1 kit OURNAL Si vol; yir-No,a59 ifEW BEKNE. N. C.. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 5, 1887. PRICE 5 CENTS. OMM A,' ' LOCAL NEWS. r r .i Miitr ubum. jr . Kew Berne, laiitmde. VP V North. - " - losritade, 77 r Vest. 8u rises, 8 :48 I Length of dey, -! Sun sets, fcOt f 13 hoars, 18 minute Koob sets At 9'M p. m. BUSINESS LOCALS. Til OCHA. end Java Coffee, best tn town At johk Dtncw . OMOKEDBeef Tongues. Fulton Mir kj ket Corned Beef, Thin Breakfast Strips, Fresfa Boasted Coffee just re ceived and Around to order. I receive tor selected Batter semi-week lj and keep itontoe.. G. E. Slovak. LOST Some where is the city raster 1 dav evening while oot riding horse baeke portioa of a gold watch chain with chana attached. Finder will be rewarded BT leering same at Hotel Al- bert,V;i.i ocow THK GROCER. . B. HACKBURN ' A notwithstanding the rapid advance in mean, is still selling Granulated at 9a. and Whit X. O. at So. per lb. 4 at PURE Liquors and Wines for Medici nal and other uses, at wholesale. S 5 ," ' J AMIS KEDMOKO. T THE Commercial Lime; what ia JU left, $4.00 per ton. ..-;'.-. eep$7tf. W. P.Burkub. "rTRKfrr imoortation of French V -'U Brandy and Holland Gin arrived ' tn bond and duties paid at Custom - louse in!New Berne, guaranteeing gen- ' jiae goods for sale. f.t; hi,j..i Jas Redmond. 8 ARB GREEN and poison distribu- " jl ton for tne cotton worms i v . ,,. f Oo. Aixn & Co. : Vs fi ARRETT"S Medoo Vineyard Cognac ; " VJI and Wines for sals, at Manuiactu y rer"s prioes, by Jambs Redmond. BBOWN'SGEORGIA COTTON GINS with Self Feeder and Condenser, All of the latest and most approved pat ternav - Geo. Allen A Co. TiEDMOND'B Ginger Ale, Lemon ' i XV Soda, etc. , equal to imported . ,; 'Zi t, r i, James Redmond. 1 nUGGIES. McD. Pates' mske, for X sale At DailBros1. v. John Dunn offers celery for sale Se "ad!' '.' Mr.NaiGaskillhsi recently treated ' his dwelling on South Front street to a . new shlngls roof. While out horseback riding yesterday " evening! young ady lost a golJ chain which to advertised in this Usue, Election of officers and directors f '';K the Cotton Exohangs today between r y the hours of 10 a. m. and t p. m, ' "-WmtBultan has begun-war on high ; t prices. - Hs la Armed with a big stock : S ; of goods and is determined to sell. These are as good weapons as one could " '; wall sslecl to make war on high prioes. .Correction' " The young ladies who were out rid log on Monday evening and had the ool '. Jisioa with the young gentlemen, an " item of which appeared in yesterday 's . issus,beg to assure us that the aocident vu not entirely" Attributed to careless ness on their part as was intimated in - this paper but the young men were equally negligent. Steamer Morements. The Eaglet of the E. C. D. Line w ill sail for Elistbeth City at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The Annie of this line will - arrive tomorrow morninp. , The Pamlico Of the O. D. Line arrived last night and will saif today at 13 .'noon. j'li'J;: - ;.'. : , The Trent of the N. & T. B. line ar rived from Tien ton with a cargo of cot ton. .The Einston And Blanche of the same line left yesterday morning for Jlineton with merchandlsd. ' , - . . Tbe Howard of LAsitteajs line Arrived from up Trent with a eargo of cotton ' Ths Margie of the Byde line leaves t' i morning at T o'clock for BayborO, r.sT. Fathe aeUly.y ' 1 ras with feelings of'sinoere regret (V&t tbe members of Bt." Paul's Rv C. f rch heard on Sunday last from their i r, Rev. J. J.'ReiHy, the announce x t:.ut he had been assigned to the h at Raleigh And would leave tor t ,t j- today.ri.iSfi'-'3.u)'': I ; t ; j his eleven years residence in - F rre in charge of 6t. Paul's this ' i has won the regard and es 1 1 f til classea of our people with : i .r J tcreed and his departure n :'l be viewed with regret. v lo beet know Father Reilly ' -; V e hfghest terms of hi charity roiencs and to aU classes his r-.i frin2'.;ness warmly I ! ' i. He goes among those 1 ; til having been pastor ' - 'i rae years aeo ' - f iect to satisfy . . s ..1 te errreciated. i fr,l surpriMBs'y ' i f- 1 colds it is : , r. i '-'Is Cotieb . I .:v?.;' -a 0.1, 9 n f"".h, is ;t is i i Y Seappointed, : . lloa. F. M. Simmons has reappointed George G. Ransom of Craven oounty, cadet to West Point with Robert Dunn of Lenoir, alternate. ..It is understood that Mr. Simmons has been led to give these young men another chance, chiefly because their appointment being so soon before the examination, which was very rigid, they had but little time to prepare themselves. It is said out of the large class examined st that time not one who had not been thoroughly coached and prepared by trainers at tbe Academy suooeeded in getting through. We think it ia highly proper that these boys should have another trial. They reached tbe Academy only a very short time before they were put upon , the examination and had no chanoe to brush up as did those who got in sooner, and besides they only failed on apparently immaterial things such as spelling and writing. This commu nity is highly gratified at the reap pointment of our young townsman, who is a bright and wot thy youth. What It Proves. Nothing is so interesting to people generally as politics. This is shown by the number of papers in the country de voted to politioal news and discussions. There are hundreds of successful po litical papers to one successful agricul tural paper. Does this prove that farm ers are more interested in politics than in farming t Vt do they get more real help from political than from agricultu ral papers? Goldsboro Argus. It proves that a large majority of farmers learn what tbey know about farming by actual experience: they are taught by their fathers and they think they know more about it than the man who edits an agricultural paper. They take a newspaper to learn the news, and not to read about that which tbey already know and follow every day or their lives. To read a good, live newspaper after a week's steady work on the farm ia refreshing, and in fact a luxury to a hard .working farmer. But to dig potatoes all day and pick up a paper at night and read until bed time how some other fellow that never dug a hill in his life, dug his is not a pleasure. The agricul tural papers are not as interesting to our farmers as the political or newspapers, whioh contain farm articles as well as tbe news. Meeting of Citizens Last Night. A good number of citizens assembled at the Exchange rooms last night to dis cuss a matter of very great interest to New Berne. Mr. Geo. Allen was oalled to the chair and Mr. J. U. Smith was made secre tary. Hon. F. M. Simmons was requested to explain the objects of the meeting. He did so in a brief speech, stating that he understood the object to be to dis cuss the propriety of taking some steps towards extending the A. & N. C. R. to the O. F. ft Y. V. R. A proposition to appoint a committee to act in concert with a committee from the counties of Carteret, Pamlioo, Ie noir and Wayne to present the matter of extension to the Governor, brought on a running discussion whioh lasted for sometime. No one doubted the propriety of making the extension, but what steps to take, and in what man ned to move waa the topio of disoussion. Stirring 'speeches were made by Hon. M. Simmons, S. H. Gray, J.J- Wolfenden, Jonathan Havens, Presi dent Washington, Bryan, P. H. Pelle tier, T. A. Green and others. Mr. J. J. Wolfenden moved that a Ojmmlttee be Appointed by the ehair to go to Raleigh and submit to the Gov ernor a plan for extending the A. & N. C. B. The motion was adopted. . VA committee consisting of F. M. Sim mons,. S. H. Gray" and D. L. Roberta was Appointed to correspond w Ithvci ti aens of the counties of Carteret, Pam lioo, Lenoir and Wayne and Ask their oo-operatioa in this enterprise. ,- -- Mored And carried that4 a committee of two be Appointed to Attend a meet ing of the director! of the O. Fi ft Y. V. R, And lay before them our plane and ask that they do not determine upon an Eastern terminus of , their road until they have considered them. .. On motion the meeting adjourned. Personal. t " 'Messrs. H. A. Creagh And .Seymour Hancock, two of New Berne's hand some young gents, have gone ' on a pleasure trip to Onllow.;-.'.:-",;J;X? Mrs.' Follett has returned, front the Northern markets with a fine stock of fall millinery. .....:.:' I'r. I J. Morrill of Onslow oounty is in the city., - He reports that the Jones county side of the Quaker Bridge road needs attention.: . -. : .: To enjoy good health, aim to Always have abundant sleep; this can generally be secured by mnpement, unless you have a cryiri? bftby, in which case Dr. 1 'all's Ifebytyrcp will greyly esist. To e-iaiize t!;e circulation of the blood, r ' '.,3 rer.-'- -9 m-j c!cpe tbe i, r - I -1 - -r.t'e great rr "ula- 1 ; ' - t '.-, Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners of Craven County at a Regular tteeticg inOctober, 1887. Board convened at 11 a. m., at the Court House. Present, S. W. Latham, W. G- Brinson, W. M. Watson and Thos. H. Malliaon. On motion, commissioner Latham was elected chairman pro tern. U. W. Kicnardson, having proved a good character, was granted linoense to retail liquors at his place of business at Oors creek for one year. The Clerk of the Board submitted a report in regard to fence tax in No. 7 township which was examined, ap proved and ordered to be riled. The bond of the Clerk of the Superior Court was reduced from fiftevn thou sand to ten thousand dollars. Commissioner Brinson introduced the following preamble and resolutions which were unanimously adopted : Whereas. Proposals have been made to this board to purchase tbe stock of the county in the A. & N. C. R. Co ; and whereas, it is deemed proper that this board should give expression to its sentiment in reference to tbe disposal of said stock, therefore, Resolved, That it is the opinion of this board that said stock should be sold , when a sale can be effected at a re munerative price, and to persons or cor poration who will oiler sufficient guarantee that said stock shall not be used in the management of said Com pany to antagonize the interest, either present or prospective, of the people of this county. Resolved, That no sale should be made except with the approval of the people represented either by tbe justices or tbe peace, acting jointly with tbe board, or in such other manner as may be better adapted to the ezpreuion of their withes. The petition for laying out a new road in No. 1 township was granted and the sheriff ordered to lay out said road. Mr. W. G. Bryan tendered his resig nation as cotton weigher for the city of New Berne which was accepted with reluctance and regret. Virginia Jones, colored, applied to the board for assistance. Commissioner Watson was 'authorized to furnish her five days rations and send her to the poor house if necessary Recess to 8 p. ru. Board reassembled at 3 The Clerk waa ordered to ittsue a war rant on the county treasurer to W. (J. Brinson for certain mutilated and de stroyed vouchers. The following jurors were drawn for the fall term of the Superior Court: Fiasr WEEK. No. 1 township: W. F, Usskins, Samuel Peel, Geo. F. Lancaster, Arnold Green, oolored, Noah G. Caton. No. 2 township: E. A. Gaskins, W. K. Rowe, O. W. Purifoy, Ana Arthur, John Morris, Noah B. Gaskins, W. R, Edwards, L, B. I pock, Geo. S. Rowe. No. 3 township: B. F. Ward.G. W. Richardson, Edward Kilpatick. J. J. Marshburn. No. 6 township; Dock Cooper. No. 8 township: M. T. Bryan, oolored, K. R. Jones, W. L. Lewis, Joseph Lucas, J. W. Messick, E M. Street, W. R. Hollis, colored, Benj. Johnson, oolored, C.T.Watson, Alexander Wethering' ton, colored. No. 9 township: J. G. Smith, A. E. Wadsworth, John N. Pate, E. Z. R. Davis, G. S. Wiloox, E. D. Wethering ton, Lewis F. Avery. SECOND WEEK. No. 1 township: L. L. Toler. No: 3ownship: F. P. Roe, A. B. Gaskins, John H. Powers. No. 8 township: E. H. Rhem, J. W. Lane, James Rouse, Harrison Palmer. No. S township: A. J. Whitehead. No. f township: E. R. Tolson, Allen Canady. No. 8 township: J. P. C. Davis, Thos. Gates, J. C. Davis, Oliver White, col., TJ. 8. Mace. No. 0 township: G, F. Hill, M. W. Carman. The valuation of Jeremiah Abbott's property on corner of King and East Front street! woe reduced from 81,260 to 8750 valuation for 1887. Two lots listed by Hopy Ann Gibbs was reduced! from $60 valuation each to $25, and one from 860 to $S5. . The lot listed by M. E. Scott was re duced from $3,250 valuation to $9,000. . .The double , tar imposed on ,1,208 acres of land of JJL Ienrahan in No.1. township was reduced to a single tax. The chairman , of the board was to thorised to Appoint A committee of ten to confer with- the' people of Onslow county end of Wilmington relative to building A ' nil road , front, one .city through Onslow, to the other. V ' W.-.T. Hawkins ; nroved " good character And was granted license, to sell liquor At his place of business At Dover for one yeAr. '"'C'i-tf V ' The committee sppointed to Settle the accounts of M. Hahn, ex-sberiff, re ported to the board that they had been unable to secure A settlement. Mr. ITsn erpPRrei before the board And a; il tf.st tbe ccmmiMee be continued U- I ix e trtt nee. eg cf ts trrd, which request was granted with tbe understanding that the settlement shall be made on or before that time. The valuation of lot on Me teal f street, listed by Mary Stanly, was reduced fiom $250 valuation to $100. Commissioner Brinson. superintend ent of bridges, submitted bis report on the condition of bridges, which was ao cepted and ordered to be filed. Board took a recess to Tuesday morning. Awembled according to adjournment tttl0a m- The double Ui imposed on lauds of J. I). May in No 1 town-ljip was reduced to a single tax The valuation of tho lot holed by N S. Richardson in No. lownehlp was reduced from (AO u Jl .500 and per sonal property increased from ?.5 to $750, the listing being a clerical error of the list taker. Arnold Viliiaiiu. col , of No town ship wan relived from payment of poll tax for 17 uii amount of poverty and infirmity. J. W. Small wood was elected I'ollou weigher to till ibe vacant y caused by the resignation of Win i liryun lie tendered hi lKn ) whi'"li was ai --('led and be van omi The chairman f . tern, was author ized to cause to bebuillu 'iiy on the oouit house lot i). Sinus m si. el ill Pul.miUt d his monthly lejiort win !. was n loved and ordered filed Sealed proposals fur building a budge across ltrjce s creek weie opensd, and upon examination of name it was or dered that the contrail to build be awarded to i 'ai roil Fields for tin- sum of 8700. The jurors to lay out a roa i on n tilion of 1. J. Chapman and ollurs sub mitted their reiit. Commissioner Brinson introduced a ireamble and resolution reciting the fart that some of the parties interested had not been noil lied of tbeopeningof the road, movd that I- J. Chapman and others be noli tied to appear and show cause w hy the order for laying out road should not be rescinded. iioard adjourned. Information Wanted Patrick Lennon of 407, West J6th street, New York city, is very anxious to know the whereabouts of his uncle Terrence Iennon, who was born 57 years ago in county Monagham, Ireland, Townland of Oghill. Ho went to Eng land whan quite a young man and learned the trade of iron moulder; afterwards came to America and came South with the Union army as a soldier during tbe war between tbe States. After the war he settled in North Caro lina and up to nine years ago his post office address was Orantsboro, Pamlico county. North Carolina. His proper name is Terrence Lennon, but as be disliked the name Terrence he fre quently claimed that his name was Timothy. His business was cultivating fruit while in Pamlico oounty. Anv one knowing anything of him will do a great kindness by writing Patrick Lsnnon as above indicated. GREKX MAURlXd NCMBEH 9. In the treatment of this subject some of tbe articles will not be confined strictly to green manuring. Farming issucn a aivereiweu suojeci mai various divisions will be found profitable. Tbe following thought was given by a learned man in a recent speech before a cultured audience, and is so applicable to the sons and daughters of farmers that we reproduce it. He said: "We have expended enormous sums of money in the development of the ma terial resources of this country and have rejoiced in the immense wealth of our mines, fields snd forests. Yet the real source of tbe great strength snd wealth of this nation lies in the brain and thought of tbe people, and tbe richest minds of undeveloped wealth are the boys and girls. If we develop their minds and teach them proper methods of labor, they in turn will de vote their energies and brains to de veloping tbe material resources of this great land." Every farmer will find it profitable to make experimente,and to record tbe re sults, and to use every effort to interest bis children in the subject of farming. Show them bow to work in the best manner and at the proper time. In less than half A century the children will own the whole world, And they must be prepared to make the most profitable use of it. Books on All subjects ere very cheap. Agricultural magazine And news papers are the beet investment that can be nude by the farmer. There never was a time when so many able Articles on the subject of Agriculture could be obtained. One ben properly eared for by one of the children will furnish from the sale of eggs and chickens the money to pay for the N. O. Farmer, Progressive Farmer, WnxxT Jocabal, Southern Planter, 8outhrn Cultivator, or American Agriculturist, all tilled with valuable Information And records At farmuff experiments. ' ' ' .In our next Article we Intend giving some account of the several hundred seres of splendid hty fields adjoining New Berne; how the hay was harrested and bow tbe stnbble will be used for mftcuricg the land for tbe spring crops cf cs r,-e ana potstoea. , A. v Kinston Items. The old Washington hotel building is being repaired. Solicitor O. II. Allen is off to Duplin county on business. An occasional country ham comes in and readily commands fifteen cents per pound from the carts. Mr. A. Harvey is rebuilding hie tur pentine distillery and will be ready for work within two weeks. Mr Carson and daughter are viBitiog &t Mr T It R(lltAMM 11a .Itirc.Mi'H hluiBelf well bleased with our town. I J. i Wootep, Geo. RouDtree. J. y , Jaiksou and D. K. Perry of the Kinston bar are attending court at Snow Hill. hi. A (iray, Esq , left for Georgia Monday to look after his large estate wbich be inherited from his urn !e some lime ago. The Friends of Temperance meet every Monday niiht in Abbott's hall They are having frequent additions to ihelr number The little cuy of Durham knows a good thing w hen il come") along hence. the large orders being received Ly Dr. Pollock for No. 7. There were four confessions first !-iuu day at Wheat Swamp. This church has had about 70 additions during Dr. Harper's four year's ministry at that place. Mr. 1. Harvey has on exhibition a stalk of collou from Mr. W. I.. Ken nedy a farm that contains eighty-nine bolls. An acre of such would produce thiee good bales of cotton. Mr j. Oettinger has returned from an e i tended trip to Germany , Bohemia and Switzerland . He is in good trim for the large fall trade which the popu lar lum of OetUnt'er Pros, enjoys Annie, the little daughter of Mr. and MrB. H. N Fields, died of diphtheria last Friday night, aged about ten years. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Woolen and a child of Mr. Henry An h hell also died during the week Mr. Kobert Ward of llethel. N. C , lectured iriday night and Sunday afternoon. Mr. Zeno. "Whitfield made some spicy remarks on Sunday. About 100 signed the temperance pledge and donned the red ribbon, 04 joined the lub. Ibe next meeting is rnday night at the court houee. The market house is being enlarged. Competition in table fare is pretty sharp there and others Want to enter the field. The man that devoured a half dozen New river mullets at one sitting the other day almost caused a strike on the part of the venders against this delicious finny tribe until the price is reduced or they become less palatable. A luo 1 N nrir Should not hesitate to wait upon those ill with such disease as Small pox, Cholera oz Scarlet Fever. There is little to be feared by persons wailing on the sick if they will use Darbys Proyhylac lic Fluid freely. In sick rooms it should be exposed on a plate or saucer, and the patient sponged off with the Fluid di luted. For safety, cleanliness and com fort in the sick room the Fluid is indis pensable. Kalamazoo Celery For sale at John Dunn's In quantities to suit. AGENCY FOR 9 T Blest be the heart that knows no guile, That feels no wish unkind, Forgetting provocation, while Good deeds are kept in mind. Therefore vou pan And at TANSll.I.H FINE CIO A K AOENCY. urrintncii-.l y W, I.. Palmer, the choicest varlet- niadr at popular prices. Wm. I.. PAl.MKK, Keeond door from oor. Komh Front and Middle ilreeLa, New Heme, N r MILL MEN ! Look To Your Saws ! If out of shape and making bad lum ber or using too much power correspond with P. J. Delsmar, Mew Berne, N. 0-, oare S. Rad cliff & Co. ep20dw. Notice. Five Shares of Stock in tbe A. & N. C. R. hare been lost or mislaid. Appli cation will be made for a renewal of said certificates of stock . oc2d30d . Q. F. M. Dail. S. B. WATERS, Jr., FOB THE Eeit and Cheapest Line of Gents' Fornish'g Goods HATS, SHOES, Clothing, Umbrellas, &c. AU the Latest Norelties Always in stock. Best tft.00 Shoe in the city. Kvkbt PaTJI WAUtaKTED. Ask to see his We. Shirt. Also, the celebrated Arrow Brand Collar, twe for !5o. Clothes to order a specialty. Frrs Next Deer t A. It Bakr, op. i Fpl wopal Church. f - JP 3Jotio. ? v Having purchased the entire Stock of Boots, Shoes, and Rubbers in store vn der Hotel Albert, I will sell the SAme AT C03T, SPOT CASH. No goods will be sent out on probation. Thankful for past patronage, the busi neas will be continued at the old stand under Hotel Albert. .''" F. T. l'ATTEUSOS. New iterne. N C. se3r dtf E. K, BISHOP, Broker & C nmi&'u Merch't, OiU. e ul . ii ue otxi to Cljrd . hair. Agent for Armour & Co.'. 1'ro vlftlOAJ Fire Proof Storage B Gliding. - i am- COTTON, UK IN and MERCH&N , i UM lakt-u on MuKAoK ai reasonable ' 4 rales tepiU dim f - Use House's Chill Syrup Take Notice ! Our eiore ie filled with Provisions, tiroeeries, Cauned (iouds, Dry Joodn, Crockery, Etc. We keep a full line of the Celebrated Prison Boots and Shoes. A10 C. S. Parsons & Sons' Boots and Shoes. K i-r) i:r warranted lo ivc satis faction . Country merchants and the people generally are requested to call and ex amine our largo Block i efore purchas ing. We will K'ye you low figures. We joh Ijoriliard fiuulf. ROBERTS & BRO., South fynf af., Mew Berne, N. O. WA-i-riil I.AIHK lor our rail and I'liriaiiuas 1 ra4ie lo lade Ughl, pleaaant work bt itielr iiwu iiouies 91 lo 14 per day can he tileily rnaili-. Work aenl by mall HLy tlleuiire. Tart rultire free Nu caDTtf uliiK. Aildr-aa at once. ( KK-U'ENT AHT r'J .ll- Mi'kMt . H.eloi), M,(,h. Hoi f170. hi i 1 u nu TVIKMIIMI A 1 Kit I 1KKS Hhould i. nUUftMM l-aO. . IIUWKLL & CO., 10 Srur Slrtfl.llo, York CHy. For Blrl Ll. of 1,000 NEWSPAPERS. Will hessril K II K K. on Application. Music Lessons. MISS 11ATCHIE HARRISON, for the past two yearn a student of the N. E. Conservatory of Music, Boston, will re sume her music: close Monday, October !!rd. Isep-dtf. Cheap For Cash. A Forty five Saw (iin and thirty feet of KfltiuK for sale hy se'J.lwif I. Ii. CUTLER. 1 Wanted Immediately ! 5,000 to 10,000 ACRES LAND, Well liniht-rcd w nh I'me. near trans' p irtalion W. 15. 15oya. REAL ESTATE AGENT. Newbern, N. f. dw SEE ULRIGH, Wholesale Grocer, FOR THE Lowest Prices! Rice Sacks on hand. NEW GOODS! D jrST . AURtVED t ' Philadelphia Batten " Cassard's So-ar-cnred afcAta And Pure lrd. - - . ' Best Flour fh the market. " WAfer Craokere, Graham Wafers. Pilot Bread and Fine Cakes. , The best ef Tees And Coffee. - ' Fulton kUrket Corned Beef. - ' 4 Thnrberl best brands of Can doc' . Ia fact STerything nice ia et-T ( Gire me a triAl And be eepUdSm . . JOHN I

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