X !MLY ' ;-r voL,yi:-No;i6i. NEW BEENE. N. C, FEIDAY. OCTOBER 7, 1887. PRICE 5 CENTS, AT r rn-n'tn OURNAL i 'X' LOCAL NEWS. araaj Klalat we llwuufc New Berne, latitude; . 88 ' North. ; Jcoitude,T7r "West. San rise, S:48 I Length of day, Bam mu, 4:01 1 12 hour, 18 minutes ' - loon U at vaO-B. m. BU8In:S8 LOCALS. TTTORCESTEBSHIBE Siuce, Crosse V V & Black well Pickles. French MustarJ. Olive Oil, Celery Seed, White ; Mustard Seed, Cayenne Pepper and all , kind of epioes rest and warranted pure, -,,. u. u.blovkk, 1 A A BBL8. more of that Fine Floor - A V V just reoeired which lam sell Ins in 10 lb. lou at 8c. Der lb. h " - TBI GBOCEB. E. B. HACKBURN. TTlNEBtall-Fed Beef and No. 1 SausJ X ageaat owert market stall tomor tow morning; PROF. A. BELLEZZA will be in New Berne on the 20th to open a danc ing academy. Any one wishing to at , tend will please send in their names to "llfOCHA and Java Coffee, best in - JJJL, town at John ddnm a. L OST Somewhere in the city yeeter t day evening while out riding horse back, a portion of a gold watch chain ' . with charm attached. Finder will be i' rewarded by leaving same at Hotel Al ,bert. y ' ocStf v 1)URB Liquors and Wines for Medici X- sal and other uses, at wholesale. ' r Jambs Redmond. u r 'i T JME Commercial Lime; what is ' JU left, 84.00 per ton. 4 aepSTtf.l W. P. Blhbcs. i T"IREOT importation of Frenoh , U Brandy and Holland Gin arrived in bond and duties paid at Custom '- Bouse inNew Berne, guaranteeing gen- jlne goods for sale. , ft ,.., , Jas Redmond. PARIS GREEN and poison distnbu Ion for the ootton worms at - - ,v Geo. Allbn & Co. GARRETT'S Medoo Vineyard Cognac and Wine for sale, at Manufactu rer prioea, by James Rbdmond. BROWWSGEORGIA COTTON GINS, with Self Feeder and Condenser, v All of the latest and most approved pat " terns. Geo. Allen & Co. TJEDMOND'S Ginger Ale. Lemon . XV Soda, etc., equal to Imported. Jambs Redmond. OLD PAPERS in any quantity for sale at this office. BUGGIES, McD. Pates' make, for aale at Dail Bhob'. Many of our citizens are laying in , '. - their supply of coal for the winter. . ' " Lots feast this evening at Second Adventist Hall, South Front street at ;' ' Tha schooner Era J. Shenton arrived yesterday with a cargo of salt for F. Virion and others. Tha mercury did not rise above 70 yesterday which made it feel a little tool through tha day and at night small fires wr desirable. i If noli ' hammering and knocking is going on' in different portions of the eity, indloatlreof considerable repairs and bo tiding being done. . Tha light house Under Violet, Capt. Kclnaea, vita Lieut. Paul, U. S. N., on a ton of inspection among tha light house of tha sounds, was in port yester day. ; .. " . . Tha river steamboat lines are now culling freight rates and the battle is a yery lively on. Ootton per bale from PollocksTillo to New Berne has. fallen from forty to fifteen cents. At the St. Peter's Presbyterian enter tainment gWen a few evenings sinoe, one hundred and fifty dollars net were cleared for which tha church wishes to return thanks to the generosity of the people. . ar ,' A dUpatca to the Baltimore Sun tatee tha assignment of Col. Lemuel Chowall who will ba remembered as baring visited New Berne last spring and creating an Impremion of his being quit wealthy. . Vioe Admiral Rowan, tJ. S. N. , gives notice tha) tha light house oa south tide of entranoe to Pamlico rlrer will be discontinued about the 10th of Octo U r, known as Pamlico Point light. The o'.i tower and keeper's dwelling will be left standing as day marks. ' t atner XIoTements. , T: e Annia of the E. C. IX arrived j- rity morning with a fall cargo of f 'U The Annie will sail this attar i at o'clock. The Eaglet of this I "' srrire tomorrow morning. 'c.C; . ' .. .. . -.j,., j us TelerTsm. , - . ; .' - 2 telegram was sent from - s t j the Raleigh tfe ws and - ra Wednesday:.. ,. -.V :j It in darkness tonight, ib; !Tir? been partially. da-j . ' ;e at l.3 today.. v j T ".'T, Tbebuildirg of the I &rtially destroyed by --rfn men have too - f fry to allow the: ' ia t ' -"'seven for one; Prospects Blighted New Berne . Thirty Tears Ago What Was Ei pected of the A. & N. 0. R. How the Schemei a Have Sucked the Life Blood from North Carolina. In the first issue of the Daily Progress which appeared in this city on the 1st day of September, 1858, we find the following editorial: "The Atlantic and North Cabolina Railboad Newbekn Hek Past He Future. "No one, we presume, will deny but iHewpern baa been sleeping for twenty odd years, and that during that time, br the inaction of her population, she has lost those elements that constituted her former greatness. Ever sinoe the construction of the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, until very recently, Newborn has been wasting away. This gradual decay finally became so alarm ing that, a few years ago, a few noble spirits, moetly young men, we believe, inaugurated the first measures towards the construction of that great work, the Atlantio and North Railroad, which now stands and will continue to stand a monument more lasting tban marble to the energy an4 indomitable will of its projectors. Determined to rescue Newborn from the fate which seemed inevitable without the greatest of all modern means of communication, tbey toiled and labored on, contending against the cunning and intriguing machinations of small politicians, and the nonsensical objections, grumblings and predictions of old fogies, until suc cess crowned their efforts, the last rail was laid and the great work declared riNlsHED; and Newbern, hitherto shut out from the rich productions that have so long tended to enrich other localities. has been brought, by over three hun dred miles of railroad extending west warj. in communication with the ereat Agricultural and Mineral interest of the interior. Really the prospect before the people of Newbern is a pleasing one The people of the West are eager tu es tablish the most frieu ily business rela tions with this community, as has been proven by the vast quantities of prod uoe that have been received over our railroad during the last few months and the heavy freighta that have been hipped from this point to the interior. The tide is certainly now in our favor, and if our people will only avail them selves of the advantagt s that surround them the day is not far distant when her streets and wharves will evince a degree of prosperity never dreamed of by the most sanguine or visionary. I he past, with all its sins of om melon and commission, is gone from you for ever the long years of slothful indffer ence through which you have slumbered on, not willing to be arouse J from the trance which was consuming the vital energies of your being, can never be recalled; but the future the glorious future, with all its privileges and ad vantages is before you. and you may, by the application of the proper means develop a mechanioal and commercial prosperity that will be felt throughout the length and breadth of the State. We are nearer to the inexhaustible pro ductions of the West than any of her neighbors, and we know that our Western friends are most charitably dis posed towards us, and energy, liberal ity and promptness are only necessary, on the part of our business men, to se cure for our community a large portion of the trade of the up country. " Such were New Berne's hopes and prospects thirty years ago. That her people had a right to be hopeful and ex peot great things from her railroad no one cap deny ; but before the establish ment of a line of steamers to form the proper connection with the road had been consummated, the war came on and closed the ports of the South, and daring the four years which followed, New Berne and the A. & N. C. R. bad their share of the misfortunes of tbe oountry. But it was after the war that our people failed to seize the opportun ity and strike for the building up of the seaport towns of the State. Richmond had so long drawn from North Carolina by the Piedmont road which was com pleted from Greensboro to Danville daring the war, that shrewd men with keen perceptions like Col. Buford, saw a good thing in this traffio for Rich mond and tbey resolved to keep it. Abont that time the managers of North Carolina's railroads for want of busi ness tact and foresight adopted a policy whioh played directly into the hands of those who were trying to cut New Berne's throat and prevent Morebead City's rising. A ease in point will suf ficiently illustrates this. While the North Carolina road was still controlled by the State, gentlemen from along its line from beyond Greensboro, so we ar informed, Tisited New Berne on their way North, and -were so struck with the wholesale prices here that on their return they purchased several bills of goods here. Sat when they went to ship their goods they were made to pay local rates, whioh were much higher than through rates, to Golds- boro and then local from Qoldsboro to the points Of destination. " In other -words, the managers of the railroad said, yon shall, not boy. goods at New Berne, If yon 'do we will, make our freight charge so high that 70a cant oompet with those who get them oyer the Richmond and Danville line. Well, finally it .was agreed that North Caro linians could not manage - their . rail roads, so tha North Carolina road, run ning through the centre of. tha. Stat), was leased to - the Richmond and Dan ville Railroad Co., and the country east of Goldsboro was virtually bottled up. Shall we remain bottled up forever V Or shall we make another bold effort to inaugurate that system of State rail roading which made New Berne so hopeful thirty years ago. This is the question which our people should con sider. A connection with theC. F. A Y. V. now, and after the lease of the N. C. R. to the R. & D. expires, bring it too into tbe system, and then we w ill have more than half the counties uf North Carolina emptying their product ! in the laps of North Carolina seaport town and receiving their supplies in 1 return through the same source. The scheme U a good one: is one that should receive the endorsement of every man who loves his State and New Berne, Kinston, Morthead Oily. La Grange and (ioldsboro should move for it at once. Exchange Charges. At the annual meeting of the Cottuu Exchange, held Wednesday night, an alteration was made in the charge fur selling cotton in the Exchange, which was ten cents per bale. This charge if now abolished. This, we ihiuk. is u move in the right direction, and one with which the farmers will be well satisfied. We assert without fuar uf successful contradiction that there in not auolher town iu the Stats of North Carolina that offers such facilities fur the sale of cotton and at as littlu ei pense to the seller, as New lioruo now does, and with this change in the charge for felling the inducements no held out to the farmer are etill greater We again assert, as we have frequently done, that New Berne payB as high prices for cotton as any town iu the State, and we cordially invite the furm ers to sell their cotton in iliia murki t Personal. liev. Father Thos. 1- . l'rice arrived from Wilmington lu'ht night to take charge of St. Paul's Church 111 t-uci ei-for to Her. Father Keilly. Mrs. Isaac W. Hughes and I'r. 1 . V . Hughes returned from Kuleigli lat-t night. Messis. ). H. tiuuion, V. W. Clark and Clement Manly returned from Ka'. eigh last night. Messrs. W. I.. Kennedy and J W. Grainier passed down last night for Morehead City, where they are to join Rev. Mr. Jurney in a liahing excursion. Mrs. J. F. Tsylor returned from a visit North last night. lion. F. M. Simmons went to (iolds boro yesterday on a business trip and returned last night. Mr. J. 11. Watson returned from a business trip to Goldsboro last night. An Additional Fire Extinguisher. At both of the fires, which occurred yesterday and the day before, the hose from Major Dennison's water works put on the first stream. This is no discredit to the fire companies, which are always promptly on band, but mainly attribu table to tbe fact that the fires were in close proximity to the Major's establish ment. It is worthy of consideration, however, because the old saying of "a stitch in time save nine," is never more clearly proven tban in tbe use of water on a fire in tbe early stages of its pro gress, it is also notably true that bis works are contiguous to a large district of valuable property, and where heary damage would necessarily fall upon the owners in case a fire should get well underway. We are informed that two lengths of hose in addition to what he now has would have saved the gas works a large part of tbe loss sustained in the fire day before yesterday. This being tbe oase we think it is well worthy of the attention of the fire department, and an arrangement might be made to have a portion of surplus hose kept at Major Dennison's, where ho oould nse tbem io case of fir in his neighborhood, or could be taken to any other point when required br the steamers. We understand that the hose now in use at the water works is well worn and hardly reliable, which furnishes another reason why others should be in reach. No doubt the hose oonld be carefully protected and kept in as good oondition there as at the en gine houses, and in fact be as com pletely under the control of the depart ment as now. Fire pings .. will eventually be a feature of the 'water supply now in 00m para tire infancy- in the city, and wa unhesitatingly commend to the fire department and through them to th city council, the Importance of this Talaabls adjunct to tha already efficient serylces rendered by the energetic fire mem -7- ' ' ' ' . If, soma enterprising fellow would now corner tha market on Dr. Bull's Cough- Syrup ha -oonld make his for tune.- Beware of fraud. .'.- :. "For I am declined Into the tale of years," she said a little sadly, bat in deed I dont touch mind it since 1 can get Sal ration Oil for 85 cents, r- .' : Fir,;. A fire broke out yesterday morning on Middle street in the brick store oc cupied by D. N. Kilburn, dealer in hides, beeswax and tallow. In the process of melting the beeswax it was boiled oyer and being very inflammable, considerable headway was made by the flames by the time the steamers arrived. It was then soon put under control. Besides guuiDg the building where it started, tbe adjoining one damap d to some extent. IVeneilc Tour K)ri. It is birnply wonderful, the reputation liawkes' Spectacles and Kye glaosee have attained throughout the 1'nited Stales, they are known from the Allan tic to the Pacific, and their reputation is built upon real merit. Testimonials from the most eminent men of the country are given, who have had llieir eight lujproyod by their uoe All eyos tilled and the til guaranteed at the drug store of I . S. Iiulfy. New Berne Vi f !m NEWS NOTES 1 iileiLi p; r ani e in the nun 1 u be on the increase The lii i.eral AiermLi . t the Ki,,l.n uf l.abi. r is in session hi Miiiheup .1.:-. Senator 1 1. .r man e x p: ess in the r esw It i f th.- j . . 1 1 1 1 in M h i ; 1 1. 1 ilill inn e I'sniMn 1 he r ep.Tled sa., . telegr a; h prop, r u t 1' 1. 11 n w i,H agai nthe . cusi I. .1, W.i! I street 'I h- 11,1 .'s .1 the l'i Ih b ! , 1 I I Wester n of I , 11 l: Her 1.1 to II Mef 1 , , '111 I I. V .' u.ingl :i, . lit :.. 1: 1 1. I' t 'if l.t M i ! I Com pur. m 111.. gelllel w 1 1 h g run HI !. . . 1 1 1 ; i . 1 : 1 1 . 0 busht Is i f wheat day. I ,i -b r'-'O I""' Wiiiium Wo . i, i,g,-1 : , s .i, . i i ,.,i,k Wood, of the Mower and Iteapt r Com pany, and Ins father's c. a. tiinan , lieo Hawkins were su tl . .rale. I M.. relay in the A Hi n e .il mine i.e. n . ui.g'li.iwi i Hiii,. u liuinihcr, l-1-", llriiiy Kemper wan found rnurdtre.l iti I.m grocer store in CiiieiniiHti It ih said a daughter of Kemper . Iiwne, in i;,vt hi. ii, has 1 1 i eivi d a le iter from her bro ther J ol, ti , - in f essoin thai he in u idei e.l Ins fathei Tim N t niiial I ar iik r gan itH seventh annual Minneapolis, Minn , Tue delegates present from A 1 1 lain e Ik -con vent loii at i-day . with litty Illinois, I iwri. Nebraska. Wisconsin, Minnesota and Dakota. There are tlnn.oou members of the Alliance. A quarrel arose over the admission of Hie Minnesota delegation, in the course of w Inch i ieii. T. 11 Bar retl and ('. I, Smith made formal charges ag iinst each other, and a split in the con ven! ion m narrowly v rt ed. I ne lap (Its mother's; for llui wull baby in daytime. About 700 lapn of the bedroom floor at night for the happy t ' father unless he has a bottle of I'r Hull's Baby Syrup to ease the little euf ferer. A constipated habit of the body and all of its pernicious eHects are quickly removed by Laxador, tbe great regu lator. Price only 25 cents The kcntiick) Election a Fair Notice That t he Watterson Idea ( annot Prevail. The election in Kentuckv gives the Democracy of the South fair warning. If ever a question had a fair trial, the Kentucky "idea" bad iu the late elec tion. The Courier-Journal, a paper of wide circulation, edited by Mr. Walter son, whose ability isoonoeded, fathered it. Mr. Carlisle, Mr. Beck, Joe Black burn, W. C. P. Breckenridge and Phil Thompson, and one of tbe most popular men in tbe State. General Buckner, as tbe candidate, all turned in and tbe people gare them barbecues in all parts of tbe State, and yet tbe Republicans with an obscure man came within a few thousand votes of carrying tbe State. About 45,000 was Governor Knott's majority. It is claimed that the gain in serenty-odd counties beard from is 325 rote to tbe county. It is admitted to be very large, and tbe ex planation is the Republicans were well organized and tbe Democrats stayed at home, The answer explains uothing. Let erery Democrat iu tbe United States ask what caused a loss of 825 rotes to the county in Kentucky. To say there is no cause for it or to say the Demo crat stayed at horns is childish. If the South mean anything it means progress; it means diversified industries, and it mean at all hazard and at any cost to hare a better system of publio schools. Tbe issue made up in the South, between the Kentucky idea aod the national democracy of an adjusted rereoue tariff is on of life and death to the democracy. We do not propose to be offensive, but we propose to tell the plain troth. The men in Tennessee who beliere in tbe Watterson-Kentucky idea are tha drones in progress. If there is one of them that is turning his hand orer in this way of building up new industries, we cannot put our finger on him. It there is a single live, wide-awake, progressive man, either in Tennessee or Alabama, engaged in making wealth by developing the Sonth's resources, who believes in tbe Kentucky idea, we do not know him. Believing, as they all do to a man, that tbe Wattersoa idea Is death to tha South, they are sot going to aid la faet eniag it on the oountry. - Mr. Glrrelsnd iss wonderfully popular man, bat the South can't be carried even for him on the Kentucky idea. The people of.the ' South are mostly Democrats, but they ) will not cut their own throats. The i time Laa come when the South must I speak . Nashville American, Dtui Uuckleu'i Irulu swl. Tan Bkst SaLvb in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, San Rheum, Kevcr Sores. Tetter. Chapped Handu Chilblains, Cuns. and all bkin Eruplione, iuid positively' cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to t re give perfect satisfaction . ur money re fuu led Price iciun per box Yti sale I , I: N Dulfv Ar-i 1? HiKKll.N Ml I .!.. I i . I . I i.i i v l : ,i i r i M- N Oct 4 liui.ni; tho in i I. today li. t . Hit eae f Ihc victims who were sh L by ihe police at Milclielstown recenllt, Mr Harrington caused a ' ene by openly declaring Ida! the po ll e w I,,, had leMihe 1 I. a 1 , !:. J perjur y Klgbl Uli t, wh . were hllor-tel f, r connection ilh ihe k tiling ol i '..notable Wl.elehal, wire arraigned .it I :,nis today . PH.N -l r l.v.s :.l l-l Hi i i:i U.vi . i Bkiii.in, Ucl -1 A secret conferchoe of (Jerrnau socialists lasting Ihreedavs. has been held at M ial N w it -r I ai,,J Eighty delegates i t-r,- piesen. The speakers bitterly denounced the course pursued by Ihe s .i lalisl Ileputies in the lie i c ho lag , and a i --. ,1 u ti n w n- ml , ,pt ed condemning th" p; (;,!..; p .. v of l!,..-e 1 i, u'.h - 1 I 1 l . n ''il I A d ii es from aur, A f ban istan , sa v that iiinia 1 recently deft uted Abu Baku, s the Akl.i'iid of wnt thv. the n ple-led Ihe chl. f- . f the neigh! Baj ; bun mi s I. 'llili-h th, I Ba j ,r . i an 1 it the ill. st W hoi ' 'llir : b l- a Mm,. I n i.l.l - i . ' 1 l 1 .' -i J. hn .i burno an 1 Messrs '.). Morgan nn.i llalley Stewart, all mi iitbeis of 1'arlia merit Ha. led hence for New V .rk today on Ihe slearrier I'lty of (.hi. ago They go to America us meitibeis ..f the inter stale a 1 1 1 1 1 ra I ion dr legal mi; A .o. . ..I Should l. 't hesitate to ;.,l up 11 those ill w ith sin b disease as Small poi. Cholera i . Scar let I i n r There is I u tie to be feare 1 by persons ait ing on the sick if ihey will use lbiibjs I'royhylac tic 1 lui l fieely. In sn k r.uins it shoul 1 he exposed on a plate or min er and the patient sponged elf with the Fluid di luted, bur safely, c luan 1 1 ness and com foil in ihi'sii k room th.- I luid i- in lis pehHable. SPECIAL. New Buckwheat, Oatmeal, Grits, ANI1 Fresh Facked Canned G::ds Clieap, At ULRICH'S. Money To Loan. VVHKKN HI'II.lJlNC AMi I ASSOCIATIi iN. This Aasociatioa is now prepared t, loan money un approved real estale ce curily at , per cent per annum. Application!! for loans should be handed to the Secretary, who will tub mil them to tho Board of Directors L. 11. CVTI.KIi. l'rest J. H H. Caiikaway. Sec. t TreRH. f. ;.t AGENCY FOR "Bleet be the heart that knows do guile That feels no wish unkind. Forgetting provocation, while Good deeds are kept in mind. Therefor you can find at TA.NSIl.l. FINK CIOAK AURM'Y. nper1nlndel I. j W. 1.. Palmer, the choloisl arlcly made at popnlftr pi Icei. Wm. I.. I'ALMKR. Senocil door froni cor. Pouil, Kionl anil Middle atreeis. New Heme. N (' Notice. Five Shares of Stock in the A A N C. H. have been lout or mislaid. Appli cation will be made for a renewal of aid certificate of stock . ec2d30d O. F. M. Dail S. B. WATERS, Jr., rOR TTTR Best and Cheapest Line of Gents' Furnish'g Goods HATS, SHOES, Clothing, Umbrellas, &c. Ail the Latest Koreltiee always in stock. Beet $3.00 Shoe In tbe city. Eveey Paib WAjtRAfmrt. Ask to eee his 60o. Shirt. Also, the celebrated Arrow Brand Collar, two for t5e. Clothee to order a tpecialty. FITS OCAHAJmjD. Seit Door to A. It. Baker, opp. Fplscopal Cltnrcb. ' -rx-r.-4-s . -i-i V tv.L7C7B y. Having purchased the entire Stock Of Boots, Shoes, and Rubbers in store un der Hotel Albert, I will sell the asm AT i OST, SPOT CASU. No goods will be sent out on probation. Tnankful for pant patronage, the busi nects will be continued at the old star. i - uii.it 1 Hotel Albert. " 1 T. PATTERSON. New ht-llic N C. Bt2rdtf E. K. BISHOP, 'Broker & Commis'n Merch't, lOstl Ottltr and UmiUuuir lit J I to C'lyda mil. Ai;, HI Iu, rn. A. Co'm I'rOTlaiottf. Flic Pmui s, ,iKc Building. ' "Hon. (,I.IN uiiii MEKCHAN- I S !-. I K.V at reaao liable nepil dim Use House's Chill Syrup Take Notice ! Our slme is filled w ilh I'rmisiuns, i roi--rie, l imned CiooiN, Ir (JtMHl.x, Crockery, Kp', We keep a full line of the Celebrated Prison Boots and Shoes. C. S. i'dr:;uny it Sums' Boots ;md Shoes. I ' ' .; SI I i : t , .1 fact 1.11 me satig- Country rnercbariU and the people generally are rcvjuesi d to call and ex amine our laiKl. st, k before purchas ing e w ill give you low figure. We j. b Borillard Snuff. ROBERTS & BRO., .Sn.fi rVorif r:.. XeulHcrne. N. U W Kll i i.i 1 1, i in i A 1)1 1- i.ii ,,i,r ri an(i ubs I tails lu labe IIkIiI. Dleaa&nl 'ib ,1 iheir own iiuuira m m . per day n l e .i.'.elly ii, ml, w,,ik B,.t t,y ma ' Sl M ll i hurt . hi fr. No uanvaa- K A'ldrti ul ..i.i-f, i tKCK.NT AKT . M h P. I -c M .i ss lioi ,17U. !IKMIM. A l I U IMCUS blH.uld X ;i nil -b 'HI. I'. HOW Kl.l. A CO., ! o ,,. , Sn.ri am 1,1,1, (H) I or S. I, I l.l.i f ,0(10 K M' APKHS. I U 'essnt Kl Kl: oil applleatlou. Music Lessons. .Mis s 1 1 A( 1 1 1 K HAKIUSON, for the p.t-l two years a student of the N. E. Consei atory of Music, Hoetou, will re sume her mu-!,- i -lass Mondav. October Isep-dtf. Cheap For Cash. I A 1 orty liv, t Heltuig f. r sell dwlf Saw Cm and thirty feet sale by I. H- CUTLER. Vanted Immediately ! 5,000 to 10,000 ACRES LAND, Well iiinhi red w uli I'ine. near trans- portal, ii W. 15. Eoyd. REAL ESTATE AGENT. New hern. N. C d w SEE ULRICH, Wholesale Grocer, foh mi: Lowest Prices! Jr. ... Rice Sacks on hand. NEW GOODS! at . i TULO. ITUXIL?0 JUST ARBIVED: ' 3 i PhUadelphia Batter, t 1 3 Caeeard's Sugar-cured UeaU ajid Pore Lerd. (. Beet Flour in toe-market. X ,V ,i Wafer Orackers. Grmham-'Wafers, 4 Pilot Breed and Fine Gakee. , V ' '' The beet of Teas and Ooffee. : ;t -Fulton Market Oorted Beef. ' ! ' - ' Thurber1! Veet brands of Can Goods, In fact tTerytning nice in eatables. . Give m a trial and be crwTinnnd. i. " seplf dtm i - JOHN LVSS. .k!i'ii 4,. t--