H: DAILY WORKMAN. 4. v 1JI U!V. Editor i ..itii-r for b y-, "t tix'eiiulT iki .Jusii,- "ii. many ar i rn in - mil ,i t iionvitl"' bt, ' ikv- ' strive to go nto every how, leaving 1 1 other paper tie mi cnt-f i piit;.-. irivine the cewi x brief T" litiMtrn itcelf rt-cponaihle to tie im.rti i-vui of : e mmnnity lor The Roa.KR Floc king Mill. AJ important meeting 'vtw held in the court Iioum: liiht night, pmsuaiit to ad journment, in the further interest of the contemplated patent roller flour ing mill at thin place. Dr. IJen1ov was called to the "chair, and "Mesa. Michnux, of the Workman, Elnm of the Patriot iind Andrews of the Xcws were requested to iict an secretaries Rcmai ka were made by various in dividual, and the absence of several interested persons was remarked up on, alt! i; niting their absence to proh able sickness in their own or their neighhois' famiiies. Mr. Carbett, )f Was'.iington, J), C.. Jiing present, wa drawn mit is stnU.incntM as to the r..-t .f a roller mill of certain iiiciisiuiis and utuciiy. lie statct that the sie .of a building, for the git litest .convenience, for the manu facture of nx) barrels of flour per day, would be t0fo feet, 3 1-2 sU ries hi'xh z stories above basement, with garners resting on independent foundation. The power lor such a mill would be 65 horse power engine, which would rr.11 likewise a corn mill. Tlie cost of such a building with engine, and w ithotit other inn chineiy would lie about $5000 ; the same lilted for work complette, alxiut $12,000. The diiVercncc J4tween a mill with capacity for 50 barrels of flour per day and one of too per day, would ppro.iniate $1,000 first cost It requires from 30 to 40 lbs. of soft coal to the barrel of flour made, and the cost .'of making "euch bane! of flour langeft, between 30 and .jc cents, t lis being U;e expense on all the oil lay.on naming account. The amount about 4 bushels and 30 to 35 lbs. Al so, 45S bushel and 20 lbs, or about, will 1 make 100 barrels of flour : 700 Ibk orl'al and 00 lbs invisible loss. A mill should make about 20 per cent. of patent flour, and 70 per cent, of bakers Hourthe traction,' of low grade. The calculation as to run ning expense is based on-$4 per ton as the price of 'soft coal used. The cost of the machinery proper for the mill was estimated at $4,326, and the time in which the building could be ready for the machinery, two months, Mr Carbett gave very satisfactory views utvto, the cost of such a mill as was wanted, and of all matter relat ed thereto, and was listened to vith verv Dntient interest. Xotwithstand- ine tlie untoward , absence ot several persons who had been expected to le present, there was an interest shown whiclvwiuV we trust, eventuate in the successful; operation -of the much needed flouring mill, and the meeting Adjourned to be called by the chair man when necessity should require. . .. --;;'V.f, ,.., .,,.1.,,, We are inlomd tht.t Bishop Lv : m an hn s ' , not tr at ' a n ; a p p 1 1 1 m r n t to- attend servjerst flt.U"t Ei -'pi church this ftemoon Workni.tn ... Well'who' said the b-.fl'fp had m'tA nV'' an t nmntnn nt ? Morn irg New ofbjuly, 26th. -Te-daylVirig'St. 'JaiW-s - day, fymirg ptayer ., wll he said . in :he Epitcopal chiirch t 6 p. I, rtTlt tfUIiop'ofc tbfe.Ii:e Will prnoahly be present.- Morning NeVa of July a5.h. " ; . ' J'h facts brhe ease ore mhio e VntKrh -viz : The notice in th .Vb rri i-2 News of yesterday that the Bit np would Vp'rohnbly be , rest i:t'' t t'ie '..afternoon y service y appeared to Rector Stubbw to give ground to sup-, pose tha he- had akenun ODl'-d lib ertv with' tha, Bishop's tuiri'. so he cfw toe the Wokkma ( flice and 'indicated what he auted said count ract any possible miwpprel eti- non. We do not know "who said the Bishop had made uch an an- . ... pototment; the utatement tnm ne nmi not, was intended 10 show that jt was not his fault, nr the (suit ot the Rec tor, that the probability ot hi being present had been aiHiounced The Littlk Onks Pas Ovek - Grace Alexander, aged 3 monthn and 3da. infant daughter of Mr. and Mr. A V. I.hnd. l South Grerna boro, dud e-cid-) tit 3 o'clock, p m, mid the Im.erHl will lake place ll.is ultrrimO", 'it 5 o'ch'ck. fn-ni Hip lamily fi lnCf. The j neimriii ink- pi ce ..t Gicen II It Cemder; 1')rai. r an Aor.p C'.T tn .-O'-fU Lii sm !; ! 1 1 .1. V.111 L bdlti, I " Mill, K, Ml tl p. 1 ftll lit 83 , i il 1 .-1 "'r ..ct. it: l''s houiu 1 ttr (. n r 1 i.uieh, 111 Cl atln tu -untT 1 w s ihc "-.n-i ft 'i ten br'it!-r, 1 I .. it. ui p'e- Hi'ift u o the uptrit ilit. lie 01 In); m iijinK t d avitruge : 1.1 01 Tii Fr.ibil Li. dler was w-II , . - . il 11), t a rbr rt t'uie liefore bis iIi-k'Ii Hii' sppffid to t lobnst aud -i t v, n i,if as b'c 8tHh yut. He .in 1- ft i, in m roi.s j rogenj, muimig l.i in iu' v 1 rHT;Usota, aLd a soo, J. M. Lk;j. tin bus for mriy jears .tin i in. 11 r isi i if snlxtuotiiil iibhcri- le snti'l - o '(; nt readers. lit,, tii" i h, (1 wnn tuember of the M edict1 ! rr.i:ai t cbrrch of bia u. ighi orl.o .l. IVr lia! Mix. . 1). Hnhdley returned last e nlDt linn i ir-dnrjont Springa, macb improvitt in brahh f-he s looking much hotter evei way. Mr. J. feph Amfleld, father of Mr G. V i'l Aia fit-bV Ims been rery ill for sm time at bit lioine2 1 2 miles aontb ( tt.v ." It wa jeprrted bete last 1 Kb'. t 11 oVUck fiat bn bad pswed waj : out Ai rk. brt thU morning the r. pi rt waeonf radictt d on good author ity. He iv v y It m d in a critical cul dl'lnb. ; '' Mr ' F. Roar iftn utd Inst night fn iu c ti x t i.iUcl t ic c f a busineds b. ti r fi tt-f soo!t-HfrrB nl southern nvtict.i, of th - -tie.'. , v ' 1 . Jiiilj: Fettle tifi.t ilttwii . tii Kh Ifigli fmiil thin mniiiitiii . Mr. P.iruw L'user, i.f IImuviIIp, Ht--1 1 I i..- line Imi,' tuclit MUil Iftl Ills n.i-ti.i',g l-T flmrliitt". , - I. s' lf.n 1. Vi, I'iv (..! wits n- Mitt l irmi. .Mnri-li'Hit (iv Ikc nifbl Mr. .-von IS ivl, M" - Hurt Itivil, .Mien Mniim. i:u Iim'i)ii. , o.i M Kt b'. I tnlinWHy.- ! .' neti)Mlli', who went i, U'i.1.1 iSturrheHii Vity with the lu-itlstl Light I'lbtntiy. j-Hffil ihto' hnte liiff. Iiiul.t '1: rutitn liouii . ; RiicklruV A 1. ten f Tb best tiilvA i 1 wic v orM fur (3u Bniist-i, Hortu. , rjlcr sa Kfi.-nm. Feyrr Horaa,;T,ttr::t i cei Uxn )h Obiil jitiim Cor-is, . ' A . -kv :. K' in tSOlis Mini (iLKiitMlj i-lin -l"i' in j-.. j wqirrnl. Ji ijsj:uiMuUret i". .-i"-' lent ti:,iu-r oil . or' ;im.iy , rrii.:.ti? Prie 2r fit -r K,. v For tutie ty iiu'ii V 'iclinT S. : Beauty ; Skin Scalp by the CUTICUf ridlS. NOTHISO IS KNOWN TO bCI ence at all com para b e to the CU TICDBA REMEDIES in their warveb on tirorerticA of oleansinor. parifTinsr und V)fttititTing ih'e skin ud in curinpr tortunat', disns'iirinpr. itclnng. soaly and piciiply dii uses of the skiu, scalp sod blood with loss of hsir. . Cxit;o(;ba. the Croat Skin due, aud Ctrri" r,u Kov. an eiqnisite Skin Bean til "V fiiep'r.'d frmit. esternally, aad (rii- TKA HKtotvEKT, the new Blood PnnfW. 111tp.ma.ly, are u positive cure for ev'-rf f-rm f sV.ia and blood dis we, from pimpb a to scrofula', CuTl. cvm Bem"dikh are abpolntely pnre and tin-' enfv infioh'ble eKin bcHiitiiiers and blood ptlritliTS - ' ' 50:i . HiAf. 25o.;' BKsotVKNt", SI.- Pre pHft-d by the Pottbb l)vi si Chem ICaT. Oo I5oTOK, Mas., v..r; mafffrtii lor How to Cure fekin rist-n es " The Secret of Joy, ynppone. ir.mt A person hu'fl iurif- you to bin houoo, and on v., or nnivtl yt'U aboold tiu t tiit niuilow-bntturt dosed, au I the tint I n king a t prepared for a fiiutr!. YjU ould hardly rtiard yourlf . we! como nui-xt, or ilctt, yon c imit p; pave y nir b i-f any pi '..-", If, 00 th ntiir hitu I, yoU w-r- iirn-' ed with ! d.or-i nud ll!i'.-d pTtrtaitit', u bupit tl.lt f- t t im amilintf I'Mes.yo'i w.M.hl t.- -i t.nu-- e!f tuaUuilv at Itotu-. 2s 1 1 P...:. a ii tfii u ffi- Oat ettiiy ntuoerw. ln-tiffiv Jfiin Chrittt liv-, It naiiut ii-',rii v.iiit- iiv-ui iu tut. 1.1 1 the cfiTrt of I'M btpp:ut. witrdly, thi h-tiiba, p ii-i'u.r.! Kpoth bud it h t: l lt; bu" m j iynuit ui tu li l u ' trilthtl it.t N v-r h wiiinj;rr, ur-vet a rune Ot eoiu...ti:iV. " tv-, tun !i: ' ft j ioe i i l,Lrii niwiiVH, hi.I aaiti I h ;t r j 101 " S iou w tic jabiltnt ui ut? wlrfii b n tn-tii N nt'- LOii-i boiiaf, uriin h ebtiti 1 1 ui .iim fioui lii vii-tt. 0'tl''t t-V 1 C it) tilli(t'l bh t:i py? Ye; and may be- bo ' h-m-, provided that he seeks iu U iin quarter for bia joys. Paul wait 1 10 wise tooomuiiiud ad tu rt-j ij iu money, for wealth is a, sbiftia Baod bank; or iu health, (or il i a Tariable possesiiou; or iu the aocie ty of bousehould aud obildreu, who may be snatched away at auy tim . Our joy, to be solid, mtat rat ou aomelhiu immoveable. There is bat one each permanent, au changeable possession, and .bat is a loving Savior dwelliug perpetually in our sooln, a Saviour seryej every df.y. A healthy and a hobgy ia not ao exalted rapture, aliod uj body could not stand theftriu a continual ocataey. I bav served that thone people who 1 v on moods aud iraums, wuo tX shouting to day, are Very liable to be groaning or sooliring to-m iirw. A Btruuc ' bow boon loaea iu u- stou. ,jLveu Hpintual pxuiI truM-m. are apt to be followed bv reau'.i u of dept eHBion. Juat as s iou as hautr oar happiness, even . oar re ligioas patitif action, ou circa ,ubiiij oe9 or Btrrrouodinj;)), we o u,i, r we go .down, with the tide, ,iut thermometer of our joy ih at t e, 1 meicy of outside atmoapbtires. Uu . if au iudwelliuK, Htreii.iu-.uttiu. comfortiug, gladdeuiutf Stvi.iu u always , iu the core of the luxnt, tb a we caa expect to "rejoice ev ermore. ..' Don'1 you expect me to r. j when 1 ither a reverse ; or a Ml'u- swni ps awaj my property?'' Y-t. beuaude poverty, though it ui strip us of a thousand , oomfor docs not strip away Christ . "Am 1 to rejoice when the oomu in hut tie awity bom my door with tiouie rim , liuK of uiy heart "in it? ' Yea; the uli-wu-o' Holy Spiru uoupidoieu i-Vtu hUeb hevt-re tbiotih ot hiihu vbri'.K He comuiitiidrt cs i-i J'r j -'Cc always." Aud Muioiy ti-'cmbo (itth due n ti 01 r y OhnS' jtva.'j N-n, no iiihj f.v a inoif iuil mf Mini till , 1.;- bweetness of Ink piivt-noe wli' ui ff thre.iit tbo' valleys of the "death-etiadti." "Sh'iunmui. yet always' rejotMin?," .ht:' a.tn the apostle's expniKiiee.' ' 1: w is when the nVtia . iiabl itiums. and the vines tm l.i.it, h;u1 Lh yiuii no herds, tua; ;bi . old m imt exclaimed, "I i!i rej iee m- . the Lord, ubd jjy iu tl.oij id i. - ruy salvat.oo." X !. ioi' ii 'Ciiv.er, V. D,,itx The M -iii&J' ' i. mi-.w! ) ,: Prophylactic ia Mckneau. -i " Typhoid fever has broken out here again, but wlierovw- Dorbya Propbylactlc Fluid bag bm neelyused tliero baa been no fever.'' M. B. Lancattdr, 1. SI., Ed. Central Aliibnmian. . 4,Tbe Fluid t not merely a deodorizer, but a disinfectant -a destroyer of tbe dlfleuse xerms In an atm6spHei wUImi cannot be' breathed without thtn'.:ur,'V-N"tnr Vork Fvoninir Post.' . IUgclatioss ron Cmr IVuce. Th" following are: tb' tPKulationa iu bill,- pttHrd iu the CotnriHaaion Yates Iris rs 1 h sirfi in ut Friday uight, hq) MMerchacdiso Brokers, Cc'mr whieb wt. refcred to 00 8atutdy id no e of the proee-dnii ; Dh il onhnneil hj the Hoard ) ( .VwnwWoMrrn of the city of Oreen f)oro. Tloif rbt-rofiKtab!en elfoted forth- Vfitr 1887 -Khali h anbj-ict ? r tuoval b ttif Uiurd m'. hov time 'hat it shall b ao-rta!nHj a t iawt by H 'id boaui. 1 , Tlint it y out ot anil conKtable niumiilr -ihii 11 m jhiI.iw be found iii'ejlcfttl dnrli' he tionn in which n t-h 'l be on art1 dnt . t! Or tie lonud i t mii imiip wlc rf iu'oxi.'atiuif 1 qimrs 1 r antd or any liwlyhniS4r hnitiif f i'l f im . nn 1 h be H kjI 1 hint-- in tbe di-clisre . f c iilv-e duty. It Or l f ti n ' kh'm or nK'f'"thi(( liUd it' during t-e hour M.igntd V Ii in ! r aoti - a;. 4 Or fi-r taitiif t Br.-fHt p-rsmu wli i hi know a o viol .'in thu ordi u.iii. et o: th- fitv. R r i r rfctiv utr iicuey ;nui auy cue li Iihh viol t!o 1 th O'd UHuefH ot tbe city m $ e-iuip uni'i 11 not to rr st ur ejtp Mi't p 1. 0 Or l' iji.utca a ry i-inoltr t i,v on I'Uil r n t at oi wtioni he U arrtMt ing. 7 F'.'r ar "tii pfirciiH wi. fully wi bout p ier Hiithonty mmiI iu n.aoi feat ex of I u -v- s t pdioe ofli cer. 8 Or fr.r tMki itr -r pniptiusr to take tnl iw td In a aiuciiLtintf 10 t-x:or tion. .' It S 'rO i'll.l? a tiiuiiltfd C. DOlS0N, Oil irman, July 2 18-0 BEST FAMILY MEDIOIWE K FAa IT fHO.'t.D Ui WITBOUT Iy nu t, by l k pt reii! br iioinediate uki wnl v-. ma-iy in lnnr of mitering a I.) ui u 11 ilull i' in tiuio aud tloctora' :ila .. ... . "My i t FMiiii! Medicine." 'I fmve tu UK-r f Miuuicuit Li vi r H-y I ' -i rui'.v ii-iif', buvi.iK uiKile i ni I'W-i ?ai.iiiy V' A win-. My uMb r l'e:1.l i li.u wi V.1J 1 ,I!1b1 In it. I Qi d .bf It. 1 t'liilor vi rv m, iiitmiewi m.il rli ib'n j.k h F.- i ,t MfiV'ciuf, ami h v ft! i'- f- r nn dm -r.iHf of Hi-; yn v tu il ti iu-i it t 01 !iki u rlwrm I b ih-ve t it'Wmi oso-t in 'i"V if wonbt . v rrrt.t. ifrviitv .01 l -kui-m, i.v -Mii-v-.r." tue .iii 1 t'i bit :r i -i -ml 'nil "ii'i-ii" t" d.i h V .1 ,1 IV' T I -' , paii.rsi r.K inr 11 , 1 rifr'et- rif mission Merchants and ' Real Estate Agents. SOLE atretits for the Putnpaco Flctir lug Mi Ip, C-ard A Son's Cflobrat sl btar Urand, Pure Lard aud Dams, Central Rt-flnery Go's Syrnps aud Bio lnjf, Piulirnnt Roller Mill, Choice Vral, N. K. ruirbiiD" & Co', Standard IjttA . We earry In stock a lty e varie ty of difl"er(ut (?radeol Flour, alao Aleal and Fidrbtiok & Go's Lard, iu Tierce an-l paokaftea, and offor aud all kinds of Merchandise, (Jrain, Mill Feetl c., at bottom prices. We oI cit only thu trxtt' of prompt paying Merchant. N.i good Koldatretiil. Miiroh 19th VT. tf. -t Richmond fe. Danville R.' ii. M)K.aKl H IIKIK'LK TKAlN.HtKilNfi .onTH Vity 21. lt7. Art'lmricttf Ar -MihxtuirY ' riii, l'i-tiit... t trf immni . . . .' iyiirhmu . . .'. . ., Ku euli Ar 1 i l iiHir.i . . . Ar U!itil!f ' Kii-Luionil Ar Liiclihiirg... . " iUiurlni.u-ville " Titfhiurftou. .. " Uailiiijir...., " FhiiMittiiphiit . " .t.w V-ra.. . . N. f) So. W Daily. Daily 5 lift a tu 6 25 pa ti 45 a tn H UI pa. 7 Ctl a n 0 13 pm. H 28 a ra 0 40 pn 12 47 p 01 12 07 am. 2 44 a tn 6 80 am 4 30 a a 11 20aa 10 10 n. il '29 pak 461 ptu ' 15 ant llipm 200 ao. 4 4)pm ilOaiu f 23 . u 8 10 am 1125 ptu 1003an 800a at 1285 pm tt.Jn. 820 pm ritAJSH OOLNG SOUTH. M.yintb 17. u Nt Yrk.... " PLllll ll(:i. . " Baltiuvre....' " WHaii' iiyton . : " Gharlotte.ville " Lynohtiurn.. . iiv Ftichmoud . v. ' " tauville...... Lv Oreenahoro ... Lv Ooldnboro. .... . Lv Raleigh DnrLam.. " High Point.... Lv Kaliabnry..... ., Lv Charlotte....... Lv 8partatibnrg.... " iirenuville kt Atlanta... X-. M Da.iv. 414tr 7 20 tu tt-tfi kin 1 1 V4 h Ki a 8ft v ia 6 6t) p iu 300ptu 50 p u lit 41 p u 12 30 in 6 80 p at b7 in 11 15 am 10 10 aa 12 81) m a. 11 23 aa 2 25 a m 1 00 pm 6 86 a m 8 34 pm 8 60 tu 4 48 nm 120pm 10 40 pm N. 52 DbiJy. 4 HO piu 8 57 pin 0 2 pm 11 io pm 3 11 am 5 05 am 2 30 a 6 US am U48am 8 10 pm 100 amt 237 am S i . il t ii'lli t.V 1. Sim'1" I. V f li"i ' if ,f ; J I 2" llU : .V.- . SAW! OVA House and Lots in Greensboro. DT vr i'""' a nicity. ef fih iT ! ti- in kf t.er tint iwh 1 nil 10 ii-tciol iu Rook ' . pt- 22i. T wi 1 will a- public oiiti'rj hi ttf , 11 t J.iri' in r"i S' hir i, iin V.Vilui-t-iln Aiiunni 2t. 1 -7 ' S VI ik p .ni . tliH H..I.H. H.. 1 it li. l.Tinnf At , .1. T-it'ini, E n . ami bo:nct'il1 Mhin Fuirit'nl p.in' it thmv!1, mh I . Nw, 4 nnl 5 a IttiJ off i -4 t V rniH taa.ir tncnn " iiay tf ail", T J IKIUUHX. SnraneiliMd, N. O , I - 4 UVERY, FEED and SALE A ft fui Iu urder fi t'ivi li it oii.". tu teit il, and ihui4ic e.-'iiviijccii v: 1 u'..ini' rlui enraiiie p'oirH. '.;.v. Ki'h i't)w Vw oov-y fi Cunm:opn-u ou;lui. unil CoMt, wul be, ti-r a iiw.r: time, gm-u but hlnr,r uuboun ieii laitn in the Merits of tiiiKreat remedy.',- Ail -whO'i antler from- Cuiitfha. -Ctlili, Couaumpiiuii, Astiiiau, bronchitis, ur auy otfeotiuu t fhrcHt, Chest or Liiuk. are e?w,'i .11 y ren stcfl to call ut imnter a- Mieh'ini'n Drug Store, und t-t u uiM.hiU, free, arge boiti' S tfl; -111 ' , ST A BLE SL. NE H T , E OEEESS150KO DEFOT. HAS) r'''tly"r'4co.vil one ear load i i JlieKQKy.WAWOXS. and two itir load of h .': , 1 i EMERSON ii TlSITEJi BCUGIE8, which mk?v tfin ;mnil or if j 'ba with Me wra. E arBm A Fih-jir aie f till Item mud in ti last ftve yittr8. Ha ulao eonlrol in thit market of the celcbratisJ CoLtU3DH btJaiEH 11 am an exteusivi) trt-d in hand made Ilmwt of all grades ami f r all purpose. 3olla HurneB nod Mnlei hs welt ns Vt-btelea and hai beeabe.'ore theptoplf? livjyeirH, jyl.lm fl. W. N.-C RAILROAD' OOl.Nfl SOUTH. Lv Bulem.. .. florae bobtb. $0. 6u Daily. 7 20 a m No, 51 Dai!y. 11 80 a u u. 62 Daily, I' 5 80 am No. 63 Daily. 12 0 m Ar Salem ...... PULLMAN CAR 6ETIVICE. Ou iraina 50 and 61, Pullman Btrlet Sleepers between Atlanta and New Yorff On traina 62 and 63, Pullman Buffet Heeper between WahinKtou, Montgom ery Washington nd Aiken. Pullmitu (Sleeper between Riohmnn.t und Green boro. Pullman B'eper bet'-een (Jrcena boro and ltaleiuh Pnllman Parlor Car between Salisbury' and Enoxville. ' . . Tlironch tickets on sale at principal NtNtions to all points. ' For raU"S and hiforniatinn apply u any g-snt of the Co., or to JAK L. TAYLOK. 1 rtou Haaa, O. Haas. A't T M Wiwhinarton. D.O Kemersvilleligh School, KERNERSYILLE. Fobsitu Co., N. C. , . . Male and FEMALE. ENdlSH, CLABMCAL AND UATBEVATIOAli. p Next Session will open Avg. 2287.' " Tbe Kesfrion is divided into two Terma of twentv -weeks each Full English CoursA Ancient and Modern Langnnges Motio. Kintinn and DruwioR. - . , Board and Tuition. per Tenu of twn ty, weeks from 850 to. If 00. For Full paniculate s-nd for C-tdoarf . - ' J a. C." LINUaA Y, Principal. : r , jttn30 4t ' KKB.-wifiva.L N O. THE WILMINGTON STAR. -i . t BBCtJCTIOS'is ' PKICE.'-" ' Aiteuti.in ia ealied to tbe following re- ,. . aiiCtt rittcs ot snnscnptioH, ( ,r ... oash in advance: THE DAILY STAR. ' One YetH'. ..: 6 01 1 Three MontbsS.l.f 0 Kir Mouths. ,3. 00 Quo Mo-th..., ..50 The. Weekly Steirv ; ' One Year. ...81.00 SiivMonths. ., : ;,60- xnreo KoDtbH......... centa.- Our Telegraph News srrvioe has re- oently been greatly increased, and it is , our cletormiuation to keep tbe Stab np to the highest standard of newspaper- , excellence. . " Address, - WJL II. 15ERNAKD,, , .; "Wilmington, N-C. ' V