THE DAILY WORKMAN. J. K. XHllltX, -LocaJ Editor A paper for all people, bat eepecUlly to attt the deslr which many art kiown to entertain for non-political sieet, the Wobxkax will strivs to go in every bo dm, leaving to olhei paper tie aoence of politica, giving tb sews ia brief snd holding itaelT recponifbU to the moral mdn of tba oommanity for im nttertnoet. -' Personal. ' .: Col. Houiton, of Mount Vernon Spring, was among the number ofj thoM who came up on the C F. & Y. V. railroad lait evening. t Mitt Lucilla Fleming, who haa been spending aome time with her titter, Mrt. R. E. Patteraon, at Lib erty, came up last evening on her way to Vance county to visit frienda , in that tection. Revs. JII. Gilbreath and Jere miah Cox, patted through last night on the way to Mount Pleaaant, Ohio .near Wheeling, Va., to attend the X. Ohio Yearly Meeting of Friendt, ajid the Indiana Yearly Meeting, at Rich mond, Indiana.' Three tuicidet are reported Irom N4v York City for August aoth t A boy of 15, and a widowed mother and her daughter. Pitiable indeed. "Our -New Navy will be de- acribedapd illustra ted-in the Septem ber number of the American Maga zine by Lieut. W, S. Hughes, U. S , N. From the acurate details given of, the capacity and power of the new , ships, the leader will be enabled to ' judge for himaelf how fur they may 1 serve m solving the problem of our v(. naval defence. Can't Occupy thk Sams Houib. Henry George it represented ' at saying that ".the present labor party 'cannot afford ;o occupy the tame i house' with the socialists" Very good. But hear trie following deliverance, of the chief : "We recognized that they (the socialists) are actuated by high motives, and that they are in earnest in their wprk in behalf of the masses, but there are principles held by them that we could not endorse." Sullivan, the hero and pride of Boston, hat had a belt studded with diamonds presented to him. It oniy cost $8,000. Newt Item. Doubtless many of our readers will recognize the foregoing item as one which they have Teen already; but - is'nt it a study? Does'anybody won der that the office of "tool killer" should have been thought of years ago, and in the absence of the reality . of such a thing there should be an im aginary character adapted to the bus iness of knocking fools on the head with a . huge club? If the preienta- tion oi the belt to Sullivan represent ed the majority of the American peo- ' pie we should not consider our inter est in the affairs of the country as " worth looking : after ; and, if such a . majority were to.have the rule hence , forth, we should say that the devil needn't be at all uneasy , about his crown and his Kingdom. 1 The laws of the, country, if they were, just and i equitable, would have such men no .there wouldn't be such men, but boys : .. who were developing into prize fight ers would go to. the house of correc tion VA" TvKw I ;l. .; Kothing,After Aii- -The Char lolte ;, Chronicle of August 23rd cofi tairjs an explanation , from Rev. Mr. . . Law, District Supt. of the American Bible bocietv, . touching his relations to the , question of evolution as in volved in his supposed sympathy with ' that according Iq what Mr. Law now so ta: oily states, and which we quote from the Chronicle, the explanation made would have satisfied the execu tive committee, and saved Mr. Law from the appearance of a menace to the Mecklenburg county Bible Socie ty. Here it the paragraph at it ap pears in the Chronicle 1 , At to the scientific theory of evolu tion, I do not claim to know anything about it. I have never had the time nor .the opportunity to.inyettigati H for --myself, and consequently, have not been .able to arrive at an opinion whether it - it true or false. Hence I have uniformly declared that I neith er believe it nor disbelieve it. . t How Mr. Law could have aseo misled into the belief that he' ought to assume an air of dignity and inde pendence toward the Mecklenburg County Bible Society, instead oT mak ing the explanation aked, and which he now virtually makes, and should prefer instead the flourish which he made in his manifesto td the execu tive committee, we leave to tome evolutionist" much wiser than weJ are to account for. Wao8 .w 1800. Tbe cod of tbe close of that d be well examined; it ia (all of in traction for aooial adUtora. . In Billy BARLow.J-An aged friend of ours hat a Barlow Knife, and he sa)t that although its cost was only fifteen 'cents, it it a really good and aer'.'icrable knife From time irn- mejnorial there has always been on the market a Barlow Anife, and all the while there have 'been certain knivet ol that ordei Ih'at proved to be very goodj to much to that the Bar low continuet. to hold on it way. We first hear of "Bailow'', in a school dialogue of the olden time "in which a man by the name of Barlow comet forward at the head of a colony des tined for the wilds of America. Stu dents of those old days remember the different characters introduced of pro posed migrants, and how Barlow answered each one with a good word especially if he followed a r useful trade, as farmer, tanner, carpenter oiacKsmiiii, snoemaker. out pres ently a new and distinct character in troduced himself, and he dU so with an air of superiority. , When Barlow asked him about his vocation he said he was "a gentleman." This fellow atone might suppose, did not meet with. a flattering reception, and Mr. Barlow told him ' that there was no place tor him He was not needed f he came, he would only be a bur den to the , rest, as well as a demoral izing element in the colony. ' '. Things have changed very much m many respects since the days of Barlow, but at for the "gentleman" of the ttyle of the fellow who propos ed to come over and be waited on and supported by the rest, he has not changed a whit.- People admire gentle horse,' or a gentle cow, but a gentle man it ju&tji little too gentle for anvthing,; and we thank Mr. Bar low for declining to plant any of the ttock in America, having plenty that come up spontaneously in soft, shady, places.'' '': ::Ki'C.";'v V Esciteiueuc in Texas. : Great excitement haa been caused in tbe vicinity of Pari, Tex , by the re markable recovery of Mr. J. E Corley, who wfis so helpless be eonld not torn in bed," 07 "raise his bead, everybody said he . s djing of Consumption. , A trial bottle of Dr. King's New . Diaoov ery was sent hiin - finding relief, he boncht a large bottle of Dr. King's New Life Pills, by tbe time be bad taken two hexes 01 fills and two itottlea of the DiHOovery ,he wss well and had gain ed in nesn thirty-six ponixds. Time and tide wait for no one. : tiucklen's Araica Salve. :-' The best 8e!ve in the world for Cuts. Binises, Sorea, Ulcers, Salt Eheum, Fe ver Sores. Tetter. OhanDd HandiLChil. Mains, Cornr.; od all fikc- Eruptions, and positively cures i'lleu, ;or no pay required. It js jnmarite i to cive nei. foot eallsfaol.ioa, ; or tooney refunded. Price 25 cents -per box; For sole by novis ly Ciw Jtittxisa & Michaux. ; , Plso's TiomwJ? fnr Catarrh Is th I . Bwt, Eatiitt to Vise, tuid Ctiettpest. J Aim (food iSr Co14 In the Hd, n lJ 7 HOUSES LOTS For Sale ,in Bouta GrcensborQ. 0 . . ' the cra.t nitiea nnaliiw) vnrkmnn I VTOTICE ia hereby eiven that by da- JkiJk.ii,.j.. w v, I ll ere of the Superior Coart of own food, and foond their own u rjoaoor in Greensboro, lodgiogs. But in tie oonnW, on n.r, a.p(..r 9h, issr, . tba wnil, OT hmjt a band waa th, following pieeet or parcela of Land employed on aome pdblio wprk, titnate in Houtb-Oreensboro. to wit: tbej were fed a&d- lodged by the Lot No. 1 On Aahaboro Street, ad- employe and frfvear a few iollara a joiuing John MoCuUooh and John Shaw moaiOd thjf reuturylyapia ca- JnMthe Je-ialun nalt tba digger to tba coarsest Ioti luing JeM im B Md PeUr aiei. were oouaea id- tue ruueati Qatbard. coniainug 0 acre, wraonwiu abeda, and paid IS a montb from be out op and olJ in smaller lots. May to November, mx! (5 a month , Lo So. SKnown as the O. a .Cans from November tollay Hodoar. 1 juvumi. iumu p, uifuwi 1 ixi be told in two lota. and OQODDere. wno. Irom Ujo to I Kot No. 4 -Known at tbe Levi Bona 1800. labored on tba Dobiiiv Build- ton lot. adi -ining Giles Glaaoock and . I. a fTt - toga and cnt tba atreeta and avennea oiners. oonuuuing nan -ciw. oiV-hu,. 2',!,r JrttESS'SS? rZE year, or if they wiabad, $C0 for all Pr4h.ti.nrf oth-. oonuinina 4 aora. tba work they ooold perform from This lot will be sold under a mortgage March 1 to December 20. The deedtxeentedbytheaaidHonatontoJ. boora of work wera inyariably from ' tlaul !8A,n nnriaa to aanaet. Wajrea at Alba, ,twh offioe ,n 0uil- ny and New York wera 3 ahilliDgs, , T .t No m-KnoWn aa the Biatt oia&t or. aa money then went, 40 cent a Utlon. 4 milea aoath of Greensboro, ad- day; at Lanoaater, IS to $10 a j lining Widow Armfield. A. A, Binton month; elsewhere in Pennsylvania fonuiulng 185 aerea, which .,' tit tR Sn will be sold In two or more lota, workmen were content yrun loin T . v , Vn.. .. ,v. -i-i-. summer and $5 in Winter. At Bal- 8 m'Uea aontheaat of Greensboro timore men were glad to bn hired ajqioing Simpson Causey and Peter at 18 penoa a day. .None, by tbe uardin, eonuuumg a aorea. month, aaked mora than t G. At 8-Known aa Frederiekabnro the mice of labor : THE HOME PLACE. was from $5 to $7. In Virginia, situated on Aabeboro street about one white men employed by the year ?"?'? were given X16 wrrency; .laves, proffi,m wnen tirea, were ciomea ana peir Und, which said lot will be sold in two masters paid XI a month. A pound puoeia. A good ' Virginia money was. in Federal TWO STORY DWELLING HOUSE money, $3.33. The average rate and all necessary ontbnildinga. of wages tbe land over was, there- ; 19-A plat of these lots and the tab- fore; fbd a year, witn 100a e10, per- division 01 tnem win ie made ana x- kn Irwmnir fink nl tWa am all btbited and explained by W. A. Fields, sum the workman mtt8t;with his Administrator of Joseph F. Cantey, to 1 11 1 , any who propose to bny the property, wife's help, maintain bis family.- t the aametime and place, 1 will also Nc&Jaater a History.- - gen One Safe and one Gold Watch. Th obbm ( PiwvenUtHi... : I Jermi of ibaBOne third is cash and Tim Mtinfatinii rf fmtiinir nf ft-nm cfttchinir one tnird in equal payments at three .n. diuii wtm ririnvin fr fn.m imniir and s'X monthi. boo u red by bond sad air, from a sick prKn, frmlwnuct with foul aectfrity. with intcreat from day of sale. , w -Aa m 1887. Adm'r, muiW) ID vviil Jin t V RUU l. .UAirtJ VWJVU WJ th nA nT rtu-hra Prnnhvlnptlfl Fluid. A bot , iifun a aiill .In mn aaMi. anmtnr .nil ..nM. I j u.k.i.i..-iL.L: I.i WiiTriiTiflPTrm nn oopon rrfli oraw uisu au me uumorwg (u uie worn. 1 . 11 uiuiuguvu XLLWOOQUgbXt 1 '' " . " '. I WlUONPTOf, . . . . NoBTH CAROUKA, in v ernicc unammeua. 1 (Kemovea from uoiqatwro to w umington.) W, D. 8u1t DraRDist . Bippns, Ind.. 1 8end yonr name and the name and ad testifies: "I can recommend Electrie I areu ' nve UI 0UT neiibors or munas Bitters as the verv beat remedT. . Enn 00 .Ptt' "! K ror Jour r-"-- , , coDvortbe ease One man took six , bottles, and I . - kiw dalt pafbr. waa cored of Kneumatisni of 10 veara' - TVi wiiMinnmn uoa.... atanding. Abraham' Hare. Drnggut, A larjre eisrht pae paper, complete Tel- seumia vnio,ainn: "Aue oeat aeu-i - egrapmc Dispatches. Hem Market Kt-portn. ing medioine I have ever .bandied in mv ' -A live wide-awake Democratic Journal. -' : SWyears' experience,' . is Electrio Bit- "THE PK1DE OF THE I STATE," tera. . lnousands ot otters nave added 1 1 puslishkd ! wiLitraaTON, their teeilmony, so that the verdict is Tlie Messenger Publishing Company. unanimous mat jueoiMo tnera no curs Krrnas,.-- ti, mnni),. trial ait atseaeea 01 we juiver, . jianeya or Blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at Hnnter A Michanx a Drag Store, THE ; Mrs, Hundley's School. v jr. MRS. E. D. HUNDLEY RESUME ber School for Girls and Boys. ; Tbe 8eion will be for Nine Months. The management will be pleaaant and home-like. v-. .-.- " Those who bava patrpaigad this School in the paat are competent to givr an opinion of its merit. . , ' - . . , V aWTerms aa hretofor., k ftofFor particulars, iuqaire of Mrs) Hundley. - Ang. 6 1887 tf X Fw Ro3Sf LIVERY, FEED and SALE v c STABLEST NEAR TBE OKEEN8BOBO DEPOT. HAS recently received one oar load. Of HICKORY WAQOXS. and two ear loads of tbe EMERSON t FISHER BUGGIES, which augments the already large num ber of iohs of that celebrated make. Has also control io this market of the cele brated OoLCMnps Bcooixa. Haa an ex tensive trsds in karlmuU Hemttt of all grades and f r all pnrpoBf a. ftrU sells Horaft and Jtlnlea as well Vehicles and baa been before the- people rivo years. Aug 5. Dtwlm I "EEMALEgEMlNARY. h A' T1 'A-' LwavJL . 1 mtmum-i New Boarding House I MBS. WOGGOMAN haa taken charge ot the,'- -f- ' 'r':.;- CENTRAL HOTEL. which has jnst been put in nioe order, and ia supplied with clean and nioe. fur,- uuure, ana is preparea so entertain a nitrn ttttt -a rrwn rrrv-vr nm 1 -n number of Boarders, both regular and IHIj VVIljJXLLiNUrlUl( OliJ.Il for $2.00 in advance. THE WEEKLY ' Transcript Messenger, Is a lsrge eiaht page paper. The bright est and bet weekly. Pleases everybody. ' Largest circulation in North Carolina Vtnn Rl fin 1 V111 8end08tal for fipeolmeo copy free. a ,1.1..... . ..-nrrci HL'yjrv.niD WltMlNOTON, N, O. transient Polite and obedient servants. Oood table eoommodation. t&"Yot Transient Boarders. 25 cents per meal and tbe same for lodging. ' Ja.l early and get terms; iy'il 6 1 REDUCTION IN PKICE. HYGEIA1 A- WONDERFUL DISCOVERY TOBACCO an aid to HEALTH A NEW TOBACCO, maunfaotored XX at Kichmond. Va, by ,; -., Thos: C. Villfarrrs & Co.; 'OKDEB A FODMCLA PEBPABKU BY PEOFESSOB MALLE.TT, ,Of the .University of VirgiEia. Anti-iiiakriail Anti-Dyspeptic V a good House and Lots in Greensboro. Wervine, and an exoeUent Chew. . :.: - : Try It It Is No Humbug I ! BY S'leiSSSS B&" rot particulars of, its virtues, Book C4, page ib, ,1 will Bell at publio 11 .:t t 1-.. - - ontarv. at tlie uom-t-nouEe ia iireens- Atteaion is called to tbe following re- OAsa ih advance: . 'N ' THE DAILY STAR. One Tear. :.t6 03 I Three Months3.1.60 bix Months. .3.00 One Mouth, .....60 The Weekly Star. One Tear . .21.00 I Six Months..... .60 Three Months 30 cents. . Ohr Telegraph News service haa re cently been greatly increased, and It is our determination to keep tlu Stab up to the highest standard of newspaper .excellence, ,': . ; - Address, ; : ; WM. H. BERNARD. Wilmington,N' C, Greensboro Female College, THE SIXTY-FIFTH SESSION of this well-eqaipped and rrosperons Institution will begin on the 21th day of Angnst, 1887. ' , Tuition n fall English Coarse, per ses sion of weeks, for day Pnpila JJ20.00" Tuition in Preparatory Department-.. ............ ..$10.00 to fl5.0t. fta?" For Catalogne applr to Y y6td , T. M.-JONES. President WESLEYAN FEMALE INSTITUTE, ,'j if- - BALE OF A T. S. SDELTON'S, where the Tobacco can be had. "iui Greensboro, Aug. 8. ' , - ' lm. nrst in hit ti .nu. enprf-v ani rowrtBbilitr (or W'ality. iKKinlc-acd ateUnd. MALAI V io licieieMd enhilliod. GAVBKU4..H hrtl, Sl N. outcry, at the Court-house ia Greens born, on Wednesday, August 21, 1987, at 2 o'clock, p. m., the House and Lota beloDfjing to M. 1. Tatum, Esq.', and bounded by Main, Feir and Spring sts.. known cs Lots Nob. i and 5 as laid off in 43.'" Terms made known on day of sale. ; T. J. OGBUEN. Sumnjerfield, N. C, I " ,-Vv July 11th, 1887.: july 18 lm . ODeni SeDtemba. writ .an.. (m.J iu :ton bvuitifal. Chmat .ulenHM. Puni. t ... .77 ' ' All impneuut tinnngvi in ,joc fnutlr reduced dwir. BorA W.,, Light., EiurHrt, LMlS. Frinch.c,Tr.2?a. 3J 9u. t-'nrCAUlok-ue write MMt, Gtauloa. TViiguurfc LjolvjiiistlcyeM titmSept. u, Juno.SIO. t-orOul, WashingtoniLee . UH1VEESITX. LEXIJSGTON, Va- Instruction in the usual Academic Studies and in tbe professional schools tf bw and Kazioeertug. Tuition and fees $75 for session of 9 months, bepinning Hept. 15. ' CaUlogne free. Address v O. IV, C. LEE, rreaident -,' OF , Washington and ; Lee' Unieersi'' v lien. (. ,W C I-.XJE, Pi cfcifient. , Instruction by.tesf-bpoLsard printed.; leqi u res, . nith courses of lectures on special subjacls bv emiaentj arista. Tu ' ition and ees, 575 forsossioa of tiae months, nccmuiorr '-;ep;eu-bcr 15. ' For ; Catlosae and .oil iulormatioa,' address- , ; : , LU.AS.- A, GilA.VES, j16 8t . Trot, of1 Law, Lexington;. Ya-

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