mUMm Moseley Brothers Insurance and Real Estate Agents. : SOCIAL and PERSONAL . NOTICE OF PRIH\RY t'«r NOMINATION OF MAYOK PERSONALS. A\'i:i).\KSI)AV, APRIL 21. 1!U: .Mr V, I>. VanDykc siii'iit loiiHv n Kitrmvilip on business Dr. L. C. Skinnor Hpcut :t shoit at Arthur this tiiorninp vi.sitiii^? I patient. Mr. H. H. Alortoti lelf this niorn- inp for VVashinKton. Mr. JJ. O. Turnapc, of Karnivillc ’H in the city today on •Mr. S. iJ. I iid(‘rw(jod i.s Kpendiuj? >-Ue day at Grime,sland looking after ^<■hool matters. Mr. .T. K, Harwick. of Ayd.-u. was in Ureeiivllle today. Mr. .t. U, Oavis, of Karnivile, way I Greenville visitor during the day. Mr. T. T. Thorne, an attorney of Kooky Mount, i.s in the city today. .Ur. O. li, Kilpatrick, of Grifton, v»as in Greenville today. .\lr. A. ,7. Moye, of >'arnivillt>. was today on business. Mr. .1. K. TurnaRe, of Ayd.>n, was I business visitor here today. Jlrs. Geo. \V. Connor and daughter, Hiss< .Mary Hadley (’onnor. of Wilson, ■nme in last night to .spend a few days with .fudge Connor, who is presiding .>v(>r the Criminal Term of Court here this week. While here they are the -Cni'sl-. or the I’roctor. Trj SI .litnpy Bd'', Wliy not a .jitney bus or two for tireenvUle? We believe half hour ’rips from llu' court, house square out tui'kin.son avenue to the town limits, fnd oiea.sional tiipfs through South KrtNMiville and West Greenville would iiteh a reasonable patronage' KOKTGAGEK’S SALE OF LAND. Ifnder and by virtue of the powers conferred upon the undersigned Mort gagee In a certain Mortgage Deed bear ing date of 6th. day of Sept. 1913, from O, Ij. IJarrett and Nora liarrett his W'ife, and duly recorded in the ofllce of the Uegister of Deeds for Pitt Coun. [ ty in Book L 10, Pago 50(5 etc the un- i dersigned will sell at public auction i at the Court House door in Greenville, X. C. for cash, nt 12 o’clock ni., May the 3rd 1915, the following described real estate to-wit; One town I»t in the town of Karmvilh*. C. Con taining one Acre more or less, bounded as follows, on the noilli by W. H. Wilkinson, on the east by Main Street, on the Bouth by the Graded School lot, and by the Delcher Heirs on the This the 2i)th. day of March 1915. Xotice is hereby given that the l)e mocratic Primar.v for nomination of a Mayor for Greenville, will hi> held on Monday, May 3rd, 1915. The Polls will be open on said date from siwirise to sunset a( Five Points. Kat'li candidate for tln> iioniinatioii will si'li'ct a pollholder to represent him on .said date. This April L’Olh. I'll.'. ir JlAUUi.VG. Chairman Holes of Interest From llie Colored Sciiools riif ( iti/.cns of Pitt county, who are interested in the general Iietfcrinent of conditions will be gratilied to leurn that the seed sown by the local Hoard of (Jraded School Trustees, have germ inated and there is a broadening of the Industrial work fostered and en '.ouraged by those in charge of the city's school system. The “(Principal)" more than'two years ago sought the iniiuence of the A. W. GRKKXK, Mortgagee, j lamented W. H. Hag.sdale, to be used j in urging Dr. Dillard, who has charge , of the "Anna Jeanes P’und" to appoint WHITE WYANDOTTES, HEAVY I" supervisor for this County, death winter layers and fine table fowele l>*“t'ore anything could be grow to weigh eight to twelve pounds j ‘it'Coniplished. LAND SALE By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain mortgage executed and delivered by Paul H. Kilpatrick to J. R. Harvey & Co., on the 7th day of January 1!(I4. which mortgage w;is duly recorded in the office of the Re gister of Deed.s of Pitt county in Book Q-lO, Page 182. the undersigned -will sell for cash before the Court House EXECmON.LAND SALE ■T. A. .Mills, ,fr. vs D. II. Hardee. l!y virtue of an execution issude to me by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Pitt county bearing date of March .'.’iHt, 191.';, under a Judgment rendered in the above entitled action against the defendant, on .March lotli. ISlfi this judgment is of record in .I. I). 20-j door in Greenville, on Monday, the 47 of I’itf County Repi.^try, the under- .'ird day of May. unn, the following signed Sheriff of Pitt county will, on | described tract or parcel of land sit- Alonday (he 17th day of .Alay, ai ■ uate in Swift Cre ilje tracts oi land, sub.jeit to (he life; lands of W. G. Chapman, on the estate of .1, ,|, Hanlee To-wi(. (iiat j.Vorth by the land.s of Hugh Kirloiian. •ertain (ran or parcel of land lying . and on the Southe by the lands of F in Chicod Township. Pitt I’iMinty North Carolina and more fully des cribed :is f(dh)\vs: First Tract; lieginninn at a s(ake on the jiiuh in the line or Lot ,\'o. 1(«, thi n runs with said path and l>o( .No 10 S VV 40 l-f. jxiles (o Herberl Mi-Gowaii's hi'irs line, (hen with their line .\ S, W i>fi I 4 poles to a s(akti in F. (, IM'i, .1 I; ll.MtVKV, Mortgagee P)Ai\'K OF (iHIFTo.V, owner rd' debt Sun .Attorney.- LT.Dt SttJc of Town Lots for TaxeN. .Notice is hereby given that I have levied on, and will sell on Monday the .3rd day of May 1915, at thr Court House door in Greenville, the following describi'd real estate for taxes due the town of Grifton for the year 1014. White D W'. fleddard Two (2) Town lots 3 years r>.St Dunn James I town lot 2 year.s 7.25 J. K. (larris 1 town lot 1 year 4.:{(» A. L. Jackson 1 (owu lot yrs. 4.«0 F. .M Kilpatrick Kst. 1 town lot F. .M. Kj!piitrl(k Jr. 1 town lot 2.5r. Mrs. .Nettie Kilpatrick I town lot I! years K I.anr Kst I Knvii lo( 2.HO S l..i'i,trhir,ghotj~- i town lot M l.augliinKhou>-e Cu. l town lot year.- 4, so I \\ .Ml u tjfirii f,- Cl). 1 town lot 2.Sd .\ h. Patrick 1 Cin House 2 yr.~. ;i.or. I I. Wiiidtield K.--t. 1 town lot yea re It.' 1 Cornelia .(ones rose comb fine strain eggs $1.00 per settiDB of 15. W. J. Wyatt, Wlnter- vllle, N. C. 3 20 Gtd 4tw IHKKK SdiOOLH VOTES special SCHOOL TA.V Pitt county took anothei- forward ilucational step Saturday. April 17. when three school districts were add 'd to (he special local tax column, t'liese districts were Clay Hoot in ,~wifi Creek Township, Bynum in I'arniviile Towrisliip, and Stokes in 'arolina ownship. Considerable iu- (erest had been nianifestt-d in these i'le<-tions. and the friends of the measure were coiilident of This makes at present sixteen local ia.\ distri<'ts in I’itt county, and coni- ptete list by Townships being; Ctreenville Gi <'*'nville. Jo> nors Fartnville■■ Farniville. l.angs Cross ii'oads. Bynum, t. onteninea—Ayden Kethel Bethel. Swift Creek—Grifton. (•ai din r.-.vilU . 'lanrahan. Clay Koni . Falkland—-Fouidaiii, Bi ii> r. King's riis.~ Hoads. Chicod CirimesliMid 1 arulina Stoki's ■f'lure are a number ot otJu'i' d's- nicts (onteinplating surli a move, and ■I i> e.xpectcd (hat iliis lisi of iim- .■lessive comniunitii's will be increas- ,d rapidly. The local tax idea is preading. There is t(o belter or • ‘asler Way to increasing the usefulness tiul etlicieiicy of the Bchofds. and the (M-ople are tindiiig this oa't b*jr earth, etc. A postal wr31 gire you kxikmi^'. POWHATAN LIME CO. STRASBURC VHIGINIA Eraii friiilfigis U9MMI Ul WMXAT. F«ts Md eall> are Um amtmt and ■urest method of tradlnc in wheat >1 or oatfi. Because yovr loM ie abaolataly IIjbIUA to tk* aawtuu Ixmcht. No (arthar riak. Po3ltlrelr Ui« aoat prolt«M« wa« of tradlnc. A new man came on the H<;cm.‘ as County Superintendent Prof. S. B. I'nderwood, who at. once took up the proposition and then State Supervisor .Newbold of the Department of K went forth with courage, and de (erniination to reach the fift.v two schools under her supervision and with (he co-operalion of the teachers tc accomplish helpful results. In a very short time the county’s educational odicer saw her wordi and .‘dded to the Industrial Supervi.sion (he Academic Kupervision of Colored School. She a( once enti'red upon (his phasi, ot the work with the same spirit a’i characterized the sucessful men and women who have achieved lasting results for (uankind in (he past. ICvery school has been visited, every teacher seen, and basket parties have and runs with said road S 111 K ::n 2-5 lt( Siipi rior <'our( IJefore the and answer or on r*iiKe .'I'.'U of Pitt Count Kcjgistry. This sale is 10 satisfy the above men- , the plaintiffs in this action, or the tioncd judgment. I lie satne being j ;,pp]y tj,e Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint or petition. This the 10 day of April, ISU.j. This the ./OSKPH .WLAWHOK.N. Sheriff of Pitt Coimty 4 12 lld-.'itw * sold sub.)ect t( the lile Ifard-’e. day 01 April It'l'i. .1 D. CO.\, Clerk Superior Court of Pitt timnty Julius Brown. .Mtonny 1-ti- ltd-?.! n Open an aecoant. ifou can bay B Iu«u f«i' PRCI SEARCH riHUMt [ «n HUMiMbiUtr. Ilitiik rwfWTn. PATENTS BUILD fORTUNES '»r I jTfMi. Oiu- lrm> UxiklwU un hnw. ft-Hat cci | ■nd nvq yoH m—uy. Wrlt«te4»ji. kitchens and back yards. Tiie white cili/.ens are evr and al- ' ways ready to help (hose deserving ones of (he colored rai'e. The meeting a( tile colored Baptist church of this city a few Sunda: s ago is an evidence , of the sincere desire lo aid cnir negro i citizens. Mayor ,Iames, |ir Baugh- I ingliouse. Prof. Meadows of I-;. C. T. I |T. Si bool. Prof. S. P.. I nderwood jcoiinty Industrial l^upeivisor and Dr. j Battle ileliveri‘d instructive addresses, i They were all felicitously presented to a large and apprei iative audience. |l>r. Battle pri aehi’d ihe llealtli Ser- j nion D. SWIFT A CO. PATSHT LAWYERS, 303 Seventh St., Washlngten, D. DO YOUR OWN SHOPPING 1-^ ^ Hosiery Gives the BEST VALL'E for Your Money Etctt Kind {ran CettM to Silk, Far Men, Women aad CiiildrcB A/iy Color and Style From 25c to $5.00 per pair l^ook for the Trade Marfi! Sold by All Good Deulera. Wholesalo Lord & Taylor NKW YORK FOR SALE! Bunch Virginia and Wilmington Peanuts Mixed, Unknown, Iron and Speckle Peas. Sweet Potato plants HALL & MOORE MIchiKiinders 'I'iilK Ta.\ Jtel'oriii. Lansing. April :.’l . A (onference on tax ri'form will be heard lieri' (oday (or a lull and free discussion of plans for relit'Ving (lie general public of tli'' growing hiirdi-ns placed uixwi it b' the pri'selit system. .Not only are prominent .Michigan reformers here in numbers, but many guests from out side states will aid the convention in the discussions. A sentiment was freely 1‘xpressed as the conference opened that some system must .soon be devised b\' which and industry shall not be discouraged by ta.\a(i<'ii The attendanie of promi nent civil and busiiK’ss leaders from Detroit and odier .Miiliigan ci(ies gives promise of a jiermaiu nt organi zation which will work for de(ini(< inediods of tax relief. Tht' sessions are planiu'd I'or (oda.\ ill (he Uinsing Chaniber of Comnierce and each will be made in(ereslinc by prominen( speakers on (axa(ion qui (ions. The Kentucky >.‘epro i;duca(ional Asocialion opened i(s annual meeting today. wi(h tioo members of that body present. The negro teachers an handling (heir own separa(e problems, and speakers at their meetings are some of the foremost thinkers and educators of the <‘ountry who are giv ing attention to negro edncation. .\orth CaroHniu I -tNOTiri:. Pitt Count\ I Notice is liereby given dial ,ii the regular meting of the Board of Com missioners of Pitt Count, held Monday, April h, l.'M.'/, There was a Petition prest'nled to the Board asking that a I'ublie road be laid out in Bethel Township, over (he following described | territory: j 'Beginning at the Public Koad .1 j W . Lloyd's farm; thence running frcmi j \OTI( K J win ,se!j at the Court House door in tlreenville, on .Monday the ;!rd da.y of May 1S35 the followuifr lots situated in the Town of Winter- ville, c.. to satisfy the taxes on the same lor lf*U April 10, 19ir,. O C VAVGllETY, Tax Collector for Town of Winter NOTU I . .Notice is hereby given to the public that U. Hill lias bu mutual consent and agreetticai v.itlt all the members of the firm of th« The (ireenville Uoof- iijg and Cornice Compaiiy withdrawn from the said lirm of The (Ireenville Hoofinfi aud f'ornio. Company, and hereafter the said business will be wued, run and conducted by K. .''troiid and 1>. Wainrighl In the (irm name of T)ie Creenville Hooting and County road north BUiyd's ^ ('ornice Co. and the said U. Hill will farm to U-ifayette Whitehurst's farm;,i,av<' no further connection whatever thence north a wostwardly direction to , lirm or cimipany. .1. B. Corey's path, then running said ; Tiiis tin path to the Whitfield lands: thence through the Whitfield laud to K. 1). Whitehurst's land; theni e (he dividi.ig 4 .i;i-.n laii. line of the Whitfield and K. I) White ' hursthurst’s la.nd : to corner of lane; I Own thence across U. I>, Wliifehurst's | liiiid to the Bunting Crossing, anil u.s 'ith day of April B'l.' K. .STKOl'I) < 1.1 \VAl.NIiH;in your t)w II Houie Cur «a.\ s easy as paying house xplaiii it to you. Kth. day of .\pril Attest: Brascoe Bell, t'lerk. S \ CO\C.B1:Ti I.N. riiiii 1 i:;-'_'td-:.;tw ville Tax and Cost J. A. Barber, 1 lot ;i.r,r> Alonzo Dixon. 1 lot 2.05 •Alfred Kvans. 1 lot L’. 24 Thomas Oreen. 1 lot J. F. IjtKUFt, 1 lot 0. 57 John Mobly, 1 lot 4 GK Ben Tyson, 1 lot r.. 2K Fmus Williams, 1 lot 4 ,(!!» XOTICE Having nualili<-d as administratrix of the esUite of .Josephus Moye, de- ceas«Hl. late of Pitt county. Xorfh Caro lina, this is to notify all pei-sons hav ing claims against the estate of tlio said deceased to exhibit them lo the undersigned on or before the lOtli day of April 1!<1C. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This Jsth day ot April 1915. MAKTJIA A. MOYK. Administratrix of .losephus Moye lames L. Kvan;^. Atty. 4 S. Itd-.'ilw . 1 *m I.VIU.i; KIKKPKdOF SAFK X’.tMi I.U.S lor sale (luiciv. .-\iiply W H. Whit lorli, care 1‘roclor llioel. I, \M» SVl.l . By virtue of a decree ot tli.- ."^iip'r- ii.r Court of Pi(t County in Siie.ial, Proceedings -Ni^ lln)l. eu(i(U*d N. 1-: (i,u ris vs Flora Ann Moore and others,, (he undersigned Commissioners will: sell for cash before ihe Court oHuse 1 d’Hir in Cretmville, on Monda\. IIiC| ITth day of .May. l;il.". the t'ollou Ing ^ described lra K. poles t.; a short leal pine, ihence South Mi de- ^■rccf K. 1!'S poles t<) a stake on or far an
.I'i a I ,)al:s, thknce ,'M degrees K :M poles (o (he beginning, coni'tini".- niics; except a small jdaie ;ibi'i:t ,!'■ an acrc heretofore .-(dd to .<• s I ; rl The ;iid hind is sold fuv ,.art II Hill F. C., .I.\.\li;s. Coiimi* ,'-11.:.' r. This April iL’ili. BM'. I rj ir, ltd-3tw i'riiil for lUlllmard Tni^t. Chicago, .^pril ill. The govern tmiifd suit against the billboard "trust" is set for hearing in (he fed c district court before .ludge K. H. T.andis today. Come to see us for the New Model FORD Touring and Ruaabout Autoiriobiles. Equip ped witn electric lights and many other new additions. Our profit sharing plan is very attractive. Touring Caxs $490.00, F. O. B. Kovnabomti $440.00, F. O. D«fer«ll Ford Supply Co. Phont 237. Greenville, N. C. THE LIMIT OF LUXURY is reached when one bas taken a batk in an up-to-date bathtub of our fltttD|. No house is complete without It aiMl the comfort and cleanllneBS which r«- Bults from ItB use I'ays the Price many times over. We have itt^tt the flneiit house in Greenville why not yours. We gladly will 8gnr« «■ It. . ? 1 S. T. Hicks, THE Plumber. For Monuments, Headstones and Iron Fencing—See Dees Marble & Granite W*ks