Strong Serviceable, Safe. The most reliable lantern for farm use is the RAYO. It is made of the best materials, so that it is strong and durable without being heavy and awkward. It gives a clear, strong light. Is easy to light and rewick. It won’t blow out, won’t leak, and won’t smoke. It is an expert-made lantern. Made in various styles and sizes. There is a RAYO for every requirement. At Dealers Everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY Wmmhlngton, D. C. Richmond, WtL. Norfolk. Va. (New Jersey) Charlotte, BALTIMORE Charleston. W.Va. Charleston, S. C. )|( o It Always Helps says Mrs, Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., in writing of her experience with Cardui, the woman’s tonic. She says further: “Before i began to use Cardui, my back and head would hurt so bad, I thought the pain would kill me, I was hardly able to do any of my housework. After taking three bottles of Cardui, I began to feel like a new w'oman, I soon gained 35 pounds, and now, I do all my housework, as w'ell as run a big water mill. I wish every suffering woman would give CHRDUI The Woman’s Tonic a trial. I stil! use Cardui when I feel a little bad, and it always does me good.” Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness, tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, the woman’s tonic. You cannot make a mistake in trying Cardui for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing women for more than fii'ty years. Get a Bottle Today! PEASQM’q Why You Should Always Use Bcc Brand Flavoring Extracts !. Because they are 60 i belter than Pure Food Laws require. 2. Because they will go further than inferior goods, 3. Because their delicacy of flavor is unapproached. A. Because their Purity and Quality is absolute. 5. Because they are unreservedly guaranteed, 25c n*“ath ot’ Mr Hanit-I \, •Ionian. Mr. Daiiif'I A .Iordan passfd awav y('sl»T(lay at his home at Houso sta- lion after an illneas of tlir. .- WHtkw of hcniniorragos of thi- bowels in his ihirty-first yt'ar of aEtf 'I'lu' Was l)eltl in high f=!- t-eni liy fvery otu> of the coninmnit;-, hoiuK a slraifrht forward upright sir.ji- I I(‘niaji. Ui'sidos hiK wiff' who was bfU'or' iiiarriage Miss Hosa Randolph, he is survived by two small fhililren who have the sympathy of ev('ry«jne in thi'ir .'uk‘ 'Henith SafwU/«is«M)i‘i»btix. At Lfnigjtiit KNMSTOM, NOLLOWW A CO. S730 fprlBg ttaniMi St. < ard III' I haiiko. .-\ fthairiuan of iht* Iii'mocriuit' !0x*‘- lulive <'oMuiiittcf of I'iit (’duiity I di- s>ri-, 1)11 behalf of liie .-^^aid K.xecutiv ('onuiiittei' and on furilu-r behalf of the denioeratii- party of (Mtl Countv to (xpres.s and ext. nd to the lionic i 4 lephoiii' and 'reltjjrraph Conipany and ii.s nianafi'-r of (;ri'inville, ibc ilu;nks of the said lliinoiTalie ICxei u- (n.- ('orniiJitfce for all favors an i (ourti'sies ottered and f;hown .said cotnniitti'i’ while holding and report- ina: th ■ I’riniary elections of Sept. si,i instant. I ll'pi l ially does the ehairnian of ths' ^'nid coinniittee desire to thank .Mr. 11 ! M. I’liillips, local inanaRer of said 'i c||.phone company, for puttine inti' the ('oiirt-hi)iise an improvised tc|i. piionc and line to our use on tiic or- I n^ii>n of (he said elei fioii, free froiii fharKt’S and cost. | 'I’hese favors have been given to us oofore by Mr. I'hillips, making our ;»ppreord which was fastened !)■ tween two trees in the yard appb s hung on sliorl strings about twelv ■ inches below. 'i'he club girls Were f;.ven tive minute s in wii'i h to try their skill in eating the apples witii t:ieir hands tied bohitnl thc'in. 'I'he girl eating the greatust portion of her apple within the given lime was to receive a prize, at the einl of three minutes Miss Henrietta Moye had sac- I eedeil ill clearing the cord of a'l :ipple I nil ailing seed. I'ore and aih sl,e desi'rveil the box of I’andy whieh '>:;s awarded ,is pri/e, " Xext, a sahiil eoiir-^e was sei",. d ill the dining reoni. The table coratiiiiis of grei II and white earrii’il out tie’ club lolor.s-. I.arg(> l(>(ters. ' ii. were very attractively arraiu'- 1(1 with ivy leaves on the table mais. The iir>t serving cunsisted of Cliie- keii salad, IMiklcs. sliced tomatoes, s-iliines and salted peanuts. The -e- ci'iid Ilf green leiiiiiiiade and various I inds Ilf cake. I.astly, afterdiiini'i' iiiints Were passed. The girls hurried iroiii the dining room III sunny spot wlier(> they miiilit try ibe leiise of ilie Kodak. f)iily a fe v g.iod puses Were iiKide before tile siin's rays wi're in dim tnf longer aniuse- ineiit. The girl's announced a most pleas ant aiiernoon on tie ir deiiartun'. ('lull members pri .■o(iPP of Land Sale. By virtue of authority vested in me, | . under the will of R M. Dupree, I will j sell to the highest bidder for cash,' j Tuesday-N'oon-the 21tth day of Septem- j ber, l!tl4, at the door of the Bank of' I l-'armivlle, Farmville, .\. C., a lot in the j ^ town of b’armvillo, X. (.’..described as: I follows; I ! l..ying on the SouUi Side of -\ o.j Jtallroad and beginning at the corner; i)f lot .\o,l which 44 feet from .T. I’.] j 'i’aylor lot and running Northeast oU feet, 1 hence at right angles 44 fcet^ .\orthw(!st, thence at right angles j Southwest till feet, thenco with the' Street Southesat 44 feet to the begin-1 iiing, it b','in.c lot .No. 4. | This L’lUh day of August, 1014. ' S. .1. l-;v(>rett, ,Attorney. j A D Dupree, [ Kxeeutor of F, Td, Uupree, lt-4-ltd-:Uw. ! iiiurkfi xiiit i'o|iyriuht.^ofitHiMi ri for FREE SEARCH ulul rt'pnit t>r» l att-niabilily. liiink ! PATENTS BUILD FORTUNES for >oa. <*ui' rrot‘ hiHiUli-ts toil luiw. wlmt to iuviMit | y«m fiKiiiry. Wi lte fwiuy. ID. SWIFT & CO. DATCMT l-AWVrDfi L303 Seventh St., Wa8tiln§ton, D. C.J xnn K TO <’REI»irOKS. The undersigned having this day qualiiied as Kxecutrix of the last will and testament of Mamie Hyman, not- ieo is hereby given to all persons In debted to the undersigned Kxecutrix and all persons who hold claims against said estate are hereby notified ic tile their claims with the undersign ed within twelve months from the date of this notice or said notice will be plead in bar against the recovery on said claims. This the 9 day of .Tune, l!tl4. I.. ADA HYMAN. Executrix of Mamie Hyinaii. HARDING .K,- PIKRCK Attorneys. 7-0-ltdl5tw. \OTU K OF AI)MIMSI HA rH» Having ([ualitii'd as administratrix of the estate of the late Dr. E. A. .Move, this is 1(1 iiolify all persons havin.g claims against the estate of the sai.l Dr E A. .Moye to present the same to the undersigned administratrix on or befor.! August 12, 1915 or this notic.? will be plead in bar of recovery. All per;? .ns indebted to said estate will pleac.e make immediate settlement. This August 12, 1914. HORTENSE F. MOYE, Administratrix. HAHDI.VG * riEHCK, Ally. s-l.'Md-4w, Grain Privileges ->IO>EV IN >ViIKAT. I’uts and calls are tlie safest and surest method of trading in wheat n or Hecause your loss is absolutely limited to the amount. I bought. .No further risk. I’ositivoly the most prolitable wiiy o^ trading. Open an account. You can buy in puts or 10 calls on 10 000 bushebs grain for ?10 or yoi’ can buy both for $20 or as many more as you wish An advance or deeliue of 1 cent gives you the chance to take #Uni iirolit. A movement of 5 cents $500 profit. Write for full particulars and bank references. H, \V, NKDIAW CoIudiImis, Oliin, Address all mail to I.ock Box 14-0. VDMIMSI K VTOirS XOTK i; Having qualiiied as administator o( Minnie Mcl.awhorn, late of Pitt co'i i- ty, North Carolina, this is to notify all to the undersign('d administrator persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them within twelve months from this date or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This August 17th, 1914. h. D. McT.AWHORN, Administrator^ F, (}, .lames (.<• Son, .^ttys. S191d5w >OTU K TO ( KKDITOKS Having (lualified as admlnistratoi of Klins Klks, lat of Pitt county, N, C , this is to notify all persons having claim!;’ against the estate of the said deceas.ed to uxhibit them to the un- (iers:gne(l on or before the ISth day of August 191:", 0|. this notice will be pleiie in bar of (heir recovery. All p< rs'iiis indebted to said estate w il! pie I e nutke immediate payment. T'rs the I'th day of August, 1914. ALFRED TRIPP, Administrator^ '-i;t itd-.‘it w. \OTK K \ort( i; -Ndtii i' is hert by !^i',eti ijmt at the regular met ting of I:,, rd of I'om- i; issioiiers of I’itt County, held .Mon- ilny, September 7, 1:'14, the following I'eiition was iireseiited t(i the Hoard I tij-wit. We the lUiilersigneil (ili^eiis bi'g li ,iv' III pctiiioii your linnorable body lor a public road to lie l.ijil off in tlu following territory: Iteginnim; at K'. l.angstons and . .\. Shiver's corner tin the Kin-j htiiii road, aiiil running northwardly ^ tlir(Hi;-'h \V. . Shiver's hind the olJj path thence between the land of AV. | Fiirb'.'s and S. G. Nine, thence between tb.r land of 1. .\. Sugg and .Mrs. i;ii/abeih .Mcl.awhorn land or ilnuer, to road number cj.'ii distance! I'iiout one mile.'’ The above Petition will be heard at | Mie regular meeting of tiie i!oard .Mon-| ihiy. Octobi r 914, all jiarties desri-j iiig to be heard will be present. lione by ord( r of Hoard (if Commis-j sioliers, this .'September S, T,il4, | MRASCOE ItKI.L, j I 'li rk t<) IJoard of t'ommissioners. j 9-M-4f. \(ni( i: (M’ sAi i:, <‘ii Saturday, the 2i;ih day of Sep I ;nber. at 1- o'clock, at the I'jiwards buib'iiig, near the court house door, in the town of (irt't'iivilb'. I will s“ll to the highest bidder tor cash. thre< i.iiiulred opera chairs in the building belonging to H. ('. IMwards, beini. opera cliairs sold Ii.n' 'i'.-itl it VaiiDyki to Powell ,<■ Hryan, this sale being made under the order of court to s' li iiiiintageil properly, t'iiairs can be seen by calling iipof T.ift ,v.- VaiiDyke or II. ('. I-Mwards. 'Ibis September Ti, i;ti4, ■ > Id :;w s. .1. KVKliKTT. ('omniissioiier. Cures Old sores, Other Remedlei Wtn'f Cart I he * ca.sfs, nnm.iiicr of bnu-lone stantiing, arc cured l.y llic wonderful, old reliablr Ur. I’lTtcr's .\ntisrpiic Itealinu nil. It rrli»'vc.'= »'n!i ;t:ui li 1 I!y virtue of the pow< r of s;tle con tained ill a certain mortgage deed e.xecuted and delivered by .1. L. Speight and wife Mollie Speight and \V. (). (Jherry aud wife Caddie Clierry to 1. K. luivenport on the 2:’. day of .Ian. Peii'i and duly recorded in the itegister oi Deeds (.)flice of Pitt County, .N. (’,, ill liook ,J S page 2iili, tin* undersigned j will e.;pose to public sale, before the I Court House door in Greenville, N. M’., to the bi(Mer for cash o;i Monday the 7 day of September IIU! at 11’ ill. a certain tract or jiarcel of land hiving and being in the County OI I’itt and State of North ('arolina and described as follows, to-wit: Situate in the Town of Pactolus. be ginning at a lightwood stake in front of the Post Olfice and running East feet to the It. S. Tucker line, thence with the |{. S. Tucker line North lt>0 feet, tlienee Westwardly fifty feel theiici' South 100 feet to the beginn ing, contaitiin.g .■ir.,'i square yard.^. Sale made to satisfy said mortgage dt ed. This the 4 day of August 1914. ,T. R. davi;nport, .Mortgagee. .H’hirS IIROW.N, Atty. ,s-."i-id-:’tw. I North Carolina, Pitt county. In Superior Court. i;_ T. Lennear vs. .losephine Lennear. The defendant above named will take noiiK that an action entided as above Court of I’itt I'ount.v to obtain a di- vorc,'. from the bonds of matrimony has been commenced in the Siipej-ior and the d(>feiidant will further take notieo that she is re(|uired to appear at tlie next Term of our Superioj Ciiiir; of Pitt County, to be held on the Second Monday after the tirst Monday of September it being th.' 21st <;ay of September, at the Court Houfe in said County and in Green ville, N. C , and answer or demur lo the conifilai’t in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief dinianib i! in the complaint. Thin the I'-tli day of August 191!. A, T. MOORE. Clerk Superior Couj.' .111.ITS PROW.N. Attorney for i'lai'itif S-i 0-1 td-.'itw. i;ure$ Old Sores Otrer Remeilles Won’t Cure, ”he worst a j mafter of hou'Joiierstflndina’. e C’ttt'U bv' to ’ voni!«‘rfu!, old reliable I>r I *itfr s Anii*-e ir Hr.iHujf Oil. It ^.i!D ftnid H at vht; nine. Cfc.Joc. f. «•<' XtTH K TO ( lU KI rOKS .1 .\ l.ang and .■\iuii( H. l..ang | •hiving this day (|ualitled as Kxecutors 1.1 the Last Will and Testament of W . M. l.ang, deceased, notice is here by give!) to all persons indebted to the ■state of \v. M. Lang to make im mediate settlement with the under- Mgned Kxet iitors and notice is bereliy .'iven to all persons liDlding claims with the undersigned l-,‘xe( utors with in twelve niontbs IToiii the date hereof or this notice will bi> plead in bar of ^ lilt' recovery on said claims. This the loth, day of Septeml)er 191 1. •T. A, LAXt: and A\\IK 1!. LANG l!xe( utors of \V '.I l.ang, dee. HARDINi; PIKRCK, \ttorneys, I'-1 - Id-.‘it w , .\«lniinf'-truliir’'> \otire, ; 1 have this ilay (|ualitie(l as adminis trator on ibe estate of i.awrence Jones- and wife .losephiiie .lones deceaseil i and all parties holding claims against! sa>(| (larties or heirs of estate will pre-1 si'iil same in proper form on or be-j li.te .•'ept. nth 191.0., or this notice; will be pli ad in bar of recovery. I This Sept. 1 ]th, 191 i. .1 U'. HAH.EV, Stokes. N. C. Administrator. S. .1. KVKRETT, Attorney, 9-12-ltd-,"itw. Carpenter’s and Builder’s Hardware. Everything for Building AND THE BEST. IF YOU USE THE RIGHT BUILDER’S HARDWARE WHEN YOU PUT UP A BARN OR BUILD A HOME IT WON'T HAVE TO BE “FIXED” EVERY WEEK IF YOU USE GOOD, STRONG, DUR ABLE BUILDER’S HARDWARE. CHEAP HARDWARE IS NOT CHEAP, BUT “HIGH.” THE BEST HARDWARE IS NOT “HIGH” BUT CHEAP— WE SELL THE BEST. SE E OUR SCREEN DOORS AND WIN DOWS. Refrigerators and Ice Cream Freezers cVERYTHING IN Piles Cared in 6 to 14 Days Your drujjjrist will refimd money if PAZO filXTMENT fails to cuf« any caw of It/'hitig, n.'imJ. HIe^4ing or Protruding Files in 6 to || a'jpiicaUutt gives aud O ■ PHONE 32 GREENVILLE NORTH CAROLINA