. COLORED Kddie Clark and Mary Atkinson. .Mack A Pett and Krace R. N. King Only One •‘BROMO QUININE* To cettW^ genuine, call for full **liie, LAXA-' *""* * , , Ti^ BBO**o QUiNiWB. i.ooklor*t*nature ot several days sight-«eeing Ik. «. C.BOVK. Cntea a Cold In One Day. Stop* , . p.nltal couch and headache, and irotk* oft cold. J5c- auout the Capital. For Hal* In HreMvtile. H. liy • work through dispensions in his con- THK JOHN L. WOOTEN DBU0 C# I gregations and other misfortunes, he •nd Oriigdm •▼•rywher* finally was reduced to selling tea and I coffee, from which ho earned scarce- .Mr. F. U. Stretch left yesterday ]y 25 cents a day. -noralng on a business trip through! .• - - I Pennsylraina and New York. Hisj |'oi< S.Vl.K OK KKM'—.t FIVK I son, Kalpb ac.companied him as far as horse farm. Will sell tor ca ',li or on Washington, whera he wll Ispend'easy terms. A