i 70L. VI.-NO; '.'l7,7tfprt i5s 7iW7BERNE; N. C. SUNDAY. OCTOBEE 2, 1887. PRICE 5 GENTS. a 4 LOCAL:;NEWS. K w Bern. Utituds, VP V North. " longitude, 17 8' Wirt. Sun rises. 6:48 I Length of day. ' Sun set, 8:01 1 13 hoars, 18 minutes , , M you iU at JWp,Itt. , , : v EUSIHZSSXOCALS: nnrULDELPHIA BUTTER, better X - tian erer before, st ' x , , ' - Job Don s. CORNED BEEF, Beef Tongues, Thin S Breakfast Strip, Small Sugar Chin d Shoulders. Cod Hah. Small Bunt Korihwn Potatoes, Cream Cheese, Mao caroni, Erepo rated Apple, Freeh Roast ed Coffse. , Selected Butter received semi-weekly and kept on ioe. .'V '' -v,-;? . , A 8LOVIB. nnCE GROCER. E. B. HACKBURN. X Finest Batter in the world, direct from the dairies of Orange oounty, . N. Y.. 80 cents per pound, keptoon stantly oo ice, and money refunded if not eaUaXaotory, l"' T I M E Gommeroial Lime; what is IVieft, W.00 per ton. . , sep27tf .1 . - W. P. Bukmtc 3URE Liquors and Wines for Medici . jl nai ana otner ases, at wnoiesaie. : ,v-,'' , Jambs Redmond, IVfORTOAGE and Warrantee Deeds , XTX on hand all the time. DIRECT 'importation of Frenoh brandy and Holland Oin arrived in bond and duties paid at uuKom iouea in!New Bern, guaranteeing gen- nine goods for sale. i . ' J as Redmond. PARIS GREEN and poison dUtnbu tors for the cotton worms at I C v: . Gc0- Ailbm & Co. ' 1 ARRETT'B If edoo Vineyard Cognao A suid wines for sale, at Hanuisctu rer'sprioesbj Jamm Redmond. DROWN'SaEORQIA COTTON GINS, XJ with Belf Feeder and Condenser, All of the latest and most approved pat terns. . v. y OK. ALLEN C (JO. "DEDMOND'S Ginger Ale. Lemon At Bods, eto., equal to imported. ' ,, . r . - Jambi Redmond. rt DtrGQIES. MoD. Pates' make, for XJ sal at -j ; ; ; :, Dail Bbo'. " . ,The gHded school opens tomorrow. . Col. John, N. Whltford's family have removed to the) city. , The county oommtssioners will be in session tomorrew. , A "Bailaluja .Wtddiog" will be a feature of the Salvation Army services . The UnivsrsItyPublishing Company has opened a depository la New Berne for their school books at bottom prioes. ' Mr. J. EvWUlls, shipped a large and handeoms monument to Harlowe yes terday, to be plaoed to the memory of tbe laU Rofus BelL i Uusio in the air anywhere within a block of the- Btaohln shops of Willis. Edward et Co. and Crabtre t, Co., where boilers are being constructed. Loke Hill, col., who was sent to jail by Juatioe Bill some time since for fall log to pay coat, was released yesterday, be having given bond for payment of In a full two-column "ad." O. Harks tells what be can do. la the 'mercantile J'ae. He says be has bought larger than aver and can supply customers la any quantity, either wholesale or retail. An 'Ebob-bued South Front -street barber ' yesterday .morning nearly rifled tbe fairest Caucasian In color as Le Caw out of bis shop just ahead of an f tfihen wash basin thrown at him by customer who bad been seised by t ifcyslmal . 1 The brick wall of the new banking 1 ,oue of T. A. Green on Uid die street L.e Curbed . and boverlng the roof is nr.- irx Operation. When completed f i will be another handsome brick I ..'Ming to grace the business portion c f cu r city. - - -V- " ' LP" W Zla iate Fair at Raleigh Is Bearing i. l ac I and a good exhibit is looked tri to. The rates over railroad I t a teea made lower than ever be . f J all who can avail, themselves i c; r ortunity of spending a few ; ' ;e should be sure and go. . r . r f ecoti d page will be f otind the ; gs of a meeting of the Produce , cf Wilmington. We eopy it r i ecple may see what steps are ' i to head off a scheme we ; crgieg for the benefit of New ' City and this entire j f-"n (s gradually arriving it is f"y bere it is to the ' j rr.s-j business to " f 9 is doing ailbesaato if te is striking in . t 1 ' J rp his business a. To do this . t I ut c.sr.y. It is t i !9 and do as inie one else ) f 'low, for : h c t rf . lit: Post pf Honor suid Responsibility. "John S. Long, Esq., -has been in' vitedby the Faculty of the, University of North Carolina to lectors before that institution, and deliver 'anT address there in the month of November; ' Horses and Vehicles ' Ex -She riff Hahn has returned from New York with a batch of thirty fine horses, among which are soma fine drivers, match teams, draft horses, &c, &o. He also brought a lot pf elegant oarriages and buggies and i. ready to give a nioe turnout in the livery bosi neas. Onslow Sailroad SCatter Postponed. A committee representing the citiznes of New Berne bad made arrangements to go to Jacksonville tomorrow to meet parties from Wilmington representing the Wilmington & Onslow Railroad, bat a telegram from Wilmington jester day informed them that the matter had been postponed for the present, and that a committee from New Berne would be received for a conference in Wilmington. Personal. Mr. Robert S. Primrose who has beep studying medioine with doctors C. & F Duffy, left yesterday morning for tbe University of Virginia to complete his course. Miss Hannah Allen left for Wilmlng' ton yesterday morning on a visit to friends. L. J. Moore, Esq., left yesterday morning for Greene Superior Court. Clement Manlj, Esq., left last night for Beaufort. Value of a Local Paper. We republish in another column an article from the Baltimore Manufactur er's Record concerning tbe value of a local paper. It is a timely article and one which we commend to the consid eration of our New Berne readers. If the business of a town is judged by its local paper one would judge that there s comparatively little business done in New Bern. Of fly or six hundred business places her only forty or fifty use the columns of their lDcal paper to let the people know what they are do ing. Steamer Kovejaents. The Annie of the E. C. D. Line ar rived yesterday morning. The Eaglet of this Una will arrive today. The An nie will sail Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Tbe Trent arrived yesterday from Trenton and left in the evening for up Neuse with general freights The Carolina arrived from Bell's Ferry with cotton. The Howard oame down from Tren ton with cotton. The Newberne arrWed last night from Norfolk to return Monday at 12 noon. Discriminating. It may be a matter of interest to the people of New Berne to know that cot ton is shipped front Kinston to Norfolk for fifty cents per bals while seventy live cents per -bale is charged from Kinston to New Berne by the same line, altBomh New Berne is two hundred miles nearer Kinston taaq Norfolk. By what, rules, regulations or propriety such discrimination Is justified, unless for the singular purpose of starving out New Berne as a oottoa market, wears unable to disoover. , . New Bern should demand that the long and 'short haul .clause'? of, the inter-state commerce bill b enforced. Fdttt eents per bala to carry a bale of cotton S8S miles ;bzvebtx-oti cents per bale for carry ins;,. It 85 miles I,!. Jtis high' time ..the people of New Bern were - beginning; to look after their interest. -.: Church Services Today. : -V y- v. ' Baptist Church. Rev. Or.Theo.Whit- Held, Pastorr ' Bervioes at 11 a. W. and 7:80 p. m. I Babbath school at m., A. M. Baker, Sop't. . Th publio are al ways cordially Invited W attend all the service of thU'Churoh. ! .- ;' Presbyterian Church. Rev. ' U.: : C Vase, D. D., Pastor, Services at 11 a. m. and 7S0 p. m. Sabbath school at" 9:S0 a. m, , A cordial invitation to attend all these services Is given to the public.- f. Christ Church. V. W. Shields, Rec tor, 17th Sunday af tes Trinity. Bervioes at 11 a. m., Holy Communion, and t 50 p. m. Sunday school at 450 p. m. The pnblio is always invited to the ser vices of this Churoa. Ushers at tbe doors to provide seats.. - : ? - "i Services in tbe Hethodist Church at 11 a. m. and 7.83 p. m., conducted by ths Pastor, Rev. L. W. Crawford. AU per? ooi are cordially invited to worship with the coEgregation. - Usbert ar al vpjs. in tie vestibule to welcome etrargers. Punday school at 8 p. m. . . Eb?nf?r rrefTtnsn Church. j fcrri ? tt II b. r-., f - 1 7.' p. n., ty Meeting of School Oommittee. The school committee of the 8th school district of Craven county met Oot. let, 1887 and elected the following teachers for session of 1887 and. 1888: 'New Berne: O. E. Palmer, Principal, Rev. A-i Bass, B. E. Dudley, M. E. Sun 1 and Gaorgie Physic - Pleasant Hill -Hy man Thompson, Principal, Bettie Whitley, aseUtant. Rocky Run? Isaao H 8mfth. WHlia Ohapel: Susan M. Lewis. Red House: J. T. York. Bellair: Miss Ernul. Batehelor Creek: Daniel Lane. Hew Berne Building aud Loan Asso ciation. This institution has been chartered and organized mainly with a view of promoting the prosperity of the city, and to aid persons otherwise unable to do so to procure homes for themselves and families. As an investment, ex perienoe shows that these associations are very good better than savings banks and are desirable custodians of the earnings of those who wish to lay aside small amounts, for their future support and comfort. Toe undersigned officers and direc tors wish to urge upon all who oan do so to take shares in this enterprise and increase tbe volume or its receipts in order that a corresponding increase of benents may be experienced by tbe community. They assure all who en trust their funds to the keeping of tbe association that they Bb.aU have the careful attention of each and every member. L. H. Cutlek, President. Directors 8. 11. Gray, Thos. Daniels, H. Haokburn. O. Marks. Thos. Mo (Jartby, M. Wat ataon. The Onslow Railroad. ThaPrealdent of the Wilmington, Ons low & East Carolina Railroad Company yesterday cent a communication to the Finance Committee of tbe Board of Al dermen, requesting the oommittee to meet at onoe for oonferenoe, with the view of preparing for the delivery of the 9100,000 of city bonds, in trust. directed under the order of the Board of Aldermen at their last regular meet ing. Wilmington 8 tar. Genesis and Geology What Is Said of It. The Schoolteacher eays: This ex tremely interesting and instructive volume of about 150 pages, contains five lectures recently delivered In Kalegh, Baltimore, Philadelphia and elsewhere, and shows in a striking and conclusive way, the harmony existing between the Mosaic and Geological accounts of Creation. God has given to mankind two great Books, the Book of Nature, and the Book of Revelation, and Dr. Hughes, believing that God's truth must stand whether revealed in the rock or in the book, places tbe records side by side, turns a leaf of one and then of tbe other and reads to us, in minutest detail, the same story from both. The book is neatly bound and the print and illustrations are good. On one page is given an ideal scene, in the lleeOEOio Age, drawn lor ueautnor by Mr. Collier Cobb, in which is portrayed the animal and vegetable life of the time. Of more than general Interest to us is the picture of the Dromatherium Sylvestre, the only mammal known to have existed in America during the Mesoxoiot Ages, and tbe remains of which have not been found outside tbe limits of North Carolina. The, book shows careful study and rips scholarship, and is the most satis factory of anything we have eeen upon tbe subject. The leading ministers of North Carolina. Baltimore and Phila delphia, together with the Preeident and Professors of the University, givs strong endorsements of th work, and we con gratulate the author upon bis success. t List of Letters Remaining In the poetoffic at New Berne, Craven county, N. C, Oct. 2nd., 1087.,;. 'Julia Brown, c.o. Sam. Brown, John A. Buioo, Benjamin Bisaell, Cork A. J. French, Ella Gorey, Charity Grioe, J.O. Hadlev. M. Lewis. Ospt. Geo. I. Mow- iUky, Messrs. Wo. Pell A Co., Matilda Rich, Constfnei ttprunar, uusey rory, Louisa Williams. 'Persons calling for above letters, will say advertised, and give date of list. 4 v.. :..?... ... .. usiAjLY,r. a. " Lemon Elixir. ' ' ' V A PLEASANT LEMOH WIN I. Lemon Elixir is 'prepared from the fresh julo of Lemons, combin ' ed with other vegetable liver tonic, i cathartics, aromatic stimulants and i, blood purifiers. rs. , .i- Fifty - cents and -ens dollar per.. . bottle.. Bold by druggists generally J .and by all wholesale druggists. . ; : Prepared by H. Motley, M," fX, ... Atlanta, Ga. . 4.' ... -. ; v For bUIiouraess and constipation : take Lemon Elixir. . 7. su ; vw:. ' For indention and fool stomach ... taks Lemon Elixir, w- - -, For sick and nervous headache take Lemon Liixir. v i sy ' - For steepness and nervousness .. Mak Lemon Eli3r-A---a - -'., : i For loss of appetite, and debility lake Lemon LUxir. " : " " v For fevers, malaria and h01s,s . take Lemon Elixir.' . -t. Lemon Elixir will not fail in any , of the above named diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseas-7. ed liver. . .. -- ri -? 7 Ltmon Hot Drops ' ' Cure all coughs. Colds, Hoareeness, Sore Throat, Bror-hitis, PneumoDla and s!l Throat and Lcrr dispases.- Price 15 crtn, Ijerrn Lot Vrfr. F--'i by dr-'t'-.a. 1 rprl bv ir. n. L.orfy . 's, Gi., ia t : '7i I, iii Ddl-er j? The Yalue et Good Local Papers Una ol the brightest and beet of our Southern exchanges coming from a small town ia the Gold Leaf, of Hender son, N. O. Like all other good papers, it is doing ten times, yee a hundred times, as much for its town as the town will ever do for it. And yet from its last issue we see that it is still printed on an old time hand press, and that with two objects in view, one to do still more good for the town, and the other to aid in securing money for the purchase of a new press, the editor announces that he will get out a special issue, showing up the advantages and the business inter ests of that town. He promises to make it a splendid advertisement to let the world know what Ilendereon has and what it is doing, and only asks for the encoaragement of the business men of the town, buiely this will tj liberally given, or we are mistaken in the character of Henderson's people ine Mamacturers Record nas orien ur ged upon boathern people the impor tance of giving a liberal support to their local papeis, and we use this case to en force this point once more. There is no better investount thai tbe people of any live town can make than to secure first class live papers by heartily encouraging their publishers with business. A town is judged by its papers, and few outside! s will ever be drawn to a town whore tbe local papers show, by tbe lack of well filled advertising columns, the want of energy of tbe people of that place southern papery are doing a great work lor their country, lulls devel opment they are taking the lead, and they aro exertiDkt such a mighty force for tbe uplifting of the people by eteaJ lly and ptrsuieully lighting for the right and striving to encourage all classes to unite in pushing on tbe great progress of that section as to attract uu versal attention. Kree to a large ex tent from stnsatioual trash and particu lare or all the latest scandals, the prt sd of the South have beukthelr whole en ergy since 116 to improve the material interests of that section. They have eoweJ, but others linw reied the pr ills. Certainly, with i lie improving financial condition of the (South, the lime has come when every well edited and well managed Southern paper should have its columns well tilled with local advertisements at Tgood prices. Lei special issues teeming with good descriptions of towns aud tilled with advertisements of every business house be scattered all over the North and West this winter, and good results will surely follow as that harvest follows the seed time. But this costs money, and this money must be furnished by the real estate owners and agents, mer chants, professional men. and, in fact, by every one interested in the prosper ity of their section. Haltimore Manu facturers' Record, Death of Nathan A. Meduiau, I.mi Full of years, held in high esteem where best known, and loved by his friends and relatives, Nathan Alex ander Btedman died at his home at Fayetteville on Thursday, 2Uih of Sep tember, 1837, at 4 o'clock a. m. He was born at I'llteboro. Chatham oounty. and was 81 years old las Febru ary. He was elected to the Legislature in 1827. wben but 21 years old. lie was again elected in 1833, and in 1833. For many years he was Clerk of the County Court of Chatham. He served as Comp troller of the State for two years, being elected by a Democratic Legislature al though himself a very decided Whig. tie was an intimate mend ot the late Governor Manly, Hon. Hugh Wad dell snd other prominent men of their day. At the time he resided in Kaleigh as Comptroller he had probably a more general acquaintance throughout the State than anv man then living. In his prime he was a grand specimen of phy sical manhood. He was a man of the highest inter ity and strictest veracity. He was frank, perpendicular, decided, brave, without guile and without hypocricy. He bad that sort of magnetism that drew men to him and held them faithful to the end. He was as true as steel to those he called friends, and bis liberality was as open as day and as free as water. He mar ried Euphania W., White, founder of the Southern Literary Messenger, She survives him, as do also his two sons, Liout. Gov. btedman and Frank 11. Stedman, and two danghters. He was a North Carolinian, and w ben he'took an active part in politic was lnflential and popular. He resided in Chatham until about 1851 , when be re moved to Fayetteville. From that time until his death he lived at bis last home. He rarely ;i eft Fayette vllls except to pay an occasional visit to 'Wilmington. He was a man of excellent sense and sterling qualities, and in his death tbe Stat loses a valuable citizen, a true patriot and an honest man. -Wilmington Star. Imnortant to seven out of every ten Deocle. The moment constipation be gins, that moment the blood begins to be impure ana poor, ana we system to ae mend the ase Of LexsdOT. If vou want to ha vs your baby healthy and beautiful, four things are necessary : Fresh air. rood food, bright sunshine and Dr. Bali's Baby Byrup. Editos JocenaL: AHow ms space in your valaable paper to say to the editor of Golden Rul to learn journalism be fore he berins to censure men-be taetr birth bumble or laudable, for whilst he may dip bis pen to write ths names Of men with regard to eeasara their prin ciples, they know also that firmness in the right is th motto of ths ewt, and finger s touch In true mineral water is a sore ear for ths eyes. For better information apply to the rale. Seeing tserefor an article In Ian wek faue molesting tbe dignity and honor of Prof. L H. Smith of this city, which article only mt the approval of tbe little "cur" who doirtn!s of being krwo, thocgU tvst k would bark i-iletthe pe- tn:w t be is yet ..ve, tutVi.l c-9 i He-s-.r' 'rgis not given him. Mr. Smith did not consider the article, knowing that it was from the little "cur" which is subject of doing anything that tends to impede one's progress. But I oan say to him, that ha may as well try to grasp the tail of a comet as to impede Prof. Smith's progress. Newspapers may abuse him; politicians may intrigue against him, but his God -given intellect cannot be crushed by any of the canine species or mud slinger. for heaven has marked bis pathway and angels cannot clog it. and reason the great master piece of the mind says amen, and in the language of tbe Frenchman "songez y erieusenaent Notk Be suspicious of persons who recommend any other article as "just as good, and take nothing else but Dr. Bulls Cough Syrup. A party paid ten dollars for a horse at an auction sale. The horse was lame and bruised all over. A bottle of Sal vation Oil costing 25 cents wus used; he is now valued attwobuDdred dol lars. MAHU1KD. At Hell's Ferry, on Wednesday the 28lh ult , at the residence of the father of the bride, Mr. James Dawson, Mr. W. H. Hellen and Hiss Mary A. Dawson, Alva Pittman, Esq , officiating. A receplion was held at the home of the groom, at which was a large crowd to make merry the newly wedded couple. Dl ED. Al his residence in l'ilt ceunty on Saturday morning, Oct. 1st, 17 at 12:20, Jacob McGotler, aged about 77 years. At bis home in this city of old age. Saturday morning, Oct. 1 el, Bt 4 o'clock. Mr. Iaiuis Hrown. at the sge .f M years. Tbe funtial will take place al Neube street M. F Church this afternoon at 4 o'cloik. Friends am! acquaintance are itspeclfully invited to attend Mr. Brown has been a coneielant member of the Methodist KpiBCopil Church for many years and passed a) quietly w ill) the assuranoe of being at that rest that awaitetb the people of God. He leaves two daughters and several grand children to mourn their loss. Hut their loss is his eternal gain. Wanted$200. To Borrow Two Hundred Dollars, for winch (H) eight per oent, and the most undoubted and ample security will be given. Apply immediately at this otllcc. o2-l!l. Notice, Five Shares of Stock in the A. ft N. C. K. have been lost or mislaid. Appli cation will be made for a renewal of saiil certificates of stock . oc2 dflOd 1. 1 . M. Hail OFFICIAL. Old Books---New Books. Holmes' First Reader li cents. Holmes' Second Reader 25 cents. Holmes' Third Reader 40 oent. Holmes' Fourth Reader 50 cents. Holmes' Fifth Reader HO cents. Holmes' U. 8. History 81 0o Maury 's Elementary Geography 60 Maury's Manual, N C. Edition 1.80 Maury's Ad Physical Geog 120 Old books taken in part payment for new editions. GEORGE ALLEN, New Bern, N. C. Dpository for Books of University d&w Publishing Co. of New York. . a- SEE ULRICH, Wholesale Grocer, FOR THE Lowest Prices! Rice Sacks on hand. Wanted. A FEW BOARDERS. First-class fare guaranteed and terms moderate. Meals furnished to parties on application to ths undersigned. MBS. JOSEPH KELSON, Broad street. 23 dlw Bet. Craven and Middle stt. HEW GOODS! TxixkXPiuxxl's - 7 - JUST. AHB1TED : Philadelphia Batter. v Cassard. Sugar-cured Meats and Pura Lard. 7 t . v Fas Flour in the market, : - . Wafer Crackers, Graham "Wafers, Pilot Bread and. Fine Cakes. ' ' Tbe beet of Teas and Coffee 7! .; ; Fulton Market Corned Beef. ::' "f Thorberibest brands of Can Goods. In fact everytkicg nice in eatable. -Give mi k t':l and be privincel, 7 spl4 d".: I -J JOHN du..:t. . Having purchased the entire Stock of Boots, Shoes, and Rubbers in store un der Hotel Albert, I will sell ths same AT C03T, SPOT CASH. No goods will be sent out on probation. " - .'7 Thankful for past patronage, the busi ness will be continued at the eld stand undor Hotel Albert. -7 F. T. PAT rEKSOH S New Berne, N. C. se2r dtf S. B. WATERS, Jr i .1 THE E est aud Cheapest Line of - Gents1 Furnish'g Goods HATS, SHOES, Clothing, Umbrellas, &c. All the I.alesl Novelties always in stock, Host s'J UU Shoe in the city. Evwnf PaIB V A UKA.NTKl'. ' Ask to see his 60c. Kbirt Also, the celebrated Arrow Brand Collar, two for Clothes to Ol ilUMI'.KIi irdri ix specialty. FtTB Neit Door to A. I pirn op.il i J . I ' tlw.im M linker, opp. Cliiiril;. E. K. BISHOP, Broker & Commis'n Merch't, OIH.r ail.l Warehouse lull (ft CIy9 hair. Agelit fur Armour .V Co'i Hrovlalon I'lie Proof Morale Bulltflaa;. . cnlluN uk;n un,l MKIiCHAN- i ' !"HA'rt. at reaaonable svp'H dim Use House's Chill Syrup Take Notice ! Our store is filled with I'ro visions, Orocerics, Canned Moods, Dry Uoodg, Crockery, Eto. We keep a full line of tbe Celebrated Prison Boots and Shoes. C. S. Parsons & Sons' Boots -and Shoes. Every piir warranted to give satis-v faction. ,, Country merchants and tbe people generally are requestod to call aiid ex- 7 amine our large stock before purcbas- ,.; ing. We will give you low figures. We job Lorillard Snuff. ROBERTS L BRO., South Front tt. . New Berne, N. O. WADTED-LA Dl E8 for our rail and rnrUimaa Trade, to lake light, plMsant work kl their own homra. II to H par day ran h MUlelly made. Work seDt by mall, any distance. larl.culari free. No oaBTaV , slug. Addreu al onoe. CRESCENT ART , CU.. 14 Ml'k HI.. Boston, SUss. Boi 5170. at &i d w 1 m INTKIVnilVU ADVKHTISERS. should address GEO. P. ROW ELL &. OO., 10 "prueo Street, Sew York City, l ot gtlerl Lift of 1,000 NEWSPAPERS. WHM.e nl FKEE.cn application. Music Lessons. MISS HATCUiE HARRISON, for the) ; past two years a student of the N. E.. - Conservatory of Music Boston, will re sume her music class Monday, October 7 3rd. Tsep-dtf. Cheap For Cash. ' J A Forty-five Saw Gin and thirty feet-v of Halting for sale by seSdwtf L. II. CUTLER. THE T eweler FOR Watches, Diamonds, Fini? Etc. K. R. JOIIES, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in CHOICE FAMILY GROCEHIi: ua General lercianliss, BAGGING .TIES'.rf Contlirnments ol "Oratn. Cil cb s other Produce solicited. Prompt Attention" Guairnt'r "-'r1 5;- - K."W. Oor. South Fr:-t r ! r '

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