rHE DAILY WORKMAN, .1. L. MiCHAUX, Editor. J. S, IHIICHAUX, liocai Editor, ADVERTISING —DISPI..AYED— I — RATES -LOCAL— 3 in. 1 day, $1.0U 10 anes 1 time,$ .80 3 “ 3 days, 1.50 10 “ 2 times, 1.00 3 “ 1 week. 2.00 10 “ 1 ■week-, 1..50 4 col. 1 day, 1.50 15 “ 1 time, 1.20 It “ 1 we«sk. 2.00 15 “ 2 times,1.50 1 “ 1 •• 3.50 15 “ 1 veek. 2.00 -iSgf* Contract AdverLi.s6ti»ents taken ai proportionately low rates. Entered at the post office in, Green^borOy /■ G., as second-class hzntfer. "^Offiice on Sov.th Elm Street, under Bsnboio Hall. RAILWAY GUIDI Greensboro, Nov. 14, 1886. BIOHMOND A DANVILIjE FAILBCAD. irrivos from liichmond at 9 43 a m “ ** “ 8 55 p EQ Leaves for Richmond at 9 55 p m “ “ “ 4 20 am NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. 4 12 a m 9 47 p m 9 48 a m Arrives from Charlotte at Leaves for OharUitio at Arrives from Goldsboro at Leaves for Goldsboro at 9 05 p m 8 35 p m . 4 20 a m NORTH-WESTERN N. ' Arrives from Salem at Leaves for Salem at , RAILROAD. 3 52 a m 8 25 p m 10 CO a m “ “ “ 10 00 pm O. F. 4 7. V. RAILROAD, Leave Fayetteville, - 12:00 M. Arrive at Greensboro, - - 5:45 p.m. Leave Greensboro, - - 10:00 a, m. Arrive at l^ayetteville, - - 3.50 p.m. SCHEDULE OF MAILS: Mails going North closed 9 00 p m ” ” South ” 9 00 a m ” ” ” ” 8 30 p m ” Salem Br’ch” 9 00am ” ” ” 9 00 p m ” East ” 9 00 p m ’ ’'o.F.&y.v.E.R” 9 00 am General delivery open from 8 00 a m to 6 30 p m., except during the distri bution of mails. The Money Order and Registered Letter office open from 9 00 a m to 6 00 p m. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. The Workman. -Single copy VOL. 4. GREENSBORO By Tet.egraph, —David Jordan, Chairman of Board of County Com • missioners, fell dead at High Point at 2 o’clock tliis p. m. No partic ulars. SAU'fclDAT, DECEMBER 11 " C——__ 1886. No. 172 Bazaar and Festival — Tne ladies of the Episcopal church will hold a Bazaar and festival at the Cof fee House, West Mai*ket street, on • Tuesday next. 14th Dec., of vhich a fuller notice will be given on Monday. —A large,vvell-bebaved and appre ciative audience attended the concert at the college last night. The reci tations by the young ladies were pronounced first rate. The vocal and instrumental pieces were well rendered and elicited much applause It was a first class entertainment, the like of which we would j like'to hear oftener. Tiible Boai’d! The subscriber having employed a good book is prepared to take a num ber of table boarders on fair terms. Apply at the rooms over Barker’s,store, decll Iw J. O. Hall. LATEST BTTELEGEAPH. TIEADQU.ARTET'> FOR CHRISTMAS ! ' The largest stc “k of Toys and fine Candies in the Sta^e, Call and examine our stock. dec? xw E. M yr vldcledgh & Bro. Everything F-^The Holidays! Citron, Kai.uns, 'Currants, Geletiue, Jlicco Meat, Pick’ Preserves, Jellies, •Oranges, Apples, I.emons. &c., at dec7 Iw E.M. ■'•'aldclfxjgh & Bfio’s. Save Tour Flowers! These cold 1 ights I y using the Florence Lamp Stoye with Radiators—price $2.00. For sale by •declO 2w W. P. Wakefield & Co. —The largest stock of Christmas Can dies, Fruits, Fireworks, &e., both whole sale and retail, to be found at J. Wf Scott & Co s. , decStf ^ Fancy Grocers. For F/'iit ! That desirable resi 'ence on Ashebovo street near the Chap h formerly Occu pied by Mrs. BryantApply to C. N. McAdoo, or dec8 4t W.'A. Scott —-Be. sure ro itepori 'oiirice any and every failure to leccive *-1)0 Daily Workman —The total damage by the earth quake in CharleFtop is now estimat- •ed at $300,000, while of chimneys, only 100 escaped injury. , — Preaching in Bogart Hall to morrow at 11, a. m., and 7, p. m., byRe^. AV. R. Gwaitney,. pastor of •the Baptist church. Sunday school at 9 130, a. m. —The train down from Summer- field and beyond runs now to suit the convenience of the public, and to-day some ten or twelye persons came down from Summerfield, with a view of returning to night. —We had the pleasure of a short interview this morning with Rey. W. W. Royall, a returned missionary from China, who will be here for some days in the Interest of his mis sion. See notice elsewhere. —The Summerfield people will have a Christmas Tree on the night of the 24th December. Prof. Blair was here /o-day looking after the “fixtures.” Rev. T. J. Ogburn will •deliver an address under the shadow of the Tree. —Snow fell yesterday into the street and on the sidewalk from the roof of Benbow Hall in very large, heavy cakes, which, had they struck a passer-by, would have, caused pain. We have not heard of any casualty from that source. Everybody Is invited to Ellis’China Hall to look at the new stock of novelties in China, Gla.ss and Fancy Goods just opened. The large stock and low prices will sur prise you. declltf Footholds and Arctic Overshoes! We received this morning a fresh sup- —Try our ne-v “Pi! y” Tea in pack ply of all kinds of Overshoes, Buckle,'jpvss^of J ^-1 i -V-4}^^-Tidnl redtiv'e a Arifties, Self.AofinaAkts'.-.ds.frfto'th'STSs, i^ide present with each package. t'-lsVii T-.iihlior Rl.n, ... V.vtm. T,Fu’„t ^ W ScOTTitOo., decStl Fa icy Grocers. For The Holidays! Mince Meat, Jellies^ Preserves, Cur rants, Raisins, Citroul Catsup, 8?auces, Plain and Mixed Picirtes, Oranges, Ap ples and everyihing kfpfc in a first-class Family Grocery, at dec9 Iw T S. Shelton’s. Stockholders’ Mcetint;! The Stockholders’ Meeting of the National Bank of Greensboro, N, C., will be held at their Banking-house on Wednesday, January 5tn, 1887, at 12 o’clock, M. Neil Ellington, dec7tf Cashier. —Chichester’s : Holiday Presents. headquarters , for novSOtf —Thereare5a8fyle80f Chamber Sets at novSOtf W. T. Ohiohester’s. —Chichester has 100 Styles of Lamps. He can please the most fastideous. Rates of Subsouiption. - 5 Cents By the week ten cents. By r/ie month twenty-five cents in advance. 8ix months $1 50; one year $3/three months 75c. in ad No payments made to carriers wiU be acknowledged, and he paper is not au thorized to be deliver'd to anv whose name is not on the books of the office. Charles Kendall is the only authrized agent to collect funds due this office, ex cepting such other person or persons as may be announced hereafter. Carriers not allowed to sell papers on the streets, —A full line of Ladies Cloaks anj Wf.fips, just opened tip at se28tl' ir. Will. Aiimfield’s. Stamping! All kinds of stamping done for fancy Embroidery by novl7if Mrs. G H. Royster. --Chichester lias a very large handsome stock of Xmas Cards. and Rubber Shot s. Extra Liglit Pvub- bers for City trade, Ladies’ Wool Lined Alaskas and all sizes of Men’s and Children’s Rubbers. declOtf Sample S. Brown. Building Lot at Public Sale '■ The subscriber will offer at public sale for cash, at the courthouse door in Greensboro, at 12 o’clock on Thursday, December 23rd, a desirable building lot, situated on Vance street, South Greens boro, and near Centenary Methodist church, The lot has a front of 75 feet by 190 feet. Would sell privately on application. J. A. Kebnodle. declO lit Hay! Kay!! We have a nice lot of baled Hay for 90c per 100. A Hagan & Son. dec9 3w Five Cents A Yard ! Seal Brown, Navy Blue, Cardinal, Black, Olive Green and all the leading colors in “0.” Twilled Cashmeres re duced to Five Cents a yard at decStf Sample S. Brown’s. —Thb’Messrs. Caldcleugh have on hand a very full stock of groceries, confectionaries, toys, etc., and are determined not to be outdone on Christmas goods and the like. They ask that buyers will come and see their ■large and elegant stock, and be con- yinced that they lead in their line. They keep the best of fruits and in 2arge quantities. —Books—new Ivorine Binding—next week. Dike Book Oo. —“He Fell in Loxe wi-h liis Wife,” E. P. Roe; “My Recitations,” Mrs, James Brown Potter, next week. deo8 Iw Dike Book Co. styles Card Cases* and Dike Book Co. —See new Match Safes, dec8 Iw —Parlor Croquet Sets. dec8 Iw Dike Book Co. —Call for “Leslie Stories/’' “Dr. Cu pid,” Rhoda Broughton’s New Book. dec8 Iw Dike Book Co. —Novelties from Boston, next week. dec8 Iw Dike Book Co. —Japanese Moving Picture Books, and Fairy Stories, coming, dec8 Iw Dike Book Co. —New Styles Prang’s Xmas Cards. dec8 Iw Dike Book Co . Get That Overcaat Now! Big stock of medium priced and cheap Heavy Overcoats for Men and Boys to be closed out at reduced prices. dec8tf Sample S. Brown, ’ Don’t Forget! We still have some of that choice Timothy Hay, winch we deliver free, dec? 3t Wharton & Stratford. Take Notice! Having engaged my services as baker to Mr. J. H. West, and having catered to the best trade in Baltimore and Char- lott3, I take pleasure in informing the citizens of Greensboro that I will bake for them the best Bread, Rolls and Buns, and Cakes ever offered them in the city, and respectfully ask for a share of your patronage. Call at the City Bakery. . Geo. P. Plitt, dec6 Iw Baker. Fine Ojsters. 35 and 40 cents per quirt at dec6—Iw Kernodle & Jackson’s. For Dinner Oliristmas Day! SeedlessRaisius 15c or2ft>s fer 25o., Citron, 35c, Currants 10c, Prunes, Raisins# Figs, Nuts, &c. Give me a call. decOtf Geo. J. Stare, Toys! Fruits! Candies! Largest stock in the city. Call and get my low prices before purchaoing elsewhere. J. H. West, dec6 Iw Under McAdoo House, My Kakery! Having obtained the services of one of the best bakers in Baltimore, I offer to the citizens of Greensboro and sur^ rounding country the best Bread, Bolls' Buns, Rusks and Dough Nuts, Fine Cakes, and Cakes of all kinds, baked to order, delived at your houses fresh every evening. Wedding and Christmas Cakes on hand and baked to order. Ornamenting fine Cakes a specialty. Call at the Cjty Bakery. J, H. West, dec6 Iw Proprietor. Notice I Having decided to break up house keeping, •will sell privately my entire lot of household and kitchen furniture— everything comparatively new. Also one young i Jersey cow, and cutting box. Parties wishing to buy will do well to call and see for themselves. V. O, Willis, dec2 3w South Greensboro, N. C. —Have you seen the beautiful Albums and Plush Goods at Chichester’s? —Chichester’s is the best place to got Staple and Fancy China and Glassware. —Scrap Books at Chichester’s. To Kent For Next Year! A comfortable house, with six rooms and fire-places, on College Hill. For parricnlars apply to dec3 Iw Mrs. F. M Bumpass. ■ • - - Look Here! I’ve gob the«best Baker in the State. Come everybody get Bread, Buns, Rusk,Doughnuts and Cakes of all kinds. A good assortment of Candies, Raisius, Currants, Citron, Nnts, «fei. Orders for Christmas Cakes are in order now, dec3tf J. E. Thom. . — —J-j'JieH. use ^the Royal St, John Sewing Machine. None bettir. War ranted five years. nov25 Im ’bV. H. Wakefield & Co. Keep Out The (JoUl! And save wood and coal by using Weather Strips. A full stock at nov25 Im W, H, Wakefield & Go’s. For Kent! The room now occupied by R. G. Glenn as an insurance office, (next door to Lindsay tfe Schenck’s drug store,) will be for rent after Jah. 1st, Apply to C. M. or E. G. Glenn. uovlStf Reduction Sale of Millinery Goods. For thirty days at Mis. M. V. Bing ham’s. A business change makes this Sale necessary, and a reduction of 25 per cent will be made. Now is the time to buy millinery goods cheap. nov25—tf -Malaga Grapes 25o ib, Oranges 40 and 50c doz., Banannas 30, 40 and 50c. doz. Also good Cocoanuts, northern Apples ab Geo. j. Starr’s, novlOtf Coffee House. —Walter G Wilson’s Crystal, Graham and Oatmeal Wafers, 20—3 ft)s for 50c. Soda and Oyster Crackers lOo. Geo. j. Starr, ■ novlOtf Coffee House Restaurant. For Kent I One of the best ‘‘store rooms” on South Elm street, in a number one business localitv. Apply at this office. novlSbf Cabbage! Cabbage!! 25 bbis northern uabbage on con signment—sold by the pound or bbl at novlOtf SooxT & Go’s. —Remember the leading restaurant in the town is run by Rob’t Harris. Meals at all hours. 3 doors below Brockmann’s Store. seS Iw —The finest and the best Tobacco on the market—Dianora, Gravely, Fine Cut and Nellie Bly just received at Hunter & Miohaux’s Drug Store, a9tf Notice of Dissolution I The co-pertnership heretofore Exist ing between J. W, Kernodle and J. H. Jackson was dissolved on Deo. 3rd, by mutual consent. All bills to be settled with Mr. J. W. Kernodle, who will con tinue the business at the same stand. dec7 Iw Kernodle & Jaokbon. —Thurber’s boneless Cod market, at •'Deep Sea” bi'ani of Fishhe best on this Scott & Co’s., Charles E. Sliober, Life and Fire losurance Agent. In* sures in best Companies. Office at present at his residence. au24tf Hats! Kilts!! Just received a huge lot of all the latest styles in Stiff and Soft Hats at seltf ^ P, Fishblate’s. —A lot of Kid Gloves, slightly dam aged, will be sold at less than half their value, at C. & M. Fbetzpelder’s. au26tf —A full jtock of Zeigler Shoes just received—all of the latest styles for Fall and Winter, at au20tf G. Will Armfield’s. For Keiit^ A six room, well located and desira ble residence on Washington street. Apply to Dr. M. H. Alford. octl2tf —Hunter & Michaux can now dispense to you from their soda fountain an ex cellent drink known as ginger ale, in addition to the customary mineral dscietf —Without good flour you cannot have good bread, Have your grocer to send you a sack of Putapsco Superlative Flour, and you will never take any other. Yates Brothers, Wholesale Agents. Notice I Persons who are fond of oysters serv ed in the best style—any way you prefer —should call on th« subscriber in the rooms above Barker’s store, West Mar ket street. J. O. Hall. nov29tf (Jioice JSeed Wlieat! We are prepared to furnish the best varieties of choice selected seed Wheat, grown in the valley of Virginia. Farm ers aie requested to call and leave their orders with us. selBtf Yates Brothers, For Sale ! Desirable city lots, convenient to the schools, churches and places of busi es—neighborhood ^‘xcel.ient. Also about nine acres rich bottom land less than a mile from courthouse. Prices moderate. Apply at this office. Greensboro, Feb. 24, ’86. tf For Kent! The house known as the Logan Mc Culloch property, situated on Asheboro street, next to Jesse Julian; well situ ated/ high and dry/ good garden and a well of excellent -water. Modern house, 7 rooms, and fire place in each. House last occupied by Robert Flemming. oct28tf J oHN MoCulloch. From Neck to Heels! Cartland has what you want—in new stylish, elegant and unmatchable neck ties, the like of which you will find no where else: In suspenders, all silk rub ber cord, in new and easy patterns— superb goods. Men’s hose, a complete stock, in the finest fabrics of merino, Scotch wool and lisle. Just the thing for the season, as you will find. * aa28tf Brick! Brick!! Brick 11. The subscriber is now making brick of a clay which he believes to be su perior to any other in use here—clay found in the low grounds near Green Hill Cemetery. These brick prove to be bard and of fine qualities of durability, and are such as are needed particularly in work which requires solidity. I am ready to contract to furnish these su perior brick and also to lay them. jlStf D. N. KlBBPAIilCK,

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