1,1, I CLUrcn Cry .'cr k D h A ; in m ' A Choice Between Two Roads. ' ' ' - - ". ' . - ;'-.' Br F. A. VJTCHEt. w - ' ,'4eBlna You IlaTe Always Bought, and Tvhleh has fceea - "Tin use lot over SO years, has borne the signature o .. : -. - v nnd has been made under oi per-,. .'i r : ,. . w . 6onal supervision since its infancy. ,v ; -' ' : ' v fya7-cUCC(M V Allow no one to deceive you in this. - : : -7;& .ADConnterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good , ; -5'ivnerlments that trifle with and endanger tho health ot ;.;; 1 -J.;. 'SS Wdreilperlence against perimea v v . -.,"-"i"fv 4 ' V 7T : Cartoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Jare- ; "i -3 -SSjBrop and Soothinff Syrups, It is pleasant, Jfc CnfcTins neither Opium, Morphine nor other Ntio , : .'S&nce, Its a5e is its guarantee, Wprm V and allays Feverlshnes v For moro thaa IMrty jears it a been 1 1 constant tiao for the relief I Constipation, - 'tnlency, Wind Colic, aU Teethliiff. Troubles yand . I StoSS' i Tt regulates ; the Stomaeh ard Pwel3, V similatesthe Food, giving healthy andnctural Bleep. ALWAYS; SENUIHS Bears tbe .Signature off " fe.7,'e; Having oceasimi to Journey through n portion of Tenuessee; tbe region cf tic Cumberland plateau, t MS obliged o;i ne occasion to -travel by wugou. A countrymun with some "implies wa loing over the route f proposed to take. and when 1 oirerHi uim gooa ppy ic take me with him he accepted the prop osition.;;; -- ; "C 'J , We hadn't jot faron our.route when we came to a!h,ouso staudlnj; leiride the road, and.a rirl carrying a carpet bagIt toss nn old timer, really made of carpet-came out .or the house, en dently to meet the waon. .- Sue was "dressed up"-4hat is, she had on bet beat clothes instead of the calico drewi and sunbonnet of the typical southern eonntry girl." f Joah,t she said, "I reckon 111 go with v.Ali rlgC Sairy; '.Ciimb up yerft." t There was room for three on the seat but since my driver Saunders was his name-and the girl seemed inclined to be spoony J removed myself to a soft tafce no ther. . . . . . . . . i pale or some Kiaq or, gooaa in uiu ng on behind them, saying ..that 1 would have a smoke. - . ' ' Josh f and Saury, as they called 'each ether, were evidently enjoying the trip BLOCKADED Every Household a New Bern Should Know How to Resist It, If your back aches because the kid ney are blockaded, f - S ' Vou should help the kidneys with their work. ' , ' ; ,Z . a : " v Doan's - Kidney Pills are especially for weak kidneys.-' -v ; " ; Recomtnende4 by thousands-Hicres testipiocy"from this vkriiiity.'' V -'? Irs. C" Holland, 206 . Peyton Ave, Children Ory FCR FUTCHER'S . C ASTORIA Business Local . ,w.. - , . . wagon, ca. , WT;en you can t say a good word it IL 19 unu not iqwii-'Y PAINS IN THE STOMACH WANTED Smart boy-to work -on ilk wagon.' Call on C C, Fulcher! man '.street.-. Give FOR SALE Desirable ;- lot, opposite If you continually complain of cams ! . : . . . ..-. in the stomach, your liver or your Jud-1 Tl 7, - . neys are out of order: Neglect may lead p" : 7. ' ' 4Uwrc' to dropsy, kidney trouble, diabetes or' . ?. ' : , Bright'Si duease. T Thousands recom-J Trlcl, DVrVr " "" ";-' mpnrf F.lpnV Ritton a. th. rv'U' JUST .RECEIVED a lot or fine straw- KinEtoa, N. C, says: "I do not hesitate rtomacll: 8nd kidney' medicine made. If' 2Sc" theqt. also fruits of .11 l. 4 -0i.reCTme "k HrT. Alston,' of Raleigh, N. C., who "4fw' Ice Cream.Parion.Phon. ?. -r' : r . '- .' sunerea with pam in the stomacn and "yy" " : beneficial to ;ne...; I suffered constanUy backfi Vrltes: v'My kidney, were de- rom backache mad! had painin my ranged and ; my liver -:did not work. W..Heachesl-nd -.disiy.v.peU. rfgh r suffered : much,-buf Electric bothered me and I rested very poorly Bn5t r.mmnHt .T i. atrnght-i : .One of y tives who had proyed from the do8e. ! now feef used . Doan s ; Kidney Pills with good Uke a man. It wni improve you, results, told me aboutthcih and 1 got to r0aly SOc and 11.00. Recom a supplyf Thx remedy improved my m.nXlA u Ar condition :. in every way and I feel I . justified in 'publicly endorsing it." . For .-sale by all dealers.- - Price SO cents.' Foster-MHburn o.,' ; Buffalo, Girls tt ay not be much good at play. I players. NOTICE two car loads of 'shingle just arrived. See Big Hill, the Shing.r man. . 6ti. - - WANTED immediately SO good men. Steady work, good pay. , jr. L; Roper j Lumber Co. . " . i 12tJ FOR FRESH vegetables "of all kind ing .baseball, but they can play the Phne "f' bid reh'abW, and your uruers win ue aenvers at once t. Fisher the Green Grocer. Queen and Bern st. COUGHS AND CONSUMPTION Coughs and colds, when neglected, Corner Phone 449. New York, sole agents for the United States. V- ';.' ' -. ... .' ' Remember -the name Doan's and (Adv.) Li9V.-, -j tn rni,hi. n( tu FOUND White skiff Amos Paris."" T a r . s t- 1 1 mr Tii. nA.wt An rt soutn v ront street have' a cold that troubles you is to get VllITilllT filTVIAT tns CUV TAbVAUbU-Ull JUW1 .'WA-V I ' " VlT fTiDI V r . 'k the Buckling Lot on South Front U bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery l-3 for 8aI fitiwt rtween I. C. Whittv's lot and You will get relief from the first does, together. . Meitiier gave me any wioi-, the Annie M. Bates lot, about 65 feetana nnaiiy me cough will disappear, matlon as to their reiationsnip or sow , about m feet deep now for 'l n Usalf or lOver 30 sYears THS JiSCT-HOa COA.-SHT. TT wwnn'n'. -..Vr 'i?S''' - s . .....-..-.unuaiMMUIUWMtnMWMWl1 -'.ffe;-;.,-? mm Mr. , D. E. Henderson. 63-65 South Front Street;-" New Bern, N. C. This 4th'day of April, 1913. 1 ELIZABETH Q. MARSHAL. D.-Er . Henderson, Atty. . ' as the best remedy for coughs and colds Price 50c. and $1.00. Recommended y all druggists. (Adv.) Help Srited ; Water rents breaks in the Missis sippi levees-. v. CORN Horse Feed Cow Feel -Wheat Bran White Mixed Rust Proo 0 'i Cotton Seed Meal Cotton Seed Hulls Wheat Short - ATS NO. 1 TIMOTHY HAY t. ; . i ,;; t : llill ill Hi Mm - CI and hour 's;-,:-.:.., Having nothing to do", I amused my self trying to work out the ; relation ship between them. .While they said nothing directly: to indicate it they said a great deal Indirectly. At one time the girl would chat about a cer I tain farm, mentioning oil sorts of de- vices for making the house oii-it attrac tive. 'She would put up some curtn ins she had that would fit very nearly and paper. several of . th rooms her-JyaRtej Lilian tO travel seir-sne naa aone papenue ueiure . . , .j, and line the porch With flowers, and; m . Craven and aajOimng make a loMf taprOTemenU W neat 1,1t mnnmAil n nil f Vila nrnnf lima Dna ' - - . stopped long enough to give Ohn an op- appearance and a convincg portunity, saying: "Just so. That nd talker If VOU Can fill would look mighty flne-,beautiful." But in8 T3'. " " y" it seemed to me that he was listening these reauirementS 1 WTlte to a story.rather than facts. If she :2Sti ; ptifth Tfturnal only thing to"come out of ."M.. Altar 'linmA lit--wMetf:t0i Jtl.Cai OI JOUTI141 nnh,lW. : he was to participate be gavo me the NeW, Bern N. C. Idea that he considered ine gin w ue a rainbow chaser. House 1 and lot No. 15 Broad street. Desirable ' location, good home. Apply. J. 0. H. Brown, of Muscadine, Ala., writes w"s, mm., ju, aroaq street. V (-, ; "My wife was 'down in bed with an AV ,. obEtinate cough, and I honsetly be- JLS? 'cait heve had it not been for Dr. King's same by identifying and paying cos' New Discovery, she would not be living Apply at Arnold Dairy. -v lmoVri today." Known for forty-three years FOR RENT Two story brick store No. 61 Pollock street. Apply to Mra. C. W. Blanchard, Kinston, N.C. ;- a; ' Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAStO R I A FOR SALE Long Staple Louisiana . cotton seed. These seed are absolute' : ly pure. $1.25 per bushel. Addresst V John Pearce, Polloksville, .N. CvKiij THOMPSON'S Strain Ringlet "Barred "I Rock eggs for sale, one dollar per Set-''", ting. Fred M. Scott.. "ist'' The tariff bill is being kicked about but like the football is liable to be the the game ' unhurt. FINE stock turkeys a! so Ji Striking a crossroad, we found a man sitting on a fence whittling a stick. He took no notlceibf us till we came op poslte; then be said:; : ' f ;''':; SH6wdy Josh? Howdy, SaTry 7" "Howdy, Mart?", said Josh, pull- , Ing up. , ' "Whar yo goin?" asked Mart. Electric iiS'''' Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Made A New Man Of Him. I was suffering from pain in my T. AlstorvRaleigh, N, 0, "and mv I liver and kidneys did cot work right, I but lour Domes 01 juectno xsitiers made me feel use ft new manr PRICE 60CTS, AT ALL DRUG STORE! 1 .v-ll"i-'-'..-"-"'-v-'---.- ;"-'- --''"--v.-'- Goods For t.'4'HWiv','- s?'B We're soln' to Jasper' i ; : J I . "What yo goln' to o ihar-get mar Josh looked at the girl, but aince she, did not seem inclined to make a reply: he did so' himself. , "W allowed -we! might get mnrrled If we can find a pa-jj son to marry 'us'::;i:-;::--;i;S r "1 reckoned so. That's tbe reason' I ,i Jist thought I'd wait fo'.yo' yere." . I changed my position so that I couid see the girl's face.?? All the light beart- edness had gone out of ber 1 tijrerreo. North Carolina,' ; . ' that the: man sitting on; the fence was f ?CraVen County. a clalniant for her himself, "but he was. j.e qtiC9 x . a red headed, freckled, loose Jointed, j s disagreeable ' looking i fellow and I ' " Vrt ' ')) .' :d kv i.n aaiim ' k.Pa nv catnertne trice ' " rhnnra with Jm.fi. who war aulta ood ', 'The; defendant' above -After all the clamor for fhe honor who can name the present cabinet offhand? cf geese, chickens, ' ind beef and veal jut -re- . ceived and on sale. Coast ' Line ; Meat Market. -..ii jjjs) JUST RECEIVED Wire trea guards. They protect your shade tree --Wire front gates, both single artd double. Lawn fencing a beautiful style. With V right prices at J. C. Whitty & Co; : ; Phone 98. $'K i.-6 IsERVICEOF'fSUM MONS BY PUBLICATION. V Give us your next order fof RUB f BER STAMPS. Quick delivery. E. J. Land Printing Co. Phone 8 New Bern. N. C. - -f v'': FOR BURNS, BRUISES AND SORES " J ?M f The . quickes and surest cure for - I burns, bruises, boils, sores, inflammat-l tion and all' skin diseases is Bucklen's Arnica Salve. In four days it cured L. H. Haflin, of Iredell, Tex., of sores on his ankle which pained him so he rAfllft arflt wallr QtintltI Ko in atraptr hduse. Only 25c. Recommended by res On leUSe TOaO One antt I All dgruggists." (adv) FOR SALE; Small farms 10 to ac- I half miles from City limit; v.-il There are just as good compliments Ideal situation and nrice inoating arounu au ever were nsnea , v ,'.--. . .j- " . ,;.n , vs cv: i cnance who josn. wno wan. quite goou . Are arriving daily and yqul enjoy seeing the nnd otberwise attractive, . Neitake notice that a Iciest flrflvals. iK more Solenoid shOWinl than ther Josh nor Salry made any com- above has been c we your test arrivals. . A moire Splendid Showing than ther Josh nor Salry made any lia-everhad ft'-' named wfl action entitled as! commenced Kin -the DRIVE SICK HEADACHE AWAY w Sick headaches, sour gassy stomach tftHiarAttfirtfl. hiltniiettAfi. 'Ataanntnr niiirlr v- - j . 7- - . . 4. - 7 .....Dww.v.. w...vuMn H.uwfvH M.WM luslttatemenfind Supf ripr Courtof rayeh County; Tot iy after, ybu take Dn" King's New Life ed.:fyi5;0 Pills.;They purify the blood and' put 8in . of inaMmonyand the said defendant J neW life and vigor in the "system. -Try Sign-! f lirt J..- nltW;.iftl'Jce ithat 'iih' ;ik -.Mt t,n ,:!! '.tS.dlA ... . " , IULI1I .IIU v VW. . M VV " W. WSWUVU. . . . . 1 . ;, Corner Jooke newest TftUC want to bUV Or not. -An inspection WUI ta Ch.ttanootfv: : Air vo to 01 xne re? vour -i-niveu ce c. Kecommendea Dy ail drug ; ; prove' very interesting. -Today is a good time;: 1 :0&-si.:t -''f'-'HC; ;ii;j-?-!V' ,R',w.l '';isw. Josh or air yoV goln-: to -County, to be held on the- loiidryts; -;': ' '.(Adv.) with mer ' ? " ii Mayr.t913,arnhrCotirtlHouse in I 'i-.'if .' 7 -uC. r I ho Ininieaia'teply to' hl couirty; irt the rdtys;ot WeBerh Jg ;ji"--j-.''t'. one to Chattanoogy. Jasper with ' Chattanoogy There betas' this, tborsf Was tl dead Hlicni:;.It was , North Carolina, and atfswer b deniut Wdeut that the two men - were- waitf to ' the comDlamt of-the- .plainus in Bryan ; JilOCK uiem. ' presently.. Mart ;udded:iff;-5v yM the-CoUf;for7the relief ;de- rfThlS, euds the foolln ft yo ygo to Ad ,n Mid comntaint. ; W7- Bi'FLANNER.Hi reasonable. - See me before you buy. j. 7V H. MooB 1 ".' . M.-V New Bern, N. C ATHENS CAFE. -;.'.; Our stock of Tomatoes Asparagus and other i! - Vegetadles ar? i received every day; from Florida 'Vla'expressCaii and "see::hat yw fbuy 1!fJf-- ,; '''.;'"'.". '.''';' Lot of fine Pork:'tdday.Vu;';; U Phones Jasper or to ChiittanoofS'.'.and which ever.' why yo' . goyon, stay: There's nogo huck." ' ;? v vt;:T : Half tt miniite plnpHl Ix'fitre ibede- Islon; rilme :id fU(n it ; in words. Josh must ; have Seen' It lu the girls face, for I saw film rwu-h down rder the sent, take out dairy's vurpctbag and hnnd it to her. ,VAf: tUeiuue time Mart approached l and c haiidi'd ;: hw dowu on to the road, .Thon.Josh drove oil. rLooUliig biirk..T hhw- Ahiit nnd 5Nejrt door W -: Elks' Tempie 'open day and hight. :: One of the finest, and most up-to-date Cafes lii North Carolina We serve the very beet of everything that money can buy and serve' you by polite and jattentive waiters. - Don t. ':r';A TVClerk of the Superior Court, Ti k the.2r day pf March, 1913. 1 f - : r-Tf-: I Sairy trudging .along on tl) rond .toj7;:; . -New Bern -Froduee-(Jo.,M tiZiZJmz bne5 121 and 122 NeW Bern, N; C. P ii T1-: ?J! Souih Bound 3;. North.Bound Fortunately, one's buionsnot .r.-. ...,...t.i......;. ..,...yn.'m;-r-rj; ; "Wlint ' doWll thlK'nu'itn'"' 1 .asked "'J V"v'-t 74'0W:7?"; -:'Vi--'Jf " . rae.V , , . . i . -ri.-; ' r-; when. he had lighted up. : .. ... ...-.STATIONS ;-'V " . j '. ';''Y' !.'.f : .. '.':.: DOVER AND SOUTHBOUND '&t:rk& x railroAd;7-;;-va:. .?.f. Trafile, Departmenry' SCHEDULE "OF TRAINS. CARRY- ING PASSENGERS. l5 .'J' atralit tk'klinW hi 'ha trf.? H ' " V' . ... .... , : ..." .- J ! ? . QUICK, RELIEF FOR RHEUMA 7'V--,;.:V-- TISM.'..V ' t -. George .W. Koous. Lawton, Mich:. .- r J .Is .1-1. .J 1.,.! ftl'Tl . .' say,: ur ueicneon a euei lor neu- faU t0 try one 0f our regular dinners, n)atism .has given my wife ponder. u from- nt30 a; ;ni; to v 3 p. 'm; , The nenent ior - rneumatism. - of e couia not lift hand or foot, and had to be lifted for two-months. "' She hegan-'the use of the re medy- and improved ; ra pidly. On Monday she could not move; and on Wednesday she got tip, dressed her self and walked out for breakfast." 7' Sold by Bradham Drug CO. ; (Adv.) . - m.: The bnlyt'hing that gives weight to i 1 , 3 ) hM t 1. :lrlDl .y " HANDSOME INTERIORS can be turnufced almost like mayc .when our mill. work is used.' In hardly 7 any time a bare room can be converted v jnto an attractive apartment or office, . by the use of our .paneling, columns archest fret work, etc; See us before ' coninlctine your plans. . There are ideas galore hcrtf. Money to be saved too. V l-OPK length roting lumbor our specialty. I Only guaranteed outside paints on t1;e inail.it. ''Wnal, there's some wlniinen ., hen a powerful 'Infliumcc over some-men ntld Home men overtniiie wliwm-n. -Tlnill gnf lies leun wii ntlu tu'mnrry me To' I. n lone uncll. but tlmt feller wouldn't 4:25 P.M. P.M. let ber. Did yo' hour her tnikln iibout tho house wo was to live In nrtor we wns married? I'd heerd nil that nfore. I ,knowe' it didn't nieun nothlu'. 1 knowed Mart van n wntcliln' her and bad hla sple.s out, on dor nnd she wouldn't got .fur nforo ho'd stop her." "Does ulic fenr Idin'-" ' "No. If he'd 'n' tried to forco hoi I'd put n bullet luler 1,1m." I fi".!;cd Jonh If Mart notleed the ' I, cv! !.;'nerl to ld:n v.d :.t I-yj.m.lU- i - ti .-ii.t. I ut nil lit) !"'y I ) STAtlONS '''p.M";-.'v;,A.Mfc;:'X-; -7 7 p'.M.' ; . ; : A.M. s y A.U. '.7 Lv. ' Ar.-' 4:25 -".Dover 7:55 ' 7:55 ,4:42 '-"? Foys - 7:38 .7:40 4:46 Taylors 7:34 ' 7:36 - 4:57 - Phillip. 7:23 , , 7:27 - 5:08 Wmwatt 7:12 7:18 5:29- Comfort 6:51 ' 7:00 5:50 Petersburg 6:30 ,6:30 5:55 Richlands f6:2S 6:35 Ar. Lv. ;''' fTiians Tun Daily E)ccpt Sunday. Trains I nn Sunday'Cnly. i;. s. RiciiAt?n"ON,'" Traf ' " r. i 1 1 a m ii v. in .m , vuuuiuu VIVA ;v FOR FLETCHER'S n ' : CASTORIA 4:40 4:44 4:53- 5:02, 542 5:40 5:45 , But a man's obituary notice alwajs comes along too late to get him a bet ter job. ., - ..' ':.'.V,f-? ''' ' p. ' m. public ' Is invited to inspect our place at all "times fom dining room to kitchen - Specia? attention given to ladies and children, "v '7s ;;"v -; 'ifaw'lottse i.. !''AT ':' ;?''-')VA?jRaftefis Bros Propretors ' eyouGoiiigtc Nev York Soon P WRITE -"7 HotelRaymo i 4 V .. . 7 ' 42 East 28th Street, 7 7o . (At Subway Station) , ' C "' A ".x New York City lor Pocket Guide n Special 1 Weekly , K: to Buyers and IV.rt' SirrJeKoom, $1.51 : cr C9.C3 a v. - ' . map.:: a. c '

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