TllCDAIIOVPROSPEoroi IllCnUiOI FOR 1887. Thin ill'mtntel , monthly oontains " tb.irty t'n to forty pngos each nurobor o( enjoyable ami helpful literature and picture, (jnuUy tnited to Sundays and weekdays The editor, ' Taney ' will furnish new aerial to rau through the year entitled, MONTSAOUt, The Ooldon text atorioa will b con tinued nndor the title of "A Dozen of Them." Margaret Sidney will contrib ute a aerial called 181 LITfUi WW SHOP, telling hpw Jack and Cornelius and lUosalie earned money to help mother take care of baby. There will be more "Ureat Men," and more "Remarkable Women." Faye Huntington will write of flowers and pianta in MRS. BBCWK's BOTANT CULM. Rev. C .M. Livingston will farnlah utoriwiof Great Events. Discoveries, Inventions, etc. A novel feature will be itorv bv eleven diferent author i. B, M. AlJen will direct a new depart ment of Church, Sabbath School and Misaionarr Nowa, The present depart menta will continue and new one be opened. OKLT $1.00 A TEAR. S&rSpectmeni frm to intending $ubscrih- era. A (Ulrui order $ to D. LOTHROP CO., Ppbushbbs, , Bostoh. Mass 1 C. 8. A. 1SST. $1,50 A TH4U J -FOR- 1887. The Cheapest Dally Taper in the South. The Wevkly baa buen enlarged and the brioa reduced to 73 rcnu a Tear. The cheapest weekly paper published. The Snuday iisu aud weekly edition both fr one year, for CI .50. The two are cheaper and bettor tlir.n a somi weeklt. aa von not one ;1ai!v in and a wet kly for 6o testa IoSj ttuu'auy semi- weekly paper. Daily ut free two wtfk and Weekly one month free. bpnd one cent for a postal card and order one or the other on trial.' Atldress ; TDE WHIO. 1 8 3m'limoiKi, v a. SEND FOX SAMPLE COPIES. " THEY COST NOTHINO. The News and Observer, RALEIGH, N. 0. r T H E Biggest fStocM -OF- CHINA, CROGKERY AND GLASS-WARE ' ... 1 EVER OFFERED IN THIS CITY, AND BEYOND A DOUBT "The Cheapest," AS" WE BUY DIRECTLY FROM THE MANUFACTURERS. 0. F & Y. 'V. RAILWAY CONDENSED SaihDVLK tW. 21 Taklngogict9.1n, a. hi.ttonday, Jnly 85, 1887. 1IIAIN8 MOVING NORTH. "paSTf" Lv Bennottavllle Ar Maxton hr Mm to a ...... Ar Fayuttvl!l... Lv FayetteTlUe.. ...... Ar Bryifurd..... Lv Innu'otil Ar (lren boro ......... Lt GrpfUloro Arrive at Dalton ........ Pa-wnger and Mall Dinner at Fayettevine. TKAtNB MOVINQ SOUTH. ' Pais.' A-frVfi l'jw 'Mail. ,10 10 ami 180pm aw 4 05 413 785 10 10 am siSpm "Tr'lifi Ao'd. 5 (Oam 705 780 .1 19 0 00 140 pm a is boo ' The largest, best and cheapest paper oabhshod in the State. Telegrnphlo ac- ooonts of all interesting events from every part ol the world. Full Market l te porta, a paper lor I every family, nataunanea ioa ana seta better every year. Bonn yonr name, l oswmoe auareea and $2.00 for one yean 81.00 for 61 a ho old take it. The livest, most progressive paper in the State. : THE WEEKLY NEWS-OBSERVER. Raleigh, N. a NEW YORK. OBSERVER, - OLDEST AND BEST RELIGIOUS And SECULAR FAMILY NEWSPAPER. NATIONAL AND EVANGELICAL, All TTi 1flw. ViVnrnnii Editorials, months. A trnrt-orthv rW for businessmen. .. E North Carolinian It baa special departments for Farmers, Sunday-school leacners ana tit keepers. THE HEW YORK OBSERVER FOR 1880, Sixty-Fourth Volume, will contain a new and never before mbliahed series of Irenens Letters, rwralar oorresDondenoe from Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy, letters from Mission Btauons in India, China. Janan. Africa and Micronesia, original articles from men of inflaenoe And knowledge of sihurs in aiaerent parts of this oonntry, and selected arti cles from the choioest literary and re ligions poetry and prose. A new volume, containing a second Series of Irenieas Letters, a sketch of the author, and a review of his life and work. Las been published. We ahall offer this year special and at tractive inducements to subscribers and friends. Sample crpies free. NEW OUK OBSERVER, Nov. 27 Niw Yoei r, h PARKER'8 HAIR DAL8AM It tlnw. U Malp, Moia hirhiim,iawiiirhii On. and I M HlflDERCORNO. 1 tomH,mntmlmtarOmmt, MomaUwla. Tnmarm oomfnrt to lh f m. i fU lt curt. U onita Ituvkuu. lluoux Oa. M. X. 3lAitvnr.ous MEMOEY BlSOOVBRYl A Call will convince you of the above Facts WE ARE MAKING A SPECIAL OFFER FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS OF A Handsome Mckle Clock, ; TO ALL WHO PURCHASE $10 Worth of Goods at one Time I i Truly yours, W. T. OHIOHESTEIl, OPPOSITE BENBOW HALL, Leavea Dalton .... Ar Oreenaboro. . , . . Lt Orvennboro Ar Sanford LvBauford.. Ar Fayettevlile.... LvFayetterUla.... Ar Maxten Lv Maxton AT Benuettavlllfl. Mall. 8 45 p m 7 49 ' 9 Warn laMpiu l la 8 830 91!) 685 8 45 AC'O. 7(VIm 1 17 pm IB CoO 1919 pm 7 00 pm Pmen(rTaii(l Mall Ploner at Banford, Factory Branch Freight ft Acco'n 5 49 p m 795pm 715pm 800pm TBI1XS MOVINQ KORTH. Leave Klilboro 8 05 a m I Arrive at Greotuboro 9 85 a in TBIIXa MOVIMa BOCTH. Leare Oreenaboro,... .... 9 00 pm I Leave Factory Junction,. ..8 00 pin Arrive at MUlboro at Jl 45 p in Paaaenger and Hall Train mna dally ezoept Bundava. Freight and Accomodation Train rnna between Bennettavllle and Fayettevlile on Mondaya, WedneBdaygand Frldaj-aand between Fayatte vllle and Oreenaboro Tuemlaya, Tliuradajt'and Baturdaya. Freliflit and Accommodation Train runoMxM tween Ureenxboro and Favettevllle on Muiv daya, Wedneeda.ra and Fridays and between fayettevuie ana Bennettavllle on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturday. Tralna on Factory 'Branch ran dally exoept Sunday. . Close connection la made at Maxton with Carolina Central Railway Passenger Tralna to and from Wilmington. . W. . KTXE, Genl Pass. Affent. J. W. FKT, OenT Snp't. a August 26 tf GREENSBORO. N. a Wholly unlik artificial ixiiiems. : Any book learned in one reading. Recommended by Mark Twain, Rich- r Consamt?Uon Cured ard Proctor, the Scientist, Hons, W. W, An old physician, retired from prao Astor, Jndah P. Benjamin, Dr. Mino-, tioe. having had placed in his hands by 4c. Clas of 100 Colombia Law stn- an East India missionary the formula dents; two classes of 200 each at Yale,4 of a simole vece table remedy for the Wilmin rrrnn Ar WMrm R P University Penu. Phila., and 00 speedy and permanent enre of Consnmp VVlimillgXOIl 05 VeillOU IU A, Bt Welle-ley College, Ac, and engaged sW Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and auiinroat ana i-tnnir Aaeoiwiu, - u CONDENSED SCHEDULE. at Chatanqna .Ucivenity. Proroectns post nam from v Pno. LOISE1TE, . ' 237 Fifth Avenue, New York. tf.'.-VS. OniCI GXHXKAIi SUPXBrjrXXHSKKT, I Wilmington, N. C.Nov. 18, 1883. f On and after Nov. ISth. 1883. at 1.06 ' m., Passenger Trains on the Wilmin g ' ton k Weldon Railroad will ran as fol lows: .' - SAT KAU AITD XXFBIOS TBACt DAILX. Nos. 47 North and 48 Bonth. lire Wilmington, 8 63 a tt Arrive at Weldon...... 2 81pm L've Weldon, 8 (W p m Ar Wilmington, 8 40 pa VAST THBOW3H KATJi AND TIBBXXQtt T HS. ; Daily No.40 South. Ijeaye. Welden . 5 60 p n Arrive atWflmington........ 10 w pa KAJXi AHD PABSJESaXB TBADfS DA1LT, - No. 43 North. Leave Wilmington.......... 8 00 pa Arrive at Weldon... 2 20 a Mail airo Passekokb Tbaibs Nos. 45 and 42. ' lire Wilmington 12 80 a a . SaWe,li1nn 1 . XlOtn live Weldon. f ......... .1 06 a m 1 As at Wilmington............6B6am ' Train No. 40 South will stop only a Wilson. GoldsN ro and Magnolia. Trains on Tarboro Branch Road Tjeave Rooky Mount for - Tarboro at 1.20 d m and" 4.80 x to. aiaily. Re tutting,' leave Tarboro at 8 p. m. and 10 a; m, dally. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 8 26 p. m. Returning Jteaves Scotland Meet atssu a. m., aauy, Train No. 47 makes olose connection "ktWuldon for all points North Daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. i I U t'fUTT QsTTfT Train No. 43 runs daily and makes JXLvTXl OwUVLIIJ. oiose oonneoraon ior au powieiaoiui via a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all . Nervons Complaints, after having tested its wonderful cura tive powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German French or English, with full directions for preparing and .using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, :xy - . w. a. sioxbs. k -149 Power's Block, Rochester, N. I. - Oct261yeow , - : .- : ALL SMOKE AUDI NO JOKE l Beautv Skir8tSJalp x liESTOrED by the CuticUi. AtOTHJNG 13 KNOWN TO BCI- L ENCE at all comparable to the Cc- tiousa Rxms in their marvellous properties of cleansing, purifying and beautifying the skin and in curing tor turing, diaflguring; itching, scaly and pimply diseases of the skin, scalp and I blood, witn loss of tutr, ; t , ; ; , CunouBA, the great skin cure, and CtinccEA Soap, an exqusite Skin Bean- tifier, prepared from it, externally, and CxmouBA RxsoLvrat . the new Blood Purifier, internally, are a roeitive enre for every form of sk n and blood dis ease, front pimples to scrofula.' : Cun- ouba Rkxxdtik are absolutely pure and the only infallible skin boautinera end blnnd nnriflnra. v.. Sold everywhere. ' Price- Cutieura niooT9 nf I hH KfiSttl Una ltv. 60o: Resolvent 81: Soan 26o. Prepared T . : , dt me ruiiiui tutuu ashu vucia- IOAL CO., Boston, Mass. ia8end for "How to Cure Skin Diseases."';:'1: ' ' v-'ir-,- ,i PRICE OF BU RNHAM'S IMPE0VED oTavmieTt TURBINE Is cost of manniacturing a ana aaverusipg. ram- I phlet with new Prioe List, sent free by . f BURNHAM BROS., York Pa. POTJTZ'S HOR8CAMO C ATT LI POWDERS J.K. IIALL&OO GREENSBORO, N. C.r MANUFACTURE II8I1DS soft as dove's down, and as llHll white, by using Cuticura Medi cated Soap, i YADKIN COLLEGE Richmond and Washington. All trains run solid between Wilming ton and Washington, and hare Pullman Pelnoe Sleepers attached. ' For accommodation of local travel a Tasseurer Coach will be attached to . Local : l'reiht leaving Wilmington at 6 f5 a md uly exoept Sunday. v T. M. LHiii;SON, j J. F. DIVINE, Gen. Z'ao,Agt. Gen. Supt 1 f . TO Id Anw en eiuiino ua 41 Any on f eiuiine un 97 ' ' eenti, and thatu: Woi" W tt j of their friends, will recmre, by mil, i .rym injODji, no affxi. trah or lwlrw, Wit (roodi at reran mrtic 4e. Ihil sja) agma off'.-r Sod ft fortuae to von. Cwat SiritnHctt, FOR BOTH SEXES. MUSIC, SCIENCES. LANGUAGES, AND MATHEMATICS.. Prepares t for , higher classes in the Colleges and University. : j , j i a Practical course for those not going to College. : '. Thorough work, thorough organiza tion and discipline tow bates tob board ard toition. , i. AX3f Write for circulars to " REV. A R. MORGAN. - nno8dKw3m Principal., THEY BUY DIRECT FROM IM PORTERS the best Havana Tobac cos, and cau therefore famish as FINE GOOD3 AS CAN BE PRODUCED NOT RELYING ON THE PLEA that ours is a Home Enterprise, but on THE FACT that WE COMPETE WITH THE FOREMOST, far or near, we of fer the following as among our CHOICE BRANDS: ,.' Rosa De Oro, Flor De Alma, Pure . Spanish. Hall'g Five For ' A Quarter. . , April7tf , . O ttMHM wilt au of Ootid. Don or Loae f n. If Fon-i Powdcn ra bhI la tlma. Fontm FowiImi will rnre mm) present Hon Cnn'Ji. . tmtot Tnwiler will tmC Htm i Fowl KotuI Powder will IncnMHi th qnantllr of mIK md enmm tvwv par cent, and make Um butut fiim tart tweet. Fonts Powder 111 enre or imvent almoat sviav Wm w wHtea notww ana i.uu v mnm. , rouTt PownuM wiu. aivi Rati sr act uir. ' Sold rr7wb.r. SAVtB I. T0VT3. , SAtTTIWOBS.J'V' a "25 Y::rs iFc::Yr3:' i -A . FOlLlkf lllOLLEA, bAh4 - uuli-k. i wroi iimi (Tateaor wtieta liO sad POULTMT Uif. yvnlon m4 rcmtdjel fur all dmeMM. i in t . r J n. S6.tattaaiM. Acopfof Til tot.t.' l uitrr lard," conmlnL. I -, Cstalot Prln Lft of IS nnn i. it Am M. kAo.0, Bexb4e,Clnolnnsitl,U. t forDYSPEPSAI I & INDIGEST- WT m 1 M. SHELLY, Charlotte, N, a m223m flTTTiTi flTTTlTl UUllJJ UU1LJJ anl7r.ntcdK tn hi looalltT, Bflep" ailauW. WAS Oi li BAXABTpr5 I"T uo.14 ifarcMrMiN.aa Y4 ,V - Cuticura a Positive Cure dKin and uiooa -ri)isas- ' PlflPLES to Scrofula - : i ... .1 : : ' : SKIN TORTURES OF A LIFE time iastantly relieved by a warm bath with CuncrjBA Soap, a real Skin Purifier, aud a single application of Cu nouRA, the great Skin Core. v . This repeated daily, with two or three doses of Cutiocba RssoLVEifT, the New Blood Purifier, to keep the Blood oool, the perspiration pure and nnirritatihg, the bowels open, the liver acd kidneys active, will speedily cure. f ii - : ; . Eczema, tetter, ringworm, psoriasis, lichen, pruritus, scall head, dandruff, and every species of torturing, disfigur ing, itching, scaly and pimply diseases, oi the stun and scalp, with lo when physicians and all dies laiL ss of hair, known reme Cravats, Cravats !' . JUST RECETVED AT Ft FlSIIUL ATE5S " ALI. TEB-j- ' Latest Styles . I tvt White Piques; Lawns and Silks, all ool- . jnl6 ors and styles ., tf . Notice to Creditors. HAVING qualified as Administrator upon the Estate of the late D. B. Bell, I hereby give notioe to all persons holding claims against said Estate, to present them to me at Enfield, N. O. , Sroperly proven, on or before the first ay of September, 1888, or this notioe will be plead in bar of their reoovory. And all persona indebted to said Es tate will come forward and settle at occe and save oosts of suit. ' DAVID BELL, Administrator Aug8, 1887. 4w- , , of D. B.Bell. , YOUR .ATTENTION IS SOLICITED TO THX ' I mm 0. GREENSBORO, N. . Located East of the City. I do not claim to have the largest Nar- sery in the South, but I do claim to have all fruits that are known to anooeed at the South, consisting of apple, peach, pear, cherry, plum, apricot, mulberry and shade .trees, evergreens, grapes, strawberries, raspberries, currants, Ac. I further claim to send out finer trees, plants, Ac. for less money than any other Nursery. Fine stock a., 1 fair deal ing are making these' Nnrso; ' . famous, and agents representing other 1 merles, whose shirminir ooint is Greer., nf. ten leave the Impression t' -t they are representing the 'Gieen-.. : a Nurse ries." This l oan pr5ve ty I :ter that I am in receipt of almost , - ' SHADE TT.r"'v v':' -. , I have a nioe stock of L:.a a and Or namental Trees, Evergreens, kc, and now is the time to send in yenr orders for Shade Trees; while the blistering sun vividly reminds yon thai yon need them. When cool weather oomes. and with the press of business, you are likely to neglect them until it is too late In the spring to set them out But send in Sour orders at any time, as it will be my usiness to see that you p-t them at the proper time, I can furnkh experienced hands to set them, and when you once pay me for a shade tree you are sure to " get it, as I replace all trees that die. Those having tenement houses should ' plant shade trees, not only for the sake of humanity, bnt as an investment, for five or ten dollars spent for shade will, in a few years, increase the value of a lot from 8100 to $500. Besides, trees are an excellent protection in case of fire, by breaking the heat ud arresting the sparks. . ; ,. .- ICrOrdera friven to my srrents, or sent direct to the Nursery, will all re ceive careful attention. Correspond- . enoe solicited. Descriptive Catalogues free to applicants. JUlia. A. xfJUCJ, , fiuooessor to Ward & Young,