THE DAILY WORKMAN, .1. L. MICHAUX, Editor. J. S. MfCHAUX, I,ociiI Editor. Rates of Subsokiption. —Siagle copy 6 cents By the week to carrier ten cents. By the month twenty-five cents in advance. Six months 31 50; one year $3 in ad vance. ^Office on South Elm Streety tmder Benhow HnU. RAILWAY GUIDE. Greensboro, Aug. i, 18S5. BICHMONU A DANVILLE RAILROAD. Arrives from Richmond at 9 31 a m “ “ - “ 1111pm Leaves for Richmond at 9 28 p m “ “ “ 8 37 am NORTH OAROLTNA RAILROAD. Arriv jH from Clharlolto at 8 37am *' “ 918 p m Leaves for Charlotte at 9 36am “ “ “ 11 21 p m Arrives from Goldsboro at 9 00 p m Leave.", for Gold.-^boro at 9 35 a m NORPH-WESTERN N. O. RaILBOAD. Arrives from Salem at 8 00 a m “ “ “ 8 35p m Leaves for Salem at 9 46 a m “ “ “ 11 35 p m O. F. kX. V. RAILROAD, Leave Fayetteville. - - 1:00 p.m. Arrive At Greensboro, - - 7:00 p.m. lieave Greensboro. - - - 9:40 a.m. Arrive at Fayettevillej - - 3.45 p.m. SCHEDULE OF MAILS: Mails going North closed 8 00 a m ” ” ' ” ” Q 00 p m South ” 9 00 a m 9 00 r> m 9 00 a m 9 00 p m 9 00 a m 9 00 a m ” Salem Br’ch ’* " ” '■ C.F..fcy.V.R.R ” General delivery open from 7 00 a m to 8)0 p m., except during the distri bution of mails. On and after Monday, Aug. Slst, the Money Order and Regis tered Letter office will only be open from 9 00 a m to 4 00 p m, iTooal iftelligenoe7 The Daily Workman. Voi. 3. GREENSBOROI'N C TUESJiAi:, SEPTEMBEE 15,. 1885. No. 86, — Mr. Geo. Lampman, of Ohio, is at the Benbow House. He moved from Ohio for the benefit ^ his family’s health, and will open a jewelry store in this place. We welcome all such comers. —Oliver Staley, who lives about a mile and a half from Julian, on the C. F. t'c V. V- Railroad, shows a stalk of com seventeen feet and one inch high. There are plenty of stalks in tlie same field very nearly as high as that one. * —Rev. J. R. Jones, who lives at Summerfield, in this* county, has had fine experience^ with clover. He sowed five acres in March, without any fertilizer, and cut from the ground the last of August two tons of clover hay. —President Gray and Col. J. M. Rose went down to Fayetteville this morning. Gov^ '■Jc.ulc.i returned to Raleigh this morning from, this place. —Capt. J. M. Odell, of Concord, was here to-day, to attend the funeral of Mr. Curtis. —George S. Bradshaw, Esq,, of Asheboro, has been here to-day, but left for home this afternoon. —R. P. Gray, Sec’y and Treasurer of the North State Improvement Company, and J. K. Williams, Treas urer of tire C. F. & Y. V. Railroad, are paying ofi' the employees of the C. F. & Y. V. R R- to-day, between this place and Fayetteville. —News has been received here - of the death of Perry L. Shepherd, who lived near Gibsonville. He was a merchant and did his trading, here. We are without any further particu lars, except that his death occurred yesterday evening. Articles for burying purposes were procured from I our dealers here to day. j S'dl'--'. (cAScnnlb j Carolina, who has been lecturing in this State and South Carolina in the interest of temperance, delivered one of her lectures at the Benbow Hall last evening on the above named sub ject-. Mrs. Chapin is a very suc cessful lecturer, we understand, and highly pleased her audience last night, which was a large one. Our Loss.—The death of such a man as the late Dennis Curtis, whose funeral occurred to day, and whose body was committi^i to the dust in Greenhill cemetery, brings no com- I mon loss to his family and church, j and to the community at large. The i tribute to his worth—-a brief memoir ; read from the late pas- j tor—was a very just .uid satisfactory ! accountofTihe life had just closed, I and yet none but those who were I Gntimate with the deceased could so fully appreciate the finer touches that were given to .his character. Busy as was his life, and burdened as it was with muluform cares and the crosses from v.hich none are free, there was no 'irneof the day when he was not re.'.dy to speak on the subject of perso lal religion, and evince the joy with'which his spirit drank continually r.iprm the wells of salvation. In this matter there were but few like him— too few in any community. We c?:^, not, therefore, SLifi'er the occasion ho pass without saying something in praise of a man whose worth was sr-* great, who ex hibited in his daily life a virtue so rare and yet so ne'essary to men. No community has many such char acters to spare, and .in the time tb come we shall reali/.-: the fact more fully than we can now. —25 different brands of Chewing To bacco on our retail counter. We ought to please the most fastidious out of assortment. selltf J. W. Scott & Co. For Rent I Splendid rooms in Central Hotel building. Price for single room, from $1 to ®2.50 per month. Apply to seplOtf n. H. Tate. — l?'or fresh candies and fruits go to J. H. West. sell Iw —“Old Gold” Chewing Tobacco, 3 years old, at selltf J. W. Scott & Co.’s ADVERTISING RATES' —DISPLAYED- I 3 in. 1 day, Sl.OUjlO lines 1 time,3 .80 3 days, 1.50:10 1 week, 2.00 li> i col. 1 day, 1.50 i “ 1 week, 2.00 1 “ 1 ‘ 3.50 2 times,1.00 1 week, 1.50 1 time, 1.20 2 times,1.50 1 veek. 2.00 Contract Advertkseiuencs taken at proportionately low rates. Entered at the post office in (xree^isborOyN, G., as second-class matter. —A large lot of Cbildrea and Misses Summer Gloves for 5c. pair i t au4 tf Will Armfield’s- —You V ill find the “Reliable” Ham the beat—try them. For s ile by tf T. S. Shelton. - Carpets, Rugs, Oil Cloths, in al grades and at the lowest prices. seStf C. & M. Prbtzfeldeb. —A lot of Cotton Betting for ijuilts and comforts just received at seStf W. R. Murray’s. —A new lot Ladies’ and Gents’ fine Shoes just received—for style and dura bility not excelled. Call and see thorn and get prices. W. R. Murray. seStf —New Jot of Jerseys just received at au29t£ G. H. Roy’STEb’s. —Latest and nobbiest styles of Gents soft and stiff hats. Also lot of Miles’ fine Ladies Shoes just received at uu29tf G. H. Royster’s. —Miss Emma Jones, of Bachelor’s Hall, Va., who has been here on a visit, returned to lier home this morn ing- _ ^ ^ —Mr. Anderson, of Dur ham, came up last night, to be in at tendance on the funeral of the late Mr. Curtis, to-day. —Prof. Steele, who has been north spending the Summer vacation, has returned to his duties at Bennett Seminary in this city. —W. H. Ree^, of this place, who went to Reidsville some time ago to assist in the Postoffice at that place, has returned to this city. —Mrs. Parks, of Hillsboro, reach ed this place last night, on a visit of two weeks to the family of her father, Rev. Dr. N. H. D. Wilson. —Rev. Dr. Smith came up last night from his visit to Hawfields church, at which place he spent two days with Rev. Mr. Chester in a sacramental meeting. —Four prisoners, three of them being small colored boys of this city, Will. Plouston, Henry Lindsay and Henry Harris, were taken down to the penitentiary this morning. —Mr. W. W. Jenkins and family passed through here this morning going to Wake Forest College, where they will make their future home. Mr. Jenkins was formerly Postmaster at Charlotte. —So much is the country stirred up in the matter of architectural im provement that even the ancient town of Hillsboro is building and re modelling to a wonderful extent. The lumber used this year in buildings of various kinds is enormous, and the 'Sum of all the work of carpenters, masons, plasterers and painters has far exceeded anything in the ebun try’s annals. —Rev. Mr. Allison, of Mebane- ville, has a beautiful and substantial walking stick, which was obtained by Professor Tillett in a recent visit to Geneva, Switzerland, and present ed to the present owner, who prizes it veiy highly, partly trom the fact that it is an elegant and sub stantial cane, and partly because it came from Geneva, the city of John Calvin, the highest human authoiity among Presbyterians. ->-Mr. G. H. Makepeace is here to day, with Mrs. Makepeace, hav ing been in attendance on the funeral 6l the’late Mr. Cuftfi^ ^ ' ' “NONBESGEIPT PARTY” —AT— T'H:e Feed! Feed!! Ship Stuff and Bran. For sale by aii29 Iw T. S. Shelton, -—A big lot of Clothing—new styles and low prices—just received at tf Will Armpield’s. Stone Fruit Jm s! T?allon, 1 gallon, 2 and 3 gallon Stone Jar.s just received at se4—tf. Scorr .ic Co.’s. Correctlo.v.—The announcement made in these columns yesterday that Dr. Smith would preach a temper ance frermon next Sabbath, makes the mistake of calling the season “the centennial of Presbyterian work in America,” wfiereas it should be the centennial of Temperance work, this being the looth year since Dr. Rush gave to the world his celebrated views on the effects of alcohol on the hu man system. The occasion has no relation to Presbyterian work, and Dr. Smith’s sermon, which will no doubt be a very good one, will be on Temperance. The Methodist Parsonage is now completed, and will be opened for the reception of visitors on Tuesday evening next, (the 15th in^t.,) at 7 o’clock. The ladies of the Parsonage Aid Society invite the general public, as well as the friends who have from time to time manifested their kindly interest in the enterprise by their generous aid, to meet at the Parson age on that occasion to spend a pleasant evening in social intercourse, and to enjoy the excellent vocal and instrumental music prepared for the entertainment of the guests. The ladies wiil serve ice cream, cake, sherbet, chicken-salad, etc., at the usual prices for the jpenefit of the Parsonage. Reopened l Mrs. L. A. Rees, with W. H. Rees, as iranager of the table, &c., has re opened the Planters’ Hotel, situated next door to United States Court House. Terms: Table alone, per mouth S15.00. Table Board and room without fire, iier month 318,00, Table Board and room, with fire, per month, 320,00. sel51w AViiufed to Rent A House, with six or eiglit rooms, with privilege of buying. Must be cheap. Inquire of Lampman, room 63, Benbow House. 8epl4-3t I For Kent! i Rev.^Dr. Smith offersJpr rent, fnnv;^ build houses^ for the citizen^ I ment monthly) the hou^e at pre^iit oc- Drtleusl I copied by Mr. B. F. Williams, oh* I Church Street. Possession given Nov. jlst, and probably a month or more 'earlier. The house is in a very desira- ! ble part of town, conveniently and pleasantly located—a two story build ing, with six rooms, beside kitchen and basement, a fine well, spacious garden, &c,, &c. Fjnquire for terms pf Dr. Smith. sepl 1885 tf For Rent i A nice dwelling house witii six rooms. Apply at this office. July6-tf —At the store of Cartland you will find a nice line of Scotch, English and American Cheviot’s Worsteds, Cork screws, &c., from which he would be glad to make you one of those nice fit ting suit4. He has the line of Fall neck wear ever brought to town- latest styles just out. Has a new patent Yoke Shirt, and furnishings of all kinds. au28tf - “The Old Oaken Bucket”-not the one that “iiung in the well,” but the nicest, newest, neatest, nobbiest Jelly Glass you ever saw. Ask to see them at au28—tf Scott & Co. ’s. —Druby Howell is stiff open, and is the man for fresh fish. Every day of the season you can come and find what you want. sepltf AVanted to Buy on Die Best Terms! Three buih’ing lots lor parties who will not pay an exorbitant price. Call on the editor of this paper, with a state ment as to location, distance from the courthouse, &c., &c aiil9tf An Organ Foi- Sale ! Any person who stands in.need of an Organ of the celebrated Peloiibet make, and wants it at n cheap price for cash, can hear of a chance by calling early at this offic^. July 15—tf, • —In consequence of the advance in granulated sugar, we are forced to ad vance our pnee to ten cents a pound, or eleven pounds for a dollar, for the present, and may be forced to a still further advance soon. V'^ry Respectfully, f^^tf J. W. Scorx & Co. Wanted I boro and vi-Jiuity. Also am pie- pared to fi^rnish ^nne lumber in any quantity and at bottom jlriees. R. W. Brook.j. Office ou South Elm Sc. aud C. F. & Y. V. R. R July 2—tf. Silks. You will find at Levi Houston s, over store of Houston & Bro. Gieeusboro, N. C., a full line of embroidery Silks, Chenille, Arraseae and all kinds of em broidery goods, embroidr/ silk only 8ct per doz, assorted colors. Ladies long hose knit of pure silk only $2 a pair. Also keep gentlemans silk hose and infants hoods. Kirkpatrick & Brother, contractors for all kinds of brick work, solicit the patronage of the people of Greensboro, Satisfaction guaranteed. Refers to the Holts of Alamance, for whom they have built several cotton mills. Can be found on their contract with Messrs. White and Trogdon of tUis city. jy29« ^ ^ —J. F. Jarrell, Proprietor of Guilford Sash and Blind Factory, is ready to furnish sash, doors, blinds, mouldings and brackets, aud to contract for kinds of buildings. Factory near the depot. Fresh invoices of first-class lumber constantly received. For mates -j-i' - ■ —They have arrived at H. C. Horton’s a beautiful line of Fall and Winter Goods, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Valieses, -fee. Hats of the latest styles, A beautiful line of Dress Goods. No tions of every description and selling at at rock bottom prices. Give us a trial and be convinced. 'Very Truly, &c., H. 0. Horton, Odell Building, South Elm Street, selltf —D. B. Prince, of York, Pa has , , , . , ^ mates on material t leased apartments in the second story of call ou the propritor. J. D. White’s new brick building, on West Market street, and so soon as the rooms are completed will open a first class Photographic Gallery, doing all kinds of work—from the small st to the largest—and making a specialty of the branch of Enlarging Pictures His fur ther announcement will appear here sep3 Iw all esti- on material and cantra(5t work uul8tf Wanted I A young gentleman who has taken a full course in a business college, and is equipped as a book-keeper desires to obtain a situation in some store in this city. Besides the usual testimonials which he can give, he represents one of the most prosperous neighborhoods in the tobacco belt, not too far to do its trading in Greensboro, and which prob ably is not represented in any clerk now employed here. For particulars apply at this office. 8e9 Iw Tlie Fountain Head! When you call for what you want at the new aad elegant 8oda Fountain of Alford & Michaux you may be confident of getting the best. Their soda 'e flavored with the purest and most tempt ing of extracts, aud if you would choose Deep Rock, Vichy or Kissehgiu, you can be accommodated, with the assur ance that you are drinking the thing ex pressed by the name. May 1-tf. A jNew and Useful Contrivance! Ellison’s Commode Chair has been, examined by physicians and others who are prepared to bear testimony in its favor as a highly useful contrivance for the comfort and convenience of sick, and the proprietor is piepared fill orders for the same if adtlressed him or F. N. Ingold at Greensboro. au22 6w A. L. Ellison, the to to

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