THE DAILY WORKMAN, ' J. L. M1C1IAUX, Editor. J. 8. MIC1IAUX, Local Editor. ADVERTISING RATES DISPLAYID I -LOCAL Ift. 1 day, f 1.0U13 Unee 1 time.! .80 M Sdava. 1.6010 2timee,1.00 1 week, a.0010 coL 1 day, 1.6010 " 1 week,' 2.00 15 " 8 " 8.5015 1 week, 1.50 I time, 1.20 atimeU.A 1 reeta-Of1 St"" Coutract Advertisementa Ukeo proportionately low rates. Eterlntlh pl offlot in Urttntlxtn,, A 0., tu McontMm avtfrer. Ojflc on South Kim Strut, unrftr bmtboft hull RAILWAY OUIDB. Greensboro, Mar. i, 1887. ' eicaaoirb OaYvUJJI bailboad. arrives from Richmond at- 9 43 m " - ; 108Jpm Leaves for Richmond at 9 5 p m 8 32 em tOVt OABOUIM EATUWAD. Arrives from Charlotte at 8 20am 9 40 pm 948 am 10 41 p m 9 30 p m 950a m Leaves for Charlotte at Arrives from GoMsboro at Leaves for GoMsboro at VOBTH-WISTSBM V. 0. sUtLBOAD. , Arrives from Malem at 8 00 a m " " 9 20pm Leaves for Salem at 10 CO a m " 11 " lOMpm C. r. A T. T. EAILBOaD, Trains Moving North. Leave Bennettsville at S10 10 a. m. . Arrive at Greensboro 7 25 p. tn. Leave Greensboro. ....10 15a. m. Arrive t JVilnnt Cove 1 00 p. m . 7 rotn$ Moving boulA. Lesvs Wlnnt Cove at 2 10 p m, Arrive at Greensboro ........ .5 00 o. m, Leave Greenaboro 9 50 a. m. Arrive at fceonettsville C 45 p. m. SCHEDULE OP MAILS: Mails going North dosed 9 00 p tn . " "... " " 8 00 a m South 9 ( am 9 00pm 9 00a a 9 00pm 9 00pm " Salem Br'oh " " East C..T.T.H.BW vuusa General .lelivery open from 8 P0 a m to 6 80 p m., except during the distri bution of mail. The Money Order and Registered Letter oflloe open irom 9 Of a m to 6 00 p m. . - L0OA1WNTELLIGEN0E ' SSTFor additional Local News, see 3d page Be sure to report at tins ' office any and every failure to ieceivt- e Dailv Wokkvam . ' Wesley Smith says that the rea son why he call some females women, and some ladies, is that there are dif ferent grades, and he wants to make an extinction between them., We wculd call special attention to the advertisement of David Bell, Eiqr., ndmiriistrator of the late Col. David B. Bell, which appears in this paper to day for the first time. " Mr. G." W. Kistler; of Vance South Greensboro, hag been favored with the finest of luscious peaches which make a fine show beside the knotty, inferior fruit that grows genj. erally this season. We do not know its family name. , A. meeting is called for to-mor row night . at 8 o'clock, in the Co irt house, in the interest of the roller flouring mill. ' It is believed to be a ffood Dolicv to effect a permanent or- e . ' -,- . ..... ... ... '-.", ganization into a stock company; of all who have proposed to fake an in- terest in the enterprise, ana not oni v 11 mich. but all others also are ear nestly invited to be present The natter is one of vast importance to the growth and prosperity of Greens boro. Come one, come all. ' j vw '"Ivy.- ;f vVL'i Tne Btus Back Spelling Book. 'A very general interest bas been . ata1rmd amorr? all classes on tUe sDeUins-book'.'' queaUbni wiihin two days past, "and" numbers of persons are buying the Vblue-ba'ck book." 'To wake it as convenient as possible to obtain the book, we will ' keep copies at this office which can be had at ten cents apiece. Later. We find Vol. 5. GREENSBORO, N.O., . DNE3DAY, AUGUST 3, 1887. No. 56. the book on by the Dike Book Com pany. As the excurion train from Dur ham to Danville reached Reidiville Isst night on the return home some person hurled a atone In at one of the windows, striking and severely in. juring Sarah Bidden, of Greensboro, who was brought home with very ugly wound on one aide of her head. The evil doer is not known Wanted. A hea that knows how to Isy fresh eggs. None other need apply. V;- Many Citizens. The above i expressive, and tells its own story. It has been said that you may buy a dozen eggs and find thirteen of them spoilt An old Spsaith coin of the value of ta I-i cent is iu possession of one of the employees of this office, bear ing the date 1740. " Ind. Rex." with other marks of itssou-ce, is found plainly visible on the free oi the piece, which seems to be bat, lit tle worn. This coin is 147 years old. We insert to-dsy an article in defence of the proposition to bury Webttrs Blue Back Spelling Book, and do so with pleasure, because it is not only fair to the writer who sin cerely thinks that Noah ought to be "buried," but will give an opportuni ty to make an argument, in favor of the more 'than grand old man tq hom this country is indebted more hhan, to, anyTJther ,. one man, or. five men, in a literary ense, since the dis covery of America by Columbu. A reply to the defence would be prepar ed to accompany it, but owing to the spac that would be required for the two in one issue, the reply is deferred until to-morrow. Pretty Evekly Balanced. No close observer of the times could fail to see that, immense numbers of wa ter-melons find their way to this mat ket every day. They come by rail road and by wugons ' and carts, ' and from the way the melons lie catteied in some places they would seem to have , just rained down from the sky. We would certainly become a prey to the malaria engendered ot decayed melons but for one thing,, and. that in. the capacity ofj our . people to ; con sume, as many melons as the lands produce. Just how done, however, we cannot explain It's a little on the order of the small snake swallowing the large one, t The Address Last Nionf.--The address of .Prof. ;W. A; Blair in the Court house last night attracted quite a number of interested listeners, who rnanilested in the closenes of the; at tention given, as well as in their fre quent and hearty applause, that he had struck the key note. , His subject was, "Thorough," Practical Educa tion." The drift of the address was o encourage determined and persist ent effort in the pursuit ot education tinder difficudies, and to press home the fact that ail difficulties must yield to the supremacy of the indomitable power of the will. The illustrations were appropriate arid well handled, and the address made a fine impres slori, and vve are mistaken if a num ber of the more aspiring youn , peo pie present were not braced up by it lof the battle in which they are en gsged. Greensb. i contains a number of very clever met . ants, with the ,nnst of whom we , t had very satisfac tory- dealings a advertiMrs and as purchaners of tl- If wires. This is so general that w!'it we could my of one and of anot! rr might savor of unfairness were v.e to indulge the pen In noting the excel en lea which ap pear to a. We ;are compelled, thsrelore, to b mere p,ring of com mendatioh than would seem to some a:tually ut and appropriate, and re preM often the desire to be more per sonal in our allimiont. We cannot. in our position as editor of a lail) paper, even show. the , appearance of unfairness. . ' . Mrs. ' A. M.i Rankin returned from Mount Vernon Springs some da)' ago. ard' is at Cup', white's n irj . mt tpi. Y hi slrert Asheboro II, rr Ahv)ll. We were opjer! tblimornina by the city suthorltUt to remove Car blll-twrtJs from the trees where they luul been sUOtllntf for two weeks, and as the dtMppeanux of the bills might give rise to the lmpr?lon that our ohanos xccwiiok to Akhevii.h bis been abandoned, we hereby reaffirm , tlmt the ex curtloowlll nvs iu.TH Mat, and a bio crowd Is expected to -take' advantage of It Bear well In mind our original Notice In the Dally Workman.' . r.ngS St. uAnolber Aatwel in wm the remark made by one of 1 boro's popnlar yonng meu, yesterday aio :, wheh the Fayetterllle train pulled oat 11 "c. de pot with hi best girl on Ixmhl. but ' , ,iuUi .l to retain la time to get a copy SkeUii of tlie Battle of Guilford Cuurt' r'HouKrorl , k neat pan-'I her libraiTjwhlch Will tw.iHiueA nliH form, from the vrtunm at Uiri. Thoin- w, Reece A Co., about the Ant of keptemrxv. The undenlu ned will call on our boelnes men within tliK next ten darn for their advertlm- mxiiu fur the mIioVh work, and If yon want to nmke advertUIng W you pow li your chance; as the pamphlet will have a good circulation, particularly throughput the Piedmont section of thin State, and will be preserved as a matter, of history, thereby making It a perpetual ad vertisement for those patroulzlrtu Its pages. I guarantee satisfaction In everr Instance, and If yon Insert an advertisement In the pam phlet and are not satlsrlud with It after you see the book, no charge will be made. - That's fair, alnt It? Then hold your orders until I call 011 you, and plant your adv. in good soli, that they may bring forth an abundance of good fruit . - Hoplnit tu merit and recetre a share of the advertising patronage of the business men of Greensboro, I am, verj- resixwlully. Au21w . . -H.J. ELAM. .' Freah BonxUid Coffee. : ' y CouVe loses strength every hour after It is roasted. We roast twice a week, In our new patent coffee roaster. Try pound only 80 cents, augt lw Orkbssboro Caxdt Co. - Mheel muklc wmA IMnalc Bookii. ' T. P Bishop & Co., on West Market street, keep the late-t Huslo. Anything not In stock Wllf be ordered promptly." Also, Violins, Guit ars, Banjos, and anything In the Musical Mer chandise line. Ylolln,Guitarsnd Banjo Strings always In stock. Agents for dickering, Deck. er Brothers, and Wheelock Pianos. Mason & Hamlin and Wllco i White Organs. Also, for the eetebntted Henry Pilclm IMpe Organ. The best In the United 8nW , Call and see us. ; July SO lw ' ' 1 Ptbim oiatklnf , ' . Latlltw of Greensboro, -Miss M. 1. Stovali, and Mrs. G Poland, respectfully solicit a share of your custora. , ChlldrebU work a spe cialty Prices reasonably -TJp Stairh, Fields & Causey Building, South Elm St. Jy6 lm , Cot ''s-netof stud Bn Having doeUled to locate In uiv. ' ' dio for the p"- -e of engaging In the Bu.! hud Cn!i,.t;: 3 Business, take this means of In forming the people of Greensboro that I am prepared to furnish estimates of any cluas of either brick or wooden buildings. After an ex perience of 13 years as a Builder and Contv.;t- or of Alamance county, N. C, I c.a fcrufti-ai'.t.t prices and all work to be imw In fh-sN:!,. s style. The beat of ref..-i .".ices c nbefuni'.lH-d Those expecting to do anythli r la n y line wlu do well by calling on me. Ici il-efouui r-.tthe ofllce of Kesri's. Brooks & Iei , until f. fher notice. Jy3l60J I-. r. Z'HAr ItUKlneMi Pnrliiar TCanle4. t can offer to the right kind of a man, who ha flftwn hundntl dollars, a good opportuni ty to make money In a well-estnbllihed l.nm- bT Business, situated on the R. and A. R. R. One who can give the bnilnesa his oeraonal attention preffrretL Address Box u Caunr- on, . C. July lw A full Une ofJnmtM Means' thn dollar shoes In lace, button and Conirres. for men. just received at H. Parrlor A Co's. The best n tne world or the money mayJO tf .flatlroMHw, t'havlrk, Ac. . f. A. Matthews, near Glasscock's roundry, Is doing a variety of work tn the Furniture line, In addition tu the sielal work of manu facturing mattresses of all sorts. He makes to order Lounges and Chairs j easy Chairs for any ueniami ; repairs chairs, loung and other fur niture, and charges moderate prices. on can be suited In any of these things by calling on ' )nlyl lm K. W. Tkoaaava. - A scleutlflc and ornamental sign pimter. First-class In every respect. Defies competition Prices very moderate to suit the times. All kinds of Imitation and fancy work done at shortest notice and lu the most sclentlfio stjle and finish. Trunks and umbrellas marked In the best style of the art. Office under the old liui.lullK.'r-. lunpraiuiiv, ne:r Jt, w Thomas. Nice tJodt Those who would like s nice all-silk or silk and wool Umbrella, with gold and silver heads, ean find Just what they wish at Carti-and's, he having ust received a nice line. Also, has I styles of Collars and Cuffs of the famous "Coon Brand." 8hlrts, Bocks and Underwear In all styles, and Keck Wear In every variety. June 17 tf . ' Can accommodate several more Boanle s with as cheap board as any other boarding bouse In the city. Giro uie a call. . J381nu '. MRU, MATTIKCBtJufP. b,cbtiJ. -Uama,1 hrwkUir stfp, .Iru Sweet PoUtoea, Beans. Homlnv and Rrlta In m. celvedat M. G. Kewixt.'B. JAltf . ;. Too can keen ronr house neat and clean at a small expense by uslug Alubus'lne, One ton just received at : Wakkfiislds. KeeD vnnr uprcr anit nlVIo u-aiy. .1.. using Pnti Pomade, for sale at Waakkiklw. junoSOtf ; , ' ; ASeUclona Drink. . Hi'NTKR A MkIhacx are prepared to give you a charming variety of the very leet and most delicious of cooling drinks, such as Lma auk, so populur with all classes; Soda Water, Mox Ml, Iron Tonlo, Doep Bock, Vlchey, Birch Bnor. Mead. Glnirer Ale All loa .nia -n in tempting style. Call and qnnch. may35tf lFamntns; Land and City Property Ver . naie. , - We offer several excellent Grain and Tobac co Farms In Guilford county, also line Fanning Lands in Chatham and Robeson counties, and two desirable Mills In this county, for sale on easy terms. We have choice property for sale In and ne-' the city, Building Lots and Dwell ing Houses. ' , . Call and see us, or write for information In regard to anything In the Real Estate bus! doss. We have, constantly, applications for money, and can place It, well secured by mortgage on good Real Estate. . Yatkh Brothers. ' aim. ' . Keal Estate Agents. ' ' ' . What He Hay. I wish to say to the public That I keep as good Candles as are made, also a good and varied line of Cigars, Cigarettes and Smoking Tobacco, and Gall & Ax's Snuff, Pickles and Vinegar, Defalcated Cocoanut, Dates, Nuts, Raisins; Citron, Currants, canned Goods, Su gar, Soap, Tinware and many other articles. I always furnish the best Bread and Cakes. . Aia now prepared to furnish Ice Cream of the best to all who favor me with their patronage. Cream furnished to families as1 ever. Pliasc DOX'T ASK FOR CRKMT. J i J. E. THOM. may 4tf , s Call and see the recent arrivals of the Grog Grains, the Surahs and Rhadames, at nApre. cedently low prices.: Mr. G. WI1L Armfleld Is now In the northern markets. Daily arrivals ot actual , bargains. The brightest, handsomest, choicest, finest and the cheapest Spring Stock In town; consisting of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Trunks Valises, Ac, Ac. ' A special bur mln In Hamburgs and BeAdedPasmentaries, Don't forget the bIIk department. It will very much Interest you to look at our line. . , , G. Will. Armtikld, Black and Gold Front, South Elm St., . n.ayStf Grsensboro, N. (1. iUrisor8cBacBimo. SingUoopy 6 ceuu - bj the week ten cento. By the month twenty-five coots in advaaoe. du months SI CO; one year f3; three months 75c in adranoa. No paytuenU made to carriers will be acknowledged, and the paper is not au thorized to be delivered to any whoa7 name is not on the books of the office. j. u,e 0iT mihiiaed agent to collect funds due this oilloe, ex ceutina such other beiaou or iwnnni may be announced hereafter. Carriers Jioweo so sen papers on the sfreota. New Mackerel t Of the catch of lt7, &'. 1 and No. 8, In kits. Just received at BooTT c Co'k. June 18 tf Hasasaer t'aeea Nice, ailld and sweet, just lu, and for sale by June 18 tf J. W. Boon Co. rare aaa rmh. Little Butter Cupl for the Baby t Junes! tf Urxkxshoro Caxbi' Co. ' lpeeUlly when It pajs to do so. Go to C. H, boruHTT's, and son what an elegant pair of Gaiters In the way of material and workman. ship can be had for Ave or six dollars. ai. call for an Aromatic Steam Cooker. Iv.Vf . Rfr. jr. W. Keraoslle Can accommodate several more boardttra- wlth boaid and lodging, If desired, at the Mc Donald House. No better snnnUed table In tha city. One hundred yards west of depot Jy lm Swm Utile Batter Cap. Try them t J3Uf Grkekmboko Caxpt Co. Choice TUaetar Hay. We have a small quantity of Extra No. Qas Timothy Hay, which we will sell low. , A . Vatas Kkothkrs, Real Estate Agents sud Mercl.anillte Brvkers, Junt tt Ice cream season Is here and you will want flavoring extracts. We seU all grades, but you want the best-bny Davis Miller's. Sold by t iti J.W.H0oTtatCo.J Breakfast Bacon and Hams, nice, mild and sweet, Jut received at m7tI , i Soott Co'a, O.H.HayMer Has just received a nice lot of Ladles', Misses and chljlren's line Shoes at bottom prices. Also Gent floe home made Shoes. ni4tf Smoke J. K. Hall & Co's new Pliran ' A full line of new brands Just opened on our re tail counter. J. W. Scott i Cn. lmtf"BIll for 13L74,' dated A m-il 11. 1SK7 ' uas osen rouod on the street, alilr , 0WM can have by paying foTtUls notice. XaUtf Tab Apple and country Vinegar, good and old, warranted to please, at , at. , J. W. Soovt & Co's. m?tr . Jnat Hecelrea. , A nice Une of Dress Goods double an single width Cashmeres, Calicoes, Ginghams, wuite uooas of au deecriptloa at verv low prices. Call and see them. , nespectfully, . O. H. BorwKa. Owffee la High Tea 1. cheap. ' Tills la tue season for Iced tea. and aa- coffee. has' advanced so rapidly you win find tea much ' the cheapest. We have on hand a fine assort ment of both black and peen teas, all grade "" . w. acOTT CO. Far Sals er Beat,. .-'.. The subscriber offers for sale, or rent a dwelling house, situated on Oak street, Souths ureensDoro. it has four rooms, and Is newly built. Dr. M R. Ai.mnn. Junel3tf ' . Mining- Property for Sale, ' W. A. Fields and D. . H. McCulloch have - opened up a mine situated 8 miles southeast of Greensboro, nille from Pleasant Garden depot, on the C. F. Y. V. railroad.. The prospects are very fine. '.Parties lndereeted la mining business will do well to see W. A. Fields, at his Tobacco Factory south of the depot, where samples of the ore can be seen. - vr , a. riBLDs, ana m8tf .- , D. H. McCulloch. ' The finest and the bast 1 obaooo on the market Diauora. Gravely, Fine Out and Nellie Bly just received at Hunter or Miohaux's Drne Store, v afltl " V7. B. Farrar, tne jeweler, keep nice stock of artioles in his line whicl) he guarantees to sell on good terma Other dealers may claim to be fair, but : he claims to be Fsrrar stilL Call aai " examine his elegant stock, assured iLtX ' yon will find sometbinft to fill the but. zei u , Krlckl llrick!! Iirk!iM. : The subscriber is now. making br!;i ola clay which he Relieves to be r perior to anjx other in nse here ct if found in the low grounds near C:""l EiU Cemetery. These brick rr?rc t 1 1 hard si of Cue nai; Jee of :l ", and are t ub a are iiee.ilor) .. j ( wdik LI-i rc-4-!r-ie a..l 1 I , ) n'j to t3 f ' ') ' i ft 't l.i and a1 t ti ! f V il 1 . . D. i. uV