mU^ m tr.vd^^MMMBM^ 4ft .t»f« JIIm /f^'M t. j.aiwp!MrfejiiB^ MOSELEY BROTHERS REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Agents : SOCIAL and PERSONAL : PERSONALS. MONDAY, .TAM’AKY :>5, l;U5, Misses Geneva and liosa Kxuni leli \estoriIay altenioon I'or Jiocky Mount 'laving been calied there on account '.)(■ the death of their granUuiothe:' Mrs. i\. T. JCxuiu. Afr S, .Mi(( ht>ll ol' 'J'renton, \. J., who IS »icre instilling some niachinerv II Ihc water and liglit plant went m \'’«-l(lon Saturday to meet his wir'i is Iiero now. Mr. .1, I’, lilaml of Cliarlotte was (i> r<‘ yt-sliTday. Mr .1. liodding of J{o' UaleiRh. offieials of ilie NoriolK SoiitlK.Tii wei'do in (iroenville toih y looking after the companies busiues;. They are traveling over and inspi'i i- ing the entire system by motor. Oiilj .IdTBiitage of a Recorder’!! r«iir< Would Be In Canes Where Itcfeiiduiit ]h L'liable to Have t'ouii!«el. The following in an extract from the Grand Jury’s report and contains then receomniendations regarding the estal)- VKKT SAD DEATH OF POri LAK PEKSO>. J.^st night at ten o'clock Old Meji- ry was Cickled to death by Throf FeaUiers, the Ipper J'eii attended the funeral in a body, which was held at the Old Log' Cubiii, placing a lishmentof a Recorder s t'oun for l^U | ^,cai,tiful wn alh of K..„r Hosts on the countv. i grave. The services were conducie] Whereas, ihere is considerable agi-j,,y Overholf, and the intor- tation in the county at the preseni , y,The pail time as to whether or not .here slu= ;11 were seleeie.i from theCaiiii. l.e .stal.lished a Jte.orders Court, «e (i,,,, Ihr (irand Jury at the January |^,.j ,-emains arrived on Term. I!.l.^„ after muturo deliberatio:i j Atlantic Coast Line N.',. Mr. I'.iscado upon .he . onsideration of the question I mad- a few appro of whe.her or not a Recorder's Co.iri | at thr grave. The d- will be a to the county and s.n .'| ,.,,11,1..^,, the county any expenses are lirmi\ ^ (j^siili.s a gieal nuiiAier of friends to . onvinced and are of the opinion that I promineni amon^' a Recorders Court will incnase lh-L,„.„^ Kentuekv BETTER HEALTII METHODS HAVE ADOEO TO LIFE Comnion Drinl(ing Cup Must be Abolisheiito Improve Haalth Conditions ( elebnili l!irthiia>. Till' Kiigar .\IIaii l*oe Linraiy Sinlciy etlcbr;'.led the birtiiday 01 .’’00 in lUeir January meeting whic’i was liflil Saturday Jiight. 'I'iii' enitn.' pi'ogram centered a.ound I'eo. .Nearly all the selections were 'aken friim maieriul presented ti- tiie society by Ur. C, Alphonsa Smilh who holds till' I’oe Chair of ln>f:runi which was: Instrumental solo by .Miss .M.uMiui Uiiicaster. i'lM's l‘'()rci‘ in Niteraturi! read b\ Miss Susie liarnes. Israfi'l. read by .Miss Kula Sjiurill. ,\mer*.i anisin of I’oe. an extra-t laken from I'r. C. Alphonsa Smith's addn?ss on the one hu'.i- ilri'd anniversary of Poe's bir'H- (lay, reail by Miss Mary Haker, l'oi'’s Hop Krog. told i)v Miss 1 li'rring, InsiruniHnlal sole- Miss Kaimlb Roberlsoii. >Iarria«e l-ieeii'es I’en'eel !SII Chiciid Willii' Harrell and Mary .lane l!.r,'- 1-t‘ii of Reaver Dam. Will. Ilrowii and Jiosa Woolen ol (U'eeiiville township. I^)nn'.e .Mkinson and Pleasant .loiai- sori of Greenville. loe Worthington nnd l.:\ura Chaje, of Contentnea. Joseph II. Woolen and (iladys Fo: - b«'s of Oreenville. Alfred Mobley and Ilaehel croor> of I’ontenlnea. NKMilllMMtLY ADVK’K Kreelj' (iiveu hy u <>r«‘onville When ono has suffered tortures from a bad back and found reliel from the aches and pains, that pei'- son's advico is of untold value to friends and neighbors. The rollowin.g neighborly advice comes from a Groen ville resident. .Mrs. J. C. Savage, Jl- Kleventh si., (;r<'ciiville, says: ".\i)out a year ago 1 was bolhere "Old Heliable'’ Mutual Life. See H r.c'iiilev Ilarriss. I’ctter be safe tlia.i sorr\. Itd-ltiv For Heiil. One Iwo-horse farm in Coii.ennica Township, three miles of Aydeii t«’. houses and toi)acco barn. Ap|)ty to J. S. James. Groen\'iIle. N. ('.. R, - I - 'J-'i-mo-wod-sai .-11 w. When you want an autonwbile 'o;' country or town call. TIIK (JKKKN- MI.I.I. T1;A\.SI'|:|{ < <>.. W. j. Turn Bge and R. L. Moore. Da.v Phone “i']. Night phone 204 or ;’.lit)-J. 1-19-lm, ( \i.i, AT :.i!) sthkft .v\i> 11:(- shown of wliat Ihe science of Chiro- praeti" eonr.ists. C. .\ddis, Chiroprac- (or. 1-1S-tv J. F. TIIIfJrK> Vpfernary Snrircon Offlce: Winslow’s Stables Phones l>AY II MOIIT expense of trying criminal cases ;i the ceuiity, for the reason that I’itt County now has four criminal terms, of one Week each, in our opinio:] are all sultlcitnt to take care of the criminal business of the county. Tliat as the Grand Jury is ailvisi ‘i the establishment of a Recordo. t.’ourt will require a salary of not 1'. than twelve to lifleen hundred ilolhirs . to th(' Recorder, togetlier with a Siilici- i lor at a salary of from six huiulrei lo one Ihousand dollars, Thai our experience leads us 10 be lieve that the only possible benoli' | tha. the Recorder's Court could hiv,' would be to dispose of Imniediatel.. ' iliose li'W eases wherein the ilefei’,d-i are iiiuibie to give bond or to employ counsel, ami that in ail otlierl l ascN where delenclaiHs •.vinild be a’) e’ lo give bond or secure' counsel it woii. 1 .:iiiiply burden the county with l!:i | t'xpense of maintaining an interinedi- ate (1‘uri between the e(,',iil of 11k .I’l.'iice oi I lie i'l'ace and th ' Siiper'o" ' Court and tliat the burden of main- taii>r.g this court ;iud Ihe expen, | thereof would be greatly in excess a 1 i 1 greatly oul-weigh the benelit I might possibly be derived in the iier above indicated. (ilade, who is well and favorabl>' known in (Jreenville. (Mil Henry was at one time i>ro- prictor of the Monticello, but owing 10 liis lieal.h being iiiipa'ired, by Mduiitaiii l*cw he sought other cli mates. hi'piiig witli the aid t)f IMillj'- .>l»ll liNea‘>e .'il;!\ |{<-i'reu'iitod .\iid There Iteiuaiii'- \otliiim lo Oo itiit 'I'd I'i>I- Ion IMreclioiis. Paper read before l!i(! Knd of tlie century club ;U a recent meeting in whicl) important matters arc discussed. " The ser\".( e which has been render- t'd the Inimaii race, by the puldii I’.ad eaii.ioni'd his wife lo be iirepand for 111 ' worst. The .lefferMiii Mub si'jil a wr>alli of Imiiiorl elle-; iroiii lli'i,’ l’ri»ale .Stock. .Mr. iSlierfuiud of Woodlireok aft' r the SI I'vices renirnecl lioiiie on Itei • iiey's .‘•'jiecial. slopping overnight ai Iieillii<;.\ Tilieri). where he was inl.'M- (htced to Old T.i.ulor, iircsitieni of ih’ .locli.e.\ ( lull. Tlic entire city moitriiS the loss ol IMil Henry who W;is so well kiiowi; lii ri' iKiviiig visiied ,1 nia,iorri >■ of oiir ciiizens diirliij; ilie hoiiilays and makiim muh warm friends wi' 1 whonr-o' vei' ii>' caiiie In c'HH:icK, 'Ihe e.ialc will be aihiiinis.ered I'v Old Harvester, who is oi .he Creai.i ot’ Keuluck.>., Thus pa.-ses anoilic-r oi' our (jld laiidniarks, so easily to go but III ver to be forgot.en, l-ixcliaii!.'.' ^M\Tlil!VH.l.!: ITIiMS .M". 1;. '1. Cox. who atiendeii the Tliat ,\our Grand Jury fur.ber | Grand Alasouic Ixidge at Raleigh re lieves tliat it would be impossible toiim'ned home Tliursday afternoon, secure a presiding olUcer at the .smell - We ihank our customers lor tiiee' salary of lifteen hundred dollars, wliicn | p;in-(inage during the past, and di'sire Ihe position of Reiordi r would cany,;, eonlinuanee of same. liemembci with it. who would possess that jmi- Hiat we have at all times a nice line ieal temperament so necessary to tie'I di' (groceries, C, N’inccni Co.i: success of the court and the saf '- • We have a nice line of dry goods, guarding of the rights of the individual j,nd notions arr.ving e; ch day, come lo ;tnd of the county, and under all tl'e^Koe us lor anything in this line, ircumstances. and for the reaso.i:-j W'. Ange & Co. appearing above, we earnestly recoin- j],- .Jesse Allen Stokes, from nei.r mend that there sh"ll be no Recorder's | i;;i,-(iuf>r's Cross Roads, returned homi' Court established for Pitt county, an 11'| iiursday after spending some time lespectfully ask th.'.i the court orde"! in-re with his son Mr. Mugh Stokes, a copy of that part of our report Iv'ar- \ve have in stock, a good line 01 ing upon the questlion of the Heco'Vl-i i-u),in.r and metal rootiiigs. and ro ;f- er's Court to bo submitted to the Mem-| juj- nails, when you get ready to cov r bers of the General Assembly rro:ii i yo\ir building a.di f(U' i>rices we c.i.i Pil(, plea-e you, Harrington, aBrber c’o. ■Mrs, Oeaiiie Brown Ifeiid. Pay .Moore left luTe yesterday •Mrs. Deanie Brown, wife of the l^i'e ^[-(^.r,ioon, to spend week end at her .Mr C O. Brown, who died about t"'JI luuise near Betht'i. anil a half years ago, dii'd Thursd: v| p;,,. beef, lish and oysters morning al about 4 a. m. ai her home! f,,,,,,,, yve keep tlieni at aii 011 South Pitt St.. of piieuinoi'.ia afi .'i'' t.'me,-i, C. Vincent ii Co. an illness of only nine days .Mi^. We haneU' the Oliver one and two I'rown was .'>4 years of age, hor;e teel beam plows, and Ihc Olivirjthe deaths from all caus''s, iietweo'i Of her immediate family there .li'e Ames, shovels buy the best at A. W surviving Ihreo cluldren, Mrs. Clar- ' Co, eiice l/asMer o*' Durham, .Miss Maggie j ,\nnie Mae Dauthridge a s;ii- Drown and Mr. C. Oscar P.rown ; ,,f Wintcrville iilgh School wa Jr.. of Creenville. Mrs Brown :il--' I e;,lleil to the bedside of her grand lea\es or.e sister, Mrs I’.ethe iMc G i-i mv Couni'il. of 0;ik Ciiy \v!\i v.aii, :ii’.d two brothers Messrs. J. li \erv ill T'uekerandW. )•'. Tuck'r all of Cireon eompb te line of st.iii' health nioveinent for the last hall ceiiturx is the noblest example ai forded by human history of suecess- i'lil philantlii'opic, liui.ian activity," In the hist fifty years the averuf'i length of life has been increased sevi n .vears. I lui: (luhlic sanii:iliiin has wiihii !'>.e sanii' len:;th uf I'Hie added not le;s liiaii I'oiir liillio:: \'i urs 10 iiunian !ii’ ' l^ an iindi;>puleil liici. .\n I i:i abid'slii,:'.' ili" 1 eninion drii'k iiig 1 mi which lui:- for so nui:iy ye.ii'., li.M'ii a public menace, il h e-j lioni- (I) esiatili.-h an individna: lii-'hl a.i;ainsr the spr'.ading of all co.';i- iniinicab’e diseasi's. s’leh as small p'l.' | incasel;;. typhoid, scarb.'i fever, dy;i | ih< ria. :-\'philis, ml . n ulosis. Tl.ej last two of whiih llie.i i,-: most to li' i-aid, ,1-^ .■~,\'|>lnlis is 1 imsiiiered one ; I the wors! plagues III mankind. Once ;ie(|nired, i:iunol be cure' by the most rigid tre;umeiii under iw-i- or three years, and it is then liab% 10 break out afresh ;ii aii.v' time with- oiil III.' most conslam vigileiiee: i very organ and tissue of ilie bod,', may In :'lTec.ed by it. it is the onl.\ Kiuiw’i I iironic di; ease which cliildren may iiihei'il a i I he affected with at hirlh. Tile dea' 1 rate of itil'ants sufl'ering from liei-'- ditary s,\philis is from :^ixty to eigui ly live per cent and the small number who live either die yming or grow up weaklings, diseased in both body an I mind. .■Niilhoi'ities also sa,v ;l is the dir . ! cause o!',\ (ases of in.:aiiity. person sui'fering form it nia\ traiism,; 11 til the Innocent by the use of I". ' same drinking vessed as the seer; lions (d' the mouth are the most in fectious. Last I'lll ne. least 1 uliel'culo-: : which is the most wide spread, a.: Well .is niosi dreaded of all iiuections, ;i.s it is'^ibli' tor t.'ii per eeiil of the deailis from any ean>'-' in the I’liiled States and ii (liird i i 1 CIttllD JIM mn ciEMi TiUSE Cofnmends Judge and Solicitor lor Work They Have Dje fliis Term mm OF EINISHID tiainbler*^ luieii lleat.f Road Scii- lenccs, I’ies (.reeii Gel>. P.! .MonlhH ill .lail tir As>aull. One Case FihIs III Mistrial. il’.e iiges ijf liitecn :iml sixty of If', i-: due to tntierculosis. 'ihe iiiieiiien is chiefly from man to nuin I though of ciiiise there I'.'i maii,v \\a\'s b.v' which it in:i> I ' prciid .. Il is dll' 10 il >lu'ciiic ,:;er:l! wirea ihives lii'st in the, cn!i>e(ni''ir- Tile (ii'iind ,luiy in their repoit he^r week in addition to the recommenda tion on Ilie l{ecorder',s Court sent ir. one or two other recommendations: which will be of interest lo Ihe public Tliev recommended thit the CoiiM House he kept cK’jiner thiili il iias' iieen kepi in the past siiying that of the rooms are not kept iis they shoulfl be and ihiit other- need intention, .liidge W liedbee Wiis coiiiiiK'iided fo:' the iible manner in which h has bi'e'i I n siding iit lliis lerm of e..urt. .So!i ciiiir .-Mieriieihy w ;is iiiso coniinende I. the wiiy :n which li.' is hamlliiu' the cases for the Stati'. The jn.-y reporjed il.m Uiey h:id j visit'(i Ihe Coiini,v llom.' and foui.i! I il in good condition with ihe exe.'D (tion Ilf one rocnii v.hich needed iittei, j : ^111 ii nil repairs. I Tile ca' e-^ di'-poseii 111 since our hu-i report include t'le following: I T. Cl. Ilam llon. iissiinlt with ib'ad j ly .weapon, guilty, judgment suspen;! ■ I upon piiynient of co.-is. Chiirles .lo\ner, ;issiiuli with (b’ad weapon, guilty, lined $l."i and costs, Chiirlie .loyiier carrying conceal'•! Weapon, guilty judgmi ni suspendeJ upon payment of losts lid. Cox selling li(|uor. giuliy wiin recommendation of mercy. Slierr(-d I’dount assault with dea(li,\ ueiipon former judgment stricken out, judgment suspended upon pav nieiit of costs. Sherrod Blount, carryinu’ eonee;i'e 1 weiipon. former jnudgnient strick"! out, judgment suspended upon y.iu iiieiH suspended upon payment o; costs. Ixniis Smith, two cases selli.i/ lii|iior, giulty in oiU' ciise. I'.e days on roiids; jndgnKiii suspended in oth'T ciise. Will .Mason. Russell Mar^hburn Wiley Clark, Mud I'Teining, Itane i .Mitchell, gambling Mason and iVlarsh burn not gu'lty Wiley t'lark, guill> ;io days on roads. Bud Fleming, guilt) lie days on reails; Danii'l .Mitchi'i eniltx' :!ti iliiys on roads, I l iivlie .■Viu'.erson iind Mosc:- \n derson iissanlt with deiidly weapo. guilty iir.iyer for judgment; pravc lontinned iiiion piivinent of (osts. Pies (ireeii, assiiult with deailU weapon, [dead guilty. 1- liintilbs i' jail and to he hired to Kd. II. Shelltnn. lor ;ind eo.-,!s of c;isc. Dancrofl .Mcl.iiw Imrn iiiid '/ei'i Slocks liircen> , m striiil. ville. her stepmother, Mrs W. W. Tu k , utters, disc and smoothing harrows |y n « ns; ihe same ilriiiKing > up is o'l er of (irimesland and uncle and auri, ,n,,. |,f ees before you buy, Ibir Air. .1, K, S. .-Xdiims and Miss .M',iry Marli'^r iV Co, ■Aihiins who were living with her at I’.efi're you cover your tnbacco b.d-- Ihe lime of her dealli. come look over our line of tobiiccii .Mrs, Brown was a member of iti>'', loth ;ind iniiuiie for price.;. 11 I'^ church and w:is a good ].',,;-re-t Co. Christian woman, ever ready to be!|i ,i;iek->in iind wife of Miu those wlio were in disiress. Her li<> t , Vre,-1 nro. Tenn,, s)e.'nl Wednesday iiU'! 1.1' friends will learn of her deiith wiili I I'l,i,,y visiting relatives and! great sorrow. frit nds , Mr, Jackson is an idd 'Vinter- Funeral si'rvices were lield Fii- ),.,y v.’c co’igratiilnle him d: y morning at tlu' house at 11 o'clock , ..p ,„ j recent marriage to Miss l.ucy Ihe burial followed in Cherry Hdl >i„rfresboro. Cemetery. J I ( iiiircli Comenlioii ami I’iieean*. St. l.ouis, Mo., Jan. i." .V conven ition of young people for Chr 'itiiin 1',.! li avor and Missionary imrposes, co,i For Men and 'ITomrii. P.iiekache? Feel tired? Not f>o spry i as you used to be? Getting old? Manv persi.ins mislake kidney trouble for advancing age. Kidneys out of order! i luding with a pageant, opened loih’> m.Tke .vou feel old before your time. Foley Widnev Pill's tone tip and invig orate the kidneys, banish baenache rid your blood of ncids and poinon.-^. Sold bv al! druggists. ;it the First Presbylcri.nn Chunh. Thv meetines will extend until Saturdi'% when a pageant and social will be E-iven by the young people. "f tie- siire:-i ways uf infe/iiun. ‘ei-'iili-il say if 1 very pasierit ■ uffering from tuberculosis would pro perly dispose of iiis suplum, we cou’,1 get rid of eonsnniption in the nee neriition, ei'.e hiis made Known the nieiiis t pr, vciit’V.iT ll'.est' iiisi*ases; if is 1 , -iiiieM lo :ipply them for tlic pre\-, r.- : l.te ,M- ea-'i's iire I'c.rii o!' ignor.uii. of eoniii'unit ies as wi'li as individual '■lioriilli e. Wb,'n w'l' iibolish the ommon drin'..-- :e,: citp in 'Uir eonimiinily, ;is well .1: 'Ve eiinimon communion 1 up in o'li 'nr ' lies. we have done much lo ap i.v Hie i ieiins scieiii'i lias made kn.iwr,. With this knowledge of th.> ilangrrs by which wo are :iirround''d lo ii gleet any possible wjiys of preventin>; and minimizing such dangers is rrim'- nal and the use of the common drink ing cup must be slopped. lUM ) I \>lll \ \MP1II Oil. Ilaiiulile » il'c. Tlii't iitxl Sell. ,i.iii 'J! II II Woiid- I li. r.iiiii' ol Hiiruu)n> County. iodii\ shoi I'ilthci' hill' l.;n')' l. !';i.. .1 uieurilpll I .iiineiuin Dull ;-!id K'ibil h;,- wi;'e iilld lll'ir llir!-e , liiUli'eii iiiid il.en committed suici-R. ,\11 the viciims weri shot in lb forehciid. Tlie bodies wre found !i.' " ! . D i’.ii", h-anir. v, ho lives on ill :oor l.' !,-w I'l-i iipicd b\ Do \'\i'i)i|: .'iiid who iiivestig;nid when (b' ■'imily faih'd to attend church, Itii derbrand ^>i^ys he heard some noise i!i ' ' ;r apiiiinienl early loda\' but p;i'd no iiiti 111 (III lo il. W ooiH, who was ;is years tdd, w.'i; I niilruail employee. His victims vere his wife, Alice, 113, and throe i;iughters Fay, I."), Rosemary, 6 and V'T'Cirie L'. S JJ-- " ' '"!?WBp8wr