Daily OURNAL. ft VOL. X.--NO. 7. NEW BERNE, N. SUNDAY. JUNE 21, 1891.G PRICE 5 CENTS. BUSINESS LOCALS. TEACHERS' ASSEMBLY. I!f MEMOHIAM. Splendid Bree-a-ETerjbodj EBjojlng wbhtbi y a lady riuso to TkAmMlTAa Addru hv ram. MRS. J. W. BIDDLK 15 MEMORY OF HER m!lnilA,H.rH. MOTHER, MRS. HKLE5 V. BROWN. THIRD DAY Morekead City, June 20. The day If I could oall thee back From death's dark waters cold, faith in him so that I can receive him to mvlifef God wants von FODND-A 11:1 niokle key about two vaf,.iv morfl than want him Inches long. Enquire at Journal 8lly more lnan JOa want nim, cffloe. 15 oul juu cannot come iu mm as XCB CREAM, and Summer Refresh- long as your lost, cruelty, false menu furntohed on short notice by hood, frivolitv. li likA a, hfntw i ..linn ' T.nnnh tnr. I ' rfl l VIMS. MUUIUi . , , .... I ma j j. n.-l. .li. m. ... o .ii. with thank. BLODB in Lllfi vorv wav nv wnion na ououeu una a koou souuieny ureeze uinu. i mo k wis me oi pain ma tuu, . ..-. ,A . ,Hr.lttion of fur- n... n tk.i.i. k. beautiful rinnlea an the sound, and no Bck to Ihe care this life doth hold, Ul IMDI AflBVWBV aaa), - - - III II I ,t III 1 1- . I Ivan ll III! Il I.IIMIi Hill in i k r - ther patronage, I am. respectfully, I . !t k t. . ... I few ripples amone the nhite dresses of J7 bhsahd. : the ladies, which are worn more iu de- ii' nan nnn n n r w r n a w r s t rTHE Residence formerly oooupied by I " . Uu.,j "i "" l" defence to the warm renorts received Mr. B. O. E. Lodge on Craven street wave a Bif nal to jour God that you from a distance than any excesive heat w iwc iw, iwinum ii . rAtirltr fnr hia cAtnins nav ha I v,. -annivtA Latham Bdrrcs. lm J . v Uci, uuuio, iui iii is nig power iu you tuat makes you hrst want him." JUST RECEIVED A choice lot of Horttt Carolina Hsms. WeMUtheblst BuiareuradUamsin th.M.rket, Butler Don. betMr In tn. market-dlr.01 from the Cfmery, SO oenU per pound. BreakUet B mod. 10 ent per pound. BMjiigdtt , J. J. Touwn. SUMMER8PE0IALT1E8I LiRhtning loe Oream Freezera, combined cbalr and Btep Ladders, Balloon Fly Traps, Wire Qmm JJooi, Gau Wire for Window SerMna, and fall line of Hardware, .to., at -iaayMdU , , J, 0. Whiti 4 Oo. JUST RECEIVED. Paris Green for Killing Potato Bugs, at J. C. WHITTY & Co s. A ROTIC SODA and Mineral Water XV at Samx B. waters. Aye, would my voioe in anguish wild. Cry, "Mother, hasten to thy child 7'' If I oould call thee back From out the shadows dark, Back where we moan and weep, Baok where life's sorrows oreep, Aye, would I ory with keeneet pain, "Mother dear, comeback again?" father HoMlnger Exhausted by Hit Labor. Pittsburg, Pa., June 18. Father Mollinger is so completely exhausted over the strain of the past few days that he has been compelled to take to his bed. He bas neryous prostration and he has anncunced that he cannot see patients. He intends to go away for a rset as soon as he recovers sufficiently from his pres ent prostration. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTI3EME NTS. Lost Key. H. B. Duffy-Look out. D. Lane List your taxes. Howard Something for gentlemen. Bargain Store The Financial, eto. W. H. Oliver -Newborn polioy hol ders. Xhink when the bells chime 'Tia angels' music." do Thk Texas State Treasury con tains a surplus of $2,000,000. Gov. Pattison vetoed the com pulsory educational bill passed by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, The excursion train which leaves this morning at 9:30 o'clock gives another opportunity of passing a day enjoying the cool sea breeza. The train will leave Morehead on the return trip at 9:30 p m. Potatoes are lower but still command a good prioe. Palmer telegraphs from New York that they are in heavy supply It is pleasantly cool and no one recog nizes the hottest Juno on record from any personal acquantanco with it on the airy halls and balconies of the Atlantic Hotel. Thursday night was a crowded time at . the Atlantic and yet every one was made comfortable, unless they made on of the Blunders described by Dr. Talmage, that of bad humor. The prompt and eager attendance on the dinning room indicates a pleasure re sort, not a health resort. Whatever ailments any of us may have brought with us have disappeared, notably that very prevalent cue, "loss of apatite." Surf bathing is a favorite amusement and the sharpies enjoy a lucrative employ ment in furnishing enjoyment to those going over for that purpose. New Bernians were quite numerous at I From out the heavenly land, the Talmage lecture but those on the ex- Where angels joyful sing, I ITI 1 t TT s cursion train committeed one of the great- "Bro est "blunders" in not bringiag a single Th in flnat nnt in .Ana copy of tne .iournai,. We fondly anti- It I could oall thee back From off the shining shore Back from the better land, Back from the golden strand , Aye could I. would I have thee come Back o'er this weary life to roam? t If I could call thee baok From rest and peace secure Back from thy heavenly home Where sorrow ne'er can come, Aye, would I bid thee come again, To suffer sorrow, toil and pain '! If I could call thee back Oould roll the mists away Could pierce the mystio veil That hides thee now for aye, Oh ! could I mar the glory now That shines around thy saintod brow. No, never call thee back "Something means you. We have some fixings for gen tlemen that are indispensible. xucy uuusisi vi oaauce, xicgugec on Shirts, Summer Underwear, Yacht Caps, winasor Ties ana scans, T- t " --t-- 'sCfcl Sleeve Supporters, Cuff Holders, r y .-) .au i Boston Blacking, (makes a patent leather shine,) White Vest buttons, Bachelor Buttons, White Vests, Summer coats, Half hose, etc. Try us for anything you need in the line of Clothing, Hats and Shoes. J. M. HOWARD. Correct, Compulsory education island are selling from $3.50 to $150 per not Democratic. I barrel; cucumbers are $1.25, and wax beans CO to 75 cents per box. All the JO CANNON says the Democrats huckleberries sent by freight are arriv- (ulinnnd nn nn t.hA IJonnhlieanfl in linir in hart nrHar the last election." Whereupon the Washington Post remarks that 'tho Republicans monopolized both the slipping up and the slipping down on that memorable occa-l bion." If the Democrats and farmers of the Buckeye State cannot beat ballot box fraud Foraker and mon opolist-tariff McKinley, they had better resign themselves contented- Mrs. J. D. Carpenter, of Greensboro, who was expected to have conducted the services at the Hanoook Street Methodist church today, will not ar rive until tomorrow nieht. Her hus band, Rev. J. D. Carpenter, will All the pulpit this morning and tonight, and Mrs. Carpenter the services during the week. Morehead has the honor of having our esteemed Governor, T. M. Holt, among the visitors. He went down last night, accompanied by his private seo iy to tneir late, ana mate up tneir retary. Mr. a. F.Telfair. They will minds to remain forever where the I return Tuesday morning. Mr. Jos. E. woodbine twineth. Richmond KD,mion, tno geniaI edltor of the Times, Goldiboro Argus, was also among the jj " number that went down to this popular 'AUSTRIA teaches Italy a lesson, "sort last night. The Austrian Government is satis- The ordination and installation cere- fled rith Its investigation into themonie,l at tno Pbyterlan church this nhniuTAii of rnfil trnatmAnr, of ital 'n,nB wm be conduoted as follows: anhiAt in Vlroini. Thnr w Pr' F H' of Elizabeth City, no cipated it "in uJvaueo of the mails" as the New York papers used to say. The assembly met at the usual hour. Ser vices by Itov. L. W. Crawford of Trinity College. The regular order ol business was taken up and permission was given l'rof. Bandy of Trinity to call attontion to a no w Arith metic which ho has published. Prof. Alexander was called to the ohair by President Mclvsr. Prof. Graham then took up the subjects appointed for the day and they were all discussed, and by able expositors too. At night Hon. M. T. Harris, United States commissioner of education address ed the assembly. During the afternoon Secretary llsrrel and a party of ladies were treated to an involuntary bath by their sharpies bei.g capsized. Shallow water and ready re lief rendered the accident not perilous. C And, yet, I fain would cry Alas 1 that thou shouldst die, My sainted mother 1 Must I bid thee come, From out the Glory Land To comfort her who stands And calls thee, precious mother oh return. M.E. M. Forest Hill, June 9th, 1391. for Gentlemen That Financial. TflE WINSTON WEST m HOTEL And Land Company "Hie Trucking Interest Around New bern, N. C. The present truck season which is now about to close has been an extra ordinary one. The quantity of truck which has been produced has been enormous. In regard to the quantity during the shipping season the railroad and two steamships have been taxed to the utmost of their oapaoity to move it. The railroad company has run from one to three trains daily, carrying from three to four thousand barrels and boxes each train, the steamer "Neuse" has made three trips per week carrying from four to four thousand five hun dred barrels and boxes each trip, the steamer "Newberne" has made two trips each week carrying from two thousand to two thousand five hundred barrels and boxes each trip. The railread has shipped 70 train loads, say 210.000 The steamer Neuse has taken 80.000 The str. Newberne has taken 60.000 850.000 boxes and barrels consisting of straw berries, asparagus, green peas, cabbage, beans, kale, beets, turnips, Irish pota toes, tomatoes, cucumbers, egg plants, and radishes. The prices realized for the above have been extraordinary, and the amount realized from the sales of The Sunday school of Asbnrv church m. Yon, mn'. nr. mB.tJB.r tne.m nM D7. s m0" 0OMe.rTa"ye L..i.;in r,.m nr.. n... " ... ... ' - r ---estimate reaonea tne sum oi seven w.vuu ,,u0u.u0iv..r iiiu a ove, in connection wnn tne iNeuse at 9 a. m. Weekly prayer meeting hundred and fifty thousand dollars. to .November, it IS a rare thing to road branoh of the Sunday school will every Thursday night, at 8 p.m. A I Which bas realized after deduoting find anv man nhniUi, in nnnnfrir lhave a cicnio at the ohnrnh nn Wadnoa. I in.ii.ti .. n .ii I freight and expenses over a half a mil- UW1 n UVbUUI KU WUUUJ I - " w.MV. , UU1UI.I lUTlW.IVU IS VAHUUIW V RU W I . , .. m - I M nn li.lnln. lnUT . f T- .. ... , f auu VI ww.sn.B mw v vua . ... " t J J o- juk a., ju., u.u. lattena tnese services. i i i.s t. k..j h. iiin Baptist Church, Rev. Rufus Ford, There was shipped at least one hundred pastor. Services 11 a. m., and 8 p. m. I thousand barrels of Irish potatoes; some The Financial, Frater nal, Co-Operative, Mutual Benefit Insu rance Companies PROMISE to pay ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS FOR FORTY-FOUR Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! We GUARANTEE to give you ONE HUNDRED CENTS worth of good honest Shoes, ITatu or Clothing for every DOLLAR you SPEND V7ITII US. Which of the two propobitiius "strikes" you the more favorably BARGAIN. STORE LOOK OUT ! Will Offer For Sale, At Mi-si Roasor.ib'.c Prices 77 Selected Lots LYING NEAR THE plendid liV HOTEL, rON. North Carolina. IT WILL STRIKE LIKE SHELL ! A BOMB- will preside, preach and propound the -i: : : i a constitutional Questions: Rav. H!. V. trians in Virginia, and it is equally Bigger of Washington will chares clear that there was none against the pastor, and Rev. J. o. MoMuiUnnf Italians in Louisiana. lOoldsboro will deliver the charge to the DeODle. A cordial invit.tinn In ha ootjthben people scanu greauy present is extended to all. in their own light by not wearing Church Services Today. Centenary M. E. Church Rev. R. A. Willis, pastor. Services at 11 a.m., and 8:30 p. m., conducted by Rev. J. M. Lumley. Young men's prayer meeting at 0:15 a.m. Sunday-school at 4 p. m., J. K. Willis, Sup't. Prayer meeting on Thursday night at 8.30 o'clock. The publio are cordially invited to attend these servioes. Church of Christ, Hancook Street, I L. Cheetnutt, pastor. Servioes at 11 a. m. and 8 p.m. Sunday school at 4 p. or town. dreRHed in anvthinff bntl woolen goods. Cotton suits are just P-V00 sient of Public J l Tnftr.riifttir.n will 1a na. mAA- A. I comioriaoie, equally as nice, ana .aenerftl Education." .nrf Prf o t rt.., ia. mt in a fi.hh.fh of these potatoes sold at $7 per barrel, their use would greatly increase Adam. Prinmnai r .ha .-wi . - t t M-n.-t.i nny $6 a yerT largo quanity at - i - i i --.av.- w v.uw aivn wiug auuuui ni v -uitt i iii iuviauiDi uuf i or en ... the demand for tho raw article and Collegiate Institute will deliver an ad 1 ' haY.6 a tendency to put up the dreB8 on Sunday Schools. ' ' price. v Here is something for the Personal. A III A. - lt.!..l- X - i , ... t -( aiiiuwb m tuiua. over w ineir The following visitors to Morehead profit.' Montgomery Advertiser. I returned home last night: Mrs. L. L ' tT!. ,. "LI " " - , Hendron and children, Misses Carrie u. rmiaiin jjbuujis, preacn- Meyhew, Fannie Willis, Emma Jordan, : iug recently in X(ew lorK said: "It Myrtle E. Pope, Fannie Holland and is not unbelief that makes any man I Mrs. s. H. Lane. Strong. ; Not by the Shutting out Of M' John H- Winder, of Norfolk, Jk: any thing, not by the shutting out "hha'been Ti,itin Mre- F w- Servioes at Long Wharf at of a lie, does power come. It can- I Hughes left yesterday morning to visit I hoi filliA. If.j T a in i . UUl. HIUUJ, HI UV UttKatlVe. Ill Ralaloh '! .:. -i .. .. : i must De positive. Deny the false Prayer meeting Thursday night 8 p. m A cordial invitation is extended to the publio. Christ Church Rev. T. M.N. George, rector. Fourth Sunday after Trinity. Service and sermon 11 a. m. Evening prayer G p. m. The public are oordially inylted and will be shown to seats by attentive ushers. unapei v;isu a. m 5 p.m. S5.50 ner barrel, doubtless realizing $5 o:io p. m, ner barrel which would make $0UU.UUU. 250.000 barrels and boxes of other artioles as above at each, 550,000, $750,000 This amount Is larger than the sales of tobaoco in any county in North Car olina save one viz: "Granville" and it is iust equal to that A solid substantial boom baoked by a Sunday school at the half million of dollars is upon us, this mnA at lh nhnroh W no DU0D18, no gll.wr, no iiiopiay, n sometning uupreueuueutna. juu uui people take courage, with renewed HPUCIAX sali: of a large line of White Goods, Embroid ered Skirts, Laces, etc. Will begin at 8 a.m., June "J, AT H. B. DUFFY'S. Will sell them at a GREAT SACRIFICE. They must go regardless of cost. We are overstocked with these goods. Sale closes at 7 p.m. iun21 tf Tne Housekeeper's Friend, A Kerosene Stovo. get one for :ii'c.,or dis card your kitchen stove and get an Oil 8tove large enough to oonk everything, and nave no not Kitchen in summer, it is sal,-, and Is more economical than a wood stove. lilRhtg with little neat. Another good thing just now a Hl)-caud!e Mcklo Lamp. the '-Utile Royal." Earthen Kettles for fruits, rice, etc. Rune- riortoan Iron pot lor cooking any focd; all nice cooks and housekeepers appreciate them. Wire Dish Covers, Ice Picks, Ex tractors for lemon Juice, Wire Broilers, r eamer uusiers, "ueienratea i.anner ump, Safe and Brilliant." Pearl Top Chinmevs. cheap lot I. S.China Plates, Cups, faucers Kngusn forceiain ware, plain ana ueooraUU Never Crane. Chamber Sell, Bed Pans, Crockery, Lem onade, Berry and Ice Cream Sets, etc. Housekeeper s conveniences and Necessities. Also, Paper, Pens, Ink, Pencils, Rubber Bands, Legal Paper, lite, quire and up. Box Paper, Envelopes. Also, Cash Boxes with or without trays, Tin Ware, Locks, Tools. Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives. Machine Oil and Needles, eto. All at M Presbyterian Uhurch Kev. u. U. enerev. with means of their own in Vardell. pastor. Sunday-school at 9:30 their hands, let a fall crop be made - S I A I l Ii. a. 1 Services at II a. m, with ordina- 2nJZ?Z tLl a.m. Servlcesat 11 a. m, with ordina- -"7tit will add immensely (ton or Kev. v. u. vardell ana ma ui theragouroes of our people. In the installation as pastor. Sermon by Dr. insnired laneuaiie of the Psalmist, "Let Rev. Jas. Thomas left for Tarboro. at hood with all your power and voice, which place he will preach today, That is , your duty not . make , yoa strong, makes yonready Having turned the rhMa fhjfkA Oama Haahh amam sVa iLj. I ... . W " w Mirror, who delivered the oom- The 7Umington Star says: There truth. Then Strength will cpme mencement., address of -the , Pamlioo was a mad doc scare on Ninth and , pourlngjin Ittha alw ays been Msle aMinmaie , Institute Friday, Onesnut street. Aamall Maok-and-tan throueh men of belief, not unbelief. Psea mrouga en-route to his home. dog, tried tolbite some one and was '.' w "iW naaningwn, tinea. w-k . . I If. A m TT" i .. . I " mw vkdivsi uawu m j at i iuhuudu lOUKiiRKg vi vav . JJUt mat does J aaugnter, 3(.nuon at EllzmlH.tB Cltv. com. the people fraise thee, O God: yea, let It only feoviaungat mnion aervioe at 8 p. m. The public ..gL"J. 1 h .1,... " ouniree returned to ner ,. . - . . earmnatn nrougns iorsn ner iuctoimo, t.0 '..Re.tron8' hnm..toft.w.. oordially invited to attend these Lnd God eTen our own God," hath lie out Of doors, Mr. TW R,BnnV uU' kt I 'ervioes. Riven "us his blessing." , WILLI4M 11. ULIVER, Newborn, N. O. thatr(romQodha8ponre4into f ,n' Newborn Policy Holders. I have a policy of insurance in the Equitable Life Assurance Society of New York, taken out in 1871, on whioh T hav rannlvail nn diviiianrlA ainne 1H74, ill be- J It ta 0Ter FIFTEEN YEARS since I re There was no un insnranoe that discrimination was to be made being a TeruH, caa iliinl nash; balanco iu one and two ytaru, six per cent interest on doferti'J pavrj-'i.t'-.. You vill iay no tji6ii on these lots until tho Ian1-, paympnt on your lot ma tures. To purciiiisers of lots, from a distance, their railway tickets and Win ston hotel bilis will be refunded. Send for majitt sho wing position and sizes or lots, facts and figures about WioRtou, if you ne-'ii any further evi dence r-a' it l3 a-? best town ia the upper South. Dull or HiipIi times, no man has ever failed t ) mnke money on Winston lots who h. Ii inem a reasonable time. juuol 1 3tsun Craven County Out of Debt. She Stnmtrt Head anil Slnuldrr. Above nny County in IVorlU Carolina. Thank heaven, the present trnck crop will cancel three-fourths oi tiie mortgages in Craven county thnt has kept the poor farmer bound down hauil aud foot tor th taut nr. teen yenib. Is in -re uny set of people on Uo.l s Kreen eurth lias more reason to rejoice together llian the r eople of Craven county. Iheii If bo, why not the Farmers' Alliance call a meetins; and appoint a committee and let them ae.ort some day and plaoe, say Beech (irove. and let the farmers all meet thorn with largo baskets well rilled and .how some Rliitis oi rejoicing. Oh.lt makes my heart, rejol- e when I think of so many hard workln t irno is wno year after year have renewed their mortgages, paying from 10 to J" percent., tot., the bank anl plank down the lend sol:d i-iis'i.tako up his mortgage, and leave a handsome balance to his credit. 8KK Till: FARMER As he hustles out of town with his mortgage canceled. 1 n my intmi s eye 1 see him as ha calls hlsilear wife and children together all shedding tei'rs of relolclng as they pledge th-mseives ihev wiil make no more mort uagesin bani.i or stores, that the cash sys tem is the only true road to success Ye. It Beeniilomo, i hear the dear wife say, there is a mcrch .lit In New Berne whom bo many people alun;e and sny he Is the meanest man In town, because he refuses to credit at all. Win tner h - v,as raised north or south, east or west. Mo not know, bnt I am lnformod he isbuylnmi great many merchants out at V , - "" 109 "011ar, and that he, BUi IKK, is ollurln;.- laundrlod linen shlrU at ! .id. each, linen collars, any size, 5c. Tho prettiest hue of oullnn shirts, 1T71 .:. 31 and o'.i' 2. Children a alioes, low quarter, a, 30 and 10c; tailei es, 1 to ie.; X. C. plaids, lo. per yard. Those who peruse tbeso few lines will pleane renopiobor I have an Iron Safe for sale, price 3ii.tw. a new safe bought at &Kc. on the dollar. B. WIHTEHTJRST'S. On Pollook St., near Post Ollioe. L. S. WOOD, Formerly 18 years with Geo. Allen & Co. DEALER IN General Hardware AND CUTLEKY, HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES and WHIPS, Farming Implements, Pollock Street, next to National Bank, NEW BERNE, N, C, Jnne20dwtf John D mill Wholesale and Retail CONFECTIONER, FANCy AND FAMILY AND- DEALJEIt IN The State railway oommiaiion critic, but he whose beating throb- and'lnstaU Rev 0,' G Vardell thU I ,n neiWTOktnewor0 oeiveda dividend. Th blng , life offers i itself a channel for mondkrivea fMt nigk Bute. VThto ta l&SJSSi9 ws tt3 throu rich rerpetual thanksgiving. What is ,.,T.:j7.?.1w The "Connsotlout Mutual Lifelnsu there to compare wi cot the very elory or the life of itr. '.oiASm mktAii VkSHA tm nuwayi, w.usattotWv , n.. noiiov hoidara. Evanrons in New L. H. OUTLBB, President. T. W, W. S. CnAnwicK, Vice-President. ukwkt, caanier. Farmers nd Merchants Bank CIGARS and TOBACCO, oiyinewrcB, ;ne nSitna man eris ne guest ,01 Juw ,wmr me on aooount of ft whofalUT1roild gnHmW. ,M Tra TT.0 0 "n w . Southern Policy holder. and, whom Urememberwith m!Va SSrKr n.. n.o. u u - ' ' - MiMHninian n. nil mnvt J a.I . I .wimw. vviui.ih ..nvMavs v. w.v I - - , CrjTUtB. oaa t The igreat quWion KH6w I Aberdeea, to Visit his father, Ur.'BB. i ',' f. w.-"' 1 , about flttf in number, who noias Lint i onr Taxes. . i. o.n-i. n. i... u..,.i Biii-i men attain l xne one great r"B"l. f;.r 'a ' :Z;i , 4 The eitisena of the 8th tovrnshlp out- will testify that every year they have answer to- that is. God ia alwava " " arringwn isino ipana siae oi wew cerne can meeitne tax l regularly reoeived a dividena. no p-11 erv lif,. Mnn ha W" fnf who rt o wr .v.j, ...v. r.wwi o hvi nil,,... ul..l . J -a t ck Gok, bnt to admit O0d,X You Mr, Batter rethrne4 from . t 7 I want Qod, now shall I have to telativei in Pamlioo oountyi visit ClflCfilMtHATlON. day, June 37th, at the Court House, justici to all. Equal and ixact from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m. By order cf board of auetsors, . ltd " . D. Laki, Chairman. ' Agt. Conn. MQtuat Life Ins. Ca. NewberniN. O. NEW BERNE, IT. C. Paid Up Capital, 75,000, This Bank. Jutt oruanlned. oirer. Its r. vices to Banks, Bankers, Farmers, Mer chants, Manufacturer, and others, and will endeavor in give prompt ana carerul atten tion to all business oonnected with banking eniruNiu lu u.a Collections a specialty and made on all accessible point, on as liberal terms as will be consistent with jndlclon. banking. jjamneuauiiciieaana correspondence In Store on Pollock street Opposite the Episcopal Church. Gives good Bargains to customers, and extends cordial greetings to all. jnbw Heme, r. v. $ 16 dwtf suiiunamuumiiiuu oorreiponuence in-1 vrr j w rnM onDraurht plating a change in existing arranaement.. I T TirrrNr nrrnnn T.-W, OKWKT, Cashier. I New Fountains Nw (Tnnla a h.i nmienTmw--T. w.rinti., wm n. L." ?.oun sw.uooier, and best ..t-c ...: .t.t--- uw,"i v-1 ui an. uiaaa nvrnn ruin. Th. warms, r. a. r.iieuer, w. d. Uhndwlck, J. I j - 7 " 7 ... 9jym: w. etewart. jno. enter. i iu uuntaoi wiin anv mntai. P. H.P.lletier, Bank Attorney, mv 9 IstlUall and trv It. Children JJryJfortsJPwtor