and FARSVl and zkS^UiU htrlECTCk M itXOMt Nd T M AH TAXKS, 'I'ho Intorstate Conimerce Conimis-1 Suppose we had natiun wide prohi it la iv.uiiiau'd Uiai tho Kiiropeaii sion has granted authority to the rail-1 bitioii liow eouhl we raise war will reduce the eusioius rev.eiuirto j-^ads to increase the price of milage (Hul extra revenue, which we an oi 111 ' I .lited Slates .•?li)ti,uuO,uiiO. lu- from 2 eeiits to 2 1-4 cent per gniiig to do hy iiuToas-.iiig the tax oi' beer, wines and Iii|ilor.s. ir the railroads must hav* II would {One* a week) Published by THK fiLIfLKl’l'OK (OMl’A>^, lac. gress would commend itself to the country by the practice of economy, »REJiNVUX)!.. .^UKlH C.VKiiLlKA ■ ■ sealling down the national expendi- iSubr>rl,'itiou, oue yuur, . . tl.'n tures to fit the reduced Income. This s'-. i 11'' i^iaking up this amount by the imposition of stamp taxes or other ... more revenue it is bettor lor the peo- in'cessanly lall on food or clotliing oppre.^sive revenue measures, Con- , . pie that it be raised that way than o Six mouiba .60 AdveniHig rates may be bad uyuu *p;;ilCaCiuii at llie bualucas <; in iUe Keliector Bui-uilhi. coiii<;r lisaii.j *uu i'airu siree'.ti. A:i uaicld 01 •I \^ill !jt: tuiii#v:a I >f ai 1 ct'Lii iit'r Word. tJoujaiUiHCJiii'jus eanui- iiiivo Will tifc> chaiii.ll I'l: ^t throe tjei.i.11 yer iiU'j, ap lu Uiti Uu.;b, vit ttu' ; '.'Si .1 Cin'iulii.i 'tlce FuiDAV, si:i'Ti:.Miii:n ii n'Ji, (>! iMiin iii i) liu iu:s. ('ue m' the resuU.’ of ll'.f lluri'P'iin u:;r. a-; l!;e i' :i i > ■ ■= wlI ; .1 vi;,-l!y s;rtal. r lii Vf!oi)ni"!i: Oi ii::s's niiaiTul rocun'ceri \\f!i;iV.' !)• ,'.i li' ;ii'i lai...' :i)i' a at uuii'v tiiin!-.-; '..i’iili v. ■ hiivc ioi il uj) ir. our tr-jasure vuuii'. Ai iKrdiiiii H'l i\'ta;'y I'.l' ll'.'' Iil!• '.'i. i;' l.aii'. it i.-'. t'Uii'i'ly p,i.-;->iliie to uiili ’. ;■ Miuri' s and, wIlIi tlii' Iji.'o- p^ an ^’\:pp!y >!uu off or i-.iriail' 1 .-\n.' rican i-apit;il and iiuhisiry will tUi'Li U) tile (i' Velopi.ii'nt lu' our own. Th ' riiitid States oecupii'S a iliii- i!ue piiKUiiiii aiiioiiK nations, i.i tliat it i.Ui make itsi If prai tieally iiulep ni ■ it nt of the ri'st of tie (^orkl if it ita-< a mind to. In other words, there is hardly anythin.'^ iiiiixirtud that 'w.' caunnt produi-i', though inaiiy tUinKu 01 not as I'cdiiomicaUy as they ar>' produced elsewhere. F'Ttilizers, for instani-e, need not v.oii.a not 1)1' til (:i!Ueu:t a prui)k'ui a. laay appiar ujioii the surface. Tin “pork Ik.rrvl" is a ii.i;;!ity good pla.- ■ to start the appropriation slashing. The Uivers and Harbors bill, as passed by the House, appropriates till' .’norinons sum of S.j.l.iioii.ooij for I : i:y n.'i:ji l l toiui' trood and iit!’.i‘r,= bail. 'I'he country w.'uld not suffer tiUiiI'l'iiially if pr.ictieally all new work iirovidid for in this bill wer ' li ;-’.;. ' '.1 at '.! iU ' amounis allotti l tr, W'.rk iiiiiK-i' way r> daccd to the .-’rail.'St .'Uiii eoiiipnlible with tlu' ; ihlU' ■.Ii-.ici. 'Hi is little dou.'t llui: ■’.II- iiro.-s ani.'U:i; I'i' tlie approp- I'.i’l.'n cMulii l)i’ t!:i:- at le;i=: h.'.'.i'. '! :H‘ I’llli' c vlr'iUl'd.^ lill.:.! i-.-r-i : ; iii' pi a.iion.i a^'ord a sti 1 i M..' I'li'i' i. i’ll for i'' '.):umiy. Ti; ' ■ ' i, ,r 'll' aiiiiropria;ion for a pitblie Imi'.'lin!' iu I’odiink whl liaV'' lU) seriou^i practical effect, cxcept per- I bailee on th'' I’t'diii'U Congressman'.' t.' injulUT'Ti'iiffi'ct ( taoin etaoiii rrd on high freight rates. l-:uropean dogs of war are loose and the same may be said of America's hogs of war, who take advantage of the fact to raise t'ood prices. Soiiicwli, re in the vast silent belt one Victoriant' liaitra is wonderijii’. and worryiiii!: abi-iit ihr moiii'v he dc- positc'd in l-.'ttrop. an banks. Till' farin. r who b;is his provision- !'\ him ni'cd iiavi' no f'a" of the Kiiro pi-an war. The f( IKiw who gave whiskey u bis hi'iis Mill! t hav,' Ir.e! an idea tha: ihey would lay eg.!?nog. One of the grimly ironical thing about tho Kuropean war is the fre Quoncy with which some of the rulers invoke divine blessing upon their murderous enterprises. Kaiser Wil helm is tho most conspicious and tre(|U(>nt offender in this regard. Kvi The ship subsidyists, like the poor is no joke with V e have with us alway.s. Not evi'ti in."'* K.iisi t , he seems to be tiioroiigh- tlie present crisis in our commercial^'' imlaied with liie belief iiiat tin interest can tliey forgi t llieir luiitgc; jI'ather is a Cernian ally — Fcr Wonderful S^omarh i^^medy i-owlharlvfiihvtyareto / t'r a b'>ld of jyt' l: H i" ' h'y^-ur Rpnicdy. If My c - :,a\ not have P"-*** hadbut nshui’t -me to live % ii’K hail rot -.I'u*:! y-iir . ^ '! \V-.n-.ljrfiil I'.-.' .-.iy wlicn I '•?’)» ® .I'Uid. t!nc •iiDrt'fif those lor treasury pay. 'I’h 'y are frigbti'ii I lilUt 111' loV( C' rtnaiis ai:d liiile; id almost to death b'st a real livi', I’ri'mlii-.u ii, l-aigli'biiieii, i;u--;;:in ,\iiierii'an inerchant niarir.e shoilUr aiul l!i li.'jans. This may be a lo-'ieai b.' bililt t'.p by lib. raIi;:iiiR the navi- : de>. elopment ilf tlie ilieory of the Di- Liuioii code. If this result should be'vine Uiirht o;' Kings, but it i.t never a'ciiniidisli. il, it, of < oiirse, would ihi le.-.s ridiculous and abliorront ti niaU.' the jiossibilitv of ever reach-1 ' lag s!ii|i subsidy as a goveriiniont p'dicy v. ry reiiuite, So the iirc'scni I'Ui' of till' subsidy ui.'Ucrs is to throw every possible ob.-'iacle in the road of tlie Ailniini'.-'tralion i;i its ('iTorts :r the inrrchant iiiarino without The lieople wil' ’ 'ihe foiiiiui'S of war are nothing to iis mis I'l-iiim <. P'-isou liiiviiiK a M';t! conct-pfioji 01 ilu' uHil piirposo of C’liris- lianil v. 'riiaiilxSKi'i I* 1‘iin u!l laUo. will ])<» a holiiiav St rvia ih«' (H‘ tUt* l\iU‘op^'aii War and 'liirki'y i ^utnxis, \vh'‘ri‘ is Cir»'a.<<-? groa i th> \\\‘ (Jtiv'In {'> hav<* l)o{ffr Hialor;-. Class'.-; this vt-ar in srhosil llian oV'i' \vt‘ havr ii in « v« r\' papor. ft will hi' luu’tl lo conviiu'o tho mail r. viv !' 'iu'iiy paynio?iis. 'I'Ih' i)<‘Op I-.. : fail lo s* o ilu* animus (u’ siu‘!i . Vorts ai'id !o vox)> ] thcni by t'ariu^-i taipport of th*"* Administration ior an unsuii'-'idi/td nuMTiiant niariin ' Many a j;iri's idea! is sliattcrt* — .—ci .. ; wlu'M ,‘hv iln<is iliat lu‘ is Iiroiic. Vi(*n-T'r('sidf nl -’!ai>hall has an ] !l!(n'i?:< (i tho stattMn* nt that I’rosidont Vo dra:(/t tho avrraivo po'‘t woai Wilscia will ho a fandiduto Tor rt'-oloc- ]\\^ \o\i^ on the ilu'ury iliat thrr tion. ' IS ::o shoi'i t lU to !a:n(*. Vi<‘''-l'rosid(.‘nt Marsliall has niail r’aoiuic'-'nn nt, with authority, tin paruxysm r.'jr..'* s-ie v/as ViUK waulu htivf killed hor withv^tu a ctouht. N«'W IS iic" in n. ail i ain. - iro-.jlltMiid tT-fc iruia that disiurliira all ihe of livu ■■ re:unu*iiis—and •ho cxMn!*j(<n of Mveorsix l.uiulred Gall St« res. Nt'v. • ..c jsvvblr ti) ca- a!:yili ii)r- .'e v/aiitsar.'’; her .I ’. i*’ ite I"' a!id bet' »re laUn a yt'ur riouji ' ne ; .? I'ad noa;-i'Lfiic'a;!d wher slio at«* {.nyihtng .. ' s-.ouidsuiTtfi dvatt* f<‘r S' • Uoitiicand < (m'*d not I'l't* ti.’.'.f tak':i/; your treatutent she e; - V w-li ail raght lon^. T.A.NeaH,Z^oa;.oLe» » abo''o letter f«hnat(! convince yet’ in^re :> ra a**yi‘ we I'O’i'.d say :n behalT <d Mnyr*t '.V fijnier/t-f ionnch /ictnerfy. Sull'ri fTS sir 'nid • V-. 'djj:d»ei j.'uy—oned« sl;iHIlui-on- •,-v :i;j: he re'-t'-rud lo heairh. '•i. iy tii Ailiiu’-r.’^ arec:-.i-Ned by tha cl \i.v itile,tiual tra«'t wah nnu-n:d and a.i’Tli-1 a'.' re'.io'.'.s ail'-wmx i'.oison<-urt !hiii.:s .. . ''.I*. :r.: > h av.d i,'li«‘r\vsse deraj.Km>; the . i-« * *• .iftj.i. ,Mpyr*s Wond^rfui Sfomach * •. fnf.^iy p .u'1'% ^v!y tht-5'.ts £iv {'rL*tK)ns »vi' '■ 'u:i a sun :'-.U ■-•pci .itH»n and ^uts an end to I'-.* Altai h!i, Ga in tue >ui:u h and intes- I . 5 {'.nl al’ I't t'..f .isu'il ( f Stomarb, V . ;.ii ! Itit.?swnal /v i; y*-i^ cbuK- .il -fuu r^uyi’s V/ono'vrtiii Sfo.iMU h Rrrnvity f-r to H. 154 ’ ’1 »:!1K I**- . CliicaK“. I** . btxUiet on Ailrni^nt.s and n^nny Kiatt'iUl kttfis ifuiu people wUu have been iCbU.Ji'i vi. I Mr NfiM 111 k.. »i» IHK JOHN L. WdOTKN lMf« 0 ( O and lirugjl8t« everywuern I'.. jirospects for re-election, and it bn beaten by a small margin real pablic ;-civice eiiiiiles him to re thing was done fairly. elect ion it ought not to injaro even tliat. Tho rablie Cnuinds and lliiild- ipgs a.ipropriati.eis .'ould he almo'M This is a p,)or summer for kings entirely s«-;;."nded for Ihe ciisuim; 1‘atten, the Chicago wheat king, al two years with litile pnbli.' loss. Th ' I'wst starved to death in Kurope. balancc of the iii't.tMMi.iiiiu dellcit can o , - r. a liiy o\crcunie by a judicious ap- The good prices tobacco is bring plication of the pruning knife in othe- ing is making everybody cheerful governmental di'partnients. ♦ The I;< liiocratic n.itional platloriii contideiico, o, l!i'J iiiedged th. part\ to economy and going a long ways toward reistor- Mu> es--:arilv be imported. We liav'- world expi'iidiitires. That pleiig' sii'ins III have been largi'ly overlook III in tile splendid cohstriictive work d- peiiihd, with th rly upon the uii'.’.os of (! !iy for our supply of p.itu.-‘h s: 1 the war lias cut olli this supid>’- of the present Con;,ri ss. Now, wita tile ii'aroiieaii war plae. ing an iitiex- )."('t-i! v.ii'l Inavy eiabartut upon the n.itif'nal revenues, the ecinnimy plank b"conies a vwry live issue and the party pledge shoulil be redeeiiu’il. If they continue to kill them at tli rate of one luiiulrcd thousand a day its a sure thing thi.s war can't la-;i forev >r. but w.> have lartre deposits of poiasi’ i'.l a Cali.'ornia reserve which can li . ' , o'le ■! ai''l d 'V- liipi ■ ' I'x I) 'iiue C- n-rress to niaU i. -■ ■ ■- s available is enacted . "Iy ;ili. a :he V,, r i wi.ii | ar. 1 .-iiiil alnio.-.t in exl'iailstible supply, iii ad liiimi I: lihe’y Tiirley gels ill the war it wil be baki'ii b. lori' Tha'tksgiviii!^ -o- I.ove is bliinl, which may aei'ount I’n sident \\ ih tm will be a camlidaii. considerable coiin- for re-election in 1916. That is just ijjup j^, conducted in tho dark, wliat the pcoide o*' the country want And the snnie vic-e-president shouM |.;veii th lie on the ticket with him. ' Qf fi,.|iool for many yctirs are study- *’ ' ing geography now. Now they are saying that because o of till' scarcity of clye stuff we will all Some fo!!;s love to shoot so well l,:ive to wear white socks. That is f'.at tlicy will not wail for the i.ot so ha<l. M ason to hunt siiuiirels. They otigbr o ; t.) enlist in the war somewhere, so The effort that has lii'en made to Hii'y ccaihl both shoot and he shot a‘ bring forward talk of slack biisiiies-i o il'-is net si'ciii to show in iiny <t* riiiii.-li lalK is not alwavs cheap. Manv ! a:leiidanco on the schools that hav ' a niaii has been talki d into buying o>'.‘:ii'd thu-i far. |Wi;ie a ■'?.‘.o hat. Ml I'lbiTs of the ('hi< ago Coinmissiini In lairopean i-.ipitiils tie se day.i IUi who went abroad to study terniiiiais American Ambassadors are iiraciieai;;. are ciiiniiig back experts in am y jj,,, v.lcde diplomatic corpi. t:-ai;ei|y of II Igiillli appeal' ...11I- -• of I ii‘ V, iii'ld. U ll ' Some fellows are sorry I hat 1?'. wb'l" o'lliers are sorry tliat : run. Th a ot ll r.. I,. la \V t. to t'l-- I Ill'll heid .1 [iri.i " i. ai v oi I' Mie niti--r readil'- a'.ai in its LTiar ii;:rar. I- ■ -::-u! i ll ■ .',,t i . t,l ll Ml . , I i nitrogen from the lime by th " it-- ' of la"--' • leetrii'al d' vel-ipiiieni. a a 111' - ine.'i' ■ li.l-^ 1. ! I'le Hi 111.; I i.'in va.lai' ■| 111 ir and !i.\ i!;' 'vsaliiiiH a 'lali.i liar,, '.ipir.i.inl-ii., ih^nv - a I - : «iib n.-lfiluia's r'/lu ■' , :;-'iisei the i,i-r ',.ir -h.' .i.ei no par' 1 .111!-... - ;e p.itvi>>- to ii.vade.';, t sinici'l inu'-i li- 1 i\ -r.i in j'l.-' ii'i ' I!.,I 1 . .1-; railiei ill the bii ,,;:i ia\a;.io!i on th . P: feUow willi the . :i -lill dry is ihe I'll...I of •' war t.;j til. lb n t- v.'ili ninbili/’alfoii. -r>- Wlrle llyi-iu Id 1..'!'!) out o. i>. I'-;. -- 1 e.-.i,- ;--na f.'.'l,.; a iri.b Id! as i lie w.-i'.' w.iiking on i gus. |ii,'a of military iii'cesslii Thus th ■ at .Niagara Falls and in Xorway, anl ji ...iiii'.v'i that war knows no rni'’ bn in wiii!'!i the gret unus, .1 water |iow- r-- of the Western state.; cm !>.. utili/- ; .Many oilier in-histrl. s, Ir sid 'S ihat (■ atrrieulinr.', now dependent upon I'htrop. for certain raw materials ■I'he b '^t d;', Coiimy has r. ll'! ::a'- -! uili , X I ])■ I'-oti ( w;H give ll) ' cross. .V,)-,v Ihe .-caiiiil Ilf I'as awalien.''! !lo. l.s \\'aterloo. i!cili'i be ijuieta tliaii ..-'orry. A i'ity is as clean as its p.'eple. War like piditics, inalii !'e!''iws. l-''ir ins'aiic. I'linking wiih .lapan. r I'.'ngland cxpeel'-' duty v. rv li;ir human.' .1 I'rosi'. ■-Sll ..II' I d.Miii,. Ihe li.a'y le' oM .111 ' oi niighi. Tile ii.'i'iii.';n o :ii.' ili l^ian r.eieiise is the line shining You I'annot ceiini votes s^'.- in 11,1. iilai'k ni^hl of tin y get in the ba.llot box. hnrrors. Wlii-rever home and lovi'.l ^ on.-s ai.. I h.'rishe.l, there must th Ma've your n-is^hbors front yard Th 'iigh not seeking iniliiary glory jealous of your hack yard. i;, l^.uini has achi. v,,! about no pe- j ‘ ' Cent of all that the war luis iiiniishe 1 I The (.e'rinan ships set tas to be sub- i',,,. ject t,) sinking spe’ls. | j o j 11,ore will be no embalmed be.’f I The milk of human, .seouis to liavi' soured over iu l-hiriipe. Near nuokcr((Hi, N. ('. <!-ie (if the most di'lii.htful social even's of its kind ever held in this si.cliiin was given Aug. L'sth, when Mi.iS Helen Mar Dixoii gave ail “at 110111''“ ’ to her numerous friends. 'I'he lav,11 whi( ll is a relic of hy gone days, folks who have been out ii'il .lapanese lan tern:. aided 'o ii certain extent by a bev.iti'hing moon. The guests began arriving at and after receiving a warm welcome from their charniiii.g hostess assist.'d by n. r guest .Miss Alice Taylor, of llookcrton. Those pre.sent were Jlisses. Winnie Harper, Alice Taybu- .lulia Tiiylor, Helen I’almer, Mattif Hardv, Mannio Brooks, Kleaiior Or mond Jdyra Ormond, and Thelma liiN'in; .Me'!!-i's. I)re'-v Harnor, ,T I rri:'.;:elle, Mary Taylor, S (5 Holloman. \y C llargn'vc", G C Taylor, C M Men- (U'liball, \V II Kilpatrii', (' H Dali, (' Wliittield, .I'm Moore, i>r. .J S Car- roil and M (ilrimsley. I .iiine.;iat"ly tlu'y were escorted tc the niirlb eoi'i iir of th ' proch wher' Miss Julia Tayhir and Mr. C. M. Mell- denh*ll very gracefully and attractive- 1» served punch. The bowl almosi hid lill. by a dense foliage of tropical plani.-' and .iapfinese lanterns con- vcnietdly placed nrnderlng u most 1)!'asliig cf;. ct. I'liiolwing came th-' l ai,-.. : t I'.ig c.iiilest "l’atroti<V’ was* : ^'';;’,y . .p'i.ved. The prizes were gr.u'ifully iiresetiled lo Miiss Tayoir la. !iv I .Mil la.nt and .Mr. C. Whitlield iijo' y by .Ml'. .I.i... Friz.’.clle 1’.•i'.-'oiis fruits was partaken of gi'ac ' iii'y presented to Miss Taylor .\'i.r bi ill'.; served I'riani ti'i'l ca'.e ll.:!o the party dispersed voting . n.‘ ••'-' iiiiig a mo- t pleasui'eaide lUii'. II looks like the Cennaiis will g t in I’ari.s. Ch>' r up' Till' hir ll cost of liviii in Anieric;a is preferable to t!ie hr- cosi of living in Kurojie. I ■ I it'.i'Sia 1.' ' Thor.' l.'urope;in liionaiehs are :t!i , |i,, kiiiMii'.n and lliis is ib.- hi., .'.-.t f'.un’".,- I ro'.v in blsiory. I'libcr'-iiii-^Tiinl'iird. , >.'r. Henry 1'. Ilobirson and Miss Ibti'la I II. Miinfovd. o'' near .\yi|.'ii w(.re (|uietly married on Tuesday Septeinber iIii' liaptist parson age in Aydeii by I’.i v. (Ico. .7. Dowell will lie obliged to turn to uudevelo|)e-l i,|,..,,jsni of lli • H Igiaii licaraiiis in tli I'lcliriiini is bill.'rly opposed t.i being the international ceiiieti.ry of i'hirope L.itiv.' le.ioiirces. When they havi: lound III.- ilom .Stic supply and b''i:uii its us.- they are not Hkely to reiuri; to d. p.-ndence upon the fi.r. igii miiply. it-lie- ill,, l.'nropean war w;!( in a iii'.asur-. bring alioiit a new Iie- clarat:./ii la.i. in ndeiie.. for il'. ■ I'nit.'I Stales. U'.' will not in fiilii; I).' ll. pendent upon foreign ships t- carry o'lr conimeri'e, nor upon forcig i lands to prodife oiir ra'-v niateriiii ^ 'A'hib' down troildi'U l-.'urope immo lates itselt ujioii the alt'-r of Imperial ism, free Atn.'rica will ascend new heights of triumphant Democracy, defens.' of their tireside and tli. ir faniilies be hotiored, tind the bitter rti!n il'.ai ov.'rwhi'inie'l their oiic- b .it lli ll! cer.ii' ry 1... d. plon d. The Ilar*-vest'>r Trust, which th" r"iteil :',',a.‘es Cni’it at St. 1‘aul has adjudged a cotnbiiiation in restraint of trade, is th.e same Harves- ii.' trust that existed during .Mr. Uoose Veit's ailniinistratioii. The evideiic: upon wliieh the goveriinieiit seciirt ! this judgement is the same evidonc-? tliiit was in the possession of the D-’- partnv'ut of .Justice during J'r. Iloose velt's adminstration. Hut in the year of our Lord there was no order from the White House blocking pro secution in order to .save the embar rassment of Friend Perkins. Hence- Tiirki ys anibassadnr in Washing ton must b.' one of the struliini; kiiid-i Wllell exposetl to till- Sllil iif alllbl lion III., world gels freckl'd with war. ! OiU"' again tobticco is currency, witii the farmers. As soon as (iormany wins a few victories, there will be a lot of peojil ' who Were never anti (lerintins. Till* faker's what's soon, r or hitt r. I'liinx 111 him I .-Ml those men who are being kille 1 in the I'hiropean war would luive kill 1 | ' soon eiunigli if let alone, to have bei'ii to 1. lo tlii'ir nation. Seii.itor Har.ling sounds all right ! It needs no stretch of the imagi nation to credit the report from Rome that the death of Pope Pius was ha.s- tened by his grief over the plungin.g of Kurope into war by profes.sed Chri.^ tian nations. The great continental Harvester Trust is now in a fait conflict is as inexplicable as it is ab- "'“ly dissolution, horrent to the average man, anrl how intensified must have been the sorroiv The makers of peanut sack.s alsr of the head of the Catholin church caught the idea of taking advantage whose own gentleness matched his ' * i uropean war situation to put pietv and whose grief was natnrarv up the price just on the eve of har- accimtuated by tho fact that nation- vesting the crops. And Congressman of his faith were among those wlu ,Tohn IT. Small has .cone right after could so forget the precepts of Ca! them for a congressional investigation vary and the teachings of the churc!i to konw the reason why. as to 1 ecome involved in such a base- o less, unnecessarv, civilizationi wreck- Prof, \villiam II. I aM also h:is in li 'J he way they are killing iiif tile me i in Kiin.’pe, they wil! hav.' to let tli.‘ ■woman vote if much voting is don ■ over there in the next generation or s). One of tile ways those Virigiuia pa- o pera which have been bought tip by tho President Wilson is now tend.'rin; "hiskey shippers are trying to ear-i services to help bring to an end '»' srosly inisrepresent- It sometimes turns out that th bi£ri;e t a'lvance elaiiii<*r is unable to show the goods when the ballots are counted. the coal strike in ('olorado. The president is always doing the right thing, anil all ludligerants would do wise to take his ailviee. ing publication conditions in North Carolina. : .Tust a century ago all Kurope was o_—• *'* against Napoleon at thirty six a .strange world this is! We he had conquored Kurope. He ha.I spend time,'money, lirain and energy forced his way from petty olflce rank to build up, then go to war and tea- to the ccmniand of a continent. The down. People join hands to make pro- seeds of the present European war gress, then lly at each others' thr'ia's were sown in his metearic career. i for Hie spa i Is. j -o o Today's primary was only to mak< .Japanese statesmen should consider nfiininatioiis and may not have sue whether .Japan is being used as,a cat'll cecded in doing that much. Kven ‘f Baqsist Biand bI India 'dwi Ceylon -i«i ti 0 Is Best Equal.y £oou eiintr iced or hot I Packed in sanitary air-ti}(lit tins to preserve its full, delightful aroma. Your grocer will supply you- POUNDS- QUARTERS—HALVES Beef and Milk A-plenty loss, unnecessary, civilization-werck- WF, but contrary to his cu.stoni, Paw any nation's chestniit.^ there is no second primary, the voting^ ... , is nyt saying it. must nil don«^ acrsiin in \’nv»»mbo.. alia of international murder out ot the fire. must all be done again in N'oveniho.. Cattle are kept for two purposes; for beef pro duction and for milk production. To do either right they must be healthy. There is nothing better to keep them in continued good health, or to make them well quickly when sick, than a few doses of— STOCK MEDICINE Stirs up the liver—Drives disease poisons away. Bee Dee Any tiine any of my cat tle get aiiytliing wrong witti tlicin I give tlicm a lew U'.isos of H c e D c e STOCK Mi;i)ICINE. Tlicy soon get well. Jolih S. C.irroll, Moorhead, Miss. 25c, 50c and $1. per can. At your dealer’s. P. B.2l

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