THE DAILY WORKMAN. J. 8. MICHAUX, Local Editor A paper for all people, bnt especially ... . L 1L. f LtA VJ meet uo urairo woiou DiKiij ".re Known to entertain lor non-political sheet, the WoBXMAit will arrive to bo into every house, leering to other pepera f . me ao ence 01 pnuuca, giving we news in brief and holding iteelf rtwpontible to tne moral aenae 01 the community lor Ita utterances. Rev. Peyton II. Iloge, of Rich mond, Va., was advertised to preach at Wilmington yesterday. lie ia a nephew of Rev. Motes D. Iloge, oi Richmood. Gov. Holden hat presented to Peace Institute a life-size portrait of William Peace, after whom the in ttitution was named. The portrait was painted by the great artist, Wm G. Brown. The News and Observer says CaDtain Drummond, of the R. & G. Railroad, was summoned to appear as a witness in a suit against the rail road for killing a cow in Northamp ton county, Friday. He refused to leave the train. The Sheriff sum moned a posse and took him by main strength. have recently celebrated the sale of the one hundred thousandth hogs .heac of tobacco this year in that city. The hogshead which made the one . hundred thousandth weighed 1,190 pounds net, and brought $2, 023, being $1.70 per pound, the highest sum ever received for a hogs bead. It is said the celebration was a grand success in every particular. A great deal of the tobacco sold in that city was from this State, there being some from this market. Our Schoou and Colleges. On this subject the Fayetteville Ob server says : "The Fall sessions of our schools and colleges are now beginning the work of another year, and the reports are exceedingly en couraging. All begin with brighter prospects than any preceding year, The subject of education, (this being an off year in politics), free tuition, and schools generally, has been freely ventilated by the press, and while much has been said that rojght just as well have been left unsaid, still even this1 may be partly the cause of awakening a new and livelier interest in our institutions of learning, and it may be that good will come of it in the end." in turn by Mr. R. R. Ilanner. After Mr. Hanner came in Mr. C. II. Hardin, who occupied it something over ten years. Then he and his brother T. L Hardin commenced business at the railroad station known as Julian, and which is about one fourth of a mile from the old sttnd. The railroad agent is Mr. C. IL Hardin, who is just now recovering from a severe attack of . typhoid fever. Tulian station is becoming quite an important point on the road, and the agent has done much to in crease the amount of business done here. Quite a large trade is done here in fertilizers, and here may be found bales of cotton of the new crop, together with bales ot goods from the factories who make this their shiDDincr Doint, as Cedar Falls, II aw Randleman, Naomi and Worthville. There are two stores at Julian, and the Messrs. Hardin Brothers run mills by steam for sawing, ginning cotton and carding wool. J. L. Hardin has already built himself a .. . l " TT residence near tne aepoi, ana v. ... Hardin.' his brother, expects at no very distant day to . follow his ex mnlo. Mr. Divinnev has also tr - built here a neat! residence, and a Mr. Tennings, who is the assistant to the railroad agent. This is a good fruit-produ:ing country, and from this point go quantities of chickens, eggs, &c. The agent manifests quite an interest in the progress of the country and the shipment of produce in general The merchants here buy many of their goods in Greensboro, and find it to their advantage to do so. Up to this time the growing of tobacco has not taken very strong hold upon the people, and the new order of things is oeing 'tried on" with great caution. "All admit, however, that the railroad has, been a : source of much good, and has aided materially in developing the resources of v the country. As this is Saturday eve ning, people from the surrounding neighborhood are , in, purchasing their regular supplies of sugar, coffee, spice, pepper, alt, sole leather, soda, kerosene, tobacco, snuff, etc.. -etc. The sky to-day has had a dull, hazy appearance, yet there has Jbeen no appearance of rains, and the weather is still Summery in temperature. Truly, &c, T. L. M the Daily Workman a copy re questing publication. ' . ( W, F. Alderman, W. II. Branson, Sup't. Sec'y. The Durham Reporter has the following to aay in exoneration of young Mr. Rankin, fomerly of this placet ' As we stated before, it ia generally believed in Durham, that Mr. Rankin, Into fifth firm if Kobertaon & Kankin. was more ainned against than sinning. He is a young man highly connected in this State, but unfortunately for him, ha fnrmail an alliance in business with a man who duped him, and by the use 01 bia name, lead mm inw irounie. We are lead to believe from recent iliannv.rin. that there were numerous tninanntinna of a doubtful character Innn nmlor tha flfni naina of Kobertaon fc Ranksn, thnt was unknown and unsanctiond by young Rankin, and from which transactions tie realised none of the fruits, except the odium which attacted. We understand that he has been quite sick for some time M . a in Ureensoora ana me ose ot dis name by Robertson1 was uuknown to him. Editorial Correspondence' Julian, N. C, Sept. 20,' 1885. . Among the villages that have grown up recently along the line of the C. F. & Y. V. Railroad is Julian, a station located on the northern border of Randolph county, 16 miles by rail from Greensboio. The situa tion is very, close to what was for merly known as the Julian: Cross Roads, so that the name of the old place is preserved. For many years past it has been known as a good stand for a store, and as far back as , 30 years ago was occupied by the late Thomas Ragan, who built up a good trade here. He was a saga cious, prudent and economical mana ger, and in the course of years ac cumulated a very handsome compe' fence, ' which he afterwards turned oyer with his ' characteristic good sense. . After the style of the late George . Makepeace, he impressed his fruVal, industrious and cautious Jiabits upon those who were to sue ceed him in business, and continues to lire in those who took up the im plements of life's warfare when he laid them down. , 1 ' ' , After Mr. , Ragan removed from the Cross Roads -stand he was sue ceeded by Mr. J. A. Odell, and he For theDxtLx Wobkmak. Resolutions Of Bespect. The following -. resolutions were adopted by the Greensboro M. E. Sunday School at "its session held Sunday, Sept. aotb, 1885 : : Whereas, It has pleased God, our Heavenly Father, to summon from the activities of this life to the reali ties of a far happier sphere, our friend and brother, Dennis Curtis And, Whereas, For several years,' he was connected with our Sunday School in the important relation of Superin tendent of the Infant Department, Therefore, Resolved ; 1st, That we bow with submission to the y decree which severs the relation which we would most gladly have retained unbroken. , Resolved ; 2nd, That in the death of brother Curtis the Sunday School interest has lost a devoted friend and helper, and this Sunday School has lost an "efficient ' and consecrated worker. Resolved ; 3rd, That we herewith express our deep sympathy with the bereaved family, and commend them in our prayers to the sustaining grace of God, our Father. Resolved ; 4th, That our Secretary 01 instructed to furnish the. family with a copy of these resolutiops, and P.lTHlt TSIIt FRAAMENTa. Be an economist of M me. Time is money and mnra than tlaL It ia the atuff that eternity is inade of. Be, therefore, miters of m nates. We talk of "off hours and "bare moiuauts, but we have none m snare. True we need u ; ! . t 11 . t i recnuunn. rttini iram ma nauv nraa. v - J 1 sure of care. ' Sleen can not ha aafti abridged. Tin taiminna of mndnrn lifa. the rush and rivalry of the business, mace rest a necessity, not a luxury. 4 W w Overwork is tin against the body. We owe it ta'ourselvas to keen tha body in the beat physical condition. We are Catherine n tha fragments In t o 1 o so dome. Proner relaxation ia a nart of true econotav : bat the uoint to be remember is the value and eiiraificanae of all our hours as related to the aim of life. Thia understood., we shall Im frugal of our scanty and lessening atore. Fragments of time saved will rapidly accumulate wealth, material and spirit ual. Many valuable booka have been prepard in- Moawnt of Mmparativa leisure, in tne gold room of the Philadelphia mint there is a perforated floor, through which masses all tha dust or filling of gold, the aggregate value ot wuicu is thirty thousand dol lars every year. This is but a hint of the Bathered wealth of manv man who have learned bow to husband minutes. Kind words and deeds that take but a moment of time mav be like fruitful seeds, the harvesting of which may be superlatively ricn in wis nie ana in the life to come. Oh. the iov of memar that cornea from utilizing fracmenta of time 1 worm more tnan tne a weeping 01 tne goia-room, tney enrich alike the life of him who serve and that of him he serves. An extra visit to the cloanfc. the improvements of some fugitive impression or some pasting acquain tance, mav start sti earns of benaficant innuence mat will not only momentari ly refresh and restore a wearied aonl. but leave permament effect on chraoter What we need ia a strone- Dnrnop. fol lowed out by systematic and presiatent enortaay or aay. tev. 'Dr.. John A. Lansing. 1nnotjn.cemen, I would make known to my friends and the public generally - that I have bonghl out Mr. 0. P. Whartoa. the Photographer, and at bia OLD STAND will continue fo carry on the bnninm. Using the VERY BEST OF INSTRU MENTH AND MATERIAL I nromlM that my work shall not be EXCELLED BY ANY IN THE STATE. Children taken in a fliuh bv the In arantaneous Process, which NEVER FAILS. LONG SITTINGS DONE AWAY WITH. GROUPS LARGE AND SMALL a i. n. m-r a tr mtr A orXiUlALiIX. t ahail be orenared to do anv and all 1 KiDUt or I'Dotograpniog irom tne Smallest Card to Full Life Size. Will be ready for work on the 10th. nmc v- J u .-.ill i, WATCIIX3, CliOClXt JEWELRY, . SILVERWARE, ETC, In Great Variety, Newest Designs, and Cheaper than ever before, at ' U THORNTON'S, MoAdoo Hotel Building, GREE-TSBORO, Ne O. Come One Come All I Repairing A Specialty.1 March 20-tf See my specimens and have joar naaows cangni. Respectfally, selltf a L. ALDERMAN. 91 Building Lots 01 Foa Sale. T OFFER 21 DESIRABLE LOTS ON X iMl Washington, Liberty, and Uraoe Stretta. for Bale, at nrinn ranor. ins from tSO.Ou to Sl&O.oa. Hiza of lots as follows: j 4. Fronting on Eaat Waahinsrtnn RL . 130x165 feet 11. FrontV on TJhrtT Rl . M(Tmatt 4. Fronting on Oraoe 81, 100x250 ft 2. Frontinir on Mn("lnnnll TLnmA 130x165 ft. The above nronortT oa I nut Vjtmt nt UoMahon's Factory, about of a mile irom tne Koan uouse. 10 of the lota are nioelv ahadml- Tbe rroDertv will be aold nriTatelv on terms to suit purchasers. Jf or-iurtlier iDiormation apply to ae im. tiA.MfL.K B. BROWN. IlAiiPiait'a Bazak, ILLUSTSATED. HarDera Bazar Ia tlia ,.nT- n t. the world that eomhinAa h. v,n;.. . literature and the flnaat art j!)n.f;nn. with the latest fashions and methods of nonsenom adornment Its , weekly illustrations and dAanrii.tinn nf V.. T-T est Paris and New York tA wui, ,f. useful pattern sheet supplements and out patterns, by enabUnR ladies to be their own dressmakers, sve many times the cost of subem-iption. Itapapers on oooking, the management of aervants, and housekeeping in its various details are eminently nraotleaL Mnnh tf tion is giyen to the interesting topio of social etianette. and ita iltiuintinn. t. art needle-work areaekaoweleced to be uuequaiea, its literary merit is ol the hiffhest 'exeellenae. . anf th ..i.n. character of ita humoron won for it the name of the American Pnnoh. - t HOME SCHOOL. FOR GIRLS AND B0Y&. ITRS. E. D. HUNDLEY AND MISS Irx Lizzie Lindsay will open a school in Greensboro for jprla and boys, on the 81st of Angnst They have both had an extensive experience in teaching in thia community and elsewhere and can far nish the most satisfactory references as to their ability and auooeaa. ' Tbey par- puw) obtidb; acneoi eonaactea on health principle, believing that "a sonnd mind in a aonnd body ,r it the pre. reoaisite to a good ednoation. Withi well lighted and properly ventilated' rooma, they hope to be able to develope their pupils phvaieally and morally a well as mentally. Their rooma will be eentrallv located and easily aooessible- from alt parts of the town. The first seasion will begin on the 81st of August and eloe on the 18th.o i January. It isf very desirable to have pupils enter ar the oommenoement of the trm. Trans. EnRlish. (all the branohes as- nsnauv wngnij siu.uu per session. French at the nsnal charge. One half the tuition fees to 1ms paid at the begin ning of the session- and the balance at. the end of three montha. Frnh. tamrht. orally. Mnsio on the black-board. Drawing and elementary Latin free of charge, as much Calisthenics will be given aa may be conducive to health and a pleasant cnang ct poatnre. For any other information in regard to the school, apply to Mrs. Hundley or Miss Lindsay, at their horn ea. Greensboro, If.- C, H.'. SUMMERFIELD IGH SCHOOL 1 i AMD . ... ' " BUSINESS EMPORIUM! It located on the 0. F. A T. V, It. R, 13 miles North of Greensboro. The different departments. Scientific 'Lit erary, Linguistic, Basinets and Mnsio have capable teachers. The 13th year opens me i (in August, i8tu. Address. F. 8. BLAIR. Prin.. aul4 fiw . " : Snmmerfield, N. L Manv Desona talk thrnnah th tola. phone without nnderstandinc tharuM. ohanism. So manv souls bnlinira in Christ to the saying of their souls, who understanding bow it is that He who died for them and rose acain them. It is a blessed thine that w are aavea oy taim ana not by knowl edge. , it u nevertheleas a pnviledge that we be ''neither barren nnr nnfrnit. ful in the knowledge of our Lord Jem ri a , aa 1rv ' -. -n-w unrisi.;; worasana works. There cannot ba a. mAm worth improvement of friendship than in a fervent opposition to the eioa of tnoBe we Droiesa ta invA. Kmhnn t tr ii (..,' f tf. nail. ,,,,.,:.:.; ..,.. ., r vf uoa win Diess trntti rnn f a bad man Breaches, and he will nnt Diess nntrntn n an angel preaches it. Wealth ia like a bird: it bona all day from man to man, as that doth irom tree to tree, and none can say where it will rodat at niffhL T. Adams. - t JELe that Data a Ttibln int tK bands of a child, pivar him mnu than a kingdom, for it gives him a aer to tne aincdom of I asvar vx. Jjaonanan. HiRPR'S PERI0DI0ALS. Per Year: HARPER'S RAX Alt.'. .......... .M 00 HARPER'S MA ft A ZTWP. XX SilSK13 WHEKIiY... oo UAi-rjiKHauUNO PEOPLE... 160 1 HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQUARE 7 uuuMMx.i xearioa Kombers. .10 00 Pottagt Fre to aO subscribari i th United S(at or Canada. , The Volumes of tha the first Number for January of each year. When no time ia mentioned, it will be understood that the a'absoriber wishes to oohunenea with tlia xrv. LuSffla.nE5ii weais oi aii wnas will be sent bv mail. erpresa, free of expense (provided the "6"" mi Bj.ueeu one aoiiar per volume), for 87 00 mr rnlnm -.-. r" . - ninth rifkOAafni. uaI. .nf.. . for binding, will be sent by mail, post paid, on reeeipi of tl 00 each. 7 . . Remittances should be made by Post Office Monet Order ar TWft t j ohanceof loss. - -f -:;! ' .v; 117. KElllJODLE, -DEALER I N- '' Newsvamrt art nnt in Anu tt - - fj wwwr tuement mthoutth express order oHab FBB & BbOTHSRS. AddrARfl " ' - uahpjsr a brothers; , ' ,-; ',- New York. DR. G, 17. 17IIITSETT. ; Dentist, :r , -v Greensboro. N. CJj. . ' i LatA Aont. !Vimnfi.h.l. T.lili ia jjuuiuiure wuc-i wx cental ourgerv. -...; m, ,over BJw o. brown's store, alay 19-8nt - ' IN THE MATUnST :'., ': .: fTIHE best meats that I can get in thia JL OOUntrV. an A . hanillAil . nla.n anli Iniee. .1 keep my meats in nice condi -tion free from flies. 'I sell nn flr- specked or fly-blowed meats.- I; keep- 5 my meafain a fly-proof safe, and gnar- antee my meats to be clean no dirtr blocks and connterg. My prioeaire a - to the quality of meat, and as low as , an nf tha marlrAt m.n ' firX' ma.u 4 ...1 1 w wvm. . , uioaw are worm mere than poor, and they cost me more, and have to sell them: higher.' ' , -iv - J, W. KERNODLE. Apru ai-j-om . i il.Kll. Pir-l.i-in it n,..ii....i I...... ,Wwt rttanutaocurin Co., Uw a

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