. ' , A1LY OURNAL. VOL VB--NO, 158; NEW BERNE. N. C, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1887. PRICE 5 cents; LOOAfcfNEWS, New Berne, latitude, 88 North. " - 4 longitude, Wr West. . Sun rises, 5:48 I Length of day, v Sua sets8:0l 118 boon, IS minutes Mon seta at 90 p. m. ; BUSINESS LOCAL8. ; TH E GROCER E. bZ HA.CKBTJRN X notwithstanding the rapid advance - to sugars, ia still selling Granulated at 7c and Whit X. 0. at 6s. per lb. 4 it EDAM Cheat. OUres, Pickles, Capers, Curry Powders, Preserves, , J ell lea, Cboioeat Teas. C. E. 8lotkb. PHILADELPHIA BUTTER, better than ever before, at . " :-.- John Dunn's. I JURE Liquors and Wines for Medici L f &a and ether usee, at wholesale. I , James Redmond. " T IME--Comineroial Lime; what ia , ; JU left. H-00 per ton. ' V'.-aeDOTtM' W. P. Bueecs. .; 'TIRECT I' importation of French kJ Brandy and Holland Gin arrived -' la bond and duties paid at Custom r . louse in!Hew Berne, guaranteeing gen- ulna good for sale. ..' .-, -. .-r ' . Js Redmond. P ARM GREEN and poiaon distribu tors for tha cotton worms at '"'T'i &'.' i Gbo. Allkm & Co. GARRETT'S If edoo Vineyard Cognao and WJnea for sale, at Manufsotu v,: ret's prioes. by Jakbs Rkdmord. I BROWN'S GEORGIA COTTON GINS, with Self Feeder and Condenser. All of the latest and most approved pat- '. tarns. . Geo. Amu & Co. REDMOND'S Ginger Ale. Lemon Soda, etc, equal to imported. .'ilx.v-i James Redmond, j '"' rUaOLES.r McD. Patea' make, for . JL sale at . Dail Bkos'. I ' i The "board of oitv council will bo in . ., teaaion tonight. ; :" 1 Public meeting tonight at 8 o'clock , - ''I at the Board, of Trade rooms. The foundation of a new dwelling on V the oorner of Broad and Metcalf atreets is being laid. ". J ,Tne eounty -commissioners were in . t.v aeasloa yesterday; proceedings will sp- " ' past tomorrow. . ' ', lliai Jlatchla Harrison has returned and requests hermuslo pupils to meet " her between 4 and t o'clock today. ; P. Tren with offers to sell one hundred , ' and Uxtr acres of valuable land at pub- lio auction on tha Sth of October. See , ; The new bank bunding being ereoted ' 'von Middle street is for Green, Foy & r 1 f Co.t an4 hot .for T. A. Green aahas . v been lUtad ia these columns. . 1 ' Cor sound oysters eontinue to arrive V ' nnd tha, oystenaen oontlnne to report . them In mnch better condition thau at tha corresponding time last year. Dr. James FIjODg has moved his ' ', new offlc Opposite the banking hooss of Green, Foy ft OoH on Middle street, ' fivs doors below his former office. "' Four hundred and fifty share-have been subscribed to tbe Building and Loan Association. Five hundred would 1 1 . be a good number to start out with. ; v William Crlapn, colored, was lodged f in jail late Saturday night on a charge . of removing mortgaged crop. He will have a hearing before Juatice W. M. Watson this morning at 10 o'olock. ' Subscribe to the Building and Loan Association. . ft i a good saviflg bank V for boys who desire to save their little esrniDgs.' (a tha Building' and Loan your money ia constantly increasing; kept in your pockets It would be con sSantly decreasing. kctx load of wood pulp was recantly st?rped from Gray wood to 8oraatoa ft L , paper manufacturers at Salem. .It c ' r .".y-three dollars to carry the bar 1 1 from New . Berne. Wa suppose a car load of meat or like trelghi would t e 1 rocght from Cbioago te New Berne f r 1 "s money than thal.".'- ' . ;:.a Chrpard, oolore,' was tlafora J "ce Robt Hancock, jr.', yesterday t i tbe charge) of -wif v beating. ( T ; fheriS David Barham reports tie was informed Saturday night 1 12 oVIck by the city marshal that t i h goi&x on jort outside tba city et 's Row. B hastened to the t i found a large crowd at Ve house which eras locked aad w f. crying murder at the top f hepard refused to open - f r d ha broke in and arrested ,l! trial his wifa swore that . hurt by her husband, and ' -'jrd. --vii-i .v ' vi from New York 1 1 rklPTj over tbs t i ; '.z cf difcosslon. 1 a tf tbe Galatea " . s 71 'e were much t f- G 1. Rich- ' : r--rt. LTe !)-'. ;-,b a raid i " ) t f err "9t Important Meeting. We have "fceen requested by m&Dy citizens to announce a pablio meeting at tha Board of Trade rooms tonight at 8 o'clock to consider matters of Impor-'l tanoe to the citizens of tha city and this section. Everybody who feels an inter' eat la the welfare of the oity is request ed.to attend. hTotice of Divine Service. The Rev. J, C. Burma will preach at Woodington Thursday October 6th, 1887, at 7 a. m., and at Kington Friday night October 7ih, 1887. The public are invited to attend . Test of Hose. The fifteen hundred feet of boee re cently contracted for by the city ar rived Sunday morning and was tested by the two fire engines yesterday morn ing. Under a pressure of one hundred and eighty pounds the ooupling one length was blown out and three other lengths were found leaking. Tbe balance stood pressure of two hundred and forty-five pounds. Thirteen hun dred feet were received and two hun dred feet were shipped back to the company. Our Schools. Tbe graded school opened yesterday morning with twohuudred and twenty five pupils. This ia a good opening for aix grades. The High School receive J several new pupils yesterday and other private schools have made a fair start. Tuition ia free at the graded school to all white children within the school age residing in tbe eighth township of Graven county. Every ohild has an opportunity of obtaining a fair educa tion free of charge, and those who are ambitious to obtain a higher education, the High School and other private aohoola offer excellent opportunities, as the tuition charges are very reasinable and the teachera first class. Steamer Movements. The Eaglet of the E. C. D. line ar rived Sunday with a cargo of merchan dise. The Annie of this line sailed yes terday afternoon with a full cargo of cotton and other freights. The Trent for Trenton with a cargo of goods. Tbe Blanche and Kinston of the same line leave today at 12 for up Neuae. Tbe Margie arrived from Hayburo with miscellaneous freight. The Stout of the Clyde line sailed for Baltimore with a full cargo of cotton and twenty tons of wood pulp, The Deflsnoe of the same line will arrive this morning. The Newberne of the O. D. line sailed yesterday at noon for Norfolk with a cargo of cotton. Where is Our Cornet Band P A correspondent from Trinity College writing "The Band's Messenger" of Philadelphia induces the editor of that paper to speak of tbe New Berne Band in tbe following terms: "We have been at old Trinity on sev- ersl occasions at commencements. As leader of two different bands, the old New Berne Bilver Cornet Band, and the Concord (Little Spartan) Band, both these splendid organisations outdid themselves, and it has been conceded time end time again, that these two bands furnished good musio, and music that was mora universally appreciated by the vast conoourse of people that as sembled at old hlstorlo Trinity College on these occasions than by any other nana ever engaged for tha commence ment exercises. And ws hops that this old institution the next commencement will engage a band that will do honor tothleold historio Institution, as well as to the band themselves, who is ten dered the next engagement." Personal. Hiss Mary 8. Brown, one ef our graded school graduates left last week to enter the University of . Nashville, Tana. State. Normal College. She has received tbe appointment . for a two years scholarship, nndsr the Pea body appropriation, aad we feel eonfideat that shs will do. tha New Berne graded school honor. , Tbs scholarship could not navsbee mora worthily bestowed. libs Brown bids fare to make a valuable teacher. '-' i Our young friend Rudolph 'TJlrich Is off on a visit to Baltimore. A telegram was received . from Mr. T. - Fletcher Harglas from . Weldoa' stating that he hid him caged and would return him safely after taking him through Balti more. V "i tJ Capt. H. W.'Wehab arrived' frem Hyde county on Ssndsy." Hs bene of Governor Boa less appointees to the National Convention of Farmers which convenes it Chicago on the 10th, 11th and- 12th of November. He will prob ably not attend snleae a writ of error Is granted ia tbe Anarcllst cases and tbs same is taken to tbe Supreme Court of tbs Uaited States, - Unless this is done they are to be banged On the 11th of NovemVr and the Farmers' Confection rr'cbt be rld or. t as a special rasrd. P. II. re-,iet.er, !., is o3 toJsekson tii.e, Onslow c aunty, on professional ttmne&s. Turn to the Right. The necessity of always turning to tjib right was fully demonstrated yes terday tvenmg by a collision of two baggies on Craven street. Two young gentlemen were in one buggy and two young ladies in tbe other. Toe young men turned to the right but the ladies turned to the left and brought about the collision which, fortunately for the ladies, resulted in upsetting tbe buggy of the young men who were not in fault. No one was hurt and no damage of any consequence done but such care lessness might at sometime reeult beri ously. The rule is," tubs to tub riout, no matter whether driving a team or walk ing on tbe tsi-iewalk. We have seen people meet and dodge first one way and then the other two or three times before pausing, all of which could be easily avoided by titkninu ro tbe eight, i Some ladies may think it an indication of ill breeding to pass thetu on the in sideof the sidewalk, but don't mind what they think, tbey will learn better after awhile, pass to the riuht and quit dodging on ttio sidewalks like some man who has crooked his elbow a little too much. New Whurf at Kounoke Island. Last season the Old Uomioion Steam ship Company opened up a new trade by putting on the steamer Washington, to ply between this city and the Roanoke marshes, for tbe convenience of the fishermen of that section, giving them a depot for ice and direct transportation to Norfolk for the outgoing steauibhips Tbe demand for transportation proving so great the i-ompany sometime Bince purchased a location on the we6t side of Koanoko Island, nearly oppojfle the marshes, and has built a substantial wharf, extending out to deep water whijh will, in a few days, he a stopping point for tbe steamers of that line, ply ing between this city , Washington and New Berne, and tbey will touch these going out and couiiug in. The location is the very centre of the great fishing region, and the conveniences to the fishermen will be such that it ia thought the experiment will he an abundant success. Norfolk Ledger. t'jcloue in Mecklenburg I'ounly. CillCA(K), October l. A Tiruos Char lotle, N. C, special says; Uitixens of Sharon township report that a cyclone passed over their section Wodnesday afternoon, tearing through the ciouds like a big balloon, dipping down and riling again, carrying un eddying mass of feaoe rails and tree limbs in its circling path. It looked like a big black funnel and it whirled around like a huge top. It was about 100 feet above the surface of tbe earth, but would occasionally dip down, wrench or tree tops and sweep up fences. The cyclone traveled at the rate of 83 miles an hour and made a tremendous roar. It dipped down on the plantation of Mr. Alexander, tore us a number of peach and apple trees, took away the roof of his house and, rising again, disappeared in the direction of Philadelphia church. The skies were overcast with heavy clouds among which a visible commotion was made as the black funnel shaped mass lore its way through, A celebrated artist in town ,han just finished a new sign; it reads: Use Laxa dor, the golden remedy for all liver diseases. Price only 15 cents. An infallible sign of physical decay is sleeplessness; if this is dangerous in an adult, it is deadly in early child hood. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup will al ways assist in comforting the baby. Price 25 cents. The Tennoswe Election. Chattanooga, Tknn., Sept. 30.-Ite- turns to the Times from all portion of tne Diete maioeie mil me pronioinon amendment is defeated by 20,000 or more. NaSbvilk. Tknn., Sept. 30. One hundred end twenty thousand votes, representing half of the probable vote of the State, ' have been reported, and the majority against the prohibition amendment Is about 7,000. It the ratio is kept up the majority will be ten or fifteen thousand; but much de pends on tbe back counties, which are claimed by- both sides. Should the Prohibitionists carry them the fate of the amendment is in doubt, bat tbey era believed to have gone against the the amend mens. The Great Eraagtiist Pean Writes." kfa. A. K. Hawkxs- Dear Sir I take great pleasure in saying that after hav ing worn your new Crystal i sod Lenses for the past year, my sight bas greatly improved. ,..W, E Pn. AU eyes fitted and ths fit guaranteed at the drag stare of F. S. Duffy, New Berne, - - " . ' sep 6 lm The President will Stop la AsheTine. AsuivnXK, N. G., Oct. 1. A letter revived today by the president of tbe Asbeville Board of Trad from Col. Daniel Lament, privita secretary of President Cleveland, says ' that the President has- consented to stop at Ashsville while on bis way to Wash ington from Montgomery, Ala, v -He will reach here oa Friday October tlet. t l. ' ' " -' ' Acute rheumatism Is an Inflammation of tbe Joints, marked by pain, beat and redness. , With these symptoms apply Salvation Oil, tbe great pain-care, at cw. Price i5 cents a bottle.' ' - J Nothing tries the patience of a man more tbaa to listen to a backing cough which he knows could easily be cured with Dr. rall'sC -rshSnnjv ' THE GRAM) ARMY AT ST. LOUS. St. Loiis, Mo., September 30 The rank and hie of the Grand Army com rades that remain in the city have packed their grip-sacks, and are not only ready but anxious to make tracks for home. When they can get away, however, ia a matter for speculation. Tbe facilities at the Union depot have proven entirely inadequate to the hand ling of large gatherings of people, and veterans and other visitors who expect ed to be home ere Vim morning are still beicg held involuntary and unwilling prisoners. The baggage department, too, has given out under the crush, and depot platforms, freight houses, and storage-rooms are packed high with a micellaneous assortment of baggage that it has been impossible to deliver People without number, many of whom arrived as early as Sunday, have been utterly unable to get track of their pos sessions, and, after remaining for days without a change of clothing, have been glad to get away and trust to luck and possession of their checks to recover their property at some distant day. The condition of affairs at the depot since Monday morning has been chaos, and the experience encountered by the great majority of those who have man aged to get away will remain a memory witli them to the end of their days. Promptly at ) o'clock this morning the Eucampmeiit resumed its session. Not a delegate was absent, and the pros pects indicated a lively Hireling. No sooner had the navel fallen than Coin rade Heath was upon his feet to de nounce as an "infamous lio and dan der the htaleinent of a morning pa;i-r that he had said "(hero never aH a Democratic t'omtuauder in Chief of the i. A H., and hy the eternal (iod tliem never ould ho K-yiiolis. of N,. ..rk. replied that no mi-inter .it the Nrw Vok d;legati U w;i ri .-poiiMbli- f .r ih- char", and the mallei wa dropped. Then Tanner, of New oik,rot( to a ("jtieHlion of privi lege". He said that yesterday the same paper staled thai he was pulling the knife under S locum s r its. i his as an absolute lie. 'i he same paper had pub lished an editorial on the pension rjties lion, in which it said that life had heen altogether pleasant for Tanner since the war closed, and that it was not too much to say that he would not have his legs back under any consideration, lie said that nothing lined such statements as that, except in plain Anglo Shxou, "they lied. Comrade A nthony . of Kansas, made an attempt t ) recunsidt r the report of the Committee on Resolutions, hy win h a proposition to raiso money for the erecLion of a monument to General Warren was defeated, but he was cut short by the arrival of the Cum mi I lee on Resolutions. Amid intense silence the committee reported unfavorably upon the Vander voort resolution, censuring tho Presi dent for bis veto of the Dependent Pen sion bill on the ground that it had been fully covered hy the action on the report or the t ension Committee. A long de bate ensued. Vandervoort opened by claiming that tho Grand Army should have tho courage of its conviction and should vote as it felt upon this ijucs lion. Uroevenor, of Ohio, spoke in favor of the report, and said ho had as much feeling on the pension question as any other man, but be stands as the repre sentative of a body of men greater than the President of the United States, greater than the Congress of the United States, and more dignified in their ut terances than the President had shown himself to he. lie said the question was more important than any ever sub mitted. After several other addresses tho pre vious question was brought into play. Vandervoort 's amendment to substitute hn resolutions for the report was over whelmingly defeated, and the report adopted by unanimous vote. The committee also presented a ma jority and minority report on the Sb a month or servwe pension bill. The majority of the committee reported against the measure. One hour was given to the discussion of the report. The motion to adopt the minority re port, favoring the Service Pension bill, was defeated by a vote of 173 to 13. After adjournment for lunch the election of officers took place. Judge Rae was elected on tbe first ballot, which was as follows: Slooum, 133; Anthony, 66; Grier, 18; Rae, 294. Gen eral Sherman reoeived one vote, as did also General Warner. Judge Rae in a neat little speech thanked his comrades for tbe distin guished honor conferred upon him. The rules were then suspended and Nelson Cole, of Missouri, was elected senior vice-commander. The' junior vice- commander chosen was John C. Lana- ban of New Hampshire. General Lau rens Donahue was elected surgeon- general, and Rev. Edward Anderson chsplaln-in-chief. Tbe committee on the Logan monu ment reported, reoommending that tbe fund be provided for the erection of an equestrian statue at Washington, Gov. Alger, of Mlohigan, subscribed S1.000 to the fund; Gen. Lennon of New York another $1,000. The offioers of the en campment were then installed, and the twenty-first annual encampment of the Grand Army of the Republio was at an end.' ' - . A banquet took place this evening. Is CeMiapUoa lnewrabl Bead tha following: Mr. C. H. Morris. Newark, Ark says: ''Was down with AMocsi of Lungs, ana friends and pbv sicians pronounced me an incurable consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for uonsumpaon, am nova on my third bottle, and able to oversee ths work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made." . Jesse Middleware Decatur. Ohio. rays: "Had it not been for Dr. Kings New . Discovery for Oonsumptkra I would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doctors,' iAm now ia beet of health. l ; Try it., For sale, at B. N. Puffy y drug stOTe..C - " ", - - . t -v . Electric Bluer.. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special meDtion. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not ex ist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all malarial fevers. For euro of headache, consti pation and indigestion try Eleclrio Bit ters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Price 50c. and 81 00 per bottle at K N. Dully 'sdjsag store A Great Bargain. ItiO ACltKS MOKEOlt I.ICSS. Will be sold at I'ulilic Hale. On Saturday. L'ilth of October at the Court House door in New B. r u a', li! o'clock, noon A vauiai.ls I'lKMiiU'in t.inntci on uie south suit? OI Ihe Ni lisp mtr Ifiif ntl a hail lull s loan Hie My ul rsewoem. . r. One liunilit-,1 ai-jc"8 cleared, lesni land, bull able Ii.r irutlng. com. collmi ami ulher eroo. Jht" l-aiauce l.eaMly llmliered (ioo.1 dwelling, uiilliullduigi. and a Hue or cliMrd. Jt has a One rlstiei flouting half a mile mi ilio u-ai'h, where ihfre tie high hunks of lnai 1 u.a'. can nevei l.t" e 1 haufcUHl. from whl. li ontliic-aii load wllh ease Alo swamp mo. k l:i tihulidanee ami eas'.ly oh (allied, ll 18 a very heauliliu and healthy looullou. pi eaeiillng it near lew to ll,r paa Slug Veaaelo and lallload. Mitre la u Cm chance for a hi ichyard nu 1 he h-ueh r ihknwith - i 1: pd . MILL MEN ! Look To Your Saws ! If out of sluice and making had luin her or usinn loo much pnwci correspond with P J Delamar. New Heme. N. O care s K, h lit, . Co ' sep-JOd A w. Notice. i of Stock in ii lost or mi 1 made for s of si ck the A l.-ll I. i reiie .V N . al of ('. Ii' have hei cut loll will lit s:i)d cerl i lie;, I o 'J i:'o 1 I M. 1 1 Ml., SEE ULRIGH, Wholesale Grocer, i hi; Tin. Lowest Prices ! Rice Sacks on hand. Wanted. A I'KW HOARDERS. Kirst class faro guaranteed and terms moderate Meals furnished to parties on application to the undersigned. Mhs. JOSKPH NELSON, Ilroad Btreet, sii-'dlw Itet. Craven and Middle ete. NEW GOODS! AT Tuo. JXtiirris ,11'ST ari:ivi:i): Philadelphia Butter. CasBard'e Hugar-cured Meals rind Pure Lard. Host Flour in the market Wafer Crackers, (J rah am Wafers. Pilot Bread and Fine Cakes. The best of Teas and Coffee. Fulton Market Corned Beef, Thurber's best brands of Can Goods. In fact everything nice in eatables. Give me a trial and be convinced. sepH d6m JOHN DUNN. Wanted Immediately ! 5,000 to 10,000 ACRES LAND, Well timbered with Pine, near trans portation. W. J5. Boy a, REAL ESTATE AGENT. Newbern, N. C. dw Willis, Edwards & Go. Hare reopened the Us w Berne Machine Works, and bars added Tools to their works to do all kind of Machine and Boiler Work at short notice. They hara also added m fatndrr to their works, and are prepared to do the beet Braaa and Iron Caeting, . House Plumbing a tpeoiaitj. ' ; ' ' - If ron want good work tfre as a call. All work guaranteed and dope at prices to suit the 1meHiBrv.C3"-"irl wly Having purchased ths entire Stock pf Boots, Shoes, and Rubbers in store un der Hotel Albert, I will sell the same AT C03T, SPOT CASH. No goods will , be sent out on probation. f Thankful for past patronage, the bust ness will he continued at the old- stand - under Hotel Albert. ; V. T. PATTERSON. ; New Berne, N. C. se2r dtf S. B. WATERS, Jr.. : THE Eest and Cheapest Line of Gents' Furnish'g Goods HATS, SHOES, Clothing, Umbrellas, &c. All the l.atebt Novelties al ways in stock. Best fc'M OU Shoe in ihe city EvEBV 1 A I B A llli A NTK1' Ask to see his t"c SI wt Also the celehralt d Arrow Collar, two for V'i '. Clothes to t.rdci u tpecialtv Brand I'lTB I i I A I. A NTI'.KO Next lioor tn A ."! Haker, up,i. I ll x up.il ( Ii 11 1 1 I s. .l' d im E. K. BISHOP, Broker & Commis'n Merch't, Olllt r anil UBitliniiie iirll to Clde t liai f. Aife( lui Armour .V o frovlalon. Flic I'iiivI IiIuiiki UulldlUK. ''"I'liA ii!u:n i.n,l MKItl'HAN-M-i m, --ii'HAi.K at reasonable beuai dim Use House's Chill Syrup Take Notice ! Our store is filled with lri iNioiix, (iroccries, Canned (roods, Iry (iooria, Crockery, Etc. We keep a full line of the Celebrated Prison Boots and Shoes. Alo C. S. Parsons & Sons' Boots and Shoes. Every faction . pur warr&iiU'd lo give aatis- Country merchants and the people generally are requested to call and ex amine our larjre stock before purchas ing. We will give you low figures. We job Lonllard Snuff. ROBERTS I BRO., South Front it., New Heme, A'. O 1AITBU-LADIKS for onr for onr Fall and T I i lulling, lmi Inuiu in lako hutil.Dloasa.nl work kt irielr own liomti II to S3 ptrdt; ruu l uilelly made. Woik sent by mail any llslnr. Iarl ,ni la ri frt-e No oaDTaa ln. ArMreaa al hum. I HESt'KNT AHT l U , U Mlk HI . Hoalon, Mask. Hoi 5170. a J w 1 in TTK.M1IV(J ADVKHTIMCKS LouUt X a,lrirt"a iKO. P. HOWELL a CO., 10 Sprn.r Strrcf, tw York City. For Brlrrl I.I.I of 1,000 KEWtrAPIRS, Win Oeaeut PllKR. on application. Music Lessons. MISS IIATCHIE HARRISON, for th past two years a student of the N. E. Conservatory of Music. Hoeton, will re sume her music clans Monday, October 3rd. "Isep-dtf. Cheap For Cash. A forty rive haw tun of Helling for sale by se9 d wtf I. and thirty feet H. CUTLER. THE X o xvo lex. FOR Watches, Diamonds, Fine Jewelry, Etc. jj31 dwJm J 1 K. R. JONES, Wholesale and Retail Dealer ta CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES urn tf. QeneraJ Merchandise, t: 1 . r- TIES '9 . Etc. HAOQLSTQ AND CoBsiffktaeitta of Oraia, ddtoa and other Prodaoe aolictoad. i - i . Prmt Atteatloa Qutrante7, K, W. Oor. Sotttt rroBt.'aBd IHiileCt 4' I v