THE DAILY WORKMAN. J. s. aitHAUX, Local Editor A vaper for all people, bat especially meet the deiire which many are 4nown to entertain for a non-polltleal beet, the Worxmah will strive logo Bto every honse, leaving to other papers the Mieao of politic, giving the aews fas brief ad holding itself responsible to the nwal mom oi the community for Its ntterenoea. Woodruff, the new President of the Mormon hierarchy, it So years old. Mukic hath charms to soothe the breast of a savage, To break in twain the mountain rock Or split the head of a cabbage. Succession. Not a Success. There have been many probable suc cessors of Henry Ward Beecher spok en of, but the old shoes are still emp ty. - : '. : Dr. Herbert P. Battle, son of President Kemp P. Battle, of the State University, has been appointed director of the agricultural experi ment station. A Special Announcement. The Person County Courier very politely announces that the new jail will soon be ready for occupant. "First come first served " A specimen ol how some people manage to express themselves is found in what an old lady once said : "For my part I always sometime generally never don't." Some newspaper men, on learn ing that Senator Riddleberger had so managed as to get into .jail, have bout made,up .their minds that the V&hator haa foy JJpbslrtort. "" It ia this -season uf the year that the average editor treats the word, "license" as if it were of the plural number ; and also when a mm succeeds in obtaining a license it is said thar he "got them." . , Cvcles of Suicide. In nearly all the cases which have thus far brought tnemselves to notice there are trapes of dementia of one form or another, and as there is abundant cause lor mental distress in the excessive strain ' which the continued heat of the past ' month has put upon the nervoua sys tem and physical endurance of hu manity, the theory of cycles and pe riodicity ' for suicides is by no means a . strange conjecture. It has been thought, and said often, chat publica tion of the tacts oi one suicide invites and suggest another, and it is highly probable that manv apparently strong instances of the kipd could be cited Baltimore Sun. , . . We haveheietofore taken the ground of the foregoing as to the concluding .suggestion, and illustrated with a cane which occurred twenty five years ago, in which a gentleman of strong sen :.. jiDinties declared that he felt a strange tendency to commit suicide by being shown the place where a iellow crea . ture had taken his own life but a ' snort nme oeiore. And this man so ; "- s fleeted did commit suicide not a : gieat while afterwards I ', i ' , . .LIST OP LETTERS -Remaining in the Poetofflc in Greens boro. N. 0, August 11th, 1887 :' . " Bell Cable, Mary Or sfford, Nancy , Gre son, Gns Green. George Guthrie. Henry Heilig, CnrI Johnson, O 8 Kirk man. Britt Kisser,- Thos Lea, D 8 Leek , Ji mes Muld'eton. J R Smith, . Sandv WTilmoud, Capt William White, Mrs Nannie Willians, Chaa Williams. . , Persons calling for the above letters , will please sav advertised. . . , ; , ' ; '.: Ctao. H. Grxoobt. P. M. ' : - fiucklen's Arnica Salve. '" ' ' The best BalVe iu tne world for Out, .Bruise Sores, ' Dicers, Bait Rbenra, Fever sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, arid all' Skin Erup .'tiou6,and postively cures riles, or no pay required. : It is guarantwsd to give per : ; feet satisfaction, or money refunded Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Hunter A Michaux. ' tov. Ii ly - &iw Corner-stone Addreu of Judgs Bohenck. ' Ladies, Gentlemen, and School CLlldrew It is a matter for congratulation and pride that we have aaaembled hereto- day to lay the corner atone of our new Graded School House for the white children of Greensboro. - .-. - On the 2d day of May last the almost unanimous voioo of the citizens of Greensboro was heard at the ballot box demanding Reform, Progme and Public ImproTemeata, and one hundred thousand dollar in city bonds was placed b the handa of jourCommia aiouera to carry oat these benefioent purpost-s. In three mouths from that date the design of this beautiful and spacioua edifice had been adopted, drafts for the building had been prepared, the con tract tor all the work had been aigned and busy bauds were pulling down the old house to make room for the new. Today, the 17th of August, 1887, we hae the gratification of seeiog the new walls rising above the ground and inviting ua to the pleasant task of lay- ins the corner atone which is to mark to important an occurrence in the hi tory of our lovely and progressive littl city. Every heart should rrjoioe and every citizen should be enoonraged with hope. What does this ceremony signify, my friends r It means an education for all cl of our people, ''without money and without price," ia humble and rever ential imitation of the God whom we adore, who confers freely upon us his mercies and his blessings Here, in a land of liberty and law where the gospel is preached to every creature in a land of plenty and free dom, where no titled nonuity la Known or rrcoguized, where the raoa for wealth ia open alike to all ; here in this blessed land, let our heart be raised in grati tude and praise to the Giver of a Good for his wonderful meroiea to the children of men, ' Citizens, let us cherish aud protect the institutions of learning in our midst, and to this one, toe common property of all, let us give our heart and coi dial support, our encouragement and our sympathy. L.,-We..iuuac educaCtf our children that they "may iiut love darkoe rather than light.1 ft in th beulghted UE deniUnding wliich grovels in dgrda tion aud vice and nuda lta resting places in our jails and penitentiaries It is the uneducated mind that descends tq its natural level of crime and idle ness and seduction, becaUxe it knowa nothing of the purer and more elevated enjoyments of intellett aud of spirit It is "of 'he earth earthy, and cannot be raised from the duct txoept by edu cation and intelligent). "Knowledge is power;'! pure knowledge Upure hap piness. '.- "V ' .Let s udenta who are blessed with the heritage of iK-cuniary juean re member that wealth aloue caunot put chase intelligence, nor honor, nor poai tiou iu life. - Knowledg is the child oi stiidtoua and unremitting labor, and comes to none unbidden, , She must be wooed and Won by individual votary She recognizee no proxy in the oonrta of her temple, and. acorns to dwell with idleness or indifference. : . " Learning by study must be won, Twas ne'er entailed irom sire to son. Let the humblest and poorest of our students have ho.e and courage. Toe race for honor ia free and impartial to all. Application and iierseversnce are toe only conditions of success, and merit is the only test of excellence. Be worthy, and your reward will oome. )j "Worth makes the man, the want of it the fellow." . In Republican govern ments yon will be honored in propor tion to the difficulties and misfortunes and embarrassments yon may overcome, and. your very poverty mav be the evi denoe of your virtue in a dishonest ge. , You have all to encourage you, and nothing to daunt or destroy your spirit If you be true o your duty and your opportunity. Parents, instill into the minds of vour i-iumren ine importance and necessity of education. ' ' - " In the years that have oasL in the opening era of our political hiatorv. ed Ocation was blessing and a help in the straggle of life, but in this dav and generation, wnere tbe motto is ' 'Brain not Brawn," education is an absolute necessity to enocehs, It is the condi- uon precedent to the attainment of dia tinction and honor. There mav be ex ceptions to the general rule, but there are but lew avenuea to prosperity that are open to the leuoraut and unedu cated man - , Bovs and girls, be patient, the clan a- of the troTV.X and the buzz of the saw will soon cease; the brush of tbe painter will be laid away and the old school bell Will ring out clear and merrv before the Christmas holiday, and summon yon to these spacious and comfortable quar ter. - , We have room lor 450 boys and girla, enough for all, and w wast every aeat filled. Com with sunny face and willing hearts, and yon shall b filled with knowledge. Coma with ambition and pride and eonrage, and yon ahall have y oar reward. ' .'.. As a general rule, whether a msn de termines to be or to have, he attains it. VeriJy, they hava their reward," ia the voice of the Master to the evil as well ss the good, and In profana history we have the aphoriara that "every man ia the architect of hi own fortune." Let us join in fervency and sincerity with the pravera of these godly men who com to invoke for ns the blesainga of the Deity on thas oar Uoble enter prise, oar pride and oar joy. IN MEMOBIAP:. Died, at the age of 78 years 5 months and 29 days, Rev. Joseph Uuyer. Bis desth oooorrtd at his own home in Gail ford county, N. C., in the month of April, 1887. The date of his conversion is not known, nor the time when he joined the church. Bat he wss licensed to exhort on the 4th of May. 1839, at 8andy Ridge Chnrob. He was licensed to preach at Hickory Gmve Church. March 26th, 1812. , At that quarterly meeting, Rev. Alson Gray was obair nan, and Rev. R. R Prather was secre tary. Ha was ordained Deacon in 1-553, and Elder in 1954. He waa a member of 'the North Caio Una Annual Conference a number of yea a, and in the active work several j ears. Though be was limited in his education, yet he waa quite successful in many of his efforts and in building np at many peinte. He wa a lesion worker and quite a revivalist, and ape cially strong in exhortation. It was the privilege ot the writer to be with him in those days at msnv camp snd protracted meetings, and I have saen sinner yield before his effort until tbe altar waa crowded with penitent per sons of all c'asM present God's ohoios does not alwsys sgre itb our idea of tne beat propnety. wty Ubrist snouid have cboetn fishermen f- r his apostle snd workers, intesd of tenbte atid doctors we do not v, ry w-U tee, Why he should pick up comparatively illitera e men and make them more snooeMim in bringing po- r sinners into the kingdom ot Christ, then many who are far better educated, we cannot oo well nndersfauil tint we are not ignorant of the fact . Doubtu a the strs in Brother Gn er' crown wi l exoted in cumber many who are far in advance or nun in opportu ni y. At any re Brother Gnyai ha sooe to his reward. I was i y privilege to stop with him twice, not very Jong before his deatft. I lonnd him much atflioted, but cheerful, He talked much about his work iu tbe past, and especially those meeting where so many persons bad been en Verted and added to the Church, bis sonl seea ed to catch tbe zeal of thn-e day as he related these experiences H tested bis Christian experience, to , and to d me of hi hope of heivni. soon. But I could ne t undertake to re late his conversation in thia notice, bnt btlieve that he has found his rtt with the redeemed. L t his bereft relat ves feel tbat they have an oilier tie to bind then, to their Christian duties and to Christ-."'-" i'- Bis funeral will be preached at Leba non Church on the 4th bun lay t An gust, by Kev. J. K. Bdl and Rev. C. F. Harris, D. D. L l&'Ladies will And relief from head ache, oostiveness,8mimming in the head, oolio, sour stomach, restlessness, indi gestion, constant or periodic!' sick headaches, weakuet in tbe back or kid heys, pain in the shoulders and different parts of the body, a feeling of lassitude and despondency by taking Simmons Liver Regulator. It is not unpleasant. is purely vegetable, and ia not fiijnrions to the most delicate constitution. S9Qiw ob a .teat "-from anger! i'v? i -; Wooderf ill Cures. W. Dj Hoyt k Cd.; Wholesale 'rand Retail Druggists of i Rome, Ga , .say We. have been selling Lr. JUDg New DiHCOvery, Electric Bitters and , Ruck len'a Armoa 8ave for two years. ', Have never handled remedies that sell so well. or give such nuiversaj satisfaction. There have been some wonderful cares effected by these medicines in this city. oevenu oases of prononnoed Const mo tion have been eutaroly enred by use of e lew bottles ot Ur. King a Mew Uis oovery taken in connection with Elec tric Bitters, We guaranted them al ways. i oold ny Uunter ft uiohanx. . . ,- V SALE OF A House and Lots in Greensboro. Y virtue of a mortgage filed Decem ber 11th. 1883 and registered in Book 64, page 226, I will sell at publio outcry, at tbe Court-house in tireens bor, on Wednesdav, August 21, 1887. at 2 o'clock, p. m., the IIoutJB andXots belonging to M, J. Tatum, Esq., and bounded by Main, Fair and Spring ste., known as Lots Nos. 4 -and 5 as laid off in 43. Terms made known on day of sale. ; ' ' : T. J. OGBURN. Sumoerfield, N. G, ; - July 11th, 1887. ( , july IS lm rva"i..'i V.. -i A FULL LIKE OF THE JAMES MEANS SHOES, -FOR SALE BY ; JEL. FAERIOE AND CO., agl21w GREENSBORO, N. a New Boarding House I M RS. WOGGOMAN has taken charge of the CENTRAL HOTEL, which has iaat been pat in nioe order, and is supplied with clean and nioe fur niture, and is prepared to rntertaio a number of Boarder, both regular and transient. Polite and obedient serv&nta. Good table arcommodtln. t&?ot Tansient Boarders, 26 cents per meal and tbe same for lodging. Call early and get terms. Jy27 6w ' .I . Mrs. Hundley's School. MBS. E. D.HUNDLEY ' -'.".':'..-. WILL, OS ThurKday, September lf, 1887, RESUMR her Scho-1 for Girls and Bi.yfc. The Heasion will be for Nine Mouths. .The management will he pleasant and home-like. " ' Those who hsve patronised this School in the paat. are oompetent to give an opinion ot i!s merit". , 46F"Terms as heretofortt'- ftj-For particulars, inquire of Mrs. Hnutley. ug. 8 1887 tf HY6EIAI WONDERFUL DISCOVERY TOBACCO an aid to HEALTH A NEW TOBACCO, manufaotnrtd ii at Richmond. V , by . Thos: C. Williams & Co., , UNDER A rohHOIA PnEPABED BY PROFESSOR MALLETT, V Of the University of Virginia, f Anti-Malarial ; Anti-Dyspeptic : a good Nervine, and an exoellent Chew. Try It! It Is No Humbug!! KfffOt particulars or iw vinueo, call for certificate at , , ' ; T. a SHELTOS'S. where tbe . Tobacoo can be had. WB Greensboro. Au. 8 - lm ' tser ' ..the . isot Wilmington '. Messenger, WlLMlNOTOK, . . . '. NOBTH CaHOUNA, (Removed from GoWsboro to Wilmington. Send your name and the name and ad- dreiis oi nve or your neignuors or inemia -( on a poHtal card and get free for your- , self and each of them a specimen . v oopyofthe , K1W VAX PAPKB, , Tho Wllminaton Messenger, A large eieht page paper, complete Tel egraphic Dispatches, .nest Marsec Keporca, A live wide-awake Democratic Journal. THE PRIDE OF THE STATE," PUBLISHED It WIIJflllOTOH, ' The Messenger Publishing Company. Stjbsowption: Three mouths on trial for 82 00 in advance. , , THE WEEKLY, ' ' , ; - Transcript Messenger, Is a large eiaht page paper. The bright est and best weekly. Pleases everybody. . Largest circulation it Jfortk Carolina. r - rBIOI LOU A IKAB. : Bend Postal for SDecimen copy free. fc v," i Address "THE AIEaSh.NUEK," j j':;'i.,C.r' V WllMINGXON, . C . DR. J. 8. DCODIJiH, PHYSIOIANAND SUGE0N. fSoe for the prerent at his .residence w on Ash street, opposite jurs. vt HalL .11 Sm Eoilden and Contractor' Notice. WE HAVE JUST RFCETVED A carload of Rosendale CEMENT, a earload of Virginia LIME, a carload of Rockland LIME, and have plenty of CALCINED PLASTER. PLASTER ERS' HAIR. SHINGLE TIN. and VALLEY TIN. and want to folk to yon about your Tin Roofing before yon con tract with others. Nor a Buna. We still keen ?. 1 Timothy Hay, G'ro.nd Shipstuff of the veryhetf quality. WHRrOft STRATFORD. July 29 lw English and Classical . School FOR GIRLS AND BOY8I 1 WILL OPEN AN ENGLISH AND CIuASSICAL SCHOOL, in BOG ART II ALU; ' " on ' MONDAY, AUGUST . 1887. Tb seaaion will continue uniJ!r" opening of the Orowwboro Graded 8ehool. Each stndcnt mnst furnish a table for bis or her own nae. ' TKBMS t : Com." English branches per mo.. 1 2,0( Hiaher Eng. (Gram. History, o )t 2..r.0 Anoiont Langnaireit .". . . . . .' 4 00 Tuition must be paid monthly. : . Contingent fee for each pupil for the whole Term ........... .....SOo. ang9 5t SAMUEL C. 8MITH. I. F. Boss, LIVERY, FEED and SALE STABLESI NEAR THE GREENSBORO DEPOT. HAS recentlv received one oar losd of HJCKOBF WAQ0N3. and two ear loads of the ,v v ' 'a 1 ' EMERSON A FISBER BUGGIES. whioh augments the already large num ber of jobs of that celebrated make, Haa also control in this market of tbe cele brated Columbus Buggies Has an ex tensive trade in hand-made Harneu of all grades and f r all pnrposna. , ISfHe sells Horses and Mnles sS welt as Vehicles, and haa been before the people live years. Aag5. sswlm . THE WILMINGTON STAR REDUCTION ID PRICE. . Attention is called to the following re .: y.v-' dnced rates ot subscription, , ' ' ,): cash a advavgb: : " "i " ' THE DAILY STAR. r One Year...JT6 00 I Three Month8,l.fi0 Six Months.,3 00 One Mouth...... 50 . , , The Weekly Star. : One Year.i.ll.OO J Siit, Months;.:.'.. 60 ' .Three' Months., ....... . 80. cents. i Our lelegrsph News servioe has re cently been greatly increased, and it is' our determination to keep the Stab up to . the highest standard of newspaper . excellence, ': . ' Address, WM. H. BERNARD,' ; .. ,. v. Wilmington, N 0. j A .5

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