Daily QURNA 1 VOL.X.--NO. 71. NEW BEKNE, N. C, SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1891. PRICE15 CENTS. if BUSINESS LOCALS. I district composed of the States ol -f ' I Marvland. Vire-inia. West Virginia rCB CREAM and Summer Refresh- ' ' ' V. . u menu furnished on short notice by ana North Carolina. Daring the the piste, qusrt or gallon. Lunch fur- proceedings the Chiel J nstice an- ttYdtt that the next meeting of ther patronage, I am, respectfully, the court wonld be held in Rich- J7 M . dhktakd. . fir8t Taesdav after T2?AdeniST0rnCrtTKreb6yt the first Monday in February next. Dixon of Greensboro Female College immi.t. Muwulnn sln. 'ThA nnnrt." aaiiI ia. "nr. nnn rim Prof. Mclver President of the If IVI IVUIl jHIIIIIVWIW ywWWW P- - -- WWV UWBH WW WMW WWW apply to Latham ucBKus. im conaidereti the advisability of in October, bat it TEACHERS' ASSEMBLY. Annual Address Major Finger ta ks Talmage Greeted with 2,000Hesrers. SECOND DAT Morkhead City, June 19 Wednes day morning the session was epened with music, and Divine services by Rev. Dr, Juat KEutiivtu-a cooice iui, 01 meeting asrain Norta Caroline lLims We sell the best u,eulUJ KiU 8uar eared Hauislu the Market. Butter- did Qot believe the new member none better In the market direct from the ormerr, so eenu per pound. Brctft 0f the bench to be selected by the It 1A nAtila mAi TWiiiiif I mw v -www.- mrv mu 2S dtr J. J. tolson. 'CJDMMER SPECIALTIES ! -Lightning O lea Oreani Freeiers, Combined Chair ...a aton i.tira. Ha. i loon Flv Trace. Wire Gauz Dojrs, Qause Wire for Window Screens, and a full Une of Hardware, etc., at mayudu j. u. wmitti w. TTJ8T RECEIVED. Paris Green for tf Killing Potato Bugs, at J. C. WHITTY & Co '8. Assembly then delirered the annual address. He gave an interesting history of the associa tion from its iacebtion. The first session was held at Wayuesrille, Haywood coun ty, the next two at Black mountain. President would De chosen by that Buncombe county and the following four time." ot Mnrahnail C,tv whAt-A nr.w KSAmlile,l the eighth. The first was on the Veran- LOCAL NEWS. da8ftheiiuiandm va - Tn iwu succcouiug m some wnat improveu A ROTIO SODA and Mineral Water- at 8am L B. WATERS. MR. PARNELL has been ordered fiimd, eto to pay the sum of $3,500 as costs in the O'Shea divorce suit. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Bargain Store Oar, eto, L. S. Wood General hardware, etc. II. II. Bell Mare orders coming in. Howard Something for nothing, eto. M. E. Whitehurst The housekeeper's what accommodations Dut not sumcisnt in rooms at isiacs mountain, ana men ia the ball room at Morehead City where increasing numbers led to the building ol the elegant Assembly tmildiu which it now sits During those jeais i, has had five presidents, but fortunately or unfortun ately the assembly has changed -Secre tarils nearly every year. First they elected Mr. Eugeno G.IIarrel, then Cant, Eugene G. Harrel, and next Major Eugene G. Harrel, then Col. Eugene O. Harrel and it is now nniroA&fnrl thnf. tha will preach tonight at the Presbyterian Dregent Inrnmw . mmn-tS SaWgggW?"?"? I r rfL lit- i i I IT is reported that there has Sl Eugene 0 been an attemp ou the life of tha tUM tn " n n " "wnue tne name nas Dee, l'leaident Hyppolite, ol Uayti, but Vardell and install him as pastor of the the Department ol State has I0- Presbyterian ohnrch tomorrow, ceived no news to that effect. Ocracoke is now booming up for sura It The Democrats of Ohio ought to gain an easy victory on the issues -presented by the late Republican convention. ... ! There will be another exoursion train to Morehead tomorrow at the low fare of $1 00 for round trip. It will leave at 9 a. m., start back at 9:30 p. m., and arrive in New Berne at 11 p. m. Rev. E. E. Bigger, of Washington. mer Datronace. It is a train under the THE RepnbUcan convention Of management of those very clever and Ohio nominated Andrew Ilarris, an accomodating gentlemen, Messrs Spencer tho state Alliance man, for Lieutenant GOV-Mros. There will be no regular boat been so changed, the spirit and energy of that officer has remained the same and to him tlio Teachers owe a debt of gratitude for the advancement of the organization and I say the whole poople for the grand ad vance in Educational Interest throughout ernor. It is evidently the purpose of Ohio Republicans to capture the farmers. Gov. Campbell, who will be re nominated for Governor by the Ohio Democracy, has the advan tage that he is as strong on National as on State issues, and very strong on each. from here but should our citizens desire I j to get up an excursion to Ocracoke the I proprietors will arrange for a steamer! to call by for transporting them. Tho president was felicitous in honors to tho teachers. They, said he, aro the true Grand Army op tho Republic, An Army ajrayed on the side of Intelli (fence azainst Icrnorancs. Wo are fond .A . IT . I iuu temperance peopia oi vanceooro 0f quoting. Knowledges Power, but will have a picnio and rally on the Ignorance is also Power. One a power r ourtnoi juiy to enow tnetr appreoia- for building up the other for pull-ng uon oi tne legislation putting an end to'Sdown. One a power for creating happi liquor selling wnicn goes into enect ness tho other a Dower t for destravinr? with the expiration of the present peace. In clossing the speaker was licenses on the first of J uly. Mr. A. W . eloquent iu delineating the evils of Ignor UOOK anu D1S lUVenUO Dana nave DeOn anno- hilt an T lanrn Hi alil.aaai nm oil BKJfOBEine campaign Ol J 18 engaged to furnish music on the to be nublished under tho ausn ices 3 :n v.. I I . . upeunu legitimately imui u um the Executivo committee, I will attempt covered by most people that third The combined moonlight concert and uo more than to say this address is worthy partv ism is a syren especially dan- exoursion spokoo of in Wednesday 'si of a place In treasure literature and it tn thn SnnMi onil iniminal JOURNAL will be on the steamer Kin- hoped may And its way to ever hearth ston next Tuesday. The entertainment stono in our good old state will consist of instrumental musio, I Prof. Finger, State Superintendent then vooal boIob, duetts, quartettes etc, and I outlined a plan of uniform course there will be danoing for the young I study for four months public schools and people and refreshments consisting of I the session was closed for the day. ices, cakb, ooffee and sandwiches. A I Just after noon an excursion from New gerons to the substantial whole country. interests of the! "Baron Hirsch is the coming man in North Carolina. He has purchased 270,000 acres Of land in brass band will be in attendanoe and Berne rolled with an addition to the acrts the State and expects to have 53,000 expatriated Russian He brews npon it before tho snow flies." So says the Norfolk Vir ginian. . I II ii'J JJ !Lj ; EvERT dav thn nnlitinal fifildl changes. We can have kind words indolenoe and bad atment to his ons for Cleveland, Hill, Vilas, Camp- Personal. Mr. L. A. Coulter, State Secretary, who has been at work in the city in the interest of the New Berne Young Men's Christian Association, attented Dr. Talmage's lecture st Morehead and then went up to Kington to spend a short time with the Association at that place. Mrs- Sallie Farrior, who has been isiting her parents in the city returned to her home at Kenensville. Mrs. H. W. Steinhilper who Las been visiting friends in the city returned to home at Fayetteville, accompanied by her daughter Miss Jennie, who has been attending the Collegiate Institute. Rev. F. H. Johnston, of Elizabeth City, who is one ot the ministers ap pointed to ordain and install Rev. C G. Vardell as pastor of the Presbyterian ohurch. came in on the steamer Nouee and preached in the Presbyterian Leo ture room last night. Mrs. J. J. Disosway and child left on the steamer Neuse to visit relatives in New York. Mr. Disosway accompanied her. Mrs. Edward Bull left on the steamer Neuse to visit relatives at Westbrook, Conn. Mr. Robert H. Willis, who has been attending Trinity College and visiting relatives since the commencement, re turned home last night. Also Mr. Jos. Rhem, jr., a medical student of the University of Virginia and Mr. C. B. Foy, a Bingham school cadet. Mr. J. S. Baanight returned home from a business trip to Fayetteville. Messrs. B. B. Neal, J. T. Hollister and M. Brinson left for Morehead on a pleasure trip. Mr. F. Ulrich left to spend a few days at Morehead. L. S. WOOD, Formerly 18 years with Geo. Allen & Co DEALER IN General Hardware AND CUTLERY, HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES and WHIPS, Farming Implements, Pollock Street, next to National Bank, NEW BERNE, N. C. juueMdwtf TO ALL LOVERS OF MUSI3 AND PLEASURE. Moonlight Concert, EX 3URSION STEAMER KINSTON. TI'ESDAY, 03d, at 6:30 P.M. REFRESHMENTS. TICKETS ON SALE at S. B. WATERS Craven County Out i" of DetvL Mlc -tn "Something for nothing is'nt busi ness." We don't promise you something Hats or Shoes don't See us. We may have just what tlenn rejoin when i mum ANARCH V ItfHAYTI. Htatl itlid Sll ".ulilrra Abave an Count) in NonU Carolina. 1'liaulc lu'uvni t '! - repent track crop will i-ancel t Ii i . 1 1 1,k i,: tu mortgagee In Craven .wnf. t'snt !;. kept the poor farmer loui)dinw , ar.il foot jor the last fif teen YPHtV. 1 TM Uflf Mb, 1- lor nothing, but do promise tO give Oo'l s grwu. au,. Iianm. re 1 6on to rejoice I lOKttnor tllBI' r"Hlt-Of I'm rniinlv you your moneys worlu. vuen u.:. r n.t thr fHiturs- Aiiiane , .. . ,ii .l- C111' ii ii, i l'.idk um! ipiu,lut u committee and you need anything in Clothing, let mum ii-u-ci bmo day ana piaoe eHy im mit;l mn ., " '!' farmere all meet OUy UUt.l yOU them wuH lurae taekets well tilled and enow till, it makea mv Of KO mnnv hacl. yOU Want. Our OlOtUing IS the renewed their inortaagei payin. from 0 to World Itenouned productions of the hn t. W..Dll?J5a? Stein, Bloch Co. Our Shoes the old aiulK av, uha"ds"mB 'auce to hu credit. ' I HtK 1'IIK FARMER reliable Stacy Adams Co's. asl. huai iesci.it of town with humnri.,.. euneeitM. lu my miml a eye I see him as be oalls hia,loar wife ami children together 8)1 bedding lnirk of reiolclni; us they pledge themselves they will make uo more mort gages in tiftuks ot stores, that the cash eye leui is the .ii.iy true read to succeeg. Vei.lt seeim to me, 1 h.-ai ihu dear wife say, there is a meieii mt In Sew lierue whom bo many reople auuse and say he Is the meanest man In town, opi'uuku lie lelusee to credit at all. Whether he was :meil north or south, eaet or west. I do not know.bnt I am Informed nun i;mu muuy mercliantg ontat ' " in trit ilollnr. .nil that ha Bll. I hi'.. Is '.i'-.-ririt: tanndrlud linen shlita ill I io. i ii.'li. i!:ieii roaars. any size, 5c. The prt'lliesT l:.o or oi.tinu shirts, 3tK and Cl.:..l-in-s sti-M, low .uarter,4, ! unu I'..-, i.i, c ,, ti ,. : x ('. plaids, lo. per yard. Iliose v.i.o p, rusri u,, te few lines will phaso reiiUL.loi I have Iron Safe for sale, price ; m.n). . ,,-jw s:ife bought at Wc. on the dollar. They are wear registers. Only at 110 W Alii)' S. Rumor That Hlppoljte had bteu Killed Prleoner Executed. New York, June 17. First Mate W. Bishop, of the steamship AIto, which RIlTTlTlfl fiT arriyeu irom naytian ports toaay, Btates that on June 6, a vessel which had been at Port au Prince during the insurrection reached Navassa, and reported that President Hippolyte had been shot and killed by one of the insurgents. The report had not yet been further substan tiated when the AIvo sailed away. The story of the revolt and subsequent mur der ot Rignaud, which this vessel brought, agrees entirely with the reports which have already been published. Mate Bishop saya that while the Alvo was at Jacma on June 5, six political prisoners were taken out of prison to the open square in front of the oity and shot in the presence of their friends and relatives. The grateBt excitement pre vails in town and all sorts of storios of outrage and murder were current. OTJIt Chantilly Muslins are fast colors, and if youfcM wish to dress COOL we do not know of any low price goods that will look so well for HEW DRUG STORE. H.ivn i; STOCK (,( DRESSES. ! 18 styles to select from, 7c. Yard. BARGAIN STORE NEW BEKNE Collegiate Institute. and COMPLETE DRIUS, MEDICINES anil CHEMICALS I respectfully call your attention tothefol lowing la, In : Kirsi, Unit, yon ,vi:i find at my NEW i'Kl'(i Klur.K a!! ti nt kois to make up a KiKST I i.ABN PI1AK.MACY, and that my frtcilHIeH lor i'renM iidlon work aro I'NHI'K l'A8.HKi, the iop .! I- .m.-h use I being guaran teed us to purity and accuracy or prepara tion, and STHICTl.Y t N ACCORDANCE WITH THi; 1'H V.SICI AS'S I'KEHCKU'. And C at we have the finest lino of V.x. tracts. Toilet Waters, colnenea. Kac I'nw- Iders.ainl all other Toilet Preparations at all umeN. we iry to ineci the wants of our 3iistoinpra, nd hope to merit their patron age by servln- them faithfully at all limes. U C. GREEN. UrncglMand Apothecary, .'.lld.i'i; street, tour doors south of Pollock j'inlHiiii .NEW 1IEKNK, N. O. no euort win do spared that wul con lot numanity already assemoied hero en duoe to tne enjoyment of those I joying the delightful breeze and squeeze attending. I at tho ever popular AUantio Hotel. As It is reported that White Caps have Write everything is lively and. ready for been paying their respects to some of tue tre" t0 oomo oU to-night when the the citizens of Hertford county. TenKev-Blr' laimage comes. 'Ihe jmten- daye ago they bucked a white man for I wo Session, was, mammoth in propor, About two thousand persons as horBG. Neighbor. Bay it did him great sembled in tho great ball room of the I Atlantic Hotel to hear tho trreat Brooklvn Vll T.l J .11 .ii , I a - B- 1 " uou, fsiuisr, nuu uu otucr gwu lb.rA WMfefl. Last wnek thn-r c.llH divine men of our party, not knowing on 0n nnother white man in the same Whom the nomination Will fall. Of I neighborhood, and paid their best res this be assured, the prosperity of pecta to him, which did him good, bo the country depends on the success BBy the neighbor., of Democratic principles. The ueated term that h9 visited nearly every section oi tue country nas Deen The hour for him to bogin was delayed for the arrival of a special train from Raleigh with visitors who were anxious to hear him. About 0.30? President Mclver told the DIED. At her home in Cootentnea Neck township, Lenoir county, June 12th, Mr.. M. E. Hazelton, wife of E. L. Hazelton, in the 39th year of her age. Mrs. Hazelton was the mother of nine children, seven of whom and her hus band survive her to mourn their loss, which is great. She was one of the best and most un selfish women I ever knew. She never wanted the best for herself. She has ceased from her labors and is at rest. May Qod in his meroy watch over and protect the motherless children she has leu. We commend them and tne be reaved husband to Qod, who is able to gave. u. w . a. MORE ORDERS COMING IX. I audience that ho welcomed them hero and T.iam w.n l.n. 17 mQ I ti, wf.f n . i i I had the pleasure of presenting to them JUAHX UQUUCOUdJl UUUO X , WH Ul WIO UVUIOO, BU.11B AUUffU IU I . I I ton n 11am m n n,1.A . n . rI -. a l .w a v notable day in the history Of 10 month of June. In many of the Wilson. The corner stonci of the wowded nothern cities it has been ex- Confederate monument was laid in depressing and fatal effects ar . . almost sure to follow. While in some the, presence of three thousand oft,lflMnlaflM ,.- hoa raon enthusiastic Citizens and a large to a hundred and more, we believe that number Of visitors. The oration of the correct register for New Berne has Senator Ransom was "superb." a gentleman who needs no introduction to any audience in tho "Civilized world , Dr. Talmage arose, bowed and the greatest of pnlpit orators stood before the North Carolina Teachers Assembly. He 8poko from the band balcony of the Ball room witn omy stenographers and re- 4,' can C An Educational Institution Eastern North (Jaro'ina, MALE AND FEMALE. KSTAIH.IHHE1) K. B I Pa joiin u been onlv 00 det-resn. Thla wn. rean.ha Porlor ulB uacK- ia oncers oi tne Thursdav and Fridav. We l,a, nnliw Assembly being seated on the higher MAIL advices from Chili State extremely hot or eold weather. balcony. He took for his subject President Balmaceda'fl Con- Mr. E. T. Berry .nd YJZir a i . , . , . 1 a. UVIU SUg VUVI1U nUVUUllVO VT llU ilfUWU .-fM?B'T7?nT;' im UXIT T-JTZS? ?f f IshaUnot attempt to follow vuoBuuuo-puwerB, giymg mm an- . , , or quote his speeolw lest I should commit thoritv to conescate anv and a I Bor,u" wu uo ""uma snwem oun rtf hi nhinfc. Ttwo-T. i. Witt . ; pronto dispose Of public 1 JJ-JSl Talmago of the Brooklyn Tabeacle muWmii the,, right of ani8ned In .. " ItTZiZ assemblaee and the freedom of the VresBj andto'krreat anS' &i the enamel ndgold,?The, work peiforined $mtih i. rueiuopOT i BU piiizenB.t1 -mprvenieni in me ap- R-i-i0h'. r,i. n lar,ratlnF th. j , , . pearanoeof (he Inside of the ohnroh -;-, ; T- ; . . . tlia: fllwM4. TraslftteKepublioan convention Lnd it writ :b. WitW when4 entireirr'10:,0' fuX "J0.1'? of men. McKinley was nominated WMbingtoa haa determined to hare wiiminn fonXrOTernor..aad reSDlntiOaa en- M itourth Jnly oelebratlon; and u Oxford and nerhan other nlaoeav. The dbrsW Harriaonit'or'aker. Sherman the rth oa Btnrdayj the huaieit Newa Ofaatmr aaja: nnrl PrtatAr Ct.iW'hftMifl. Th m " rm- "Tnee race, at cotton up by gen- -. -wm .wwaa ... . w-w fwvuww a.a.w a A -1 Jki. "JnT-l -1 Ad I a.1 1, t . M a. ; racing a. olmnroT i prove that i ia Inferior la Weicn toe attempted to BuW that Icllhed '.:aVnttmbervof, InvHitloiu to I la .peed od endnranoe to thai ot no orrao Carolina, Bresent as with the Ttak I ultimate obieoti of Drovinc what per leouon an De. attainea mine nun so Bell's Eureka Meets With Favor Whcr eyer it is Known. Still another order has been received from Louisburg. It ia from a prominent druggist of that city and goes to show that the Eureka l. wanted wherever it ha. been tried. PEOPICtBNT IN HIS CALLING. Danville, Vs., June 15th, 1988. Dr. E. Qrisiom, Raleigh, N. C. My Dear Doctor; This will be hand ed you by Prof. H. H. Bell who is a most worthy man, and very proficient in hi. calling. He is on a visit to Ral eigh and a good word from you will help him, and do me a kindness. I sincerely nope tne nana or time is tail ing lightly upon you, my dear old friend. Thirty years have we given the world of arduous labor, and I hope you have been justly beguiled for yours. I am as ever your friend, B. M. Walker. Tmck Train Discontinued. Special Truck Train No. 208 will be Eight Distinct Departments. Primary, Intermediate, Academic, Collegiate, Art, Music, Icduetrial and Business. TEN EXPERIENCED AND COUPE TENT TEACHERS. 27." STUDENTS IN ATTENDANCE, Thorough and practical Instruction in all departments. Students prepared for the active amies or me ana to enter tne uiRiier classes of College, A. Practical Business Course, em- unn, Wholesale and Retail CONFECTIONER, FANCY AND FAMILY - -- "A.N I) DEALElt IN CIGARS and TOBACCO, Store on Pollock street Opposite the Episcopal Church. Qivea coed Bargains to customers. and extonds cordial greetings to all. iNew Uorne. N. U. 6 16 dwtf STEAMER "CAROLINA" FOR SALE. I'ursur.nt to a judgment of the Superior Court of Craven county, N. V , we will sell at iue wnart at tool, oi houiii Front street. In the city of Nowbern, at Twelve o'clock, Mid day, on the Twentieth day of Jane, 1891, the Hteanihoat "Carolina," her tackle, apparel anil furniture. Terras Casn. ror further particulars ap ply to O. H. G1JION,- and II. DEW. STKVENBOITi Iun9td Commissioners. ISnAAlal fit iiTD. rt TMoLnnHnn f , , 1 1 , , , a ard your kltohen stove and get an Oil desiring to become Teachers. ,ha-ra no not kitchen In summer. It la safe, d4 Ii more economical than a wood stove. Lights Wltu lime neas. auoiutr (oou platform teafijrmstho docUiiie of 0or lownBmau, ;jolui B. ; Longf XM., e1i ' f rw ievottoo to fi.n nrntfiMIon. 1 fil, ifK"inlAiri kn.r ? t' ,Ltn j-ir ! IfrOM ,fe fnirit and DUrMMt cepted the nomination in a speech Long, on,L aooount of health, hu de I tha atook In Knrth" rtarnliiii me MOKiniey DHi-tne , ; present riA?:rr:Tr'J k'te b. ranwai tariff law-lain the lnie farmAra ' 'v " ww Anne..wMningwtt mm the objeot being the m, to larmeri. rr-., . 0 - r 'fl bilf olnb dekire tha'Rair Berne'olnb to ooo-lonti animatlnc apor a. Wtwaajaaaswaw-waaawawaaaw) ' I I 1 ( ' i r t "Try -r-r-r-rrr-r-rrr and teat their .kill. a.J .! j j .- v-tA .Tnn a bracing- Book-keeping, Penmanship. Bank- uinwuimuw vu .u A", ' "7 ln8. Commission and Brokerage, Commer 19th. S. Ii. DILL, Supt. 01ai lWi Mathematics. Vocal and Inatruutental Single From Inent Features, under ithe direction of a male professor, with efficient assistants, THe Housekeeper's Friend, A. Kerosene Btove. get one for 9Co.,or dls sard your kltohen stove and get an Oil Stove large enough to cook every thing, and Moral and Bellglous advantages unsur passed. Kxpenses very moderate. Board from 8. 00 to 1 10.00 per month-f acuities good. ifhlng Just now a 30-candle Nlckle Lamp tha 'Utile Koval." RarthanKettieaiorinins. rioe. etc. nupe-i D,i.n.jnMn,.,i. . ,i , .,...i,o . , - . , . , - , I DU-U,M lUUUWUIDUH W lUUlKCIlb BIDUCUU, rlpr to an Iron ppt lor oooklnj any food; all who are desirous of procuring an education, tiloa nooks and housekeenera appreciate! r them. Wire Dish Covers, lee Picks, Kx-I For further Information or for catalogue, tractors ror lemon juice, wire uroiiers, apply to Pealner inuters, ueieDraiea tsanner ump. Bate and BrUUant," Pearl Top Chimneys, Ahaa lot I. S. China Plates. Cuds. Banners. English reroeiain ware, piain anu aeooraisu never uraxe. Chamber Bets, Bed Pans, Crockery, Lem onade, Berry and Ice Cream Bets, etc. Housekeeper's Conveniences and Necessities. Alan. Paner. Pens. Ink. Penolts. Rubber 1 Bands. Leaal Patter. 10s. autre and up. Box Paper. Envelopes. Also, Cash Boxes with at without trays, Tin Ware, Looks, Tools, rooxei luuves. maonine 11 at WHITEQURSTH. Btn near Post OUloe. T'tTW nam AnnalafA nnnrf APffon. I OOmd.OVef rr I avlfl'ata. h.i CMliltlnal an.1 nvii4tna MAil. I fuuvu ,-oan TO B.W1UOU. . I Knlva. and FOrES, izad bff ; Ohlaf Jnatlnat FnllerAt " f .1 7.T "7; 7T. r " "rr hnproTO the 'owed Of roe Hone tne o and Needles, eto. wyw..w ., moot, andrewprKi at plghO ;fr:i-ltoaia."if,i-.:jf. iLu-r.'i.ki ." Vl onpoiiocn L. 11. CUT I.KK, W. B. CHADWICfc. President. Vloe-Prtsldent. T. W. UicwBY, Cashier. Farmers and Merchants Bank . NEW BERNE, If. C. Paid Up Capital, - aTS.OOOt This Hank, Just organ lie J, offers its ser vices to Banks, Bankers, Farmers, Mer chants, Manufacturers and others, and will endeavor to give prompt and careful atten tion to all business eonnected with banking entrusted to us. Collections a specialty and marie on ail accessible points on as liberal terms as Will be consistent with Judicious banking. Business soliolted and correspondence ln trltAil from Tin r M en riant finer tn .nm " . , , vvu HWUUUUl In our city, as well as from those contem plating a change In existing arrangements. Very lespsctfuliy, t - T. W. DKWKT, Cashier. mniwiuiva : u. ruvutier. w m. cieve. n. Marks, P. A. Pelletler, W. B. Chadwlok. J. y. a, feiietier, uank Attorney, my 1st; Auction Sale. : MY OFFICE and the TWO OUTBUILD-' New Fountains, New Cooler, and best Sh, whit.", Esq.',' wTBiStS tK G. T. ADAMS, A. B., PRINCIPAL, JunelH dwtf New Berne, N. C. Soda Water on Draught I Today at JOHN DUNN'S. of all, Glass Syrup Tank., do not oome In oontaot with Gall and try it. Tha Syrups highest bidder, for cash, or negotiable not i anvmntal at bank, on SATURDAY, the Wth Inst,, OB i any metai. th8 premme.at m o'cioek! m. ' " tf 1 JunelUdS QEORQE Oltltltff OEOROB GItKEN.i ."si,.