OTJRNAL : VOL. X.--NO. 92. NEW BERNE, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. X, . BUSINESS LOCALS. JUST RECEIVED, 1.000 Fine North ern Cabbages, I keep also on hand fine lot of ehoioe Watermellons end Tiadala's Cantalpnpea next to my Ioe Boom In the old Baxter Store. Very Beapeotf ally, JHlw John B. Watboh. JOB Y?OBK executed with neatness and dispatoh at the JoUBNAboffioe, ""A EOTIO SODA and Coca Cola MJt..,, - at. 8am 'l B. Watkbs. Ka P. & MORTON will be in the UXcitv a few days only. Any one wishing bia servioes in Piano or Organ work will please leave their orders at v the store of Capt. 8. B. Waters. 11 8t ft -tt: A ..1- - . "at the Journal office. tf SUMMER SPECIALTIES 1 -Lightning Ioe Cream Freezers, Combined Chair and Btes Ladder., Balloon Fly Traps, Wire Oanu boors. Gauze wire for window Uoreeni, and a full line of Hardware, etc, at mayltdtf J. o. Whitty & Co. PIANO for sale at a saorifioe. Old style, but a good instrument and in good order. Numa Nunn. j9d8twlt The Odd Fellows' Orphans' Home will be located in Goldsboro. Grand Sire Busbee who has been very ill at Raleigh is reported as being better. IF President Harrison woaldjsay right ont that be intends to ap point a colored circnit judge, it would greatly encourage the 30,000 colored voters of Ohio, without whom the dauntless McKinley will be nowhere. Louisville Courier Journal. Steve Ryan, whose big failure recently at Atlanta, startled every body, gives the reason. lie says it was because he led a fast life, and lost thousands on prize fights, horse racing and in gambling sa loons. Such business will break the best of 'em. If Maj. McKinley wins this year he will .be a significant factor in the next Republican National Con vention, If Gov. Campbell wins he probably will secure a place on the Democratic national ticket. Ohio will play an important part in national politics next year. Chicago Mail While the mandatory clanse of the Silver Act was of force it pressed the mints to coin 82,500,000 per month, or at the rate of $30, 000,000 per annum. Sunning at this rate it wonld take the mints till 1924 to pay off the appropria tions of the Fifty-first Congress, were they the only resource. N. Y. World. The heirs of the Edwards estate brought suit in New Yoik last Monday to recover the property of the estate in that city. The claim embraces property in the heart of the city and is variously estimated at from 200,000,000 to $700,000,000. Several of the interested parties live in New Berne, and the Jour nal wishes them abundant success. We are not sorpriad to learned that the handwriting has appeared on the walls of the White House, ; and that the Republican Nebuchad nezzar is pale with anight. Judgment sure, swift, tremendous will overtake him. He may take hia journeys and indulge in melli fluous ,fflapdoodle" talk to the dear people from platforms of car or decorated hall, but the people are not fooled, and the hand of the avenger pursues him. Wilming ton Messenger. " The "Atlanta Constitution draws attention to the fact that daring ; the last decade the inorease in population of the Southern oities of 50,000 Inhabitants andnpwards has been greater than that of Northern ana v western cities oi the same , class 49 per cent. agaitiBt 47 per cent. We" believe that the same : rale will apply to the smaller cities - and . towns. , The growth of South ern municipalities daring the current decade is going to be far greater than it has' ever been. AN exchange says: "Sugar should be put Into the coffee without stirring and in a moment afterward ft quantity of bobbles, dae to the air contained in the sugar, will be seen to rise to the surface, of the liquid. If the babbles collect in the middle of the cap, the weather will be-fair; if they leave the center and adhere to the sides of the cap, forming ft ring of babbler, with a clear space in the middle, there will be tain; if they scatter themselves indifferently on the surface, the weather will be variable, while a cluster of babbles at one side oi the cup indicates rain. - ' C: ::i:aJCryfojWCf torlju LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Journal Offloe Job work. Howard There's comfort, eto. G. A. Walker Splendid dividend. John B. Watson Northern cabbages. A good ohanoe is afforded to spend a week at Ooraooke. The excursion on the Alpha leaves this morning at eight o'clock. The Washington Post says the engi neers are now surveying the route of the Norfolk, Wilmington and Charles ton . railroad through the Dismal swamp. The New Berne Ioe Faotory fired up yesterday and found all the machinery to work satisfactorily. Its first output of Ioe will be made today, Now get ready to keep cool. If you hear some loud, wild, weird musio this morning about seven o'olook, do not be startled, neither Imagine that a oirous is coming and that the steam, piano has unexpectedly arrived. It will only be the oalliope wkiutle at the ioe faotory summoning the hands to work. It has eight tones the same as a scale of music. Craven ts. Pamlico. This case, whioh involves the adjust ment of the debt due from Pamlico cnunty to Craven county, whioh Pam- li03 county was adjudged to pay as its proportion of Craven oounty's debt prior to the division, was heard before W. R. Allen, Esq., of Ooldsboro, at the oourt honse on Tuesday. Evidence on both sides was heard and the Referee is to report his conclu sions of fact and law to the next term of Lenoir county court. Craven oounty is represented by Messrs. F. M. Simmons and C. R Tbomas; Pamlico by Messrs. Stevenson and Caho. Personal. Capt. W. W. Carraway, the jovial representative of the News and Ob server, arrived last night to spend a few days in the city in the interests of tbat staunch paper. Mr. W. H. Oliver went down to Morehead last night on an insurance business trip. The steamer Newberne of the O. D. line brought in the following passen gers: Mrs. F. C. and Miss Mary Rob erts, returning home from visitine relatives in New York; Miss Annie Coward from visiting friends at Nor folk; Mr. Riohard Kerney, of Jersey, on a pleasure trip to the city; Mr. W. K. Hatsell, returning to his home in Beaufort, from a visit to his brother in Norfolk: and Mr. Geo. H. Clowes and family of Waterbury, Conn., en route to visit Dr. Q. W. Blaoknall at More head. Remembering the Dead. It is gratifying to note the oare be stowed upon Cedar Grove cemetery and the neatness with whioh it is kept. Its attraotiveness is also being enhanoed by the nioe class of monuments being erected by our citizens to the memory of departed loved ones. Another in stance of this has just occurred in the plaoing in the oemetery of a large and elegant monument ereoted to the mem ory of our late estimable townsman, Mr. Daniel Stitnson by his wife. The monument was made by Mr. J. K. Willis and that statement alone is a sufficient guarantee that it is finished in the highest excellence of workman ship. It stands 1J feet above the level of the walk. The greater portion is of the purest white. The base is of veined marble with bevelled edges. The sub base is plain at the bottom with the upper part nioely molded. The die is amply large for the inscriptions and is oarved very prettily, the extreme upper portion being a regular octagon, and each of the four faoes having at the upper corners small triangles, sur mounted by rounded figures whioh at the rear meet the corresponding de vises on the nearest corner cf the adjoining face, and below these designs is a graoeful scene cirole embracing the top of the inscription. The plinth or pieoe above the die is rounded and beautifully molded. Mr. Btimson was a prominent lumber man and one of our most valuable oitizens, and the next portion of the monument is emblematioof his bust ness. It represents a seotion of a tree. It is a plain straight column of dark mottled blue marble, of the same size throughout its length, and a pretty ivy Tine twines around it from bottom to top. From this section up, the monument is collection of elsgant decorations, there being charming figures of various kinds, cornices, a cirolet of drooping gothio, architectural leaves, and an ornamented, octagonal shaft, whioh is orowned at the summit with a beauti ful finish. The monument is a fine one, worthy of the purpose for which it was made, creditable alike to the one who had It ereoted, to the oemetery and to the city, and it reflects honor upon New Berne in that suoh splendid work, as fin as is needed anywhere in the State, is now produced by home talent. T. M.C. A. Meeting. -r There will be a special meeting of the Tonng Men's Christian Association to night to take final steps towards engag ing a Secretary All members are re quested to be present. - ; - "r D. 8. Willis; President. . CWOTWG-H AO ' NEW BIRJTE. Her Workers and BusinesH Men. Numbkb Five. The Eastern North Carolina Diepatoh, George Henderson, Agent, is one of the principal freight and passenger lines of New Berne. Its steamer, Neuse, ad mittedly the finest vessel in the waters of Carolina, makes tri-weekly trips to and from Elizabeth City, at whioh point it connects with a through line of rail way for all points north. It is part of a system which embraces the Cape Charles route and Pensylvania railroad line. It is a delightful route to and from the north and is growing in popu larity daily. The freight business of the line is very heavy and the service exoellent. The average season's ex ports of principal artioles are, eay, Twenty thousand bales of cotton, thirty thousand barrels of potatoes, fifty thousand paokages of other truck, one hundred and fifty tons of fresh fish, six million faet of lumber; one million shingles, two hundred thousand dozen eggs, five thousand barrels of clams, besides tar, rosin, spirits turpentine, rough rioe, peanuts, poultry, porpoise hides, fish oil, wool, hides, beeswax, honey and various other artioles. The Clyde's N. C. Freight Line be tween Baltimore and New Berne, S. H. Gray, Agent, has three steamers, the G. H. Stout, Defianoe and Vesper, that make semi-weekly trips. From July 1st, 1890, to July 1st, 1891, this line oarried out from New Berne 6,000 bales of cotton, 897 barrels of spirits, 4,665 barrels of rosin, 1 '069 barrels of pitcb, 9S3 barrels of tar, 115 barrels of oil, 5,669 paokages of plates (aggregating 1,417,500), 2,097 packages of pulp, 163,880 cases of canned oysters, 15,929 packages miscellaneous merchandise, 2.C56 staves, 3,143,400 feet of lumber. 6,091,000 shingles. The tonage North and South bound for the year was 40,505,400 pounds. The Company has very handsome offloes in this city and is now improving and extending ils wharf. In a former article we showed that the mills of New Berne can cut 90,000,000 feet of lumber a year, about 60,000,000 feet going North. Mills in the vioinity send ol? as much more. It is safe to say that 120,000,000 feet of lumber have been shipped on steamers and sailing vessels from this immediate neighborhood during the last twelve months. Our attention will next be engaged on the Old Dominion Steamship Com pany and the Atlantio and N. C. Ri -road. County Commissioners' Meeting. The board of commissioners of Craven oounty met at the oourt house in New Berne on. the 1st Monday in July, 1891, it being the 6th day of said month and the following were had and done. Present, Commissioners, E. W. Small wood, Daniel Lane, Wm. Clove and J. A. Meadows. Ordered, That the valuation of pro perty listed by Isaao H. Smith in No. 8 township be and is hereby reduced from $8,825 to $6,500 on acoountof error. Ordered, That the bill of court costs for spring term 1891 be allowed with the exceptions made by the county attorney. Ordered, That license be granted Thomas Sawyer to peddle upon foot upon the payment of the proper tax to the sheriff. Usual bills approved. The board adjoured on motion to meet the ohairman of the board of list takers and assessors of the usual town ships and board of equalization. The board of equalization met at 11 o'olook, a.m., July 6th, 1891, and the usual townships were represented as follows: No. 1 township by Jas. B. Gardner, No. 2, 8. W. Latham; No. 3, R. A. Rus sell; No. 5, D. S. Morton; No. 6, J. H Hunter; No. 7, J. S. Fisher; No. 8, (out side city) Daniel Lane; No. 8, city, Alex. Miller; No. 9, A. E. Wads worth Reports were reoeived from the several townships, when on motion the board of equalization adjourned to meet at 10 o'olook, on Tuesday, July 7th, 1891. The board of commissioners met at 8:45 o'clock, p. m., July 6th, 1891, pur suant to adjournment. Present, Commissioners, E. W. Small wood, Daniel Lane, Wm. Cleve and J. A. Meadows. Ordered, That all persons who have failed to list their taxables before the list takers and assessors of the several townships, can do so before the clerk of this board np to the 2d Monday in July. Ordered, Tbat upon payment of tbe proper tax, license be granted Silas Jackson to retail liquors for 6 months, ending December 81st, 1891, at his plaoe of business in the city of New Berne on Middle street, one door north of Jas. F. Clark's at the store formerly occupied by E, Whitman. The board adjourned, on motion, to meet July-Tth 1891, subsequent to the adjournment of the board of equalize tion. Tuesday, July 7th, 1891. The board of commissioners met in joint session with the list takers and season of the several townships as a board of equalization at 10 o'olook a. m. -Present, Commissioners E, W. Small' wood, J. A Kealbws, Wm. Cleve and Daniel Lane, and assessors J. B. Gard ner, B. W. .Latham, B, A. Russell, J, 6. Morton, J. H. Alex. Miller, , Hunter, J. S. Fisher, Daniel Lane and A. F. Wads worth. On motion it was ordered, That the assessors for township No. 5, be al lowed to strike off from the delinquent list in said township, the property listed to S. H. Gray and insert the same on regular list. Resolved, By Commissioner Meadows that eaoh township assessor be called in rotation to state the average valuation of the property in his township so that any assessor may suggest any alteration he may consider necessary to the proper equalization of the property of the oounty. On motion the list of No. 1 township as ottered by the board of list takers and assessors was aocepted and adopted. On motion the list of No. 2 township as offered by the assessors and list takers was accepted and adopted . On motion the list of all the other townships were accepted and adopted as severally reported. Board adjourned. List of Letters Remaining in the postoffice at New Berne, Craven county, N. u. July lltb. 1891. C James Cooper, Ballard Covillo. G Miss Liura G. Gaskill, Miss Annie L. Gardner, Fred C. Green, Mrs. Gilie Guion. H Mr. David Hieeets. Miss Murv Hudnot (2) Mrs. Elizie Hulie. J Mrs. Li. B. Jones. N Mrs. G. F. Nelson, P Miss Sallie Patin. Miss Eliza Pierson. 8 Mrs. Lane Stanly, Mrs. Bentcr D. Steward, Frank Spencer, Mr. Isniath amith. T Mrs. Mary Eliziboth Tuler. Mru. Siddie Thompson. W Mrs. Annie Wataon, Mrs. Maria White, James E. White. Y Mr. James Henry Yellowdy. Persons calling for above letters, will say advertised.and givo date of list. I he regulations now require that one cent shall be collected on the delivery of each letter advertised. Wm. E. Clarke. P. M. LIFE IXSl'RAXCE CO. OK YIItUIXIA. Splendid Uivideiid-16 Per Cent. Per Annum. W. M. Watson, Local Treasurer. New Berne. N. C. Dear Sir A semi annual dividend for the six months ending June 27th, 1891, at the rate of 16 per cent, per annum has been apportioned to all shares in the Endowment Fund of this company. riease notify each of the Certificate holders in your district accordingly. ins steady and rapid growth of the Endowment Department and the hand some profit shown must be as gratify ing to tbe shareholder as to the oom- piny. The assets are now about $600,000. and the Company is doing a large and constantly increasing business. The in vestors in the .Endowment Fund may therefore feel assured that their inter est will continue to rsoeive the same oareful and conservative management that has characterized the company for the past twenty years. Yours truly, G. A. Walker, President. (rnud Rally. EDITOR .TonnNAT Pnrmif. ma if ra- turn sinoere thanks to the publio for responding so liberally on last Sunday to the Brand rallv at Cedar Grove Churoh. Isaao H. Smith, Esq., acted as steward during the day and proved himself equal to the oooasion. K. A. Smyer, Pastor. Children Cry for. Pitcher's .Castorii DIED. At the home cf her parents in Swans- boro, on Sunday the 12th. inst.. Pauline Bowden, a sweet little ohild and the youngest one of Rev. J. L. Keen and wife, aged about Is months. "There's comfort and there's pleasure In a thing that's rightly made." This is more so in Clothing than in anything that is ready made for nse. Now the Clothing sold by ns is from reliable makers and will stand nsage and in shoes they should be rightly mado to afford oomiorc ana pleasure The ones made by Stacy Adams & Co., and sold only by as are tbe ones to bay. They last some people a year some longer. Remember ns for anything in the men's line. J. M. HOWARD. Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company of Hartford, ASSETS NEAR $60,000,000, Haa paid death claims in North Carolina to near $000,000. Has paid in Newbern, N. O., death claims to the amount of $67,000. Every loss promptly paid with out a single contest. Low rate ef premium as is consis tent with safety. Large dividends (being the largest oi any insurance company doing business in the United States), thereby largely re ducing the amount of premium. Prompt settlements free of any dis count. Equal and exaot justice to all of its policy holders, freedom from any objectionable features in its policies, are characteristics of this company, which has been in operation for over fifty years. I will take pleasure in getting a policy in this company for those who desire safe and reliable insu rance. William H. Olivbb, ARsnt Connecticut Mutual Life Ids. Co. Newborn. N. C. jia lm Ho ! ForjOcracoke. Tu Steamer ALPHA will run an Excur sion tJ OCRAOOKK WEDNESDAY, JTJLI I5tB. rare. Including board at the Hotel for the ' satire week, only 11160. . Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorta? L. H. CCTLEB, W. S. Chadwick, i-reaiaent. vlco President. T. W. Lewey. Catbler. Farmers and Merchants Bank NEW BERNE. IV. C. Paid tJp Capital, 979,000, Thii Bank, Jnt organized, offers Its ser vices to Banks, Bankers. Farmers, Mer chants, Manufacturers and others, and will endeavor to gtve prompt and careful atten tion to all business con uected with banking entrusted to us. Collections a specialty and made on all accessible points on as liberal terms as will be consistent with Judicious banking Business solicited and correspondence In vited from parties deslrlne to open accounts In our city, as well as from those contem plating a change In existing arrangement!. Very lespectfnliy, X. W, DEWEY, Cashier. DIRECTORS L. H. Cutler, Wm. Cleve, O. Marfcg, P. ti Pelletler, W. H. Chad wick, J. W. Htewart, Jno Huter. P. H. Pelletler, Bank Attorney. my9 lstp Racket Store OFFERS Unsurpassed TO Look to your interest and keep up with THE RACKET. jnlyll dwtf NEW BERNE Collegiate INSTITUTE. An Educational Institution J'OIS lOilslern North Carolina MALE AND FEMALE. ESTABLISHED l.ssfl. Eight Distinct Departments, Primary, Intermediate, Academic, Collegiate, Art, Mueio, Industrial and BuHinpHH. TEN EXPERIENCED AND COMPE TENT TEACHERS. Vol anil InntrnineiitAl MiimIc Prom Incut Featurfi. uudsrdtie direction of a male professor, with efficient aButstauts, Special Course of Instruction for those desiring to become Teachers. Expenses very moderate. Board from I8.UU tot 10.00 per month facilities good. Special Inducements to lndlgcut students. Fall Term Opens Sept. 7, 1801. For further Information or for catclugur, apply to G. T. ADAMS, A. B., (Trinity College), PRINCIPAL, Julyll dwtf New Berne, N. C. Special Gut Prices, To Ulose Out My Stock of CAN FRUITS. Former Cut Price. Price, 3 fh cans y2 yellow Pertches SUc. 2Cc. 3 tt cane alt yellow full stand Peaches, 3"c. 2.9. 3 It) canstJalifornla Oreen Gage 35c. Ac. Slttcans " Etta Plums 3Ac. 2.'c. Slboans White Cherries 85c, ?.", 3 lb cans " t Apricots ftfo. 20. 31tcaD8 ' Muscat Grapes S.3. c. 8 lb cans Pruiies In syrup Site. 2(lc. 2 th cans Sliced Pineapple c. 2iic. 2 tt cans 20c. 15c. 49" All of these brands of fruits are guar anteed to be good. JOHN DUNN. (3T If you have not tried my new drinks, G0G1 G0L1 AND GRAPE PHOSPHATE, do so at onoe; they are refreshing and invigorating. Uive me a trial. Dew Berne, N. J. U IB dwu DON'T hang up your Trousers The old way when you can buy a HANGER that will keep them in fine condition at small expense. Does Away with Pressing. Price oOc. BARGAIN STORE C. R. THOMAS, ATTORNEY AND COUISELOR AT LAW, omoe. craven street, Stanley Building, , HW BEBIK. If. C. Practices IntheOonrtsof Cruven.Carteiet, Jones. Omlow. Lenoir and Pamlloooountipn, I h Supreme Court of North Carolina, ana iuv u( b. vuwun auu uironit vourts. jiytl J. fl. RICHARDSON. FURNITURE ! Best Groocls -AT LOWEST PRICES! Sets of from 7 to 9 pieces, $13.00 and up. Chairs of all sizes' ant: qualities from 25c. up. All other Furniture; at corresponding rates, i us 'SI c v o IS rs SB 1 Furniture! Furniture! FURNITURE! Ono of the Lanrebt Stocks In K,U.ni f;r!ii Cniulhis. Complete in Every Departm't Also, we now havo tho AKOticy 'or the celebrated WUKKI.KR & WJl.su.N unci S'l'ANllABI) BKW1.NO MACHlNCf?. '1 hpy are the latest Improvi-il Light ltuniilnu and are unsurpaBBed by any machine evt-r )ia-ed In this market. JOHN SUTER. jylidwtf mim coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, T , T . Ice Picks, Ice Chisels, Preserving Kettles, Fruit Jars, Fly Traps, Wire Gauze, Hardware, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Cook Stoves For Wood, Coal and Oil. SmallwQod & Siover, MIDDLE STREET. Iune28 dwtf we mm you, Stop and look at cur line of SOU V SIN IB sroo.Ns. Ask for Taul Ji. Wins' KOI 1TAIS PJUNS, fresh lot Just arrived. I forget to eay 1 have Just received a fresh lot Of tlioeo KOi.I.CU HOLD CH AINS, warranted for lx yearn. We give ii written guarnntee with each clutlu. My STOCK IS WAY UP, and PK1CES AHK WAY DOWN. Come lit Rr.l lee me. SAM. K. EATON. Middle Bt, opposite Haptlel Chun ti. may 22 dwtf S, W. WILLIS, Keeps Everything on hand usually found in a First-Class Grocery, Middle St. New Berne, N.0. THE BAKER rlattress Co., South Front Street, New Bern a. m. baker, lv.ovmEroR -Mattresses sold at Wholesale ind Retail. We manufacture by our own j process First Class Mattresses, and ir ?n them ;:t the Lowest Possible IT!'--. MaUn I1K .1.- t.) order of any size, style .-ir quality. Call at ijiir Factory and let us quote : !.)rr.(l o- plain, of '"o ' ' ;;''a' Oi' -.vlnlc hair: from . :. !.-! to til e highest .-Kuidanl jrooi M'--1" Mattresses. ever used ono of . Low much liko s they are; what tlieie i.-, in them. hie and cost much " ( A." .'idt,Lr6LSt;3t much liked. TIhm' ar ur proivss By s-i tin y are rid of the !ll:i;iV 1 );;nation.i generally i such, ami make a de- ightlP.l i, Cctiou Top Mat- Thi,-, iiiiK'i e lii'-e. as Yhov y ,'c with u.-. has as uiveii ils manufac hiher priced goods. ry sigutiy. e uso three styles ol' ticks. Straw with Cotton Tops. la this grade we use de selected straw; tho cotton is carded and stuffed. It is the most saleable goods wo make, ives perfect satisfaction, and is low priced. We use six styles of ticks. iOur Eight and Ten Steel ! Springs Is strongly made, well finish ed, and has three rows of spiral springs. Our X Woven Wire Mat tress Is our most saleahlo Spring Bed. Wood framo nicely fin ished. Carefully woven and cabled with three rows of spiral springs. Our 2X Woven Wire Mat tress Is tho samo as X without the three rows of springs. Do you want old Mat' tresses renovated, steamed, whipped, and made as good as new, If so send them to the Baker Mattress Co, Factory on South Front St. If you have Hair, Moss, of any material you want made into a Mattress, send it to U9, We will make you as pretty a Mattress as you ever saw. These goods have our personal attention. Our prices are as low as you can wish. They are well made. Wo want your trade. If you arc not already using our goods t,ivc us a trial and you will ho Pleased. Vv'e sell Feathers, Fe&ther Pillows, Moss Cotton " Bolsters in either of above grades. Church Cushions, Yacht Cushions, or special orders of any kind shall have PROMPT ATTENTION. t We fill these with Pure Hair, Cotton, Moss or Excelsior. - Crib and Cradle Mattresses made to order. ? . ,rjul8dw3m v' .. JTimi M .4 ... 7 . 'an?