r v. Joe HE 'AILY q 1) i A a : VOL. XI.--NO. 73 NEW, BERNE, N. C. FKIDAY. JUNE 24, 1892. PRICE 5 CENTS. OK BUSlTffiSS L0CAL8. 3,;' A FINE Lot of Freeh Georgia Water -melona. Call soon and gat your ehotoa. " As JeSe tf Vr;:i ';. V - jN0 YACHT CLUB SOCIAL! Don't miu tha pleasqrea aad oomforta of . tha occasion. . , 388 8fc ; SEWWG neatly dona by Mrs. B. H. Oowabd. Under ware and ohlld ran'a elothos a specialty. Cor. Pollook ' and Eden atraeta. . - jan5if. HCNYADI Jenos Mineral Water, tha beat Natural aperient. , For sale bj.UB.BMOJlD. R D. V. JONE8, late in charge of tha prescription department of Pelhem's Pharmacy, Ashevllle, N. O., ' haa opened a Prescription Drag Store next to custom noose. "Special oaro la given to tha selection of preparation for praaoription naaonly. Tuepatron ' ago of the pnblio ia aolioited. maj29 PURE CORN WHISKEY for sale by .;..- . Jab Bidmond. ON and after Wednesday Jane let, 1889, the Banki of this oity will eloaa at two o'olook P. II., until farther ' notioe. O. B. Roberta, Oaahier, T. W. Dewey, Oaahier, mSOlm O. E. Foy, Cashier. DUFF Gordon Imported Sherry, for sale by J as. Redmond. DO you need a Crash Hat. Good OKKS, LATB BHADK8, at mMI ii arkisoton & Baxter's. IMPOBTED HOLL AND GIN, Burke's (Baas' Tile and "Burke's Guinness' Stout, for sale by Jab Rkdmond. FOR BALE Coles' box or ward robe lonnge ia a perfect lonnge by day and a perfect bed by night, and you can put away as much olothing or other article aa in be average wardrobe. Yoo nan gat three articles for the price of one... No extra charge for paoking or shipping Mrs. Dr. Talmage. wife ot the cele brated preaeher, eaya these lounges are very, very nioe. Price in Creton, 110, 112. . Raime $18. $14, Raw Silk, 20. $25. 8ilkBroeaMll9,aS,eS0. Terms" 10 per cent dlaoount oaan with order or half with order balanoe 60 days. ALFRED COLES. Qrand and Myrtle ATenues. Brooklyn, N. Y. rX (f( OIQAR8 at very low I OiUW figures to wholesale and retail trade for aale by Jab. Redmond. G ARBEIT'S COGNAC BRANDY used very much in the sick room. For aale by jaskbdmohd. IjrVB Hundred paira of Rubber Shoes for children, 10, 121 and 15 cents per pair. BIG IKE. MI8U. SACRAMENTAL, PORT and SOUPPERNONG WINES for sale by Jab. Redmond. DUFFY8 MALT WHISKEY for Medioinal nse. for sale by janSO Jab. Redmond. THE largest and best seleotod stock of Ladies' Oxfords ever brought to New Berne now in stock. , mSS . Barhinqton & Baztxb. I CALVIN SOHAFFER'S WILD a CHERRY ROCK AND RYE, put up expressly for throat and lung dis- sates, for aale by Jab, Redmond. - A.T last advices Mrs. Langtry was "playing the races" at Ascot, and had won 120,000. Th combined debts of all the Nations in the world amount to more than $30,000,000. , Ws were ahead of the music yes terday, bat the band has caught up and ia playing Hail to the Chief. It is Bald the Kepublican partj ,"straddled" silver. That is a mis take. The party is on its last leg and can't straddle any thing. - - Thomas Chelsea bean, who -gave np the ghost in Bonham, Tex, soWaSontna ago) left ; $10,000,000 and no will or known relatives, and tlferW are over i 100 claimants al ready, 1 1 ' ;,Tk. GOOD many people, ' both Re- pablloans and Democrats,' are won dering how many 'Blocks-of-flve" Gn,Dodleyi will take oharge of at the political merry go-round in In, . ' ' Western railroads are prepar ing for the greatest summer sea- I aoa they have had for many years Less than half of lasts year's crops have been' marketed and traffic in this line Is now ezpeoted to be. very J brisk,: , The Grand Lodge of Masons of : North Carolina will meet at the Oxford Orphan Asylum, N. O., the 24th tnst., to celebrate St. Johns Day. Bedaoed railroad rates have been secured and a large crowd is expected. : ' According to the census f bulle tin on eottoji the largest cotton pro docing county of the Ikfisalaaippl - river is Washington, Miss. - Its ' prodnction . in 1890 was 87,022 bales i Bolivar f3 county, MIbs., eomea next, with 72,902 bales - .The wheat and oat crop in. the Wilson Motion was ' never . finer. The Advance say that wheat is now in the iormaljve , period, and the rains for the past week will be the cr-king of an excellent yield. Gem is small, but is looking well. An excellent stand of cotton was eacured and it Is growing f finely, All crops are clean. Farmers com of a bad stand of peanuts. f The fact that the Democrats (of Arkansas have nominated a Union veteran for Governor is a sign of the times whioh should not go un heeded by those who are still fall of the hatreds of the war period. The Sooth is aa solid for the Union as it is for Jeffersonlan Democ racy. Mors than fifty years ago James n. Miller was appointed post master at Ganley Bridge, Fayette county, W. Va, (then Tirginia) un der the administration of President William Henry Harrison, and has served continually ever since. He is now eighty six years of age. LOCAL NEWS. SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Jno. Dann Watermelons. A. & N. C. R Truck train. Bryan fc Howard Insurance exeats. Watermelons have made their ap pearance. A large lot of western horses and moles arrived yesterday, for af.Hahn & Co. i . t : Yesterday wag the hottest day Of the season. The Journal thermometer registered 88 degrees. A big cokbration in being arranged by the colored people to ba hald at the fair grounds on the fourth of July. The proceeds wilt b for tha benefit of the fair whioh oommenoes on August, the 8 th. Mny words of praise have been spo ken of the exercisea of Pbysioal Culture Class given at the Y. H. O. A. Hall Wednesday night, and it waa an 000a sioa that any audience would find ao oeptable. Sunday, the A & N. O. Railroad will ran an excursion train to Morehead at $1.00 for the round trip. It will leave at 9 a.m., arrive at Morehead City at 10:30. Returning, it will leave Morehead at 8:20 p.m., and arrive at New Berco a'. 10 o'clock. The New Berne Cirole of King's Daughters have established an ioe oream parlor that will be open during the summer on eaoh Tuesday lad Fri day evenings. It will open for the first time today at 6, p.m. in the building on Pollook steet, .opposite the post offloe. Toe money raised ia to be applied to be nevolent purpoaes. The Wake Forest Yaoht Club ot Soveu students, who are traveling from the oollegs. to Morahaod in uniform on their boat the Lollle L , arrived in the oity at an early hour yesterday. A committee from the New Berne Yaoht Club met them and aocording to ar rangemanta made ia advance enter tained them well, taking tnem sailing, driving and otherwise ministering to theia pleasure. By request of Presiding Elder, W, 8. Rone tha Baleigh Ghristiin Advooate announces that delagatea and visitors to the New Berne District Conference at Beaufort oan pass over the Bailroada on the regular season return tloketaat much lower rates, and no longer time than oan be obtained for Conference occasions. These tickets are on aale at all stations on the A. & N. O. B. B., and I think at nearly all other points in the State." The Conference will begin Thursday, July 7th and will embrace the ttoond Sunday la that Month. Mr. A. L, Butt had quite a good at tendance at his panoramlo exhibition last night. , He showed the Revelations of St. John on Patmos, ' 24 fine scenes. Tonlgh he will show "Beautiful Flo tares of the Old Bibls "-80 scenes ex tending from the creation to the time of Solomon.' Three of the scenes are aotive ploturea, that is the objects move. They are "Entering the Ark," "The Burning of Sodom" and "Elijah l ift. Camel calling down fir.? The three last aoenea wliL be'maaonio plo tarei parte of Sofomon's ientple1. ia gold. Only 10 and 18 cents admission. It is for the beneBt of Hanoock Street Methodist Church. Coming; and Going. Mr. J. J. Baxter who wtnt down to Beaufort Monday returned yesterday morning acoomyanled by his brother Mr. T. J. Baxter of Winston. ? -, HiatM Emma White and Nellie Ed. wards arrived from Trinity College to Visit the family of Rev. B. A. Willis. The following New Berneans went down last night to Morehead to attend the Assembly: Prof. O. T. Adams; Capt Dan. Roberts; Mr. F. T. Patterson and family; the family of Mr. B.B. Davenport; Mr. Jaoob Brown and his sisters, Misses Janla and Rachel Brown; and Mist Jennie Hall.ad Miss Sophie Still They Go. , Nearly another hundred neoDle went down to, Morehead last night. The large orowd already there we en j ty ing themselves greatly aad it would be almost iitlDOalhla for It Sn k tl,'a ooBiiderlng the great nreparat'iohs Wat have been made to miniiter to the 00m fotts and pleaauraa oftbeguesta. ' :' Mr. Plank who has oharae of the hotel la thoroughly experleneed and it withal a very clever and pleasant gen tleman who takes delight la the hard ness of his guests, and ia the manag ing be haa, a good asslstsnt in Mr. O. S Bell, of this city. fc Children Cry fofJitcher's'Cg'stoija WmM AND STEVENSON. BOTH NOMINATED ON THE FIRST BALLOT. The Man of Destiny and Stevenson of Illinois Will Lead to Victory. CmoAOO, June 23-8:80 a.m. First ballot complete. Cleveland 6161, Hill 112, Boise 103, Gorman 80, Stevenson 111, Morrison 5, Carlisle 15, Campbell 3, Patterson 1, Whitney 1, Russell 1. Cleveland is nominated. Great enthu siasm. 8.44 A m Ohio moves rules be us psnded, and Cleveland be made nomi nated by acolamation. Motion seconded by Daniels of Vir ginia and Flowers of Now York. Motion osrried and convention ? journed unlil 2 o'clock p.m. Convention oalled to order at 2:60, Chloago time. Lamb of Indiana nominated Gray, and aald Indiana's 15 electoral Votta were oertain for Democracy with Gray on the ticket. Worthington of Illinois nominated Stevenson of Illinois. Ual of Miohigan nominated Judge Morse of Michigan. Et venson of Illinois was nominated on the first ballot. Mr. Adlai E. Stevenson, of Illinois, is about E5 or QO years of age. He was Fourth Assistant Postmaster General during Cleveland's administration, and has been in publio life otherwise. He is a most magnifioent man, a spo ols! friend of the South, and a thorough going Democrat. He ia also very popu lar. He waa by all odds the most popu lar man In Cleveland 'a cabinet. His name adds strength to the tioket. He is of North Carolina parentage, and has a warm attachment for the State. That this is returned ia shown by the fact that on the vote for Presi dent North Carolina gave him 16 8 8 votes, leaving only 5 1-3 for other can didates. The tioket is a good one, calculated to inspire respect, and win. It deservee the support of all patriots. Yacht Club and Its Sociable! The Yaoht Club will have a great eo- olal gathering at the olub house this evening oommenoing at 6 o'olook speolal arrangements have been made for refreshments and the money raised will be used in improving the olub pro perly. One of the first events on the pro gramme ia a boat review to take place about dusk. There will also be a boat naming oontest. The one that reoeived the title of "The Elder" at the last en. tartainment is to be renamed. Speolal m lalo will be provided for the ooca a ion. The old bath house haa been torn down whloh makes quite an improve ment in the looks of the surroundings. The olub will now fix up ncoessary oonvientenoee and have a fine swim ming ground on the opposite side of Neuse river. About a dozen new namea have been handed in for olub membership among whom are business men of the city. So many have been joining lately that it is probable that action will be taken to limit the number who will be allowed to join. Decoyed Away From Homo. Mr. Q. W. Johnson, of Baleigh was on the train yesterday morning with his son Guy, returning home from Hunting Quarter. This ia the first time Mr. Johnson and hi aon have met in two years and he tells us the following story of his son,! experiences and the olroumttanoes of his going away. ; He left home two rears ago as assls tant to a book agent, John Peebles, of Baltimore, with his father's permission, to work with him aa far aa Durham and then return he being 14 years of age at the time. Peebles, however; refused to let him return, and compelled him to go with him to Baltimore preventing oorrespjn- denoe with his father and representing -that Guy waa a runaway', eon of hi own. He succeeded . In gaining the oredenoe of the hearers instead of tha boy. At Baltimore he ahipped him on a vessel bound to the Wee ladies in way as to secure tha 'wages earned to himself and aot until tha return of thoTeesel to the United States did Guys father get any tidings of him. Sinoe that time they have been in oorrespon denoe but the son getting free from Peebles, chose to keep on at work at lint as a hand on vessels and later at dyetering, &o., near Hunting Quarter. this State where his father went down to see him aad got him back horns yes terday. . , V i : Benefit Hancock St. Methodist Chart h. ' 1, The three arrand Panoramas of tha Apooalyntio VUon of Johnson the Island of Faimoa. S. Thirty beautiful Seenes la the Old Testament, anar ; 1 8 Black Vallev Bailroad. Will be exhibited for tha benefit of Hanooek Street Churoh, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday aiahts. in tha T. M. O. A. Hell, at half-peat eight o'olook. P.m. .V.'-v .1 ":-:, ... Ae it ia desired that all who want to help this church may see them, the prloe has been reduoed to 10 oente for children under 18, and 10 for adults. TMCHKASSI1BLY. The Sharpies and Steam Yacht Opening and Annual Addresses Elegant Musical Instruments Dfagniflcient Surf-Bathing Dancing. (special joubsal correspondent ) second dat, wednesday, june, 23, '92. The busy hum of the days activity commenced at an early hour. In the dining room of the "Atlantic" a very animated scene was presented. A friend at my elbow suggested that he came here for board but got "plank." After breakfast a considerable num ber took the opportunity to enjoy a sail. The sky was a little over-cast but the wind brisk and invigorating. The sharpies, all reefed, and moBtly double reefed, moved upon the water like things of life, and a very enj); able time was had. The fleet of sharpies ready for eoivioe for fishing or sailing, is superior to any hitherto provided. There are a dczsn, perhaps twioe that number, beautiful models, stsuncb, safe and comfortable, with white sails, made all radiant and beautiful by the painters art, which offer an exquisite pleasure to visitors, and rare to a large proportion of them, who come from the inland portions of the State. There is also an elegant naptha launch, which takes visitors on excursions. We notioe that some of the visitors from the interior can give our long shoremen a few points in fishing. Just now a young man passed through the hall, rod In hand , returning from a brief excursion, with a nioe little bunch of mullets. Our fishermen can't catob that kind of fish with a hook and line. He didn't mean any harm, but tbe lookers on were not suckers. The regular work of the Assembly oommenced promptly at the appointed hour 10:80 a.m. The large and suit able ball, tastily, but not profusely decorated, and bung round with por traits of distinguished eduoators, was fairly filled with an appreciative au dienoe. After singing "There is beauty all around, when there's love at home," Bishop Lyman of Raleigh conduoted devotional exercises. The opening address was made by Hon. T. W. Mason of Northampton Co. It was a development of the thought that the aims of the Assembly and the expectations of the people are that the public sohools shall give good citizens to the State. Mr. Mason is an eloquent man, of fine presence and his address waa earnest and foroible. Then Misa Lulu Brown of Greens boro sang a song, "The night bird's oooing," to the admiration and great deliaht of every one. The annual address was next in order, and was delivered from a care fully prepared manusoript by the President, Hugh Morson, of Raleigh, the First Vice President, J. J.Blair, Sup't of the Graded Schools at Win ston oocupying the chair. The subject waa, "Tbe promise this organization makes to the people." It was well re oeived and heartily applauded. At the close, Bishop Lyman made some remarks in whioh heoritiolsed the public sobool system, because the schools do not teach religion. Secretary Harrell presented a gavel, sent by the Southern Education Asso ciation, made from a piece of wood from Lookout Mountain, whioh had been struck by a bullet in the "Battle above the Clouds." It locks "ugly" as it lies imbedded in tbe center of one aide. The hall is well supplied with musi cal instruments, there being two organs and two pianos on the platform, of beautiful appearance and exoellcnt quality Seoretary Harrell says far better than at any previous assembly. They are furnished through the agency of Mr. A. Cohn of New Berne. Miss Bessie Worthington, of Rocky Mount, discourses the musio, and wins golden opinions. MIsa Gertrude Jenkins of Salem, N. C, ocoupiss her desk on the platform as stenographic orperator. An announoement was made that the boatmen would give a complimentary sail to the assembly at half past three. About two hundred at ailed themselves of the oourtesy, and went across the sound to tbe beach. The wind waa blowing quite heavily from the ocean, oaneing the huge waves to roll 'in mag nifloently, and daah their white crests upon the shore. Seldom has there been a finer surf for bathing, and It was en joyed immensely, probably onealfor more frolicking in .the water for an hour or two. - Daring tbe progress of dinner, some ode a rosebud made the announoement that "Cleveland had been nominated on the1 first ballot." Bo great wae the hand-olspptag and enthusiasm that they "seemed likely to forget to finish dinner. After a little it was d hoovered to 6ewo farming utensils (hoe ax. )- t- . When the train oame in it brought another hundred to ' join the glorious fray.?' ' Teachers to ; the tight of us, teachers to the left of us, teaohers in front of us-four hundred and fifty strong, i ? K , ; At 8:80. Mr. Frank Beard of Chloago, gave one of his Inimitable .:Chalk Talks" to a large and appreciative an dienoe. He is genial as Kay, withal a phlloaobher, and as full of puns as Hood., 1 Is remarkable howqulokly he oan transfer one of his .''Idle f eaciee'' to the oanvass. We shall look for his ! appeal anoe again with interis-.. The mueio of the orchestra, tha lew sound of the dancers, us th:y zW.e along the floor, the heavier eu;i o! tiit lookers on, the murmur of wiccs ii conversation, all iningld toibit ur.J rise up like the sound of ir nay watcix. As the last sands o' the passing day are running Out, the compjar withdiawe, the lights are extiusuiulir J ixad eilem-d rei&is. But too siltmca is not Iouk uutxokf.a. Oao would not expect the r.iorm to ri ,s very early the next morniaK, and in deed the guests d- not Itisnotthny who lead up th. m.iio of ;he axt dayB' busy throng. I am reminded of Um ntor of t;o school boy, who had mm,..-.', toia-':, this line to reaj : "l, I , thy sun is in tbe Btty. lnm n tu vr - i got through it: "Djub;b h;i, Lu; sun is intheefcy"! Wboo tlju item ing oomas, Lucy, wt.i has bepu sv.v.p ing through the ma n ..i ih.i.,:i j danoe, "doubles up" for aii'thr Rup, and Dinah; at the hend of n hut very lively brigaio, somewhat diliit ti the same ins .as, : part all loft out. pans that even at l?oee mro-jiiifi, m a ' r.-Ui j". il r .it , ; tit w ith tl.e merry j ' Am! jo i: c jir. t-s to the early dawn the oonfused noise of the daily bul tie for I oloinlioess is reeuuod. L;. , LI at of Letters Remaining in the Poatoffic lit Yiefi Berne N. O., June 18th, 1892. A Miss Kathe Amac, U Mrs. Annie Bryant, llirf S-.iih Bryant, Mr. William l!ei!. ;toil. Charley Boon, C Miss Mary F. Carter, D Author Gifford Deviee, h.-.:. Au nie Midgett. G Charles Geirg oau cf J.li moo, Burge Rose, H Mr, Norman Hooker, .' tur- M. Hayes, J Miss Elizabeth Jariuao, iiiei Mil lie Jones, Miss Maggie J-.-i. t..!, L W. H. Lane, P Ellin Hannah Pdarsoll, R Capt. Bill Bose 8c h 1....,j James Rowe, S-R. Spaid, i miHB iia i&yior, .umt i. lor, W Miss Sudia Wi litt, Persons calling for the abuvo iir.ieru will please say advertised and give date. The regulations now require that one oent shall be collected on each advertised letter delivered' Wm. E. Ci.4i-.Ki! King's Daushtci s. The Cirole of King's Daughters will open an Ioe Cream Parlor, ciiponito tbu poBt office, every Tuesday and I Viday . from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. j-dtl Tne llandsonicst Lady in Nt llcrnc Remarked to a friend tlio other day Liiat she knew Kemp's Balsam for tlm l'liroat and Lungs was a superior remedy, as it stopped her couch instantly whon other oough remedies had no effect whatever, oo to prove this aud convince you i its merit any druggist will givo you a uni plo Bottlo free. Largo size 50c. aud ii. Yacht Club Social. The Yacht Club Social gstho. w.r on Friday night promises to be th:-pleasure event of the season. Lot all who wish to have an enjoyable evoninK teke in the boat review, amuaeaitut-, tic. Answer This Qut-Mion, Why do so many people we see or-jund us seem to prefer to sutler end be icude miserable by indigestion. Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Coming up Of the Food, Yellow Skin, when for T n. we will sell them Bhiloh's Vitalizar, guaranteed to oure them. Bold by New Berne Drug Co. To have an honest critic ia to hare a faithful friend. We have a speedy and positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria oanker mouth and headache, in SHILOH'B CATAKKU REMEDY. A nasal injector free with eaoh bottle. Use it if you dvsire health and sweet breath. I'rloe SO:. Sold by New Berne Drug Co. Henry R, Bryan, Jr. JI, I. Howard, BRYAN & HOWARD, GENERAL AUKNT-t Life, Fire, Marine aud acci dental Insurance, je23 dwlm Nkw Beu.m:, i. (). Atlantic & N. 0. Railroad, New Bern, f. C , June 2;!, 1893. SPECIAL TIME TABLE . FOB Truck Train No. 208--AU M. In effect Friday, Juno 24, 18'Ji. Daily except Sunday.) teavoNew Born 10:00 A.M. " Claik's 10:41) " " Tuscarora 11: 1H " ' Core Creek ii:ol " " Dover 12;17 I'.Jt. " Caswell 13:S7 " Klnston 1 :-".' " ! " Falling Creek 1:45 " ; " La Grange 2:08 " ! Bast'a..v. 2:80 " Arrive. Goldsboro 8:00 " i No shipments at Newborn received after 9:80 a.m. lor this train, j The above train returning, will leave Goldsboro for New Bern at 4:80 p.m. as an extra, unless otherwise ordered, i S. L. DILL, Snpt. ; R. N. DUFFY, Cor. Middle . & Pollock Sts., ; Second floor, first door on right of Entranoe np stairway on Pollook Street. i Preparation of Special Iledicines and Druggists' Articles. JuaslO tf a ! '!.'.,JV-; m feu. J.. :rl 4f POWDER AtoiuLCi Pure. frertii of V.:i . i : 1 fit.. N Y. it One door below Zi.'.y Haii., , . A! .J.. ,.. V r. ;i , ,.,!! S; rmjif aU mi-i ! I- i ; v; n! to i u:v jmrt el ; .'. " ' .'i:!-' i:i.-:-:irt-. i'i i I- : s . I A ,,: ! I"i H ' i ay - i Ja.v v, v v a 9 " 7 T. 'i , Tm X, , m wpi . a l i i A vini: ..-T 01 I A JOli U OF 18 a 5, W ' i- , rt l M To 5- '.all .u x:.?. ..... AJ;S(I-- LADIES' SHK 'J'hc host go .lid iii 1 1 . i:y !' r the motioy. W iLL I1AVH A FINK. LINK (H j S vi :i ia a few days;. It will bo ; y ynur interest to wait and s hoi'nro buying. J. i BETaS. PfM. TilOS. DAMELS.Vw- Prrs. G. R. MOLESTS, Cashier. The National Bank, OF NEW Er RSL'. N. C Inoorporatks 1S65. Capital, Surplus Profits, $100,000 03,168 DUtEOTOH-S. JaS. A. Brvah, Tuoo. DAKinia. Oh&b. 8. Bbyah, J. H. IUckbohk, Alkx. afiLLaa, L, Hakvby, Q. H. BOBRRTS. UNIVEHSITY0F IIOHTIi CAnOLSU'A. Instruction is offered in Tour general courses of study, six brief courses, a large uumber of special oourses, aud in Law, Medicine and Engineering. The Faoolty includes twenty Teachers. Scholarships and loan funds are avail able for needy young men of talout nnd character. The IfEXt SESSION BEGINS SEPT. 1. For catalogue 'with full information, address ' v : . PRESIDENT WINSTON, ' jc2J dwlm , - Chapel HU1,. 0,':; GFPOBTURITY ! ' N ..w 1 t!u- '.'Proit I I NIT V for all of i ii, -'"V l jvc1-. ti. (, t-tiolii jil m settling 1 .m- 'itiDis to cuiiih t'l.-iw-iid find ehow ''ir i- r,'T" rf-i i i.in cf our kind indulgence. Iw: !'' r ;p ;'H i nil oxcopt when we I'.'i'i.-uin! iy in uecd of funds, and o ya wi!' otiiio jonr fi it a :.;, H. A. v . 'y nettling at once. Ih'.-.ihjc' hiliy. f, 5 f . iJ. LANE, -t t ! inch i ..'!,. .c. Goods. . i y : nil the latest iil a:- ciicap as oan 1 .Hi.- i i Lacci, i.mbroider . '.: Vet' and Children's ' t'c:i 'lv aro uiiwt respect - 1 ! i i!l uud rxnmine her ''i ' : . ;: - 1 r jiricKS with those f '.Lu ci.y tn eielu're iy 52.50. !eia.-i;- Poll Mr ONLY I v :: v, ill m:l.. ':!' 1 L:i ' i&.z Shoe V 'It Only B2SO :e if we have your sizo. " -jV:.X CTRfiiST, 3 : ; j s i.-r.n Board of Trade fn-it- i: olCNHENTS OF TRUCK f.n ill :' well known Firms: Llsra. A.. Bennett & Co., NLW VORK. r-ock,Timinons& Co., pinr.' r p;IIAi " Lii-.p'Tiaji - LYN. Draai';:- rrick WAI?ni.S'....A, d. o. " C. Wolters & Cj , NUWAKIC, N. J. j Lu.st q-iit'i-i.-rs roovived daily from . .: -It "! the aii.ivi niarkcis I -t,,-i.ci)s m.l l--,ul Cai Is can be had mm "l il3iu lime IsMouey! H-.iijS put in s NEW REGULATOR hiiJ ccunouteil it with Washington by Telegraph, I m ready to give oorrect time to each aod every one. I h&vo aleo a full stock of all kinds of Qocidi. iu my line, which I am selling at ' Kock Bottom Prices. COME AND SEE ME. SAM K. EATOK, The Jeweler, , M:dJle Ht., opposite. Baptist Chnroh m 000 CRICK READY FOR SALE! Cheaper 1han any other Man ' can Furnish Thera1' t Vr., nJ ' ,i , ''' - - n w hvii. 1 appiv to W. P. BURRU.-l, New Berne, orr!$ M. PORTElt r?,vi.i. "i - --n ' uiati;. ; ---i v 7 dtf vV', J . H. BENTOU, M;D. D.D.S.' vrmaaentlv lbemtad. . HKWBKRN, H.o. (1mm .1 rr, Inlu.. a. tha extreotlon et taotli wlUtoat Mtra. ' mu S5 4wlf : ; ..Offloe ia Hotel Albert. - "lit ' t

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