THE DAILY WORKMAN, J. L. MICHAUX; Editor, i. S. MICHAUX, J,ocnI Fditor. ADVERTISING RATES DISPLAYED LOCAL 13 lines I titno, .80 10 " .2titn,l.O0 ia. 1 day, 81.00 " 8 day, 1.60 "1 week, 2.00 coL lday, 1.80 ' 1 woek, 2.(10 10 ' 1 week, 1.60 10 " Itime, 1.20 16 " 3 tinies.l.or' "3 " 8.60 16 " 1 veek.2.00 W Contract Advartisonienta Uken at proportionately low rates. Enttrtd til th pott officii in tfrscwf Wo, A O., nt imxnulcliui matUrr. WOjficti on South Kim Sir mi t, uruier llmboie Hull, RAILWAY GUIDE. UREBxanono, Mar. n, 18S7. BICHMOXD' A DASVUXB RAILROAD, Arrives from Richmond at 9 13 a m " - 1032 pm Leaves for Klohmond at 9 51pm " " 8B2m MOBTn CAROLINA RAILROAD. Arrives from Charlotte at 8 20 a m " " 9 40pm Leaves for Charlotte a! , 9 48 a m " " " 10 44 pm irriTM irom iroiosooro at v no p m Leaves for Goldsboro at 9 60 a m R0RTH-WE8TBBX H. O. RAILROAD. Arrives from Salem at 8 00am 9 20pm 10 CO m 10 64 p m Leaves for Salem at I. II II ' V. BATUiOAD, Traint Moving North. Leave Bennettsville at 10 10 a. m. Arrive at Greensboro 7 26p.m. Leave Greensboro 10 00 a, m. , Arrive at w alnut Cove ........ 1 00 p. a Jratnt movino South. Leave Walnut Cove at. . . . : . .2 10 p. m. Arrive at Greensboro 6 00 p. m. Jjeave Ureensboro 9 60 a. m Arrive at cennettsvule 6 46 p. m, SCHEDULE OF MAILS: Mails going North olosed 9 00 p m " ", ; " " 8 00 a m " " Sooth " 9 00am 9 00pm 900am 9 00pm 9 00pm " Salem Br'ch' M M , . fl M East . i "a.T.T.B.B" .900am General delivery open from 8 00 a m to 6 80 p m., exoept during the distri bution of mails. The Money Order and Registered Letter otfloe open from 9 00 ra to 6 00 p m. ' LOCAL INTELLIGENCR' taTFor additional Local, News, nee 2d page. 't Be sure to -report at this office any and every failure to receive,- the Daily Workman, i -fX'fyi ; The Cnpe.Feaf -and Yadkin Val ley Railway.; jumped ;:acres9;v Little Yadkin beyond Dalton's yesterday ,'Jii its march to Moun Airy , :.;'; ;;' v Mr.. R. IV Pell,' son of the late Wm. E. Pell, was ordained to the ministry at the session of Orange Presbvterv held ; at Cross-Roads -church last week. , - There "will be preaching , in the .Presbyterian church, to night and to morrow night, and on Sabbath there will be', in addition' to the regular preaching service, the communion. 1 Prof. J. F. McCulloch, native of this bounty, but for some time a N professor In Adrian College, has com roenced his year of special ;study in thcMi'chigan University at .Ann. Ar ? The public' sale of. the Jandsof Mr W. A. Caldwell, advertised in this '.paper to' 'occur ., to;day at '10 o'clock, was withdrawn by the dis posal of the whoie tract to one per . - . 1-1 ' , , , eon t private sale, t Personal. - , ';';, Mr. J. S. Hunter has returned to his business in Baltimore. ' ; ) -Judge Wilson, of Winston, Rev. " Dr J. B. Bobbitt, of Goldsboroi and Rev.' J,- B. Whitaker, of Raleigh, were at the railroad station this morn ' ' ' Maji Atkinson returned yester day lrom a visit to the Little Yadkin advance post of the Cape Fear and -Yadkin Valley Railroad. Tke Bally Workmsim ... : : Vol. 5, GEEENSBOEO. N.O.. THUESDAY. SEPTKMTIR P . Ififi7. fi? I " j . v w r iwt Uf 1 Visit to Ckdar Falls Circuit. The editor spent last Sabbath and the day following with Rev. T. F. McCulloch at Randleman, on tne Cedar Falls circuit. It was our first visit to the place since about 1S6S, and we found very marked changes, espccialy in the incrcaAf popula tion and the enlargement of manu facturing facilities. Since the" cpm plction of the Factory Branch rail road, whose terminus is at Millboro, four miles from Randleman, it is a comparatively easy matter to make the trip. We went down on Saturday evening, and on the arrival of the train at Millboro found Bro. McCul loch in waiting. Taking a hack we were soon at Worthville and safely lodged with Rev. W. C. Hammer, whose home is there. Rev. J. L, Giles also lives in the village. An appointment was made for preaching at night, and we had a very fair con gregation to listen to a discourse of half an hour. On Sabbath morning we had a pleasant conveyance to Ran dleman with Mr. T. C. Worth, whose home is at Worthyille, and enjoyed the ride through the fine Sep tember morning, whose skies were soft :.nd placid and whose breezes were bracingand health-giving. Here at Mount Lebanon church, whose foundation as a Society dates back nearly half a century,' we found but few familiar faces, but a number of others who had more recently come in to form the rank and file of the christian army. . Bro. McCulloch is famous for his courtesy to visiting brethren, and In the one particular of pressing them to occupy the pul pit as frequently as possible he is al most; phenomenal, We had started from home with ; "an understanding with self that we would make one dis course, and then decline in favor of some other official, but we were put in. for the fifth effort from Saturday night to Monday night. Early Tues 'day-morning the sprightly son of Mr, A. L. Lamb, a lad of some twelve years, came by with a horse and bug gy, and by this courtesy we reached Millboro in good time for the morn ing train to Greensboro. The visit to Randleman was too short to afford the opportunity we desired in making observations and taking notes, but our engagements at home .permitted no more. We saw Bros. Z. C. Line berry . and, F. Kennett " and -their families, of the "original panel," and besides these Bros. W. J. Glass, R W.-Lineberry, Julian, llanner, Ross, and the families of Mr. Parsons and his son, who live on the north side. On Monday afternoon we met our friend, Dr. J. E. Woollen, who came over to attend preaching, and who got his information that the edi tor was present from the Daily Work man of the Saturday before other wise he would not have known it. O vbat we saw in these flourish ing manufacturing towns the reader is referred ; to another article in this issue. , Our. friend, Rev. R. R. Moore, sent in ; this morning, in the articles of beets, roasting ears and! potatoes and yery fine specimens they are tangible proof of how he manages to feed tbe numbers of persons who dai ly call for entertainment at, his board ing bouse. The beets are very fine, and so are the potatoes. . ; - , ; ; We are having another pleasant day. Two reputed highway robbers from North Carolina have been ar rested in Norfolk. The Wilmington Star calls the dance house of that city a "den," and says it has been ordered closed Mr. Buchanan lian, at hii store near the depot, a small white rooster of the Bantam stock, which he bas etted until it will crow vociferously at bis bidding. The strutting of the little rooster reminds ns of some little short legged and pretention youngsters we have seen who spend the most of tbe time in atrqfpbing oat their necks and crowing for the amusement of the pub lic noncr Vou ' k five-dollar bill In, or la Irout ot, G. Will Annaeld's store was lout Tuomlay. Tin Under will be rewarded If it Is returned to Mrs. E. P, Woofer's, or left at tbli office. , gep7 St ror Rale. ; One A I Milch Cow. Apply to wpTtf c. PanrrrXDss. Urmaa Recda for the Farmers. Clover Seed, Timothy and Orchard Oraas, wholesale and retail, at C. Scott A Co.'i Feed &ore, ep71w A man who has had ten years' experience, desires to secure a position as salesman. Reference as to character and habits given, If desired. Addreas, Lock Box 305. sepO-lw Nat Ice!! , All parties having work of any description at the Jewelry Bhop of W. A. Horney matt come forward at once snd py charges and get goods, or they will be sold to pay cost of re pairing. Tbe articles awaiting the claim of the owners will be found by calling on Mrs. Hoc- ney, on East street, who will dellvetue goods on a compliance witu Uie terms stated. C. H. Btokbs, Sept. 7, 1867. 2(M . Trustee. ' Bllllinerf and Fancy ffiooda Mtoro v koBsals. ; A nice Millinery, Fancy Goods an Notion Store, now doing a good business. The beet stand in Greensboro.' Can add Dress Making to good advantage. To parties wishing to en gage in a nice paying business this is a good opportunity. Will make terms reasonable. Cause for selling continued bad health. , Address Milliner, care of tbe Workman office, Greensboro, N. C. ' . ' Sep 5 tf Mrs, E. D. Hundley bas removed bcr School from its former location to the cottage on Syc amore street, opposite tbe law, office of 3. T. Morehead, Esq. Her terms for pupils will be A1 Rrt nor mnnth. W ? . unHQm Don't Buy, Soli or Exchange any kind of new or second-hand Machinery be fore obtaining prioet from W.' B. BURGESS, Manager, Greensboro, N, C. Bay what you want, mention this paper, anil save commis sion. . . dw4w ., Beptl. . ' Pare Leaf Ianl. P. T. George ft Co.'s Pure Leaf Lard Is dolly gaining ground. Why? Because it Is the best on tbe market, and costs but very little more than ordinary lard. A full supply just received by J. W. Scott 4 Co. - aug27tf New Candjr maker. Ribbon Candy, Batter Cups and Taffy of all kinds. Our own make, pure and fresh. We only ask trloL ' '. v , ' aug81-tf.' ' Geensboeo Candt Co. , ; '. '" ' :-" For Rent. A good Dwelling House with six rooms, situ ated near' the centre of tbe city. ' Possession given Immediately. , Apply to t 4, :,' v';- aug 23 tf Hsnorix Bros.' ' ' ..1. ' i- 7j Something IflarTelonn. but Troel ' O. Will Abotkld Is now offerlm; 20.dlf- ferent patterns of Worsted Dress Goods, at ! cts per yard, fonner price 15 and 30 cts ; Sat teens, Batiste and Ginghams that were IS cts JfoW TJtfi ', All the best grades of calloo at 5 cts, except Simpson's. ; Piques that were 10 and 15 cts, now D4, and other Bummer goods at cor respondingly low prices. . Room must be made for fall purchases,' which are now aTlylng. Call early, or you will miss thk bargains 1 The goods referred to are special Job lots. Bntf Old papers for sale at tills ofllce. (irocurivw ami I'onfccllourrlu. Wo now have In stock a full and freuli Hue of CrociTlcftund Conf.rtloliPt leii, which ure belnu old nt nutonWilntfly low flgurtn. Hum cut 10 nut cuxtomw. Call ami noo. floods dt- llverwl to any pnrt of the city, nw of clmrc. fcT-SMw Wiiitk i. Koi iuiTV. I'rrkli, What Is It ? A full line .of Itojxt.T'i Candy, jurt received ly IRVIX WEATIIKItl.Y. Call early, mid gut jruod candy. uuu 83 3v Jnt Iteclvd. A nl line of Dress Goods-double snd sin glo width-Cashmeres, Calicoes, Glnjjhuins, White Goods ot nil descriptions, at very low prices. Cull urn! mv tin-in. Itespectfullr, U. H. R0Y8TER. mftr Kltccial Noflia. The time Is itbout upon us when " every - oouy snouia look after the coadltlon of their mouth and teeth, so that they win not prov to be a trouble and Inconvenience during the laii ana winter. Do not delay, for " an ounce or preventive is worth a pound of cure." Very respetf fully; J. W. Gb.tttth, Surgeon 'entlst tSTOfflce-over "Savings Bank. 4a371m V. II. Roynicr Has Just received a nice lot of Ladles', Misses and Children's line Shoes at bottom prices. Also, Gents line home made, Shoes. - tn4tf Bnreot MtUa lKatMrCap. Try them! J34tf' Grekxssobo CASur Ca .mining Propertr lor Ral W. A. Fields and D. H. McCulloch have opened up a mine situated 8 miles southeast of Greensboro, 1 miles from Pleasant Garden depot, on the C. P. A Y, ,V. Railroad. The prospects are very fine. Parties interested In mining business would do well to see W. A. Fields, at his Tobacco Paotory, south of the depot, where samples of tbe ore can be seen. - . yt. A. Fields, and 8tf , D. H. McCuluch. Tbe flnest and the best Tobacco on the market Dlanora, Gravety, 'Fine-cut and 'Met no uijr juBijvoeiTea at ouncer c. liicnaux t urug store. , . a9tf " For Sale or stent; The" subscriber offers for sale or Tent, Dwelling House, situated on Oak street, South Greensboro. It bos' four rooms, and' 1 newly ouilt. . . .. Dr, M. H. ALFOED, ; JelStf. ' v " Ilonse and Lot for Sale. 1 ' ' House contains seven' rooms. Lot large, running depth of block. Fine Garden and good well of water. ' Adjoining premises of B, E. Sergeant, on Washington street). In a good neighborhood. Price reasonable. . For partic ulars apply to F. S. Eldbidos, on the premi ses. . . aiur8tf ; : -: ; Breaklaat Uacoo, ' . ' P. T. George & Co.'s nice, fresh Breakfast Bacon (uncanvassed). Also, their & C. Hams and puri Leaf Lardjust received; by J. W, Soott 4 Co. fi; v ; aua6 tf ' Good Vlneg-ar x And pure Spices are what you want during 1 pickling" season. We have both. 'August 0-tf , " J. W. SCOTT A CO. ' ' Layer Dates. . Nicest you ever saw, just in. Scott A Co. fT Fresh Oat Grits and Boiled Oats new crop at Scott ft Co. '8. ; : '. augfl tf Contractor and Biillden - Having decided to locate' in Greensboro for the purpose of engaging in the Building and Contracting Business, .1 take tbls means of in forming the people of Greensboro that I am prepared to, furnish estimates of any class of either brick or Wooden buildings. After an ex perience of 13 years as a Builder and Contract or oC Alamance county, N. C, I can guarantee prices and ail work to be done In first-class style. The best of references can be furnished Those expecting to do anything In my line win do well by calling en me, , lean be found at the Office of Messrs. Brooks Love, until further notice. Jyai60d :'' f : fC H. 'Cl Zachjjbt. Farming Lands and City Property for 1 , .fVi-.T';-'V''-''..'' "lie. '' ."( , - We offer several excellent "Grain and Tobac co Forms In Guilford county, also fine Farming Lands in Chatham and Robeson counties, ' and two desirable Mills in this county, for sale on easy tems. ; We have choice property tot sale In and near the city, Building Lots and Dwell ing Houses. , ' , , Call and see us, or write, for information in regard tij1 anything In the Real Estate business. We have, constantly, applications for money, id can pllice It, well secured by uiurtgnge on p-od Real Estate. :.. Yatks BrtOTnrn9. alltf Eoal Lstate Aguum Katss of KcBaOkun on. Single eopr 0 cenu . by the week ten cent. Uy the month twhity-flve oente in advonoe. ' ' Bix mouths fl 60; one year 83 three months 75o. in ad muce, Mo payments made to carriors will I I I .1 ! . . avsuuwicugtxi, sua tub paer is DOi an Uiorized to be ilelivered to any whooe name is not on the books of the olllco. is the ouly anthrizod agent to colloot fundn due this 0 111 on, ez oepting such otlier person or ptrxons M may be announced hereafter. Carriers not allowed to sell papers on the streota. .Ha-Ma Tidu Clii-wlnu (iuui, MioliKale and Mult, t J. W. Bcott A Co's. I'uro and I'rmb. Little nutt-r Cups for the Huh) ! JuncIH tf GiiKKNsiioiio Cjixnr Co. I'or llvut. The Store-house at present oct-iipletl by Mam. Iluirlt Kllppln. alJif J. W. Soorr. A fnll line of Junirn Means' three dollar shoes In lace, button and Coimrw, fur meu, Jut.t received ut II. Kurrlor i, CVs. The best In the world for the money mayjo tf l:iiuursff llouio Iu4iilr. Esh lally when it pas to do so. tio to C. H. Doioiitt s, and tee what an elegant pair of flatters In the way ot material and workman ship eon be had for live or six dollars. Also, call for an Aromatic Steam Cooker. JyStf Choice Timothy Mar. We have a small quantity of Extra No. One Timothy Hay, which we will seU low. , Yatbs Rrothkbs, Real Estate Agents and Merchandise Brokers. Junetftf ' r- lliilldlng- Notice C. 8." Wainmax, of Davis, Walnman A Co., having for hit foremen the well-known Builders, J. M. Wolfe sod John Donnell, with the pick of experienced carpenters, and with the most complete resources of the best dressed Lumber from tbe mills of Davis, Walnman A Co.,' and other first-class facilities, would Coot wet for the building of several more flrst-olass bouses. ' Those. wanting first-class work In all the particulars of style, durability and finish, and-' at reasonable figures, should see Mr. Waln-' man at once, as he wants to build a few more' good bouses in Greensboro. . aug8 tf Alwara the Place. 1 . If Cabtland's was always the place to get aloe things In the line of gentlemen's Furnish ing Goods, why shouldn't it be so much more the place now, since be bas Just received a still more attractive stock of Collars, Cravats,-Embroidered-front Bhlrts, Canes, Umbrellas, snd direct Importation; of Suitings and Pants Goods from. Old Scotland? If not, will you please call and see and tell' "a feller" why? i 'u8tctf Cabkafe, Cahbaf. Hams, Breakfast Strips, Irish and Sweet Potatoes, Beans, Hominy and Grits just re ceived at M. G. Nbwbli '. ' J30tf ' ' ' ' ; ' What He Say. ' I wish to say to tbe. pnbllo that I keep as good candles as are made, also a good and varied line of cigars, cigarettes and smoking tobacco, and Gail & Ax's snuff, pickles and vinegar, . desslcated cocoonut, dates, nuts, -Raisins, Citron, Currants, canned Goods! Su gar, Soap, Tinware and many other articles. I ' always furnish tbe best Bread and Cakes. Am now prepared to furnish Ice Cream of tbe best ' to all who favor me with 'their patronage. Cream furnished to families as ever. Plcasb don't ask roa orboit. i. RThom. , may tt . . - mm m ' " H. W. Thomas. A scientific and ornamental sign pointer. First-class In every respect. Defies competition Prices very moderate to suit the times, in ' kinds of imitation and fancy work done at -: shortest -notice and In the most stlenOflo style snd finish. Trunks and umbrellas marked In 1 the beet style of tbe art. Office under the old' ' postoffloe. ;. ..i Bespectfully, 5 . neiau , ; . a. w , Thomas. ; . ,j DeUclooa Drlnka , Uxnmn A Michacx are prepared to give, yon a charming variety of tbe very best and most delicious of cooling drinks, such as Limb- "' ADD. SO DOOUlar with all Classest Snda WntnrT Mpx Ml, Iron Tonio, Deep Bock, Vlchey, Birch ' 1 Beer, Mead, Ginger Ale. All ice cold, and in ' ' tempting style. Call and quench. raaygstf - ; W. B. Farrar, tn eweler, keeps nioe stock of articles in bis' hne whiok1 he guarantees to sell on good terms ' 1 Other dealers may claim to be fair, but V. a v& 1?... .;n n . , uvvMuwivm Mai puu, niiiX' " examine his elegant stock, assured thas: yon will find something to fill the bill. . aW tt " ' Brick! Brick! ! Crick !; . The subscriber is now mating brlcV of a clay which, hee'ieves to ba en porior to any oll.or in c-3 tore clay fonaJ ia tlie low rounJa cei r Crrau nill Ccraclory.' TLc-.s ULi ftova to he tard anl of t,9 qp.CZ i cf c - ' and are inch aa are nrxl, J r 'j ia work vhkh re - -ire 3 s '1 .1 : ' -r. I i rea?y to eontrsct to f;?C 'i f rcrior brick and a" 1 1 1 V t . J18tl V.Y..I