THE DAILY WORKMAN. J. K MUHALX, Loral Editor , A paper for all people, bat especially to meet the desire wblch many are kiown to enterUin for a non-political Sieet, the Woukax will strive, to go into every hense, leaving to other papers tie science of politics, giving the news la brief end holding itself responsible to the morel sense of the community for .its attersnoes. The Statesville District Confer ence railed fod for Trinity College endowment, as we are informed by the Twin-City Daily. Tbe Philadelphia Press is discuss ing the mysteries ef the Bustle. There need be none of it any longer. The store keep the article that ca be seen through, and there is no mystery. The Charlotte pspers announce that a )oung Mr. McLaughlin of that place had lost an arm by an accident at Columbia Factory, Rardolph Co., which convinces us that the report we print elsewhere about Mt. Klvett is incorrect. The accident ss it wss is " e serious enough. A widow, at New Albany, Indi ana, has been ordered to leave, on the complaint that she is about fc marry a very young man, attar being heard to remark that she cares? nothing for anything farther than what the young man would receive in the way of worldly means when he became of ge. . - ' A very deplorable accident is re ported to have occurred at Columbia Factory on Monday last John Ki . etr, a worthy employee of the facto ry, was waking at the tapper at the tapper, and by some means not explained his arms came in contact with the beater of the machine and were beaten off to a point above the elbows. Mr Kivett is a plain, hard working man, in moderate circumstances, with a wile and lour children to maintain. See correction elsewhere . It is now said that the cause of Rev. Thos. Law's resignation as agent for the American Bible Society in the Carolina is that he-is a disciple of Darwin, a follower of Wood row and a firm believer in an ancestry of ira mense monkey power. , Mr. Law is from South Carolina. The North Carolina Law would have been a bet ter selection as it turns out. That monkey business is doing a great deal of harm. "Monkeying with a buzz saw" is suggested by "evoluting from the gorilla. Wilmington Star of August 23rd. . There seems to be a slight' misun derstanding as to the tact of Mr. Law's resignation, as it was in the Charlotte Chronic'e of yesterday that we found the paragraph announcing that Mr. Law "neither believed nor disbelieved" the monkey theory. We are satisfied of one thing and that is, that. Mr Law - makes entirely too brbad an application of the Bible So ciety's doctrine of non-interference in mat.ters of opinion, and we think it likely that if Mr. Law does not mani fest more level, headedness, and more of the spirit of deference which is due from an agent to, the officers of a Branch Society, that his day of inde pendence will wind up about the time of the first white frost. . i. It is said that Ameer Abdulrahman, of Afghanistan, had his physician re cently beheaded, Kooder Bux, for fail ing to make an immediate cure of a , il. : 1. .... uuit uu duo Buvereijju a urm, ij; was generally reported on tbe streets ; yesterday that;. Morehead had been visited by a heavy and destruct ive storrn during the morning. There was no foundation whatever for the report. . The State Treasurer yesterday issued a drummer's license to Geo. W Helme & Co., ITelmetta, N. J. It appears from the continued, inning of drum mers' license that tb'e live business men of the North especially are of the ojrin ion- that tbe North Caroline lioense law la constitutional, and that it will be sustained in tbe United States court next November. ! Considerable speculation and . some excitement was csused among tie more timid element of the city yesterday over the receipt of a telegram annoont ing that a severe cyclone wss working its way from Florid tip the coast, and reaching sonietisnea into the interior. Sosoe thought it would get here last night; and ajteoulated as to the best place of safety in oase of its arrival. There la no use in setting excited about tuoh things as this. If it is cowiog, it will come but tbe probabilities are that it will not come through this im mediate section. 'This Is neither the home nor the habitat of the Cyclone. Raleigh Newi-Obeerver, 24th " Sensation is Kittrell The Kittrell correspondent of the Ral eigh "ewa Observer says: "Prob ably tbe greatest sensation this section baa .experienced Bince the discovery of the old original Eit trell Spring, aome year prior to tbe war, iscaosed by tbe discovery of a pare chalybeate spring on tbe lands of Mr. M. B. Hedgepetb. about two and a balf miles from this place. Tbe celebrated chem ist and specialist on mineral waters Dr. J. R. Duggan, of Wake For est College, baa visited tbe . spring and pronounced it "a very pare chalybeate water," free, from or ganio matter or enrface drainage, in hie analysis. It gushes from the hillside, aboot CO gallons per hoar, clear, eooi and de ioious, and Each relief has been fonnd from drinking its oealthghriog waters, that tbe whole neighborhood is about to eo cracy over it. and re sort to it daily, conveying oft of vet -!s from hi n I gottrd to a di lipidated ooffao pot. . It U truly a wonderful tonio and never fails to produce a most destructive. appe tite. -Mtt-Wt-I ft.. I. ti ih in I in I ri LTi-jaql , died ter ot deeds of Davidson county st Lexington last Monday morning, of typhoid fever, at the age of 24 year. His body was buried at Greensboro yesterday He was an 'exemplary young man and was held in high esteem by all this acquaintances. Qbarlotte Chronicle. , Mad Dog Killed. A mad dog excited considerable commotion iu the vicinity of Independence Square this morning. A lively chase ensued, when the dog .took refuge under an old : platform . in front of Mr. T.Garibaldi's tin shop. Chief of Police , Griffith appeared on tbe ground armed with a double barrelled Shot gun, whioh ' wss handed over to Mr. W. B. Correll, who fired at tbe dog, placing tbe oharge just between tbe phonlders killing him instantly. Charlotte Hornet. .. . . Rucklen's AmiCM Salve. The best 8a) ve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhenm, Fe ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil blains, Corns, and all Bkin Eruptions, and positively cures Files, or no . pay required. It is guaranteed to give per. feet satisfaction, or money refunded Price 25 cents per box. For sale by novlo ly atvr , htjntvb michatjx. Dr. W. H. WAKEFIELD, Physician, Surgeon & Occulist, . Gbkenbbobo. N. C, , V ' TfTILL attend citv and country calls. T V Office At Porter & Tate's Drug B'cre. iiesidenoe on Ashenoro street. TlPREOANOB THE u. 0 o (OOPVUMHTCO). IIAX.ARIA w . CD t X ' "i - ; Z ' m - ': , sc . V 'I- SATISFA'Ti JN' H. .a4 "tr- Thb Eivkmbes oy ' FoirrcNE. A dispatch from New York, says: A young woman of refined and pleas ing manners applied at a police station for lodging (or her self and two children. She gave her maid en name, Maif Morton, bat inves tigation revealed she wss tbe wife of Arthur Welleely. a distant relative of the Duke of Wellington. Wellesly's father owns a large sheep ranch on Loanoeston, Aus tralia, and his Jamil is weathly and well obnnected. ' Young Welles ly married tbe daughter of a well-to-do sea captain, who lived near bis father's ranch and then remov ed with bis wife to New Zealand and thenoe to "England, Here they lived several years in . passa ble style, bat on removing to this ooantry misfortute seemed to fol low them. Wellesly could not ob taiu work here, and went to Bos ton. Thera he-obtained a position as cook in Temple Cafe. lie wrote to his wife , inclosing money, bat she did not receive his letters and was tamed into .the street, with her children, for non-payment of rent The agent for the bociety for the Prevention of Crnelty to Children sent Mrs. Wellesly and her children to meet tbe husband and father in Boston. . Tt Ounce of Preventive. Tlx- mtlHfactlon of feeling safe from catching any disease from drinking water, from impure airfrom a sick person, from contact with foul clothing, Infection or contagion from any source. Is complete and all atuift j allayed by tbe use of Darby Prophslactlc Fluid. A bot tle will (five mure safety, comfort sod court deonetlua all the doctoring In the world. ' Tbe Vermont legislature, it is said, will be asked to exempt base ball players from serving on tbe juries. Already the courts iu . tbe State are adjourned when tbe judges want to attend a game. ' v, ' The T. rdlct L'nanlnteu. W.p.J-.T.!rt.Pippas, Iud. tilier a iu l?Ziid '.Electw. Bitters w9 tbe very nest remedy. Every bottle sold bss siren relief in every ease ' One man took six bottles, and was cared of Rheumatism of 10 yers standing. Abraham Hare. Druggist, Belivilte. Obio. affirms: " a he best sell ing medicine I have ever, handled in my 20 years' experience, in Electric Bit ters." - Thousands of others hsve added tneir testimony, so tuat tne verdict is nnanimons that Elecviio Bitters do enre all disesses of tha Liver, Sidneys or Blood. , Only a balf dollar a bottle at Hunter A Miohanx's Drug Store. New Boarding House I MRS. WOC of the lOOMAN has taken charge CENTRAL. HOTEi:. which has jnst been put in . nice order, and is sapplied with clean and nice for nitnre, and is prepared to entertain a number 01 Hoarders, both , regnla'- and traitient. Polite and obedient serv&nts. Uood table sccommodt;in. J&Fof Transient Boarders, 25 cents per meal and the same for lodginp. Call early and get terms. Jy27 6w y Mrs. Huudley's School. ' ; ' MRS. E.T). HUNDLET . , j '-will, on ' Thursday,! September .1st, 1887, T) ESUME her School- for Girls and XV B6yt. i -The 8esiinr will be for Niue;.Montb,'.i'-'' ''j iw vv'' " ':: The management' will be. pleasant and home-like. 1 ' : ..' , v Those who lis ve ptronizd this School in the past are competent to give an opinion of ia merits. ,. : . J ' V . IQrTermf as heretofore, t ' i ft&For lrtjculars, inqnire of Mrs. Hundley, i . . Ang. J5 1887 tf HTGEIAI WONDERFUL DISCOVERY TOBACCO AN aid to HEALTH 1 1 A NEW TOBACCO, mannfaotnred J. at Eichmond, Ya , by . Thos: Williams & Co., PEOFEOR MALLErr, Of the fviiivt raity of Virgicia. Anti-MalarinJ ! Auti-Dyspeptio t a good Kervite, nd an excellent Chew. Try It It Is No Humbug 1! ti or j:irticnirtrs or s, ymuee, call for certifluate at T. $. SHELTOX'S, , where the Tol acco can be had. -8 Groenfiloro. Ang. 8 ' - w lm 7. AV. WHITEHEAD, 1 WILL SELL REAL ESTATE la Town or Country on Com mission.' Collect Keiits and Prepare' Land , Papers, &c .Iteferences Given if DeRlred. J HOUSES I LOTS For Sale in South Greensborc 0 NOTICE is berebv eiyen tbnt by de cree of tbe Bnpeiior Coart of Onilford County, I will sell for assets, at the Conrt Boose door in Greensboro, Oa mndmv, Repteaaber Stb, lT, the following pieces or parcels of Land situate in Bouto Greensboro, tp wit: Lot No. 1 On Ashebor.) Street, ad joibing John McOnllocb and John Shaw oonUioing half acre. Lot No. 2 Known as the Jesse Jnlian lot, sdj iuing Jesse Jn im and Pet. r Hat burd, eontainicg 5 acres, which will be cnt np and sol 1 in smaller lots Lot No. 8 Known ss the O. H. Cais ey lot, adjoining J. A Uodgiasnd J. F. Jarifll, contsining 11-2 acres, whioh will be sold in two lots. Lot No. 4 rKnown as the Levi Gone ton lot, ail) dning Oiles GUueock und others, contaiuing half acre. ' Lot No. 6 Known as the Jesse Hous ton lot, adj dning Peter Pass, Zab. Pritchett ana otherr, containing i acres. This lot will be sold under a mc rtgHge deed tzecnted by the said Houston to J. F. Causey, on February 27th, 1884, on reordin the Register s office in Guil ford county. ' . Lot No. ti KnovnastheHultpUnt ation, miles sonth of Greensboro, ad joining Widow ArmtSeld, A. A. Bio tun and others, contaiuing 185 acres, which will be sold in two or more lofs. Lot No. 7 Known as the u ining tnct, 8 miles soatbesst of Greensboro, adjoining Simpwn Cansey and Peter Hsrdiu, eontaioing 2 sores. Lot No. 8 Known ss THE HOME PLACE, situated on Asbebora street, about one 1 mile frpm the Conrt Boose iu Gu-e..s boro, adjiibing Logan McCulloch and Let tie Gias-H, containing 1 1-2 ucn-s of land, which said lot will be sold in two puopis. A good TWO 8T0RI DWELLING HOUSE and all nccecsary ontbuildinKs. mfr!Trftii W, lt innTifl Mm snb- divihiona tr them will ie cuude HffTiA Adminis ratpr of Joseph F. Cansey, to any who propoee fo buy the prpVrty. At tbe sme time and placo, I siil also One Safe sua one Gold Watch. Term of Sale Qua third in carh and one tiiird in eqaal payments at three and six months, secured by bo ml ; nd security, with interest from day of sale. W A. Jt lEIjL'S, Aug. 3d. 1887. a!9 d. A-lm r. 1MV .THE 1KST Wilmington Messenger, WimiNOTO. . v . . Nobth CakOUNA, (Kemoved from (ioldBboro to Wilmington.) Send yonr name and tbe name nd ad dress or nve or your neiiriioors or menus vnt jwrtal card and gel free for your-. slf and each of tbea; a specimen j copy of tne , HEW DALT PAPBrt, The Wilmlnaton Messenger, A large eiitht pmte paper, c mplete Tel egraphic UlHjntches. Ken Market Keports. A live wide-awake Democratic Journal. THE PU1DE OF THE STATE," PUBLISHED I WltMIHOTON, Tim Messenger PnUishhn Company. Subsokiption: Three months on trial , for $2.00 in advance. o " , . THE WEEKLY Transcript Messenger, Is a lrre eiaht paRepspor. The bright est and opst wwmj-. i'leiisea everyiMxiy. Largest cirouktioa ' Mirth Carolina. . f EIOB Cl.Od A 1RAR. find Postal for Swclmen copy five. - Address V THE MaSSENviEft," ' i", v "''.,'v.l';. WiLiiisaToK, N. C. THE WILMINGTON STARuf LEXINGTON, Va, . , Instruction in the nsnal Academic REDUOTIOS IN PRICE. Attention is called to tbe followiui re duoc.d rates of snbscriptiou, cash ix advance: THE JDA1L.Y STAR. One Year. ..t6 03 I Three Month.sS.l.CO tiiz Montbs..b,O0 One Moutu.t.,.,SC The Weekly Star. One Year. ..81.00 I Six Months.. s... 60 Three Months. ........ 80 cents. Out leleKroph News service has" r- cently been fmuitly increoBed, and it it bnr fietermination to keep the Stab up to the' highest standard of newspaper excellence, ' . . v . Addrees, . WM. H. BERNARD. . . WilminKton.N-C, n. u Piso'a lmMy Ihr Catarrh h Um Buit, Euuital to Dm. u1 Cheapmt. n LJ Also good fnr Cold in tlie Horul, REAL ESTATE AGEIIT, AND PERSONAL PROPERTY I4. F. K06B T.TVERY. FEED and SALE STABLESl NE til Tai:GKKlMJORO DEPOT. OAS reeiitly Me.ved one car load ti HICKORY WAdOitS and two car lomla of the EMKKHOX tt FISHER BUGGIES, whioh anprneL ts the altvady larse num ber of j ds "f that eeldhr ilea make, fiaa control in il:i nj"-rkot of the cole brnteJ CiLnMi!t CrnaiEs Has an ex tensive trd i in W m id Him'ti of all grid' s Hud f r all puryos -a. tSSFR." sells H re A-d Mnles as well as Vehicles nod has beeo before the tpojl nv: jea'S, Aug 5. rswlra rpfclALEgEMINARY. UImJLm Greensboro Female College, Tan SrXTY-FiU'H SESSION of thin wi-ll-fqiippwl rd 'Tosperons Institution w U b tin on th 21th dav of Angnst, 1H87. . Tni'ion n fill Eoglidi Conrse ner ses sion of weeks, for day Pupils 820.00 Tuition in Preparatory Depart mer t. , .810 00 to (515.00 Q For (VUInrn sppl t iM T. M.'JONKa, President WESLEYAN FERULE INSTITUTE, sTAr.NToji, Tfunrnn - r. L v ,4 Open, Scptembv tut. tSr. On. of th yiKST SCHOOLS FOR Vouwr. I.ADrK. IK TB Union. All Deoutmcntt Ihnrouch. Bulldlnm tlKant Ste.m ben. Ou IlirfitT Slnu Ion hrutHuL Climate aplamlld. Pupils from nineteen S.1m. All Imoortant djtBo Ui ine greatly reduced chanre. Board. Whln, Ucht, tnlisk, Uttn. French, OanTlSutlcfc.- BV. w. A. HAMUt, O.D., HcMdcRt, Sttuutu. Virata. WashiritonqLee Academic Studies and in the professional schools if Law iud Kneiiieerinsr. Tuition j -rod loch !i7.5 ti r strB'iion of 9 months, oetftnniug -"ir: l! - ;ttt,iiloiio free; -idd esri U. W. (J. IKp, President.' - or Washington and Lee University. " Urn. ti, w, c I.KK, President. . Iiihtruction ly text-txwks and printed lectures, sitn oourees tf leotnres on special aid j cts hv eminent jurists. Tn- it ion and rtis, &70 lor eession of nine " montbs. betiHiatiR rtt p.eaibcr 15. For Catali'pao iid full information, address HAS A, GRAVES, jv!6 8t Prof, of Lhw;. Lexington, Va. : DR. J. G. BP.0DiiAX, PHYSI01M AND SURGEON. Offloe for the present at hia .residenoo on Ash street, opposite Mrs. D. fe ' "J