THE DAILY WORKMAN. J. 8. MKHAIX, Local Editor A Vpw for all people, but especially to meet the desire which many are kaown to entertain for a non-politioal ftieet, the Wobkmax will stride logo 4nto every ho dm, leaving to other papers -the soienoe o! politic, Riving the newt in brief and holding itself responsible to the moral sense of the community tor its utterances. 9 Personal. Miss Fanaie Holt, of Graham, and Miss Hill of Raleigh, passed through here lt night on their way to Sulem Female Academy. Miss Alice Cuess, ol Cary, an alumana of G. T. College, who has been vt(ln in ttus city for several 4ayp, returned to her home this mow ing. ijudge John A. Gilmer and So licitor Thonas Settle, Jr., left this. morning for Alleghany .court. Rev. Dr. A C. Harris, of Brink ieyville, N. C, who is on a ramble of recreation, and o attend religious meetings In the western part of the State, was here this morning from Bock Creek camp meeting, Alamance county, on hit way to Summer field. and reports a good meeting at under way at Rock. Creek. REVIVAL AT FAIRVIEW. ;. ! ( " I . THE COTTON FACTORY STOPS ; From Rev. R. R Michaux, pastor of Haw River circuit, we have the following . newi from a ..protracted meeting now In progress at Fsirvtsw church,, near Ouipee Cotton Mills 'Last night, (Tuesday, Aug. 30th,) there wert ' 30 ' penitents, and' had been at least ia conyerti- This morn ing, while I WU trie store an alarm came up from the factory, and the managers hastened down there ex pecting to find tome of the operatives jailed, or wounded by the machinery, but toon it became known that St was caused by some of the converts, and it resulted in a whole squad of girls leaving the looms and spindles and having it high time shouting and re joicing. ' The proprietor! had decid ed to run the mills to day, but it was stopped and., ttood still until the girls get through with their shouting." It is not by any means to be un derstood that we underrate the native and acquired treacherousness of young men in the matter of social evil which we have under discussion, but that we also, just now emphasise the ne- their approach by the exercise of proper parental training and parental care, and we especially cite, the mis taken practice of some in turning out their daughters at a premature peri od, and allowing them unwonted freedom, by which they,' in a sense become tempters, , We will state, al so, - what we believe to be a truth, which admits of but few .exceptions, that there!' is no safeguard of the young woman who goes into society if the be wanting ' in the prudence and good 'sense born of correct dis cipline at home. We recognize fully the fact of the evil inclination on the other 'side; and it is because of such that the imprudent young woman may be said to be a tempter. ' 'ji-'Wr,. " 1 . ' nn . t, .1 '' . How" It: 1 in Hendersonvili.b. A ' correspondent at Hendersonyille, whom we know well as exceptionally intelligent on: matters about which he writes, sends us thefollowing, though not intended tor publication : V We still hold ;the'; fort : ? No bar rooms, here. ' The statement of the Handersonville Times, 'that we had as much drunkenness as with bar n -Ms, and that prohibition here was a f rce, is but a wet statement by a v.. T editor. The citizens here know 1 r. With a population of about 50O, and about 2000 including the floating element, there bat been only about tl deaths in Hendersonville in th last 10 months! --Hairon for the murder of Chat iBlackburn it on trial to-day. Cholera reportt still come i from Malta, and seven new cases and four deaths were reported, August Juge Samuel Hall, of Ga., who was stricken with paralysis while at Asheville some time ago, died at Mt Airy, Ci.. "n Saturday last. Tbe best part of the crop of Cen tral Texas, is reported to be submerg ed with water by late freshets in the Brazos river. The loss .will be very heavy, reachiag, it ia thought, into tbe millions. The Twin-Gty Daily says one Crm in Winston bought over $aooo worth of Jn'ed fru t on Wednesday, and that Mess. P. IL HanesACo., shipped, during the month of August over I10.000 worth of manufactured tobacco. w The Henderson Gold Leaf thinks that Col. Polk, of the Progressive Farmer, ought to sue the Atlanta Cnstitutioa4orWHg4W-a2count of a miserable wood cut which Constitution inserted ia its columns and named it Col. Polk. Such a suit against the Constitution might serve as a test case, but it would be follow ed by to many others that the courts wouUJ be glutted with cases of that elati, . ' : The Chatsttobth Hobbob. Re P. F. Remsbarcr. & gentleman of oar Xqaalntance, who was an eye wit ness of the Cbatsworth disaster, writes to tbe Methodist Recorder of Pittsburgh a detailed account of the affair,' from whlob we take tbe following : ' ... . , Pnblio interest was never 'drawn o oenerallv to a railway disaster. Beaidea tbe coroner's inquest, tbe board of railway and warehouse oommiaflioners of this State ' are probing .tbe matter to tbe bottom, that if nodflible. the resDonsibility may be fixed where it belongs. The coroner's jury have held fa the grand jory Timothy Oonghlio, tbe section boss, as tbe principal cause of the disaster. He bad been or dared, as Droven. with, all the sen tion bosses, to examine their divis ions tbe last thing that Wednesday evening, before leaving, for the per pose of having everything in a safe oondition. Tbe excursion train bad the richt of way over all tbe other trains, and po train passed over tbe fatal bridge after tbe section nanas left, for home. It was proven that Timothy Congblin ordered ' grass set fire within a few rode of tbe bridge, as they were , on . be way borne, and fire was seen burning by several persons living near the track, at different hoars, irom 6 to .'. Fortunately, your estimate of the dead waB too high; and also tbe number of basseneers. ' The mor tality list reached 82, inolading three or fdar that died a few days after, and few have since died, and some ara still here, not sufficiently recovered to be taken to : their In reference to the robbing of the victims, I think there is a mis- apprehension of facts.- Many pock ets were examined for tbe purpose of identification, and valuables tak en.) and have sinoe been (delivered to friends i A. easei inp point It was stated, in .some of the Chicago papers that the body 01 the Her. Mr.' Collins, of Galesburg, III., bad been robbed of a gold watch and 7B in taonev. ' Now. the facta in this case are, that Mr; Collins was recognized ' as a iinishtr lempiar, and hia watch and money were tak en cars of and have been pven to the family ; and ether similar cases bave cone to ray notice. Eat to the dj race of humanity, it fcfs to te ai.iied that rcttirs was cr Oucfelen't Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for Chita, (BraiMS, Bores, TJloers. Salt Rheam. FeJ -rer Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, ChiM blnoa, fjorns, tnd all bkin Ernptions, and jKsl lively cures Piles, or no pay rtaavea. 11 is aroaranieea 10 sive wr feet Mtisfsction, or money jefanded Frioe 33 cents per box. For sale by novio ly caw uvwm b micbacx . 1 - ... , That ia a beaatiful a'ayins of St Francis de Sales, that 'to obtain perfection it is not necessary to do BHxrular tbbgs, but to do com mon things singularly well.". BESTIAMILY MEniCUI MO F1MILV SHTTJLD Bl WITHOUT IT, and, by being kept ready for immediate nse, win save many an bonr oz softer ing and manv a dollar in time and d-o tors' bills. ... '3Tj Onlj Family Medicine." "I have been a nserof Simmons Li ver Regnlator for manv years having 111 auo it hit camuT weuioiDe. bit mo ther before n e was very partial to it find tbe RefroJator verv aa(e. harmViu and reliable as a Fan ily Medicine, and nave nsea it lor any disorder of the svs tern and f onnd it to aet like a charm. believe if it was nsed in time it would prove a great preventive of sickness. nave oiien reoommenaea it to my friends and shall continue to do so." uev. J. M. Rollihs. psHtor M. E. ehurch, Bonth Farrfleld, Ya., to J B. ZUIAS k. Co., Philadelphia. Pa., pro prietors of Simmons Liver Regulator. : DO; J. G. BfiODf JAX. PHYSI01AIT AHD BUEQEON. )fBof forthe pwent at hit .residence ou Ash ttrtet. opposite Mrs. D. Hall v... ajataawvafatMaMMwMWMOTMMMw ' Mrs. Hundley School. MRS.-E.D.HUNDLET; ; wot,' ' t ThursJay,- September Ut, 1887, RESUME her Scbocl for Girls and Scya. .The 8eation will be for Sine Months.. The management will be pleasant and kome-like. ' " ' Those who have patronised this School in the past are competent to give an opinion of its merits. ttTertns as heretofore.'" ' aFor particulars, inquire of Mrs. Hundley. , . , , : . ; , Ang. e. xt7-u HYGEIA1 ''0 a--. J: WONDERFUL DISCOVERY TOBACCO an an) to HEALTH 1 1 Ai: NEW TOBACCO,- manufactured at Richmond, Va., by Thos: CaVilliams.& Co., , 1 usee a a roBuc&i narABKO et PBOFESSOR' MALLETT, ''H the university of Virginia. ; Anti-Malarial ; Anti-Dyspeptic : a good - Nemte, and an excellent unew. Trylt! It IsNo Humbug!! ; For particulars 0! , its virtues, call for certificate at . - ' 1 ' r '? i;.:-t'-..V-,.T. 6. SHELTON'S, : where the Tobacco ean be had. -J Greensboro. Ana, 8 1m 1 -s Bat OouKh byrtip. Tnxl' (tixxl. V9 tHui ILL I. . IaiLX. in nnie. noia ny iiniyi'mw. 1 Dr. W. II. TJtKEFIELD, :" Physician, Surgeon & Occulist,: .; Obmnsbobo, N.,- 0.,'.;., ,:..:, TUT ILL attend eitv and eotintrv calls. YV Offloe at Porter & Tate's Drug Sfore. ! Residence' on Asheboro street. M, Mod. Whuams. J. MoDubmh) v , , - ' A. K. MoDuaioDw' r ' & DEESSED JLUJIBEB, '.IZoiildiiiss. Laths, LinsIc3, &o., , Gbiknbboeo, N. C. ,13 Prompt attention given to orders, Eaiisfaction guaranteed, may13J&wtf , HEW A BIG FALL AND WINTER -ALSO- H A In all the latest Styles, for FALL AND WINTER, JUST RECEIVED AT f. fishblate:s, IEADINO CLOTHEa, '" ''. Greensboro, N. C. C. M. YANSTORY, Manager. HOUSES LOTS For Sale in South. Greensboro NOTICE la hereby g iven that by de . cree of the Snpeilor Coart. of Guilford Count t, I will sell for assets, at the Court Boose door in Oreennboro, ' . On nonday, Sptuiber 3th, 1SS7, . the following pieces or parcels ol Land situate in South Oreensboro, to wit; ' Lot No. 1 On Asheboro Street, ad joining John McCnlloch and John Shaw oontaioing half acre. Lot No. 2 Known as the Jesse Julian lot, adj ioing Jesse J a inn and PeUr Hat bard, containing 5 acres, which will be out up and folJ in smaller lots. ' Lot No. 8 Known as the O. 8. Caus ey lot, adjoining J. A ttodginand J.-F. Jarrell, containing 1 1-2 sores, which will be sold in two lota. ' ' Lot No. A Known as the Levi Hons ton lot, 'ad j-iuiog Giles Glatoock knd others, eonulning half acre. " ,' ' Lot No. 6 Known as the Jesse Hous ton lot, adjoining Peter Pass, Zeb. Pritchett and others, containing 4 acres. This lot will-be sold nnder a mortgage deed executed by the said Houston to J. F. Causey, on February 27th, 1884, on record in the Register's office in Guil ford county,' ' Lot No. 6 Known as the Hiatt plant ation, 4 miles south of Oreensboro, ad joining Widow Armfleld, A. A. Binton and others, containing 185 acres, which will be sold in two or more lots. .' Lot No. TKnown aa the mining tract, 8 miles southeast of Oreensboro, adjoining Simpson Causey and Peter Hardin, containing 2 acres. . Lot No. 8-rKnpwn as . ' THE HOME PLACE,' -situated cn Asheboro street, about one mile from the Court House in Greens boro, adjoining Logan MoCullooh and Lettie Glass, containing 1 1-2 acres of land, which said lot will be sold in two parcels, i A good-.- ;. ,. .. TWO STORY D WELLING HOUSE and all neoessat outbuildings. ; ; !; t&k plat of these os'and the ub diviaiona ot them will be made snd ex hibited and explained by .W. A, Fields, Administrator of Joseph, F. Causey, to any who propose to buy tbe property. At the same time and place, I will also .sell -p 'f: 9 f- ; ' V?-'x;0). :?v j ' une Safo ana one Clold Wat(;h ' Trm$ of 8al9Qae third in cash and one-tnird in equal payments at three and six months, secured by bond snd security, with interest from day of pale. VV A. i.iUS, Aug. 8d, 1887.' al9tdU,v;',;,,iam'r.'; GOODS! LOT OF T ll. Fe IJVERY, FEED and SALE' STABL-BSI . KE tR TflE OREENSBORO DEPOT. ' HAS recentlv received ' one oar load of HICJt"'" WAQ01i8. and two ear loads of tbe , v i, t J j.'.-. . EMERSON & FISHER BVGOIES, whioh augments the aJxeftdvlaroe num ber of jobs of that oelebrated make. Haa -also oontrol in this market of the oele- bra ted Cot.dmbtjs Rcooibsj .. Has an ex- tensive trade in kand-mAde Eameu of all crrtkAaa anil fn a11 imvnnuri .i - i- t&Re sells Hones and Mnles as well . as Vehioles, and has .been before the people five years, . Aug 5. , nawlm ;; lSer ' ' : TUB ' A88T'. v 11 !IVI1! nr '.rnnnnMMA 1 f II UlUliigbUU OXlCkioCllgCl J ,. WrMcnwrotr, . ' . . . Nobtb Cabolika,' ' ' (Removed from Gojaaboro to Wilmington.) . . Send your name and the name and ad- ; dress of five of your neighbors or friends- . ' on a postal card and get free for your- t '. aeli and enr.h nf thm nprfman . . . : copy of the . . . . ; ' jywt ntautripia, '..)' . . ' The Wilmington Messenger,. A large eight page, paper, complete Tel- -; . egraphlo Dispatches. Beat Market Beporta,, , A live wide-awake Democratic Journal, . tiTtiBi ' 'ddttsw rvn irmi ominm t " ?- . TOBIiISHBD IN VTLMJNGTON, ' The Messenger PvUishing Company , SmgoRiPTioN: . Three mouths on trial " 1' for $2.00 in advance. . V: - 01 '--i- '' "THE WEEKLY; (f.v.' .Tranficnpt-'msgenffer.. . Is a larpe eis ht page papers ' The bright- "' 1 Sat and best weekly. Pleanes everybody. . Largest circulation in 'Worth Carolina Pbiok 1.60 A Ykar. J Bend Postal for Specimen copy free. f Address "TlS MKbiitNUEIt." WlMUNOXON, N. 0.

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