I BLISHBRV AOP!CMJ I. i !iS DAIlV JOCBSAL to coin inn cr. published telly, axeepl Monday, at 'Jperyear, .00 foe U month . Delivered j eity auoaorlbar at 60oenU per month. 1HKWSKKLY JOUKNAU So oolamn per, la published every Thursday at 12,00 , c r annum. ADVERTISING BAIbl (TAILY) One . uchoaaday II 90; 6ue lor each tabwjuent : tuwrtlonu" AdrertitemeaU under tudof Business Locala," H cents per for Dot ami &eeutelor every Suhseqaent Insertion. mil rtMHlintf JjtelnJ.ed between ocal ntttsrst say pnee. XotteeatftrrlacesorDesUis nottoeioeod eoUae will be Inserted free. All additional matte will be enarged 5 cents per hue. fay ments (or transient udvrrusruitnt mas b Blade la advanoe. Keiiuiar ude tlaa). X -will be collected promptly at the end ol each month. j Communications eocuiuiu news uf a dit ocaasloa of cat matters are solicited No ' eomjnttntejfttlOD must be ezuected to be pub louwd tbat contains obiectiuuatle personal- , ties vltbnolds tne nsme of tte author, or Hat will mue mon tutu uue coluiun ullti I per. Any person feeling agarieved at any iuodj , oaouseoinmanjoaiion can uuuid me uauiu u at) aatnor Dy appllcatiou at thin oftlce aud liewtnf wberelu the tcnevauce exists. THE JOUKNAL. a. a. . 10, UaJfcPKH. Killer WW BEBWE. N. C. NoY. 1 Catered at the rVi otfu & N aaaaooad-ctaae a&iir. PBESID.ENT K. P. ISattle ol ttie State University is out in a long article in the News & Observer proposing a banking tern which will insure enough paper circulation without greenbacks. Hi- cnriisa pretty level head on financial mat ten. THE CHOIIMJ PK0lS THKl.O Vt- EBNOR WITH 'I'll . ( HOkKltS. ' A correfpomleut of the News & Observer shows that the li. I. . Railroad Company is diirrimiiiatiiig agatnBt tlie ;orlolk western Road and the A. N. '. li. in vn- ; 1 at 1 On 01 section inree oi i ne inier state commerce act. A bale of Cotton shipped from Kaltigli to Norfolk via Ooldsboro .md Welilon in charged lrom Kaleih to (loliln '-boro eight cents prr hundred pounds, but it it goes via New Heme to .Norfolk the cost from K.ileigli to Goldsboro is increased to twenty . i i. i i i -i-1 . . ..Jhe way tbo writer illustrates '.lie discrimination and it is doubtb s ;i fair illustration. Another evidence Of -the discrimination against tlir A. & N. C. It. aud that these corpo rations have divided N. O. territory among themselves ninl are detci minpd to Htnrvf the A . .V N. ('. K and hinder the growth and develop ment of the country along i(s line is fonnd in the following : " Tni-ini lSSf. I),u 4 A- 1 I! J w UtlUf V w a. s.t j - i - - . R.anade an effort to reach Kaleigh i -i-i .i.i 1.., i i ii Tift uuiuauuiu, paiu iur n. i x ' . R.R.Cc their high local rate to Raleigh. By making a very lew rata to GOldsboro, they succeeded ioaecuring quite a volume oi bnsi ness, and Raleigh merchants saved d-tO-6 cents per 1(K) pounds in freight on goods ordered from timore and New York. 'I'll i a Knoinnca n iu i ilii ir iriiri for the R. & D. II. Jt , as most northern shipments came via Torts mouth and the B. & G. K H. One would sunnose. in the ab eesceofany pooling urrangement OT division of territory, the H. vv P.'i R. R. Co. would have been very glad to secure t hts nc lm:- ness. flabsequent developments seem to' prove that thfy did not want any trafflo that way. Very soou the high local rates were made higher, the A. & N. ('. K. K. was Cut off from Kaleigh. t he Halt unore and New York business nguin sought the Seaboard system ' Avery lively imagination is not requisite to conjecture that the Seaboard system, one of the parties td the ''triple Alliance," was losing in its allotted territory, and de i7T"u"" tnanded that prompt measures ,iim should be taken to divert these u ien .vt)U 8te 8 w, ak Rhinments from the A. & N. C. K. i tottering fellow being stumble and R. and se"nd them over the line by which th combination intended lhyBhoald go. Thus the i to 5c. jer 100 lba. saved bv tur merchants became a thing of the past. 'So it seems that llaleigb suflers as well as Sew Berne by the t hok inff'-ftwocess now in operation egainst the A. & N. C K. The you been placed in bis fix, with the neople ol Goldiboro, La Grange, same p;t falls of temptation before . T r. r u j voa, and the same trials and tron Klnsto.,. New Berne. Morehead ,lep' and perpjewitiei to annoy and City; Beaufort and of Tamlico coun harrass and to divert yonr steps :y, andia fact this entire section from the straight and narrow path "tempted reeently to take the ' ay of a blameless life and a flaw 'aw of these ravenoi wolves off .essdeportmen'.yon too would hare .. . .... . , izone astray and fallen as be has j B mtl V m'1 vjj rcuu- Z i-0 the O. r. & I. . Bnt ' 3vernot Scales steps to the front i J says, K)h, no, bojs ; let 'em keherf I would help you if I Id, but you must let 'em choke r; they are good ellora why .'t yoalet 'em get a better hold and choke good. -Oh no, I can't 6ubmit to your propositions; my "predecessors never done any thing of the kind ; oh I've got the back bone, but let 'em choke her." This is about the substance and effect of the Governor's words and actions in response to the earnest appeal ot our people to be freed from the prohibitory rates estab lished by the It. & D. in order to divert our trade aud starve the A. '. C. K. He has the back boue to defy the wishes of the people in the interest of the As sociated Railroads, but he has not got the back bone nor the desire to aid us id securiu a connection to the interior which would free us from these combinations, What the Type Writer Is IKilog. The tpe writer is creating a revolution iu uiethods of corres pondence, and tilliug the xounty w tlh acti e, competent jouugladieb w lio are establishing a diftiucf pro- 1 legion, and biingiug into our bui iiess offices, lawyers" offices, editor ial sanctums, etc., an element of j decency, purity, and method which j is woikmg a perceptible change, j The held is widening daily; not from crowding out ol Iheli places i iioiuig meu who have been in the J habit oi claiming a pie eruption for 1 clerical woi k of all descriptions, but in creat mg absolutely new positions. The revolution, if it may be called so. lias come lrom the discovery to business meu ol an ability of which I hey wt ie unaware until the great coiiv eulelice aud excellent woik ol , the type writer lotted them to it. The a 1 1 of tllctat ion is almost ,t new I art, but it is spreading rapidl , and 'business men aie beginning to understand that leuchol tln irbvts has been wasted in the iu:e me chanical drudgery rf letter wilting, and that through employing a com petent amanuensis they are now enabled to gel oil their correspon deuce with the least possible dic tion ami the smallest amount of tune. Whcieas, tiveveais ago, the tjpe wntei tv as simply a luechani , cal i tiriusity, todav Its UiouotiliioUS click can be heaid in itlinost every w ell regulated business establish I men, in the country. A gieat revolution is taking place, and the tyiw writer is at the botton o!' it. I'euuian's Art Journal. ( rtisorhlii iu Halt . rriutiug in Italy is still subject to strict (reusorship laws. Any publication which may olleud the authorities is at onoe seized and the priiited copies conliscated. The most popular journal in Itonic is the MesseDer, turning its title oer into Knglish. The other morning the editor, who had deli vi red a copy to the censor, and had iu the meanwhile gone on pnntmg, was notified that be must stop the piess, distribute the t pe in the presence of the police anil tlestrov what copies he had on hand. This u as done to the satisfaction of the officials, and t ipt at es then depar ted. 'The glee ol the editor was great. He knew bow to circum vent them. His paper is printed on a Maruioni press lrom a stereo tpe plate, made lrom papei mold. The mold "its prcscived, as was likewise the plate. Hence the next night, altei business ended I (or ot her people, he put the plates on his press anil quietly ran oil the requisite number of sheets ol the suppressed istue; these weie then eaielulU made up ml iinsuspic Thus I lie lous looking package objectionable number was issued, care being takcti to place these packages in the hands ol tried and trusty agents, who distributed the copies throughout The kiDgdom. Next day the objectionable article was everywhere. The police bad no knowledge of any im rovemen's in the art since IMS. and were completely mystified. The editor's jot at outwitting the authorities w as so great that it more than com pensated for the pecuniary loss incurred by printing the lot over aga n. American Hookmakrr. fall, eo to him onickl v, take him bv the .hand and help him to erec t lnmself and get his foot bold ugain. Don't add to his discomfort by alluding to t he distressing fact that he bad fallen, and don't increase his burden of humiliation by letting others see that yoo found him in the gutter. Nine times out .of tn bad jjQjjg So, let us be more lenient iulot'r whi in pleased to meet hia our jodgemeDts ot tbesbortcoming. of each ortien let ns throw the soft rn in:l f charitv over tbe bJorammd blemishes of human weakness, aod let us try to get so near to each other in our earthly trails aud temp tations that the bart ilriuga mcri closely united will so keep- up the electric current of universal kin ship, that when one chord taemblea under the . touch- oi - misfortune's hand all others will feel the vibra tion of suffering, and awaken re sponsive notes of symphathv and consolation. Be kind to each other then, and these blessed acts will help to sweeten that bitter enp of sorrow, which every sin cursed son of Adam must sooner or later drink to its dregs. Ex. Buying to tioo4 AdTanUge. "Never buy anything because it is cheap," was one of Poor Rich ard's maxim's, and a good one, too. This does not forbid that fore thought that looks forward into the future, aud selects what one knows can soon De used to good advan tage. At the end of a season there are always times when remnants aud broken lots of standard goods may be obtained for a very low price, because the merchants would rather sell them thus than to "car ry them over" to the next season, involviDg the trouble of packing aud unpacking, and of keeping capital locked up which might be at woik aud 'earning something. Thus while summer goods, ging hams, cbamhrays and various things of that sort may be gotten in the fall at a very low figure often, and if one has children or can forecast her own needs for these materials she may often buy to great advantage. Care should al was be taken, however, to pur chase fancies of one season, w hich will be sine to look very much out of place the next Boston Globe. AllVII K TO MOTHFUS. Mas WlNfUJW'8 8ootuinq Sykip nhould always be used for children teething It eoothee the child, eofteoe the gums allays all pain, cures wind colic, ami is ihe hunt remedy for "ititu Ixea T eotv rive ceDts a bollle. mur" 1 d tuthsat wl T - Tin. art of paper making has reached a point where a tree may I be cut down, matle into paper, and , turned out its a newspaper, in tfdrM ! six hours. 1 Huihleu'l Arnica Aalve. Tue Hkst Hai.vk in the world for Cute, bruisea, Sores, Ulcers, Ban Rheum, Keer Horee, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin KruplioKs, and positively' ouree piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded, l'rice 25 cents per box. For sale by U. N. Duff?. decl6 lv I and Whlker HaB- lUcn red al noma wlta oat pain. Book of nar Uculan aant FKEK. ;H,J i i , Tiii mim a m WOOU.KV. m ix S&J Atiiwut, en. Offloa W4 WoueoaU Sk K. R. JONES, Wholesale and Ketail Dealer In CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES General Merchandise, IIA(i(HN(l AMI TI1CH Ktc. CniKtinenUi of (train, (' od and other Produce solicited. I'rompt Attention (Jua : ntoed. N. W. Cor. Houth Front and MiddleSf M:W It l.'KNE, N. O. Wanted Immediately ! 5,000 to 10,000 ACRES LAND, Well timbered with Tine, near trans portation REAL ESTATE AGENT. Newborn, NC. r. M. RlMMOItS. d w riamanT iaiilt. SIMMONS it MANLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. will praeUevfn thaOonrtaof OraTeo.Jonea Onslow. Oartart,Pamlleo, Itiolrand Hy and Id the Federal llourl at Nw Peru fabvwlt Notice. Five Sbare of Stock in the A. A N. C. R. ha been lot or mislaid. Appli cation will be made for a renewal of said certificates of stock. ocSdSOd O. F. M. DaIL. Sale & Livery Stables. THB riRMS OF A A M. HAHN AND M. HAHN OOM PAST baa cea dia mreo By the death H A Haha. M. Hahn 1U. eoottnoe tta omtneas of BALK. mCHAHGK AUD Livery of horses. HULKS, eta., at tha old vu tm atudi streeW where be baa hM uiffiml -fn't.h aaknA bnalBMa In ihm WUl have on band 1st doe eeaerta a nil Lrr of noaE9 wtitt. A aw. a FIKB LOT OF BCOSIBI a Bid H1RRCM. 8ATISF ACrlOH OUAKAWXZ.KU. M. HAHN & CO. ana-lldwsm . . . UscIIc'a::C:;;!lSjrvpl Is! PQtfDER Absolutely Pure. Tnli powder nerer ranaa. A marrel ot pnrlty, airength, and wholeaomeneaa. Mora oonomloal than tea ordinary klnda, and eaa not be aoldln oom petition with tha maltltoda of low teat, abort weight, alum or phoapnat powtlera. Sold only In ena. HOIAt BAKU PownaaOo.. li Wall-i.. N. Y. novls-lrdw For sale :n Newbern by Alex. Miller. first ! 1,1 .. , t- i; i-.Kf uutali ,"- i- i; , 4 ! lis 1 i:J of Body i alrmifc-tr. Il lit- .t I in t e .' !; ' ' ". OOO'ii 3MGESTIOU, rttiUrl., ,. .t.1...H.ll4-s.. Sol.-. K wlert I i-e-tum. Hash, Poors ami n.iiiiU, 1'alnt.s, Oiin and hiM i.inic, ( inenl uimI I!h-; i, AND All .ni'l ol COOKIMi AMI HKAIl.i STOVhN, AT BOTTOM PRICES ! L. II. CUTLER, 26 & 28 Middle Street, Ni:V HKHNK N. V. ALEX. JUSTICE, DEALER IN Fine Flour of all Grades, Selected Teas, Pure Coffees and Spices, Butter and Cheese, from the best dairies. The Largest and Best Helected Htock CANNKD KHI ITS AND VKOKTABL ever before brought to New Heme. Alio, a full variety of other goods, uatia:j, kept Iu a Flrat-ClHss Htore. doods dallvered al bdv part of the free of charge. TERM8 CASH. Middle Ht. , next to Utimphrej & Howard, New Heme, N. C. mar27 dwtf GROCER, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS 177 ESTABLISHED 1774. PATAPSCO SUPERLATIVE PATENT Tbe Preaaler Floar ef America. Tli la K1A)U K baa long been conceded to be Superior to Any Other In Ihla Country Ah the Hrat Brands of American Flour are sold on European markets, where the "Patapsco Superlative" la.U nnd commanda ileoldedly more money because It makes the II H1TKST. SWEETEST AND MOST NUTRITIOUS BREAD. Ask yonr Grocer for It; also for PATAPSCO FAMILY, BEDFORD FAMILY BALDWIN FAMILY. MAPLBTON rADlILY. C. A. GAMBRILL MANUF'G CO, 2H COMMERCE 8T., BALTO., MD. REPRESENTED BY E. K BISHOP, Junludm RRW BERNE, N. C. Unm NOETB GAEOLLUA MARBLE WORKS, SEW BEBNE. N. C. Monuments Tombs ABdaUkUadaeraTcaadBBildlacWorkla ITAL1AN&AE3ERIGAN LIARBLE Ord an will reoetTd' prompt ttoatlor " Mtiaf aettoa rBarantaed z. . , JOE K. WILLIS Proprietor ' iBautis ot to Oeorce W. Otaryootoi Oor. BROAD G&AVXX 8U. Oi E. Kaut la Bar authorlCM inn Is not very encoaTAgiDg in oor seetiooand for that reason wo will offer n Sl W J - x m mt rt e ai : i - ri Larger Store, Larger In Clothing, Bee our line of $10.00 fsuks. 'Bkck Corkscrew Calaway Suite for 9.00. Full line of Samples Men's Overcoats from $2.56 up. Our line of Children's Bough and Jersey buits. . Hats 25c. up. New Goods constantly arriving. Our stock of Underwear is larger than ever before. An all-wool Shirt for $1.00. .New lot Boys' Undershirts just received. Men's Canton Flannel Drawers, all sues. e are bole Agents for Jas. Means & Co.'s and Stacy Adams & (Jo.'s SLocs. Btt in the market. Job lot Liueii t-.ui Celluloid Collars at 5c. each Sample lot of Suspenders at wholesale prices Men's Hand kerchiefs 5c. up. Lut ot ligLt and medium colored Scarfs, two for a quarter. Sixteen rib Umbrellas, only 11.00. Full line of Tranks, Valises and Bags just received. Carpets, Bugs, (til Cloth aud Carpet Lining. .jFjf Remember we have moved Store next to National Bank. Be Mffl Howard db GEORGE ASH, THE j o oth Han made it Lis aim this st ason Merit and Oualitv. ana recommends itselt to the better Youths, Boys and Children's Clothing Dobby designs at POPULAR ould draw the special ALBERT SUITS, whicn to the finest custom made wurk Our SILK-LINED OVERCOATS in light, medium weights are Beauties, and will be sold at astonishing low prioes. Our SATIN-LINED CHINCHILLA OVERCOAT is garment and will be sold as a BARGAIN LEADER! In MEN'S FINE FURNISHINGS we show a larger and handsomer line than ever, especially so in fine white, scarlet, colored and stripetl. In HATS we carry the LEADING STYLES, including the New Fedora in soft goods. Our Stock of Goods this season is TOO LARGE TO ENUMERATE ALL THE ATTRACTIONS, but would like for our friends to bear in mind that we also earry a handsome aud most complete stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, AND DRY GOODS, and are prepared to offer special drives in Ladies' CorSetfl, UnderVCSts, Walking Jackets, Cloaks and Shawls, and fine all wool Blankets, Lap Robes and Horse Blankets. All our Goods will -be sold low, therefore for good goods cheap call at NKXT TO L. H. CUTLER, MIDDLE STREET. I). M. Jones of Carteret and David CANADT of Onslow LS" Messrs w:ll be pleased to bIiow their friends R. N. Duffy, AND DEALER IN Surgical Appliances. Druggists' Sundries, &c, ty GUINN'S PIONEER BLOOD EKNEWER-invalnabla for th core of Rheumatism. ty Largest, best selected and the city 40,000 just received. The after. CP Makes a specialty of SUPERIOR LIQUORS for medicinal purposes. ty Prescriptions compounded Orders Solicited. sel8 dw Iforth-west cor. Middle it Tb Soctar sal ftw 1ttar-cfTtr u t uid bol a tarn 9t mUM til. Thgy harm rimplj popwtdc4 wkttteailHnAiMaririlm. Tba tetttr irtaanAtamH MM SI SIM m ft fct talk arm I VOTtl. TM eur it, mi mjn IhM ttw lw sanriB"MiMi waaawai tatanai at taU, ssaskMaflaaa ... . . es of : the ' above: Shoes forfiTn iS Sfcck and Lower Prices! from Rogers. Peet & Co. Tumble Suits will not rip. CbUdren's from our old stand to the large Brick sure and see us before you buy. ! e r to select a Btock of goods, which has trade. In the higher trades t)f Mens. we have a complete line of neat an j PRICES! attention of fine trade to our PBINCE in material, trimniintrs. make and fit are eaual U 7 - and heavy an elegant through the stck ocldw W Druggist, ALL KINDS OF cheapest line of FINE CIGARS 1b wholesale trade especially looked with care and dispatch. xt,. p. DXJ F'F' Y, and Pollock Rtn..Tfw TWna w-fL BiTtton, ijics im incrt mm Autw tat mrrnw OttJAMV.H MKAN8 M KHOB or UM JAMES MF.A83 6HOK,aswp(tyoaracla FowtmM none g coaiM tulcH our stamp appears anting oat Cba aoaM. JAMES S4 SHOE Wm not war as lonr as tte- JAMES MEANS S3 shoe, ; rr: t r.wnnf It If made for own whose oeeapatloaa arc nrh at fcadtlwm to c;ll ft a lighter ana ait ry iMaiaaar' - 'J the JAMES MEANS 83 SHOE. Our tl hot bat . rtaUlill for tttoira permiinrat repatatfen (nraamfurf ' and dumhjllty aoch as no otlier thoe his tree known in tba history of ihe truV. No competitors an ahh-toappmara it Th Jamps Meaana 4 Shoo to liti-.l and ft7-a. and It H ss durable as anr sl:os of Its wcttjt.t errr matia- farrnred. We confldentlj asecrt that la ewprjt yual r - tpert the Jampa Means SM Klioa It eqoal ts the 1 and-eeweU shors which have klthetto boa retaUeal i t , Ins a pfrStrllT smooth bottom awk. Jt an tte a rfoctlyea.r be find tffo R ts worn. James Means and Co 'a Rhort were the trat sa V : y i.juiki.t m iivrjii.nii.rij wuverrisro. II ymi i:9Ve DO. a. fjieajrpolntcd iantner atlrettlsel Miajet, yonf rxprrtmi ; ensrht to tarh 7a that It H safer to buy shots m a , .. " i m j.ic.M. .buw iuan tjnws maw Of tm v fiHowers. Theaa sbnra are sold hr Uua rjast millm thnwchoiit tba United tilaira, ait wa rtu plaoi then ,v easilv withta TfMrr raatch. ia ajiv fiiai r v.n-wi. ir saadiu a postal sard. . -. i r A." Pflaaaa aa?i; - . ' - 'udll LlRrUim Z RnstAM SJS , . agents for Kefe rcrne. K-4